THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNTNO. AUGUST 11, 1C07. 1 " " 12. i ; MOXET TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN! LAROlfl LOANS apeoialtyl ! bu"(1'nJ?,.0n"i 'wf rated: fire In"u-ance. , . W UlUtn CL Back. (It Felling bldg. LTTckTtfANS oN ALL SftceJhlfrcfl. R W KlnK. 4 Washington , bldg. Mall HOB, . dSfff Td LoAN onfall KIMdH of eecurlty. WUUm Moll, room . SAFES phlnrtnn M1. rLOTTs8 asktnojalart or chattel. TheToaaCo, 41l,Dckua Ndr. 5Lf r. N'TTY toLoan in moo to - Charleeon Co- Commercial. , PI Pacific 1 ?hone Charleeon Co Commercial. lilt. EoWB5rr6W Motffif 6N fllLURT - antu you : ... ; Button Credit Co. l - m nekutn bid. city property w wr 'ivr Wumb!a Llf Trut Co, 114 Wi.Mil Mum )IVIS1JN TOWN cTjJTFfl for opening. MACHINERY IHB E C. ALBEH Ca SECOND hand tnachlnry. wmlll, eto, 141 'U.' J. PAUL, ioo IbT 6T.X c6k- .' met line MwmlU machinery; . also engine and botler- MONOIENTS KOT KINaSLEY, HI 1ST ST. - Portland' leading marbl and aranpe ' wfT" S. ' MUSICAL PIANO. TIO LIN, CORNET, TROM bona, clarinet Frefeeaor K. A. Smith, tit 12th at Main 4781. ' - 03ZJCOPATUIO PHTSICIANL DR. JtfLLEBELLE PATTERSON. BPE elailat on nervouaaeut and chronlo fleeaaes. Offlca 117 Fenton tudg. Phone ecMo 1110. .' ' fc-R. R. B. N6RtHRUR alt-H-lT PC ton Dice, aa ana nuoiDiiira ana, Phono Main 14. Rumination rre. PORTLAND SAFE CO, SOLE AGENTS for Herrlng-Hall-Marvln MM and Manganeae Steel Bf Co.' bank aafaa; 10 aacond-hand fireproof aafea and bank aafaa, vary cheap. See them or writ u. II' 7th at. tiEBOtB' MANGANESE IaTeS I.rge nnea carneo. Jjwk-ouis openea. eaa, jaus, mi iurnnure. ; Atom ty. honea. J. Davis, l Id. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS rOSTKR? A KLEISEaldNa Wa hav buut up tbe largest aim bualneaa In the city by first-class work and keeping oar prorata. Our prtca ara ngnt. . eta ana Everett at. Pbon Exchange tt. 'SIGNS- THAT AtTRJLcT'' PORf land elm Co., 187 Stark. Paclflo 161a. TRANSPORTATION. AlasKa 1907 EXCURSIONS . .. bomb bouts. 8. at City of PuebU Aug. B. . TJmatula Ana-. BO B. B. Vraatoamt "apt M HANDY PIACK TO WHITE. Deak Which Fold Into tho Bnreaa or Chiffonier. A vary convanlant artlcla t hf In avory houaahold la a writing- deak of aoma daactiptlon. A tabla la not alwaya a aatlafactory placa on which to wrlta, tha jpaddlaa ara aet at an anala with tha bottom of tha boat, ao that, whan thay ara doing aervlca In tho watar thair atibmararad portlona will Incllna toward tna dow or ina vaanai. Tina will tand to ralaa tha bow aa tha vaaanl la pro poUnd, tha paddlea leaving; ' tha - watar freely and with laaa tendency to retard tha pnorreaa of tha veaael aa they leave tna water, i ne great numDer of pad dle engaging the water at tha tame FAINTS, OIL AK1' GLASS . B. BEACH CO, THE PIONEER 111 lat at Phone II Paint Co. -'Window rlaae and (laalnc PLUMBEIW roX CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS, 111 Id, bet Mala and Salmon. Oregon Ehone Main 1001. . flXNgRBERd A ftAbgyACHER KJft- moved to No. 101 tmmaioe at. 1 PRINTINa POILBEB BROS, PRINTERS CARDS, DUiheaaa. etc. , roone Maw lias. 14m lat at . - ; UfihKRN PRINTERT. PHONE PA' clflo 1121. R. II. Rueael bldg, 4th and Komaon eta. PAINTING AND, PAPERING. P. A. DOANE GIVES BEST ESTIMATB for aatlafactory work. Z8i limnui. ' . PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS MISS L. B. MAT. 101 BWETLAND Copying deed a and abatracta apec lty, REAL ESTATE THnvPBOK a's OODEN REAL EB tate, lnauranca, loan a. See ua before buying-. 