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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1907)
THE. ..OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST ; 10, 1807. BUSINESS CHANCES. THE COAST REALTY COM PANT, . Portland, , Or. Phon Mala 1651 and liiu V' ' ' ' A.-4160. ' ' .. - . - SX. "l' sicKneae causea aaorinee, I V 11,400 Ona half aaah now aavan 1 houaa: atrlntlv mndarnt vnnA ilud t;S5ie View:- three blocks from MM una: tmnani mm 1 1 v wnrrh oyer 11.000; nuit ba sold Immediately; aee tny exclusive agents at above d f .'"l .olu"r houaee, all prices. - 1400 buys furniture; It rooma; almost " l! V ,moarn, nigh-class roomiag-nouse; "i J. ,octlon in the city; muat aell lm . mediately; easy terma; lonf 1m! - !lfp Mnt? other roomlng-hoasea all 'v Prt.a. Baa exclualve agaata for full -, i rtloulara. ' . i , Hou" for Tent $40 rent- II rooma rn'"naai suitable for hseping roomers, Wfaraiiaaa required. . v t ' ,ranta six-roomed house, "loss laj ' T n P'ac; me view. ; i . : L $U,, rant three-room furnished eot- Ufa. , . ..' ...,: .,....,. r, 4- !J rents Tour-room now cottage. . '. ". .110 rents four-room 'rood home, with large garden. barn and chicken bouaa. ; Other houses all prloes. , ,, -.- landlords bring la your houses and . atorea for rant; wa can rent them In i i ahort order, , THE COAST REALTY COMPANY. y 226H Morrlsonet J Tortland. Or. Phones Main 1808. A-4186. Mills " Sawmill, capacity 0,000 feat per day, . , almost new; donkey angina. 15,000 worth of ordera now on hand; extra an 1 glna to run the planers 112.000. . Double circular sawmill, planer . and ' v tnatcher. logging snglne, turbine water ' I twheel-tbundance. of timber; prloe for HENKLB A HARRISON. 117 Ablngton bid. V J&ARGAIN FOR A FEW DATS--): MUal aell furnltura and fixtures of Sprina ) field hotel, with leaaa on building; good V. location and 'payine- business; good private reason for selling. Address box -175, Springfield, Or., for prlcea and par ; tlrulars. ' ' ikt8T seLL at" 6ictS BRiakT. t clean stook of clgara, confectionery, . lea cream, books and stationery, cheap; good atand; living rooma; low rent j B-46, Journal. ,' WiLL SELL OR TRADE - MT GRO- eery, good clean atock, doing a nna . ' cash business, good location: a money : mstcer for right party; about 11,500 re 'oulrd. Owner D-46S, Journal, ROCK QUARRY FOR 8ALE MAKEi . me orrer for lot on uantenoain ava. . Owner, iii 6th at , FOR RENT OOOD STAND FOR RE- taurant; City Market block. 8H d. VANTED CIOAR, CONFECTIONERY 3' atore; not to exceed 100; muat have value; no agenta. Q-. journal. FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE -A ROOM lnr house two blocks from the new , T. 'M. C. A. buUdlm, that la clearing - t!6 a month, for Improved real estate in good location, ror part naiance caan: V value IS. 000: ownera only. Addraaa 11-465. Journal. ' ilAVB MONEY TO INVEST. WHAT have youT Olva full particular . K-455, Journal. FOR SALE FINE UP-TO-DATE dRO- FOU SALE REAL ESTATE f '".' A: Full Block 'vx lOOvina fMt in Waverly. This hljrh and alghtly, t blocka from aarltaa Will tell It rnean lr miien xnia weew. Ill timber Exchwns;. phone Main till, OWNKK8 OF REAL. ESTATE. , . We have numerous calls for small houaea and acreage. Lift ifour. proptr- tiea witn us ior quick ,w . , MILLER, PAGE A CO, ' Room C. 171 Mi Morrison. HaVA F6UR , Barter jan6 six half acres at E. lsui st. one block from car, ona irom cuurcn, excellent soil. Bull Run watr, eaay payments. K. v. tisirora, Owner, rnone ic 7. . C. R. Doonell&Co. f-.. ';''".. REAL ESTATE, '" Room 11. Ill Stark it'. riVH ACRta iok ti,o6o; X s?ap, 6tf Arlington helghta. -i Top of Canyon ma near council (jrssi: ail riartv aiiui jvmii, hi iwornaon at' ALL itiaM KeaL estate b6Uaf , aold and '. ajrehanaed. Abraham t. White, 117 MT Waahfngton at. corner Id, Labba bld, oaica I and.). Both pnonss. UaVe t6UR ABSf RAfits .Wade M Tniat Co eery rtore carrying staple Una of gro ceries, also tinware and crockery; splen didly located In fine railroad town ana ; -having an excellent farm and town .trade; price only 11.900. $1,800 caah and easy terms ror Daiance. Aaareea r. u. "Hnt lit RnaBhiirs- Ctr. FOR SALli A WELL ESTABLISHED newspaper In Oregon: caah required. lfl,00O; building and power plant; lota wi aorta ana type. Aaaresa -ioi, ' Journal. &LIFF8. biVisioN" t6WK; WATCif for opening. AfEAT kARkEf ANI5 GROCERY atora; good location, close in; 11,000 tualneaa per month; cause of Bailing, oor health; cheap rent: aell at lnvoloa. .171 Madison at Main 74. FOB SALE -REAL E8TATB. Two Bargains I -room . house, nloe porch, bay wln- iidowa, hall, parlors, pantry, bath, - large grounds, good lawn, ornamental treea, roses, flowers, fruits, berries, chicken park: near Brooklyn achool ; aell cheap. I large rooma, large reception hall. beautiful fireplace and mantel; also 'furnace, large pantry, china closet full basement; plumbing flrst-claaa; large porch s, full lot, with nice barn, lawn and flowers, well located, near car and (achool, aurrounded by nice, new homes; a good buy, 4,200. HENKLE A HARRISON, 217 Ablngton Bldg. It-ACRE TKAvT AT L.KNTB FOR BALE by owner. .Main aoav. For particulars; phone , JO ACRES IMPROVED LAND, HOUSE, : barn, good wall; etrawberrlea galore; aell because of poor health; 11,500, ln- . eluding