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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1907)
J i 13 twwn wi k wi xsswa w in i ' , ' i la u a I sr I ROM Pauper's Bon to Governor," tu the title of a tnagaatne arti cle published a few years ego, whan John X. Johnson waa flrat sleeted governor of the state of Minnesota, and. despite Ha startling sig nificance. It wan Indeed a true epitome of tha Ufa of tha now famous executive, says tha New Tork Times. . Handicapped by odda that would havs proved lnaurmountabla obataelaa for a boy or man with laa stamina and direct .ambitions, ha defied clentlflo theories of heredity and literally fought bla way from poverty In a drunkard's home to , tha eleganUy appointed executive ohara- ber of the marble palace which the peo ple of Minnesota nave constructed lor a eapltoL Although a Democrat, he baa twice been chosen by an overwhemlngly Republican a late to occupy that chun , ber: and his second victory was a mora ; decisive one than his first It Is a matter of record that during ' bis first gubernatorial campaign every .' quarter of the atata of Minnesota blossomed with placards vilifying his , father and mother, and similar trans narenclea were carried In the parades. ' Borne of theiu.urged the people to vote . agalnat John A. Johnson because "His . Father was a Drunken Loafer end -His Mother Took In Washing Mr. Johnson's managers began to get fright- ened.- Some of his supporters requested , . bjm to make a strong, aweeplng denial. "I cannot" he replied. . Abuse Elected Him. The allegatlona ware true,, but be mat them with the same spirit and rigor , which have characterised his actions ' when, as a boy, he bad. on numeroua occasions, . found It ' necessary to aat down tha banket of washing ha waa carrying to or from the home of bla -mother to that of a patron, and prove ( upon the bodies of toplofty young per . aona that be waa not responsible for . . his rather, ana that ne waa proud of his mother. And be it to the credit of the voters of Minnesota, that the: '. delved deeoer Into the man's naat am uncovered that part of his life whloh '. showed self-eacrlilce. devotion to duty. , and bis tender care of bis little brothers and sisters and bis overburdened , mother. The revulsion was tremendous against . : . the opposing candidate. In the election s that foil. wed Mlnneaota gave Rooae- velt a majority of 16 1,4 fi. while John son ran 92.453 ahead of his ticket, and : " ' was elected bv a matorltv of 7.881. In '' the gubernatorial campaign last fall, u - tepuoucan canaiaaie ror governor waa scarcely "In the running," although the t remainder of bis ticket was -chosen and ' , there were few actual contests worm - , mentioning. Such la tha hold that fJor. Johnson . has taken upon the hearts of the people or Minnesota, wnen aaaea, now ao you account ror your success r he re- -.. plied. In the simple and direct phrase which la -eoullar. characteristic dis tinction, "X Just triad to make good.' I Tried to Make Good." He saut so with no sign of exultation. If he bad Indulged In some Internal feeling of satisfaction. It might bave been forgiven him. Ha had been talking about his life not a very long life, for he la only 44 and the opportunities for contrasts had been plenty. lie must bave been less than human, when he thought of the little sha-.k In the out skirts of the village of EC Peter, Mln nesota. In whloh he waa born amid poverty that was at once sordid arid hopeless, had he not nlso thought of how he had tranaformad that humble cot into the marble pile in which he Is now master. Adversity, in the form of alcohoL taUl Its band on the John.n household while Restaurant counts ffBiu jam oovax its. OPSV SAT AJTD BIOST. Dinner from 11 a. m. to B p. m Chicken Soun with Biae. Lettuce 304 " Sliced Tomatoes 10c LiicuoDeri ....................... lUc Sliced Peaches loi Bananas and Cream 104 . ureen unions f Chicken Salad, Mayonnaise........ rled Razor Clams. ried Shad ried HaUbut ,. t (American ; jrned salmon 26m Fried Tenderloin of Sole, Tartar Sauce 25 Titled, Mackerel, Drawn Butter 30 Half Cracked Crab i 2o5 Boiled Beef Tongue. Tomato SatrSe.20 , Chicken Pot Pie , J?a5 , graall Tnderloln Steak and Onlona.agS Fried Calves Brains. Drawn Butter. 254 Cold Ham, PoUto Salad .. So 2 ' I Baked Pork Spare Bibs, Sage Dressing t 204 s-f Veal Sausags and Egg Plant. ..... .2o2 - Breast Of Lamb and Green Peas...2o2 Cold Tongue. Potato Salad SoS Chicken croquettes, String Beans. .2o2 Paprtk Snltael $5 -.'