The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 11, 1907, Page 28, Image 28

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"30 Year In Portland '
,50 Yuri la PortJn4
There are no dull dayi at the Meier & Prink Store this summer .Tho great 50th "Anniversary Saio" It keeping- thing humming every hour and
every day .The money-saving opportunities are so great and so numerous that a record-breaking attendance Is assured throughout the entire sale In
every department we are offering phenomenal values in all kinds of wearing apparcrfor women, men and children, aa welt as household effects of
Mall orders receive er prompt and
Mraul attention. . W publish th Urg
Mt nd handaonMat catalofua tn U
country- It's frss for th Mklnev,
every description Today's page of bargain news ells the story of Monday's most important offerings Get your shareRemember the great clear
Wo are Portland arnti for Battorlok
PatUrna. Torrln'a" Olqvca. Oatormoor
Mattroao "Onyx" Hdalvry, .
"Laos Front" ana "La" Cora to.
ance sale of women's summer apparel Anticipate your needs Come early On the Second Floor. Sensational Bargains. . ;
August Glean-Up" 10,000 Pairs
Women's, Men's, Misses', Chil
dren's Shoes Take Advantage
fm. :
ui svivs uiava,
'Women's patent colt, patent kid, gunmetal and rid
kid Shoes, lice and button styles, hand-turn and
welt soles; plain and tipped toes J. & T. Cousins'
famous make; all sizes; regular $5 QiTt fK
and $6 footwear, on sale at, the piir vJiwJ
Women's lace and Blucher Shoes, in all leathers,
patent colt: gunmetaL chocolate, vici kid, twack
kid, welt and lightweight soles; new
lasts; regular $J footwear, special...
Women's $5 patent kid Oxfords, with welt soles,
piain ana iancv , inmmea patterns ; aiso patent
kid French heel Oxfords: hand-turn Ct
soles, all sizesi. wonderful values, pr. vaw
Women's $3.50 and $4 Oxfords, patent leather,
vici kid, gunmetal and tans; Blucher styles; two
- eyelet ties and pumps; welt and hand-turn soles:
" this season's very best styles;, great EO QC
values, on sale at this spL price, pr. vVaOS
Women's $3 Oxfords, in patent colt, vici kid, gun
metal, velour calf and tans; all this season's best
styles in light and heavy soles; in alt 1 O'C
sizes and widths; on sale at, the pair v J
Women's $2 and $2.50 white canvas Oxfords, in
sailor and Gibson ties, hand-turn and welt soles,
white or natural color Cuban heels; 3fC
all sizes and widths; great value, at V?a?
Misses'-r Children's Shoes
1000 pairs of misses' box calf and vici kid Shoes,
extension soles; patent or plain leather tips, pair:
11 to 2 $1.75 values, on sale at, pair.. .f 1.18
to 11 $1.50 values, on iale at. nair 98a)
Infants' and children's Shoes in blacTc and colored kids, spring heels and AQ
straight soles; sizes 2 to 8; regular values to $1.25 pair, on sale at, pair
Misses' and children's white canvas Oxfords, all sizes, 5 to 8, 84 to 11,
llji to 2; $1J25 and $1.50 values, on sale at this special price, per pair
Men's $5.00, S6. 00
Shoes at $3.95 a Pair
Entire stock of French, Shriner & Urner fa
mous Shoes and Oxfords for men ; re.g
., ular $5 and $6 values, in all leathers and
.. leading styles; all sizes, all QC
widths; marvelous value v77J
Men's $4 Oxfordssfn patent leather, gun
, , metal and vici kid; all the new lasts, all
I sizes and widths;-regular $4 M OK
, . values, on sale at pet pair Jf0J
Men's Athletic Footwear, Golf Oxfords and
- Shoes, tan Russia calf Outing Oxfords,
tan' and grsy leather-trimmed Tennis
7 Shoes, and Yachting Shoes IK
and Oxfords;. $4-$5 vala, py. VV9
Men's Canvas Shoes and Oxfords, all the .
