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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAi; . PORTLAND, SUNDAY : MORNING. AUGUST 11, 1B07. .' for sale--farms ea - - - Washfaetoii & Ore ' Hi acres 10 mile aat of vaneou- .Tr, j mil rrom Columbia river; IB Sw' n cultivation, CO acres In prunea tTNi " ola acraa .mixed or ' ift-8 acre meadow, 4 acraa spuds , u, i a rags, on, s-rooro g-story. .-,1 4-room cottages, $7,000 drier, new, 10 tons with cellar) good barn 68x70 with Sheds, atable; barn 26x40 with leanto , - wiiuio-iKi; iBxig dairy, cellar, roothouse. 10 lone; 2-story fruit warehouae 10x25; - 60 tona dried fruif all kinda of farm ui-uninory, i wagons, nack, I Buggies. Phaeton, cream separator, aood team, , 1.100 pounds; T fine Jersey eowa aev ral head of young stock, hogs, chickens. 'There will be 200 tona of green prunea contracted for to without grading, da. a llvered at the boat Lindlnr 2 mllea from . place. If you are looking for a.oafe "imOTi li win par you io inu- rata thla., Everything la Just as adver- iu. , 2v.' r v., near scnooi, uuw . tlon. baa at anil: It anlH bv Auauat 1 all crop Including contract. Price only -fii.vvu.. uive gooa term a. f (.800 160 acrea In Clarke county Wash, I' mllea from R. R. station, one . nair mua to acnooi ana enurenj v norm in fine itate of cultivation In crops good orchard; . new J-atory -room 'house; good frame bam 04x86. Binder, mower, rake, and all -kinds of farm Implements; team, wagon, buggy, hack, 10 head cowa, II heed young atock. II . sheep, 10 hogs. 100 ehlckena. -40 geese. cream separator: level land, all fenoed. beat of eoll. Thla la one of the beat fbuys on the market Terma 11,000 cash, t, balance I yeara, per cent, . k HO acres. I mllea from Weehougal, Claris, eounty; 10 acraa In cultivation! need with I wires; houae 16X18, tn aoxtu: 4a mue 10 icnwi, iv Krn aeeded. on main county road, fine eoll. Erica only $13 per acre. Thla la aanap. 11,100 189 acre;, IV mllea from . Waehougal, Clarke county t 40 acraa la Cultivation, 100 acres easily cleared, some timber; small houae, 1 acre Una orchard, fine- eoll: R. F. D., near achoolt terma, H cash, balance 8 yeara, 6 per cent; win taxe h in axenange xor corv lend 'firnnartv. . ' tK Kftn Rl arrea 1 mflea from Port land. In Washington county, I mllea from railroad atatlon; II acres In fine atate of cultivation, balance very easily cleared; all fenced, all level, amau nv In atraam. fine new 1-atory B-room, hard-finished houae. cost $1,800; new Rama barn, rustic. 80x80; fine location; F. D. and telephone, near echool. milk route past door, beat Of black soil, near ine Tualatin river; investigate mis of lore ouytsg. FOR SALE FARMS. ti una xa sArea. 7 mflea from Was hougal, Clarke county, Washington: 20 'aerea In cultivation; aoma green nmoer; a-nnri hnuaa and hern: rood family Or chard; small creek good spring; good team fi head of cowa.- 2 wagone, one heavy, one light; mower and rake; all Kinds Or rarm machinery; cream separa tor; beat of aoll; thla la a snap; good terma. li ann ra arrea In Clarke eounty. Waahlngton, 28 mllea from Portland. 8 ft mllea from railroad station, 4ft mllea from boat landing; 8 aerea cleared, several aerea of good hardwood timber; bajanee ash and vine maple swale, eaally cleared; 18 aerea at a coat of $10 per acre; beat or biacx soli: an levei; smaii .lc- Ina- hnuaa: R F. xJ.: On county road; 2 cowa, 6 coming 2-year-olds, one rair; terma caan, oaanca a yeara a per cent. The above placea are an guaranteed aa advertised. Above bargalna are but a few of the farms on our Hat We have the largest list of farms of any firm In Portland or 'vicinity. Pricaa range rrom idoo to $10,000. Write or call if you are In the market for a farm. 'Wellington & Oregon Realty Co. 101 Seconds sV. Portland. Or And BOO Main at, Vancouver, Waah. Phone Main 2404. DON'T BUT UNTIL, TOU SEE THESE. IVi aerea, half mile from city limits. 100 yards from platted portion of city; a acraa unaer cultivation; -roum nouae, i small barn, new chicken houae and I yarda, city water and living atream, nice orchard and assorted fruits. Price $1,460; terms. 77 aerea; 40 acres under fine atate of cultivation; 'fair 4-room houae, new barn, 26x80; place fenced and croae f enced; 8 mllea from Vancouver and mile from country town, church, stores, echool, etc; Including the following atock and tmpiementa: 4 cowa, z norses, of thla yeara crop. mllea from thla elty; ;fBmsSt::;'; Room til Commercial Bldg., " ; . ; Cor, 2d and Waahlngton ata. - ; ' Exchanre for nit nrooarty and aoma cash, or agreed time 8 per cent -; j Two larva well J im Droved wheat ranches, 1,000 aerea each, for aala or exchange for valley or city property su acraa, bo in cultivation; crop iu, barn, 48 to 80 tona oat and retch hay, a rood l-room houae. woodhouae. amoka and roothouse, a f lna bearing1 orchard, fine, water, on milk and mall route, phone line, half mile to echool. 8 mllea to railroad station, 10 oowa, 1 horse, hogs; ehlckena, all klnda farming Im pno i.doo. ' 80 aerea. 48 to 80 In cultivation: land mostly level, good buildings, fine or chard, will be tona of fruit thla year; on county road, milk and mall route, phone line; place will run 28 to 20 cowa; fine water, springe and well: rrlce $1,800; part caah-, bslanoe agreed Ime. I oer cent' or would take aood cut propeny. 120 acres. 71. clear, aood orchard, aood bulldjnaa, good water, t mllea to good town. Yamhill county; ' price 88s00; $2,600 can atand, 8 per cent. 40 aerea. half olesr. aood bulldlnaa. orchard, flna water: price 81.100. .. 20 acraa, good B-room houae, good well water and spring, good barn, 40x82. chicken house. 