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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1907)
llWlffl OP THE JOUENAIj ' jar-, fT-TT? TOTT'D AT AT ou hlr onth'nr. "d a Demo-1 so. The rules ought tx g!v due taw direction, tout our hotels room- j, iiu y v wANi i-i juw erit, yet seear practical results recognition to.the Interests or tne in nouses ana restaurants could do. mDKPKNDENT . HswtFAPKB. rather than to be spectacular and I many who pass over the bridges, as I even more, by advertising Bull Bun ...pobu.h U,n notoriety. " . . . I well as to those of people who pass water in every possible way. 4V A Vardaman either Is or poses as under or through them. I quaint character, now deceased, who His AS a a. j . . Fibllibtd trwr awning (tptliiiJiM ao4 CTVfd iKSirK " unreconstructed fire-eater. . - ,.,.., " campaign wag baaed, principally on miNi m u mUi wod-cUM I his demand for the repeal of the ' ' -1 fifteenth amendment to the const!- , k ' "ITJ; Mmb tutlon--the color amendment. Either Tu o opmtor tin aprtmnt joe wt he knows that this crusade Is utterly roaaioi AOTsaxisiNO bepbiskntatiyi useless, or he doesn't, and In lther Yrwbna -B.nJ.mlr iT"tt$Zi Case ' engaging 1ft It ahOWi his Bniuwlrk Bulldlnc. S2S Firth run. w i , , . ; lorki mboM Buikiuf. chi to. unfitness for the senate: he la dema . SvtMfrfptktt Tmtm bf mll to la lb United State, Cnd or Mule DAILY. I Un. month P' ddff gogue or Ignoramus, on this ques- l Oof T ", Ons rtar . ' Om jr. . lf 1 Om moots.. DAILY AND 8DNDAT. fT.BO I On. month.. u , 1 tlon. ..' .1 jk 1 There are points upon which Var- f daman seems to be a more .1 m date and progresslre Democrat, within reasonable lines, than Wil LAWS AND RAILROADS. RESIDENT F1NLEY of the Southern railway. In his recent speech, alluded to the provision of the constitution that no per son should be deprived of his prop erty without Just compensation or due process of law, and assumed that legislation reducing passenger fares was in violation of this constitutional used to run a lodging house and saloon downtown bad this announce ment In the window of his saloon: "Best Drink in the House,; Cold Water." He was honest In this. And of all drinking water Bull Run water Is the best, or equal to the LET US BE THANKFUL FOR THIS Small CKaotfe , TLs Pay Has Gone norance Could Successfully Attack i , , 1 . . Knowledge '. ,''.', , 1 ; ' Br Arthur . Brisbane. A clerical landsman la the vtit, well meaning but out of data, has at- tacksd .DUhUaJibparlM and those that alve'Thsm to ths people. This wU- msanlng gentleman says that libraries are "sinks of corruption.'' And ha adds most delloiously, -They (tha libraries) best, anywhere. This fact should be Ipiacs within reach of tha masses tha Impressed on every visitor to Port-hn'1(Jl teachings of Voltaire and the lana. I Thi 1utDonltlon of Voltairs and ths aims novel as dangerous wisiieatuaj nartnara la flallahtful. It la almost a The anti-trust ordinance, that itp"y that voltairs could not have lived ... I to hear it. It woum have alven that Try to put well In practice what you already know; In so doing you will, in good time, discover the hidden - things which you, now inquire about. Rembrandt GOLD AND PRICES. I up"t0 provision Judge Pritchard, ot the Beem" Probb, th council will pass, keen-facsd. quiuioal old gentleman; ml lt' North Carolina federal court, in his ,B " Wwlment. and It cannot be pleurr.e'w., day when the attack upon lata famous action, seems to have P"y - Preaiciea in advance ; jnr o. iiaiuu, out bib nesTopaoDia una n- ken jjje eame view for he said I w l fc 11 wuiD iwa um roui mcanina, lor the mends or nu reconstructed, .plrit would render th8 klnd of obstruction, should harm- But ,om Inconvenience and I JJ'V1 'o' attack. him Incapable of real service to his ,.,, . eltt.ana thua to be Ten a"n can well be endured If the aubiio library, the public school or .. . 1 prevail ana citizens are mus 10 omi . . . -wy agency for distributing- the knowl- Btate or the country. . ' il-nled the rlrhts rnaranteed them bv 14 W,U MrTe t0 break UP nd Put ont Jas whlcn Providence means ws all Inf hnslnasa anrh a rnhhar tnmMna I snail nave maaeee ana classes calls the constitution of the United States, 01 DU,me8B Bucn "nner comoine fortn ;lmpiy a good-natured smile of .,aiT,. -m th. nnmt las the plumbers trust And there Pty. 