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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURtfAE, PORTLAND. 'SATURDAY -EVENING. 'AUGUST 10. .1007.' NEWS OF THE SPORTING WORDD tefS SHUTS OUTTHE BEAVERS Is Strong at Critical Points : and Pulls Out of Eleven Bad Holes. , 'L TOPIRE PERIUNE WINS DISAPPIlOVAl; OF PANS Mm With Fog-IIom 'Voice nearly Favors ' Visitor Better Team f ; Work Would Have Preente4 Oak- ' land Jtans Notei of Game. .43tt& Ma i TERDAT8 RESTJLTi. nd. 1: Portland. 9. Baa Franolaco, i; Log Angel,, l. l'"' J '. BTANDINO OF THE CLUBS. . Won. Lost P.C, XS Angele ,. M 4 Ben FrandaoO, .. J4 . Oakland ... . J Portland .. .41 571 .BIS .(It .173 ; Tli elulv twlatara of Ell Cat, on tint twlrlar for th Portland club, war too much tot th Beaver batters y- terday aad a ahut-out was tba result Though tba local aaourad but four hits, and tboaa war In four different tnnlnf a, ' 11 sprat and dlatlnot tlmaa thy war ' la a poatUoa whara a nobby. Uttl lngl would hav maant a cor. But oia x.n waa too strongor tba locala war too weak and thera waa nothing doing. Tba TUltora touched up young Mr. Hartman tor 10 singles and a double, four singles being aoorad la on Inning. But a lot of these bit war of tb cratch variety. Two ware bunt. and one had to be given bacaua or a pum liinn h "Bull" Perrlne. In fact. Perrine waa far off yesterday. Ha I , laavlv ravnrari Oakland and if ha paata the performance, today h will be no more Dooular In thia neck of thai woods than 1 'UmpM Derrick. Sow Oaklaad Boored. Oakland scored once In the fourth and once in the fifth. HoltmuUer waa re tired on an Infield stroke and was fol lowed by Eagan, who hit a high bounder to Fay. It bounded a few Inches higher .the last time, Fay missed It ana Agan was presented with a hit. Dash wood followed with a well placed shot past Mott Blgbee hit a slow bunt which Mott grabbed at with on hand and missed. Again the runner was presented with a hit. Haiev bunted ana Hart man tumbled badly, but recovered the ball in time to set the runner at first. But. lo! there was no fielder at the Initial sack, so Haley had to be given credit for a hit Eagan scored on the play. Devereaux came to bat and Dashwood tried to squeeze in. Ha was too late and Donahue chased him- back to third, ' arriving at about the same time as Blgbee. ; Donahue touched them both. In th rhrht order.' so he thought but Per rtne called only Blgbee out. It made EO difference in the score, however, as evereaux flew out to Bassey. Smith scored the other run. He hit aafe, ran third on van Haltren sao riflce and stole home while Hartman waa winding up his arm. The pitcher saw pmitn start in plenty or time, in ract, before he began to wind, but Instead of making a quick throw home and "catching the runner half way, Hartman thought it necessary to go through the entire deliver)! process In its slowest form. Consequently when the ball ar rived at the plate it found Mr. Smith seated there ahead of it, complacent and smiling. The of.loial score: OAKLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A. B. 10 0 established In Paris by Prof essor Pierre Brouaaat. who tesohea "foot passengers now to walk safely in publio thorough fares' and to dodge automobiles and oafrlafe In'th most solentlflo manner. K, Okura, son of a wealthy Japanese iron manufacturer, in on bis wsy home iuiu -iuron university, nngiana, oy War Of the United ttilu mith tnar nt the swiftest automobiles that he vuj in Europe, ,e intends to try to I II MS ATHLETIC popularise motor raclna in Janan.. When E. C. Richards, of Buffalo. New York, was held up on a charge of speed ing across a bridge at Columbia, Penn sylvania, ne avoma arrest byofterlng iu us io jau untu ne couia. ootam money from home to psy his fine. The local of- nciii aeciiMoi nis board would cost wiure man ine one. PU0aiS3I NEAR ITS END IN LOS ANGELES! CLUB AT SPO Of E To Join Northwest Associa tion and Compete in Inter-Club Contests, Jjftm An .Atlav 1 A - wt i ar 4hsa . - a v a,sw(ajMI eaw extensive gratuitous distribution of prise-light tickets among city officials a row has developed in the oouncll and a aharp investigation Is scheduled at ine city nan. The council la about avanl dfvldod 2v?h.J.