16x40. aood woodshed and smokehouse, fine living water In pasture, 8 aerea under plow, house nicely painted. - good orchard; Yamhill county; price $1,200. 100 aerea, 4? in cultivation and crop, good orchard, good buildings, good water; price $$.600; terma. 48 acres. 20 In high state of cultiva tion, aerea timber: fine oreek In rear of nlaeau 'A - new 9-room houae. new barn, new chicken houae and other out houses; young orchard. Oood team of horses, worth $600) 2 fine cows, 2 ealvea, 8 hoga, 28 aheep, 800 chiokena, all farm In r ImDlements and croDa. On mall and milk route and only 114 mllea i rem Heeaviue. is miles rrom court house, good road all the way. Price, $8,000; terma. A anap; investigate. 9 acraa, head of Alnaworth Ave.; flna io piai; a goo a ouy; investigate. W. W. Bpey Room 111 Commercial Bldg. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. A TEAJa. WAGON AND HARNESS, cheapTH. O. Jeasen, 788 Vanderbllt, University atatlon. weigh iuo apiece; cheap. j- ,- ' ' . - ' ' ,: FOR BALIIilVESTOCK. , JERSEY COW.' I CALVES; f AND I months: rood atock. It. C. Hanson. above Brlo& a atore, Mt Tabor . Baa Llna road. Phone 260. after I o'clock. 5KnKKY"75SwrFRESH. liOjCROYLS. Peninsula Btation.Bt' Johns car. -TiNB OOObFRESll"MlLCH COW FuH s&le. -call X8B.JU. in ai. ,6Rn8AlE--4-6iJTris,-oLb JKRfitof heifer. ; 1214 Wlllard va rYlUametta mi air Inn VBARLIn'O " THOR6tGHBRED JER 1 aey Dull; muai aeu. pvr w Aahoraf t,, oa Haaly. place, at Council Crest i. FIVE " fcAIRf COWA. f PHONE 8ELL- wood 426. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE FOR SAXIWailSCElXANEOCS. aaj s- . k - - . - DON'T WAIT UNTIL NEXT SUMMER .. oUd your boat, but build It now. It will coat you leaa and will be ready when ypu want It In the spring. Let ua lur.u.a you an esumate on ua coat ana ;how you designs. , Oregon Launch Co., "i nawtnorne ava. Phone K. n. tLiaaAKt Motoft-BOAf. jtttw.' sfc-.: worthy, powerful, speedy; 28 feet length, 7H feat beam; cabin, toilet, ma rnogany finish; 12 H. P. Btandard engine, or terma and Inspection, apply to J. M. rthur St Co. Phone Eaat 10. Launches for Ulk&, ToWIM - done; launohea moored and cared for; repairing and building. Oregon Launch company, foot of Hawthorne ava. Phone nasi sy. PiANO. FOR BALEONI& YEAh IM uae; it caan; worth double the amount Address teacher, V-4 14. Jour nni, m FOR bALe-one! sTlMPri6M C6W at 2i nutlna arala at hair nrln. r run i si. 81 Ahz t6tr 36iNd to BUILb X b6aT S Exchange 160 aerea of good land. In Clackamaa eounty, Oregon; land all laya nice on main county road. In good neighborhood, convenient to aohool, about 4,000,000 feet of good aaw timber; alao a good water f lower, very aaay to develop; will trade nto a good home In Portland; what have yout Hankie Harrison, 217 Ab- Ington bldg. We deslcn ann hnlM all klnria launohea. aallboata and rowboata. We are agenta for Loiter marine motors, Niagara marine motors, Peterborough canoes and Parker (Brunner) air pumps. Oregon Launch Co., foot of Hawthorne ave. Phone East 2S8I. TALKING MACHINE BAR(5AlN-Ui - Oregonlan talking machines; all first olasa; while they last $6 each. Port- ianq ponograph agency, 128 7th. TO EXCHANQE -A QUARTER BLOCK mnA l.rnam hnuaa value 18.000: Wish to exchange for acreage; muat be near aoma car tine.' Appiy ju' . ttm in lith at. nur Rhone at aouth: take Bell wood car. Exchange J oca tlon, In louae, well FOR SALE! 20-aore place, 10 mllea aoutheast of Portland, on fine county road, R. F. u.. in good neighborhood, near echool and church; I mllea of carllpe; 1H mllea of rauroaa atation. 7 aerea In different varletlea full bear ing rraDea: (heavy cron thla rear): 2 aorea pasture, with creek running tnrougn. Plenty or an Kinds or rruit lor family; balance all In cultivation; 2 greenhouses, one 16x100, one 26x80. heated by hot water ay stem; good 6-room plastered house; pantry'and bath; hot and cold water; all supplied from well bv aasollne enatne: house Is heated by hot water red la to re upstairs and down; good barn and wagon houae and chicken house. Reason for selling, I have other business which requires all my time; will aell a part or all. Place la divided in half by the county road; vineyard la also divided; will aell 10 aorea (beautiful, elghtly and a choice place for suburban home; laya In square w'th 8 acres of vineyard) for 13,000. The other 10. with lmproveroenta. for 84.000. Or all for 17.000: can make terma on a part; might conaider a trade. Addresa C. P. DIX, Clackamas, Or. 2 oolta, new mower, new rake, 2 plowa. . narrow ana ail price $4,000. 810 aerea. 6H 1VU aVIva UUUOt VUlliTKIIUII. ,-i UVIU - houae, barn, 40x40; 1H aerea in orchard of aaaorted fruit 200 aerea pasture, 40 aerea green timber; living atream and wens, ii you are looamg ror an a-i atock and dairy ranch do not fail to aee thla. Price $25 per acre. 44 aerea, 9 miles from this olty; 20 acres under good atate of cultivation; new ; B-room house, old barn, 2 acres orchard of assorted fruits, living atream and good well; & mile from acnooi and 1H mllea from country town; In good neighborhood. Price $2,200. It you fail to aee what you want In the above, write or call. We can ault you and aave you money. THOMPSON & SWAN. ICttJaene' Bank Bldg., Vancouver. Waah. nererencea Any anx in city. Farm Investment 120 aerea. all first-class soil: 67 aerea hls-h state of cultivation, aoma flna rar- den lands; good large farm houae, 2 good barns, wood house, - granary, chicken houae, atore house, root house family orchard, berries, nice yara with large variety flowera; 2,000 corda of good wood on the land; watered by springs: atream and wells. This farm is well adapted to dairying, orchard, berries, truck farming or