The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 11, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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Cushion Tops
A splendid special salt Monday
tnd Tuesday In the rt depart
ment1 They ; are stamped ; la
several designs ready for em
broidery .and, -go with- plain
backs. They are made of good
materia!,' - selling regularly ' for
50c and -45c each, : There Is t
splendid assortment and the Jot
contains just - 223. , A rare
chance 'to add' a cozy look -to
a den or oarlor at a small erica.
special Monday , . " f f
and Tuesday, I I C
Muslin Wear
Women's Corset Covers of fine
cambric or nainsook, tucked
front and , back tnd trimmed
with pretty lace or embroidery;
regular $1.50 values, spe- Q7
cial tt......... ....... f C
Our new stock of Lawn, and
Pique . Dresses, made in best
style and trimmed with lace and
embroidery, , regularly worth
frorn $1 ' to $20, for children
from 4 to 14 years, : , Umff
special at half price.'.. I lull
Leather Specials
Jewel Pockets, silk, separate
inner pocket of chamios skin
.with' 4 compartments, M(
75c value, for ....... tUC
Skirt Pockets, in white and
brown linen, with ; inside
chamios pockets, OA
$1.25 value for . ..... 07 C
Leather Hand Bags, in black.
tan arid brown, $1.50 QQ
value, special '; eOC
Jewelry Specials
Picture ; Frames, gilt ' and
oxidize finish, in oval and
square regular 63c 00
value, for .V;.;U .i. aiOC
Cuff and Scarf Pin Sets, in
sterling silver and .'n ft
copper, special . . , f ; ,fO C
Souvenir Pins, '' enameled
sterling silver, 25c : ;ia
value, on sale for ... lllC
A fortunate strike of merchandising brought us an immense lot of the richest plumes ever shown in Portland at
a price that means a wonderful saving to those who purchase promptly. From a large importer who needed hard
cash we purchased the largest number of plumes we have ever imported in one shipment It is an advanced sale;
a little ahead of the regular millinery season, but of course ostrich plumes are the most staple article in the milli
nery line. No matter what your hat will be for; the coming fall you will have use for rich ostrich plumes like
these. Therefore, you can buy with confidence that you are making a good investment, it being merchandise
you will find ample use for. This is by long odds the pre mium millinery opportunity of the season. Fluffy
ostrich plumes, from 12 to 26 inches long, and at prices that are away below their worth. Colors are black, white,
light blue, pink and golden brown, shades that will be jn great demand this season. Inspect your needs and buy
now. Sale continues Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Buy when assortment is at its best. See window display.
. $1.50
Regular 9 95
$3.00 Value . VA'A?
$Salue. $6.00
$2.00 Value
jlSo Value . $50
lvalue $9.00 $ 12.00 g& $ .00
Regular $24 Value $18.00 Regular $27.50 Value $20.63
$4.00 Value .
ttOMValue $T.50
Men's $f.50 Shirts Special 99c
A special lot containing about sine dozens of a famous
brand of $1.50 Shirts; the materials are madras and
fiercales, in plain white or colored, also in striped or
igured desires. They have attached pr detached cuffs;
alt sizes and all sleeve lengths; shirts that fit, QQ
shirts that wear, special for Monday ffV.
Men's Summer Under
wear, shirts and drawers,
-in blue, brown and pink,
50c values, spe- 07Jr
" cial, garment
Men's Summer Under
wear shirts and drawers,
in blue, gray, ecru and
pink, 75c values, AQ
special, garment . .rtf
, Men's Golf Shirts, in gray
or tan, with soft collars
and cuffs, good QC
Men's Muslin Night
Gowns, ' with or without
collar, plain or with fancy
borders, 75c AQr
values,, special ....rtl
Men's Fancy Vests, in
plain white, colored and
Men's Pure Linen Hand
kerchiefs, with hem
stitched border. Ji-inch
hem, regular - 1
20c, special lVi2C
$15 value, spec....1
Special Suit Case Sale All straw and AMF FIFTH
leather Suit Cases and Bags reduced... VllL"l II I II
Mow Foi ' New JFali Dress Goods
)fainpN)ds are arriving dally now and Portland's splendid dress goods and silk store
easily mamtaina its supremacy. .. ' ... , , , .
