THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, 'AUGUST 11VV 1007. TOeat :. Crop Not , Belieyed 1 It Is Possible That Oregon .Will Supply rtho; Bulk of Spuds for the Alaska Trade MBTHE to :t Bo in . Much Danger , h in the i Pacific Northwest i Tr " With the Trade - j . .. ini ALASKA TililDE III OUR GRASP ;' " " " .:.. . Jerry Cousins, Controller of Alaska Trade, Is Here to Make Shipments. . ,' Watermelon tmd somewhat. handU capped by tha ooolsr, weatner, out- ae mand la attll quit good. on account of moat excellent quality.- ' Hard to obtain fancy- cantaloupes thaaa dava In tha nroduce market Stock coming with moat all, aorta of quality except fancy, Therefor., tha wide rang In values, . ,.. : Peach market la holding "Tory firm for fancy stock, with prloaa fraction ally better on tha avarae.' Too ,muoh dry rot In soma aoutbern Oregon atock to admit of food trad for that locality. A- Front atreat merchant received a- rlcea from a shlnner residing at Ash land stating that tha heavy rain a which fell thla week were unuaual for this time of year and If continued would likely reault In tha growth of fungus. Sixes said to be food. - Kun or salmon in tne coiumma saia to be better by some, but oannera aay they never saw any bit- movement Sup plies in xocai iresn msras uuiua, By Hyman' H. Cohen. Tha Ainba nntitu hnatnaaa la now .a-..- .. b.l within the grasp of the Oregon potato 'n,'V Ha. - J, 4.i..a- an If lie will hut aae tO It I '. '( " " i wrmu, rwn aa tha grasp wlU nevar loosen. GRAIN BAGS Caloutta, Ic large A. J. fJarrvl CQuaine. a former l lota: amall lota mo. hroicer of thla city but for soma time wheat New Club. II Olio: red Russian, loariio; Diuestera, vioo; vallav. llfflgSe. CORNWhole, IM.00; cracked, fll.N per ton. ... , UAKLai .new reea. iu.vvii.ii per ton; rolled, l8l.90Q34.0v; Drawing, rtb 11.6 eer ewt. OATS New Produoora' price No. 1 white. 117.00 ner ton: gray. III. 10. FLOUR Eaatern Oregon patente. $4.80; atralsnts, $4.26: export, if.ov; viit. I4.l0d4.40: sraham. Us. 11.71: whole wheat. 14.00; rye, 80s, 18.10; bales. MILLSTTJTFS Bran. IJT.OO per ton; middlings. 121.00; short-, country, 20; city, 118.00: chop I16.00OU1.00. HAY Producers' price Timothy. Willamette valley, fancy, 111.06017.06; ordinary, lit. 0014. 00: eaatern Oregon, 111: mixed. 110010.10; clover, 17.0001; rain, is 10; cneat, ii.DOOto.av. Batter, Eggs and "oultry. BUTTER FAT T. o. b. Portland Sweet cream. Ilo: sour. 21c. BUTTER City creamery. UUo: seo- onda. 10c; outalde fancy, IOfft2Hc; Seo- onda, 17H80o- store, Oregon, lav10- KGG8 Extra fancy, candled. 21c O 28 He: rood candled. It O 22 Mo. c. '.EESE New Full cream, flat a lftto per lb; Young Americans, 17 Ho per id. ruuLiKi Mixea cnicaens. 12 13c per lb; fancy hens, UUUUc per lb; roosters, old. 100 per fryers. 14 616c oer lb: broilers. 14 & 15c lb: old ducks, lie lb: spring ducks. lZo lb; geese, old, avioc ID; spring geese 12ttlio Per lb: turkeys. IIOI80 lb: for old; aquaba, 12.80 per dosen; pigeons, 11.16 per dosen. Dressed poultry, 1 lo per 10 higher. Hops, Wool and Mdee. HOPS 10 crop Prima to choice. 6c; medium to prima, 60; contracta, 1107 crop, Otto, WOOL 1907 clip Valley. 10021a eantern Oregon, lizzie. MUHAiK New 107 ZlOZm. each; ahort wool, 25 040c; medium, wool. vr'ittc eacn; long wool, 75c4i 11.00 each. TALK) W Prime, per lb, lHo; Na 1 ana irrease, ztric. CH1TT1M BARK 10 per lb. rrnita and Tegetables. POTATOES 11. SO (31.10. selllns: buy. InK. 81.2S per aack. ONIONS Jobbing price New Walla waiia, ti.ov aacic; Oregon, fz.X6; garlic. bc per id. APPT.K-O Mav II tAAttl FRESH FRUITS Oranges. I4.2S0 4.76; bananas. So lb; lemons. $6.00 7. 50 per box; limes. Mexican. 14.00 per 100; pineapples. l.26.00 dozen; grape fruit a partner in th nrm or Migner Coualns of Seattle, is here. Mr. Cousins Is no longer connected with the Seattle concern and haa coma io roruana ana will ItkeW ; make his headquarters In this jstay. Mr. Cousins Is also located Inta C.rui. California. "juat where this Interests the potato- rrownr of Oregon vary much la thla: Mr. Coustna hue for two Seasons al moat completely controlled the potato business of Alaska from his Seattle ' headouarters and he proposes to trans plant most -of this business firmly at Portland. In a word, Mr. Cousins has always purchased considerably of Oregon pota toes in making his shipments to Alaska and the far northwest Dut in oeauie they do not like tha business competi tion of Portland and for that reason buy supplies elsewhere whenever they can, even though the quality can scarcely be compared to the noted Ore gon atock. On this aooount thare has. of coarse, been much complaint over the potatoes sent to the north which did not come from Oregon and this erobablv had tha effect of caunlnr Mr. Cousins to hasten to Portland where he has opened headquarters for the Alaska trade. Mr. Coualna will alao operate at 8a Unas, California, next