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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL?, PORTLAND, SUNDAY . MORNING,'. 'AUGUST II. 1907. a San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 7WMarkctfStMbctVd&4th nTJ!TTElfltWT AITO HOB. Nwicairxioji beobitzo. . . OrJfconltns when In Ban Francisco ean have their mall sept la care of The Journal offlca , . ARTHUR L' FISH Representative. is L 7' EBUSINESS NOTICES 6KELLY CO.. 14TH AND FLANDERS floor, feed, bay. grain. Pbonea, i 111. - ,.... Paclflo LOST , AND rOUND. WEATHER RETORT NotWlthataniUnr tha himnialu win, 'tinued to rise over the north PaoJflo y states. local rains fell in tha Willamette (y v,iey and the sound country and a t amall amount of rain was reported In southeastern Idaho. Elsewhere fair weather prevailed with slightly, big bar : temperatures. . Indication ere for fair and -warmer weather in this district today. . - . FORECASTB. '..'''j''. . Portland and vicinity Today, ; fair (no warmer; westerly wuius. .. Waatern flraron and waatern Wash lngton Today, fair and. warmer, except near coast; westerly winas, . Eastern .Oregon, eaatern Washington ana Idaho Today rair and warmer. Maximum temperature, 67 degrees; . minimum temperature, 62 degrees. River reading, at s a. m., 9.0 feetl ohange In last 24 hours, 0.1 feat Total rainfall, I p. m. to t p. m., ,01 Inch; total rainfall alnee September 1, 1900, 46-11 Inches; normal rainfall alnce apt ember 1, 1808, 40.41 Inches; de .Hclency, 1.10 Inchea. -, Tot-aveunshine veeterday. houra. '41 ital-Sftt vuiaalhla aiinahlna waararit- Sours. 27 minutea Barometer (reduced to sea level) at I p. tn. yeaterday, 10.12 Inchea. 'laSTl FOR ABSTRACTS, . TITLE) INSUK ance or mortg age loana. call on Pacino mil Trust co., io-.--t railing bldg. GET- YOUR' INSURANCE AND Ai&u atracta to real aetata from tha Title Guarantee St Truat Co 140 Waahlngton t, cor. -.a. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovatea ana returnea same day. 221 Front It Mala 474. Portland Curled-Hair Faotory. H. Mau ser, cronrletor. Lost UdUH RED . stripe down back; reward.. Ed. Ring atad, -Clarkamaa, Or. - ARTl! i TAKING BR.AcELl-T FROM window of Tourpy building on Taylor street, Pieaae return to ueiena otewara. room nit, rourny ping.; rewara.' Lost a Japanese . pug; wi-ii'i- Doay wun lemon eara; return ma earns to 4(4 Hall and claim liberal re ward. - ' - ioL'N'li 8TRA7 ufib'M.Lci. CoW, white apot forehead.- 148 Front Bt. Lost If pArty taking "Pacific" Racer" bicycle, Thursday, from Pub Ho Library, returns same to Portland Oun Store, 161 First at; -.reward; no uestions asked. SEASIDE, ontalnlna rinaa: finder Dleaaa return to cashier journal; noerai rewara. LOST DAY MARE, WEIGHT "aUOUT" 1.100 pounds, Roman noae. black feet return fo owner, James Hewitt. (71 E. Gllsan and set reward. Phone Eatll6. WILL PART Y WHO PICiCEDUP REK lined roba on Cullv road laat Sunder below Padook's please phone Mala 1S41. Ill Alder. question LOST AT BEABIDE. "A CHAMOIS skin bag containing several valuable ilARRJAGE LICENSES. L. U HarUey. tOS lltb at, II; Jessie JS. Lucas, tl. Arthur W. Chanoa, 11; Kate a ara- nam, n. Arthur I.. Jones, 114 E. Ird st, 17; 'bjdcui. una j ones, xe. Wybur E. Evans, Troutdale, Or.," It; Waddina Carda. W. O. Smith A Co. Washington bldg., corner 4th and Wash' Ington sts. Wedding cards the best, 100 for tS. Alvln B. Hawk. 144 Id st Tonseth Co., floriats, tor flowers of an ainaa. izi stn st. . 1 HI . 1 1 ... j ctarae tiros., lortata nne Oowera and floral dealgna 180 Morrlaon st Full dreaa aulta for rent, all slsea Unique Tailoring Co., 100 Stark st UNDERTAKERS MAX M. SMITH, FLORIST, 110 ITH st, oppoaiM Meier A Frank's. Mala Tije. J. P. FWLfcf & 6onb. Id aNd maW son sts. Office of oounty ooroner Phone Mala 0. fctjNNlNO, M-EOTM it OlLBAtJoH, undertakera and embalm era; modern In every detatL Seventh and Pine. Main 4 10. Lady aaalatant. ,JL B. HftMBfOCKL PONtiRAL rector. Eaat 18th and Umatilla, Phone Bell wood 71. Lady aaalatant KELLER-BYRNES CO. iiiii ip M v. turn w.. t- " . . . rectora embalmera 171 Ruaaall. Rat 10IS. Lady aaalatant kqward holm"a. uDgnTAja. IE0 td it till. Lady asalatawt - CEMETERIES family - lots. 10x11. for 1100, and I vpwaras, acooraing ; to Bias; the only wnn"7 n roruina wnicn perpetually tnatntaina- and .cares for lota.' For iniormauon. apply to W. K. uackentle, Worcester block. W. M. Ladd, prealdent ROBE CITY SINGLET GRAVES. JlO; family lots, 125 -to $76. Superintend ' ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont at and Cully road. Phone Tabor ZOO. For full Information apply to Frank Schlegel, 001 Commercial blk. Phone Main 1811. NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR BUILTJINQS TO BE ereoted at the Oregon institute for feeble minded. Including steam heating plant, plumbing and electrio wiring. Balem. Or,, Aug. 6, 1007. Sealed pro poaala, Indorsed on the outside of the envelope, "Proposals for buildings for the Oregon ' inautution . for n Feeble Minded. Salem. Oregon." and addressed to 8. A. Koier, clerk of the board, will be reoeivea ai-ine aecreiary oi aiaies oi ftoe, state capitol, Salem, Oregon, until t o'clock p. tn of August 4, 1007, for furnishing materials and labor required to construct and complete the following buildings with electrio lighting: Frame administration building, frame dormi tory, frame barn, brick laundry-building, brick boiler house, steam beating plant and- plumbing, in atrict accordance with plans, specifications and instruc tions to bidders, which may be examined at the secretary of state's office, capitol building, and at the office of WT D. Push. Balem, Oregon. Bids submitted otherwise than on pro posal sheet attaohed to each, specifica tion will not be entertained. B. A. KOZER, Clerk. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEEt HELP WANTED MALE pobition Open, outsidh of-port- land, for. a -well equipped dry goods man, with city experience, for head of department! a good Place for one who has a thorough knowledge of dry goods, and who has bad some experience In buying. Is able to write ads, dress win dows, decorate the Interior .and. direct help under bint. State former employers; matter will be treated as confidential; salary $135 per month. M-4 05, Journal. HELP WANTED---FE51ALB VauSEN 8 LAEIE8', aoenct. '.Wan and wife, log camp, 110; 1 coo Vs. City. ISO tan. ,.. kZl tela, 140; Cook's helper for threshing U,"7.J,,U ara Paia; i waitresaea, re sort, 140; 1 waitress, hoteL ISO; Lcham bermald, hotel, 126; I waitressea? Aber- ""Hi eav; i . waitress, camp, is; waltreasea, Idaho, $31 and board; " witrniau ... i... , . . .. i . for city, to' 110 a week; chamber-maid,-2S to 40 a month; girl for iruuiuna, is a wee a: z aousekeenera Sta?c Mt Cutters Wanted $1.50 jpcr ccrd, timber yel low fir, apply R. 306 Stearns Uau Portland, Oreiron. : UlttaWll iey'pLoVMT a6BnCY; N HihnnA ut j 1 KA Burnslda ; I rough carpenters, $4.40 per day; I rough painters, $3.00 per day; planer feeder, 11.60; blacksmith, ; 14.00; eamp I H vu f Qw m iv w -.we - -- to 1 4. 0 0 ; 1 0 concrete jaborera, 12.76! - teamsters. 11.76; 4 men ror wholesale packing-house. R. R. laborers. I..DV to tt.ia lumoer graaara, bj.dv, vtH tin amimih 1 T K mAffi And wife for farm, $01; superintendent for farm. WANtED SALESMEN ; ilAltit MARfl II A. . 111. . w W . . . u. W f IV, (V 9V III VII , -III. ' w M more; etock clean, grown - on reserva tion, far rrom old orcharas; eaan aa vaneed waeklvt choice ef territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co, Top- penlan, Washington. Union Hotel . , . rvirtf an DriDTr.iwn Aa i OAA WW wlwM w WW W I 1 , W ' Free employment to all: boarders' rates $1.60 per week; room, 16o and up; spe cial monthly rates given. Anderson, proprietor. OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVANCE IN - the government service. Positions for Ky. mail clerk, let., carrier, eta juet us prepare you for exam. Call or write, rac. states Bchooia, en McKay piag. STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS. Registration Bureau, INO The undersigned incorporators of the Portland Country Club St Live Btock asaoclatlon, dealgnated by a majority of auoh Incorporators to open' books and receive subscriptions to the eapltal stock of the corporation and to fix upon a time for a meeting of the sub scribers to the stock of said corpora tion, hereby call a meeting of the aub- scriDers or tne atoca or tne rortiana Country Club Live Stock aasoclatlon. to be held at Commercial club rooms In the city of Portland, Oregon, on Tues day, the 17th day of August 107, at the hour of four o'clock n. m.. for the purpose of electing not less than three directors of said corporation, as the stockholders - preaent shall determine. the edontlon of bv-lawa. and for the transaction of such other business as may properly eome before the meeting. roruana. Oregon, juiy ittn, i.ut. O. A.' WESTGATE, JULIUS t- MEIER, TOM' RICHARDSON, incorporators. SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED by the Clerk of the County Court of Multnomah County up to 11 o'clock noon. August 21st 1107. for the ereotlon of a two-story frame Detention Home at Center Addition, for the boys and girls of the Juvenile Court Bids will be re ceived either separately for each branch of the work, or complete for the entire building. Plans can be viewed t the office of the architects, Bennes-Hend- mlXtm ML TaI... Mt T.kk. -tlw. a . , I i v no K um.i w i uua wjauB., w a. v in. orrice or tne ciera or tne county court. MEETING NOTICES. A NE W DEPA RTURE For fraternul nnl.ra Webfoot Camp No, 06, vYooomen oi tne world, starts sn educational . contest In which the members and their chil dren alone will be al lowed to participate. The ' i camp baa always been progressive and now uas a membership of over 1.250 and among this large membership are some of the leading pruicBBiunnu ana Dullness men OI the vuy ana state. WEBFOOT CAMP NO. 08, WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. FREE CONTEST FOR BUSINESS COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP. Open to any daughter orison, broth r or sister of a member of Webfoot Camp No. 05, between the age of 15 ana xv years inclusive. Contest to commence Aur. fi 19A3. Closing of conteat to be announced lat er. HOW TO ENTER CONTEST. ' Send name and address to Dr. H. 4. warns, Koom Washington bldg. MUW.TO GET VOTES AND VOTE for eAah'meetln- jl m,mhr rf wbdiooi eano attenaa. riv vnt,i tvin be allowed him In the contest, and for eacn name handed in of an eligible can didate, five votes will be allowed. For each application' presented, 10 votes, and when applicant is initiated. 10 votes. VOTING PLACE. All votes must be east each Friday .night at the session of Webfoot Camp No. OS, All names of prospective can didates for membership must be certi fied to by at least one Woodman In Sood ' standing.' Any friend of the or er will be allowed to present names or application when properly signed by a neighbor in good standing and may vote such votes for any candidate they may choose. SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS. First prise, full course, 1100: second prlte, nine months' course. $75. In eluding diplomas. .Winners of either contest to select one of the following colleges: Portland Business college, Holmes Business college. Behnka-Walk er college. DR. H. J. HARRIS, DR. E. L. CARTER, A. L-. BARBUR. ; Awarding Committee. Application fee for Joining Webfoot Camp, $3.00: IncludluK certificate fees and medical examination. 