! Codfish. BallSk-Cream Sauce....... ik2 Comed y Beef Hash and Poached Teeftew "and "Vegetables! ' '. t I'ork and Beans .15 Jlalf Spring Chicken on Toast. . .. .604 V ,-t Chicken and Dresslna? .ftni )'.ntt Pork and Dressing........ loatit veal ana pressing z uMt Fprlng Lamb and Jelly,. ,,,204 i ... iinrl Uravn unvr.. 2A4 CoifA ird and Butter and Potatoes Mrxzn-xoAn mzstavuawt, t - t iniir Third and Conch Mtm. KZXSXX 2X9JC 11 A. kt XO f . K FROM MA U MIT SI SON V R : WV III J3r U I I aal m .11 .Bv 4 . v m E BJ m sal mtm IB 1 Mil I II I HI the future of the present irovernor cfj cainneao waa suit unzoreseen vniy uj tne gods. The bitterness of it was in the soul of ths hov at an ace when other youngsters have no thought but ror ptay. in mi cae u mnae tne soy father to a man cf whom a rtate Is nroud. . The governor's father, Oustaf, born in Bweaen or tne Deeaantrv. was I strong-handed. hard-drinklna black. smith. In 1851, or thereabout, he tried to divorce himself from his habit of drinking by changing bis surroundings. rie came to America to -rind that en vlronment has little Influence over ap Detlte. and that the whlakv of the Mln neaota rrontier was as notent ror evil as the alcohol of his native land.' It is said that he did strive for a time against temptation, and during a rather proiractea sooer period met ana mar ried an Immigrant airl from Sweden. Caroline Carlaon Hayden gave up the hard lire or a nirea girl on a rarm to be the wife of austar jonnson. a alp somaniao, and to become the mother of a governor. Father Downed by Drink. Oustaf took hia wife to St. Peter, built the two-room oottage in which the future governor was born, opened a blacksmith shop, prospered for a few veara. then took to drink, and there after figured only as a tremendous and sometimes orutai nanaicap to mi wire and the six children who were born to them. He became a nuisance about the town, and waa eventually disposed of bv tne authorltlea. who. In order that he mlrht not remain a burden unon the struggling woman whoae efforta to take care or ner utile Drooa naa at tracted the attention of the towns people, legally declared htm a pauper and sent him to the county poorhouse. His wretched end would not appear to have anything in it that might go to the making of a governor, but It had. Young Johnson was then about 13 years old. rie naa an insatiaDie tnirst for learning, and had already reached high school; but he made up his mind that his mother had done the work of PEARL GROWTH. Ridges That Are Signs of Pearls- Some Abandoned Theories. The real mother of pearl has never been found, nor nobody knows ho nearls ars born and made. The evi dence that they can be produced by In sorting some foreign body Into the mus sel Is doubtful, says the Chicago Trl bune, though Linnaeus, ths Swedish naturalist, IS said to nave owea mucn nf fame to the fact that he could produce pearls by inserting grains of sand between the valves of the fresh water mussels which are to be found in continental rivers. Artificial nearl crosses are reported from China as having been obtained by placing a thin metal cross within the body of a pearl oyster ami allow ing it to stay there until It became covered wun nacreous manor, rrui feasor Herdman in bla reaearches on the pearl mussel of Ceylon naa Deen xouna that tne peans in inose sneus are moreiA to rover a naraslte. usually a nematold worm, which passes one of its life stages within tne enen, ana no doubt a similar cause will be found for the presence of pearls In fresh wat-J er rnusseis. The commonly accepted tneory tnat Bind rraln of aand within the man tie Is sufficient to produce a pearl must be abandoned. The expert fisherman proteases to recognise a pearl bearing shell from others. From the River Bain. Whlrh la ma knM tha flnut Scottish i pearls, was taken recently a shell with three pearls, which was sold for 140. Tha aV.II .mA hr.. .I... runnlna from tha kna ih. j tho Talvea. . Such ridges always axs . THE ; OREGON ' SUNDAV JOURNALV PORTLAND, SUNDAY c sii iv r. r.iv x tiunN A.eJunjNtaujY ini nin r m MRS. JOHNSONS 50YCAK HrWE A JOB HBJSB IP KAVP TO the family long enouglu He sought a place in a general store. The man to Whom he aonlled said: "Mrs. John son's boy can havs a lob here if I have to quit myself.".) After that day his motner aid no more work lor hire. How the family lived on the meagre earnlnga of tha boy, was known only to the breadwinner and his motner. He spent months trying to get employ' ment In a drug store. The job there would pay as much money as he ob tained for the manifold - jobs hs did around the general store. He pumped the bellows In ths black smith shop which his father had owned.. Once a week he waa employed with inking the roller of the prena In, tne local pnntsnop. tie anticipated the rural route service or carrying mall and newspapers to outlying houses. Clerk In A Drug Store. Eventually securing the coveted drug store job. he obsorbed such wisdom as fell from the mouths of the oracles that gathered round the barrel stove of tho establishment, and drew his own con clusions. 