hops; a good Invest ment aa It lies well to subdivide and eonvenieni to eiectrio canine: oniy i mllea out from Portland and no moun tains to cross; It is well worth the money now asked for It. 217 Ablngton Bldg. 20 ACRES THE MOST BEAUTIFUL Dlece of land on the Base line road. New Mt Hood road Dasses through It Absent owners aak for Immediate dis position. Ten aorea adjoining aold laat week for $900. $760 an acre Is the price; easy terms. Every Indication aava this property will be ready for aubdlvlslon before Christmas. The Spanton Co., Country Dept. 270 Stark at 100x100 ground, choloe Vnrth Portland: 10-room constructed, modern conveniences: ail In fine condition; ample room to build another houae or flats; will exchange this property Into an apartment nouae, rials or rooming-nouse Duuuinic nan kle A Harrison, 217 Ablngton bldg. FOR TRAPE-A 4-CtLlNDKR, tHAW drive, 24 H. P. runabout for a '06 or '06 Cadillao touring car in good con dltlon. Phone Woodlawn 468. FOR SALE SMALL STEAMBOAT. OR FOR BALE SINGER SEWING MA Chine In good condition; $20, if taken at once. 208 Fourth st. FOR SALE $16 FOR A CERTIFICATE . good for $30 In trade at Reed-Freneh Piano Co.; make offer.- O. A. Cornish, 102 12th st . WANTED SECOND-HAND 6ILVER plated baritone Conn American model; give price and condition. A. Y. Beach, 467 7th at FOR 6ALB HOLMES BUSINESS CC-L- leae certificate. nai. Address L-464, Jour- trade for houae and lot aell at AVA 4V a O., 71 Ru INCOME PROPERTY, LEASE $60 PER month, to trade for modest home In city or suburba. P-468. Journal. GROCERY FOR REAL ESTATE. DO Ing nice business: rant $11; living rooms; leaae; about $40 per day. Owner X-463, journal TO EXCHANGE PAINTING OR PA- perhanglng for cheap -lot or aoreage; day or contract. work. 206 E. 84th at H. S. Oarlock. . WE HAVE A CLIENT WHO WANTS to move west he owna $100,000 worth of good city, farm and other property whloh he desires to exchange for Oregon firoperty of any kind; give description n first letter: write today. B, F. Lops TO EXCHANGE ONE) PON ABOtfT three years old, for milk cow. Phone Scott 6418. THREE JERSEY COW8. TWO BUO clea. carta, harneea for large team or lots. Kerron. 127 a. 16th at, N. SpkcUL 6nb week! mason fruI Jars, lids and rubbers complete: Quarts, 60o per do.; pints, 60c; half rallona, 76cj delivered to any part of the city. Crane Bottle Co.. 14th and Couch ata. Phones A-2281 Main 2288. PERSONAL GENTLEMAN, IB TEARS OLD, WOULD Ilka to correspond with a lady of ault able age i objeot matrimony. Addresa F-464. Journal ART FTtJB LESSONS IN Kmbi -idery Every Da . ' , THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP. v- ' - 111 Washlnaton St !l -'KWtjAia. 'itiM' " ftTphtA 81112 Waahlngton at High grade oil paint ings In landaoapaa and portrait made to raer. ' ATTORNEYS PIOOOTT, FINCH A BIGGER. ATTOR - neya at taw, . jauiaey Diag vra la ana worrison aia. " ' ARCHITECTS ERNST KRONER. ARCHITECT Plana and speclflcatlona; also ouiiaing superintendence. HV J. HEFTYV ARCHITECT. LUMBER Kxcnange, room is. ASSAYERS WELLS A PROEBSTEL, MININO EN rlnoera. metalluraista and aaaayera. 104 U Washlnaton at garVIn CItanIdb ' iSjitkXtf I6N Co. and Montana Assay Offloa. riaon st 186 Mor AUTOMOBILES HOWARD M. COVEY. Aewnt Pierce Great Arrow. Locomobllea. CadlUao ani Knox Temporary location Club Oarage. 16th and Alder ata ACCORDION DRESS PLEATING MISS a GOULD, 617 8 WETLAND bid r Accordion pleating and buttona eovered. FOR SALE CHOPHOUSE OUTFIT: all complete; at your own price. 308 i niro st. SOME FINES MAPLE BLOCKS AND nlokel rocka for aale cheap. X-462, Journal. $23 Certificate 67J reed- French Piano Co., to trade for type writer or anything of value. H-462, journal, 6ASOLINE LAtNC'H ANb ' BOAT houae. newly refitted and fully equipped In first clase condition, for aale cheap. E. R. Ooldapp, 473 E. 12th. Eaat 2448. FOR SALE A 1 8X7 CAMERA AND complete outfit cheap. Call Sunday or Monday. 127 Olbbs St. COW FOR SALE OR WILL TRADBW for pony or wood. Mrs. Butler, cor. N. Taylor and Powell Valley road. SMALL TRACT TIMBER FOR A GOOD lot. Ill E. 4tn st. Portland. TBIEER. 12, Acres All good land, no atone or gravel; highly cultivated; 4 acree In orchard, choice Varletlea and In line condition, balance of land chiefly In straw berries, blackberries, loganberriea, raspberries; fine house, 2 full stories, all plastered, finished In cedar and red wood, large open atalrway from sitting room; library-room, bath, toilet,, china cloaet, open nrepiace and grate; alao furnace, full brick basement, large porches; a picturesque view rrom nouee: one of the very best suburban homes about Portland. HEN KLE & HARRISON. 217 Ablngton Bldg. LOOKING FOR TIMBER T Wa offer you every advantage through our system or expert examinauona which enablea you to determine the euit abtllty of a tract without apendlng tlmo or money, ir our general report inai catee that we have what you want our eetlmatea by two and a half aorea are eaally veririea. TRY -THE LACET WAY." JAMES D. LACEY A CO., 128 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 607 Lumber Exchange. Seattle. - : timber lands: ' Intending purchasers desiring to be located upon lanaa witn neavy timoer in the land grant of the Oregon A California railroad In aouthern Oregon can secure the same by acting quickly. Locatl- foea Including all necessary at torney's fees are reasonable. Addresa J. E. Verdln. Grants Pasa. Or. FOR SALE GOOD STEAM WOOD aaw cheap. Inquire ltd and Sherrett Sellwood. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWEL DAVIS A KILHAM, 101-111 2D at Blank books manufactured; agenta for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf, the best on the market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES 8. BIRKENWALD A CO., 204-106 XT erett at., largest butcher aupply houae on the coast. Write for catalogue. BJTCHERS SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Dek-.m, 121-132 lat at, carries a full line and c lplete aaaortment at loweat market prlcei. COAL AND WOOD BANKS. YTNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLANn. OIU. iON. II : Northwaat Corner Third ani Oak Ptreefa. .,.,. ) ' Transact. General Banking Bualneaa.- DRAFTS pSVKn Av. , All Cltlee of the United Stateg and Europe, Honjkonf and MajUl. tv.n- 1. 4- . imiaani ........ .J. C AIHBWUniu I vanir,iM,..ti... "V rca-Prealdent..,...R. LEA BARNES Aaalataai cash er. ...... .W. ' Aaslstant Caahler A. M. W.'.IQHT LADD , TILTON.v BANKERPlond. J5ff. t ' . rU1l . ..Transit1!: Bankln'f '&Jnmp Savinga books 1siT.Tm aavinga depoalta. Interest paid on time t"""', I IRCHANT8" NATIONAL BANK Portland, Oregon. '? mKCHANTS'' NATIONAL BANKPortland, Orerprv ' 1 e.wre.l'-nt FRANK WATSON.. President I R. L DVHHAM., VfJlV? rT i W. HOYT.r..7r... r;.Caahier j OEORGBW. HOYT. . Aaalatant Caahler 8. C. CATCHING.... Second Assistant Caahler ' ' . Tranaact. a General Banking Bualnesa. Drafta and Letter, of Credit Iaroe4 Available to All Parte of the World. Collections a. Specialty. Eatabllshed 1384. Head Offloas B .7. ,000 I Surplus and undivided jrofl a - 10. " J inre Bualneaa Transacted. f ntereet on lima HH BANK OF CALIFORNIA Capital paid up 34,000,000 I Surplus and undlvldi Dapoalta. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounta may ba opened of $10 P ward. PortUnd Branch Chamber of Commerce Building. WM. R. MACREA Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL. . .Aaa t Manager FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland, Or. Oldest National Ban on Paclflo Coaat CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,800,000.00. DEPOSITS, $14,000,000.00 , A. I MILLS President I W. C. ALVORD,....Asj!atan Caah ej J. W. NEWKIRK Cashier I B. F. STEVENS. .Second Aast Caahlef TRUST COMPANIES. TORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON The Oldest Troat Company In I Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $2,200,000. General Banging. r.Yaa ii Interest on check accounta (even hundreds) on dally, balances or ever. Letters of credit and exchange on all parte of tha world. ,i?f: counta. Time certificates. 8 to 4 per cent; short-call special certlflcatea, ieea or over, 2u to 4 per cent. Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS. Southeast Corner Third and Osk Sts. Phone Prlvata Exohanga BEN J. L COHKN President I H. L. PITTCXK.. ... . . .Vloa-PreeM B. LEE PAGET SecreUry I J. O. QOLTRA. . . .Aaelatant Secretary Portland, Oregon. initr. ' CBCURITY SAVINGS A TRUST CO. 266 Morrison Street Portland. X m . r... .i - uiv tuna nffPltlTMKNT a a. .11 M fr-i . a , . , t Am mm Tm.tai Tor EStaieS v aiivwvu pn lima ana cnrini. awjuuik jiuiv mm . Drafta and Letters of Credit Available on All Part of the World. & F. ADAMS Prealdent I L. A. LEWTS.....Flrtlt Vloa-Presidanl A. L. MILLS... Second Vlce-Preeldent R. C. JUBITZ ...Socxetary GEO. E RU88ELL Assistant Secretary - - TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST COMPANY 240 Waahlngton Stroat. : MORTGAGE LOANS ON Portland Real Estate at Loweat BAta - I Title Inaured. Abatracts Furnished. " . ,mmtmt J. THORBURN ROSS Prealdent I JNO. E. AITCHISOIf....,...Sefej-fT GEORGE H. HILL.... Vice-President T. T. BURKHART Treasurer BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Commerce Building. Municipal. Railroad and Public Service Corporation Bonne. t6WMlN6-H6pKlNS C6PAKY Eatabllshed i$ BR6kiM." V STOCKS. BONDS, GRAIN Bought and 8old for Caah and oa Margin, Private Wlrea. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main IT. PORTLAND SAWDUST A SLAB WOOD Co., 366 Front at, successors to Ful ton Wood Co. Fir, oak, alabwood, coal Tel. Main 1836. FOR 8 ALE ALMOST NEW AUTO. IN good condition. 29S. W-43, Journal. F15R SaXE GOOD FOUR-BURNER Jewell gaa range and hot water heater. Zbt Bain street FOR SALE 18-FOOT LAUNCH. WITH IV horsepower engine, and boat house; price $426. Inquire 454 E. Bel mont Phone East 32. PERSONAL. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTrVE; Sexlne Pills cure all weakness; 1 m box, 6 for 15; full guarantee. Addrees or call J. Q. Clemeneon, druggist Port land, Or. A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER; sealskin garments redyed and re modeled; expert fitter: estimates given; lowest prices. 662 Washington. Phone Main 750K. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD to timber buyers only: we have a few choice tracta for aale whloh we own. Have detailed estimates by forties. G. F, Sanbourn A Co.. 401-2-3 Buchanan bldg. CLIFFS, DIVISION TOWN; WATCH for opening. TWO CHOlCB TIMBER RELlNQ.U"lSH menta The Alexander Land Co.. 68ft 6th, nesr Pine. GOOD TIE. PROPOSITION. 18,000.000 reet on railroad: alao' rood home- atead. B. Wolverton, 402 Mohawk bldg. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 10 ACRES Fine bottom land, all cleared and right In the heart of the city, for sale at the extremely low price of $800 per acio. Phone Tabor 806 for Interview. Dairy Farm jClarke County, Wash. fccres all level land and fine soil. 45 aerea cultivated, all fenced and cross-fenced, fronts on main county road; convenient to school and church; house, barn, out-buildlnga; 17 cowa, 7 young cattle, 2 horsea, 14 hogs, 160 chickens, wagon, buggy, all farm tools, all crops; might take some trade; price, 18,600. Henkle A Harriaon, 217 Ablng ton bldg. ; Farm . Fronts cn Willamette River 61 aerea, all fine aoll, 48 aerea culti vated, 11 acres In hops; family orchard, watered by springs, brook and wells; food 6-room, hard finished house, fine rame barn, well painted, good hop house, boat-landing on farm; 1 mile to K. R. atatlon; good echools and churchea; a good and pleasant home; might take Portland property as part 2ay; price oniy ta.uuu. nenxie t war rleon, 217 Ablngton bldg. $4,000160- ACRES. 