aeason and will ship the product , of both excellent dis tricts to tne rar nortn. Alaska Trade Almost Unlimited. There is almost an unlimited trade In potatoea in the Alaskan country which could quite easily be switched to this city were the proper means and pains taken to Induce the change from the sound. As far as potatoes are con cerned, the quality or tnoae grown in Oregon are ao much better than those grown In the northern state that the change of bualneaa could quite eaaliy be made were the local trade to go after It with more spirit. Heretorore tne sound has gobbled up 19 per cent of this business and has transferred a portion of It to this city especially when the orders came to send nothing but the best quality. If Inferior stock was wanted and Alaska wanta none of that the trade could quite readily be supplied from other sections. Price is no oDjeci witn Aiaaxa puaineea men. They want quality and to get it they are willing to pay almost your own figures. I'd to this time there have been prac tlcally no shipments of potatoes In any direction from this state. The early crop was late and the later crop was earlyj- That's rather a queer situation but It s Just what happened to Oregon potatoea this season. Now that the early stock Is well matured there is a great scarcity of farm laborers to do the digging. Rains, have likewise Interfered with the wftrk but with clearer weather operations will soon be on a good scale. While Alaska will command a large per cent of the early potatoes from here this season, more early stock than usual will be sent Into the California markets. There Is already a good de- I p 1. ; .... 4 K $ wt' MWr mm r mmmmM w- I'll l .. ..La.. , -.l n...,, n.,. CAUS FOUND E FOR JNEDEDT CATTLE FORCEBs TO 4 CENT MARK Downward Trend of Stocks Better Tone Is Killing in Attributed to Standard Both the Line and in Hogs Oil Fine This Week. -Latter Market Up. By Hyman H. Cohen. Portland Union Stockyards, Aug. 10- (TArfted Frew by Special Leased Win.) Walt Btraat Naw Tork. AUK. 10. At .... . , 4Aw,w,ni r Official run omer Biases oi vats i Hors, movemeni, muon aouoi ne pMt week 408 tn what was tha nrlncloal motive back Previous week ... (21 a - ....... i.t ...Mw m,Mi(ntv ean I xear aero 16 n vum u.. . ?: Previous rear ... 110 have been felt about thla weeas re- Th- .tla market haa at laat been newed liquidation. It started on Mon-I forced back to the 4c mark; aome of the day morning after the Inveatment com-1 beat steers selling at that figure durlns raunny naa any cowici vu nmti vu "i me paai wera. Arnvui were uui in Cattle. Sheep 71)8 2161 770 1627 806 1481 180 27.4 TEMPERS?: CRIPPLE WHEAT Urn rfc of. TnVfi Tlnvm RTi hnt xcspiio yiu oiausnca ; r in i , 1 xwmg very diuush. 4 Standard Oil decision, tne Specimens of Record-Breaking Wheat Crop on Vansklke Ranch In Foot hills of Walla Wajla Country. RAINS DO GOOD INSTEAD OF DAMAGING THE WHEAT PRODUCT pineapples. ss.Zfi.0O dozen; grape fruit I2.2S; cherriea, 810c lh: peaches, 1 T 1.S5; cantaloupes, 1.SO2.60; raspber- I ries, 10c; plums, IOc(3Sl: watermelons. lftc; cultivated Dlackberrlea. 1.76 a orate; crabapnlea, SO 60c per box; jjarueii pears, l.uui(fi.DU per DOX. VKQETABLES Turnips, new, 90e tl.OO aack: carrota 75ctl 00 tier mark- beets, 11.50 per sack; parsnips, tl.OO if 81.26: cabbage. 12.00; tomatoes. Oregon, 606c; parsnips, OOo!!; wax beans, ic: green, 4c per in; cauliflower, 11.26 4 4 irorthweei Wheat VTeathe. 4 Western Oregon Fair south. 4 probably showers north portion 4 tonight; 8unday fair, southwest 4 winds. 4 Western Washington Proba- 4 bly fair tonight; Sunday fair, 4 southwest winds. 4 Eastern Oregon, eastern Waah- 4 ing ton and northern Idaho Fair tonight and Sunday. Southern Idaho Fair and cooler tonight; Sunday fair. - . , - . v. i 1 .y, B i ii, v yrji tu, L.uiuiuw.r. .1. UKI1U 1 1 I' 111 1 11 W Id llCl DCi;ilUll 1 K A aw... .. t . V . ,fl. C I L . with prices satisfactory to both shipper UV.laKXCr:' h'."". "k .11 "ii and producer. lb.. rren onions. 26c per doien: bell neo- pers. 10O124c nor lb: head lettuce. i ) dos: cuoumbers, hothouse, 2026o dot; outdoor, 40 60c box; radishes, 16o aosen Duncnes; eggplant, lBo lb: rreen corn, 11.60 sack; celery, 1101.16 DOLLAR BUTTER IS CLOSE. Market Advances and May Go Higher Daring Coming Week. Dollar butter Is getting closer every day In the Portland market. The past week there was an advance Of 2 Ho a found; this carrying the price up to 2 Ho for city creamery; making 66o a roil. At uie new prices tne maraei is even firmer than last week and in some quarters there is talk of making a fur ther advance the coming week. Just whetner this will bs done or not cannot be told at this time ror many conditions enter Into the market just now. xne eastern marset rrom last re sorts was 24o a pound and the Pugret sound markets 80a Even with the freight added this market Is still the highest in the