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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL; PORTLAND. SATURDAY .EVENING. AUGUST 13, 1C07. KJ7i Q iv ..-.V 4. ? - ... - ' ' r W I a mm T I V5E?M' Clatsop Beach SeaUlN Or., Auf. ;Clatipp Beach U crowlnc in popularity with aUrn ra and many art wintered at the dlf fnrant hotels durin tha week, while othera hava taken cotUfea (or tha'aeao won.'vThla lummer haa been Unusually warm In moat of tha Inland eltlea- and eoaeequantly the beache ara crowded and probably will be until well : Into September. 4 There la . plenty of driftwood tween ' the Moor hotel : , and the Seaalde House and bonfires ' blase ererr -evanlnf on the sands. The beys ' are fond of bulldinr lnrenioua fireplaces . constructed of rocks ana sand. , Hup ' flrea for the pleasure of tha auests of the different hotels are aino riven ana ' the time Is passed enjoyably In slnvlng ana story leuing. .,., 1 It Is hard for the newcomer to wait for bathlns; hour, aa all are anxious to ' try the surf bathing;. Although nun dreds go In bathing dally there have been no drownings this year. The most popular bathing place is between the two lifelines In front of the Moore ho tel and to add to the aafety of the bath ers Daa J. Moore has engaged Mr. Bow era to7 patrol the beach during bathing boors. Mr. Bowers Is an expert swim " mer and has saved several people from , drowning. Some very pretty- bathing suits have been seen on the beach, but .. the majority of fair bathers put tbem on to go in tha surf; not to parade on, the beach. In suits that would be posi tively ruined by tha salt water. . flood risking- and Hunting. , " Fishing and hunting are always at tractive to tha "men .folks" and many come flown for the deep-sea fishing. Pactfto pier has added much to the Joy . of. thess fishermen, as they may go out on the pier and drop their lines beyond ' . the breakers without even the discom fort of getting wet. Trout Ashing can : also be had within good walking dis- tance -or Beastae, ana weary out proud fishermen ' With baskets filled - wtth speckled beauties are a familiar sight Clams and crabs are very plentiful at . the beach thla year and the hotels serve delirious rresn nsn aauy. - Tha "merrv-aro-round" la oontrfhut ng much to tha pleasure of tha little tots and the older people make "martyrs" of themselves by taking the , ciuioren to tne "merry-go-rouna in stead of the circus. The vaudevilles and the stook company are doing well and really present some very, good thrillers, . considering the price or ad , mission. - , . , : Fnncy work Is claiming; tha attention of some of the ladies ana many of them are taking advantage of the free lea sons given by the teacher at tha Needle Craft shop, which Is a branch of the . shoo on Washington street In Portland. and of Miss Martin, who makes a spe cialty 01 ner coiorea emoroiaenes. Parties continue to take the trip to Elk Creek and Cannon Beach, and no one should leave Bnaslde before taking tnis trip, as ins scenery is especially besutlfuL It Is hoped that the railroad will be through to cannon Beach by next summer. . a Oearhart STews. , . t " The golf course at Gearhart has been put into the best possible condition and V from early morning till duak devotees of the game may be seen making their . way with more or less success over the grounds.1 Among the best ' players now at Kruse's Beach hotel are Miss El- sle Koehler, Mrs. O. W. Talbot, William B. Boulton of New Tork and Dr. B.D Witt ConnelL There are a number of promlent Jn torla people registered at Kruse's this . week, including Mrs. ; I Elmore, Miss , Elmore, Miss Floret Elmore, Elsie El more, , and Mrs. Steele and Miss Lee Steele of St Stevens. ' . Last Friday evening tha . guests at Krusess were entertained by a musical fiven In the hotel parlors. Mrs. G. W. albot's beautiful soprano volos was 'heard In a number of selections. Miss 1 , Miller rendered a few fine selections on .the violin and H. T. Butterworth, also sang during the evening. t.