--nJ!lLqu."Uon' w,tht.n ager and ooaoh of teama ZmZn mimnm?tSuntlto North wst for abolition of the game. These agree J association and compete under amataur with Mayor Taylor of Ban Francisco I mi, in hnrinm r..Mnv .d (gpedsl Dispatch t Tb Joaraal.) ' Bpokana, Wash., Aug, J o. Spokane 1 to havs a nw amateur atheletlo asso ciation, composed principally of tnm bar of the National guards, with Cap tain Denton Crow at it head, and T. O, Cook, formerly physical director of th Spokane Amateur Athletlo club, a nan- Th organl- ollolted or accepted by city official. It Is authoritatively atatad that h.l a dosen. tickets re left reaularlv On aoh councilman's desk in his absence, but that the non-partlsana never see them, a ijium naving neen nevisea to turn tne seats into mors reeaDtlva channela. Thomas McCfirfiy. manager of th Pa cific Athletic club, ha secured consid erable Influence at the city hall and the non-partisans declare his free tickets did It War develops quickly when ther 1 an attomnt to leoialata mlnat th game, but the antl-flght counollmen claim tnat there will be a hot Inquiry and that afterward they will hav strength enough to put th olub out of pueipca. YESTERDAY'S RACE RESULTS. Grand Circuit at Buffalo. I!OI. DUrss 11.000 Lillian R won tnree straight heats and th rac In z:os, z:u. pace, nurse 11.000 Tomar II. won the second and fourth heats and the rac in Z:07H. 2:01; Grand Elder won tne intra neat in I:0IH; Miss j ones won tne nrst heat in J:0u. Z:1S trot, purse 11.000 Lotta r for merly Lady Thistle) won the first, third ana rourtn neais ana tns race in 2:09, 2:11. l:09U: Maruaret O. won the aeo. ona neat in z;uft. baseball and track events. It will hav quarter in Spokane's new armory, re- centlv erected hv tha atate of Wiih. ngton at a coat of 1(1,000. and will have at least 180 members at the start. Frank Carrlban of Spoken, th Ill pound amateur champion boier of th Pacific northwest, will be ona of tha Instructors and there will be teacher in wrestling, fencing and club swlngln, and coaches for track and field wor and general gymnastics. It I proposed to tage part in the big indoor meets, as wall as In th ehamotonahlD wrestiina and boxing carnivals th coming fall ana winter. BIG MANAGERS APTEE NORTHWEST LEAGUEES (Joans! BpeeU! Bertlea.) Seattle. Aua-. 10.The eves of tha bla league manager! are still turned toward tne Northwestern league, looking for talent Plttsbure- wanta Hunky Bhaw. third baaeman of the Taooma team, and Clark Qrlffith, of th New York Amer- icana, is arter jueu. ins slugging eentar flelder of the Butte team. Yesterday of Oeorae but Shreeder turned Tim O'Rourke dangled a check for 11.(00 Dayr the offer down. Shreeder in Result at Bntte. Half mile Fal staff won. Bobeaka mnr.A rrA P.aal thtA. . , Q 1 Five-eighths mue uoiiar Chaser won, offered 11,600 for Bell, put Hubs Hail is tdy A'delaid second, PatrloUo third; holding out for 127000. H will get It, under the nose Chaw e offer down. The Tacoma team now has a chaao for tb pennant, and as Bhaw ha begun to hit onee more, Shreeder thinks he would weaken his team by lettlns th speedy fielder ao at this time. He may sell htm later In the season, however. Clark Qrlffith ha Catcher Thomas of the New York American League Team. NORTHWEST TENNIS TITLE LIES BETWEEN TYLER AND M'BURNEY Bmlth. If. 4 1 2 Van Haltren, cf. .... S A"0 Hltmuller, rf. ..... I 0 4 4 iia-bee. lb 4 Haley, 2b. ..... 