atook, chickens and farming tools, fnone xaDor 70. Security Abstract A Chamber of Commeroe. FINE COTTAGES LOWEST PrIcE. i,vv rooms, plenty or rruit 11.500 to tl.900 S-room modarn. full plumbing, aaa and elect rlo llrhta: fiber piaster; i-minute car service; ail new, inquire Z08 4tn. Tel. Main se. A SIGHTLY RESIDENCE,' LOT i6xi6" Bull Run water, cement walka and curba all paid for,, and less. than two blocka from earllna, only IB minutes uvu.uniri viir Svv, lamu, ' wr lumbia Trust Co.. Couch, bldg. t P. PALMER. -' M. VAN AL8TINJE. FAL.MER-V. ALBTINB CO REAL B .'ATE, INSURANCE, s 121 FiUing Bldg. MtL (111. A-II5I. FOR SALE BY OWNER. SUBURBAN" home, large five-room cottage, two lots, flower and fruit; t,000, caah or terms, rnone ocon sii. FOR SALE 1 FINE LOTS IN MONTA - villa, corner, ona block from car Una, 1800. 208 Id at. FOR SALETWO i-EVEL L6TS. 10x100 each: two blocka from car: nrlca 1450 terma, 160 down, balanoa 120 month. Q-4ol. Journal. for saLe-WCCme pr6IerT- double f lata 6 and a rooma, only. 4 yeara old. Large mortgage can ba ear ned. Tne Bpanton Co., X70 BtarK at NOB HILL RESIDENCE 7-ROOM house; . air modern Improvements; large lot: a reaeonable offer geta It thla week. The Spanton Co city depart- meni, jiv eiarx m. Large modern BtMoALoW. Cor- ner: eaay monthly payments. Phone E. 175. A GOOD INVESTMENT Wt X L6f In Hancock Street Addition: all Im provements; oement sidewalks and ourba; also Bull Run water. Thompson A Ogden, 141 Mississippi ava, or 181 Handy road. Phone Wood lawn 102 or Eaat 1085. 80x100; FINE VIEW; SOME SHADM treea; alley in rear; half block from good car line; about 10 mlnutea out near good acnooi: only oo: eaay terms: low Interest; investigate thla. Call 1221 Mlsnourl ave. Phoni Woodiawn 114. $2,100 Great Bargain l-room houae In South Portland. Call Boon. 205-1, Mohawk bldg. FOR RAINY DAY SAVING. 12.800 A very nice bungalow of rooma at eaat end of Hawthorne ava.. on wast slope of Mt Tabor, on 1H lot of ground; anap. MODERN COTTAGES FOR SALE. By owner, on carline, ona 4-room; ona 6-room; terma. Inquire at 1081 E. 11th at n. Take the a oar . rnon wood lawn III. WHY PAY RENT 7 V 1 I ft A Kim naw 4.nnAm An,a Ami. ly furnished; porcelain bath, hoi and oold water, elect rlo lights, concrete foundation: 1 nna lota on Mount tscott carline: only 1800 caah required. E. J Gelser. 111 Morrison st ANTHONY HARDY. LINNTON. OR- residence and bualneaa lota, water front and factory sites; farms and tlm ber lands. i 1,500 SMALL PAYMENT" E5W balance lift oar month, buy a a-room houae; good lawn, fruit and nut trees; gaat an assessments paia: owner, Woodlawn 1111. ' FOR SALE 6 LOTS. 6-ROOM HOUSE; new barn. 11x14 feet' 11 fruit treea; room for cow and ehlckene. H. H. Luae, 110 Arryla at. Peninsular station. St Johns car. ONE NEW MODERN. I-ROOM HOUSE In Holladav Dark addition. R. B. Rice owner. No. 891 "Wasco; phono K. 2411; vacant lota for aale. 1,800 NEARLY FINISHED 4-R66M modern bungalow; IS00 down, 130 monthly. 43d. near Hawthorne. Eaat 623. Corner L6t, FtrLL sizB. bLCCK from ear, at 1100 leaa than value; must go thla week; leaving city. Main. 4298. PROPERTY WANTED DESIRABLE home: walking distance from Burn' aide atreet bridge; not over 18,760. The 8 pan t on Co., city department, 170 Stark. FOB SALE-FAIUiI3 ' Washington & Oregon; MRcaIty;Co..r::;';ft:- '114 acres 10 miles, east of Vanooo var, 1 mUe from Columbia river; 15 acrea In cultivation, 50 acrea In prunea 15 to 10 yeara old, I acrea mixed or- cnara, z acrea meaaow, wi and beets, I draga, ona l-room 1 -story, 1 4-room ootUgea, 17.001 drier, new. 10 tone with cellar: good b"?70. b aheda, eUble; barn 15x40 with leanto enclosed; isno aaury, ceiir, r 10 tone; 1-etory fruit warehouaa 11x15; 10 tona dried fruit ail klnda of farm machinery. 1 wagons, hack, I bugglea. phaeton, cream aeparator, aood team, 5.800 pounda; T fine Jersey cowb sev eral bead of young atook, noga, cniomn There will ba loo tone of green prunea contracted for 6o without grading, de livered at the boat landing 1 miiee rrom place. , If yoa ara looking for, aafa Investment It wUl pay, you to tnveatl gate thla. Everything 1b Juat M Jver- lisea. ru r. v., near aonwi, - "-j all crop Including contraot, Prloa anly iiB.Qou. uiva gooa wrmm-if es BAAsa ' in rrisrka county Wash". 1 miles from R. R. 'tatlon. one half mile to achool and church j acree in nna atata or cuitivauon in urwp " family orchard; new i-ftorr houae; good frame barn 14x1a. Binder, mower, rake, and all klnda of trm Implements! teem, wsgon, buggy, haeit a AKa ti ui vnnna atock. 11 aheep, II hoga. 100 ehlcksna. 40 reese, cream aeparatori level land, all fenced Thla la ona of the beat buye on the market Terma IMOt caah, balance I yeara. - per cent . y eMaatapaaaaaa 110 acrea. tnllee from aahawgal, CTarke county; 10 acrea In eultiration. all fenced with I wires; bouaa-11x11. Kant SviS Li. tnlla tn snhool: 10 BOreS seeded, on main oounty road, fine aolU PHce only III per acre. Thla la enap. . . , .. , ii too Ian umh.. iu mllea from Waahougal, Oarlfla county; 40 ,araa In cultivation. 100 acrea eaatly cleared, aAma. HrnhM amall hnnlA. 1 acre flnO orchard, fine aoU; R. F. D., near achool: FOB S ALE TAKALS. 