'The masses" hava mads up their then those provisions Of the constl- . A. . . . Imlnda that they are going to know for ,rtTr,x,.; tutlon fDrovldlng that no Derson m' 09 maTa nMn' Da 109 thsmselves they are going to think for S THE JOURNAL haa more luuon IProviaing mat no Person A, --i, -i-- J themselves, and the refuse to acoept shall be deprived or property without I . th4 theory that knowledge waa Intended Am r,ff,Ao.. ia) wnnM hAnmi ,D( without making some effort to tor a few superiors fattanJng upon ths due process Ot law; would Become " .. masses while keeping thenf ignorant "!" I niDiio libraries are more numerous than prison. Public schools are more numerous than poorhouses. As libra- TAINTED PLATE MATTER. A la dead letter, as there would be no than once suggested, newspaper publishers should be on their ruard aealnst "tainted news." T TS annonncinr nothinr new or ant out nnder seductive arjnearancea mens of enforcing them el r I . i k .A.a m .An.rihi.t.atinAiiT 4.4 .1... .mntin. A . "Ui now is u to De aeiermiuea people have not considered un- country publisher who Is thus helped leas their attention was called to cut down exDensea. A DrlnciDal ,v.i . 1. .... ..... ... 1 nrocess or law. or mat us oroDerty IO It, tuai mi ni ui..i BDjwi JUBt now Ot we tainiea ' ; . ..... ... 1 I affaire. rAnfl-r tnaa thla alrnlfl. .money, particularly of gold used for news" bureau is to create public 18 DelnK conriscatea oy a state iawi mlift.rv s m a 1 ifc . k ... I ir in nnr rna nmvinpfl nr a iRnnrRi Senator Hale Of Maine, Who has j rlss and schools become mors numerous, . I prisons, noorhouses and other relica of that a railroad cornoration haa been Peen ,n congress over SO years, ana the ignorant, brutal, knowledjge-hatin deorived of nronerty without due for m7 3rear' h" been eman 01 tne senate commiuee on navai 1 wss not aiways past win aisappear more ana more. it was not always as it is now. it sals to know the truth to nna tr5 the nnun auvarnmanr i ... dlffersnf from thV auItwT.T, turl WM. k 5!- p.'?: ..... ii w. . A ...t I hue Diow nim . In nlAAa Ik . vr 1011 it. xiarvey waa hiwuhv; v , wu ago, . discovering-and announcing the- olrou- . e latlon of the blood, as OalTleo was de ; "Tha new 'Republican party of fan. nounced for announcln the circulation forn la" Is spoken of by dibm f of suns and planets, as Victor Hugo stats. But perhaps It Is only a l puts It. Toda ws reoognlse In Harvey sheep's skin, . " onljr the Intelligent Interpreter of ths won- 4 , r . e e 4 1 a, "t derful' human body, and in QalUso- one A Georgia clergyman say thara m.L who gorlfled creation by showing to three heavens, v There will K men ths marvsls of cosmlo power and about J.000 to accommodats all h--. clearing away, from their minds the ferent ascta. . 7 - th Alt' limited, trashy, brutallslng belief in a v T S , , 'r - limited universe, with a tiny planet and ; A lone highwayman Is rohhin a , wrstchsd. aelflsh humanity for its loada f tourists, iii ihouM k" Jlff: center. , , . tana punished: wh i: ."""' Whenever you reaa attacas on puoim tourists' hotel? ' " ruo hoole.- itbrartsa or iiumaa latelllgepea J J"""T r- , . . general! that ws y, oon t get impatient, nava raaRhed a nnlnt w attacks- are amusin only, and no longer Be alad oolnt where such harmful. Remember that in old days almost every good idea, even when dem onstrated, was attacked. The Borbonns we quote Hugo again solemnly pro hibited ."the healing of disease by the use of quinine. 'A wicked bark.' " Everybody knows now that quinine, denounced as "a wicked bark," is one of a speoino i1!. peek-a-boo walsta thiT r.i'Msipnia minister. Perhaps that is why so many men act as ? they wanted to go there!? 11 benefactors. fighting death and suffering, man's great go there.' - The. Salem Journal JoaauhSrlim.Pf lroverl,or " with mo .lnr-t,al, "lfcn wU hold no m.0,..nltlns-s for a month or two. As ws have said, no atUck can hurtlbnt ."Z'v'.r. or two. PubHcIry or the public schooU taking ducats themselvss and to know. But I . ..Ik.-t ""a Z SL. suon aiiacita on eaucation ana IW"i' Ri V "t. iy M esM.ngs. ago, hid iur nnwtu irom raugiuua i ),-..-- ." . -tip 01 ioe tow.v v.. w ..... Hw w....H.w.,.MK . yjv v w. I . ' V vw. UUI L, II .TIL. It and that la a very great misfortune. I " ; : , . . inpae wno are responsioie icr putting i tu . Rovers haa hum.. ..a religious teaching of whatsver denoml-1 denying things nubllshed aho.Tt tZ to Keep them clothed with respect. At tacks upon mental enlightenment, upon the Intellectual growth by which alone ths neonle can davalon. ara nowerleaa to narm eaucation, nut extremely Harm ful to tha source whence they emanate. that, nerham habit. H dan Ut. denies that merely from fores of ha is or has been Nailing the Sea Fakers - m. v. il s . . a a I X3T VVfJX el Ulltm. .. . . a i t ii riTit it TiiiTi war. nnr. iniira nuTHr wbi i s " .. a. t with alti... i. . i... . v- ex parte proceeamg mat a state law - ' . wn w im preaiaent dm in Btu,i, wv. - hoib ictici kui u ui.u.t ... , .la dav whnn lt m safa to leava tolo rowing ana spends most or nis tints Mnnlclnal Ownarahfn Pnh- connscates property oy iixing a rate - --- " - ' "on ths. water.) . Letters from tne People Lucklmnke the Proper Form -No city. , remarks ths Los Angeles Times, can get a polios force composed ?Lm3 sMont KoossveltrJa- Cob RilS. Governor Huahaa . a. " Ury Taft. " ""v . " v. -w, -.. . - w in ffluuiuy-i u "udi omy , -....v.: rrv.. I them the Policies that make for Stories concerning mermaids are an tlon being caused by the increase in ashing Bureau," a "tainted newa" " vr '""ul'' 4U1B " " tt,. .