4 pevereaux. 8b 4 4 Eagan, s. Dashwood, o. Blgbee. lb. Cates, p. Totals Sassey, If. ott. 2b. , Cesser 2b, Mherton. lb. McCredle, rf. Donahue, c. urdette. of. Pay. ss. ... Hartman, p. , jnoore- 0 2 2 5 11 2 2 0 2 11 27 12 0 24 PORTLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A. E 4 0 12 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 4 0 0 12 8 0 0 2 4 0 14 8 0 11 8 0 14 8 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 s 1 0 0 E 0 4 4 0 Total .80 0 4 27 17 9 Batted for Hartman In th ninth. SCORE BY INNINGS. Oahvd .. .....0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Hitst...,...o 114 110 1 811 Portland ; . .... .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' Hits .. ,.....,1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 14 . "'; SUMMARY. ' Struck out Bv Hartman. : v ff. 8. Bases pn ballsOff Hartman, 2; off Cates, 4. Two-base hit Dashwood. Sao- jinco mts van Haltren, Mott Stolen bases, Smith, 2( Devereaux, 2; Bassey. Hit by pitched balls Burdett. Mott First base on errors Oakland, S. Wild pitch Cates. Left on bases Port- jana, jv, uaaiana, s. Tim Of gam, 1 sour, imuuioa. - umpire rerrine. NOTES OP TBQB GA3IK 11111 ij j 111 ' " "- - The 11 chances of Portland to score a run oy a single outneia hit occurred 170 PER DAY Th health departments of both New Tork and Chicago hav sounded' tha alarm.. The growing death from kidney I . disease are appalling now over 170 per r day. These are, the census figures, ; Kidney disease Is getting to be a na tional menace. Everyone should watch , Ills kidneys. Kidney trouble 1 not only curable th first few weeks, but often gets well . f Itself. After It ha become chronic ' tfsatens) v all known medicine were futile. Thl was the situation upto th dlsoovery of Fulton's Renal Com- Jiound. It 1 new in this profoundly mportant rartlcular(-it is the first ; thing yet discovered that i effective - AFTER the disease ha become chronic ' m well as before. Hence, it is curing tha most fatal forms of kidney disease and it i the only thing In the world that la. - If vou hav kldnev trouble, don't take '. chances, but start right No on knows " whether it has been developing a long , time or has come on suddenly; hence, the ordy safe plan is to take th only. . thinnknown that will control It In e' f event ? -t ..,, wr'Thr Is no doubt ' whatever about jfulton having discovered a specific for these diseases. Th Herald is in pos :: session of fact that enables it to state this authorltaUvely.f Oakland (Cal.) ' Daily Herald. .. - . This compound la superseding kidney v rnedlclnea People 'With kidney .trouble now hav their opportunity, Ask for .pulton's Renal Compound. All drug ariata.'. , . : - (Special Dltpatcb to The JToanwL) Tacoma, Aug. . The finals of tu Pacific Northwest Championship' Tennis tournament are being played off at the North End grounds today before one of the largest galleries that has ever wit nessed tennis playing In this city. The feature of the day la tne cnam- rtonshlp event in the men's singles be ween Joe Tyler, of Seattle, and Mc Burney, of Spokane, the winner in th semi-final rf the men' singles yester day. Both of these men have done un usually fast playing from the outset or tne tournament, ana as tneir piaymar to day Is tor the championship of the northwest and the beautiful Thome cu thrown In. which Is the trophy awarde the winner, both men are exceeding themselves in clever work. Another feature vame that Is on to day is the contest in th mixed doubles on the part of Miss H. Ryan and Joe Tyler against Miss Hotchklss and Crawford, the four who won yesterday in the semi-finals of the mixed doubles. Th games of yesterday were very fast On of the best exhibitions of the day was th playing of the finals In the men's doubles In which Armstrong and Payne won the championship in the event by defatin- Joe Tyler and Wlcker sham. - Each of the four Pjayrs did clever work, and Payn and Tyler ware In notable form. After a long, hard con test Payne and Armstrong won in a soor of 7-5. 