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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, -AUGUST 0, 1ZZ7. il'S FURY ) in MOROCCO v '",L''J';v.;:.. Country Runs With Blood t v Tangier, Rabat, Jlesedan i i and Momgador Attacked c --Cape Jubl Falls Every t Man in Fort Butchered. MOTS DEATH : SEE lilS CERTAIN Indicted .Telephone Official Very Low ; From' Opera tionTrial Postponed. GOIfflOR s ON 1UUAL RIP -.''' ' 'i -.,'' I ' 1 Chief Executive of State Will Visit Central Oregon to Inspect lands. COUNCIL AGAIII Mnnnnrn i i mum ssu E (Joarsal Sptdal Serrlea.) (Journal Special Harriet.) San Francisco, Aug. . At this morn ing's session of ths Halsey case, phy sicians testified they operated on Hal- say last night, for , appendicitis. The patient la very low and court waa ad- journed until Monday. Theodore V. Halaey, one of the Indict ed officials of the telephone company on trial for bribery, waa operated on at St. Francis hospital renter day for appendicitis. He waa taken auddenly 111 on Wednesday and yesterday sev- Health Board Asked; Once More to Suggest Bites j for Crematory. XCVAIIIG 0 CHIIDREU GOT E DIFFEREIII FOOD lEUAPADTLlEilTS At .., J . ! Tangier. Aug. I. war , in Morocco I rmj doctor- w,r- uU(l ilt consulta- , i broke out In full fore today ana a I tion. At first It waa thought he waa fi trail of blood already mark, the path of ggfe5gf the ssvags Moors. , . , i tion waa diagnosed aa appendlcltia. : Tangier, an attack upon which haa I The trial waa postponed and Hal My ,, j uiTOuira www or time, it waa zouna tni wis ipprir .' vicinity of the city several daya agojdlx waa affected with gangrene which I ... attacked at darbreak. - The Moors! had eat up other complications In the J J".':" L., h. I abdominal region and it la not sxpecteu t T.'l.'' ".; W.".. -.-7 1 1 e wm recover. I BIIVKV VUI Willi, v.. . w V fire to numeroua residences. -Ths flames , awept with unaoatea rury mi me dui - nesa eection and opened the war for aavaa-a Onalaurht ' across the Morocco border the Moors '( led an attack-upon cape jnbi. no I;' mercy - waa abown when the fortreas L waa entered and every man la the gsr- rimnn waa killed. ' rrean ngntmg naa nroaen oui in waaa nhiua. Halw.t. MaaadaJt and Uomndor S ELEVATOR III . GO Oil ST HIKE ; ana roreignera -are xieeing panic . atricken to tne veaaeia in the naroor. . ' Caaa Blanca haa not been Invaded aa , fribea center their attack nnon th3Tjllionaires and Trust Mag- ' The city la eurroundedT by thouaanda of! armed Moon who are waiting an op- ' ? portune moment when they can atortn '. the town and caDtur It. So thickly have they infeated the Ira-1 . meaiace vicinity or ine city that eacape ; for both natlvea and foreigners alike . i la cut off. Various "foreign eonaula , -within the city are supplying foreign- , j ere with arma and ammunition and the ..Moors wui bo zought to the laat ditch. nates Puff Up long Flights, of Stairs. (Joaraal Special Serrke.) New fork, Aug. I. Sixteen elevator men of the 10-etory Empire building at Broadway . and Rector streeta thla morning walked out on a strike uat aa th numerous truat kings and mil lionaires who have offices In the build ing, began arriving. One of the first men to expreaa his feelings was Wll- Uan Ellis Corey, head, of the United SUtea Steel corporation, who did not rellah the proapect of climbing to his office on the eighteenth floor. Guraenhelra brothers were not much better off, their pfflce being on the twelfth floor. Senator 8. Guggenheim of i Opponent omMlng-Say . - " I tk. imiuiil tha off Ira wan. A large number of atock exchange firms on the elevated floors were ao badly off that they bad to turn over their atock deallnga to flrma In other buildings for clearance.' Two amateura were pressed Into serv ice to run two of the elevators, but It, waa considered dangerous to ride with them, i The elevator men want higher nay and shorter Hours, Tney are get OF RELATIVE SIZE Milwaukie Is Not Xarger Than. Oregon. POLICEMAN'S CAPE . . STOLEN FEOM BOX r . . Spedl Dtoptt( to The oaraaL) I Oregon City, Aug It was ru- '. mored -vesterdav afternoon that tha managers of ths Milwsukle club would hn 6 month for 10 la hours a day. r In ths near future reopen and make a tesV'-caas for ths .courts . to , decide j whether? the club hat a legal existence ji or not. h Senator - J. -E. Hedges, their counsek thla morning said that he has . , no (knowledge yet of . what ths mana- mrk of the club