The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 11, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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Whiskey Flasks .
Ranging from" $1 to $6,"
all one-fota-th ' off' s
Regular 50c Flasks, ' '
I Traveling Rolls
' . , i , " ' i
.' f ';
Just what you want for
the vacation trip; many
kinds, $2,25 to $50; $2.50
roll at' , "
$1.87 "
Buster Brown
: Camera
Takes picture J2)ixiH
Just what you want to
take to the beach.
" - ; Phonograph
K?erybody says they aft
great. : especially the
children; see- , window
display, v
f '.'. y., ltV J '" 1 ,r
All 25c and 30c Passepar
touts; on the 0 fourth
floor special, ' y ;
' ' i'V ' ' '."' " .
V ' 15c
Pictures -'
" , T' - . i ; -
'(' . f '' .'.
All 15c and 20c Passepar
touts! ;l on the fourth'
floor epecial, .
Alcohol Gas Stove
Jfuit the' thing when you
want a quick fire spe-i
ciaV .
Ingersoll Watches
Don't carry your good
watch when , you go
fishing take one' of
these, ' fS
: $2.00
$1.0Q '
Stationery ., 40c Fapetries
oa ssle Mosdiy ' '
. .19c
I 1
Invalid Chairs
- Prom $25 up. Rental if
you don't choose to buy,
$5 a month.
Abdominal Belts
Cool and comfortable,
". Bedside Tables '. ,
A valuable thine in any '
. K home, f 4.50
. Commode Chairs'
. ; , $12.50 ,
; Medical Cases
Filled or not we have
one at f 2.00 ,
Elastic Hose
Remember, the best all
silk or linen . and " best
Para rubber make uivthe
M.j hose we guarantee to you;
1 Wristleta ,......;.fl.00
. Anklets ......... .f 2.50
; Knee Caps..,. ....f 2.50
1 Leggins f2.50
Cartel Hose..... .f 3.50
This store open Sundays 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. A civilized Sunday for pur sales
; people Telephone jto t
1000 Sepia Pictures
' burOptical x'i
Is In charge of a state examined
optometrist If your glasses do not
fit you should consult': us.. We
have a large stock of lenses and
can fit you perfectly. . Do not. in
jure yoijtr eyes by .. wearing, poor
glasses. - . .
Consultation Pre.
Woodlark '
Toilet ' : ,
' Hava you tried them?.
, Golden Rod Skin Food .... . . .25f
Woodlark Dry Shampoo B0
"Caiendula" Medicated Toilet Soap
; per cake'. ., 20
Wild ' Flowers Mt Hdod Soap, per
cake v....,15a
Egyptian Complexion 'Lotion, fl
Hygienic Skin Food and Tissue
.Builder: ;.;. 35
Mt Hood Cold Creata!1..,... 2S
"Micro" for (he hair........'... 1
, For Monday Only.
Bath Caps, all rubber; regular 50c,
pecial M.. 83t
. - ......
Rubber -lined case with Wash
Cloth, special ,..t7f
AA Liners Bath Brushes, H Price
Turkish Bath Towels up to$2L50
f H off; a 50c one for .....T37f
Fancy Fact Chamois; regular 10c,.
Is the Important branch' of our
business and requires care, atten
tion and the beat of knowledge of
modern pharmacy. We use only
the i Tery best ' drugs, ; and hatf a
system of recording and checking;
which; absolutely, prcrentf ' mis
takes. We, offer you the best of
service in erery way. These are
points that ought to interest you
occasionally. tJ.
r!' -"S ie7tf. , inches.
1 J-inch solid ' oak . frame.
Name of subject on each
one. The . best bargain we
ever 'offered, in the picture
line. ' Regular , 69c, Extra
special ..... ....'. 47V
Telephone your order at once we de
liver any time anywhere, C Exchange 11
Home phone Al 139.
... i i ii i - i
Truss Talk
By . Out TrOM 1 .':
lupnta, . ,, ':
kn Improperly
fitting trues
mean daaar
worae than none at
JL W have men
and .women fitter
who are experts In
this Mae and guar
antee every one to
'fit and satisfy In
every way or your
money back.
"' ' " - "
We are here to please th people, , Maka
oar store your headquarters ,You ara
alwaya welcome. .
" . BSssss(sssssssisss"saBssBOi , . . . - ,
Montana Gets Enough. Eec-
. lamation Fund to gat
isfy Her. jt
While Investigations Will Be Made!