48 Mtaeiaalppl , eve. Phone "Woodlawn 101. W. OQILbEE, REAL ESTATE AND loans; eatabliahed 18M. 14la lat. room 11. SPHINX AQENCr. DEALERS real eetate and rental. - 101 ft Stark at Main 1144. - FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRlP- tioa. bid. W. W. Eapey. Ill Commercial RFSTAURANTS. GO TO THE BUST BEE FOR DELI catekaena. Home cooking. 414 Waah- mrton at, s RUBBER STAMPS P. C, STAMP WORKS, 141 ALDER ST. none uain .10. Kunoer at am pa, eeala, atenclla; barrage, trade checka; prawa aigna ana piaies. ROOFING TIN ROOFINQ. OUTTERINO, RE- palrlnr and general Jobbing. J. Loall. ziz jerreraon at. faciric Mil. SPHUTUALISSI. SRS. 80PHIA B. SEIP, RELIABLE , Spiritual, reader; daily, 102 AUaky pip- t-upiio ciroiea xueaoay, p. m. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OP EVERT DESCRIP tlon; bank, bar and atore flxturea made ( order. The Lutke Manufao- tunnr to.. Portland. R. H. BIRDSALL. DESIGNER: AOf. M. , Winter Lumber Co. 7 Hamilton bldg. TOWEL SUPPLY ICLBAW V TOWELS DAILY COMB, brain, Boap, 1 per month. Portland Laundry A Towel Supply Co, Ith and , Cwaoh eta. Phone 110. STREET PAVING .'WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. street paving, aiaewaiaa ana croae- 114 liumber Exchange. (tnaa. 'ffHfl BARBER ASPHALT PA VINO CO. ) vt Portland. Office 466 Worcester blk. 8. X. AT. ST a BOVTB. Balllag Prom Seattle. Skat-anc, Sitka, Taaeaa and way porta. HUUf p. am. K. at B. Oo.'a Knmboldt Aag. It, ta Oltv of Seattle Aag. IB, BO Cottage City, via Sitka Aag. 13, at Ajr raABCxsco botttb. lalU&g a. aa. Proa Seattle. Preatdeat Aag. It S. 8. UmatUla Anr. 83 ang. i, aa Olty Offloe, 14 Waahlngtoa St. COOS BAY Weekly Prelglit and Paeeenf er Service of the Plaa BtaamaLlp Breakwater Z.eavaa OBTX.BD every Monday, SiOO p. m, from Oak-etreel book, iot EMPIRE NORTH BEND AND MARSHFIDLD rrelght Received Till 4 p. m. on Day of Sailing. PABB Prom Portland, laVolaaa, 910.00) Sd-olaaa, S7.0O, taolndlng berta and maalau Inquire City Ticket Office. Third and Waahlngton at., or Oak-atreet Dock. Ho! For Astoria O 3 FastSteamerTelegraph Dally (except Thnradaya). Leave Alder treat dock t a. m. Sunday lit. tl ronad trip. FBOXS KAXja 05. Columbia River ftcencry BIOITLATOB UT1 STBAMXBS. Dally service Between Pertlaa4 aad Ike Dalles, I a except Baadar, leaving rrirmj a neat a p. rortlaad at earryum fralcat aatf pasMBcers. Bpleedld tiooa tot eetnts anil iiveetoca. Dock foot of AMer at- Pertlaadi hot at Coort at. 'lev Deltoa. Phone Uala !. PortUaa. CGceWo CONVENIENT WRITING SURFACE. a daek being much more preferable. An exceedingly good , aubatltute, where a deek cannot be procured, 1 the Invisible folding deak shown In tha llluatratlon. tne invention of a North Carolina man, Thl dek can ' be constructed In con junction with a cabinet, chiffonier or other article of furniture havina the ue- ual drawer. It ha the appearanoe of an ordinary front of drawera when closed within the bureau. When dealred the deak can Instantly be withdrawn and uaed for writing, reading, eta The deak can either be placed at a conven ient height for a person while alttlng or placed above, ao that it can be uaed while a peraon la standing. when the folding section of the deak 1 opened out It Is securely braced by bracket af each aide. The deak also slants a light ly, affording a proper and rigid writing eurface which will bear any reasonable weight POTATO KNIFE At One Operation the Potato Can Be Cut Into Eight Piece. It had been aurmlaed that inventor had reached the limit In the Improve ment of household Invention, but thl doe not a earn to be the case, inventor till are on the lookout for aorae device that will prove a' household neoeealty, as they realise It will command a ready market As an example, an Iowa man has