20 MILES PORT land, 4 mllea from railroad, 7 from boat; all bottom, but 18 acres all fenced; 60 acres cloared; houae. barn, woodshed, granery. Buy of owner and save com mission, George Armstrong, Rldgefleld, Wash. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day, week and month; special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorn Eaat 72. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. KELLER Harness Co.. 49 N. 6th at. roll SALE CAMEL-BACK FURN lture wagon cheap. 102 Russell at Portland. , NEW PIANOS AT A SACRIFICE IT'S positively a shame to be compelled to sen aucn splendid, enoice instruments maaea that everyone la raminar with at such ridiculously low prices; but when there la no display room or stor age space available, and when our own fall shipments are crowding right along on top of them, these diverted pianos from San Francisco .must go without a day's delay; $200 pianoa for $114. The $600 grades for $285. and $800 and $400 lnatrumenta at proportionate price cuts. If you pass such an offering aa thla von can never hone to have envthlnir better presented to you. The famous) Ellera "money back guarantee" on every Instrument. Bee our windows. Investi gate at onre. Sale can last only a few days longer, aa shrewd buyers are mak ing aelectiona rapidly. Ellers Piano House. Washington and Park ata. HIGH-GRADE GRAND PIANO AT bargain; few others taken in on mort gages; will aell for caah or your own terms. Phone Mr. Brown, Main 6284. Automatic A-82H4. VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND MOLES, WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS nair removed, no cnarge to taia it over. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 280 Flied- ner bldg. Phone Pacific 186, GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NOV- ela. etc.; German, English, French, Spanish. Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign booka of all klnda FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF SLAB wood call Main 4876. Oak, ash, fir and ooal. Portland Wood A Coal Co, inn ana savier eta. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. Houae and blacksmith coala, coke, charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1016. TELEPHONE EAST F. B. JONES A CO. Wood and Coal. FOR QUICK DELIVERY Oregon Fuel Co.. 334 Alder- 181 East Water at PHONE Overbeck & Cooke Company I W GRAIN. PROVISIONS. COTTON, BTOCK3 AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. , - GRAND CENTRAL STATION TDIE CARD. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTf Always Consult the Best, PROFEEBOR KHIMO. Sea large announcement on another page or tnia issue. Greatest living aatral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; adviser on business and all affairs of life; tells your full name and what you called for, whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though mllea away; re unites the separated; gives secret pow ers to control; doe all others ad rtlre to do. Hours 10 to dally and Sunday. 882 V, Washington st. Phone Main 1267. Schmale Co. 221 First st HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure euro for rheumatism. Bold by all dmgglsta. CHRONIC. NERVOUS AND SPECIAL diseases of men and women cured by modorn aclentlflo methods; eiectrio treat ment for diseases of the prostate; con sultation free.. Dr. W. I. Howard, Com monwealth matt., em st cor; nne. CONSULT THE BEST IT WILL PROVE CHEAPEST IN THE END. FREE TEST! FREE TEST! Take this advertisement to PROF. D. NIBLO, 20SH Washington St Mrs. Palmer The World Wonder Palmist and Psychologist She reada your life with unerring algbt 29 N. 3d st., portiana. LEAVING PORTLAND. Shasta Expreas 1:11 a. m. Cottage Grove Paaaenger . 4:18 p. m. California Express 7:48 p. m. San Francisco Express ....11:20 p. m. WEST SIDE. Corvallls Passenger T:00 a. m. Sheridan Paaaenger , 4:10 p. m. Forest Grove Passenger ...11:00 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger ... 6:20 p. m. Southern Pacific. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Oregon Express , T:2B a. m. Cottage Grove Paaaenger. 1 11:00 m. m. Shasta Express T:80 p. nru Portland Expreen 11:30 t xa. WEST SIDE. Corvallls Paaaenger ...... B;$8 p. m. Sherldan Passenger .....10:10 a.m. Forest Grove Paaaenger ... 8:00- a tn. Forest Grove Paaaenger ... 8:80 p. m. Tacoma and Seattle Exp.... 8:80 a. m. North Coast A Chicago Llm. 2:00 p. m. Puget Sound Limited 4:30 p. m. Overland Express 11:46 p. m. Northern Pacific North Coast Limited T:00 a. m. Portland Expreaa ........ 4:18 p. m. Overland Expreaa 8:16 p. m. Puget Bound Limited 10:88 p. m. Oregon Railroad Jt Navigation Company, Local Passenger 8:00 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:80 a. m. Spokane Flyer 2:?2 m Kan. City A Chi. Exp 7:40 p. m. Spokane Flyer ,. .. 8:00 C m. Chi., Kan, City A Port. Ex.. 1:48 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:20 p. m. Local Passenger ,. 6:48 p. m. Astoria and Seaside Exp.. . Astoria A Seaside Expreaa Seaside Special Dally except Sunday, Astoria & Columbia River. Astoria A Port Paaaenger. 12:10 p. m. Portland Express ..10:00 p. m. 8:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. 