7-2, 4-8, 7-6. Another good game was that in the semi-finals of the men's singles, in whioh Tyler, of Seattle, defeated Craw ford, th fast California jlayer. Botn are star players and Crawford was beaten only through what might be termed unusually lucky work of hi Tacoman were much disappointed by the defeat of Frank Payne by MoBur ney,' of Spokane. Payn had been put down a the probable winner of the nnrthwaat nhamnlonahlD. and hi ellmi nation by MoBurney in th eml-final yesterday wa a distinct surprise. The soor stood (-4, 4-8 In favor of th "bunch grass" man. ' . , In the aeml-rlnals of th ladles' single Miss K. Ryan defeated Miss Keown. and Miss Hotchklss defeated Miss Hall, leaving Mis Ryan and Miss HOtcnkiss to Diay ine iinais xor toe ladva ehamnlonahln today. The full result of th day's playing follows: . Men' - singles (semi-finals) MoBur ney defeated Payne. 6-4. 4-8; Tyler de feated vrawrora. -, -,-. Men's doubles (finals) Payn and Armstrong defeated Tyler and Wlokr v. n r n a T C Ladles' singles (semi-finals) Mis E. Ryan defeated Miss Keown, 8-0. 6-0; Miss Hotchklss defeated Miss Hall, 6-4, 6-8. . Ladles' doubles (semi-finals) Miss Hotchklss and Mis Robertson defeated Miss Loomls and Miss worden, 8-1, s-o; Miss Ryan and Miss Hall defeated Miss Opie and Miss Levey, 6-2. 6-2. Mixed doubles (semi-finals) Miss Ryan and Joe Tyler defeated Miss Hall and Mr. Poolay, 6-8. 6-1; Mi Hotch klss and Mr. Crawford defeated Miss Robertson and Mr, Benham, 6-2, 6-2. Men's doubles (semi-finals) Tyler and Wlckershara defeated Hunt and Crawford, 6-1, 6-2: Payne, and Arm strong defeated MCB linger, 6-2, 6-4. Jurney and Bal- as follows: Bassey reached second with Only on out jn me first, uasey iiew out and Atherton fanned. .That's -two. Burdett reached third with two out in tha second. Hartman struck out Three. Bassed reached second in th third and onlv ona out. Casev and Ath erton both went out on infield shots. That' five. Casey reached second in the seventh with onlv one out Hart man and . Bassey went out on short arroundera. That's , eisrht. Donahue reached second with- on out in the ninth. Fay wlked, Moore flew out and Bassey was called out on a grounder which looked from the grandstand as if he had beaten. That's 11. Devereaux stole second in the ninth. af least Perrin declared he was safe, though the ban beat him there py sev eral feet "Brick" ranon to third on the next delivery and exactly the same thing occurred again. "Brick" evidently decided tnat rerrine naa maae up his mind to give the visitor another run, so he tried to steal home, but was caugnt nair way., in ran nowiea safe." but Perrlne decided otherwise. A minute later the. umpire showed his good intentions by calling Smith , safe at first when Casey had him thrown out bv a couple of feet At a critical juncture in the next Inning Bassey reacnea first at aoout ine same urns as tha balL He looked much- safer than Smith, or than had Dashwood whom Per rin called safe at first in the eighth. But the umpire- said ha was . out and Portland's desperate rally to tl the score In the ninth was cut short Despite the fact that the Commuters are credited ; with 11 hits, neither - of their run a war earned in th real sense. Average coast league fielding and aver age coast league team work would have retired thaside In the fourth without a run. And as for the tally in th fifth, resulted from a piece of bone-head ork on th cart of the Ditcher, which made th fans fairly howl their indignation. The desertion of Shortstop Morlarity from th San Franolaco team, is said to be due to his dislike for Kid Mohler, whom he