patented a knife for cutting pota- ONB HUNDRED PADDLES, - time, the Inventor claim a will give ruch conatant and advantageous hold upon tnerwater, that the propelling power la exerted to the greatest advantage and attainment of spaed. NO SWEEPING. The Up-to-Date Method of Cleaning Rooms nd Fnrnitnre. On of tha arreatest Inventions of the present time I the auction machine for renovating and cleaning hotel, apart ment house, etc. No (weeping la neces sary. Tha power necessary to operate the apparatus Is furnished by an engine fitted with a wagon and supplied by means of rubber hose. The dust Is forced into tha machine by suction. It being possible to clean every part of the room, ceilings, floors, wall, furni ture, etc. up to the present time thl machine nas been used for large opera tion only. Now a Chicago Inventor The Well-Kaewa Eellasle CHINESE - Seat sad Berk DOCTOR Has BMda a Ilia anda of' roots as kerbe. aad la that atadf dlacovared and Is a-lTloa lo tb world his wondarfal remedies. M0 MERCUKY, P0160N8 OR DKVOB 1TBH- HZ CURES WITHOUT 0PERATIOH. OS . WITHOUT THS AID OV A XXTOX. Ha roarantces to ear Catarrh. Aarhaia. Lee. Throat. Rbeenattsa ."ervoaeneea, Nervons DrblMtr. Stomach. Mer. KUna Troablrat atao tost Manhood, Vernal Wtak- ess SB 111 Prlrsta pfaeaaea. A SURE CANCER CURE a. C aad tellable. IF TOO ARB AFFLICTED. DONT DBLAI. DELATB ARB DANGEROUS. If ree raaaot ealL write for eymDtoni hlaaii ana circular, inclose a cents is stamps. CONSULTATION FREE XBX 0, GEE WO CHOTE8E MEDIOIMg CO, rirai oi., ior, aaamaaaw Portlaad, Oraaoa. riaaaa aaatios tsu No Cheaper - Treatment ' ';; t oti the Coast MY FEE IS ONLY $10 - V la Any Uncomplicated Ailment Tit No Better Treatment In the World SB TAYXOB, the Teadlag aTpeclaUsi, Let Me Guide You on Your Way to Regain Your Health aad Renew Your Strength J Never QtieSS Pay Me When You Are Cured This Is My Fair Offer to Every Patient Do you feel that you ara not the, man you onoe were? Do you feel tired In the morning and easily ex hausted T Is your back weak? Is your memory falling? Do you have difficulty In fixing your thoughts? Ara you losing ambition? If you have any or all of the above symp toms, you surely do not desire to remain In your present condition. Let me explain to you my methods of rebuilding the vigor of men, and refer you to the thousand I hav cured. Tbe Only Diseases I Treat Sarmatorrtiae. Xrfrt Tlror, Vart- aooeie, B aiorrneea, von viror. van Bnotara. Pile. Xydrooele. Orraale Weakaea. Ooatagious Blood Diseases, Acute aad Oaroalo ure thral aad Proetatlo Inflaiamatlon. Experiment or take ohaaeag of any sort X attempt to our only tho disease that I have been curing for tha past IS years, and feel aura X am Justified In saying that I have learned all about them. Ware X laoklng In kaowl x edge pertaining to my a pec laity X would never have attained my present suocess. nor would X to-, day b reoognlsed aa the leading peolallst treating men's diseases. ' If afflloted.. you ean depend upon It that tha servloa X offer you la the aervlca you need, and la aervlca auch aa can be rendered by no other physician. VARICOCELE ' An average of on man In fire nas varicocele. Moet men that have thla dragging, draining weakness are not aware of It until ft haa wrecked their Uvea Varicocele causes oongestlon , of the blood In some of the most vital blood vessel of man. It causae a dull, heavy, llatlssa feeling- which I often mlataken for nervou nu bility or general decline of power, e FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION I Invite every weak or dlaeaaed man to call for free advloa, aad If dealred I will make a