- r -Mrs, A. 1 Maxwell and Mrs. Dom X , Zan visited In Gearhart Saturday. . The prettiest children's party of the 'season was given by Miss Edna Lewis .Friday afternoon. The little tots spent the afternoon playing games and at 8 ..were served with delicious refreshments. The table was decorated In bright nas turtiums and beautiful roses from the rose gardens of Mr. . Haager. : Those present beside the popular little guest of honor, were Mary and James Cellar, Marian Morgan, Margaret Smith, Ger trude. Ruth and Paul Stone, James Bus sell and Vema Brongher. ' ' ' Mrs. R. J. Chipraan, Mra Ernest Laid law. and Mra W. H. Mathewson have taaen urasmere cottage for tne re mainder of the season. Xr. Chipraan's father. X E. Chlpman, la visiting at the eottasa. ' - Mr. and Mra Adolphe Wolfe and family nave taken Mra J. pouvkas charming cottage for August Miss Moloomb, Eliot and Clarence Holcomb are st Gearhart for a few Mra X P. -Moffett and Walter Mof im In their nsrhart cottasra ' Cantaln Paul Relmer. who la atsving at Kruse'a is attracting mucn atieniioo during bathing- hour on account of ls wonaerrui swimming reaia Mra. K C Moiilton and Miss MOUlton gave a riding party to the wreck on Frl dav. ' The rldlns on the beach was very enjoyable and all voted the party one of the successes of the summer. There are now horses In plenty at Gearhart and riding Is much Indulged In by both the hotel guests and the cot taaera. Mrs. X II. Trubv. Miss JBstelle Llnshan. William B.- Boulton. Rob ert Strong, and Edward Butterworth of Chicago, nephew of 'H. T, Butterworth. are among those who spend much of their time on horseback. Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Morgan are visit Ins Mrs, W. L. Morgan.; ; 1 Miss Rummelln snd Mra Coggshell have returned to Portland after an en joyable time spent at Oearhart. Both ladies win De mucn missea cy me mem bers of ths Gearhart "600 V club, to which both belonged. ' President Bryan and family of Pull man will occupy the Coggshell cottage for the rest of the season. Judas Frank Bmtth and Lewis Schna- bel of Caldwell, Idaho, will be down on Thursday to spend a wees: or iv oays at Pinewood cottage, where Mrs. Smith and the children are spending the sum mer, ( J. C. Reed Is expected down next week for a short stay. Ths Gearhart "600 club, which has been meeting at the cottages of the dif ferent members, met at Mra Frank Smith's on . Thursday evening. ; , At Kruse's Beaok Hotel. ' Miss Stella Linehan. Mra X E. Bing ham, Thomas Jones, A. E. Kinney, Mra A. H. Harding. K. W. Kinney, W. F. Matthewa, Theodora G. Williams. Wil liam Bruess, James B. Kerr, Captain P. Relmers and family, O.. W. Talbot. R. T. Blosser, Phelns Holraan and wife. C. E. Moulton, Mrs. C C Barksr, Lloyd Smith. J. H. Truby, Alexander Gilbert Jr., John M. Mann, R. J. Chlpman, W. H. Mathewson, Theodore Kruse, Rich ard Kruse,- W. Haley, F, G. Piltchard, 8. Arnold, Lloyd Moyer. 'Miss Hirsch. Miss Mai Hirsch, George Parsons and wife, George Parsons Jr., Mrs.. A. B. Elmer, Miss M. Li O'Connor, Mr. H, Statter, Mr. and Mrs. William Knight, Philip Twohy, ' Howard Tlleston, i John Anthony, A. ' 8. Jorgensen, Mra Pollvka, J. M. Mann and boy. Mrs. Richard Koehler, Miss Else Koehler, Mr. and Mra Blyth, nurse and child, F. J. Querceao, Denver; M. L, Roberts, Mil waukee, uregon, j. . wcsiev Koperrs, ij, A. Lovejoy, Tacoma: James T. Twohy, San Jose; E. Gustafson, Astoria; Mra E. Gelser, Baker City; Miss 'Jelser, Miss Gilflllan, Union r Mr. and Mr. William B. Boulton, New yora, .miii wuiion, William B. Boulton Jr., Frank T. Wy man, wife and child. Boiso; H. T Trav is and wife, Atlantio pity. New Jersey, . Beaaids Honte. Mr. and Mrs. - Adolnh Dekum. nurse 1 and child, Mr. and Mra J. Goodman and children. Miss B. Bhellock, Mrs. J. Po llrka. Miss G. Jorgensen, Mrs. X Low! ensicev. miss iaa Liowensxey. e. u. dow- enskey, Zenllera Lowenskoy, Mra J. N. rieiscnner, Mra m. Mayer, Miss Min nie Flelshner, Mrs. Goslinsky, Mrs. J. Douaherty. nurse and child. L. Ther- kelsen. Mrs. E. C. Mears and children. Mrs. C. H. Prescott, Mrs. L. Allen Lew is, Miss Churchman, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Emmons, Harold 1 Emmons, Liouise dav after ' spending a 1 month Moor. ' Aft Tha XOOTSb V: D. Tull, Mra W. a 8?lfT. Miss Bess Surtsla Mr: and Mrs. Walter C. Smith, Mr. and Mra P. L. Caples, Wal ter a Cason, George W. ?wPj?'1 a Bingham, X Gardner, Bishop Wllllsra Scaddlng, Mrs. D. O. Honeyman, S. R. Connell, W. R. Jacob. Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Clark and ohild. Morris P. Gregg. F. Reed, George. Burcher, X Rummel, Miss Gal. Mrs. Frances Smith, Miss Mildred Cutbert: Mr. and Mra H. W. Fairfowt, Solomon Blumauer, L f- O. n.ia n 'T Annand. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Clark, Cscll H. Bauer, Miss Marlon Bauer. Mr, and Mra Thomas B. Neu hausen. Mra W. C. Bristol, Mr. and Mra ' Edward Sheldon, Miss. Annie 11.-4 a m rmH it. IB. Plummer. H. B. Chapman, Mr. and Mra, Calvin K, Buttera;Mra E. W. Frenoh C. X Henry. Kva Mra. jh. w-nniwrnjuM, tj. a. Cameron,J. Churohel, Mr. and Mra Ci v. O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. T. Btanlejr Mar Ion Dolph, George Warren, Wld Honey. . 'Y--y-. Ha-.mMn4 AfVilinA, Ed Jeffrey. , , , ?: Hnjoy Oysterbak. The ovsterbaks given by . J. P. O'Brien and T. BUnley was Out of ths most enjoyanie arrairs 01 tne -weex. Much of the success of ths evening Is due ' Robert Smith, ' whose untiring efforts to make every one have a good time were amply rewaraea or eacn ana every guest declaring that ths bake was the most successful one of the season. ' Those present were Mr. and Mra George. Brown, Mr, and Mra Bsrt Irwin, Mra and Mrs. ,J, P.: O'Brien, Mr. and Mra T. Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts. Miss Ines Barrett, Miss Anns Ditch burn, Miss Louis Baldwin, Miss Catha rine Baldwin, Mies Lillian O'Brien. Miss Cornelia wtaniey, miss utnei Morris, Robert Smith, Albert Stevens, Mar lon Dolph, Ned Barrett, E. R. Van JJUSen. ' KIssm Baidwla Entertain. Tha ameata at tha Breaker a ..- wars charmingly entertained on Monday even lng by the Misses Katharine and Louise Miss xxuise sang several ' i , ( , i ' V'.- w . I i v -VfN.'w"-tf-jiv x , iHosua rrana nau, . .. ,'.-ASA'i'-fi 1 . , Walter Galantine. Otto Kraemer, Miss . ' S -lt ZX " ' fe"rV7MrT.nd! MriX'K0"' - v.--, ihmXMi - - " . Drward. Mri hT W: Bte:x.Dunn: - , M . Miss Mibel McLeod.W.1 Pennington, . s.-J ' A" 'A.r 1 Miss Nettle Hogsett, X F. Adama Wra j.- ',xrSi O-. m L' - E. Scott nlec and eon; Mr.- and Mra I f 1 jmritM.r Ti "-XT"" Th. fsst- I -taw nr Us II TllfknT I Iff J ' 1 jSST' rv w ,. -v- ... !." ar -sna .-sss-- s wv . a . nui iicji se.a bp u, v sh w w -v m I P" ' V X ' Vv mi ?sn. Mra J. O. Alnsworth, Mrs. U. Wal- Baldwin. - -1 ft- ; c- NCS --asT '.'-t. . .THE" SUMMER GIR1.---Drawn by O. Ryder. ". '' '' ' S" cream, cans, canay ' ana puncn were ' served all evening, and after danoins: regretting that the gayest dance of -the season had, like most things, com to an end. . . - - - Those "present were: Margaret Pal ! mer, Johanna Craemer, Fay Hagadorn, ' Hilda Hagadorn. Grace Lindburg, Netta Farley, Emma Hackeney. Anneta Hack- . eney, Marie Shobel, Lllah Sengsuke, . Clemmle Densmore, Ruth Pansier,- Clara Buckhegger, Madge Craemer, Winifred ' U'urner, Emma Wonderll, Elsie Hung I n trl V7 n -.1 WmAAm Uiim 14nn.r l.- . : loma Blumenthal, Esil Black, Bess ' ranner, Madeline stone, jjiuian atone. Frances Brady. Louise Watson. Mr. and Mra G. J. Farley, Mra F. O. Strobel, Mr, and Mra. C Sen s take, Mr. and Mra James ' Hackeney, Mra J. . W. VWatson, Mra .Tarns, Mra iansiger. field, Mra Allcs ipage, ; W. D. TfH, Stona C. I. Sersanaua I F. Buck, u Van Horn, Leo Thompson, W. L. Davis. 7" Kenneth Plants, Oscar Baumgart, HiU ' t mil, tiui mwif urnu iviiw, D ui- . mi May, Cheater Peterson, Harold Ie Vinson, Sloan Hackeney. C : V' V,.