nroooiie to do. but will probably find out today. Aa his crlmina brotner, District Attorney Hedges, haa said max any attempt to reopen the m- stitutlon will result in a criminal proae ' cutlon of the managers, ths matter may .) go ts the supreme court. " : i C D, Latourette and C. H. Dye, mem- : 'Dera or tne cnurcn committee, ana botn lawyers, reruse to express any opinion. SThs third lawyer on the committee, ' John W. tioder. Is at Seaside. Rev. ;J. R. Landsborough of the Presbyterian i church : said- thla mornlnr that In his opinion, tne state or Oregon makes .laws for tha city of Milwaukie, but that city does not legislate for the state. ' Rev. J. M. Linden of the Baptist church says that It la becoming quea - tion as to whether or not the clt" coun ' ell of Milwaukie can set aalde the crim inal code of the state of Oregon, and .which will take the precedence, the stats ' or ths municipality of Milwaukie. POSTAL OPERATORS Y r WILL JOIN STRIKE ! ' ( Journal Special ' Servlee.) - ' Los Angeles, Aug. .Ths e Postal operators presented an 4 ultimatum to ths company today s demanding the reinstatement of two discharged operators. If ths S demand is denied ths operators will strike tonight. A walkout is expected to precipitate a gen- 4 eral strike throughout ths coun- try. Xaetective or tne nureau or Investigation, every patrolman Ever: and even patrol drivers are working overtime today In n effort to capture one of the most daring thieves that ever visited Portland. At present the police department haa no clew,-although it ex pecta to obtain a "bundle" before mid night The property atolen Is a policeman's "Mother Hubbard." Thla morning before going off watch. Patrolman Howell reported to Captain Bailey that some one had broken into the police patrol box at Second and Alder atreeta and stolen bis patrolman's cape, immediately mere waa great ac' tlvity In police circles. ALLEGED ABSCONDER BACK TO ENTERPRISE When flovernor Chamberlain vtsltsd central Oregon a year agd he made sJ vow thst thereafter so long ss be was governor of the atate he will not let a year roll by without repeating tne visit. H leavea Portland tomorrow morning to make1 good for thla year on hla resolution. . . . The governor will be absent from home a week or 10 daya. He hopea to return In time to meet appointments in this city a week from next Monday. He will be accompanies on nis trip ujr iru S. Stanley and will visit and Inspect the lands of the Deschutes Irrigation ft Power company, the Columbia South ern Irrigation company and other sec tions. With him will go Stats Engi neer Lewis, who will maks a thorough examination of the Improvements made by the irrigation oompanles sines laat year and be able to make a complete reDort to the atate land board. It Is said the findings of ths officials together with the Inspection that. Is be ing made on behalf of the national government by Thomas Neuhausen will aettle permanently oueatlona that have been up regarding the selling of lands oy tne uescnutes irrigation company, the bualnesa of which comnanv haa been considerably delayed by dlllatory action irom tne government siae. Mr. Neuhausen. accompanied by Rail road Commissioner Oswald West left some daya ago on a Journey over the mountaina to visit tns ueacnutes region, and on this trkt Mr. Neuhausen will make the Investigations asked for by tne interior department. A FORCE OUITSJOA Ml Discharge of One Operator Takes Remainder Out of Office. discount on west slds gas bills. . 8pcUl Dispatch to The loaraaL) Enterprise. Or.. Aur. 9. Sheriff Blakely has Just returned from Dayton, Washington, with M. D, Elliott, who left Enterprise about a week aero in a somewhat mysterious manner. In debted for his board in the sum of about 1200. he stole, so it Is claimed. a suitcase, packed his belongings there in and left town during the night CITY HALL GETTING AUTOMATIC SYSTEM Rom Telephone linemen are now en gaged In installing the automatic system in the city hall and every office will be served with a new phone. The aystem is placed in tne city ball under the terms of ths franchise recently granted and the service Is without cost to the mu nicipality. The work will be oompleted oeiore nepiemoer l. STRENUOUS MARTAIL UNREST f1, REVEALED TO JUDGE CLELAND ' ' Marital unrest of a strenuous type , was revealed to Judge Cleland in cir cuit court this morning by the test! ynony- of Mrs. Eva Hatel, who sought m Afvnrf rani Tfrl