free examination and diagnosis, but the vlatt will not obligate him in any way to become my patient Offlca houra, a. m. to S p. m.; Sundaya 1 0 to 1 only. Patlenta living out of the city and coming to Portland for treat ment will be furnished with fine room free of charge. Check your trunks direct to 214ft Morrison street My cure of this disorder ara per manent and lasting. B tonlce that Stimulate temporarily, but thorough ly acienuno treatment ror tna re ' movsl of condltlona responsible for th functional derangement "Weak ness" is merely a symptom of In flammation or oongestlon in taa prostate gland, and under my own original local treatment this gland la promptly restored to It normal state and complete functional activity U the lasting result. The Dr. Taylor Co. 7 SS4M BCOBBXSOB STBBBT, Ooraar Seooaa, POBTXaaJTB, OB.. crap (whether loos or hearing scrap, rod acrap. In bale). bolt nut, SAVES TIME. toe that does eight time the work of the ordinary knife. Tntead of requir ing eight cut to divide the potato into piece it 1 all don at one operation. The Illustration plainly show the con struction of this knife, no description being necessary? - Six small blades and one center blade, attached to a handle, are all that Is required. One stab at a potato divide It into eight pieces, each flece being of practically the same size, n hotels, restauranta, etc., where thou sand of potatoes are cut up each day, this knife would save considerable labor and time. SUCKS UP THE DUST. a similar machine, which can be uaed in every household. The has patented can be used power apparatus is stationed In an out house or other out-of-the-way place and the renovator reduced In sixe ao that It can be manipulated by anybody. Ex pert skill Is not required. In cleaning the rooms the duat Is gathered up In the collector, and when the entire house Is cleaned the renovator is taken to the cellar and the duet removed. Its su periority over the ordinary method of sweeping will be at once apparent USEFUL IN SEWING, i Holder for Spools, Pin, Needles and Other Small Article. A Massachusetts inventor, noticing the disorderly condition In which sew ing machines are generally allowed to remain, has devised a sewing cabinet which should be of interest to every woman. It comprises a holder - for spools, pins and needles and other small articles uaed In sewing, and It will be apparent from the Illustration that It Is conducive to the utmost convenience TYPEWRITERS. NEW AND 1ND HAND, ALL MAKES, rested, repaired, sold. P. D. C Co.. Itfl Stark. Tel 1407. WHOLESALE JOBBERS , ITHBl OREGON CHEESE CO. (INC) Cheeee. butter, err, etc dairy orod- . not bought or handled on commission. ' ill Ith at- (Swetland bldg.), Portland. Of, Fook Sang & Co. TXB SBXZ.X.BD CHUT ES fEWB&SB. JAY YU CHONG. Mgr 231 Alder SL, Portland M. A. GUN8T A CO, DISTRIBUTORS OP FINE CIGARS " 1 PORTLAND. OREGON. - EVERDING A FARRELL. PRODUCE and commission merchants, 149 Front t., Portland, or. mono Mam 17. OREGON - FURNITURE MANUFAC- v tuting Co. Manufacturer of furnl- ' tor for the trade. Portland. Or. - WADHAM- A CO, WHOLESALE ORO cere, manufacture re and commlasion C ' merchs'ts. 4th and Oak sts. ' FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND special orders. L. Ruvenskys furnl ' re factory. 