In New Regions Why Huntley
'v. ' : " . ..' ' ' I
v Idmd Ues Unclaimed Court Pe
' clslon Hurts Ono Project. ' -
Cove's Bed Apple.
- (SpMld Dtipatch t Tb Joarnil)
Helena. Mont. Aug. 10. H. N. Bav
'ax, a supervising engineer In the fed-
-: eral reclamation service,; bas returned
"to Helena from ' Nevada, , where . with
other supervisors he 'bad a conference
J" with ; Becretary . Garfield, at which the
'.land was allotted for several projects
sow-under construction. The allotment
is particularly pleasing to Montana, as
: ' Mr. Bavage states that the extension of
the Sun river project Is provided for.
amounting, to about 17,000 acres addi
tional, as well as the first unit of the
Khnhon crolect of approximately ze.
, 000 acres and the lower TeUowstone
nrnffint ATtendinr from Glendive to Fort
.ituford. North Dakota. Machinery for
the latter, which mil reclaim aoou
: J 00.000 acres in Montana and another
- 100.000 In North Dakota, Is now bein
Installed, as well as that for the Huntley
. Tirotecc . AB i sproprmro wm
mnArn far the 100-acr experiment farm
of th rovernment on the Huntley pro-;
InvestlK'atlons on five Indian reserva
tions, to have their Irrigable possibfu
, ties determined s beyond peradventur.
Two parties are In the Flathead and an
other will ro to the Elackfeet reserva
tion. An appropriation of , $300,000 has j
Been made lor me ouiiams; vx muuue iu
the Blackf egt reservation.
. - Xa4 9rawUur a BUllsgs.
. , There ha been not a little comment
at the lailur or persons wnoit names
were drawn at Billings t make selec
tions on the Huntley land Th tro
tmh !MirhiLte lies In the seal oz 1311-
Ilnrs for a large registration, with th
result that practically every person
' niiaiiflnd to resistor did so. when In
rnailtv tn an y eared nothinr for the land
. but wanted to attract settlers. Billing-
. , residents largely predominated among
the names drawn. However, on August
21 th public will b given an oppor
i ,inftv .mi it ! safe to ear the remain-
' inc tracts will b seised with avidity by
persons anxious to secure nomas, eren
at 5 an acre. . .
A Elow to a Mvat Project. -
' ; Ther Is no little consternation - In
' Teton county over Judge woiverton's
"decision holding the United State as th
.n., at nn n innonif Dornennv UDon
a public stream, entitled . to th con
- tinud flow of th waters so far as may
th property, this means tnai tn im
mense private ditch built by W. G. Con
rad of Helena at a cost of 1100,000 will
not get the waters of Birch creek, th
middle of which forms th southern
; tioundary-Of the Blackf set reservation.
The mala Conrad ditch is 90 miles lone
with S00 miles of laterals and a reser
voir fir ry on mile, and whloh would
havs 'reclaimed eo.vuo acre. Mucn or
this had been occupied. The case will
be appealed, -
r Y- -tjrir . assMssMsiajksBjBSBssasssssMMM-,:
Navy Department Takes
Becognitiori of SallorVVho
, Saved Companion.
(Hearst JTews by twgest teased Wire.)
Washington. Aug. 10. Gunners Mate
Whitehead of the United States Bteamer
Adams at Tutuna and a number of th
erew of the Wabash at Boston have
been complimented by th navy depart-
meat for gallant conduct
Whitehead, during a landslide at the
barracks, held on firmly to Gunner Cox,'
who had been burled in the debris and
threatened with death by th oetsistent
movement mt, th concrete walla. till.
by th us of grappling hooks. Cox was
relieved from nig perilous position. ,
The following enlisted ' men ' on h
Wabash will receive th aooroval of the
department; . "
1 M. W. -Holland. M. K fiweasy. M. Sum
ner, P. J. Brown, G. Hawkins, P. Qulnn,
J. B. Smith; M. K. Meyers, A. O. French
and H. Shannon.
Thev went oromotlv to ;tha resou of
tnree peopi wno haa oeen thrown from
a power launch wnicn nan collided with
a uneiaea zerry boat, juiy so.
n on
i TO
1 " in i . .
Army and Nary Hants Will
Be Heayy, Competitors
of Trust-
(Special ' Wjpntci t Toe Joanal.)