1 DON'T FORGET. " To all neighbors of George Washing ton camp, 11. -W; O. W., you are re quested to attend camp meeting next Tuesday and bring all vouf gentleman friends. Let's have a good, old fash ioned meeting, There will be a good program and refreshments. Don't for get. H. A. Fredrlch, clerk, y -y SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned at the courthouse, Portland, Oregon, until 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday, August 28, 1007, for Im provements and alterations to be made on the, Multnomah county armory build ing 10th and Couch sts., Portland, uregon. nans ana specmcauons ror the proposed improvements and alera ttons can be seen at the office of the architect, Richard Martin Jr., Dekum building. Portland. Oregon. The county reserves the right to re- lee, any, ana au bias. County Clerk. Multnomah County, 6r. ii.AUrli.Ks JuXAMlNATIONS No tice is hereby clven that the county au perintendent of Multnomah county will hold the regular examination of appli cants zor state ana county papers at tne Ladd school. West Park and Madison Streets, commencing Wednesday, August 14th. A complete proaxam furnished on request Applicants writing here for otner counties - snouia secure written consent of the superintendent of the county where employed. R. F. Robin son, county school superintendent NOTICE BAGGAGE BELONGING TO L. Sakon and George Hlllstrom, held by the Hotel West as security, will be sold on or about September 1, 1907, at public auction. cashiers, clerks. I0S Allskv bid a. Wide awake.' energetic men wanted on good salary and commis sion for city and traveling. References reoulred. 107 Couch bldar. ill. a GOVERNMENT SERVICEMEN wanted at once to qualify ror rail examinations. Call today. Information rrae. West Coast schools. 111 Oregon Ian bldg. Onen tonlrht Wanted-maW to cLiSar ' LaMd. Apply Fred Hoecker, room 400 Cham- ner or commerce. WANTED-B6V 6VER1. YEARS 6f age to learn some trade. 171 1st WANTED A MAN OF EXCEPTIONAL selling ability by leading nrm high grade advertising, Insurance or book man can obtain fine position at large compensation. Reply, giving address and phone. W-404. Journal. WANTED TWO HIGH-GRADE salesmen ' by big corporation; must be clean-cut and forceful; good par. Ap ply by letter, giving phone number or residence X-404. Journal. A GOOD DELIVERY MAT? Fol. butcher wagon. Jones market, 161 4th st GOOD HaRNESSS-AKER: Job, good wages. J. F. Flshwi BTeABT ood. verton. Or. MEN AND BOYS WANTED, LEARN plumbing, plastering, bricklaying; also aheet metal pattern draughting: "posi tions aecured; day and night classes; free catalogue; visitors welcome. Coyne 1 race ecnooia, pan r rancipco. WA!tRiS3fcSs fllTT. H6oD RIVER, Walla Wa'lla. Pe Ell (also cook, J6, fare):, ohambarmalda: cl. 1 Mineral Springs: domestics, cook a, dishwashers (Camas); menr eooks. dishwashers (I coaat. 140. 125). milker. Rvarvhodv ..11 ' i.. ' . " , 1 . . , ' . ..' ' m, iuen wasnington, Both telephones. Sunday, 11 to 11. Wa WTed LAbtES TO LeaRn" Tltd aimpiest, easiest, quickest and least labor in washing. It saves clothing and laundry bills. Clothing will wear long er, for It will not injure the finest iBDna ruu instructions sent to any address on receipt of one dollar. W. v. -umpnrey, iozt chestnut st, Oak-, v. IV1. LaCndrY bkLp WANTED NO KV. perlence required; good wages; steady pvai.iun. roy --.unary wa lui ju. w a- ler. WaNteO CHOCdLATa dIPpErS.' cream dippers and packers. Aldon Candy Co., 10th and Olfaan sts. WANTEb C6MPEtENt WoMAM zor cook ana downstairs work; no washing; family of three. Apply at onoe to 711 Flanders st V ANT-CD w6maW FOR wAflHINo 147 Upshur, near and housekeeping. 15th. GlRLfe wAkfl.l-OPEftAt6RB Td work on shirts and overalls. Lessons given to Inexperienced. AddIv at Stand. ard factory No. I, Grand ave. and Bast Tsylor st kN'SEN's LAdIe' AaftNef. I..U Washington st, corner Seventh, up stairs. Phone Main 2(11. Female help wanted. gIrLs wanted-appLy sf aWdard faotorv No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor st UeLp WAiifdD-UNiiii LAUNdrV comnanv. Wanted qIrLb t6 HaUH mi Well ahlrts and Boas of All overalls LYtVki; womaW as ASsIstANl 6 take management Bept 1. Apply at once. Address m-411, Journal. STENOGRAPHERS, BOOKKEEPERS. caahlera, clerka. Registration bureau. ioi ahbkv mag. WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO WANTED AGENTS 4a--i--sw---eaakswva TOU CAN EARN FROM 11.000 TO 110,000 a year andexpense as a trav eling salesman. we prepare young men foe these positions In eight weeks by mall and secure them positions with reliable firm a Write for particulars to day. Address - National Baleamans Training Association, Suite $60, , Bear- ritt mock, Kansas city, mo, ticvf Adi "1 r. if? aHT Hs?S T JUr.ll UP JwJJUA.. . 4 W DCUU m A Uwivii, Exceptional chance to right party. Ill Lumber Exchange. Portland. Or. BRIGHT YOUNG MAN IN A U8i- neas similar to. real aetata; salary. 101 Bwetland bldg.. Biinoay, 10 to 12. Wanted thoroughly ' compe- - tent and reliable aursery salesmen for tne Bitter Root country. Montana ana Hood River country, Oregon; exclusive agency, given to party qualified. For terms and particulars address Oregon VT.. - . -. d . 1 A. . ' . Agents ' wANTEiCilM 6U AeLL goods T If so we need you: complete outfit free: cash weekly., Write for choloe of territory. Capital City Nur sery eomoany. Salem. Or. ... bometHincJ K'eW lti HldU-oRAtii. perfumea; Brie very -low; supply limited. R. MT Plumaer, at drug tore. 199 id st AG-tNta WAklJ m PEA !ENf PRC-P-tt selling "Novelty Sign Cards" i mer chants buy 10 to 100 on sight; 100 va- , 1 Uw , .iwIUI I w. PUUII.II ,wwf V w W. Van Buren st, Chicago., 111. i sb- ii i , i i.i, H , us -wjai--agaMB-S-ajS- WANTED REAL ESTATE FURNISHED BOOMS FOB REXX -BURNISHED ROOMS PLEASANT room in modern private home either 4118, - . . STEAM HEATED ROOMS, HOT AND cold water at all times In tub, ana Shower hftt hi a mlmitM from oostof flee; single room 111. double rooms $18, 9ft . M- wT ... . , . ww,.w 11th FURNISHED. FIRST FLOOR) BATl gas, lawn, phone, er. and furn-a an -T... -voiuivr c Foli" , ' nlshed - housekeeping rooms, Sard; close In, 111. 