- ,..-. "y fJ- I have observed several . i m.. .'.nh, ..n ".lf..,J,: J ter of fact, to be determined by in. peace or war. The army and the navy of tUm on tha .nd itaad f if v m uou..., w. .. , uaumiwui;, iu rsiucun uiyiiiow ..... .. . v. v da not tIaw war as a dansrer orlcomDlna tneir goiaen locas, as tne taa ' V .1. , ..,..t j al. . . . . I vonHfl-nMon and avldanca. for which I " not view war as a danger ori . h III .m. mat me uun uinauiui u.uuatui raiannona cnmnanins. ana maritea " 1 ... .. ... . . .. ., i . . " , v. .v. . ' : . . . . . nnmna n atati. Amirta at l-ast In caiamuy, du. as an opportunity. pioyea warning to swim. money :js..iae joikubt wm uo iuo "strictly connaentiai" out we re-i ' I n price t ail ' commodities. In -ten print it from Corner's Weekly never- the fIrst ln8tanc are the PrPer t 4. ImrnvlA'm atV a! rnlitl.v.i I SKenCT. i 77 . l I rA w . tueicss. nilABfion of tha reaaonahle- 1 BmH way, perhaps the Council- latest thing in bathing suits. J. fuoney haa Increased ,50 per cent The bureau haa arranged with the Tae Ouestlon ot tne reasonaDie- J Jl m Clams do not talk. I have personally J.Ten years agt gold money was alto- mVt'tShiy SfSS fes" ! Ia'c" "f'f111" on; f gether tOO" Scarce, and Other prop-1 newapapers as may ds aesignateo. com-1 is vo u iuvjuiiou iuwu iuu Biuutcu J. I sja rilaa 4 SaSlI W4 S as sf SI SlllnW SNA aaS-s-aavil . . . a I may add hat their proaress was vary slow, as their instructors didn't seem to pay In acting the role of a reformer i T.m? Pfffi man from the Fourth ward Is seek- Clackamas, Aug. . To tha Editor of Ths Journal In your Issue of ths Ird I Inst, is a short article on the origin of I tns name jLucxiamuts wnicn attractsa mv attantlnn in mm. .vt.nt fmin tha I fact the date (48 years ago, sr 1S69,) of LJ"1 of date; It has held ths popuUtion ins origin or mat nama la too modern 1 '" l i.oou ior several erty and commodities were too low; hence the cry for "free silver, more Pn the' iffiXerT .Eo'iud c'ommJnfc"!. W much In the future. The people municipal legislation. with the bureau under no circum- want nothing unreasonable. They stances taking up the matter with either .. .. ., . . , . , the American Press association or the desire the railroads, which they al- Investlaated 4.E0O clams, steamed and lng to inject a little comedy into otherwise, and not one of them could "ujov. m utter a connected sentence. Clams ars also lacking In sand, although they llvs in it. as a rule ciams are gooa citisens, rarely leaving their homes at night, but ! mnnaT tn' valaa nricAfl Then, in J Vesponae to this demand, greater ef- 1 mrx lov "rtaln corporationa to run, to orta were successfully made to dis- tsn?taSL r& wsS Tth's ierv'cJ 8UCCeed and ProPer. 'or onlT tnu8 mnr mora a-nld. Inrnnttnn snnnllAdlls S20 per --- -- - benefit accrui .new ' ana improved . processtm ; iur 1 aentation year SSr paper. TnegTeat can they perform their proper func- millionaires, no city needs a o? 1nflcts0drguentsprn; lloa ot MrTlnS tho Publlc "ttofao- uent bth more. Pltf ahnrs- haa been flooded araln thy re la0 disinclined to buck ths I turned they spoke of several s i-iusDurg nas oeen nooaea again, n har(L They ar- con,,qUanUy better of th, vaJfey aiready known by r the second time within a few as Dlaln cltlxena than aa football I than Rnallah namea auch'aa Tu k,Ai- a. I pBLy-ra. - unenaiia, Byeaneoie, tKicareaii;, vai- Accordlng to reporta of Its I to most people tha word 'lobster" I apooia. Molalla and Clackamas. for months, playera f ra-1 conveys reproach. As a mattsr of fact fabrications to use a longer snd pret tier word and there Is no class of citizens bstter worthy of Imitation. Is that old Stark street ferryboat 2 " " V " aa aaw. wwvw - wawa f J I Ths Republicans of Oklahoma having nominated a Rough Rider for governor. ,LU v5uppo.r2 tho. President will swing the big st ck and order his election. But the Oklahomana ars not easily scared. e ' The Seattle Times is becoming away of that