Mosoow. Ida Aug. 10 A heavy shower
' fell last night, enough to lay th dust
effectually and stop harvesting opera
tions for a dav or two. .Th weather to
day, however, was fair with a brisk
wind that continues and will dry th
fields out rapidly, i Cutting will doubt-
b resumed in many fields tomor
row, and threshing not later than Mon
.av. Meanwhile th farmers are not
I ii. Many have their threshing finished
r partly done and these are busy baul
!r their grain, to warehouses. Con
, J arable wheat was received her to-
iv, the first deliveries of any Import
, , . Th prlfs fixed for th opening
t t.' mrVet is & cents, but a farm
i,9 .t filing. .
Irt Week
Of t' J
si :
i !.) a ti i i
. t . 1
fs.t clearanre sal at 1a
Monday 25 suits go at
.'. nil tor $12.60. Be on
r l get first choice, 175
(Hearst News fey Loecest tesied Wlre.
Washington, Aug. 10. Th navy de-
"partment having -established a powder
plant near. Washington .two years ago,
th army- followed suit,, and It Is re
ported today by ' General William E,
Crosier, chief of the bureau of ordnance
of the army, that th government plant
at Dover, Now- Jersey,' is making -such
progress that th actual manufacture of
smokeless powder may be commenced
next winter. Th capacity ef th plant
at Dover Is about 10,000 pounds a day.
The army and navy plants, while not
sufficient perhaps to compete with- the
powder trust, which Is about to b dis
solved, are valuable Institutions. It is
evident to manv of the officers Of the
army and navy that had the proposition
In 1902 to build government factories
been taken bold of at the time, instead
of wasting the Interim on boards of
conference, the powder trust would have
long ago ceased to have the power to
hold up the government on prices. . u
Bright Striped Astrachans
Bring Good Prices Sec
tion Getting Famous. .
(gpeelal Wspate to Tfce 7nU
Cove, Or., Aug. 10. Th yellow Early
Harvest, red Junes and bright striped
astrachans are now on fh market and
ara bringing good prloea. , .
Th big red apple of. Union county Is
grown to - greatest 'perfection In the
little- Cove valley and In favored eo
tlons of North Powder valley; th for
mer has widely advertised this as a
ract In neariv 'every Dart of the United
States, but the latter Is as yet only I
partially awakened . toth commercial
vaiue or its iruits. -une result or tma
difference In the two placea is seen
arter tne season is over: whereas, here.
it is seldom that a high-colored apple I
Is to be had at home or on the lnca.1 1
marxet (and a similar ' accusation Is I
orougnt i against urana Kond gen
erally, so great Is th outside demand 1 1
In North Powder such choice luxury Is
Sis Dining Room Ckairs
ne Six Fooi Extens56iii;ToMe
;Et Glass China Closet
ne Handsome ISmffei
to be had dally.
tor oooaing,
flavor, high color,
rom neat niemian
these apples are not to be aurnaaaMl-
yet, Strang to state, with 60,000 to 80,
000 boxes of such fruit shlpoed yearly 1
wiu mn umuiiu ucmuig I OT IV umes SB
much more, ther are today thousands
of acres of the best of orchard grounds
vacant or for sale by people who do not
understand that there is at any season
ov per rai prom from sucn appia or-
vwrui auu mo wona xor a marKeL
(Special . Dispatch to The journal.)
Olympla, Wash., Aug. 10. The attor
ney-general's office In a letter to the
assessor of Benton county holds that
Irrigation plants. Including headgates.
numes, - intakes, canals, laterals, and
pumping stations are assessable to e
company ownina- such., irrlo-atlnn nmn-
vi iff u rctu euifive, uiu tne taxes as-1
sessed against the property will remain
j ne Bitomev-senerai n.i imt
opinion' to th secretary of state to th
effect Jthat trust companies and both
foreign and domestic Insurance com-1
"""oi mi license iee ox fib per annum
yiwTiuou iiib act 'CI
RODlVlna to - the ntv iiwrlii).i.
ent of Snonpmlsh county. It is held that
uustu .vi euuuation ooes not have I
power to condemn and close alleys and
'nine , a acnooihous sit, , on
that .' any property already
the arounc
wu m a. puuiie use ana nein h. a
"..'.'"(Bearst Hews br Loanst leased Wire.)