country. This caused some dealers to send for eastern sup- f iles and several cars are now rolling o the coast. To offset this bearish feature it can truthfully be said that the supplies here are not up to the requirements of the trade; the advanced prices seem to cut little consideration with the demand. The egg market Is firmer and higher, with local supplies coming In better nape, wmiio iiiubo 1 1 win ill. el mrv so good. Lcai receipts not ao ut- fawttgHher. Chicken market aoted better the naat week and in some Instances prices are advanced. Cheeee market advanced another Ue the past week In some quarters, but the advance was not general. Large dealers say that demand is not ao good as a week ago. WHEAT SELLING LIBERAL. Orooerles, imta, Jrto. SUGAR Cube. .22H; powdered. T? v TTvman H. Cohen. While the wheat crop of the Paclflo northwest Is not entirely free from dan ger, proHpects are that practically the entire yield will be harvested this sea son and tns production wiu urJk ui previous records. When it was estimated several weeks ago that the Paclflo northwest would this year harvest a crop of 60,000,000 bushels of wheat the idea of such a big production was hooted at by the general trade, but present inaications are u the crop will be greater than the esti mate. The rains wnicn reu xnuraaay ana 26.07H; berry, 15.87; dry, granulated Friday all through the Paclflo northwest $5.87fc; Star, IS.77H; conf. A, I5.87V4 only stopped the harvest for that length yellow, $5.1 7 Vs I beet granulated, I5.77H; reported to the wheat fields by Joor- barrela, lOo; half barrels, 26c; boxes. 60o advance on sack basis. (Above prices are 30 days net cash quotations.) HONEY $3.(0 per crate. COFFEE Package brands, $16,880 16.63. SALT Coarse Half ground, 100s. $12.60 per ton; 60s, $13.00; table, dairy, 60s, $17.60; 100s. $17.26; bales, $2.26; imported Liverpool, 60s, $20.00: 100s, $10.00; .-4s. $18.00; extra fine barrels. 2S. 6s and 10s. H.fiOlSlfi.Sfl: Llvtmnnl lump rock, $20.60 per ton; 60-lb rock. n.uu. iuue, fxu.ou. i A hnyfl nrl.aa anntv n .,1. 1... than car lots. Car lots at BDeclaJ nrlnaa suojeci 10 xiuciuations.) nal correspondents and millers, ine rains reallv did more rood than harm because up to the time the moisture came weather conditions were too hot and even in the lniana empire, wnere they are well acquainted with warm weather, the climate was too tropical for comfort The rains cooled the air and unless they again fall with no ces sation the crop is In better condition than ever before. Heavy Yields of Wheat. (Special Diipttcb to Tbs Journal.) Lewlston, Idaho. Aug. 10. Wheat averaging from 60 to 66 bushels to the acre has been reported on the 860-acre RIC15 Imperial Japan. No. 1. Ic: No. ranch of William Sullivan on Nex 3. 6H6cl New Orleans, head. 7c: Perce prairie. The samples of the crop $8.30; Urge mi niiuc. .o.ov, zaiaa 0; pink, $3.60; bayou, $3.90; 2; Mexican reas, 4ViC. Farmer- Get Close to TOc Net for Their Supplies Daring Week. There was much buying of wheat In the Pacific northwest during the past week. Several hundred thousand bushels were disposed of at prices that run close to 70c net to growers. Most of the buy Ing was for the account of Inland mil lers, but coast institutions picked up quite a supply.- There Is no general movement to sell among the farmers, because many of them are of the opinion that they will secure a still higher figure. On the other hand ouyers point to the recent heavy slump In Chicago and Liverpool values as an Indication of what may happen nere. no loreign ousiness is possible here at even the present prices being paid producers. v The opening of export wheat values for the new crop is iaaen as an Indication by the general trade that there will not likely be any reduction In the price of new flour from the pres ent price of old, as export opened at exactly the same ngures. FRONT STREET REVIEWS. AJax, 6c; Creole, 6Vc. BEANS Small white. white, $3.60; Limas. tUc: NUTS Peanuts. Jumbo. Uo ner lh Virginia, 7 Ho per lb; roasted, 10o per lb: Japanese. 66Hc: roasted. 77Hc per lb; walnuts. California. lOo ner lb: pine nuts, 1416o per lb: hickory nuts, lOo per lb; Brazil nuts, 18c per lb; fil berts, ISo per lb; fancy pecans, l$02Oo psr lb; almonds. 1921Ho. Keats, Pish and Provisions. FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs, fancy. 8Hc per lb; large. 7ffl8o per lb; veal, extra, SM&90 per lb; ordinary, 8c per lb; poor, 7o per lb; mutton, fancy. 