win It Hnul Mra Haiel testified that she was married u April, Avt, luiu iiv uvr uuiiwiu ' treated her kindly about three month n. Hasel one day cams home, took his 'revolver and told his wife be would . ha,, .mwrfllii in Via. (MNmnnv f " Then tie' aimed the revolver at her and . snot, but tne; bullet missed its marK. , , and Hase) started to choke his wife. sne saia. Boon a Doaraer came to tne rescue and saved Mrs. Hasel from being On another occasion, said the com- piainant, Maiei tore ma wire's ' waist off, and then to wound her feelings further, slesed her net canarv. violently I tore Its bead off and threw the body of w uiu pei into tne yard, xet an other, time he threatened Mrs. Hazel. so she said, and when she boldly in formed him she was not afraid, he re- -wen, wiu sum your dog." i On still another occasion, testified Mrs. Hazel, her husband became angry and threw into the muddv street dressed chickens that he was carrying iiuine iui itimr dinner, mrs. Hazel was granted a divorce. Mrs. Florence S. Ballard was granted S divorce from Alfred H. Ballard, until recently the dramatic critic on the Ore gonlan, on the ground of desertion and nonsupport. They were married In this HllL "v year :o Djr Dr- E. B. David Van Horn was asked why hs lives alone and replied: "Because I have no wife to lite with." Van Horn said he was married In Polk county in 1888. and that about two years ago while he was away at work hla wife hired a furniture van and moved out asd when be went home in the evening he found an empty house tit was been. where his home had granted a divorce. , Mrs. J. nnioer was granted a divorce from Q. B. Snider on the ground of de sertion beginning, in ivu&t- Tne litigants were married in 1896. Mrs. Snider waa granted the custody of her 6-year-old child. (Special Dlintc to The ' JoaraaL) Helena, Mont. Aug. t. Ths entire local fores of ths Western Union went on a strike today because of ths dis charge .of operators for refusing to work with non-union men in Chicago. ' Tha Chicago wires had been silent up to the time when Electrician Kis singer called for a receiver and Chief Orover directed one of the regular men to "take Chicago." Thla he declined to do, stating the Chicago office was unfair. He was promptly msrked off, and as he left the office the rest of the office force joined him before the chief oper ator had an opportunity to request others to man . the objectionable wire. About 40 persons are Involved, only the chief; operator and hla assistant remaining at work. SAYS SERVANT GIRL LOOTED HER HOUSE Mrs O. T. Trommald of 2 SS Union avenue, north, reported to the police this morning that hsr servant girl, Blanche Cananaugh, looted the house several days ago and took every thing that, struck her fancy. Mrs Trommald believes ths girl haa gone to Beiiingham, Washington, wnere ner rela tives live. When Mrs. Trommald returned home sh found the contents of ths different rooms scattered all over the floors. Every part of the house had been ran sacked. Investigation showed, that the girl had taken one of her employer's trunks and filled it to overflowing with stolen property. Bhe took every one of Mrs. Trom maid's dresses, two pairs of new shoes, a gold-handled umbrella, linens, several pairs of gloves and two hats. The National Market bsi Burnsiae, was entered by burglars last night They secured an entranoe by cutting through a screen door. A savings bank containing $2 and a box with 7 In pennies were stolen. A thief entered the room of R. Eh llnsrer. 3K North Third street, yester day afternoon and stole two diamond rings, one diamond brooch.-some rosarv beads and a purse containing some small change. The property is valued, says the owner, at 117 5. J. W. Jarvia resorted to the do ice that he left his bicycle In front of the Dekum building yesterday and when he returned a few minutes later It was not there. He walked to the station and reported ths robbery. Ths health beard will bs asked to suggeat soma sites for ths new garbage crematory and tht council again, for tba tlmo bslng, washss Ha hands of a dis agreeable matter. This action was taksn this morning when 1 the bosrd appealed for some relief from ths present gar bage condition to the commutes on health and polios, n Its communication ths board asked that a sits mors centrally located bs secured by .the council and. that ths work of erecting a -new orematory bs begun withuot delay in view of ths iiunr