'He worked four yeara and studied books behind the prescription case and men In front of It. .He wanted to take a course in pharmacy, but there was always the family to take care of. The ordinary expenses of the household ate up everything. Then, when death came, as It did three times during the minority of the future governor, there were heart-breaking times. It is re corded that the only credit the John sons ever accepted after John became Its head was from the undertaker, and for five years that gloomy personage, by reason of the three funerals, took what might be wncned out of the money needed for the living expenses of the family. It was to meet this extraordinary de mand on him that young Johnson nut aside his ambition to study pharmacy, and took a place In a general store. where the work waa harder but the wares higher., ut he was not to be thwarted In his I supposed to be signs of pearls. In the ?rowth of the shell room has to be left or the pearls. The pearl is celebrated as a treasure oi tne east ana tne tropical seaa, out it is scarcely known as a product of Great Britain. Pearl fishing is one of tne industries or tne united Kingdom. The story of British pearls begins with the earliest records of ths country, with Caesar, who carefully compared tne ttriuan peart witn tne urientat Sons of the Presidents. From the Chicago Evening Post Twenty-one sons of presidents of the United States have grown to manhood aftd ten of them have become national figures. Of the famous sons John Qufhcy Adams, himself a president, was tne most iamoua. 'men come Charles Francis Adams, publicist and states man; Robert and Richard Tyler, bla figures In ths southern confederacy; John van tiuren, entering national politics as death cut short nls career; Robert Todd Lincoln, cabinet minister and am bassador; Frederick Dent Grant dlDlo- mat and major general; John Scott Harrison, son of one president n,1 father of another, and finally the two 'n.,f1.l Knvi " Ton... T A now secretary of the interior, and his brother. Professor Harry A. Garfield, was recently chosen president of Wil liams college. - -naavsu wjwMt v imiiv tm a i iviiii iw May Say Something Severe. t From the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Publlo sentiment is now so thoroughly aroused - that the next time a brain stormy gentleman goes gunning undar the unwritten law it is quite probable that the judge Will sar lomathlnar ba- fors allowing hia to it. v TOMOWERNOR. desire. He worked In the general store only long enough to get even with the world, then went back to the druggist and managed by some means to obtain a certificate, and registered under the state law. "My certificate was No. 18," hs said. I never believed much in hoodoos. Fays Off Mortgage. At times he got an idea that he might do better away, from St Peter. There waa always in his boyish mind away in the background the shadow of the alcohollsed patient In the almshouse. Not a night passed but that the thought came to him of how much easier It might be to make his way If he could start even. That thought stiffened his back and helped square tho chin that protrudes so pugnaciously. He would stay In St. Paul and fight it out. with all tho handicaps. He was tempte.4 once, however, by the promise of higher wages, to take a position In Iowa. He did not remain there long, onlv a few months. At another time he was made assistant paymaster by a j firm of railroad contractors. He earned 1 $76 a month and was enabled to lift the I mortgage that his father had left over) tne cottage. An addition to tne nouse was built, and the surviving brother and sister were educated. Later he was offered a half interest In the St. Peter Herald, together with Its editorship. H. J. Easier, who wanted him for a partner, showed him that the plant could be security for the debt which he would incur, and that it waa not an obligation