. best styles; reg. $L5Q, $175 s f fft
' and $2 values, on sale at, pr. v 1 Vr
Bargain in Laces and Embroideries
vvuover JcmDroiucTics, jacc-airipca ciiccts, in wnite ana colors; maxe
i swell waisting; .values up to $4 the yard, on sale for, special, yard
.Lawn and" Batiste Embroideries and Insertion, lyi to 27 inches i
'Allove'r Embroideries, lace-striped effects, in white and colors; make 0 1 fftZ.
beautiful patterns' for, waists and skirts; values up to $3 yard for, yard 7CJw
j Plain Nets,-in whjte, cream and ecru, 45 and 72-inch; regular 85c values, yd.. 59
French ,VaL Laces and Insertion, to lj4-inch; values to $1, for, doz. yds..43
4 AlloVer Batiste' Embroidery, extreme novelties: values to $5 yard, for, yd.fl.98
i $25 Batiste Robes.., 812 $45 Batiste Robes... 819 $60 Batiste Robes... f 25
' . i
yeirin's; $4.00 Gloves for $2.85 a Pair
Perrin's real French Kid Gloves, in elbow length;
black, tans, grays, browns, all sizes; OO
every pair guaranteed; $3.50 values qafZJ
Perrin's real French Kid Gloves, in full 16-button
length; black, tan, brown and colors; QC
all sizes; regular $4 values, pair i0iOJ
New heavy Cape Gloves, in assorted tan shades; fine
quality, new stock; best "Tegular $4 Af
values, on sale at this low price, pair v2tTV
Women's 16-button-length Silk Gloves, allover em
broidered; beautiful styles and color- t 1 QO
ings; $3.50, values, on sale at, pair v
Women's 16-button-length Silk Gloves, extra heavy
quality, double-tipped fingers; in black, white, tan,
brown, navy, etc.; all sizes,-' 5j to I PQ
7y3; values up to $2.50, at, the pairePl.ft 7
16-button length pure Silk Mesh Gloves, black and
white-; sizes 5 to 7; regular $2.25 C I LQ
.values, on sale at, special, the pair V 1 .w7
6c Potato Masher on sale for....... 5
"40c Potato Masher. on sale for....8,
; 25e Egg Whip on sale at only.... 10
$1:50 Food Chopper for. ...... .f 1.10
10c; Wire Soap Dish, for, each.....5e
40c CookV-Fork.on sale for 31
10c. Cake Turners on. sale for 14
- 15c Sink Brushes on sale for. .... ,11
. 8ci Coffee Strainers on sale for. . . .6
5c .Wire Strainers on sale for,. . . . .4
i20c Soap Strainer on sale for..,.. 15
20c Sink Strainer on sale for. .... .151
5c EggWhipjoo sale at only.....4
15c Soap Shaker on sale for. .....12
5c Wire Pot Chains on sale at 4
90c Spice Boxes this sale. for.; i,60
15c Scrub Brushes on sale at ..;.12
15c 4-arm Clothe Rack for,.....ll
JV Towel Rollers on sale at.' 8
f Ilirrof Hat Rack, this sale. .,.45
Zc lliust Trap on sale at only;,8
35c Salt Box on sale at only...... 27
30c Wash Board this sale only. i. 24
80c Aluminum Sauce Pan for...,. 59
50c Coffee Mill on sale for...... 39
$3 4-gallon ; Water Cooler. . . . . .8 2.39
75c long handled Shovel for .....67
75c short handled Shovel for..... 6 7
Sale White MonnUin Fremn
1- qt. size, regular $1.65, spl...f 1.32
2- qt size, regular $2.15, apt ;..f 172
3- qt' size, regular $2.60, spl...82.08
! 4-qt size, regular $290, phi .2.32
6-qt size, regular $3.65, $pl . i . 82.93
8-qt. size, regular, $4.90, spl.. $3.92 "
10-qt. size, regular $6.75, spl . , $5.40
12-qt size, regular $8.50, splJ.f 6.80
Stle of Imperial Toilet Paper,
7-punce rolls, speciaL dozen-.... 49,
14-oUnce - rolls, special, dozen ; . Y. 83 ;
Women's NewTailbr'd Sute
$40 to $ 1 00 Values Half Price
Portland's Leadings Cloak Store
offers the highest grade Tailored
Suits at one half regular prices!