considered too much of a crab to handle the team properly. Morlarity had been looking around for another Job for several weeks, and when Stockton offered him- better pay and a steady position all winter, he did not hesitate to Jump. v - ( v;;); v , - Th eraslest bet aver made In base ball come to ' the surface In a brief paragraph la th San Francisco Bulletin. ' i . - And th interesting feature about It is that the man won. At a fanning bee a Stockton rooter was kidded about the slump that Stockton had taken whioh so riled him that he wagered 29 that the champion would take nine games out of ten. Stockton not only took nine out of ten, out Kept on going until tne record wa eleven victories out or twelve games, f Ladv time. 1:02 U Five eights mile Reuben won. Red Bill second. Rustling Silk third; time, vi. Three Quarters mile Robert Mitchell won, Asusa second, Lassen third; tlm. :i. fin 1 1 A VI A .... wim tm .... In . 1 tstari second, iuup& xoung tnira; tint, Five and one half furlongs Bchot- tlsche won, Sprlngleaf second, Billy Taylor third: time. 1:09 V. Five and one half furlongs Harka won. Sir Dugal second King Herald uurui ume, iuv. At the Meadows. Ply furlong Maid of Orlean won. Forest Rose second, Et Doreea third; ume. 1:02. Fiv furlongs Smithy Earn won. Bust Gregg second, xrameter tnira; Ume, 1:01. Mile Ripper won, Bonar second, John H. third; time, 1:424. Mile Royal Red won, Virginia Boy second, Taby Tosa third: time, 1:48. Seven furlongs St. Albans won, Te tanus second, Elmdale third; time, 1:22. Seven furlongs pepper and Salt won, Jessie S. second, Silver Line third; tlm, ''-. Results at Saratoga. Six furlong Valla won, Barbary Bene aecona, sister UTanci tnira; urn, 1:12 4-6. One mile Miss Strom won, Lally second. Bam Barnard third; time, 1:46. too, if Bell keeps up his lick at the !t, for th Nw York American leagu jam is u bad way with Keeier nuri, aiiberfleld aiiBnandad and Danny Horf- maa stopped to a whisper, with th bat BARNEY JOY WANTED BY MA JOE LEAGUES (ftmrui tMetai Satvke.1 Baa Francisco, Aug. 10. Danny Long wui toss Barnsy joy to ona of th malor leagueolub beyond any doubt- Al ready president Cal Ewlng ha received communications from manager asking him to name terms, but ther 1 no dis position on the nart Of tha lnal ,1K tn 5TJ1 though it may be compelled to. Thl Honolulu star is a warm favorite with San Francisco fans, and Manager Long- would be Pleased tn Vild him . other season, and really Barney ought to play another vear in minor company b'torejfoing up into the fast set Though he ha dons splendidly, he has much to learn, and Desides he needs to hav better control of th bait But inn wninr supposes inai joy will ne lost to the Seals, for if Long fail io ell nlm there will ba in. numh f drafts put in. As a matter of fact ts S)b Juouia iNaiionsi league C1UD na al reaay siuck a araii in tor Barney. EIFIE team selected TO REPRESENT OREGON 0 ' " ' (Ipaeiat DUeateh te Ts 3rrl.) Roseburg, Aua. lO.-w-The O. N. a. rifle team that has beeflr selected from the Stat Riflemen to go to Port Clinton, hoot to b held ther sre as follows: Captain R. O. Scott, of Portland; Can. .In V tl XT m n. 1 4 M T 1. flimm El llouck. Sergeant F. O. Stewart Sergeant A. Q. Johnson. Privat B. P. Shield na Alex . jergtieon, of Koseourg; Captain W. M. Denny, Sergeant A. A. Boh warts. Corporals u. K. Unton and IL Dickie, of Portland; Sergeant H. IL potree, of Cottage Orove: Corporal R. L. Perdew, of Eugene. The boys hav Drone camp her ana they, will all go to Portland and leav. ther on Sunday morning ror in eaat irrom tb More that hav been made by the local team ther Is a good chance for them to win some laurel at tb national tourna ment. .5 Junior Baseball Challenge. Th Steven baseball nine would like ram for Sunday afternoon, an ma 1, and also would Uk game outside of he city. For games call Sell wood 72. or address Ira Voss, m Eaat Seven teenth street city. Th fltevena ulna wiu eng. weir season uepiemoer l. - Joy the Goods Again. (Joaraal Bpeetal 8rrloe. 