1 ' 'lA'FaraIiiTcstmcnt .110 acrea, all first-class aoil; IT acrea niga Btate ex cultivation, a den landa; good large farm barns, wood house rranarv. bouse, atore houae, root houae family orchard, berries, nice yard with large variety flowers; 1,000 oorda . of good wooa on tne tana; watered ny aprings: stream and wella. - Thla farm Is well adapted to dairying, orchard, berries, truck farming or hops; a good Invest ment as u lies well to eubdlvlde and convenient to eleotrle carline; only 1 mllea out from Portland and no moun tains to cross: It la wall worth the money now aaked for It. .1 HENKLE A HARRISON, 117 Ablngton Bldg.- 10 ACRES THE MOST-BEAtjTIFUL piece of land on the Baae line road. New Mt Hood road naaaea throurh It Absent ownera aak for Immediate dis position. Ten aorea aajoinlnar aold laat week for 1100. 1760 an acre la the price; easy terma. , ' Every Indication aays thla property Will be ready for eubdlvlalon before Christmas. The anton Co- Country Dept.. 170 Stark st aome fine gaiifiE FOft kVKhf Mbf-tliHH TIP a houee. I good ) Main 4210 or call 211 H Front at We a nary, chicken I bay and aell furniture, clothing or any Spj FOB SALE MISCLLLANEOU8. FOR SALE WELL DRILL: GASO- llne ouUlt C W, Stephana, Ortent uregon, old thing. iiui' FRdii , f iia secoWd ' haHd tore where your credit la areod.' . . n . 1 1 . 111.. ivt mi. rucuiq t v 1 w 125 feniNOLts Lar6h or BiJaLL L6TS. The noted Port Orford cedar la atock. Call and see them. B. B. Gilbert. 114 Front. - WK RENT; YOW MOTION PICTURE machines, filma, gaa outfits, song auaea, etc; lowest pneea. man Motion Picture Machini th. bet Alder and Morrison. ANY SIZE SECOND-HAND PIPE, from men to 11 mnn, any quantity. 100 tona black and salvanlsed sheet Imii anw ala. ,Kun 1AA tnna klaW mil galvanised yafre, cheap. 1 10-horaepower aonaey engine. , m. tmram ev eon, iu and Gllaan. ' . 1 TINNERS Jfl-INCH , fl(JUARlK(J Bheara: good as new. very reasonable. aaa m. urant at 12 Acres All good land, no atone or gravel; highly cultivated; 4 acrea ta orchard, choice verletlee and In fine condition, balance of land chiefly In straw berries, blackberries, loganberriea, raaDbarrlaa: fine houae. 1 full stories. all plastered, finished In eedar and red wood, large open atalrway from sitting room; library-room, bath, toilet, china closet open fireplace and grate; also furnace, full brick basement, large oorohea: a nleturaaaue view from house: one of the very best suburban homes about Portland. HENKLE ft HARRISON, 117 Ablngton Bldg. tarma XL. naah Kalanra B TaarB. Per cent; will take H In exohaage for Port-1 $5,800; tarma can land property. dairy ranch FARM FOR SALE. Ill acrea. I mllea from Forest Orove. 234 miles from stores and "poetoffloe. 10 acrea under cultivation. 10 acrea of bottom land. 10 acres of good timber, running water; good houae, large barn, span ef horses. I extra good cows. 10 head Of hoga, 60 chickens, 10 tone of hay, 500 bushels of oats, one barn full of rood oat atraw. 1 acrea of tumlDS. ona acre of lata potatoes for winter; price be had; it la a nice for sale ita Jrictf Cooper WAd: 150. on: erica FOR BlU R. O. Beagle, Lenta, ASPARAGUS BEiAkfl. the beat green bean for pickling or canning; delivered. Eaat OTTO. CROCKETT A HARKSON, it at HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS (kkaa icr ara is mllea from Port land. In Washington county, I mllea frnm rallrnaH atallan; tl SCreS In fine atata t onitivatinn. balance very easily cleared; all fenced, all level, amall llv- HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT ing atream, fine new l-etory 6-room. by day. week and month; special ratae hard-rimahed nouse, coai ii.evu; " 1 10 Dimness nousoa. ,wi auu nwui,iu fram. ham matin KOaSO' fine location: I Raat 71. R. F. D. and telephone, near achool. milk HARNESS AND SADDLERY. KELLER route past door, beat of black aoil. near I Harness Co.. 41 N. th st S!lLl"a.,."tln rirr; Ine,tlt W)r saLe-Camel-bacb! PDrTT u"'"S- ,,.,-a ... rhn 101 Russell St ... a nr... 1 Portland II inn acres. miiaa iruui mm- i.xi- hougal. Clarke county. Washington: 10 FOR SALE 10 FIRST CLASS HORSES, acrea In cultivation; aome green timber; including alx broke teams. Address rood houae and barn: good family or- Ram Btrebln. Troutdale, Or. Phone .harrl- amall oraak vnnd BOlina'. good Graaham 18ft. team, 5 head of cows, I wagons, one )R saLk SWELL ENGLISH DOG heavy, one light; mower and raJte; all rubber tire, triple screw axle, rtAm enn ml.ll nan! Itniim BArtarB- I . V. . . .... T if A T M.l tor: beet of aoU; thla la a anap. gooi . h 8,t MtVLIAH BRAflS-M6t?NT lernial, 1 . -i-.i- hraMaV Rf iMhn.kgr! eoiit aM VJ I ' . 11.10010 .acrea In CTarke twnntv. 186. aell for 150. Boi w, Waahlngton, 11 mllea from Portland, HEAVY HORSES. YOUNG. BOUNU, 1H mllea from railroad station, e good workers; some marea, mllea from boat landing; 5 acrea ciearea, i several balance J36n'T WaIT IfNtIL NkxIT sVilU&A to build your boat but build t now. It will coat you leaa and will be ready whan you want It In the aprlng. Let ua furnish you an eatlmate on Ita cost and a how you designs. Oregon Launch Co., root or Hawthorne ava. Phone e. sbs ELEGANT MOTOR-BOAT. NEW. SEA worthy, powerful, apeedy; II feet length, 7H feet beam; cabin, toilet, ma hogany nnian: 12 a. y. standard engine. For terms and Inspection, apply to J. M. Arthur Co. Fhone Eaat 10 LAUNCHES FOR HIRE, TOWING! done; launchea moored and cared for; repairing and "building. Oregon Launch company, foot of Hawthorne ava. Phone TO Insure" insertion under proper classification on the Want Pages of the big Sunday issue I i 1 i 1 ; 1 1 advertisements should be presented at the business office before ' ' 9 o'Clock Saturday Evening Office open until 10:50 Saturday evening . Phone your ad if you cannot bring it to the office. Phones: Main 7173, A1510. V :iisszzxszagssi7i3J Kaaxas-gaa aaia,i M pUn6 f6r sale 6Mb 1 Year IM use; 145 cash; worth double the amount nal h5W Addraaa teacher, V-414. Jour "NEW CASES AWB FtitTtREi, and second-hand. Jaa. T. Marshall Mfg. Co., 189 Couch at. PERSONAL. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE Serine Pill a cure all weaJtneaa; II a box, I for 15: full guarantee. Address or call J. G. Clemenaon, druggist, Port land. Or. bred to SOO-oound horse: will give time to acres of good hardwood timber; pay. 1004 Mllwaukle st ash and vine maple swale, easily GOOD WORK TEAM FOR SALE cleared: 15 acrea at a cost or 110 j per ch.ap. inquire David Smith, 404 E. Mnrn: urjaaa. aii li cba.: aa, aauii. emia awaa eiuatt n..,aa.ik a 1 .in rf 1 v creek; log house; R. F. o.; on county , -aaa avp; roadi'l cowa 5 coming 1-year-old., one COVERLE 'WAGON (A GOOD ONE) calf; terma H oaah, balance 5 yeara I per cent TY,m above tiIsam ara all aruarantaad aa advertised. snd heavy harnrsa. 140. Phone Main 1654 or can its a. 126 GOOD OPEN BUGGY AND HAR neea, Dr. Ruas, 145 Hlbbard at, Mon- tavllls Above bargains are but a few of the farms on our list We have the largeat list of farms of any firm in Portland or tyvyy bar to Kenilworth curve. vicmuy. ee range irom D wn air.rTKAM AND HARNESS. 80.000. write or cau lr you are in 1 " ... f.rv. - - 85 BUTS GOOD RUBBER-TIRKD baser and driving horse; will take good cow In exchange. 835 E. 1 8th st, the market for a farm. cheap. 888 Dlvlalonat Washington & Oregon FOR BALE LIVESTOCK. 101 Second st, Portland, Or., And 100 Main St., Vancouver, Weah. Phone Main 2404. f JERSEY COW. 1 CALVES; AND months: e-ood atock. L C. Hansen. above Brick's atore, Mt Tabor, Base Line road. Phone 850. after 0 o'clock JERSEY COW. FRESH. 110 ARGYLE, Peninsula Station. St Johns oar. ONE GOOD FRESH MILCH COW FOR A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER; eeaisain garmenta reoyea ana modeled; expert fitter- estimates given; loweat prices. 6t Waahlngton. Phone Main 7108. MOLES, WRINKLES, SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. No charge to talk It over. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 110 Flled- ner bldg. Fhone Paoino l5. GERMAN BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NOV ela. etc.: German. English. French. Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign nooks of au klnda. Schmale Co., 22 First st HOLDEN'S DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU, SEE THESE. ( H acres, half mile from city limits. 00 yarda from platted portion of city; acres under cultivation: 4-room houae. amall -barn, new chicken houae and yarda. city water and living atream. nice orchard and aaaorted frulta. ' 'Price 11,450; terma aale. Call 188 B. 8th at 8 ALB AND EXCHANGE Exchange berries; situated In Kern'a Park; will aell for 1400 caah. J. B. Meeka, Arleta, Orfgon. FOR SALE 11.450, FOUR LOTS, with amall house, Portsmouth, corner McKenna av. and Princeton at Eaay terma. Joe Richardson, owner, 875 Eaat Couch at Phone Eaat 1160, B-1880. 12,800 A new 6-room house, on full lot, built for a home by party owning It; on E. 82d at, near Clinton St.; muat aell; a bargain. $2,650 A 2-story 6-room house at 117 KoHney ava., near KKiamore; mod ern; very easy terma. A 6-room houae at 176 Woods : 800 oaah, balance eaay. $1.300 A 4-room houae in Sunnyslde; terras easy. . Also aome splendid buys for more t iiioucjr. aiiu ova us. : TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO f Corner 2d and Washington. Now for Bargains in Acre - Lots- - The old Lenta Farm la being sold off In acre and 6-acre tracts. A large portion of it la now In cultivation and la of fine quality for garden purposes, be- ' Ing Johnston creek bottom and beaver dam land. The land lies between Lents and Lents Junction. Five-cent fare to 1 Lenta The Foster road runs through the tract; one of the best 'gravel roads lln the county. This tract la aelllng .. - , 1 1 nnii , she a w -. 1 .building. ' . GUWU1SKSUW WlijlilAMB, Bargain by Owner $1,800 Cottage, furnished, full lot nice lawn, choice rosea, full baaement all kinds of fruit, improved street 6 minute car service; part caah. 811 B. iitn St.. n. SPECIAL BARGAINS. 11,250 6-room house, lot 60x100; fenced, fruit flowers; caah. Don't fall to aea this. 1700 Buys a neat cottage, nloe lot, 60x100; lot la worth $600; near car line; $100 cash, balance $15 month. $450 Neat l-room house, one lot, garden, nice location; H cash, balance to suit Don't mlas this chance. ' DIAMOND REALTY CO., 268 Alder, Room 10. Modern I-room, house 1W sell-' wood; corner, lot 60x100; nice lawn. rfrult and floweret- a good lnveatment $2,700; terma. Fhone owner, Sellwood 424. $2,70015 PER CENT ON YOUR money; hew building; lot 10x100 In Sunnyslde;- a good Investment 203 Id. Exchange 110 acrea of good land. In Clackamas county. Orecon: land ail laya nice, on 77 acrea; 40 acrea under fine atata of main county road, in gooa neignDornoog. cultivation; fair 4-room houae, new convenient to achool, about ,ooo,ooo feet Until. aVAWV, JFMW. W.WW .V V.WBV- I V. " " - MM . . fenced ; 6 mllea from Vancouver and (power, very eaay to develop; will trade mue rrom country town, cnurcn, aroma, i into a gooa noma in runurau, wimi achool. etc: including the following have you 7 HenUe A Harrison. 