Fancy Plafd Silks.An advance sale of the new weaves in strikingly pretty plaida. They
are regular $1.00 and $1.25 values. To bring you in to inspect our fall line OQ
the Introductory price will be the yard ......,.,',., OUs,
Notions & Toilets
Pond's Extract Cream, in glass 17
tar. value 25c. soecial. jar I C
Solid Back All Bristle Hair Brushes, il A .
value 75c, special, each, .............. .tC
Whisk Brooms, an extra good. 1 17
value at 25c special ..1 IC
Talcum Powder, Colgate's Violet C,
or Cashmere Bouquet, can ...........IvC
4-lb. Bar White Castile Sosp, : ''OQ
value 60c, special UJC
Crepe Paper Napkins, 100 in pkg., J
value 35c, special
Hurd's Writing Tablets linln or bond
finish, ruled and unruled,
value 20c, special . . .... . ... . .. . . ... 1 tC
Box Paper, Japanese linen, . ly j, :.ty; n
value 19c, special ........... V. ... 1 & v
Lace Shelf paper; best quality white
or tolors, value 10c, special .
Pictures, large line of 65c value!,
ge line of 65c values', 00
extra special . . . . '. . . . . . ,v7C
Snap Dress Fasteners, all sizes, 2 : -dozrn
card, value 10c, special yv. .ii . I C
Best Machine Oil, 4-ounce bottle, in J A.
patent oil can, value 15c, special
assorted sizes, value 9c, special, box
tight Weight Dress Shields; IfTme- C '
-dium size only, reg. 20c;-special, tr,i.lUC
Pearl Buttons, for shirt waists, come :
in. all sizes, 2 holes, 1 doz.'on card.... C
in Odd China
' : .1 ' i -:
Closing out at very low prices several lines
containing hundreds of pieces of exquisitely
beautiful decorated Haviland French china.
These prices show unusual savings:
Berry or Oat Meal Plates, assorted C
decorations, special, each ........... 1C
Soup Plates, assorted decorations, OA
special, each :.. tUC
Plates, assorted decorations and . OCm
sizes, special, each .................. aWC
Creamers. Mil 2
special, each . H"C
Tea Pots. Ofl
special, each ..vVL
Sunn. mr
Special, each ..IOC
Chocolate; An.
Pots, each
Tea Cups and Saucers, , r OKt
special, each ...t.i )C
After Dinner Coffee Cups and " C
Saucers, special, each ............... lvC
Covered Vegetable Dishes, special JC-
each ....ImC
4 - , All Assorted - -
Manv other articles at eauallv attractive
prices to close out odd lines, - - i '
Hew Arrivals in Fall ; t
e !-v Goods : .Z- '
Now receiving new fall lines. Electric and
Gas Reading Lamps, Bohemian Gold Deco
rated Glassware, Marble Statuary and Fed-
The greatest shoe selling event in Portland's history sweeps into
its second week tomorrow, gaining in force and prestige with
each day that passes. Last week's shoe sales were the largest
in the history of this-store. Thousands of well pleased custo
mers declared it the peer of all that have ever gone before, in
merchandise, in values, and in the correctness of style of the
shoes concerned.
If you have missed the first week, come Monday and share. All
lots continued at the same low prices that ruled for the first six
days' busy selling. We make special mention of the following
four assortments. Come. .