- Bonnlre Ximovwtloa. ; , The unusually brilliant bonflr seen on the beach Monday night was ths work of several young fellows from ths Hackeney cottage. - . - Will Frank. Sloan 1 Hackeney and ?thers were responsible for th exoep ionally fins' and glorious evening. Mr. Frank entertained his guests with sev eral selections on th guitar, Mr.. Breed sane a solo and when severs! On Juioy watermelons mad their appearano and as quickly disappeared, th masculine entertainers were voted ' good fellows and royal ntrtainera : ... , , ruasant wk A Salt Aii. This 'weak has been a very Dleasur- abl one for the guests at Salt Air and' on of th most exciting events of th week was th 600 party on Wednesday venlng. ' ,' . ' - ' Thar was much rood-natured rivalry among th players for th beautiful -prises and .when th 8olomon family carried off all honors, Mra Solomon winning bead prise and Mr. Solomon , th booby, they ware heartily coogratu-. lated. . - Those who nlaved were: Mr. and Mrs, - Fred Jennig. Mr. and Mra Charles Jen- slat Wa 4 A f 1A flnlAmAti XX sj naia caiiwi truss av is wviwmim' and Mra Mo Holton, MrsV Shswanki. , . I. E. Solomon was host at a marsh ' mallow roast on Monday evening. About 10 peopl enjoyed Mr. Solomon's hos pitality. .- , Mra Tlmmerman and daughters wsr gtiosts of honor at a marshmallow roast and watermelon sunner on - Tuesday' night Fred Jennigs . was host and proved himself to be a charming en iertalnsr. Driving Parties PoptOar. A number of driving parties wer given this week, snd only those who have -experienced . th pleasure of long drive on the smooth, nara Deacii can appreciate what a driving party at th beach slgnlftea ... A A party of ' nln people from tha Schalt ootug drove to the life saving station, and after, a clam hunt at which two large baskets were filled, lunch V" served under th treea Another party of seven drove from th Salt Air to Fort Canby on Monday afternoon, and reported a most delight ful afternoon. s ' .i , A crowd from the Candy Kid comer gave a hayrlde party on Tuesday even ing, and drove to th cranberry marsh. Popcorn, candy and peanuts .wer cosj- sumed.ln great quantities during in drive, and a more substantial lunch was served Jater in the evening. ' '". Card JParties In Torn. Owinr to ths rather unnleasant weather, card ear ties have ben very much In vogue th - latter part of th week. -A ttv hundred party at th Harvest Horn resulted In Mra Joseph , West, and Georr Nelson carrying off neaa prixea civ nunorea parties nav Emmons, Evelyn Carey. Louise Carey. ! catnerine mmmons, Mr. ana Mra u. u. Durham, Mra P. A. MacPherson, Mra Frances Smith, Miss Mildred Culbert, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Gates, nurse snd child, George Caldwell, Morris R. Gregg, Sears, P. Hathaway. Portland; Mr. and iwrs. d. w. Bath, Hiusboro; Mrs. J. H. Keatley, Minneapolis, Minnesota; 11, Gilbert, San Francisco; Mrs. William onarp, ciay , center, Kansas; Mrs. w, E. Emmons. ' Miss Blanche Emmons. Miss Lula G. Emmona Detroit Mich igan; A. Kinney, Salt Lake City; Miss Margaret McLevitt, Ban Francisco; Mrs. F, ' H., Hopkins , and ? children. Central aeaaide Votes. Many Social affairs, picnics and bon Caroline F. Blckel, Mrs. A, G. Kloster- 1 fires were called off on account of the man, Gretchen Klosterman, Mr. and Mra J. H. Abrey, F. L. Litherland, J, Ashton, W. A. Cummlng, Ines Cumming, Vld rain during tha early r trt of the week, but life at the'hott-l was caver than ever. Cards,1 informal - nces and music Cummlng, Lora Cummlng. Harriet' Cum- wr h ?lrKra,nr .' tun telling and ming, csnanauumming, h. u. Htickney, w. E. Com an, C 8. Daly, George Sorenson. R, USTEI1T0 THE MERRY SEA GULLS By James J. Montague. Ham 4 t I . i Com and journey with me to the murmuring sea ' - When the dun sun is sullenly sinking, 'And with gentle delight, through the velvety night, - We will hark while the sea gulls are thinking. We will father their views on the gist of the news ''"( . .As they float through the translucent air banks, ' And we'll learn if they think that that awful mixed drink ' . . Was really lapped up by hank Fairbanks. - ' i , c l to , ' ; We'll find out if they deem that the heaving of hay , ' Helps to settle the Japanese question, , Or if Loeb is so firm for a third and tenth term Because of hypnotic suggestion. 1 ' ( ' ' We will know if chewinks makes a noise like a lynx ' ' '., When the shotgunning scientists gird Vm, . ' ? : .. Or if one T, R., who was list'ning afar, ' , Would know them apart if he heard 'em. . We'll find out if a trust would give up in disgust Becaqse of the popular grudges . '. - : ; At extortions and, sich which are making them' rich, - , If there weren't any federal judges. . "" ,' All these things and more we will learn as they soar ' ' ,nd whe;1 in their dizzv gyrations, - . - , Or flutter and flit with their white eyebrows knit ! " , ' By the weight of their high cerebrations. 