807 Front at. - ALLEN A LEWIS, COMMISskort ANE ' produce merchants. Front and Davis ate., .Portland. Or. WHOLESALE BTlaaswar. land, or. CROCKERY 'a tori" Prael. Hegel. A Cot, Port- vim i Pure. Beautiful Jad Jewelry, Gold Bracelets and Signet Klnrs of all descriptions made to or der. American names engraved in Chinese cnaracters on pure roia t jd-luck ringa engraved with the three cardinal Chinese characters, via: Olorv. Prosoerlty and Longevity. Charges reasonable, and orders of any design promptly executes ana sent pre paio to any pan at tna unnaa etaiaa CHICHESTER'S PILLS I.aaial Aak J Ctlkaa-lar mis i bua. Tako a atkor. Bar erroap , Vrarrlat. A.kfnrtln ifEa-TEB- 0LAMON0 MBIAA fJJLLa, tot S' yean kaowa at Sari, SaCaat, Alvaya Reliabl. SOID BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE At '"r aranlil far i INaaaMXTjroBaVV la lue aa Wot MllkV aalad vita Slno-Rikboa. V LEWIS-STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY P- Barbers'. Supplies, Barbers' Fur tilture. Barbers' Chalra. 10th A Morrison. TRANSFER AND HAULTNO G a PICK OFFICE 1 1ST ST- BB tween Stark and Oak sta; phone 611 Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious brick ware house with separate Iron room.. Front and Clay sts. - '' --' "OLPEN-ROE TRAKSFER Co. Henry Roa W. A. ClelanA F. P. Sheascreen. r'.infn and furniture moved, packed and I ar aala hr Ihlliaise Tim O... Ill Tklri J ...rred. 101 Oak t Both phones. lrUai7oeaa ZT-. . Z V A Nfl-IORN TRANSFER A STORAGE rOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Savin and Cotton Root Pills. The best and only reliable remedy for DE LAYED PERIODS. Cure the most obstinate cases In I to 10 days. Price 12 per box, mailed in. plain wrapper. Sold by druggists everywhere. Address T. J. PIERCE, 111 First street, i'oruana, Oregon. NEW BOAT PROPELLER. Vessel Eqnlpped With Nnmerons Paddles Is the Latest. An entirely new idea in the propelling mechanism of vessels has been patented by a Massachusetts man. A glance at tha illustration will suffice to show the theory of his Invention. Many auch schemes look good on paper, but a prac tical demonstration Is always necessary to prove their wortn. mis mecnaninm Is located amidships in a vessel and. be low the keel, and consists of numerous paddlewheels working In sprocket wheels. These paddles do not extend at each side of the vessel, but are located within the interior In pairs. To secure the greatest efficiency of propulsion. MARVELOUS INVENTION CURES WEAK MEN Patent Granted by the TJalted Government. State and other drag habits are positively eured by ELatsriXN A. tor Bypoaermia or internal use. Sample sent to any dru c habitue by 7on mail. Eesrular price 12.00 per bottle at A CC ft your druggist or by bmI in plain wrapper. v. a em lea I te Kuoia, mo Co., Inc. jnirmtura ano piano moving a pnecialty; atorage warehouse. 40-41 1 c-o-ner Awh. Phone Main 1611. EXPRESS A BAGOAGH Flione ALaJa i ".i..-t;LAit T ranaler. i7 Alder St in. ' " i " v 'ii :n.-KEH" CO, 114 N..ITH. i , !"vy hauling and storage. I.h ; . i L.Vfl jTjuagoage trans? i t (.j.-;..v:,,s. J24 fc.t-ark. Mala 40 1. A new and sctentlflo appliance in vented by L. B. Hawley, M. D will produce full manly power at first ap plication. The effect are immediate and startling to a high degree. Develops, strengthens and cures lost vigor. Posi tively no failures. Physicians Indorse and use it In their practice. If you are the least skeptical a to the value of thl remarkable treatment, send for illustrated circular, take them to your family physician and get hi opinion. Thl I tha first time anyone haa re quested you to take his circulars to your family physician. Why? Simply punches, rivet spikes, ran enas, maonme Doringa, xiata, sneets ana, in ibci, au most any form of iron or steel rblch affords a surfade sufficiently large for the magnet to act upon, Whan the material has been carried to where It Is to be deposited, the current Is turned off and the magnet at onoe releases