217 Ab et ock and impiementa: cows, x norsea, i ington bldg. 2 colta, new mower, new rake. I plowa, T 1 n narrow and au or uua years crop. Price. 14.000. 8S0 acrea, 6H miiea rrom tnia city; lOOxlOO grouna, onoice locmuon, in house, barn. 40x40; ltt acrea In orchard constructed, modern conveniences: all of aaaorted fruit 100 acres pasture, 40 jn flne condition; ample room to build acrea green timber; living atream and another houae or flats; will exchange wella. If VOU ara looking for an A-l thla nmrtv Intn an untrtmant house. stock and dairy ranoh do not fall to aea (ja.t, or rooming-house building. Hen- this. Price $25 per acre. kl. & Harrison, 217 Ablngton bldg. 44 acrea, ,! mllea from thla city 20 . a i -vt TKngn kmaW acrea under good atata of cultivation; TRADEA 4-CTLINDER. SHAFT new 6-room Wee. old barn. 1 acrea ,A lrTt1,4 .J1'0! JL, ! " i . .a - ni 'as CaAIUac tourlna car in vood con- nn mnA wall- U mila from school and I ditlon. . PhOHS Woodlawn 468. 1H mllea from country town; In good I FOR SALE SMALL STEAMBOAT, OR neighborhood. Price 12,200. trade for houaa and lot O., 70 Rus- 1? you fail to aee what you want In an at. the above, write or call. We can ault jNCOME PROPERTY. LEASE $60 PER vou and save vou money. THOMPSON A SWAN. Citizens' Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Waah. References Any Bank in City. Dairy Farm Clarke County, Wash. month, to trade for modest home In cltv or suburbs. P-465. Journal. GROCERY FOR REAL ESTATE. D0 lng nice business; rent $11; living rooms: lease: about $40 per day. Owner X-462. Journal. TO EXCHANGE PAINTING OR PA- Derhanalna- for ohean lot or acreage: 110 acrea all level land and flne aoil, day or contract work. 205 E. $4th st. 65 acres cultivated, au fenced ana . a. wnucn. croas-fenced, rronta on Main 1116. North :AlMna New 6-room houae, full corner lot ;lawn and shrubbery; streets Improved; on ivft( near carparns. ; A few days only at $2,800. 217 Ablngton bldg. Si 'JUll -r'rc 'ttTi'TC1TAt " rT " Vt T IV T . ' Vt y 'a )Hlll ; ,,.,Tor v"-. u. 'i. . , : x -. h aid a bv Bide: each lot R 01 do. TheSA are model homes, tip-to-date as ' waafa ti-Si VI! . OftTi tIn Inff A . fAOmi aaainh. ; The corner price $3,100; $1,000 caehj a II ST v w - wa a wa a m. w u u a m aVaV WW Man - g inH - ninrv Trom 7na rtsiBir .line and close in. X7. . hava Hat f wnnA Kim In fine homes, rrom . fi.too to 5,ooo in price. : ' OME LAND CO JSirCHTEL & KERNS MAKE , A 8PE- lniina bt xna hi annwrimnn air J - ' T JfDGHT TWO IX)T8 CHEAP. BUT i account of aicknesa can't oomDlete - vaymenva; juuav acii imnnuuiMir, 1 Journals- - -"- 1 - v ' ": 14,600 ONE MODERN SEVEN-ROOM - house and five-room cottage; on Wllf. llama ava.: inaulre of owner. . 401 Wll- llama ave. FOR SALE NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE, i one block from car; $1,100, $100 down, f 10 per months 111 stark st, room 10. Choice lota and homes, also acreage: cash or terma; aome overlooking river ana city; reaioence or nusinesB lots. C. A. ZYGOW8KI. Office Willamette Station. St Johns car. $150 SNAP; FOUR-ROOM HOUSE IN course of construction; lot 40x100; 10 foot alley; shade; part caah, balance $4 per month; take A car, go to 14th at, half block south. Apply on ground. FOR SALEf-Naat 6-room house, full lot on the Installment; price $1,160; $15 per month; aleo house, all furnished; ?rlce reasonable: good piano: for par lculars phone Woodlawn 1816. FOR SALE FARMS Yamhill Cointy Farm u 240 acres, all laya nice to cultivate; fenced and cross-fenced; 116 acres cul tivated; 16 acres timber, balance in pasture; hop yard, orchard, running atream of water, fine modem 7-room house, In nice order; fine barn 40x60, well painted; all out-bulldlnge; nice achoolhouse, brick foundation, and well painted, -on the farm; river and rail transportation; 4- trains will stop dally on the farm, also -dally beata wfl land on the farm; eaay acceas to Portland; thla la one of the beat f anna- we can offer you; price only $66 per acre. Henkle St Harrison, 117 Ablngtonbldg. $51.60 PER ACRETWILL BUY STTOR 100 acres: 8 clear: creek: fenced: 20 rods to Bethany atore and blacksmith ahop, 11 ml lea to Portland, S mllea elec tric line; phone, milk , route, R. F. D. A bargain. -v- v !" ' It acres; 10 clear, 11 pasture; houae aiju vaiH. .wen .auu virva, ail qiiuu, phone, milk route R. F; D.; lt mllea to Laurel. 11 mileg to Hillsboro. t. Price . 170 acrea; '-, 40 Acre clear, tmlanee paeture; house and barn, orchard; all fenced: 1 mile to ! railroad atation, I miles to Hillsboro. t price $45 per acre. main county road: convenient to school and church: house barn. ... out-bulldlngs; 17 cowa. 7 vouns- cattle. 2 horses. 14 hogs. 150 chickena, wagon, buggy, all farm tools, TIMBER. LOOKING FOR TIMBER T TCa nffar vou avarv advsjntaae thronch all cropa; might take aome trade; price,! oar system of expert examinations js.