8:10 P. m. Saturday only. AH other trains dally. UBS. OBRdCK, GRADUATE MAfl"- seuse; cabinet bath, calt glow; aloohol rub. cream massage; references. 182 Seventh st. Main 4868. DR. BING CHOONG, IMPORTER CHI nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea, certain euro for all dlseaaes. 181 2d st, between Yamhill and Taylor. TURKISH BATHS, 300 OREGONIAN bldg. ; ladiea aaye, gentlemen nights. Main 1868. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. EOa. Ladiea' aurta Dressed. AO a. Hu bert I0H Sixth st. next to Quelle. Phone Main 2088. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Propnetess Viola Marshfleld, apirit medium, 268 H Morrison st. Wanda, the famous palmist and clairvoyant at the Oaks evenings. MAY ANDREWS, CARD READER, AT 826 Main at., 25c. Phone Main 7646. CHIROPODISTS records: Stelnway (and other) Dlanoa, Bhemran. Clay A Co., 6th and Morrison ats.. opp. post office. diseases. East 4084. 620 E. Belmont Phone DR. T. J. PIERCE, SPECIALIST, Dis eases of women; all Irregularities cor rected; no exposure; medicine by malL Office 181 lat st, corner Yamhill, Port- land, Or. LADIES DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pilla are the only aure remedy for delayed periods; by mall $2 per box. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st. MADAM VASHTI VAPOR AND TUB baths, massage, alcohol rubs. 201 2d at. WANTED TO KNOW PRESENT AD dress of William Fisher, lately of Klamath Falls. Address M-467, Jour nal. JOHN GARTNER HARD AND SOFT . corns, callous removed without pain; ingrown nails cured. Phone Tabor 60S. 998'4 E. Belmont St. CH1KOPODY ANT) PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill, Room 330 Fleldner bldg. Both phones! CLEANING AND DYEING MISS LE ROY, 291 W ALDER STREET, room 4; massage and bath. xt r ct a iVuirt. wmn foisiTfl eiTn cessfully corns, bunions and Ingrown toenails; she also manlcurea. Room 16, S61H Morrison at. AND MA88AG&, FOR SALE SO FIRST CLASS HORSES. Including six broke teams. Address . down, balance 34 pr month, Bum Dircoin, imuiuaie, ur, xuusits Oresham 389. PIANO SNAP HAVE BRAND NEW urjrtRht piano: never been uaed: taken on special deal: will aeli for $186: $26 Call Port- lord Phonormnh Aaency, 128 Seventh. MANICURING BATH competent attendants. rer Washington. 110 4th, cor- CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSBD, $1 per month, unique Tailoring co, 809 Stark at IL W. TURNER. DYER CARPETS dyed a specialty. 606 Jefferson st Main 2618. HERE IT IS! CLEANING. PRESSING and dyeing done by experts. 648 Waehlnrton st. . THOMAS. FEATHERS AND feather hoaa cleaned, curled and dyed work called for and delivered. 764 Water st, Portland, Or. Phone Main 2875. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS DR. MARY LANE. NOW AT THE Lane Institute, rooms 6 to 14, Grand Theatre bidg. Diseases of women and children a specialty. Consultation free. Correspondence solicited. ELECTRIC VAPOR BATHS MAS A GOOD WORK TEAM FOR SALE cheap. Inquire David Smith. 404 E. Seventh St., near Lincoln. Clarke County, Wasb. 10 acres, near Vanoouver, Washington, nice level roads; all highly cultivated; 7 acres in fruits and berries in tha very beat possible condition; house, barn, fruit dryer, all out-buildlnga, nice yard, )awn and flowera; 1 horae, 1 cow, 1 spring wagon, 1 cart, 2 harrows, 1 cul tivator, 1 plow, 1 pair platform, scalea, nil fruit boxes; a very pleasant home. Henkle & Harrison, 217 Abington bldg. DON'T BUY A FARM, WHEAT OR stock ranch, until you talk with Turner, he know j where to xind them, Office, 303H Washinirton st. COVERED WAGON, (A GOOD ONE) and heavy harness, $40. Phone Main 1664 or call 173 3d. FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS. $26 GOOD OPEN BUGGY AND HAR- vt. kuss, 340 HiDDara at., won- JICOB'. avllla. $86 BUYS GOOD RUBBER-TIRED buggy and driving horse; will take good cow in exchange. 836 E. 28th at., W-W car to Kenllworth curve. FOR SALE TEAM AND HARNESS, cheap. 868 Division st. " BAY MARE AND LARGE COLT, $18; aaddle nearly new; all $60. C RayL Front and Bavier at. BARGAINS STEEL RANGES. stoves, iron beda, springs, mattresses, tables, chairs, dressers, cheffenlers. car pets and linoleuma, new and good as new. at loweat prlcea. Come and aee us; it will pay you; your gooda taken In exchange. Fox A Brower, 82 N. 3d. Phone Main 2111. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE SURE cure for dmgglsta. FOR rheumatism. Sold by all RANGE. SALE ONE HOTEL Inquire 271 let at. TOWN; CLIFFS, DIVISION for opening. WATCH V? -dtATED LAND WITHIN A MILK of a thriving city. 'Tha -What. w9 offer at Kiamatn aua, ana no city in Oregon has -better -prospects. Small tracta, good terms. Call or write Ore gon Reau- A Trust Co.. 601 Fen ton bldg:. 84 6th st .... A SNAP IN LINN COUNTY. " !0 acres all under cultivation, all level, and all in crop, 8 acres of orchard. lMea; gooa o-room noose; oara ana ui Sod out-buildings; all fenced; good ell el water; r. w. i. man; mue to atatlon; B miles north of Albany; , I team of horses, harness, 1 wagon, 1 haokvl buggy. 3 dosen ehlckena, 2 milch 'cows, 2 ' neiier . carves, z-year-oias: e Stands of bees; some household " fur nlture; hay In barn; all farm Imple ments; everything goes for,- price, $2,000. W , SMITH A HORNBACK. $26 Main st, Oregon City. ,.. TEAMSTERS, ATTENTION DRIVE around to the Behnke-Walker Bual neaa college and get a horse cover free of charge. HEAVY HORSES. YOUNG, SOUND! good workers; also mares, bred to 1.9o0-lb. horse; give time to pay?. 1004 Milwaukee ave. $40 CASH BUYS THE BEST RIDING and driving horse In Eaat Portland; igood for children; gentle and un scar able, inquire room 14 Waahlngton Bldg. 4th ana Washington. FINE TEAM IRON, GRAY 8-YEAR. -- Olds; well broke; single or double. Sellwood 687. - 6-YEAR-OLD MARE, BUGGY AND SET harness, used only 60 days. East 8143. 