the load. Scrap tin has always been an ugly form of material to handle satis factorily, out oy tne use ox tnis device it may be deposed of aa rapidly and as easily as heavier stock. Paper From Cotton Stalks. The manufacture of paper from the fiber of the cotton stalk is one of the latest inventions which are said to have passed the experimental stage. It is as serted that all grades of paper, from the best form of linen to the lowest grade. can be manufactured from Cotton stalks. In addition to this a variety of by-products, such as alcohol, nitrogen, material for gun-cotton and smokeless powder, can also be secured In paying quantitiea Mills for the use of cotton stalks In that way may become general in the cotton growing states. It is estimated that on an area of land producing a bale of cot ton at least one ton of stalks can be gathered. Upon this baa la from 10,000, 000 to 11,000,000 tons of raw material could be secured for the production of paper, which would Increase the value of the south's cotton crop nearly $10, 000.000. Valuable Insulating Invention. A new insulating material has re cently been Invented by a Portuguese firm or cork mercnants. it has lor its principal component granulated cork, and Is called "cortlcite." Its applica tion Is unlimited, for It will resist the cold of a Siberian winter and the rays of a tropical sun; also tha attacks of insects, even the white ant being pow erless against it. As a nonconductor of sound It should be unaeful in city flats. On boiler tubes and boilers it Is said to reduce the temperature of tha boiler-room to an agreeable one. It is not inflammable, and may be gen erally adopted for partitions and lin ings of houses. Bricks and slab of "cortlcite" are made lor this purpose. and can be aawed end bored like wood. It would seem to possess special advan tages ror use on warsntps, taking the piace oi wooa as rar as possioie. NEW TYPE OF CAR. Constructed to Be Fireproof and Also to Assure Speed. The tendency In the construction of I modern railroad equipment la to design cara which are absolutely fireproof. Statistics prove that more lives are lost in the fires which Inevitably follow serious wrecks on the road than are WE MEN FOR .0 XBTAXUBxrO Sf TBABS XB POBZLaBB. Consultation Free WXXX fcUAT AST bBBIIXJI XrBOOBPUDATBO BZVT FOB 110.00, AO. TH1 tKADTNa SPECIALIST. ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED A UFR.LOHG CURB FOR BLOOD P0H0B. SXXB TTTBTAnTa, SOUS, VtOOM, ITSm. TTRX, TAUOOOtXB, BYSSOOXLB, BXRT0UB DTOUJTX, WEAXgXBB, OOVOkUOXA, CHROJTIO SUZAaZS Of THS KXDBZTS ABO PKOSTATX. ABB AIX BIOTAL XraBagXS. Ye will abe find that w ere following eat the plass ef eel wee la ear tree tweet ef the various disease ef mea. we espeelaUr Invite all maa afflicted with earaale aO Mate or any aeete conditions roeeaUy contracted. Wa care to atay eared for life. Our reliability end financial ataadtag le aaqaosttoaed aad froca raooraa, walea, tf roe wish to do ao, yoa may look ap aau yee wui rina tnat we are au w ouuai to ae, hath In nrofaaaioaal atandliw and tba eldest SDoeiallstS la the eltT. a thla laetttatlaa haa beea here for 27 years aad haa aa urepreachabl fepataUea, It will not cost yes a or thins to call at ear offlca, and by ee doing It stay save yea Brack time and money, becaaae If wa eaaaot ear yoa we will hoaestly aad frankly tell yon so, sad yoa will aet be aader aay financial eougaoea to as. We want every man la (be cocntry who Is afflicted to write us abort bis allmeiL WE CORE YOU AT COilL BLOOD POISOB There comas time Is year Ure where, after ye have triad all tha health resorts, springs, etc., that