&uu. ueniue at narnson. m Apins-1 which ananiea you to determine me eun- ton bldg. ability of a tract without spending tlmo or money, lr our general repon inai- FiriSl catee that we have what you want our Fronts on Willamette Rlyer hv.Awar- 64 acres, all flne aoil.' 45 acrea cultl- JAMES D. LACEY A CO.. vated, 11 acres in hops; family orchard, 111 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, watered by springe, brook and wella; 507 Lumber Exchange. Beattle. good 6-room, nara nnisnea nouse, nne TIMBER LANDS. knwM wall nalntl arnnA I w . . . . A - i.ra.u.9 ri .3., uuu. xnienoing purcnasers una u ing iu m house, boat landing on farm; 1 mile to located upon landa with heavy timber R. R. atation; good achoola and jn the land grant of the Oregon & churches; a good and pleasant home; California railroad In southern Oregon might take Portland property aa part can secure the same by acting quickly, pay; price only $5,000. Henkle dt Har- Locatl fcea Including all necessary at- rison, 817 Ablngton bldg. . torney's fees are reasonable. Address l. Hi. verain, uranis rass, r. . Clarice County, Wash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND BOLD ii).,u..r ...uyi, S,T cnoloe tracts for Bale which we own. nice level roada; all highly cultivated; Have detailed estimates by fortlea. G. I acres in iruna a,nu wine, n mo tw; p Hanbourn 4k CO., 401-8-1 uucnanan best Doasible condition; house, barn. hid. . a tydeVow.r.riulhor ni,ccowri cfe:nisioN' : AWa spring wagon, 1 cart z narrows, l cul tivator. 1 plow, l pair piatrorm acaies. i ui'cir'ir ivtpi;wpvto .1 Knn.. . ... Kama I HIVBIVOJ. u RHEUMATIC CURE Sure curs for rheumatism. Bold by all drugglsta CHRONIC. NERVOUS AND SPECIAL diseases of men and women cured by modern sclentlno methods; electric treat ment for dlaeaaea of the prostate; con sultation free. Dr. W. I. Howard, Com- monwealth bldg.. 6th at., cor. Pine. MRS. OBROCK. GRADUATE MAB aeuae; cabinet bath, salt glow; alcohol rub. cream maaaage; references. 119 Seventh st Main 4161. DR. BINO CHOONO, IMPORTER CH1 nese root medlclnea; sells Chlneee tea, certain cure for all dlaeaaea. Ill Id at, between Yamhill and Taylor. TURKISH BATHS, 100 ORBGONlAN bldg.; ladles daye. gentlemen nights. Main 1151. - BOtTS PRESSED WHILE Y6tJ WXlf. . 60a Ladles' skirts pressed, 50a Gil bert 104 H Sixth at, next to Quelle. Phone Main 1011. BALM" 6F FlOg FOR ALL FEMALE" dlaeaaea 111 E. Belmont Phone Eaat 4014. bR. T. 3. PlERCE. fiPE3ULlSf. bfS eaaes of women; all irregularities cor rected; no exposure; medicine by mail. Office 181 1st st, corner Yamhill Port land. Or. SANDERSON'S CO. LAbiEt, - bR. Bavin and Cotton Root Pllla are the only sure remedy for delayed periods; by mall II per box. Dr. Pierce, 111 1st MAbAM vasHtI Vapor and tub baths, maaaage, alcohol rubs. 101 V Id at Wanted to know present ai dress of William Fisher, lately of Klamath Falla. Address M-4S7, jour nal. LAEklES. iF YOTJ ARl UNEASY about yourself. If your condition of Dealt n IB not watt u ougni to do, con sult Dr. Isabella Mackle. She haa helped outers, ana win surety neip you. une treata by natural methods. Room 10, 16014 Morrison st. Phone Main 7110. MlSa Lfi R6Y, ALDER STREET. room 4; massage and bath. MiSS ETHEL WARD TREATS SUC ceaafullr corns, bunions and ingrown toenails; she also maniourea. itoom is, 561 Vm Morrison st WANTED THE ACQUAINTANCE OF a German gin or wiaow. -oi, Jourruu. WILL MEET IRENE ON SUNDAY. AOOORDIOX DRESS WJEATIXQ MISS a OOTJLD, 417 rWETLAPTD bid -. Accordion pleating and buttons covered. - BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS KILHAM, ltl-111 ID at Blank oooas manuraotureo : agents f or Jones- Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers ; aee the new Eureka leaf, the beat on the market ' BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES S. BIRKENWALD A CO., I04-1M ETV erett st. largest butcher supply houay on the ooast Write for catalogue. BATCHERS1' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Dek-vm, lll-lll let st., oarnes a run line and ex uplete assortment at lowest market prices. COAL AND WOOD PORTLAND SAWDUST 4k SLABWOOD Co- 156 Front st, successors to Ful ton Wood Co. Fir, oak. alabwood. ooal. TsL Main 1111. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY" 6f LAB- wood call Main 4575. Oak, ash, fir and eoaL Portland Wood 4k Coal Co, 14th and Bavler sts. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. House and blacksmith coals, eoke. charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1011. TELEPHONE EAS1P 7. m n 1 i,t ii a m, rm Wood and Coal. Ill Eaat Water Bt Y5S. QUICK DELIVERY PHONE Oregon Fuel Co- 514 Alder. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS Always Consult the Best PROFESSOR KHIMOl Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant or tne age; aaviaer on Dusmesa and all affairs of life; tells your full name and what you called for, whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though mllea away; re unites the separated; gives secret pow ers to control; does all othera -ad- rtlse to do, Houra 10 to t daily and Sunday. 