1 " . " Ani!n 5ase we shVI find that the keen sea gull mind' i' Won't accept old John D.'s aged stall, . . V "Be good and you'll be barrels richer thari me," '' . We'll conclude they're NOT gulls after all, V1 ' ft 1 . ,7: ; ! ) H i MtftffffTHM palm readinx around bier. oien fire Dlaoes at the Moore amused the smests on Wednesday evenin'g" and all decided that a storm at the beach was a rather pleasant and unique experience, aa many had never seen the surf so rough. Extra precautions wer taaen against drown lng accidents on Wednesday and Thursday,- as Jthe .i undertow was unusually strons. Dan J. Moore went- out on the pier on Wednesday during bathing hours and ' warned the bathers through the megaphone mat tne undertow was aan serous snd not to venture out far. Th First Battery, Field artillery, O. N. a., are in camp on the nowaday grounds, and every afternoon there are drills on the seaside house lawn. Mra John 1 uuk entertained at ner eottaire: Klalini." fn honor of Mrs. Dyer of San Francisco, on Thursday after noon. Whist was played and dainty re freshments served on the smalt tables. Mrs. Dyer, who is a cousin - of,' Mrs. Kendell, will leave for San Francisco on Friday.. - , -,..,... A cartv. from The Moore, comnosed of Miss Murphy. Miss Adeline Murphy, miss ceieste moo re. Mrs. m. iooiey, Mra Dan J. Moore, and M. J. 'Dooley Jr., drove - to Elk creek Monday, re turning Wednesday afternoon. Tuesday night ths party enjoyed a. "wigwam ' bonfire on the beach. Toasted marsh- mauows ' and roaatea sweet potatoes composed th menu of the -evening's rerresnments. ; . Mra Talbot ohaneroned a .horseback party from Astoria to Ecola and Cannon beach Wednesday: Those In th party were Miss Unna Boyd, of Philadelphia, in whose honor the trip was taken: Miss Lieutenant' Cooper of Fort Stevens and Oliver Porter of Philadelphia. In the evenlna a candy null waa enjoyed. Among the recent additions to the tennis clayers at Locksley " Hall are Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Ransom, Miss Adele bacrev. and Miss J. w.- .merger. Music during luncheon and dinner en tertains tne guests at-tne Moore. -- A- dance will be riven at Lockslev Hall in the near future. An orchestra Is to be engaged for the occasion. Th Alexander Kerrs have onened their coitaga ior tne season. Miss MacBoyle of . San Francisco Is Visiting ner sister, Mrs. jnranK iewia - R. Scars, ; Paul Hathaway - and Mtlo Sargent are registered at Locksley Hall, ; Miss Maieta. ward was down over Sunday visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter B. Honeyman,, who is staying at the Moore.. ' . . , , - Mrs. M, : Dooley and son "Maurice J. DoiHf y Jr., are spending their summer at I '! Moore.- - ,, m. AI. Hadley has returned to Bos ! uder spending two enjoyable weeks i i Locksley Hall. i.; . A party of people from Gearhart spent Monday at Seaside .enjoying a picnic luncheon on the banks of the Necanieum. Mrs,. Frank Smith of Caldwell, Idaho, Mrs. J. S- Reed of Portland. Mr. and Mrs, Julian Steunenberg of Boise, Idaho. Margaret Smith, Clinton and Medford Read were In the party.. Mrs.. E Rosenbaum or Salt Lake City has as a truest Miss Adele Holtub. Mlns Carrie May of Portland Is at the Seaside bous lot A abort tlma . Kiss May Is a cousin of Miss Caroline Bex Iter Gates, nurse and child, Mra D. A. ter. ' . I Dougherty, 'maid and child, M. F. Brady, Frank Howe. RoV and Arthur Fields Mra Smytne. miss wer at Seaside over Sunday. . - i Vi?"?ilV"rA.Mi?'