1 Baa Francisco, Aug. 10. Barney Joy waa th goods again yesterday, and would not let th Angela sret more than on hit In any inning. Two hits by the lotuus in in lourm won tnm tb gam KORTnWEST LEAGUE. At Aberdeen Aberdeen T. Tacoma 2. At Vancouver Seattle 9, yanoouvar T. Carbonlo acid gas and soda water ppllance. Bildsrbaok it Cran Co.. 8 Firat street MARVELOUS lflVEiiTi::; CURES WEAK IX. Patml aranted by ths Valted gutea " ' OoTraat' One of the Most Attractive Beach Resorts on the Pacific Coast Just Now b Mir Five and one half furlongs Ben Fleet time, 1:06 2-6. won. Explosion second, Sraoter third; On mile Far West won. Dalon seo-I ond, Cressina third; time, 1:89. Mile and three sixteenths Miss Doyle won, iuiter second, Aiaxnar inira; lime. 2:00. Five and one half furlongs Bema I won, boous Brant second, Gold Quarts I inira; time, i:us. COUNTY RACES FIRST WEEK IN SEPTEMBER John Day. Or.. Aua. 10. September 2 to September 6. In elusive, are the dates whioh have been selected by the man agers of the Grant County Fair Speed association, xor tneir rait race meet in this city. After the five-days' meet here Prairie City will hold a four-day' meet commencing Monday, September 9, Each place will nana uo nurses amounting to tl.OOO. it winter it was tne intention of! tne urant county air association to hold a fair this fall and an appropria tion was secured from the legislature amounting to 2750, but th bill wa later tn sra tb month of th Oolambla Biyer, on tha Waahingtos sld. faohd from th City of Portland on th Splendid exemrsiom Steamer T.J, POTTER XS ABOUT S KOT2M. It is upward ef 20 miles long, very broad and level and almost as compact as a composition pavement It Is dotted it entire length with towns, oottag settlement, tent cities, villas, fine hotels, and all' the amusement accessories of a popular Summer beach, resort XTY ID lldk.Ci TO QO for rest health and a good tlm. Thousands go ther for thslr Summer outing. Try it The Potter Sails Every Day azozrr bthtdatb ajtd pjudats. Se published schedules. Fare From Portland, Round Trip, $4.00 Saturday to Monday Tickets $2.50 Purchase tickets aad make reservations at City Ticket Offlc. Third and Washington streets, Portland; or inquire of any O. B. & N. agent elsewhere for information. WV. 2ortrm2tAT. 0nal ranfr Agent, POBTXAjrO, OB. i tTSZXSSXESXBXEESEXXKSCXXSXI IBEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXEXXXXXS8 A new snd ; cintlflo sppltsnc la- rented by 1 B. Uawley, M. D., wlU produo full manly power at first ap plication. Th effects ar lramedlat and startling to a high degree Dvlopa trengthen and cures lost vigor,' Posi tively no failures. Tbyslclans tndors ahd use it in their practloe. -If you ara th least skeptical as to th valu ef this . remarkable treatment, nd for Illustrated circular, tak them to youf ' family physician and get hi opinion. This Is the first time anyon ha t' quested you to tak his Circulars to your family physician. Whyf Simply" because he knows your physician wilt ; not recommend his treatment Not ao- "', wlth thl appllaao, Tour doctor wilt ' immediately grasp th Idea, and when : he doe he will recommend It Nothing Uk It has ever been sold befora It , work th same on every individual.'' . Send today for free desorlptlv circular of, this wonderful Instrument Th mo- ' mept you see it you will realise Its ' ., ' poselblllties. ' No. C. 0. D. Or free trial " schemes to catch the unwary. Thia Is a plain business proposition that will,", appeal to ' you a tb greatt oppoy , tunity ver offered U i tho;who ar weak. Address . L.' B. Hawley, af." T " 102-A, Granite building, Rochester, N. T.