Magnificent garments, the best
efforts of Paris and New York
artists Materials are etomine,
i ,erKe chiffon, broadcloths, Pan
ama cloths and pongees, in black,
tan, champagne, gray, navy, pink,
light blue, leather, brown, fancy
checks, plaids, stripes and mix
tures; made in Eton coats, Pony
jackets, cutaway and reefer j
styles, elaborately trimmed in
velvet braid and lace; others
strictly tailored effectsAll new,
up-to-date garments for dress and
street wear and selling regularly
at prices ranging from $40 to 100
per suit Your choice for a few
days only at one half regular
P"CC8 Marvelous values and
splendid assortment See big
Fifth street window display.
Cloak Depart-1 prirP
ment. 2d Floor $ wC
White W! Smite
$ 18 to $58 Values Half Price
A sale extraordinary of Women's White
Serge and Panama Cloth Suits This sea
son's handsomest styles in Eton, Pony
jacket, semi and loose fitting coat effects.
Beautiful high class summer apparel
made up in the latest fashion and hand
somely finished throughout Values from
$18.00 to $58.00, on sale at one half regu
lar prices The best bargains ever of-
fered in women's white I F2-.
wool suits v2 Frice
White Serge, Pongee,
Linen Coats at Vz Price
Great Clearance Sale of our entire stock
of Women's White Serge Coats, Pongee
Coats, Linen and Lace Coats at one half
regular prices Beautiful styles in Eton,
Pony, medium and three quarter length
effects; tight fitting, semi-fitting and
loose fitting Take your pick of every
garments in stock at y 1 Dtla
regular price tomorrow. I Ivv
$4.00 Linen Skirts $ 1.98 Each
Women's Khaki Suits $7.50
$ 1 2.50 Coats for $5.85 Each
Sensational values in women's
seasonable apparel
Women's white Linen Skirts, pleated
effects; has folds, around the bot
tom; splendid quality materia well
made and' finished throughout; the
best regular $4 values, t QO
on sale, special, each.. V 70
Two great lines of women's Khaki
Suits for coast, mountain and outing
wear; Norfolk jacket style, with
divided skirt; wellQK flf
made and finished, ea. vJivv
Women's Khaki Suits, made ' with
semi-fitting jacket' and pleated
skirt; wonderful value
at this price, suit. .... yt J VJ
Special line of women's and misses'
Coats, in "P,eter Thompson" and
box styles; fall weight; very "best
materials, designs and colors; reg...
$12.50 values, on sale C Off'
at this low orice. ea. l0J
2000 pairs of women's Hose in lace boot and allover lace effects; embroidered in-
A - . f f J ' I I- t ' . . (1 J i ' . . ... . . . .. . .
ncy, v icit ana oiue wuo wnne poixa aois, wnue witn DiacK pplka aots; also
plain cottons and lisles; great assortment to select from; regular 50c
and 65c values; 4uy all you want, at this exceptionally low price, pair OOC
3000 yards of fancy Taffeta Ribbons, with fancy stripe French Faille Ribbons, in
an coions; lancy piaia. KiDDons, eta, eic au o mcnes wide and of tine 77
quality; regular . 75c value, on sale at this special low price, the yard
Great August bargains in all Ikies of women's, misses' and children's1 summer and
medium-weight Underwear: treat values. On sale at sneciallv attractive nrir
Great August Clearance Sale of women's Neckwear; all styles take advanuge.
SCO i?ine U
In theValat department another of our
famous bargains in fine dress, waists.
500 of them secured from a prominent
manufacturer at a price way below reg
ular valueTaffeta silk waists, chiffon
waists, messaline silk waists, net
waistsAll new, beautiful styles, trim
med with batiste embroidery, Cluny
lace, Danish lace, round mesh and fillet
lace, French knots and velvet bands.
White, light blue, pink, lavender,
green, brown and black waists of the
very latest fashion for dress and even
ing wear All sizes and large variety.