Blrmlnshain. An. 10. The llcnnaa of
uie ooutnern railway to ao Dusmess in
Alabama has been reinstated. It haa
never ceased to run trains and no- in
convenience has been or wilt be suffered
uiiucr ine agreement arrived at yester
day. The circular letter of Jfs.- It.
Thompson, assistant to the president of
Southern railway, addreesed to the
PhfF.i.-0 IabT11! 1" which h says
Jhalh eV" -f e Southern in mak-
. . l?wvernor Comer were
in the intenest of peace t preserve or
der. Is wU received her. , ,
municioalitv in its mnmrnndt
Ity. fould not be aaln taken for another
vuui.v vnitiuui pwcirio autnonty to
?.? " h?v2ngien granted by legisla-
' i (Special Dispstek to Th JesrasL) '
oiympia, wash., Aug. 10. Governor
Meaa way wired the followln man.
sag to Mfs. Angelina Myers, who ve-
da? l n'Mty-ninth blrth
Plas accept my congratulations nn
your having lived, ninety-nine years In
our great country. I hope your xoee
tatlon to live lfO years may b mor
than fulfilled.: - ' . 7 mor
Th rovernor was ' sreatl 4n....
In the account of the commemoration of
uie uuivif ' vuvouay oi Mjnu)'
.'', ; .' -'l ;. ....''.'
ne B
III .... ' - v "
- s - . . . ..'.
Ill V U. 1 Vv III III
', ,. ,. ik." v asv ',j i a tt i , , w . ' 1 .i :f
III . X X f 11 1. A U If U If I ' m i
, : ' ' . ,
-0 The Complete Dome Ontfittcrs fiSI:
Each Article Quarter-Sawed and Highly Polished
For This Complete Outfit
NOTE We have jest received en Importation froia Freace of Bronze Electrical Statue.
ana th evident physical and mental
vigor bq remaricaDie in one or ner age.
He is convinced that the salubrious cli
mate or Washington Is conducive to
longevity), and Is desirous of receiving
foimu.1 i.ucr. irura reaiaents or tn
state wno nave attainea to th age of SO,
(Special Dispatch t The looraal.)
Norh Pnwder. Or.. Ar 10l ka
feet a aood flow of water haa , h.n
obtained on th James Hutchinson ranch
lust outside of town by the same artes
ian well-boring outfit that found the
m uuw wi, unr. duju water at 1st
feet, Using te a height of 22 fret, on
the Andrew Lun property here in town,
July 9. s More pipes have been sent for
in oraer to oore rartner on tne nutcn
lnson ranch, to geta stronger flow..
On the British . Coast the Oreatales
.. Are ICept for Milking.?
- It Is not generaly known that cuttle
fish ar cultivated on some farms In
order to b "mnked." Thesa cuttle
fish farms are located en parte of the
British , coast, and ' the cuttlefish are
kept" In tanks or ponds to b "milked'
of their Ink.
The npaa or tan is eonected wltn ue
a by a pipe, and a thousand or more
cuttles ar kept Jn a single one. They
form a most curious sight as they
move about, trailing their long arms
and staring out of their bulging eyes.
They are guarded by screens, which
Frevent them from being scared. For if
hey are suddenly frightened. .
Popular ; Science Slftings, they will
squirt their "milk": Into the water, and
it would, therefore, be lost. This fluid,
ur mux, is (vei jr vtuuaoie, ana eacn cut
tle will yield about; 15s worth a year.
It Is secreted in a baa- whlrh can ha
opened - and closed at will, th cuttle
ejecting the fluid to darken the water
SO that It mar- escana linannn whan
attaoked. The best cuttlefish are pro
cured In China, where for , some rea
son or ; omer toey. produce .the best
. When the farmer considers- it oppor
, wtUea, he proceeds
L??onln.f ilces of the pond and
gontfy agitating the water. The euttlea '
then swim around th pond, a soon as ;
one passes . through- the sluice J is '
closed. Th cutUe passes down a small '
channel Iqto a basin or metal recep-" '
tacle. and as soon as it , !
nir im uraines Oil. Jt IS
then frightened, and at one sirrts
the fluid from the bag. i When ItXta
exhausted It Is lifted out, th milk II
vvuouivu, - una . tne pasin . is prepared
,U4 WJUVHEI, . 1
Toklo, the capital and iargest city of,,l population of nearly
S.000,000. Osaka Is.- the next largest
U'tVr wlta a population of about l,ooo,-