401 R. Ash, rand ave.: rooms vacant Mnnriav. two, LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED FUR- large near Parlor room- a an -nlta' Invar iioor; au moaern conveniencea ill f ill, ut V VII, tV6 kicELV FCTRNIBr-ES ROOMS' AT 814 Salmon St.. 8 blocks of noatofflee. VOR RENT Tw75 b"f IRN'tflU F.f) ; rooms for light housekeeping; no chU- amn. c. sm ai. jrnone a im. iTURNISHED FRONT ROOi? FoT. rent 10 E. 11th st Phona B 1181. THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, uvir a nouaeaaeDina rooms, nnnar floor; reasonable; all modern conven iences. 681 Johnson. TWO trURNIBHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms In cottage: bath. gas. shone. nice yard. Ill Morrlaon at FOR RENT' HOUSEKEEPING. PROPERTT WANTED, eetember will be a lively real estate nnnf h ( 1 0 kua steAr-errw mmltm get It on our books right away and we I ton at. U ear, win turn it into easn. we nave more Inquiries for home properties than any other real estate of floe In Portland. Ouf excellent ground floor location on Stark St. maaes una poaaiDia- .-. TUB Of ANTON COllrAn I , o BtarK at. $1 II WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED UUU-twOVCIUft'IVV 1 V laundry, furnace beat, yard. 201 Btao- 17(1 WANtfcf)-A xmi WHO 13 Loof-- Ing for a modern T-room bungalow) good location; fine lawn; beet car serv ice In city; small payment down, bal ance same aa rent Home Land Co., 14IH First . WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED TO BORROW $510 PRIV ate monev: -rllt-adred reel estate se- curity. - Address M-444, Journal WANTED TO RENT learn telephone operating; good salary abort houra cav while learnlna. luncheon served free or cnarge ana lounging ana rest rooms in connection. Apply chief operator, Telephone Duuaing, west i-arx ana Aiaer sis. Wanted competent girl for general housework, can 1X1 is. EXPERIENCED LADIES' CLOTHES ' Jroners. $2.25 per day: experienced mangle girls, $11 per week. Write Wal lace ijaunary co., waiiace, loano. WANTED CHAMBER MAID; GOOD wages. Bauer Hotel. 0th and Gllsan. WANTEb AN EXPERIENCED HEAD waitress: also a regular waitress. Hobart-Curtls, 265 14th Bt FIRST - CLASS BOOKKEEPER wanted with good references. Ad drews K-465, Journal WANTED EXPERIENCED BABY nurse. Apply a4 once. 231 24th et, N. WOMAN TO HELP IN KITCHEN." Call 260 Taylor. Restaurant 6-RLs 6f lfl t6 dO L.GHl1 WORK gooa HELP WANTED MALE GOOD PAT MEN WANTED EVERY . where to tack signs, distribute cir culars, samples, eta; no canvassing. Na tional District Bureau,' Chicago, III WANTED YOUNG MAN, ASSISTANT bookkeeper and stenographer, whole sale hardware; state salary, experience and references. M-4C2, Journal, A COMPETENT TYPEWRITER, BOOK. keeper and office man: must be a neat penman; good salary. Address In own handwriting. K-462, Journal. BOY FOR DELIVERY. $0 PER WEEK. Lincoln, bookbinders, l.g LoveJoy & JSt st. WANTED WOVEN WIRE MAT- tress - weaver: permanent itosition. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., 1214 Mao- adam road. WANTED INTELLIGENT YOUNG men to prepare for railway telegraph service. Passes furnished from school to positions ' when comnetent Oreaon College, 406 Commonwealth Bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED SHOE salesman: atDly at onoe. Korrect Shape Bhoe Store. 203 Morrison street GOOD TEAMSTER WITH REFER- ences to drive express rlar on shares. T-462 Journal MEN. BBTWENN 11 AND 45. AT ONC to nreDare for U. 8. LETTER CAR RIERS AND CLERKS in Portland Dost office; special examination Auarust 17, LIFE POSITIONS. See us today. West Coast Schools, SIS Oregonlan bldg. Open tonignt. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. PRINT ers, pressmen, llnotypers wanted, fur nished. Northwest Newspaper Broker age, uooanougn Diag. LlVI. SALESMEN WAN Nd BBS of sidelines address Paclflo Coast Post Card Co., 102 Exchange bldg., Seattle, Wash. WANEb-coMgE.'l.N'l1 CrEAMeRT man for city; salary. C-465. Journal EXPERIENCED FRAME MAKER AND bench hand. Portland Sash St Door Co., E. Taylor and union ave. ASSISTANT MALI. STENOGRAPHER In wholesale house; good ohanoe for advancement; state age and salary ex- pecteq. Aaareea A-46&, journal. WANTED TAILORS TO WOlH. 6lt coats. Apply 496 Washington. TRAVEL FOR AN OLD RELIABLE manufacturer; staple, well-advertised line of food produots, eta; $160 to $160 per month and expenses; wanted at once, good salesman for Oregon. E. E. McGuire, salee manager. Detroit Mich. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO PRE- pare by mail for positions as travel lng salesmen: experience unnecessary salaries $100 to $260 a month and ex penses; positions guaranteed with reii- WWI- U.IU.I ,. . b W . V. . . wU wua . 1 Address National Salesman's Training association, state .ov boarritt biooK, Kansas city, mo. WANTED YOUNG MEN WITH ABIL lty to sell goods for positions as trav eling salesmen in various lines: experi ence unnecessary; salaries 8100 to 1350 a montn and expenses, write ror par tloulars today. Address A-45, JournaL HELP WANTED FEMALL WANTED AN APPRENTICE IN THE . drafting room of the Willamette Iron A, O t at IXfriMlra Tnniil.A . , nfflnta WANTED MECHANICAL DRAUGHTS- man. must be flrat-class. nai. C-464, Jour- CARPENTERS' .HEADQUARTERS. . corner E. Pine and Grand ave. meets very Tueada---night. .Phone Eaat 8279. EVERGREEN CAMP, 6.460 Allsky V meets Wednesday ,, evening. blag., sa sna OTorrison sts.- . Id. W. a. 6re6on okAPE caMp mi 0,075. Mondays. . 7th and Marshall. Visitors welom a .' CIRCLE NO. 7. L. OF G. A. R MEETS second knd fourth Tuesdays, at Drew nai BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. 