8Jo per lb. HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland pack, (local) hams. 10 to 12 lbs. 16c ner lb: 14 to 19 lbs, 16Ho per-lb; 18 to 20 lbs. were gathered haphasard by W. H. Ralph of this city, who brought them here. The wheat is of the bluestem variety and is unusually high standard. The heads are long and the grain well developed. ' Mr. Ralph says that other grain crops on the prairie are of a quality that has never been surpassed. Exchange Harvest Hands. (Special Dlp'cb to Th. looraaL) Condon, Or., Aug. 10. The greatest disadvantage of the farmers In harvest ing the big wheat cron is the lack of help. Some, whose grain haa been ripe for a week, are still unable to cut It on account of the scarcity of harvest bands. Others In different sections are exchanging help and aome are working with only one team In the field. Har vest help is scarcer in this section than ever before known. The wages being paid Is $2.60 and $3 per day. Hauling New Wheat. (Special niapateh to Tb Journal.) Garfield, Wash- Aug. 10. The first new wheat of the season was brought In by James Oant and stored in A. P. Johnson's warehouse on the Northern Pacific. The wheat Is of forty fold va riety and graded No. 1. The yield was tv bushels an acre. R. C. McCroskey Is haullnr new wheat to Johnson's warehouse that Is grading NoJ 1 and making 46 bushels i an acre. Walter Bean .is also haullna- new wheat which is of a fine quality and a-radinar No. 1. He Is also storina In tne jonnson warenouse. A P. Johnson Is an Independent wheat buyer ana has been such for many years. Fanners Get Big Scare. Walla Walla. Wash.. Au 10. In the Eureka Flat belt a few machines started up today, but the majority of the threshing outfits will not resume work until Monday. The heavy rain gave the farmers a gooff scare as they were fear' ful of a repetition of the heavy rains or invi when tnree rourtns of the crops were totally ruined. About 26 per cent of the crop in the Walla Walla valley s in tne sac ana under cover. Most of the grain so far harvested is in the Eureka and Touchet districts, little or no grain being cut in the foothill dis tricts. and what It hpniiv imifiMt for the financial out look. Selifna of stocks could havs been lmpeliea oy no omer cunaiaemiun. Nntmnar naunenea in um inuuejr uia.a.i to make the prospect either better or worse than it naa Deen a ion ma nuL The moat favorable point In the preaent situation la that tne decline of the past fortnight has sim plified the prospect lor tne autumn money market. Bank reserves, both here and abroau are, to be sure, fsr from strong. It Is practically certain that not only will avery aouas -or tne local bank surplus be needed for the cron moving but also that treasury as slstance on a large scale will be re quired to meet the pressing demanda The stock market In Its present position. however, has little to apprehend, even should available money supplies be verely Strained. Official New Tork prices by Ovsrbeck m cooks company: se- DS8CRIPTI0N. 7H 89 Machines Are at Work. Johnson. Wash.. Aug. 10. Johnson is a pretty town or 400 people, located on tne tenessee Drancn or tne Northern Paclflo railroad. It Is a splendid wheat shipping point ana win probably ship many carioaas oi wneat cms season. The yield here will run from 40 to 60 bushels an acre. Machines ars now in the fields and grain Is being threshed out at a rapid rate. HOP CROP NOT SO GOOD AS MANY BEARS WOULD PRETEND By Hyman H. Cohen. There Is much controversy at thla 16 c: breakfast bacon, 16H22o per time regarding the condition of the hop Very Brief Reports of the Transac tions of Some Lines of Produce. Blackberry season la about over; few remaining lots seuio at a oraio. Tnmitn market is improved atfer se vere weakness ofover a week. Latter condition due foloo fast ripening. Stock HOW coming too green, mjwover. -,.: -s Hay maraei is noiuins miner meaay i4ag to the short -crop in the Wlliam- K.' villnv. The heavy production In .torn Oreaoh and Washington has not affected local conditions, as mo stock from the . latter sections has . been f. Oats' market is somewhat easier,; al though no price has Ijeen named ' for the 1907 crop'as yet. Plenty of old oats offering, although -the price asked Is much higher than that received. Change in salt prices' was made aln tuls wsek; this tln the pries of. b&lss advancing 16 , lb; picnics. HHo per lb: cottage rolL 11 Ho per lb: regular short clears, un- smoked. 12o per lb; smoked, 12o per lb; clear backs, unfemoked. 12c: smoked. 13c per lb; Union butts, 10 to 18 lbs, un smoked. So ner lb: smoked. 9a txr lb: clear bellies, unsmoked, 11 Ho per lb; smoked 18 He per lb; shoulders, 12 He per id; picxiea tongues, suo eacn. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10c. 13c per lb; 6s. 13Ho per lb; 60-lb tins, 13Ho per lb; steam rendered, 10s, 11 tie per lb; 6s, llo per lb; compound. 10s, 10c per id TITBIT te'Rnnlr r.AA f na lVi a 6o per lb; halibut, 6c per lb; striped bass, 16o par lb; catfish, llo per lb; sal mon fresh Columbia Chinook, 11c per io; Bieeineaas, ivo per io; nemngs, oc per lb; soles, tc per lb; shrimps, 12c per lb; perch. So per lb; tomcod, 7c per lb; lobstqrs, 16o-per lb: fresh mackerol, 8c per lb; crawfish. 