LOT 1. Women's Shoes and
Oxfords, low or high shoes, in
the finest" of leathers, from sev
eral of the best shoe makers in
the country. The low sh jes in
clude the popular garden or
Grecian ties and swajrger but
ton shoes. Any last, any heel,
any toe and any style, worth
to $6.00,
LOT 2. Women's Oxfords, in
all of the most wanted leathers
and all. popular shapes; come
in light or extension soles and
in white or colored canvas, also
in the best leathers ; regular
$3.50 and $4.00 n qq
grades ....... .. . . . tj)j07
LOT 3. Women's Oxfords,
from regular static, m splendid
grade to which we add la spe
cial purchase of the superb
"DuBarry" shoe in the high
cufffiodels. This is -ne of the
famous makes in $2.50 shoes,
good style, well made and of a
crime grade of leathers. Hun
dreds of pairs in this (t AQ
assortment, choice tyleaO
LOT 6. Men's Medium Grade
Shoes and Oxfords, made in all
leathers and covering the pop
ular fashionable shapes. Hun
dreds of pairs in the most de
sired styles for street and dress
wear. Our $3.50 and $4.00
shoes have always been popu
lar for the good styles and sat
isfactory wear.
Buy them now for
All G6-arts Reduced
With a stock so complete and with the very best
line of Go-Carts and Baby Carriages carried
all the west the announcement of the cut pri
sak from this store is of more than ordinary im
portance. Over 40 styles to select from and
every cart in pur magnificent stock included "in
the sale. Take the little one for an airing 'and
make it more pleasant for it and 'for yourself. ;
These carts are all adjustable ;'sty le&: and ;make'
a comionaoie coucn or a iigm can xor outdoor
wheeling. They are made with patent anti-frc-;
tion wheel fasteners and are absolutely oil proof.
Oil never drips from axles to soil dresses, ,
hands or carpets. Made with reed bodies and
fitted with patent foot brakes, many styles fur-
nished complete with cushion and parasoL
Regular CC OC
$7.50 value OO.O
' in' ' ' r";
Regular Of?
$12.00 valu yO.LO
Regular . 11 fiC
$17.50 value ...ip 11.00
Regular 7 OC Regular ! 7 C7
$10.50 , value O I LO $11.00 value I 0 1
$9.50 value $6.50
&e.;;.:$9.5o; pfpio:50
$ieW0,value . . $13.50 $21valtie; ;..$14.50
$24Waralue .i.$17.75 , $Oo!valuV vl$26.00
Small Folding Runabouts, without parasols A liirht weiurht little cart that can be fdlded
and carried on street cars or in carriage or train. Prices as follows: f i; v'Pf-wi
Regular $2.50 value, special for......? 1.T5 Regular $4.00 value, special for '.,.. 93T5
Regular $275 value, special for...... f 195 Regular $6.00 value, special for...... $4.2 5
$22.50 value
Pillow Cases lie Ea.
800 dozen Pillow Cases, sizes
45x36, extra . heavy, white, of-
xerea special, ?
two days, each
Colored f Bed t Spreads, in fine
satin finish; pink and light blue,
warranted to wasb0 7g
$3.50 each, special pri). 1 0
Linene, in all colors, a splen
did wearing and very l popular
wash material, special, I o 1 '
the yard 1&2C
Oxford Suitings, for early fall
wear; very swagger wash
material, in splendid OA "
patterns, the yard . ; . . i eCUC
Suits Half Price
A closing out of all - the tailored Eton
models at half the original figures. vTtiey
are made of high grade materials in voile,
Panama and fancy woolen mixtures; taste
fully ornamented with spread applique and
fancy buttons. They are very stunning cos
tumes for late, summer and fall wear.
Skirts come in pleated styles and many of
the voile suits have silk drop skirts. They
are regularly priced at $25.00 to $100," and
there are nearly 200 of them to choose
from. Come early Mon
day and select any suit
in the lot tor half regu
lar price, .,....,. , , . .
Women's Linen Duck, Suits Special Price.
All wash suits in; the house reduced h
price now. Come in plain tailored or f "rt
ly trimmed styles, mostly white, but a f: .
colored materials.' Very lowprkc.
Hal? I