1 Covenant -contract cos 4 . s .leaner : bids. Msin 2801 , d' taENRICHBEtj c6:. JEWELERS, and opticians, 184 Washington st' H-tW-dTlON LIBRARY. 131 10TH . gt books loaned at I cents the day. v WANTED SALESMEN AND SOLICI tors for best proposition ever made to both agent and public; $60 to $76 per week easily made: do not overlook this. Call after 7 p. m, New Occidental hotel,. ist ana Morrison, room six, r. i.ramer. HUSTLERS EVERYWHERE, $25 TO $30 made weekly distributing circu lars, samples; no canvassing; steady. Merchants' Out-Door Ad. Co., Chicago. WANTEDA fepY FOR WORK IN LI braty. Apply public library, 7th and mar sts. QUICK FOR HOLIDAY LINE, THE I best salesmen we can get; give full experience - and reference. Address G-464. Journal. . SALESMEN EVERYWHERE TO SELL our ice crushers to saloonlsts, soda fountalnlsts, confectioners. Ice cream manufacturers, etc.; side line; good com mlaslon. DnvenpoYt Ice Chipping Ma chine Co., DavenpArt.Ta. . ELECTRICAL" HNGINEER YOUNG - man. 21 veara of are. with collets f training and three-years' practical eleo- tricat engineering experience in opera tion, construction,, and correapondent ei paclty, seeks' position in western states Tvith some electric railroad company: excellent references., Address T-6286 Hapgoods, 1115, Park bldg., .Pittsburgh, Pa. - , ' ' WANTED . EVERYWHERE ktfST i lera to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, eta.; no canvassing; good pay. Sua Adyertislng Bureau, Chicaga . -. i WANTED WOMAN TO ASSIST IN tailor repair s-hop. 231 Alder st BUSINESS WOMAN WITH STRONG personality, good health and selling powers required, one who can leave the city preferred. N-462, Journal. WANTED SCHOOLGIRL TO HELP with housework; wages. Phone E 1235. 803 Clackamas. WANTED-COMPETENT GIRL FO-. general housework. Call 161 E. 10th. f none mast I0tf3. Wanted girl who desires a good position In housework. Small house; only two lb family and no wash ing: moderate wages. Home phone B 1899. WANTED GOOD UIRL FOR GENER al housework; small family. 160 East 84th street. WANTED YOUNG LADIES rO iR pare for commercial telegraph Posi tions, uooa wages wnen competent. Oregon College, 40i, iCommon wealth WANTED .NEAT, RESPECTABLE woman, undeft 85, as housekeeper on fruit ranch. -30 Yamhill. . Main S413. GIRL TO SELlI. AND ATTEND IN ladles' tailoHnglace. J: K. Starr. 429 Washington, t- ' WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 1064 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 412. WANTED STENOGRAPHER FOI- F, m. ueacn & Co., mercantile office. 135 First st. presser on Ladies' skirts; steady work; $18 per week to begin with; must understand tailoring. Can call Sunday. 429 Washington. 1 WANTED ONE. FIRST CLASS SEAM trnaS' and two aDDrentices - to learn dressmaking; small wages to begin with. Apply apartment s enexaeia, ita ana Jefferson. LADIES ONE IN EACH CITY TO IN- troduce our new toilet specialty: ex- t-rience nut necessary: work done In spare time, our balm outsells all others; ladies beg for ft; write for out fit; terms free. Address Velvet Balm Co., Newark, New Jersey. Wanted girLs in ironing room at Paclflo Laundry,' 231 Arthur st A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB work; 4 In family. Phone Woodlawn, ess at Portland Cigar Box faotory wagee. 43H E. 8d st LADIES $1 EVERY DAY AT HOME! stamped envelope for particulars. Lev- dies' Aid, Durham, Conn. GIRLS WANTED GOOD WAGES FOR competent help; steady employment Portland Paper Box Co.. 208 Oak st LaD'Y1 AGENTS TO SELL PERFUMES and toilet articles, direct to consumer, H-484. Journal GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COT- . w . . 1-tai A, nni Afflf L FA Amtftv. houses, etc. Landlords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT OP OREGON. Phone Ex. 71. 8. K. Cor. 2d and Oak. WANTED PLACE TO BOARD LIT- tie girl aged years la nice borne. Address T-444, Journal. ll.Jo W..EI. L'P-LAR(3a, CL-.AN furnished bousekeeplng-rooma laun dry and bath. 114 Sherman at, south. Portland. t - RibTmitcHelL tl6tJ8KICfcEtlS-0 and transient rooms, reasonable, . 7th and Flanders sts. iti& HeILer. lU dl-AkD AV.S.; first-class furnished - housekeeping rooms, eleotiie light and gas; free tele- ene and bath. kds1 L-6Ht1.,NiC--Li,frlJftNliH6 housekeeping suites: gas range; run ylng water. 501 H Alder st HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS OAS' stove, bath, phone. Main 1011. 171 N. 11th st LiGllT H0tiEK--fcilN6,.WlTt. dAJ and bath. 482 E. Washington st SMALL HOUSEKEEPING SUITE WITH" 100 Jefferson. "JEFFERSON: two and three-room suites, oompletely furnished for housekeeping. Main 6412. modern conveniences. JEFFERSONIAN 514 Wanted to rent, after octo- ber 1, 107, modern f or 7-room house or bungalow, furnished or unfurnished, 'in good neighborhood; no ohlldren, only 1 people. Call or write to J. A. Bloch, secretary oerman-American pang 6-ROOM COTTAGE: MODERN; WEST side; close in. D-4, journal WANTED BY" REFINED YOUNG lady, board, In private family; must be reasonable: references; phone num ber. m-4. s, journal. Wanted, or i-rooM C6f frAaa by good tenant; must be strictly mod ern; give full partioulara D-482, journal. WANTED FURNISHED HO US 0,1 about four rooms; in good location. not too far out; must be in good con dition and reasonable; two adults and child 1 year old. L-481, Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS -must be good cook; no washing. ply 26 N. 9th st ; Ap- MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTEIV-1.000 HOP-PIcbcERS V6 pick 024 acres of hops; big crop; larg est and best equipped hopyard In Ore gon: all on trellis wire; perfeot accom modations; grocery store, bakery, butch er shop, barber shop, dancing pavilion, 50x150 feet; telephone, physician, beau tiful camping ground, 1 aorea bathing pool, restaurant provisions soia at port land prices; we pay $1.10 per 100 pounds. Reduced excursion rates on our special train. For further particulars apply to Krebs Bros., 271 Stark st. rortiana. or.i on or m auruit it. Phone Main 1220. Home A-tl6f. WE WILL BUT TOUR HOUSEHOLD goods and guarantee pest prices. Call, ?hone or write. 