25o per doz; sturgeon, 12Ha. per 'lb; black bass, 20o per lb; silver smelt, 7c per lb; frozen shad, tc per lb; black cod, 7 He per lb. . OYBTERS Shoalwater bay, per gal lon. $2.60; per 100-Ib sack, $4 60; O! y ni ls, per gallon, 12. Ho; per lio-io sack, 6.60.35; Eabla, canned, 10c can; $7.00 os. CLAMS Hardshell, per box, $3.40; rasor clams, $2.00 per box; lOo psr dos. : Paints, Coal Oil, Bto. i ROPE -Pure Manila, 16Vc: standard. II c: sisai, uc COAL OIL Pearl or . Astrsl Csssm, 19 He per gal; water white, iron bbls, 14o per gal; wooden, 17c per gal; head light, 170 deg., cases. 21 He per gaL GASOLINE 86 deg.. cases. 84 Ho per gal; iron bbls, 180 per gaL - r tHMSZtlPIHi 09 OSg., CSS4S, IM ptr gal; -iron bbls; 93o per gaL TURPENTINE In cases. 9o per gal; wooden bbls, 93q per gal. . WHITE LEAD Ton . Inta 7s ner lb: 6oo-lb lota. 8o car. lb: less lota, tko yitua rrssani paaig u h.ii, orop In various sections of the world, If the reports that come from other places are to be compared with some sent out by the bears of this state the cron everywhere will be considerably curtailed from tha normal. From this state the bear operators continue to send out reports to tha east and Europe that Oregon will produce from 176,000 to 200,000 bales of hops this season, although scarcely a man in the entire state would, believe the re port Practically every one of jese henriah reDorts from this state Tiave been sent but by dealers and others who have not even seen a nopyaru ini aea son. In some few Instances bearish dealers did drive past the yards but that's about as close as they came to the hop. . No one can estimate a crop by pass ing It at a distance and the hop crop Is no exception. In nearly all instances the yards look quite well close to the road it is on the other side of the fence, however, that the vines grow and it is there that the damage will, bs dis covered. Reliable dealers and growers do not hesitate to sav that considerable dam age has been done the crop by unseason able weather. Hop Hoe are multiplying at a lively rate ana as tne nura are forming the vermin are entering. This will cause the total destruction of every cluster of hops entered. Honeydew is also noted in practically every section where correspondents cars to take the trouble to note. The same condition exists in Wash ington and In California.. Naw York yards are making better progress than they were but the hops are-still badly damaged. ' Reports from England are mixed but reliable dealers', cables tell of damage and vary short - crop In , prospeot, .;; (V,v Just where the dealers stand In all this controversy Is hard to explain at this time for they are now jumping with lightning speed from crop damage to no crop damage. One day they will have the crop of England the best In years and this will be followed the very next 24 hours with a report that condi tions are bad. They seem to be taking these tactics In order to muddle the growers here and get them disgusted with the situation. Picking money Is going to be more hard to obtain this season than ever before and dealers know It They are keeping the matter quiet until the last moment so that growers will not get too disgusted and leave the yards as they are. They want them to take care of the hops until picking time and then when it comes time to get Dlcklnor money there will be none in sight and Mr. Bear Dealer will be there to buy the yard's crop outright at $60 to $100. Wells Writes of Hops. By Ernest Wells. On my recent trip to California I was greatly surprised on finding out how pessimlstlo a good many of the hop growers and principal dealers were In regard to their estimate of this year's hop crop. It was the opinion of most of them that this year's crop would be fully 26 per cent short of that of last year's, and some even prophesied that it would be as much as 40 per cent short I did not have a chance to go over any of the yards myself but from what I learned from Rome of the dealers and growers, tha vines were looking very sickly, there being any amounts? missing hills, and In general they could not account cor tne conaiuon tnat tha yards were In. i aiso iook a trip inrougn some or tne most prominent hop sections in the state of Oregon recently and found that ha yards were not looking any too promising. If the condition of the yards n tne sections which i went over is any criterion n which to work, would judge i Amal, Copper Co. Am. C. 4k V., o. do pfd. Am. Cot. OIL c. Am. Loco. c. . . Am. Sugar, a . Am. Smelt o. . . do pfd. Anaconda M. Co. Am. Woolen, c. . Atchison c v. . . Bait. 4V Ohio, C do pfd Bkln. R. Tr Can. Pac. c .... Cen. Leather, c C. Q. W.. c. .. a m. st p. . . ChL 4k N-W., a. Chess. 4k Ohio... Colo. F. A I., c Cola So,, a .... do 2d pra. ... do 1st pfd. . . . Dels- 4k Hudson Erie, c. do 2d pfd. . . . do 1st pfd. at Northern, pf. Illinois centra Louis. 