61 H Washington at. Phone Mam Free Test CONIUW THE BEST IT WILL PROVE CHEAPEST IN THE, ENU. ... FREE TEST! FREE t TEST I Take this advertisement to PROF. D. NIBLiO, $01 H Waahlngton St ELEOTRK1AL SUPPLIES it'"l WALrarOIll BTARK WTr" Electric and Gas Fixtures and Supplies, Mantels, .Tiling. Qrateeand Dogirons. ' neers, eontractors. repairers, slectrte Wiring, supplies. H 1st, cor. ft) tar k. Main 151. R. ILTate. Mgr. WEatfiiltM ELECTRIC Woftfffl.' II 6th st Contractors, eleotrle supplies, ; motors and dynamos; we Ins tail light and power plants. i6rrI80N ELECTRIC CoIll SL Morrison st Fixtures, wiring: , re- .aST BUS, pairing. AlRBANka ORSl-M6TdRd AND dynamos. Stark sta A. C and D. C 1st and FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE IRON WORKS Id and Everett sta Phone Main iveo. HARDWARE WINDOW AND . DOOR SCREENS made to order. Portland Hardware ' Co., 74 Itb, EDUCATIONAL Mrs. Palmer The World Wonder Palmist and Psvcholorlst She reads your life with unerring sight iv im. ia st, ronnna. Prophetess Viola Marahflald. spirit medium, llltt Morrison at. MAY ANDREWS, CARD READER, AT 115 Main at, I5c. Fhone Main tmb. YOUNG MAN OF 10 WOULD LIKE to meet a German girl, maid or widow with her own home: a steady wage (amor of good appearance; no triflera. R-451. Journal MANICURING, BATH AND MASSAGE. competent attendants. 110 ft tn, cor ner Washington. dr! mart Lane. Now at the Lane institute, rooms 6 to i, urana Theatre bids. Diseases of women and children a specialty. Consultation free. Correspondence solicited. ELECTRIC VAPOR BATHS MAS- sage. electricity. no tsixia su. room 86,- - -- LADIES! DR. LA FRANCO'S COM- nound: safe, aneedy regulator; ZB cents, druxgiata or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco, Philadelphia. Pa. LADIES! ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Chic Hesters nils, tne uiamona urana. For 25 years known aa beat safest Always reliable. Tske no othar. Cbl chestera Diamond Brand Tills are sold by druifalets everywhere. CURE YOURSELF WITHOUT DRUG or knife; consult Dr. Burry by ap pointment. Address 147 Fifth at MISS RAYMOND, MASSEUSE, 2ltt Morrison st, room 11 pnone Main 6918, ART FRJE LESSONS IN Embi idery Every Day. THE NEKDLECRAFT SHOP, 182 Washington St. HERGES' ART STUDIO. Si. w Washincton at Hlah arade oil naint- inga In landscapes and portraits made to order. Henkle A Harriaon, 117 Ablngton bldg. 1mnp.p.rl. GRAND PIANO AT DON'V.BUT A FARM, WHEAT OR bargain ;few others taken in on mort atock ranch, until you talk .with gaea; will sell for cash or your own Turner, he know where to find them, terma. Phone Mr. Brown, Main 6284, Office. 803 U Washington at Automatic A-8ZB4. Irrigated 'Land within" a mile victor talkino machines and or a tnnvjng city. Tliat la wnat we recoraa; oteinway vana omwi pimw offer at Klamath Falls, and no city In Shemraa. Clay A Co Ith and Morrison Oregon haa better prospecte. Small sts.. opp. poa toff Ice. . . . . . . .. tracts, good terms. Call or write Ore- ' ' on iteai. - & rrusi t.o.. oui ran ton i oaiai ftut,iiUAiis.utjs. log.,- 84 6th at. ; I . . ' . : 10 ACRES BARGAINS STEEL RANGES, Fine bottom land, all cleared and right atovea. Iron beds, springs, mattresses, in the heart of the city,' for aale at the mblea, chaira, dressers, enerreniers, car extremely low erioe of 1800 ner acra. Jpeta.and llnoleuma. new and good aa Phone Tabor 104 for Interview. - ' I new. . at. loweat prices. Come and see FOR! SAOM-t ACRE FARM. CLEAR,' J0F llN "id! l-A!A.ftoV.HlUU0. Pheata,lfll'B?Wv, flne black aoil. 101 3d st . M.00O -160 ACRES, 10' MILES PORT land. 4 miles, from railroad. 7 from boat; all bottom, but 16 acrea alt fenced; 60 acres cleared; house, barn, woodshed, granary. . Buy f owner and say com mission, - George Armstrong, Rldgeflold. Waah, ';;.-. .. ., v - w. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE BUR cure for rheumatism. Sold by a druggists. " -; FOR SALEbNjffi HOTEL RANGE. Inquire 171 1st st . CLIFFS, DIVISION :towni- W-vtch ior opening, .. i. ATTORNEYS CHIROPODISTS JOHN GARTNER HARD AND SOFT corna, callous removed without pain; ingrown nana cured, jnone xaoor bos. 8U E. Belmont at CHtR6p6bY ANb PttblCxRlNO Mra. M, D. Hill. Room 110 Fleldner bldg. Both phones, CLEANINQ AND DYEINO CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, 1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co 109 stark st It' W. TURNER, DYER CARPETS dyed a specialty. 605 Jefferson st Main 2611. HERE IT 181 CLEANING. PRESSING and dyeing done by experts. 641 Waahlngton st F. THOMAS. FEATHERS AND feather boas cleaned, ourled and dyed; work called for and delivered. 764 Water st. Portland, Or. Phone Main 2175. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS JOHN A. MELTON, 204 4TH ST. OF- nce ajid store fixtures oullt and re modeled: ahowcases and counters. Phone Main 1787. H MELT6NFF1Ce, Stf ORE FIX- turea: general Jobbing. Phone Main 8110. 17 1st at HOUSE MOVING AND GENERAL RB- ? siring; foundation and carpentering. 1 E. Caruthers. Tabor 3.0. CHIROPRACTORS L. M. GORDON, D. C. SCIENTIFIC anlnal ad lust men t. acute and chronic dlaeaaea; hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 tq 8. 11-17 Raleigh bid CARPET CLEANING STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. 