6. J. A L. Rubensteln, 76 Front st, opposite National hotel Pacific 1401. CAHftR-.6ubEHO-JbcK6DS. BaV age PennelL 146-147 1st st Phone pacino 8o. i FURNISHED SUITES FOR UOUSE- keeplng and I single rooms, furnished for housekeeping; $2.25 to $1.76 per weex. iyim tu. ua. uasi isas. A NEWLY tURKlSI-ED. LeLI&H-- ful room on first floor; hot and cold running water; all modern conveniences; most desirable neighborhood in city; reesonanie rent, can Main am . FOR KENT ITOU S IJ.l MODERN HOUSJ1:. 7 .'.OOM3, ALL 1 M provementa; wood ml -hi, rn-, Shades, large grounds Call tomv. 1 un til 4, 160 East Couch Street l-ke i:uat Anknev car Cheapest lfoi h iN'TiiB ciiiTV as, Datn, ana cma wemr; lstanne, 2,d and E, Taylor; er rnnnfl. fnone Kaat f2n. walking only $10 rooms, ass, bath, not ana cu weter: di I per SionitH v wnmf-nuOM APARf mln' f for rent, unfurnished. . Inquire 21) ,' 10th. ...-' botTAfl aKd CAkci-ii feli.clAU3T Ooltre. called bis neck, permanently removed. Cancera cured without a knife. Asthma, nervous and ohronio disease a specialty. Dr. Voose. 1H :st st. LARGE, MOIJKKN -KOUA iloUM'J, ItMtaA at 1A24 Kast Main, near 14th:' large range already connected in kitch en; only $17.60 per mouth. Call 111 Allskv blda. ITevWTSoom's, m6dern .4. IMotf ava. onlr 117: steady tenant . j . . . .... i;an ; jtutomaiia c-izse. Phone iwd-6T6R1r IiOlSEJ. KfOTAVILLAi -block from ear. Telephone Main 4611. Calj 135 Clay at. - - - ' " FURNISHED HOUSES FURNISHED ' ROOMS TO PARTIES . without children, 650 B. Yamhill st. 5-room cottage furnished In elegant - ' style, with four lots, choice fruit ana -. shrubbery. .1460 Oraxtd are 'N, Wood lawn, $1) per month. i' THE DUNN-LA WRENCH COV . litU, First st - . t"6R RfiN neW 7-ROOM IlflUBSi" - furnished: 10 feet from car .track; Flrland; only 126. Ill Allsky bldg. ;. 6-ROOM FURNISHED HOU8IO---HG5 grounda. eaat side; reasonable, 401 Marguerite ave. FOR RENT FLATS JUST COMPLETED MODERN FLATS of 7, 0 and 4 rooms: walking dlatanoe,, 100. feet south of 23d and WashlnKton eta., Green ave., Cedar Hill. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FOR RENT TWO OROUND FLOOR offlcea Front and Ankeny sts. AddIv R T. Cox. Telephone Main 411. A NICB.oFIflCB flUlt-. y6R RJ-1JT. Madison bldg., td and Madison sta DESK ROOM FOR RENT. 411 CULA-C ber of Commerce. HOUSES FOR RENT IHLJRNITUK-3 FOR SALS ' , THE YALE, 291 GRAND AVE.; FINE, airy rooma; tree oatna; single or suites: also for housekeeping; very reasonable. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, FURNISH ed, central: gas. phone and large yard. 3i N. ii in st. pnone A-iaee, TWO FURNISHED rooms, with porch, kitchen. HOUSEKEEPING i norcn. kitchen, gas. pain and telephone, large yard, walking dis tance. Phone Eaat 2670. feuiTE (jf H6us.ikEi.pING kooMfl, J A A AM V all llif IVf'f ffT 4i Jf i.VV-U" lit month, also single rooma. 210 nma st. RENT ONE We pay" m6ri b"6r FLtRSfifORiL' PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, Main B6te. Ill 1st St. IF tOU WANT TO SELL. SEE US. Highest prices 11 Fian- Seoond Hand Palaca paid for aecond-hand gooda aera rnono Mam aon. HIGHGEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of. second-hand goods. Union Exchange, 282 Front at Paclflo 1411. bEFORMlTY APPLlAKCES MADE TO order. K. El Karlson Co.. Ill An keny at. Main 82B0. WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSE- bold goods of every description bought, sold and exchanged. The I, til lsi Main 1174. Home A-II17 STENOGRAPHERS, BOTH MALE AND female, good positions open with best firms; no charge. Underwood Type writer CO., OB em tn. HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED. maie or remain, k. u. uraae, Waahlngton st Paclflo 1170. WANTED HOP PICKERS FOR lance yards: long season: fine Picklnar: fine camping ground, etc.: groceries at city prices. Apply Andrew Kan St Co., 287 Morrison at HOPPICKERS WANTED PICK BY Merlin Harding, Oeryals, measure. Oregon SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. CIVIL ENGINEER YOUNG MAN DB sires position as Instrument man or draughtsman, who has had 5 years' practical experience and I years In an engineering college. Address Box R-464. Journal. RELIABLE SINGLE MAN, EXPERI enoed In the care of horses, carriages lawn, etc., wants steady position: first class references furnished. See Little, international notei. BOOKKEEPER COMPETENT a countant and office man: married: ten veers' experience as bookkeeDer. cashier and some experience extending Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WORK BY DAT OR HOUR; NICE places. E-465. journal. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WILL make engagements in families, phone Main 4384. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENC ed woman, chamber work. Capable woman cook, hotel, restaurant Middle aged woman houaekeeper, widower, fam ily. 230 Yamhill. Main 6413. WANted--situation BY MIDDLE- BEFORE SELLING YOUR FUR nlture. etc, phone East 1007 and save money. cliff t, bivisicW T5WN; WaTci. for opening. Wanted to buy a cheap team. J. E. Hammond, at Grays Crossing; take Mount Scott ear WANTED GOOD FARli fd W6RI. on shares; state full partlculara and location. H. C. ScheUhous, 101$ Denver ave., Portland. $6,000 WORTH Sf FURNITURE wanted at Western Salvage Co 027 Washington. Phone Paclflo 711. Homo A-1798. Wanted to lease a dairy with 16 to 40 cows. Address Vancouver Real Estate Co.. 708 Washington st, Vancouver, Wash. WILL BUY GOOD ENGLISH SETTER dog. Apply H. m. Btemier, 170 6th. Columbia st. FOR RENT ONE OR TWO FURNI8H ed rooms in private family. Ill Jack son, between 6th and 7th sts. $11 t LARGE HOUSEKEEPING rooms: ras nlata ateel ranaa lit 7th. Maln 4529. FURNISHED ANt5 UNFURNISHED housekeeping suites, new brick, hot and cold water; steam neat; Tree pains. 