- f7l- r . m CGeeVo Xk WaB-Taeia , 2UUahle A' CHINESE : ,gae aad.Bsrh j DOCTOR Bts Bttda a Ue slsdr mt raata sad bareaw ' aad a tb itadr Siaeorarad lag i girlag f t world Ma woedVrfnl rvmediM. ko MERcyay, roisom oa pauos nn " ftSLUa 18 WITHOUT 0PE4Tr0!, 0 WITHOUT THS AID Of A kaifg. .' Leaf, "Threat, ' BbfflmitUa) .NarrooanMa. Ferveoa fMhlllty Btoaaah. Uver. Kldaas TreablMt she Lwt M.nhaod, ytDMl Wm Bess sag An frlvst tMsreaes, A SURE CANCER CURE,: fut 8Uehrag Prw feUae, Ohfesxsf. faas SelUble, . IF TOO ARB ArrtlCTTO. BOIT-f SXLAI. - DEUATa AU PANOKgOOS. .. . If ye eaaaot ealL write toe srsiiH Mas-. '. aad eircaUr. laeks 4 aasta la sUsisa, . CONSULTATION FREE exx 0, org wo CHiresg incoiom oa., tlasae sttaUa fsbtaatib,' '' Vir.ty tnd tlxiizt Trcst! DISCHARGES SELISVSD IN 24 Hours ZachOs sal bears MIDY) V M 'mm V i Vi i k "ww. Vi.TillllriTVf the najoegar 1U PBC0018T8. Every A7cn:2n L b Interested end rttwld know . Shoal the weodarru MARVEL WhlrUmi Sorar I Tba new 'KM tWSm,' nv laws awfum. uew-ttax. et W oat CoDTanlant. (fa1 Tev Snsstsft je tt. Be nannoi supply lb a Bl,. aa ouMr. out win luuno m lllmWUad boos ..!. ItslveS (all partlealen and direction In. SftU CO IITD ZAHX.DAYTJ IX0&ZB. vetoed by governor. Without this appropriation th managers of the asso ciation were unabl to go ahead with tb fair. LITTLE SPAEKS FHOM v MOTOBDOM Stoned by a peasant while he was driving through a district affected b; aa mm 4a A i si hasa ins'Aftfn Xv4 riAA sVttVHi a (5 1 mil uioui vjw si. w,s v t j. sssw - wmr nand, of Roumania, chased, his assail ant witn nis automooii ana. arter can turing him, turned him over to the police. The Stat law governing th sale, transfer ' and operation of motor ve hicle in California require an owner who sells a car to send back th reg istration seal to the secretarv or state, under penalty of fin or Imprisonment, A record of two hours and It min utes was recently established between Porterville and Peer Creek, Hot Springs, California, a distance of 84 miles, but up a mountain so Steep that but two cars ever attempted tb climb before, A handy tool for a private garage 1 a new portable electrio drill which may obtain power from an oralnarv Incandes cent lamp socket Emery wheel also may be attached ana it makea a perfect polisher for lamps and metal work. Scarcely a week passe without th recording of the fact that some builder, well known through hi standing in the American industry, ha found expansion Imperative in order to keep pace with th demand mad upon hi manufactur ing department ' Accoraing 10 a recent aecision or Omaha's cltv leeal department owners of private automobile ar exempt from paying a city automobile tax. An ordl- lance is pending to require an annual Icense fee for every automobile used for rental purpose. - A. ; Whatever may b th eost of repair ing small surface tear or cut in th tread of an outer tire easing It i well repaid by the added life gained by the tire. A jagged surface soon wears and rips away from tb canvas base and a tire which is neglected i as good as ruined. w - A new professional chala a yet nn. supported by aay unlverglfy, has been 1 Farmers' Annual Dip. Yei, I cure without drugs, but I can t core every thing. No doctor can do that. Most of the ailments ot mankind are due to toe failure or breaking down of the stomach, kidneys, liver, When one or these organs ' ' , t v ' . e.M. XT T Inr 1A Thla an. nual "Salt Water DaV" for a lame part heart or digestive organs. of New.iseyi Tb' lI2?,eJp" '5,m!ui fail to do its work properly, something happens, pain, ivuiiUf iiioii wvaww uu vuiiu 1 QU AtWtk.vM to tne oeacn in great orowas, ana tne occasion was Ilk those of past years, Thl waa especially the ease when It came to a matter or patning suit, which were of great variety. A feature of the day was th great crowd of sum mer visitor from tne cottages and ho tels along the coast They came In car riages and automobiles to see th fun, ana early In the afternoon there were fully 8,000 people on the beach watching the rural visitors taking their annual dip. AMERICAN LEAGUE. disease or various chronic ailments result. The reason any organ breaks down or fails to work At Boston Boston, 7; Chicago, t. NATION Ah LEAGUE. At St Louis St, Louis, t; Boston, 4, Af unicago rnuaaeipnia. sro. 1. At Pittsburg Pittsburg, York, 2. 