-ts5r Miss essi. Harknesa who cently Jonn aSima'Mi.. JlarU "iiallimin: returned from t New York. Is . visiting I mm x-n5. . , ., woiiZ frieuds at the beach. .r JwaUaf Mra Peter Larson, Helena. Mon. Dr. Holllster was at Seaside for a few I tana: fl. S. Eberle, W. R. Eberle, Mrs. days as the snest of the Gordons In I J. H. Jaarr. Vancouver: 'Mrai R. B. their cottage; Bide-a-Wee," : , -. , Porter, Mra Jean Porter,. Spokane; Mra Mrs. uougias . cone returned o ir. , I' ' f1. "iS.,ci, ?'"" Portland Tuesday on her "Way to her puluth, MinnesoUi Miss Joclman, delphla;' Mr. and Mra Paul Weldon, De- Miciugan; mrana uiaice, Kansas home at, Bed Bluff, California, v nsv si y lUTtMi v . r viitrAP km niman nirn- i I i T.lkak i-M-w IIam 01aa ,hjI I ---JB Ekfno'afSi-Sea. ?P.nS-ai-!r pleaaant vtlon Boise, fdaho: J. F. Hamlltpn. Astoria; at the Moore. . u.. i vin. o-i, t . a t Miss Marion Bauer was . at the Moor Cooper, United SUtes army; O. W. Pbr for a few days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs.: Cecil H. Bauer. - Miss Bauer has ter, Philadelphia: B. J. Cullen, United States army; Miss A, Boyd, Phlladel ust returned from Euros where shelnhia: Minn k. -Elmore. S. R. Rend. a. W. has been devoting her time to the study 1 Utalnger, Aug. Fulson, Miss Lena Cal of mUSle and composing. len. Dr. Forsstrom, W. M. Richmond, D. r Th following people composed a very cLw,a7r?ia'1 J5.r'.iina f sv. van ;wusn. joiiy crowa at tne aance on uaturaay T solos and her beautiful contralto vole I also been held at th Driftwood, and a was the subject of much pleasing com ment, miss Katnerin Baldwin cnarmea her hearers with her wonderfully sweet number of Informal ' musicales hav also taken f nlaca Miss Luella and Edna Halght gav a five hundred party and powerful soprano, and both young on Wednesday afternoon in honor of Miss Maoel soutnaric or Ban rancisco. ladles wer heartily tdsnked for giving! tne guests a most aengntrui evening. Walking parties are sometimes a cas nlh: U. m4 TuTm rl-flll TT Han mjiwm , in. jfietscnner, Mr ana Mra fone or Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Lemington, Astoria IVocksley Ball. H. V, Mills,' H. Johnson, Mrs. M. O. Oregon City, Mr. and Mra -Dregg of -Si.;' v wJSf m j j New Tork. -Miss Marlon Bauer.- Miss S!?! AK?i-J1Jck Ia''3'l Germnlne Samuels, Miss Friendly. Miss 7di O H Shrniin P r Parr KilKs. Rn-nlle TlVlendlv. Minn . Mr.nevftL Phil wfo?i, v V.BIle?a,.C C. Carr, Katll ?rr.r, - - v -w''.cz ..;a:it.-'-"" i rine iLent. Mra w. t. Monertson. Mra mer sndyackLouretb R A Berg. R. Sears. P, ThlSpnfrtvh i Wldner, .oh-R,.;' .hV - - I 7.T.- u-wqoo, Mra wuei- Mrs. Frank Wolf of Snokane enter. talned Miss Doychert Miss Gotlieb. Mrs. J. I, Miller of Spokane and Miss Nancy ... wurney at dinner at tne Moors Tues day evening." .. Vf ' Trtlin Akl 'n liinnl,. i . mvA 1 . I. V 1 . 1..W..WU 1 V. ielknan. H. K. Bar rent. u. &. Cameron. Mrs. B. LJtUe. Mrs. L. ChersheL J. L, Wickersham, H. E. Plummet Nicholas F. Saraent. A. Berg, E. Banser, C. Lambert. G. D. Brown, Harry L. Raff ety; ' M. Skibbe. Myrtle Skibbe. VH, G. Mosgrove, H. Younsr. ' Mra 8. W. Henoner and chll- oard party . ths first part of th week I dren, L. May, Mr. and Mrs.: A. D.' Mo which was. very enjoyable. . The house Cully, Sara McCuIly, Mra G. E. Taylor, was ' decorated in sweet peas and long Beatrice E. Richardson, Grace Macken sword xerna - ive nunarsa was niayea i sia "jr. uroom. nainerine juamoerson. during the afternoon and afterward de Mary Wldmer, Mr. and Mra . P. M. llcious refreshments were served at th j Starr from ,, Portland, - Chester Dewey, card tables. Those r present wer Mra I Minneapolis,": Minn.,: Mrs. J. H. Jaggy, Hiair Mrs utorev. miss jinrreu. - Mrs: i winurea it. juoerte. eianev a. junerie. Charlie Brown of -Astoria, Mrs. D. M. .Vancouver Wash., Mrs. M G. Tobey Dunne, Miss Gladys Howard, Miss Helen and children, Th Dalles, Walter a. Wheeler of San Francisco and Miss Lu I Webb, Tacoma, K. Bradsnaw, is. yvai CUie JJUnna . ... - r I mr, iiie u-iira, Dtrt d. voinnan, Mr. and Mrs, W. TV Burney and MorI loria, jwones. cam . Jones, May jones, rlunn . T Rurnev were nt Soaslda over aidee Jones, Cincinnati, . MISS - jnes Sunday . . i jjarcy, ; Astoria, f Mrs,, juupn - x. jjavia Miss 'rfasel Mount; of Washington, Is Boise. Jtdaho, Mr. and Mra.Albert Allen, visiting Miss Van Ness. . I BpoKane, M. js. Messier, Mrs. J. Mes- Mrs. O. M. Dunne, who has been lnlgfer. Holyoke, - Mass., Kathrine C. Portland for a weetfi will return on the I Skibbe, Th Dalles, Miss Irene Stef fens, late train tonight accompanied by Miss Vancouver, JBl C. Jerry, New York.