Values up to $18.50 gf rm A t
each - While they S .45
last at, each r W-9
See Big Fifth Street Window DisplayCome Early If You Want to
Get the Best BargainsStore Opens Promptly at 8 o'Clock
50c-$ 1 0 Handbags i2 Price
Great variety of fancy Beaded Handbags, with chain handles the latest Imported
novelties; leather-lined, with inside pocket; values ranging from l)Pfi fa
50c to $10 each, on sale at one-half the" regular prices ;..
Women's white Wash Belts, with fancy eyelet embroidery work and large Cf
pearl buttons; 22 to 36-inch sizes; large variety: values up to $1.25.... 7
Women's Handbags with large coin purse; leatherlined; assorted styles; QAf
seal and walrus leathers; regular values op to $2 each, on sale for...... 7tj'
200 Pearl Belt Buckles, very best styles, telling regularly at prices up to 'XQf
85c each; your choice at this unusually low price, ea. take advantage.'
Great August
Rug Sale
Ostermoor Mattresses $ 1 5
Another great special sale of "Raglin" Rugs,
in light blues, light greens and tans; suit
able for bed or bathrooms; can be washed;
grand values, on sale at following prices:
30x30 Inches, on sale at, special, ea.Tf 2.50
36x72 inches, on sale at, special, ea..f 3.75
4x7 feet, on sale at, special, each.... ST.T5
9x12 feet, on sale at, special, each, if 25.00
Algerian Porch Rugs and Matting to match,
by the yard; '5 and 6 feet wide; fast, dur
able colors; best patterns; as follows:
4x7 feet for f 6.K0 6x9 feet for f 12.50
7 ft 6 inches by 10 ft, on sale for $17.60
Special lot of 100 Brussels rugs, 9x12 feet
slight imperfections in the weaving and
matching; handsome Oriental and floral de
signs, very best colorings; Cll (K
$2 values, on sale at, each.. V
Greaf special lot of 100 "Ostermoor'' patent
elastic felt Mattresses; 50 lbs. weight, fancy
tick covering; every one fully guaranteed; best regular $22.50 C? 1 K AA
value, on sale at this exceptionally low price, each V laVIVl
Beds, Bedding, Springs, Blankets and Comforters on sale at the lowest prices.
Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, ta'all styles and all grades; lowest prices; third floor.
$3.50 to $3.75 Lace Curtains $3.65 Pair
Great special offering of 500 pairs Renaissance and Cluny Lace Curtains, white or
Arabian, made in good quality French nets, 45 and 50 inches wide, 2j$ yards
long: Curtains of the very best style and wearing qualities; best tt CC
regular $3.50 and $3.75 values, on sale st this exceptional price, pr vtyOj
5000 yardsof Scotch Madras Curtain Material, all colors; light and dark grounds
stained-glass effects, floral and Oriental designs on sale at following prices'
$1.00 quality, yd. . ,50 $UQ quality, yd. . .f 1.00 $2.00 quality, yd. . f 1.25
Printed Madras in new patterns, light and dark grounds, on sale at, the yard.l5
Custom Shade and Drapery Work our specialty prompt attention to orders; the
best materials and workmanship; lowest prices guaranteed. Phone Exchange 4
50c Neckwear on Sale at 29c
Sale of Men's Hosiery at 29c Pr.
200 dozen men's Foulard Silk Four-in-Hands, all
sizes of polka dots always stylish, always de
i sirable; light and dark grounds; made reversible;
' . best regular 50c values; buy all you wtnt OQ
of them, at thisspecial byr price, each... syyC
500 dozen men's lisle thread Half Hose; navy, tans,
helio, gray,' green, light blue, etc.; plain color
vv; ings only; very atylish; .all sizes, grand OO
values t this unusually low price, pair... ffv
Men's . superweight ' Cashmere Underwear, - nicely
. made, and finished: all sizes shirts and OQ ,
drawers; regular $1.25 values, special:.., Q7C
Men's fine quality ' Soisette Golf Shirts,: In tan
; color, with soft attached collar; best l'r 1Q
: regular $2 values, for this-low price V 1
"MMm 1Ma. W.W CMAnldn : mmm i At a ' Mill .
C best patterns and color; regular 35c and 1 -1
:j 50c values, oa, sale for thia low price, pr. 1 f C;. v';
' t - V