834 Halsey st. FOR SALE CHEAP LIGHT EXPRESS wagon. 898 Williams ava., cor- Mason. q60D, YOUNG PONY, $26. OR WILL Phono woodlawn ags. trade for cow. call Monday- NICE BROWli ' HORSE, HARNESS and buggy, $148; 1 two-seated surrey, $80; 3 runabouts, rubber tiro, 6 sets har ness, 2 steel-tiro . buggies, $40 , each. Peterson's stables, 14 Union, cor. Ash. FOR BALE WELL line outfit C. W. Oregon. DRILL: GASO Stephens, Orient, sage. room electricity. !5. 146 Vi Sixth St. LADIES! DR. LA FRANCO'S COM pound: safe, speedy regulator; 26 rents, druggists or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco, Philadelphia. Pa. LADIES! ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Chlchesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 23 years known as best safest. Alwaya reliable. Take no other. Chl chesters Diamond Brand Tills are sold by druggists everywhere. CURE YOURSELF WITHOUT ! DRUG or knife; consult Dr. Burry by ap- polntment. Addresa 247 Fifth st MISS RAYMOND. MASSEUSE. 268 St., room 14; phono Main JOHN A. MELTON. 204 4TH ST, flee and atore fixtures built and modeled; showcases and counters. Phone Main 1787. k: MELTON OFFICE, store FtX- tures: general lobbing. 67 1st st Phone Main 8190 HOUSE MOVING AND GENERAL RB- 10; airing: foundation and carpentering. 13 E. Caruthers. Tabor 2.J. CHIROPRACTORS L. M. GORDON, D. C, SCIENTIFIC spinal adjustment, acute and chronla dlseaaes; hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8, 36-87 Raleigh bldg. CARPET CLEANING FREE F6R EVERVB6DY RING UP Main 4290 or call 213ft Front st We buy and aell furniture, clothing or any old tning. SECOND BUY FROM THE store .where your credit is good. ist st. facino ivio. Hand" 326 a !m i r , ii. i ii 4 i i. m SHINGLES LARGE OR SMALL LOTS. Tha noted Port Orford cedar In stock. Call and see them. S. E. Gilbert 114 Front. AN? SlziS SECOND-HAND PIPE, from Hlnch to 12 inch, any quantity. 100 tona black and galvanized aheet Iron, any slse, cheap. 100 tona black and Jalvantaed wire, cheap. 1 10-horsepower onkey engine. M. Bards & Son, 8th and Gllsan.-' -TINNERS i0-fc4CH 8QtURiNG . Shears: good aa now, very reasonable. 469 E. Grant st FOR SALE ASPARAGUS BEANS, the best green bean for pickling or canning; delivered. Eaat 6E98. - SHOW CASES ' AND FIXTURES, NEW and 'second-hand. Jaa. T, Marshall Mfs. Co 18f Couca at. Morrison 6918. TWb PORTLAND MATRIMONIAL club solicits business from reliable people only; fine local list; strictly con fidential; unless fully of legal age don't apply. Mrs. H. C. Wilbur. 408 3rd st 8 car. Harrison. PORTLAND INSTITUTE 860ft MOR rison at. room 9-11, Lewis Bldg.; we cure iheumatrsm, nervous and stomach troubles by electricity; hand rubbing and eiectrio sweats. Trained nurse In attendance. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest plant on coast; Lorlng and Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed ana laid: ateam and compressed air process; renovating mattresses anr? leathers a specialty. JOYCE BROS.' PROPRIETORS OF THE Electric Cleaning worka; carpets o.eaned and laid, both dry and coin- J pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specially; worn guaranteed, f none Main ZfT2 and A-2672 279 Grant st FREE YOUR FORTUNE TOLD, BY America a eminent aatrologlst, clair voyant; to Introduce my work the beat of all please try me and aee. St John, 12 Sheldon st, Chicago. Send birth date and stamp. Know thyself. MARRIAGE PAPER HIGHEST CHAR aoter; incorporated, 11th year; 8,000 members; paper sealed: send 10c L. L. Love, Box 1600. Denver, Col. WEALTHY SOUTHERN LADY 48. UN encumbered, would marry; eonflden tlal; reference. E. T.. Box 86, Toledo, O. A G EN T LE M AN WISHES TO- HEAR witn aoma DANCING. DANCING LESSONS, 26c DURING summer months; school open all year; social, fancy and stage dancing taught daily. Wilson's Dancing school. Alta ky bldg.; 2d and Morrison sts. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. C. BS. BROWN, D. C. M DOGS and horse hospital. 108 N. 6th st (Main 4086). - W. M. MILLAR. V. 8.," YETEHINARIAN. 26 N. 8th at. Office 827 Flanders. Phone Main 7846. CARNEY'S VETERINARY H08PITAL from means. a lady 36 or 40, a-6." journal. WANTED-HB- ACQUAINTANCE OF young ladyj object, company j only respectable need apply. -467, Journal. for horses and doaa. Phone Main 1484. 269 Gliaan st EDUCATIONAL TlPlMlTlr TRAINING. MRS. MINA CROLIUS GLEABON lat tha Raker Theatre Stock Company.) will during the coming dramatio aea- aon, accept a limned numoer o for Instruction In voice culture, dra matic expreaalon, and general training for the etage; students wishing to en- fmr tha theatrical nrofesslon Will be riven an onnortunitv for Dubllo appear ance by Mr. George L. Baker: matinees given by atudenta. Apply by letter only until after August 27. Elton Court Portland BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS CoL LEGE, - Elks' Building, Portland. Oregon. Chartler shorthand and Bliss book keeping as Uught in the Behnke-Walker will lead you to success. Faets--727 calls for help and placed $11 alncs Aug. 1, 1906.. Will place you when compe tent. Enroll now. PORTLAND TUSINESS COLLEGE Tenth and Morrison. A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL.B. PPONCIPAL. Open all the year. Private or class in struction. Position certain when comoe tent All modern methods of bookkeep ing taught; also correspondence, rapid caTculatrona, office work, Chartler ohort hand; eaay. rapid, legible. Catalogue free. "ROSE CITf BUSINESS COLLEGE. Elegant new quarters on 6th street near postofflce. pitman anonnana oy n reporter; 80 to 40 per cent saved on arnenaea W. W. Williams. M. 8.. Prln, INSURANCE ISAAC L WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 844 Sherlock bldg. .Ati. Hcl. WOOD. EMPLOYERS' UA bllity and Individual accident security bonds of all kinds. Phono 47. 