that would embarrass mm. . bo jonn a, jonnson necame land still is) a Democratic editor of a coun try weekly in a territory fiercely Repub lican. He continued to make good. He wrote and still writes with the direct ness that characterizes his spech. He did not write much, but what he wrote was to the point In five years he was secretary of the State Press association. In three rears more he waa oresldsnt of that organization. Twice jonnson ran ror ornoe as state senator and waa defeated. The third was elected. "Thar la nothing like now knowing when to ault" said the governor In telling about ft in tne senate ne was popular and Jn- noritv. He throve in other directions. He took to himself a wife, a charming little woman who has helped to make his administration popular bv her tact and beauty. When Governor Johnson talks of htm- TEETH CUT RATES To advertise our new aid won derfully successful Alveolar Method, we will do work at cut rates for 30 DAYS A 10-year guarantee with all work. Examination free. Silver fillings, 50c; crowns (22k), $3,50 to $d.UU; bridgeworlc (per tooth), $3.ou to $o.uu. nates as low as $5.00. Everything first class. Lady attendant. . ' BOSTON DENTISTS . 291f Morrison St. . Opposite Postollice . MORNING AUGUST 11, $75 A MONTH PAYWAiTOfc to Jons XML ROAD CONTRACTOR. 1 self and his past, he says very frankly that he has not governed his life by any fixed rule. Tall, lean, lank, andi slightly stooped, with a facial expres sion that is usually stern, yet not with out those characteristics which mark sympathy and pathos, hs reminds one a good deal of Lincoln. And In his dif ficult, uphill struggle against adversity, as well as his simple manners of living and dress, a comparison with Lincoln Is again forced upon those with whom he comes Into personal contact As a public speaker he is forceful, at YOU CAN'T But you cart make your kitchen a place of comfort and convenience for your wife or your domestic if you . j i : '. , 'a will get one of the above . Kitchen Cabinets Special This Week' at XS&ftTlZ. . . . . t . 814.75 ' Same Cabinet With Zinc Top at Only. $10.00 ' v They are exactly like above cut, modeled exactly after the expensive kind that sell at from $40.00 to $75.00 at the expensive stores. They are just as serviceable, neat, strong; and roomy as the expensive ones. Fin i. . -x, shed in light," natural -or golden, color.' - Yon will have $100 worth of comfort per month out of an investment of only $14.75. You can not afford to v ' s .. ' , be without it, '"' r , We sell VMr furniture at law' nrlrai than an rithir atnre In Portland A ta?f -tn itnu wSH&m.' vince you ol this fact : It's up to you so, Independent Furniture Co. v'a&ii 104-106 FIRST STREET 1007. 1111 ON THIRTY ;,.. I'V-y " J .?-;;t?.'';i;A'-''vv;:!-''V'i ;.: met "mm. . ' : store Weary ttp. r 5S''S'''fe"? Bars Mn Temper ' ;;:'?S Ka OoMpieoiy' ' FIAT PL v ' IRON , '.t3BtT-.-i8lrfei'' THAT ifef WOMAN I FW'fl'-- SHOULD s "'.jlj j m ; Fill in Coupon and Mail to Us The Iron Will be Delivered With All Necessary Equipment. Absolutely Free of Charge CUT OUT COUPON and MAIL to US TODAY PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER COMPANY FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. PORTLAND, OR. Gentlemen Tou may deliver to me one Electric Flatlron, which I agree to try, and if unsatisfactory to me, to return to you within 10 days from date of delivery. If I do not return It at that time you may charge asms to my acoount at $4.00. It is understood that no charge will be made for the Iron If I return It within SO days. Nam ...m. Address M.....r. BWABTlfXHT 9. THE THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL OFFER APPLIES ONLY TO CONSUMERS OF OUR CURRENT. times fiery and electrical, and his quiet humor Is spontaneous, clean and ever mirth-provoking. He la every inch nu ma.n and democratic As a prominent figure In the recent insurance Investigation and other af fairs, of national Importanoe, Governor Johnson has been enabled to exhibit his sterling; worth to the people of this BUY THIS PRETTY GIRL to investigate. You are welcome to DAYS' TRIAL country outside his native state. It i a foregone conclusion that next year h will be persuaded by his host of ad mirera in tne nortnwest to stsna in in limelight as a promising candidate fo tne presidential nomination, on tn Democratic ticket . - : If be secures that nomination he wli prove a zorce to ne reckoned witn. inspect our goods and get prrceJ' CASH , OR CREDIT US?' j. '-