ye give up all bop aad at times yea eoaslaer Ufe very dark. Yoa hare a past a great deal ef moaey trying to be reuevad aad yet have reeelrad ao Nsult. We will car. yoa ef roar dreaded malady aad by ear methods we do not aae anr drags tbat will cease any bad ef facta at destroy year eeastltatloa. Call and see as before It !ss4$o late. BIRVOUB DEBIXJTT Loee ef eaergy, win sewer, lack ef aeaeentratlea ec taeafkt, lose of memory, which weakens yoar entire erstem, meatal ae well aa physical. TaJs lowered vitality of tbe nervous and physical eendlttoa Is strengthened ae that la a abort time yoa will have yoor original strength and be yourself agala. RwrrruATISat Betb acuta er ehronle. or varied forma, eared to star eared far Hfa. Oar methods are unexcelled sad scientific. VARICOCELE Is a diseased condition ef the scrotal Sola, It any be enseal by blows, kicks, falls, heavy lifting, mumps, early Indlseretlea er may be aymptosa ealy of some special weakaeaa. -- - consists ef local appllcatloa for the parpoae ef dlaponinf the actlna tha swollen veins, aa weU aa Internal m.AirtLo strengtbea the nerves which govern the blood supply to these veto. Tboafb censing yoa bo trouble at the present time, yoor Varicocele win. If witnoas the proper treatment. Impair aad destroy the elements ef vitality. T to 1:10 Sundays, I HOURS I a, m. to S p. m.; Xvanlnga, It noon. Qi f aiiIg Medical and OU Lulllb Surgical a. m. t Dispensary COBBZB SZCOBS ABB TAJCBZXJCi STBBBTS, POBTZABD, OBBOOB. because he know your physician will not recommend his treatment Not so with this appliance. Your doctor will immediately grasp the Idea, and when h doe ha will recommend it Nothing like It haa aver been cold before. It works - tha aame on every individual. Send today for free descriptive circular of this wonderful Instrument Tha mo ment you see ityou will realise it poeslbllltlea. Ko. C. O. D. or fra trial achema to oatch' thaJSwary. This, la plain buslnesa? proposition that will appeals to you aa th greatest oppor tunity aver offered to those who are weak. ' Addreaa L.-B. Hawley, M. D 101-A. Granlto building, RoohesUiv H- T., INSURES TIDINGS. in Dreservlnr. an orderly and alwaya ac cessible arrangement of the article needed. Mounted upon a circular base are two circular stands, the upper one being tne smaller or tne two. Arrangea around each of the steps thus- formed are a number of upright studs for sup porting spool of silk and cotton. Se cured to the top is a handle for lifting and moving the holder. Beside the pools, cushion for pin and needle are also attached to the base. A fur ther addition la a drawer for odd and end which 1 placed on the lower etand. When not In uae tha holder 1 encased In a cover. . . - SCIENCE NOTES. . Electrio Derrick. A novel application of electricity in tne nanaimg oi iron ana eteei is now in operation in Cleveland. Ohio, In the wav or a maanei. xnis iorm oi marnet consists of a large iron disk supported by chains 'which 'may be fastened to the hoon of a derrick or orane block. To the top of the disk Is applied an eleotrlo plug device connected with in sulated wires, which, by an ingenious auxiliary pulley arrangement, are led to a controller at some convenient noint at ' the base of the - derrick or in wie onerator's cab or tne crane. . The disk- Is towered over the material to Be lilt ed and the current : turned on, and In this way enormous' loads of material mav be arathered together 'and held bv the magnet so long as tha current re mains connected. Different forms of the disk are made for handling pig Iron, heavy meltlnr stock, such aa oroo enda outts, steel , risers, small . castings, tin i MODERN RAILROADCAR. actually caused by the collision. Rail roads In every part of the United State are at present experimenting with pas senger coaches of fireproof construc tion, and are building no more of the old wooden type. The majority of these new fireproof cara hav been of steel construction throughout, with -the ex ception, of course, of the seats. It haa neen round tnat mis js tne laeai ma terial. The one disadvantage is In the tact tnat mis type or car retain neat to a great extent, and tha problem ha narrowed down to a successful method of ventilation.' One of the most recent devices for overcoming thla fault la ahown In tha car here Illustrated. . Thl car t covered with a removable hood, which Is supported over the car. a apace Intervening between tha hood and the top and sides . of the car. Thla la claimed to afford , efficient v means for keeping .tha car eooL The hood la also made with tne top ano sides convex and tanerlnr ends, thus - asslstlnar In securing speed. Chicken Stealing Rattier. - . 'Correspondence Nashville Banner. : Recently I lost seven. of a brood of choice Plymouth Rock chick. I was confident , that neither cat nor other HAVE VOU MONEVTO INVEST? RE?AD THIS!, The J. M. Acheaon Company' big atore and factory plant, Fifth and Alder streets, Is conceded to be th e best equipped and practical In th West Lighting system unexcelled. The company is seven years old started with a capital stock of 13,000 capitalized now at 1160,000. Haa a paid-up capital of about $80,000, and additional subscribed stock of 124,000. Assets about $160,000, not including unsubscribed stock. Lia bilities less than one third the asset. Doing a business of over 1360. - 000 a year. Unsubscribed capital stock is for sale In amounts of 1100 up 10 per cent Interest or dividend guaranteed also trade discount al- lowea etocKnoiaers on. an rooas nuroriaaed hv them in th t connection with the department store Is men's tailoring and woolen! also a grocery store. You can avo enough on your grocery bills to clothe yourself. The company owns the five-story brick, its ladies' a-ar- locatea in. weekly or the following lh tn nou . V. a ana mail n to us ana we win can ana complete your connection with the company. Very good asset Isn't It? Subscriptions can be made for mommy saving payments, can, drop us a card, or, fill In subscription for the amount you desire and how vAu wii X, tha undersigned, hereby eubsorlba for. ....... ... .......... .aliarea of tha Capital, Stock of The J. K. Aoheson Company. Tha prloe of said Capital Stook is tha par rain of One Dollar (fl.OO) par a hare, payable as follows I ' Tha Incorporated Capital Stock of Tha jr. VU Aehaaoa Company la Jae Hundred Fifty Thousand (160,000) shares, nom-assessahle. - Ma-sea . .............. . Addreaa. .i i .. i .......... , BZBBOTOBBl , C. R. PEA KB ' A, J. FARMER J. M. ACHESON M. E. THOMPSON 9. BC ACB-XSOXT. President, T. X. STBOSE, - Secretary and Attorney. anake had a foot or more of his lenrth pushed down through on of tha seg- four , legged ' thieve could - reach.' tha brood, o I kept a olos watch over the coop. "-'.";-. .I;: .:-v:-- On day last week I reached tha placa lust - In time to find a bia- rattlesnake stretched out on ton of the screen In I In an old stone fenn which the chickens were kept The f yard, and every day or ao rrlv H tn menta of the screen'.' and-' aivoav ?.lhe'r ci?iok haa f"n Pfy to hie appe tite, ' The anake was despatched and measured more than four feet . ao vtiubuut uiKen up a residence the" coon and selected a ninmn imm. men of chick and crawled away with it tn-!