101 Mo Kay bldg. f - - LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MASTICK A CO, FRONT - and Oak ata, leather and sklna of very description for all purposes; solo and tsp cutters; findings. . HONEY TO LOAN HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE,, Washington and 10th ata Flledner biag. Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting and all English branchea taught both ta v anil nlff-ht. L BRONSON SALk6N'fl STUD16 6 ahorthand and typewrrting; full course In 12 weeks; open all summer, established 1888. MUner bldg, W. Talr anf UnrHRnn SHORTHAND. THE GRAHAM SYSTEM Taught by an expert, actusi omw -perience. Posltione secured when com- ietent. outier, puoiio inouivu.' k. iSjilritm SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY1 academy, portiana, cv. w rue tor c.- Inmli EURfc-kA BUSINESS IStltttTE. 24 Ash St., room ; tnorougn nmmin, MONEY MONET MONET MONET MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY : MONEY SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. GET $10 TO $100. ' NO MORTGAGE NO JCNDORSEB "ARSOI.TITELT NO SECURITY." LOWEST llATESEASIESTPAYMENTa A CALL WILil CXUNVlMtW IUU, REMEMBER, IF YOU WORIC WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASKt V RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTY. STATE SECURITY CO, 704 DEKUM BLDG, ' Wftimfl I A. 11. TO I P. 11 , WED. AND SATURDAY TILL P. It. MONEY MONEY MONK I . MONr MONEY MONET MONEY MONET MONEY MONEY MONET MONEY ENTERPRISES FINANCED. Industrial, mining, railroad and timber propositions of merit financed: loans negotiated; stock and bond iaauea bought ana sold on strictly commission basis. Companies Incorporated and organised. Bond Issues prepared and marketed. Our brokerage department offers the vest facilities for making safe and profitable inveatments, and Is the quickest me dium for financing food Propositions. Oregon Realty Co, suits 6-9, 8(3 Wash ington st Phono Main 7630. Portland, Oregon. . - . . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES m t WAT Kit co . 311 STARK ST.. Eiectrio and Gas Fixtures and Supplies, Mantela, Tiling, urates ana faATtrt ttt trpTRfn CO. ENGL neera, contraciors, iwki. " ,TT ! wiring, supplies. 94 1st. oor. oiara. Main 669. R. H.Tate, Mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. 61 8th at Contractora. eiectrio suppllss, motors and dynamos; ws install light and power planta. M6RRISON ELECTRIC CO. 291 E. Morrison at. r niuroa, -mua. - nilrlni ITast 3128. FAIRBANKS. MORSE MOTORS ANI dynamoa. Stark sts. 'A. C and D. C 1st and FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS 2d and isverett bib, nmiw wain "v. OASOUNE ENGINES B.atinn. mnA marina: eiectrio eauiD menta; launchea: accessorlea; wholeaale and retail; engine repairing. Reierson Machinery Co, 182-4-6 Morrison ' t SHEFFIELD MARINE ENGINES. ANY rropeller. mirnarxs. saorsv m vo, snd Stark sts. - - , HARDWARE WINDOW AND made to oraer. Co, 74 4th. DOOR SCREENS Portland Hardware HOTELS DRESSMAKING A QOOD SEAMSTRESS WISHES A few more engagementa by the day. B6S Irving at. Home Phone A-8832 kRa - VAUGHAN S DRESSMAKING - parlors, good work, reasonable prices, 882ft j E. Burnside; Eaat 6217 A'St;': M6hfT "."6 LBAM On lmnroved city nroDerfv or for build- in Durnoeea for from I to 10 Tears' time, with prlvilega to repay all or part or loan aiier in yaajra. muii ap proved from plana and money advanood aa building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. v FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent. 142 Stark at ; ' MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, 1 se- or oersonal C W. Pailett 104 Loan Co, 428 Mo- chattel mortaaaea eurlty; notes bought jronton wag. .- . , DON'T WORRY $10 TO $100 LOANED salaried people, with or without se curity. Crescent hawk bids. CONFIDENTIAL LOAN- 6M 6AT arlea, insurance policies, pianos, fur niture, warehouse receipts, etc: any de serving person may secure a liberal ad vance. repaying nr aaay weakly e monthly Installments. - NEW ERA LOAN 4 MORTOACHB COM PANT. . , 108 Ablngton Bldg. ; UNCLE MEYER?' LOAN OFFICE. 141 3d st. near Alder, established 1870: old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, dlamonda, Jewelry and aeai skina. , - --... m6neV iiWANCab BaLARIeD ' Pii!0 ' rle and others upon their own names without security: cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 60 principal cities; aave yourself money by . getting our terms nrst. . TOLMAN, 221 Ablngton Bldg. - Sd st THE BELLEVUE, . EUROPEAN PLAN, mn ana Diciiavn. HOTEL Portland, Am. plan, $3. $6 da"yT BELVEDERE, European! 4th and Alder, LAND SCRIP MADAME ANGELES 242 FIFTH. PA oifl 882, WANTED AND -FOR SALE ALL kinds, including approved ' forest re serve scrip1 for surveyed, unsurveyed. timber and prairie government land. H. li, HamUton. "Tho PorUand," Portland. FOR PUIlCii i MONEY LOANED TO SALARIELrXI.. - pie Just on your own same; don t borrow until you seo mel my fytn is the best for railroad men, cl-'. bookkeepers, streetcar men and stlot'.- r employes; business strictly oonfliienf ' r. a. JNewton, til ucnasaa wus, waaninaion. oi "HAkB": money, mortgages, bonds for d contraota of sals on real w, country or city property, it. t Commercial blk.. 2d and W LOANS TO STEADY1 Z-- ' pie without swurlty; ' no filing of papers; ! inataJlments. Landfffan 1' 184 tiOjTrnanJ-"'" i " WILL LOAN $Unti I . real e tale. I urt. -i-' blag. , J.J