town at X41.SK0 t- to suit ths older pioneers; and from thaw'oks, during which It must surely have further fact that such claim ems to I gained SO.000 or 40,000. bs but a tale of fancy. I was In the Lueklmuke valley and crossed a stream Sara Bernhardt Is again to be refused thers by that name as early as 1W1. membership In the Legion of HonorTor In ths summer of 1848 former imml- something of that sort But she can grants to this country who had win- refleot that while all ths world knows fered at and in the vicinity of Oregon her and admirss her genius nobody nt iuuiim4 fnr Ihunurm Indian 1 . L . .. . T.l1 u' ponies and rod over ths Willamette I are against her. prospecting for locations for settle ment When these claim-hunters re- spoke or several sections y otner 'ualatln. -.treating low-grade ores, and the cost STveaVeVithiS 'Vl t0.nl7'' '! .of tirnniiMfii' rn ,v nw mni naatauirea no comDoaition. nanera use it i ui mauj muueuu. muuui uiui, tun. ti o- I where publication of other matter could ,,,.. aitornther to the railroad entirely destroyed? If not, perhaps s may be done when a state asserts ,fallen by over one half. Some are not bs secured. matter anogetner to tne rauroaa - - lta rlg.,nU j am proud to 8hak the already worrying about 'a glut of This is a neat scheme to arrange men W more, especially as some ow icu uj uvun vu. - I generally accepiea 1007 aa uutiiimuw Fakers ' have frecuently accused ths I and la nf Indian oriain. i waa told bv flounder of being flat As a shameless 1 an early settler on the upper Luckamute mu ineicunuut perversion or lacts mis I in 1861 tnat tners were yet a Oregon Sidelights Roseburg Is enjoying a building boom. a And In regard to Lucklatnute ths first wtV ' ?0 I-" ' pronounelatfon of that name I heard " was Lueklmuke, which name remained ... In the valley for several years, but Sheep shearing was Just finished la gradually the perversion to Luckamute viirry county last week, found general acceptance. "Lucklamute" I a a being aa arbitrary coinage, received lit tle or no attention from ths peopla In mv onlnlon Lueklmuke is the proper pronunciation , of the name so generally acceptea xoaay aa tiuciiuauu, ittold." and wondering some scarcer for a large number of nanerata nrintrO' them seem to have torgotten, ir .uu I . . . ... . . . I ' w i, ,v. ultwuia aval ' ana aearer material win not nave I an argument aicalnst municinal own luo' "w " and inexcusable perversion of facts thialm issi that there were yet a few Lucka. " i. a . a a vii. I irir nnn in naa n riTi sb it wnii in nsv ji i m . aa-i - 1 . - . . . . . a in ha Biihstltnted. or tha number of .Mhin . tfio( primarily ana principally pumic ana " wouia do nwa to . oet. ,1 i iiounaer. mute Indians remaining in mix part mat ns is a " ' ' - I VtOUlU, UM V. .if , A B 1 1 . . a, . , . . . I VRrT MMman A imA T TIMNW . V. . . n . . H V h(a Dim 1 M nn. . . ....... . i . .. i ureaon 10 oner a minion aonara i r -. .---: v. i '" grains m ine aonar mcreasea. me who would naturally think. it an un- n"1' la,-v "" Jw . . . , . r 1 1 .H. 1 , no,1 "uil". ?? wnaie, rect,.and I firmly believe it is, it is an it. . t , . . . . . . . ... . I TIT T Mnvnttv .oa.nrMMnt UUUUI W BJUUI QUI nBITimaU lO I " uo uuiu nail a Blur, cause.oi me nigu ratea oi juieresi, biased or untainted opinion; There m" " ' " v ' v..n . .. ..., ground. If turned on The Gardiner Oasetts has another editress, Martha Howard. a e J" rumore,!l tnat Catholic church will bs built In Jefferson. a Can't Korea's ex-emperor understand roouycoaaisT th fallinr nrlees of securities, higher a s. a of a southern road, recently pre- D,ma "rougn central uregon prices for commodities and higher against public ownership of some "ented the railroads' side of the case wages. Is the depreciating dollar, and "public utilities," but in many cases frcibly thus: not, says Collier's Weekly. "Man, there are stronger arguments to be tlt, Roosevelt, or any other incident of j made in favor of such ownership, sestion; demands from ths shippers that tJie paSSlnj? aOlir. JJUt wnateVCr lliay I hii thaaA tho, mriiifnffnrsr nf nlaf a I nnr.u tn anhrmmiM tnrrMa In nrices be the cause., the fact, for people fltnff will never .end out for poM- . or rixea incomes, saiarieo rout, ana eation. This "bureau," its manager e?rortatea.e- to improve those who live on coupons, la far Bays himself in his "confidential" let- has begun to die. There is no time or from aeTAAahla. It means vrv aim. ... ,.a v point when It can be said to be perfect ilcib, kh uieiuum iui vaio jyu. juw) i jjor j, there any limit as xar as numan ply that a $2,000 Income will now 0f combating municipal ownership foresight can distinguish, to the busi ' .