166 Lonsdale st. near Morrison at t"OR RENT THREE UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with water; $8 per montn. can ib Mill st. TWO HOUSEKEEPING 18 per month. 6 Mill st. and -.66-43. ii other rooma Call A NICE h60SEKEEPlN(J feUltE F6R A COMPLETE FUR NI SHED COTTAOE3 of I rooma halL bath. gas. eta. con veniently "arranged, very reasonable la rent and price: west side. George J. Bchaefer, 117 Chamber of Commerce. , rim tTjRNiTtfRE ' 6f' A" ' saVfiSi: room house, close in; rent $26. , Tha Alexander Land Co. 01V. fiUtty near nna. FINE'; COMPLETELY FURNISHED ziat; lata St.; aisnee: oeaaiotaes; taw linen; silverware, ready to go right to housekeeping: two rooms rented out pays rent Commonwealth Trust Co." 6th and Ankeny. . J FURNITURE OF 11-ROOM MODERN - house; always full. 180 W. Park. -TURNlTURB frOR' 4-R66M" HOl'fif. for sale cheap; rent 120 tuonth. 411 Eaat Bumalde at . -1 , FOR BALE FURNITURE FOR EIGHT rooms; terma Inquire 421 Stark. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL AND BALLROOM. NEW WITH modern conveniencea Phone Main I860, SUMMER RESORTS LOCKSLET HALL SEASIDE, OIL DR. P. t- Austin, proprietor, assisted by i- , A-Carlyla; rates from $12.60 per week up; rates and reservations may be made now with Dr. Austin, dentist. Raleigh bldg. fcLIFFS, WASH.; DIVISION POINT; watch for opening. ' ' . , SHELBURN HOTEL NICELY FUR nisbed rooms; everything flrst-clasa home cooking. . Mra T. P. Hoare, Sea view, Waeh. NYE BEACH. I Bw W11A 4, w. W w rent 120 Grand ava Phone East .' Newport, Or- private boarding; home 4792. eooKing; rates on application, it. A. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; BATH. MCUOn"ft 43 gas. phone; private family; cioae in. s iayior st, kTRST fL66R W C6TfA6E, Ft)R- nished lor housekeeping, I rooms, woodshed, water and yard; rent $14 per month. Call 667 2nd st S. ' ROOMS AND BOARD. YOUNG MEN IF YOU WANT FIRST class room and board reasonable, all conveniences, nice yard and porch, also table board 14 ner week, rood borne cooking, call at Aster . house, 7th and Maaiaon sts. ' OSBORN HOTEL, CORNER GRAND ave. ana hi. Asn; rurnianaa rooma sin gle or.jla ulte, with or without board. Room1 ai boAiib f6R f Wo" f 6UWd ladles or men; modern, walking dis tance, reasonable. -4 to. Morrison. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THE RICHELIEU. 13 H N. 0TH ST. Elegantly furnisbad; steam heat and batna. Dama. THE BUTLER, MODERN HOTEL, furnlahed up-to-date; gas and elec trio lichted. 400 U Waahlngton. THE AVALOM Udf&U .rURNISi.1-1- rooma, modern throughout cor. and Waahlngton. 11th tHB CURTIS. C6Rk'ER ilTI. AND Commercial: over Dan-leer's clothing store; good rdoms; central location; transient trade solicited. Astoria, Or. IlOl-ELOAK FIRST-CLASS FUR nished rooms, eleotrlo light gas. bath and phones; situated next to City park. At n.b at THE GRAND. 45 H N. 8D ST. ROOMS for gentlemen. $1.15 per week and up. THE NEWLAND HOUSE GOOD rnoma. slna-la and en aulta: rood, clean beds, electric lights; $1.26 to $3.60 per week. soH 1st. fnone Mam trio, aared lady In amall family. Journal. R-483, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOR MEN. SO N. 2d st Phone Main 1520. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT FFICB. 206- Morrison st.,.. Phone Paclflo 210 17 N. 2d st. ...... .'. .Phone Paclflo 1200 RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT C67 Loaaine: camp and farm help a spe cialty, zo is. 8a st rnone Mam elite. We pay all telegraph charges. ACME EMPLOYMENT CO., FARM- era' and loggers' help a specialty. 34 Z9H N. N. 2nd st. St. Phone Main 0437 2nd st, 141 Davis GIRL FOR DINING i ROOM WORK. The.Marlyn. 66$ WaahDJrto4 at.-. . . Classified Ads In The Journal jreach the people In the great Oregon country at the right time. ,- Rates for Classified '. Advertisements ' Conn, alt words to the Una) One cent a word each Insertion,.. . Mora than two Insertions, eenta per Una each insertion. . By the week, to eenta per lino 0 days). FltRJtflSHED ROOM. SUITABLE- FOR young lady, private family; $1 per month. , Call evenings or Sunday, 267 Clav st. THE ELSWORTH, 160 LOWNSDALE; phone Main 0474; new brick, steam V...I .1 1 n 1 1 o-V, i m a(nala anit .1 ,-iti Kl one housekeeping suite. ' CLEAN 'AND NICELY FURNISHED rooms and transient 96 lltb at, cor. Stark. OWEN APARTMENT; NICE FRONT housekeeping rooms; reasonable rates. 130 Russell LARGE COMFORTABLE FRONT room ror two; breakfast and dinner; home cooking: private; all conveniences; reasonable; nice location. 262 N. 10th at Phone paclflo 1407. WANTED BOARD FOR FAMILY with two little girls, in plain home; will pay $60; parents .employed during fl&V H.4BB Journal , I v- VIWIRw w,, .-- abuviu . via, v. iu , wIntedPwIcE T6 fe6Ab G-RLlfew?' ,b.-" Morrl-on., , Fiona Jcurnlr"' entrU PErt f CU7, H""' I WILL GIVE INTEREST U .W3 Iiuusenuiu nwoasiuva. yaAivnivu, av - use of $8,000 to start f-tory j immense BUSINESS CHANCES. BUST THE WOOD COMBINE GET your wood much cheaper. For par- ttculars address M-458, Journal. . Newspaper route of 400 pa- pars In Portland for sale; can show a gross profit Of $100 per month. Don't answer unless you mean business. For sale for best . offer. Address .. N-600, Journal. "" - FOR SALE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, ladles' and gentaf furnishings and no tions, situated In one of the best and liveliest cities on the eoast; good brick building and one-year lease; doing a good business; will Invoice about $6,000; would taks small farm or city lota for part payment v Address E-455, Journal. PLACER GOLD MINE A GILT-EDOll proposition for investment - W. N. Ruble. Welppe, Idaho. ... MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonds bought 'and sold. Corre ' pondence invited. H. W. Donahue Sm Co., (12 Buchanan bldg. Phona Mala 7353. .,. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL, 1e3 us. We aive you all references free) of charge. C. S. Arnold ft Co., original 6NB R06k Wit H B6ARb; P&lVAtE family; young man prererred; reason able. II E. 18th st Phone B-1719. UNFURNISHED ROOMS NICELY FURNISHED, ALSO UNFUR nlshed, rooms, single or en suite; quiet and very suitable for single men: reaaonabla The Kamm bldg., 1st and Pine sta t AND 8 ROOMS, 140 4-room flat 188 Market. FRONT ST. I NEWLY PAPERED ROOMS; TERMS reasonable. 717 Vancouver ave. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS 157 strictly modern new house; fine loca tion, west side. Address T-463 Journal FOR RENT HOUSES VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE and pianos moved, stored or smppea. Phone Main WE RENT AND SELL PIANOS. 8HER man. Clay St Co. iron RENT TWO COTTAGES. NO. 146 and 149 16th st. between Hoyt and Irving sts. Appiy next poor. GO TO HEADQUARTERS FOR ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED: SAVE TIME AND EXPENSE. SUITE 12. 268 STARK ST. , TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, ALL CON . venlences. 188 W. Perk at TO" RENt NEWLY1 JFUftNlSHEb rooms at No. 145, llthtst., near Alder. A FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE family; suitable for one or two gentlemen. 417 Third St. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING t. mv-RfiOM HOUSE. MODERN: First B. Portland; rent lit. inquire 388 Hamilton ave. BIX -ROOM COTTAGE, 5 ROOMS TO rent: part furnished, moaern; pnone and water free; porcelain bath, gaa or wood stove: 8 blocks from 6th-street car. 866 Lincoln st. tttf. IBB UUIVUIII Ok NEW FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE ON IM proved street, west side, $3,250; full . J .. V. .... w .1 w. of river; near t carllnes. N-464, Journal. l-ROOM NEW MODERN COTTAGE. Inquire at 488 i-ast 4tn st. HOUSE. GAR- rooms, $8 per month. pnone Mam 84. 3. j588 Pettygrove NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH all modorn conveniences, from 13 per week and up. 800 Jefferson st ' LARGE vPLEASANT ROOM; FREE bath and nhone. 60 U N. th. TO LET NICE FURNISHED ROOMS; walklnar distance. - 648 Hovt st. C6RNER FCiRNIsriEb ROOiS. WITH bath. . 80S Jefferson at; canyon roaa car. .-'--t' ' --- NEWIIALL, NEW BUILDING, TuW opened, running water in all rooma; No advertisement taken II cant. 7-ROOM MODERN field ave. ' 7- room house, Savier st. 8- room modern flat Williams ava. Small 8-room house, $7 per month. ' 6-room house, near Union ava 4 rooms, lower flat, Including water, $16. OTTO. CROCKETT & HARKSON, 133 1st st Modern 7-room house, 260 dixon st. near eteei nriage, witnin wanting distance. Inquire on premises - or to Sinnott A Slnnott, 635 Chamber of Com 6-ROOM COTTAGE F5r" "RejT iii per month. 1111 E. 18th St. N. walking distance, near car and school, $8 per month; furniture of same for sale, iiou. r-none laoor sos SMALL 6-..60-- tidtTAGEi, WAtktN-J dlstanca. rent 215. Tnnulra liirt iOR RENT COk PLETELY"FtTftiSi.i ea nve-room cottage; electrio lights and bathv. tit Eaat 7th at. corner East NO-iTli ww w - w v v wmii ii a v v a j g auimvuBej sales; 260 per cent profit; absolute se curity; return of money ' within . months, guaranteed. - East 0200. WE HAVB WHAT YOtf WANf . ' " Rooming-houses, restaurants, hotels, grocery stores, meat markets, real es tate, business chanoes. Investments. Western Realty Company, room 610, 286 Washington at, Buchanan bldg. HOTEL AND ROADHOUSE TO LEA 6 HI Old-established, with or without sa loon; furnished; newly remodeled: $36: also 7-room house and orchard. $10; and 4 flats. 18 rooms. $25; all on west aide. . C. R Piggott. owner, lawyer. 4, 1 apd 0. Mulkey bldg. ..v.. t-OR sale-k Drug ' fe-rdRi. ' : W Southern Oregon mining town; good business; Invoice $2,500; two good doc tors. For Information, writ Box 105, Gold Hill. Oregon. LUNCH AND CONFECTIONERY store for eale; bargain. 374 First PAINT AND WALL PAPER 6TOREJ and shop; good business;- 1000. will handle it Address N-465. journal, . Mills -' ' - Sawmill, capacity 10,000 feet per day. almost new; donkey engine, $5,000 worth of orders now on hand; extra en gine to run the planer; $12,000. Double circular sawmill, planer and matcher, logging engine, turbine water wheel, abundance of timber: prloa for mlU $2,000. . - - . : - HiCNKLIfl 4 HARRISON. ; a" 117Ablngton bldg. ' IbaRgAIn FOR A FEW DAYS 1 kt46il sell furniture and fixtures of Spring field hotel, with lease on building, good location and paying ? business: taood private reason zor selling, Addrees box 175, Sprlngneld, Or., for prices and vaV ticulara - - , kUSt SELL .A'lV 6NJC-3 ' BRiulIf", ' clean stock of cigars, confectionery,' Ice cream, books and stationery, cheap; good: stand) living rooms; low rent B-48, Journal--" . , v . l... ., i'team heat; rooms $1.50 end p: cantrai. Harrison. . J ' ' ' tot less than phone" -East Mil. 401 East Washing- FINE HOME, 327 E. ilTII feTT i v .-' lUu. at f. . . - I Farrlngton. tit Fenton bldg. WILL SELL OR TRADE MY ; OHO eery, ' good clean stock, doing a Una cash business, good location; a money maker for right party; about $1,600 re- aulred. ' Owner D-485. Journal FOR RENT GOOD STAND FOR RE . 3- tauranti City Market block. 832 H. WANTED-iaAR,l-CONFECTlO.V;i . t ' store; not to exceea ..; must cava value; no agents. Q-488, Journal, FOR -BALE OR EXCHANOE A i.o. - lng bouse two blocks from t" v T. M. C. A. building, that i $220 a month, for lnirrovt r In good location, for part, i . value 5,000; owners omy- J B-4'S, Journal . FOR BAEe A WELL newspaper in Oi:!; ' ', $1,000; bulldln l i ' 1 ' , of aorta and tji A .. , JouriiuL