4k Nash-, M. K. 4k T., a. . . Distillers Ore Lands Missouri Pac .. N. Y. Central .. N. Y.. O. 4k W. North American. Northern Pac., c Psnn. Ry P. a. L. ft C Co. Reading, c do 2d pfd. . . . do 1st pfd. . . . Rep. I. A 8., pfd. do preferred . , Rook Island, a. . do preferred . . B. L. A a. F.. 2-p. S. Pacific, a ... do preferred . . Southern Ry.. a do preferred . . Texas 4k Paclflo. T.. 8. L. W., c. do nref erred . . Union Pac.. c. ..181. do preferred . . U. S. Steel Co., o. do preferred . . Wabash, c An nr.f.rrb. Western U. Tel. 7634 7H 89 64 HZ 22H 124H 136H 107H 36H 122 119 88 93 23 Total sales for 60H K6H lH 10 123H 143 33 27 23 124 186H 107H 86H 88 64 11H 21 122 136 83 82 120 87 33 23 'io" io" '83H it" f 'i8H ii" ..... .ir 16 34H i$i" 126 '$2 Hi 7 96 142 33 during the nsst week but demand was better then ususl and this waa the aid that nut the market 260 higher tnan a week ago. The total run of cattle dur ing the week was 768 head compared with 770 head a week ago, 806 head a year ago and 180 head for the week cor responding to this in 190S. This Is the time of year when cattle values usually show a better tone as a result pf ths incressed Inquiry. A year sgo at this time the csttls market began to climb out or the slough or dullness ana prices held steadier than for ulx years previ ous. Xsavy Kan of sjheep- While the sheep market held fairly steady and in soms instances the tons was strong, ths run wss so much greater than during recent weeks that it waa small wonder that the price did not react. Perhaps the one thing that caused sheep prices to hold so well was the scsrclty of hogs. A year ago for the week correspond ing to this the sheeD market waa firm but unchanged In value. Two Advances la Hogs. Two advances which aggregated 26e all through the hog market occurred during the past week. Arrivals of hogs were 406 bead compared with 621 head a week ago. 4 nominal number a year ago and 320 head two vears ago. Pack ers and other killers were very good buyers hogs In the open market me past week and this helped to maintain tne asvances. Official yard prices: Hogs Best eaatern Oregon. 81.760 7.00: stockers and feeders. 87.00: China xats, s a . i a. uatue Best eastern Oregon steers.; pest cows ana neirers. .00; bulls, 32.00. Bneep uest wethers. 14. is: swss. 14. uo; iambs, n.oo. Arrivals of ths Week. Following arrivals wars ahown In tha yards the past week: Saturday. Aug 8 II. A ChamDas-ne. brought In 846 bead of sheep on the steamer Georgia Burton: R. W. Deal came in lrom La Grande, with a bunch or noraes. Sunday Mr. Nelll came In from Con don. with five cars of cattle; Meehan 4k . A V ro Wheat Damage. . . ; (Spacial Dispatch to Journal) . ? 4 Walla Walla. Wash., Aug. 10. I 4 Reports from various parts of ths 4 valley Indicate that little ot HO 4h 4 damage wag uone to wheat by 4 4 Thursday and yesterday's ralo, 4 4 although over half an inch was w recorded by the weather office 4 and, In the foothill district the 4 precipitation waa nsarly an inch. 4 The greatest loss fsrmsrs will 4 sustain ts in keeping Idle crews 4 while waiting for the grain t 4 dry out sufficiently so thresh- 4 ing may D resumed. w 621.966 shi ares. NEVADA MINING STOCKS. Bid Prices Current Today on San Francisco Exchange. San Francisco. Aug. 10. Official bid prices: nnT.DPTELD DISTRICT. Sandstorm 47c. Red Top $4, Mohawk $16, Columbia Mt. 62c, Jumbo $4, Jumbo Ext $1.90, Vernal 17c Pennsyl vania 8eA. Goldneld M. Co. 31.76A, Kendall 80c, Booth 47c. Blue Bull 8c, Adams 18c, Silver Pick 68c, May Queen 90c, B. B. Ext 9c, Blue Bell 20c, Dixie 8c. a. Columbia 98c. Hlbernla 7c St. Ives 92c, Conqueror 15c, Lone Star 24c G. Wonder 2c. Potlach 40cA, Oro ISo. Kendall Ext. 2c. Sandstorm Ext 4c. Mayne 7o. Atlsnta 60c. Great Bend 78c. Slmerone 20c, Empire 10c, Red To: Kit 29c Florence 85.10. G. Daisy tl.6( Laguna $1.40. Commonwealth 2Go, Com bination Fract. $2.16, Great Bend Ext 16c Great Bend Anx. He A. Mlllstorm 40cA. B. B. Bonanxa 7c Kewanos 79c Esmeralda 12c, Portland 28o, Cracker Jack 22c. Francis Mohawk $1.26, Red Hill 63o, Lou Dillon 9c. Y. Tiger 23c Grandma 20c, S. Pick Ext 6c T. Rose 7o. Col. Mt. Ext. 3c. Goldf. Cons. $8.07 H. Diam'f. Triangle 20c. COMSTOCK. . , Onhir $1. Mexican 69c. Gould 4k Curry 22c Con. Virginia 79cl Savage 60c Hale & Noraross 60c, Yellow Jacket 96c, Belcher 24c, Confidence 7 6c A, Sierra Nevada 30c, Exchequer 83c, Union 88c BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original 7c Bullfog M. C 12c Mont Bullfrog 6c National Bank 20c. L. Harris 2c, Amethyst 24c Gold Bar (4c Bieinway oca, uenver J3ur. Anx. Tc Bonnie Clare 41 o, Mayflower Cone 87c Monty, Ohio Ext. 7c G. Scepter 7c Monty. Mt. 14c A. B. Daisy lOoA. Home stake Cone 90o, Nugget 6c Victor 10c A. North Star 6cA. TONOPAHS. Ton. Nev. 12c, Mont Ton. $8. Ton. Ext. $1.86, MacNamara 24c, Midway 74c, Ton. Belmont $3.20. Ton. North Btar i?c unio Ton. 3c West End Cone 67c, Rescue 10c Ton. and California 6c Golden Anchor He Jim Butler 88c Ton. Cash Bov 4c Ton. Home 8cA, nuaion ion. iuca, aionarcn titts.'Ex. 9cA, Mont Mid. Ext 8c, Golden Crown 7cA. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manhattan Cons. 46cA, Manhattan M. Co. 6o, O. Wedge 6c Sevier Hump 6c Dexter 13c L. Joe 2c Crescent 6oA. Combination 2c Granny 26c, Mustang 20c. Little Grey 20cA, Cowboy 6c Original Manhattan lOo, Broncho 7o, flnenut 6c Buffalo Ic 8. Dog lc Y, Horse 8c, Indian Camp 6c -VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Fairr. Eagla I1.60A, Nevada Hills $5.65, Pittsburg Silver Peak $1.45, Nc Star Wonder. 6cA, Eagle's Nest 24o, Ruby Wonder 26c Alice of Wonder 6cA. 22 H I L w,ln v" cara oi came; aieenan c mail i vuuu, ui juuKouv. uu in a uftr ok noga; ffTX I I. V. Weat nama In fmm tUlmnA rira. gon. with two cars of cattle; Joseph Krehe passed through the yards with horses and mules, going to Bprague, Washington: Albert Jackson, of Hunt ington, csms In with two cars of cattle Monday u. K. west came in from Voncalla with a carload of cattle: J. K. Perin had In horses, which he shipped to Seattle; L. T. Berry, of Albany, was in witn a car or came. Tuesday J. J. Henderson came in rrom HarnsDurg with a car or cattle: F. B. Ferguson, of Amity, brought In a car of cattle from Hariisburg; J. S. Flint, of Junction Cltv brought in two cars of sheep; T. R. Howltt had In a double-deck car of sheep from Fair- view. Wednesday R. Falrciuid. of Hennnar. brought In a car of cattle Thursday Kiddle Rros.. of Talan1 City, shipped in three cars of cattle from Union; C. Murphy cams In from Shaniko. with two oara of cattle: J. E. Bolter, brought in a car of cattle from Shaniko; C. J. Sabln, of Harrisburg, brought In a car of cattle; Ben DeVlvier passed through the yards with horses, going to Ashland; R. E. Morris, of Har risburg, brought In a car af cattle; C H. Vehrs, of Lebanon, was In with a car of hogs; J. P, Hoffman brought in a car of cattle from Lebanon; A. H. Bodlne had in a car of hogs from Cor vallis. Friday Meehan 4k Cobb, of Eugene, had two cars of cattle on the market; J. Renels brought In two cars of cattle from Oakland; John Zlniker. of cres- t.o.1, naa wim car ui nogs, j. t;. Davis, of Halsey, brought in a car of sneep and hors mixed; Lee Miller of Mlllersbur- brought In a par nt ih..n and hogs mixed; D. Taylor, of Halsey, uiuukul ui m, oar ui aoeep ana nogs; Frank Dlnges. of Junction Citv. ha in two cars of sheep; 8. L. Overton, of Brownsville orouant In a ear nt hrnrm and cattle mixed. Saturday B. A. Smith had in three care or cattle rrom uaKland, Oregon, for Frank L. Smith; L. E. Weat came In witn a car or cattle rrom v. G. Young 4k Co.. of Oakland, shipped In iuibo can oi came. the CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES." f . ; Aug. 10 Aug.! Loss. 1901 ecpt. n o ih TI ieo i iiu May 87 $8 (United PrM by SpeeUl laased Wire.) ' Chicago, Aug. 10. Crippling of the bualneaa by the representatives of the telegraphers' strike waa tha principal -feature In all speculative markets on the board ofi trade today. It's effect is seem In the following declines: September, December and May wheat 1KC Septem ber corn and c Provisions under' normal conditions would probably have been strong, but as it waa pork lost 22 Ho, lard from 6 to 7 Ho and ribs fxomj 2H to 10c There was great dearth of ths usual news, statistical and. otherwise on whicta speculative opinion largely depends. Lo cal receipts today were 297 cars again at 3,620 similar day last year, and at Min neapolis and Duluth 147 compared witti 121 last year. Liverpool was from Hk to d higher because of the decline in condition of spring wheat reported it yesterday's statement Berlin was Hi higher, World's shipments for the week were estimated at 8,800.000 com- .' pared with 7,336,000, but the Ilka wee of the previous years. India shipped 30,400,900 bushsls this week, against 1,374,000 last year. There was nothing heard during the day that bad the ef feet of creating a demand for wheat , and ths tendency was downward. - ,,-,. Corn Hart, Too. The effect of ths wheat weakness was very hard on the more remote futures os corn. Local receipts were 329 cars, ' against 102 last year, and shipments, hence 308,000, compared with 246,000 a year age Liverpool was ld higher. All of the business done altogether was very small. Estimate of receipts here for Monday was 266 csra, Buainess in oats suffered with the other commodities, but at a moderate decline in price there was demand, enough to steady the fluctuation There was no change in general opinions of the great deficiency In ths season's : crop. Local receipts were 80 cars; last . year 176.. Shipments 173,000. against. 