2; i: Chica- Nw JKlaing Proa thavQrav. A prominent manufacturer, Win, A. Fertwell, of Lucama, N. C, relates a most remarkable experience. He say: "After taking less than three bottles of Electrio Bitters, I feel like one rising from th grave. My trouble is Brlght's disease, Jn the Diabetes stage. I fully believe Electrio Bitters will our me f ermanently, tor it ha already stopped he liver and bladder complications which hav troubled m for year a" Guaranteed at Red Cross Pharmacy. Price only (0a BLOOD? POM tse worst dtSMM earth. vet tbe la.lttt to ear WHEN yoq KNOW WHAT TO DO. Miay have pimples, spots ea tt kin, sores ta tbe mouth, ulcer, falllnf hair, Ve pain, ca- It Is BLOOD POISON. Scad km DR. BAOWN. S5 Arch St., Pblltdelpbla. Pees., Cot BBOWN'S SLOOP COBB, 82.00 per bottlel lasts oae saoath. Bold la S'ortlaiiA aly W Weodward, Clark CV , x. , properly is Decause it lacgs motive power electricity, That is proven. Now to cure pain or dis ease you must find the cause and remove it. It it is caused by a lack ol electric en ergy, restore tnat torce wnere it is neeaea and pain and sickness will disappear, lhat s my method. That's Nature's method. It's because electricity builds up, supplies strength, nourishment to the body. Drugs destroy, tear down, because they contain poison instead of nourishment. Of course, they can force an organ to act, but that organ is weaker after the effect of tbe drug has passed off. Drugs stop pain, temporarily, by stupefying the nerves, but the pain comes back and you have to continue taking the drug, . Every dose weakens the nerves. Eleetro-Viirdr is a relief from foolish system of drugging. It does by natural means what you expect drugs to do by Unnatural means. It helps Nature cure by giving to the body the force it lacks electricity. tlectro-Vigor is an electric bodv battery, always charged and ready for use. Nothing to do but put it on anu mrn oa tn current, it is not an electric belt, and the cost is less than course of doctoring. - - u I must say I am pleased with your treatment. After three weeks- pse 01 Electro-Vigor I have no digestive trouble, sleep better and am not bothered with losses. H. SHARP. , Hobart Mills, CaL . ' ' " 1 . r - ' i - ? ' t Electro-Vigor cured me of catarrh, improved my di- !:est!on and my general health is better than it has beeq or years.-- s , R. E. FULLER. Electro-Vigor is all your -claims make it, for I am feeling much better and stronger as the result of its use. . .. C W. MOORE. Baker City, Oregon, Box SS7. I f! lOrt ir rent hfttfr 'ini nti'na "f?1-trnJVirrtr ' I have no more rheumatism, no headaches or stomach' trouble, and my strength is what I know it should b tnr a man rt mv a erf - t A If PrlVXTT? w ' r?.V Meacnam, wregon. UTa.f T'-l T '.AV,Jl"i;, ." .".'rir(l'f ear.- r. , j.t: . . the old, Cut out this coupon and mail ' to roe.,. Ill give yoif a beau-' ! tiful 100-page-book which tells lt about my treatment This , book 4s illustrated with pictures 4 ,.o' fully, developed men an J "women, showing how Electro-' Vigor is applied, "d explains . many things you want to know. I'll send the book, closely 1 sealed and prepaid, free, if you. 'will wail me ' this coupon. 5r A. HALL, JV1 O. 1439 RUKOU' SJTMS rfVClZC ' Plea send m, prepaid, your fre UQ-psM 1 trated book. , NAMH ' ADDRESS V