- Mr, Mra L, J IPrlneville, O. t and Lister and children. E. Glasa Euarene. J. D. Jonea Chicago. P. 8. Auburn. Oakland: L.. B, Wickersham, Portland. w -ti North Beach Laura Dunne. A bisr nartv of young ' neonle eh an eroned by Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Emmons, went to Elk Creek horseback on Tues day, -.Those In th party -were Miss Louise Emmons,'. Miss Catherine Em mona M rs. W, B. Jones, of Boston, Miss Louise Carey, Miss Evelyn Carey, Miss ines- cumming, miss " vida cummlng, Miss Lora CummlnK. Blanche Emmona T.llla. fl Sn,iit,i,ta an A Vf r m . XT . T31 mm. mona of Detroit,' Michigan," 81d Lowen- North Beach.' August . The season berg. Austin wwdden, Harry Reed .and j has reached Its Highest at North Beach, Mr, s;nfc v - m.M ' li-; land when th, Potter cam down on Sat have- returned to Portland - - i I urday with a record-breaking crowd the miss Jjewa uooara r is spending ner i hotels ware so overcrowded - that many Miss . Friendly -and Miss Rosalie of tha,pleasur seekers wer obliged to friendly, 01 juugene, , are at tne Moora 1 return to tn ooat ana iina sleeping nc- Mrt. Josle Delor Johnson and son. dommodatlons on board. ' -Ronald, of Annanolls. are en Joy Ins camni . ... ' , .. . i life at Seaside . Almost every eottaire on -tne oeacn Mrs.' Samuels' snd Samuels, who snent soma time at tha Breakers.' .Long Beach, are now cuests! at tne Moore. . -f - Bishop Soaddin spntra few days at tne Moore tnis weeit, - - Mrs. Kendell. Mrs. Dyer. Mrs.. Neal. Miss Carey and . Mr. Kendell; drove to uuk creeK one day tnis weea. Miss Germalne ha Its full quotajfylsitora nd as all .'M haln. .nv.llff .nfartaln. the week has been one continual round of pleasure. Th dance at the Breakers en Saturday evening . was . a. very bril liant affair and many, pretty gowns wer worn.. . . - - Portland society. was well represented and among .those enjoying th evening's George Boschke. who Is prominently I of necessity at thla beach, but a walking connected with the O. R. A N- snent 1 party for pleasure was given by a the last week of July with his family, I number of young people from Sea view, who wer guests at the Breakers for I Th party walked to North Head, and w montn. ' On Thursday evening Mr. Boschk entertained about so guests irom tn hotel at an oyster bake upon the beach. The i oysters wer - ahlDDea from Toke- land and immediately upon their arrival were taicen in onarg oy) Mr, uoscnae, wno personalty superintenaea tneir Baa ing.- ,ul Much amusement; was offered those present by Mr. . Boschke' effort to act the part of oook. . Twelve o'clock rolled around before th Quantity of de llcious oysters were disposed of, after which, the merry crowd dispersed to th hotel, voting Mr. jooscna a royat en teriainer. as- walking is conducive to ravenous ap petites, tne dainty lunch which was served was thoroughly appreciated. Th walkers were Miss May Sheehy, Miss Margaret Sheehy, Miss Irene Loeb, Miss Maud Mas tick, Miss Cora Mas tick. Bob RamsdelL Nell Fell. Edith Law. Wllma Fisk, Louts Gllsan. . - ; , At a very pleaaant party given at th Seacroft. Mra Mathews entertained th guests by a mind reading contest. Mr. Raley performed some astonishing mag netio ''stunts," but none of th guest became so "magnetised" but what they keenly enjoyed the jolly little supper provided tor tnem oy tneir nostess, TennU . Tonrnament. The tennis tournament at the CTak- ' - t, ., . I ers aroused much enthusiasm sa6ng tha i.Vi.-i"-. 1 "o'i.rr-: guests and th benches In th court elude Mr. and Mrs. J. p. O'Brien, Miss Lillian O'Brlan, Mr. and Mrs, F. Stanley and children. , and Bob Smith, who is I accompanied- Dy-nis nieces, miss jatna nne and m iss jpouis jaio win oi vi tawa Canada -r.A merry crowd of young people wh were guests of Wld Honeyman spent a most, aeiigntxui etunaay - afternoon au-tomoblllna- on the beach. Mr. : Honey man's guests were Miss Tessie Preston, Miss Katharine O'Hara, Miss Margaret were crowded every day by enthusiast who annlauded all the rood clays. A some of Tbrtland's best players wer" en tered. Charlie Arthur. Who was th younaest player, and who by his clever playing won the handsome cup was tho modest recipient of much hearty eon gratulatlon. Those who entered 'were: Mr. Kruger. Mr. Ewlng. Charles Arthur. Miss Ines Barsett, Joseph Rothchild, Miss How, Mrs. Irwin, Mri Gottsteln, Maaon F.hrman. Ella : Irwin. Mr. - Mo- O'Connor, Miss Ellen O'Connor, Ollytrl''.iJir Jeffery, Ed Jef fery, Harry , T. Lavel, A'J"pf, Bosenfeld, Miss Boschk. Mr. Raymond O'Connor, . .. ,t," , Kiss SitobstUB Popular. 