-.- imaa , . . .. .. ness. The country is growing absp- uw a. M;.mm j.,vv luwmq WMreTer an agitation in mat airec-1 lutely raster tnan ever oerore. wun went ten years ago. This Is the tlon mav eron o,.t rt chars-- smeh f.-?iL1?0 i'- p.?PuJft" . ' . , 1 . i I " w -i million now wiMiva dui.ub secret in . the fall of consols, the private corporation patronizing u tivity.Tha-srsat and ever-present need demand for higher wagea every- 2o a. year and pays the newspapers quirements. How can capital be ob A-Ldvln' Along! From the Atlanta Constitution. Soms folks they keep huntln' for sor row; They sigh If they're right or they're wrong: But this day'i as good as tomorrow. So jest keep a-llvln' along. I jest keen a livln' along. 1 1 jest keep a-slngln' a song, mere s no use to sign While ths sun's In the sky: ' So I jest keep a-llvln' along. When the Lord made the World was I in it To give him directions T He knowed I wouldn't know how to begin it Bein nothln' but dust by the road. ; edae is loftier than a salmon, which is caught wun expensive roas, iinei ana lues, Jonah must have been a nature faksr. No whale that I have seen haa had ac commodation for even a transient guest, much less for one residing several days. Furthermore the quarters In even the bl fir treat whales would bs exceedingly conrinea, ana witnout electric lignts, which ars only to bs found In electric eeis, wouia ds almost useless. Jonah as a whale, I rect, and I firmly believe it is, lt is an J Butte Falla in Jaekam mm. - v.. .abf?oVu6ndher I t7lT " ' 4tT ' . "rr Viii... - t.i- .k. I Tns Knternrlse ernmuir anM ikaa uwris n. mwn aa turn muu. w. kuTi.k n . , - , . . r. - -" - origin of Oregon namea in Ths Journal I " " ast montn. or August 7, is correct in nia ciaim uj. i - - ths orlain of the name Willamette. . Strawberries are still being brous-ht waiiametta Demg rYrwo oy " uu mo niuuniajna. eign or visiting Indians, and possibly Dy early trappers nere, waa ncmyuja uj later trappers, adventurers and early missionaries to this coast as the proper nronunciatlon of that name. Conse- a a A man near Weston sold over 700 worth of berries from three acrss. a Is almost aa unqualified as Dr. Long or , tha name Wallamette found us . ZJl?n?Tf? J??C.K?. .0I . onions per tjnaries o. D. Kobsrts. l..TnV m.f hitor at anv earlv date. ?V 7i-""' l" were raisea near walla Only to be corrected at a later date by an avct of our territorial legislature. Icebergs are rarely found on the equator. The equator itself is a fake. There is no such line. If the equator existea it wouia trip up every snip panning irom norm 10 aoutn. oea serpents ars zaaes. a But! And the word Willamette m "wi! JM i. mntiinj ona more latter I nuc",".DeVy,n n?W. The. berrlei are Big orops of tnia re n . -r , . i . ,t u. , where. This 1. the reason that gilt- printing the "tainted" stuff nothln 1,1 Z And Tcan't Tay the LoTd'SW l. tvi. I prrpnt throus-h earnlnasT yFOA udius turn i.uii tj '1V lh,. a aMa euge , uunus seiuns to yieiu to du year. per cent, and favorite stocks selling should print a note at the head of taxes, more salaries, more wages to yield from to 7 per cent are still each article containing the warning: $&&ITl&J0l not, strictly speaking, cheap.' " "Tainted News" with the above quoted sentence. Then readers would not be deceived. AGAIN THE REVOLVER. r rWO MORE victims of the deadly revolver. - A wife, murdered by her husband, who Immediately ' - became a suicide. The salesman who sold Liebe the rev6lver was not at all surprised when he heard what had happened, he expected some thing of the kind from the man's actions, and yet sold him the das - tardly weapon. The salesman is ... perhaps not greatly to blame, for if lie had not sold the murdering thing - somebody else would; but society is to blame for permitting the indls- . criminate sale of revolvers, that are ,', used almost invariably for criminal or mischievous purposes. If this man in his desperate mood could not - have procured a revolver, his angry , fit would probably have passed off, and he and his wife might be alive today, and their relatives and friends .would not be bowed down in sorrow over the tragedy. The revolver ought to be very nearly outlawed, WILLIAMS AND VARDAMAN, REPRESENTATIVE John Sharp Williams has won over Gov ernor Vardaman in the Missis- ' , sippl senatorial contest by a , small margin; but, except In the fase of the death or resignation of Senator . Money, Williams will not - take his seat till March 4, 1911, so that he can serve another full term yet in the lower house before enter ing the