63,000 a year ago. Ths market for hog products shared . with the grains In the unfavorable ef fect from tha general trouble. There , was a good demand from an influential quarter for ribs. Local run of hogs was 10,000 for the day, and the total receipts for the week waa only 173,000. Eatlmate of Monday's local run was 38,000, and of next week's total 138,000! , head. s. i Cash wheat NC 2 red. !lOS7o: no. red. 84H?85o; No. 3 hard. 86HWI HOGS STEADY IN EAST. Receipts Considerably Smaller Than Year Ago In Chicago. Chicago, Aug. 10. Official run: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep, Chicago , 9000 2600 6000 Kansas City 2000 1400 Omaha 6000 200 2000 Hogs are steady; left over were 3,000. Receipts a year ago were 17,000. Mixed oomes $6.866.27H: heavy 15.9606.15; rougn. i.uv&.su; ngnt, o.u(jf 8.40. Cattle Steady. Sheep Steady. FRISCO BUTTER STRONG that there cannot be over 136,000 bales in ths stats of Oregon this season, and conservatively speaking, allowing for all hops that will not be picked, will say that 136,000 ts a good mark at which to put tha coming product It Is pretty hard to tell Just what effect tha re cent rains will have upon the crop but tha weather which will follow thla cold and rsinjr spall will no doubt tell ths tais. ; . . . . ... . Receipts Are Small Cheese Ad vances a Half Cent tor Americas. (Heant Newi by Longeat Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Aug. 10. The receipts of butter were very small, .but there was no quotable change In prices $ nd the market closed firm. Young Amer ica cheeee was advanced He per pound for fancy and firsts. All Callfornlan was Arm. There was no change in eggs and the market remained Arm for all California grades. The weather navirsr turned warm there was a somewhat Improved demand for watermelons and even nutmegs did a little better lor oest northern. There wss a poor local demand for apples, but shipping trade has been good. Three carloads of Central American bananas arrived and they came to an apprecia tive market. There was complaint of the rough handling of peaches coming from the Santa Clara valley and the badly bruised condition of them on ar rival here. This haa reference mors particularly to the large size packings Taking the market as a whole the con ditions and prices were about the same as on Friday and in a number of In stances there were no quotable changes The market was unchanged fn tatoes and onions. Other vegetables were mostly In abundance and generally very weak. Fancy tomatoes and .cu cumbers were well sustained In price. V New York Cotton Market. IIUi: No. 1 hard. 94UA96C Corn no a yeuow. eie no. - s till a . XTa Vlt. till.. IMA w.1- low. $56c; No. 4, 6363Hc -r ua ts jsc I wnita, 03Hi No. s wnrte 49Hc62c; . Nc 4 whits, tSHOfiOca standard, 6258 He :.;.;,,! ,:, .. Official Chicago prices br Ovsrbeck 4s Cooke company: : . . , c:',..;;'r WHEAT. ' ., , Wi';.' Open. High. Lowv fSose September.. ..97 68 86 , 8THB Decemner ...zyi z si, May 97 98 T4 IJJ. CORN. :y?v.'C September ....54 66 64 64B December ....61 62 61H.51HA May 63 53 63 633 OATS. , ... V-v,.- September ....45 45 1 December ..-.41 43' May ....45 45' MESS M7RK. -i, ' September ....1620 1630 60l lfli September .... 912 111 919 $-104 October 825 925 117 117 ? January 860 860 ; . I5 160 M SHORT BIBS. . ' 877 ..$ .v ITS ITl 885 885 M8S2tM82Ah 790 790 JMii T80A September October January Liverpool Grain Market, Liverpool, -Aug. 10. Official prioes: ! September December September I EAT. Aug. 10. ....7s ld ,...7s 8d CORN. ....4s lld Aug. I. Qaln. 4s llt.'4-Mi : United States Government Bonds. . York. Aug. 10. Government New Bid. Twos, registered ...... 106 do, coupon .......... iv a Threes, registered ......102 do. coupon .......... iu4 Threes, small bonds.... 101 Die Columbia, 3-66s.... 118 Fours, registered, new. 124 do coupon ......... , izt Twos, Panama ........ 104 109H Philippine Fsurs 'A: 106 103 Vil35 .14 106 4' New York Bank Statement. New York. Aug, 10. Bank statement! ' :; Or,;.,.'tf:i:vfe4i,;v.JvkDecreaee. 5 Reserve . t. f 387,35 Reserve, less United States. , '; J s 6,0 J 6 Loans ,.. ... 16,497,4 .") Specla- ...M. .-j. i.993,000 Legale .,......,......,..,..1,319.10) Deposits ................... li,l1,ta Circulation 3S,4uO Increase. Open. High. low. Jan, ,,.. 1248. 1261 mi -Tofaki . e. a a a HM iltli ii March 121 m 1254 ABril ? a j i. JkMft s sa esse' 4 a e.' ess BeDt ... 1H 117S 11T1 Oct. 135 '1881 1233 his August 1: IV ' 12451223 1241 71233 1364 1238 Not Deo. .... 123?; 1261 1863 .1161 , 1172 1228 12J$ 1244 1233- 124 1241 1245 1167 1147 1111 1214 I -,, Liverpool Cotton Market. ; 'Liverpool. Aug. 10. Cotton futures closed 1 point up. :.i.j:''y,-rr-. A0:f Korean Glued Clo'hes. "In Korea." said a tailor, -needle 'sx thread are unknown to tailoring. T;" place Is taken by glua" . "GlusT" w ' ' "Oiue. A peculiarly On. (! made of fish. Making Ki' ' the tailor does not bi in 1 cloth together and th. 1 r---" painfully units thont wiwi t- of the needle.. Nc he cin; " ' ' slightly, brushes " , f' ;J" , preaaea the ssaiu tA;hr aiii '-' t garment awir : rn "'I wore gitiit r! fAunl tht liiy J-- i Si as II .tuO. In t s ' i'."'"'- ---f i