1 .arrest nlant on coast: Lorlng and Harding ats.; phone East 280; carpets cleaned, rent ted. sewed and laid: steam and compressed air process; renovating mattresses and reamers a specialty. JOYCE BROS.. PROPRIETORS OF THE Electric Cleaning worxa; ' earpeta Cleaned and laid, both dry apd com pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our paciaity; worn guaranteed, v none Main 72 and A-2672 270 Grant st DANCING. DANCING LESSONS, ISe DURING summer months: school onen all year: social, fancy and stage dancing taught daily. Wilson's Dancing school. Alls- ky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sta. . PIGaOTT. FINCH A BIGGER. ATTOR neys at law, 4 Mulkey bldg., eorasr Zd and Morrison sts. ARCHITECTS ERNST KRONER. ARCHITECT Plana and specifloatlons; also building superintendence. H. J. HEFTY, ARCHITECT. LUMBER Exchange, room 421. - ASSAYERS WELLS & PROEBSTEL. MINING EN giners, -. metallurgists and aaaayers, 104 U Washlnirton at. GAIiVIN"CYANIDE EXTRAbTION COT and Montana Assay Office. rlson at. - - ' i 116 Mor AUTOMOBILES DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. - DR. C E. BROWN. D. C. M. DOGS and horse hospital. 101 N. 6th . at Maln 4086). . W. M. MILLAR. V. 8.. VETEHINARIAN. 26 N. 8th at Office 227 Flanders. Phone Main 7846. ' CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPltfAi. ror norses ana aogs. Phone Main 1484. BEHNKEV WALKER BUSINESS COL LEGE, Elka Building, . , ; . Portland, Oregon. 1 r . Churtisr Shorthand anil Bliss book- keeping as taught In the Behnke-Walker will lead you to success. .Facta 787 ' calls for help and placed fll since Aug. i. ivs- win piacs you woep . comps- . tent' Enroll now. ".: PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE, Tnlh anil Mnrriaon. A.' p: Armstrong, ll-b.-trcmctpal. Open all the year. Private or class In struction. Position certain when compe tent All modern methods of bookkeep ing tauaht: also correspondence, rapid calculations, office work, Chartler ahort hand: easy, rapid, legible Catalogue f re. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLiXJK, Washlnarton and 10th eta. Filed ner bldg. , Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Typewriting and all English branches taught both day and night - FINANCIAL Atb TO 81 WORTHY younr laJlea who wish to taae a shorthand course. Apply at ones t office. 617 Commonwealth bldg, t Ith and Burnslde ats. L BEON&6N SALMON'S SttJDlO tfm shorthand and tVDewrltlng; run course in II weeks: open all summer; established 1888. MUner Diag, vv. Park and Morrison. SHORTHAND. THE GRAHAM SYSTEM Taught by an expert Actual office ex perience. Positions secured when com petent Butler, publlo stenographer. 111 . the Dektua. SEND YOUR BOT TO HILL MILITARY academy, Portland, Cv. Write for eaU. alogue. - ' ' - - EfiRLKA BUSINESS iNStifuta. Ui Ash at room thorough Instruction. HOTELS THE BELLHVUE. EUROPEAN PLAN, 4th and Baimon. . HOTEL Portlsnd. Am. plan, 11, 15 day. BELVEDERE, European; 4th and Alder? INSURANCE kssnaaae-jaaaBSsSJW . ISAAC L. WHITE; FIRfl IJNSTTBANCJB, 144 GberiocK bldg.. -r,: IAS. Mel W60ft' KMPLOffcRfl' LU billty and Individual accident security bonds of ail kinds. Phone 47. 101 Mo Kay bldg. LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL klnda, including approved forest re aarva aorln for surveyed, unsurveyed. timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. 'The Portland," PorUand LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MA6TICK CO. FRONT and Oak ats, leather and ' skins of vary descriDtlon for all surposes; sole and tap cutters; findings. - MACHINERY THE It C. ALBEB CO. SECOND- hand machinery, eawmma, eto. . S4t Grand ava. J. PAUL, 100 1ST ST. A COM clete line sawmill machinery: also engines and boilers. ' , MONUMENTS NEU A KING8LET. 2l 1ST ST. Portland s leading marble and granite work a : .,. -; : -96 M8ICAL : PIANO. VTOHNjj CORNET, - TROM bone, clarinet Professor E. A. Bmlth. 154 11th at Main 4701. 03TEOPATHIO PHY8ICIANL I DR. LILLEBELLH PATTERSON. BPB claliat on nervous, acute and ehronia dtseasea. Office tlT Fenton bldg. Phone r-acino iisu. Rift NORTHRUP. 416-14-17 DE- um bids.. Id i and Waahlngton sts. Phone Main 149. Examination free. PAINTS. OIL ANI GLASS F. E. BEACH & CO, THE PIONEER jraint vo. wmaow giaas ana giaxing, 185 1st st Phone 1114. 181 Gllsan st DREMAKINO MRS. VAUGHAN'S DRESSMAKING psnors, gwoa .wors. reasonable prices. MADAME ANGELES 142 FIFTH. PA clflo 189. : - HOWARD M. COVET, A rent Pierce Great Arrow. Locomobiles, Cadlllao and Knox Temporary location Club Garage, 16th and Alder sta. ,L GASOLINE ENGINES , A Stationary"' and marine:1 eletTi.artMiw tnenta: launches; accessories;-wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Releraon wwninwy vft, ibj--s Morrison st SHEFFIELD MRlNNGISTATrT jist Md stark tm.rr-- rr - yr. PLUMBERS FOX CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS. nal ua, net. Main ana eatmon. . vs" hone Main 1001. -. " .: .. ONN'PRTltr.Ra'A tf ihteMACHER iUk- moved to No. 801 Burnsldest PRINTING OGILBEE SROS PRINTERS-i-CARI 'S, i billheads, etci Phone Main . U-i. 146H .1st at - , . MODERN-pRINTERf. Nfci h PA if io 1626, R. 16. Russe! bldg.. 4th and Morrison ata. --v- ' . . ; ; , , . FAIXTINO AND fAPEIUNU p" A tjOANB GIVES BKHT JTIM ATil -for satrsVsctorr-work. 2M Y m. i I. ; - puBUCsTlOGRAPU 1 ; J rfTTiTTB. MAY. 602 SWF.TLAV lUTAUIUM.'j. GO TO THE BUS I P-KB TO:: ! steesenav-Home cooking. 44 legtoa t , ... ' . " a. Z V.'.