senate. - In many respects Williams is a rreferable man to Vardaman. Wil liams Is a trained parliamentarian, a vc.l-educ&ted man, a legislator of lng experience, and not an extrem ist. He is moderate 'and practical la Ms views, a debater with few . MiiicrJors and will take an' Influen tial place in the senate as soon as j twc:-.;j a member., He Is thor; BRIDGE TRAFFIC. T for more made more facilities and absolute safety, and on thn nthar demands for lower rates. which mean diminished earnings; in one direction or tr.e otner tnere must ne disappointment. The people don't ask for lower rates unless the railroads can give lower rates and at the same time wrong; I never win sign While he's runnln' ths sky; I jest keep a-llvln' along. I'm thankful for sun and for showers; The Lord makes the winter an' May; An' he'd hide all the graves with his flowers If folks didn't weed 'em awayl So I jest keen a-llvln' along, Still thankful for sunlight and. song; I Know, wnen irs snowin,' God s roaes are growl n , a a A4 a . I . u . .. -txrlllan.Atf a Tn mv nnln. - I i. nriii.M.i. I . nkMm 4tiMAIfla hlA . anfl I Wneat. OatS. nnl on and nnfaMA. In From ths Pendleton East Oregonlan. I"'! , i ieaed ti Tsea the next section this year. The bay cfon la Because Miiwaukie, or., permitted a ?w.,on lealslature change tha name of ported to be short. nmuuni ciur w wnouot m ni aen ,..- nr,(ti river, the Willamette, to na.JV&J'OT ,L-t f" Lln" entity farmer fiflnwfi .aVTn'te IndlanP name Wlllameth-greenwater eel wg a little wheat from CauaK its life blood. Now that ths club Ms "Xtr- clnand Milwaiikla la thraatanad lh I 1" slow death, she claims. I many years re- the New Abundant V il. LZT -T-Tl In "the Information sought to be g lven it in December and It yielded 60 bushels lany years ago on the origin of -the an acre. If thers waa nothlna at MllwauVIa to nsme "wauametta-- pji . luatlfv the town excentlna- thi T aim. 1 Judge peaay, juage inornwu buu vuy- uniwga amaiaaw ror councilman ! feu" g ycluD? fwn'peopleP woep't.n.'toe rn?T AttI'..aS5ttnt SUC I'-UffirSn,?tSf1 "WP n lived solely for the Miiwaukie gambling of tns name u'l'"u",u uu'l' ""portant. club it was builded upon sand. HE OFT-REPEATED complaints do all these things that the public 80 1 iest keep a-llvln' along! demands of them and prosper. Full, Daniel O. Oilman's Birthday, proppt, efficient, safe service is the Dr. Daniel Colt Oilman, one of Am- of people who have to cross the river on the bridges 'at certain hours of the day are still made. and are even becoming more fre quent and vigorous than for some weeks past. Instances of unneces sarily long delays of trans-river traf fic by open draws are asserted to be numerous. It is the old story of too many vessels passing through the draws just at the hours when the traffic across the bridges is greatest, and especially in the morning when thou sands of east side people are on their way to their work on this side the river. Not only do the river vessels time their arrivals and departures so as to Interfere with bridge pas sengers as much as possible as it seems, but it is. yet complained that in many cases draws are swung open much Booner than necessary, and kept open too long at a stretch; In a word, that the steamers are habit ually and persistently favored at the expense, in a needless degree,' of people crossing the bridges that the accommodation Is all on one side. On former occasions The Journal, on investigation, found that there was good foundation for these corn- first desideratum; rates are a sub- erica's most famous educators, was sidiary Question. But let the nail- born July , 1831, at Norwich. Connect!- A.1. AT. '..111, tVinl. ruuua . . """" tlon at Yale. After graduating at Tale confidence, make a complete and ne went abroad to. finish his schooling honest showing of thelrfelaf fairs, put in the universities of Germany. For fnA,ra in rfmrm who will reeard "mo was attacne or tne united foundation was extremely treacherous. Us tenure hlahlv uncertain and an the inevitable has come. It is better for the world that the arc lights in Milwaukle'a streets bs exunguisnea perpetually.-tnan that they should Shins only to light the feet of tinhorns to and from their robber's roosts, ti it was gammers' money that VlafiAV.. M thaaa worthy writers. lea ?rtttPHir.T.TPB (Pioneer of "46.) 1 a Several skate have washed ashore at Seaside. They are about six feet long, A Suggestion to The Journal. pguneaoTh VaT other Burns. Or.. AUa. o. io tne - ,,UUK,7, Editor Of TBS journal in your of August 8, you say that Alaska, IS now a nne b lamping Issue Iron tkA alarfrln "nlo" .Vinnli.