'Much attention has been shown Miss Anne Dltchburn. who Is a guest of Mra Bert Trevins at ' the Breakers. .Miss Dltchburn's pleasing personality and PrentsifiL The concert at th Long Beach hotel,' Runriav afternoon wan a musical treat keenly enjoyed by the throng of peopl congregated on the hotel porches, side ' walks end everv availahla nlnoe within ' hearing distance of the orchestra. Th manv talent make her a decided favor i followinr nroa-ram was rendarad: "Lit tle jonnny.jones,- overture, "King jo ao"; selections, "Nature s oaraen - 1 te at the hotel. . Miss Ruth Cranston Is also a popular guest and her charm ing manners and striking brunette beauty have attracted much attention. On Tuesday evening th younger tret at the Breakers enjoyed a very pretty dancing party, ana arter tne nance a number of supper , parties wer given In- the cafe. , . , ; - -PA ' W.prMf ?? s? lng, and on a cloudy evening every tabl Inei BaVrett Miss Cranston Miss Annl ln the larJ? Prior'ls pressed Wtd serv &5S?8& As tfierris muchVmuslcal talent at this popular hotel, tura is always an Informal . musical after , an evening of net solo, "Dixie Bells"; overture, Popu lar Airs": "Wedding of the Winds," "Dam of th Honey Bees," "Tanke PatroL", ' -r Bridg Is popular. Bridsre is a vtrv nnnnlnV e-ams at th Dnauton wnen tna weamer H nire"" Dltchburn, Miss Enid Rothchild, Miss Mabel Weed, and Miss May Rosenhop of Bpokano, Miss Tessie Preston of Seactto, Miss How Miss Ellen O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Irwin, Mrv and Mrs. George Brownj : Jack : Howell, Arthur Koseiireid, Mason liiurman, Charlie Ar thur. Rolf a Denant - of Chioaro. Cliff Lamping and David Oliver of Seattle. Good voice Great Kelp. cards,. MIhs Ann Dltchburn has don mucn to make these musicals a grand success, and the guests are always eagerly wait lng to listen to her beautiful contralto vnlft.-ii Mima : Knid Rnthchl1d,of Port land and Miss Tessie Preston of Seattle are among the clever pianists. Mrs.-Peter Larson, of Helena1" Mon-1 gaiety were Miss Ines Barnett, Miss tana, is visiting Mra -A. 7 R. Porter, of Ruth Lanston, Miss ; Anne Dltchburn, Miss Lillian O'Brlenr Miss Louise Bald- Tlnlnth. t. the Mnor. . .1 Mra Rosa Bloch Bauen ehd Miss Me-I win, tMIes Katherin Baldwin. Mr. and Davitt returned to.Portlahd o Wadnes-1 Mra George Brown, Airland Mrs. J. P. Owing to Tthe number .'of Jolly young Bathing Is still extremely popular and neonle who are suests : at Hankennv'a i althnmrh u,t,ni ..i,ltii.iiiil anuthem cottage, thlsweek has certainly been people, accustomed to. warmer water, a gala one. - William Sprank, lately con- stand on the beach and shiver , sympa neoted with the Golden Minstrel com- thetlcally for the bathers, the 'old ln pany, has an. exceptionally finsbass habitants of th t beach rush IrJ with , . voice, and -With the heln of Mr. .Whit ).. a ,i. i. lrons In of Seattle, who has a fin tenor volca the exhlliratlng sport The many pretty Miss Madeline Stone,. Sloane Hack- children at tha beach this year Is a fact eney, Mi Ei Block, and Miss Lillian frequently commented upon and at th . -w.a l!w am W.IIMUUU J.J4 f V 1UCIIV9 s4 IU BCCIU -V W ntW UBVQ uwii lujauj fcnuatm. - '-- I A .William Frank also plays th guitar, and because of. his many talents 1 a popular lavuriiB, The dance at nlKht was one of the most enjoyable affairs of the season and the merry In their element :' Both ; bovs -and ai are extremely venturesome and children V ara aeldom allowed on tha neacn unless Hackeney' Tuesday " .. A very smart musical ' was given In crowd of young people voted Mr. and the parlors of Tha Breakers on wednes- mf. tiacaency a unanimous vots or thanks for th delightful Yenlng. loel (Continued on Pag Thirteen.)