-. OTOUnd IOT lOCiailBia uo i .i,ihbio, j uiw uiumor Having JOCaiea 1 Mwaukls the sooner the i. So not know anything about Nome, bui pfe on homesteads in one week. hut off the bet teTfofthe workL V Mtia irTnelfetUnp1aiS &0 " ,Mr Wfl C.r0p: ar6 lar' Gambllna. snd esoeclallv tramhllna- found, right there is an excellent place A man living 80 miles south of Burns says that land Is being rapidly taken up, one cruiser having located 126 peo- t, . "unla n one ween. Irnga- towns, which are maintained solely for V" i- gambling purposes, are doomed. There S"iH"i-Xi Vnr all 'of the ne is. no piace in tne new order ror them. "-"" Nobody will ween with Milwaukia that! stamp, sne is now aoomea to Blow decay. whenever! It la tn tia aarlnualv an anarchist is found, there ii an ex- ge0tiOn of the west raises if, s cellent placs for all of PPle to ru1e of 8tock as U produced In ; stamp. " In; this .case I , mean the , an r Bfamoua Wallowa vallav." v- l. States legation at St. Petersburg, became librarian to Tale univer snap but as a public trust, and not upon his return to America and held only authorize but Insist on the full- many important posta at this .nstitu . ,. . , .t,ttion, where he remained until 1872. In est publicity, and they Will find that that year he became president of the university or uaiuorma, was large ly Instrumental in building up that institution and making the university what it is today. In 1875 he was called to the head of the new Johns Hopkins university, where he remained until 1902. Purina ths next few years it known not the weal anarcnisr, ior any od a M ItlA (not . Properly) ZV'Jl I nio v 4 7 4 V Ujnt,lUUs1 .. ...... she built upon the sand, she must n3t mViSS-t-he Instances of fins rt. railroad running .not as a private Kl " B , . .. A became librarian to Tale university civilisation. JlS.i t" wont tn t at la thia: Whv do Some advisers of marr ed woman hair. anarchist. In such a way that the aver- in which they should chat and be eoci- age reader is led to believe that they able with the mere male things, a pert mean one and the same thing? paragrapher cautions them to 'teaks a You ought to know that their 'mean- minute of it" togs are exactly opposite. The reading public, that great mass of unthinking Boston la having Its "old home week." humanity, has been misled until It when thousands of emigrated Bostoni- a.t tl avCa.U a.nla.1lait-atj amawthlarn -. I 1 il ansa rafnan 4fn .tal A T a a . a t- the same class, and worst of all, are to them how wise or lucky they wero said to be the moulder of 'opinion, and perhaps that is so. If it is true, then the newspaper cannot bs too careful in its use of such tertns as I have men tioned. the people will Insist on no unreason able regulations and pass 'no unrea sonable laws. But until this Is done-, and while railroads are at the mercy ot high- finance gamblers like Harriman, and as long as railroad officials take a "public-be-d d" attitude; the people Will keep On passing SUChlvovnire of exploration. Inwa a thov Imairlna nhout. rlfi-ht. 1586 Crtler entered and they will not have those laws nullified by federal subordinate courts. Iiike a Dry Town. . From the Corvallls Gazette. There are those who believe that dry conditions are a big factor in promoting tne present, unusual growin or uorvauis. Whether that Is true or not, the Times is unaDie to say. it is a ract, however, that many of those who are coming in and buying property for permanent nomes, are open in tneir statements tnat he acted as president of the Carnegie I they are doing so because the town is institution at Washington. I dry. A notable Incident is a family that PORTLAND'S PURE WATER P ORTLAND HAS the best water of any city in the country, Everybody says so. All visitors acknowledge this fact. This is plaints, and it is at least probable I an important fact. It is a very val- that such is the case now. The liver uable one to Portland. It should traffic is important, of course, and must be accommodated, but in doing so the thousands of people, who cross the bridges should not be overlooked nor their interests disregarded. Wherever possible, river craft should change their, schedules so ad not to pass through the draws Just during the rush of traffic on the bridges; and care, should be taken, while opening the drawii" fully., in time, not to open, them until it is time to do be even more so. It should be an asset to be exploited, advertised, like our scenery, our transportation facil ities, pur climate, our ; resources. Pure, healthful ; drinking , water throughout a , town, in, Its hotels, apartment - houses, and, homes, is something, not only worth having, but whose possession and enjoyment 1b worth making as widely known as possible, Our commercial and boost ing ' organizations can do much in This Date In History. 1318-Irish defeated at Athenry. 151 - Magellan started on bis famous tha St, Law rence on his second voyage of discovery. 1857 spanisn ana mngnsn aeieatea recently came from WOodburn, saying tney lert tnere oecansa it was a wiaa open town. A man who has as much as anybody else to do with newly arriving fieople said this morning that he is cer aln that dry conditions are bringing many desirable citisens td this fast growing town. the French at St. Quentln. 1640 Arras taken by the French. 1675 Greenwich observatory com menced. . The IJneup. From the Commoner. The trust Question, the tariff oues tlon and the railroad question present the same issue between the general publlc and the privileged classes. Shall the government be administered in the ss guaras. interest of the whole people or in the admitted to the interest of a few? This is the issue 1882 Glbbetlng-lrons used for the iff ouestion and the railroad question. last time In Bngland. While pemecrat may differ as to ths 1741 Frederick If took Breslau. 1764 Civil government established in Quebec. , ' 1792 Attack on the Tullerles and massacre of the Swiss guards. 1KZ1 Missouri Union. 1SS4 nordnn field Khartoum. 1894 Earthquake shocks felt Memphis. Tennessee. . After ' Commencement. Starting on life's battle In the month of June. Grayce is in the parlor Pounding out a tune. at - .Ws gin g life's great warfare, Doughtiest of girls, May is In ths hammock , , Reading tales of earla Fighting life's hot contest With a heart of oak. Bill is on ths golf field. . Practicing a stroke.. ' (Fa is in ths office ' Tolling like a .Turk, . -Ma is in the kitchen , Doing up the work.) ( i-MclAandburg WUsoa la T. Sua. ' - ' -- : relative Importance of the -trust ques tion, tne tariir question ana tne rail road question, 'all must agree that the party must taae tns siae or tne com mon people on all three ouestlons. Let the line be drawn between those who want to, make this a .government of tha people, by the people and for the people and those1 who want it to be a government of the corporations, by the corporationa and for the corporations.. i Slow Process. From the Chicatto Record-Herald. . Now1 and then some man succeeds nJ becoming famous without being mads so by the president, but it is a slow pro cess, i, f - . ,,-,V- , - f Suspected.' , , , From the Lincoln Journal - ' Ths soberest man with a florid com plexion always gets credit for being a booser. , ,i (1 - , lr. fa . I believe the daily paner is a great educator. - I nave met lawyers, doctors, greacnersv teacners,. an gooa neopie, wno onestlv believe that socialists and an archists are the same; that Is, that they believe in the same doctrines. Where did they get the IdeaT Surely not from the dictionaries. The fact is. they have fallen into tne namt or tmniting lust i the way their favorite editor writes, And they are honest about it., 1 am sure that what I have said about this is true. Then this means that the editor has taken unto nimseii a areat resoonsl. billty. I believe The Journal alms to do I the right thing, tne nonest thing, other wise I would not bs wastinar mv tlma. But newspapers, also, like readers, may fall Into a. habit. I do not want von in get into a na nit or voicing socialists, anarchists and bomb-throwers together. I would like for vou to stand out aa one conspicuous, shining, yet strange ex-f ample of ..strictly honest journalism. XVu ulua vwuy wraw lieiu, anQ at times, nut- you wui H. A. DIIXARD. "An East Side Bank Side People." for East mav be lonesome pe appreciated. Summer Vacations. From .the but in g Magasine, 40 weeks' anticipation. ,10 of bustling preparation, w 1 to pack and reach the station. . 1 of final realisation. iT "r . :t Ingratitude.. " ' . From the Denver New. - , i Bernard Shaw .calls .newspaper- re porters "pests." Had , these "pests" never stung him , where would Ber nard bel , . ' t THE WHEEL Of FORTUNE IS REVOLVING DAT BT DAT. The snlf-reltartt. nrnmaalu in. dividual will prepare to meet whatever vicissitudes ths revolu tions may bring. To do this there must t bs some definite SCHEME for getting ahead A SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT Is one of the best ' and earns , money while saving it 4 per cent Interest, compounded semi-annually. Commercial Savings Bk j ; Would" also like your commerciai. account.' rimirtanua traatmanf Tf corded all patrons, XWOTT ASH) WEutlAKa AVE. Geo. W. '-Bates". ,V. . . .president J. S. Birrel....... Cashier