of coilaDae of the o resent struo- turs and ths spproaching typhoid fsver season. One of the argumsnts advanced by ths board against constructing ths inclnsrstor on ths sits now ownsd by ths cltv waa ths long haul tnrougn tne bustnsss districts and ths conaequent heavy coat to the people, A sits along ons of ths banks of tns river seemed to bs fsvorsd by ths board. Rsfsrsnos wss mads to garbage incinerators In other cities In America and Europe In which thsrs was absolutely no nauaeous odora arising- from ths burning gar bag and vary iitus smoaa. Two of ths Best Bltss. Two of ths bsst sltss according to members of ths committee were those offered in Sullivan's gulch and which Councilman Bennett objected to because they were in hla ward. Either of these sites could havs bsen secured some months ago for less than 110.000. Ths nresent site is worth over 126.000. How ever, it Is not now believed either of the sitss can bs purchased for the former offer. Members of ths commit tee, which met this morning, do not be lieve ths city will bs successful In se curing a sits for ths garbage orematory wunin tne city limits. Councilman Annand advocated a plan soms two years ago, and still advocates it wnicn would make unnecessary tns building of ths ersmatery In ths city limits. He wants ths city to adopt the airtight stsei garbaas car system in transporting ths city's refuse that is in vogue in every city or pretensions in ths United States. He would estab lish three or four central stations on sidetracks In different districts of ths city and ths aarbase could be hauled to theae and dumped into ths steel cars and transported to the crematory during the , day or night Warm water could always be In readiness at ths crematory to flush ths tanks and pre vent stench of any kind sttachlng to tnem. it is believed mat an arrange ments could bs mads with ths street car company to furnish ths cars and this would ooviato tne necessity ot piec ing ths crematory so close to the city, Mr. Annand thinks, as the health board desires. -; One Una Offered, to Build. Several years-ago an -English firm offered to construct a 60-ton crematory for 176,000 and furnish a plant to catch tha bv-nrodueta. Stone blocks for cav ing or an excellent grade of cement can be mads from the garbage resldus and should machinery oe installed to catch these by-products ths committee feels that a great deal of the expense attached to the crematory will be leas ened in their sale. Expression seemed this morning to favor such a plant as ths English -builders Offered to con struct ' . An Immediate renert IS dsslred by the council commltfee so that something can bs done to quiet ths objections that have arisen from tns dilapidated con dition of the present Inadequate garbage crematorium. LIEBES KHOlVfJ AT THE DALLES Father- and Second Wife Ground rBroken ' for. Costly Dined on Luxuries While 5 Ai? lat ' Building at ntK v; OfirinjLqoked : t . ' - ' " ' . J ,' . - J. v. In hs count court this morning, J. work on ths excavation for, Architect D. Bradshaw . was 'charged . by his 1 W". L.-Morgan's flvs-stor? brick apart- tt-yaaivold dsAightsr with forcing hi I ment house, which Is to bs erected at Children to sat different food than that I Park and Madison strsets, was begun provided for himself . and second wlfo, I this morning.-1 , 1 1 ' n. Z- .' ' ths children's step mother. Bradshowl Whan comnleteA this wm fea the hand. tour huTeV 'whSssgsS VrSJS f01"- oostUMt strictly apartmsnt I to 11 lysarsV " . - " house In the city. Ths building ' will Bradshsw said that he believed ths havs a frontags of 100 rest on Psrk two older girls, aged 14 and II years re- street and, 10 Vft on Madison. - Ths spscuvsiy. were oxa enougn to man " vmranca win o in mi wnw vi their own way In ths world, and said hs tns park atreet front The structure thought ho had dons very well, by his I will be arranged Into 10 separata living children. Their mother died a few apartments, 24 containing four rooms years sgo, and Bradshaw haa married and six with three room a - Every s part- again. The roar children have been mem la to nave a privats oatn. ara keDt by various relatives of Bradshaw wood floors will bs laid throughout ths and hs ssld hs had receipts In full from sntirs building:' the living apsrtmsnts them for all they had done for the and halls will havs oak floors, and ths children. bedrooms and kitchens are to be floored Judge Webster wanted Bradshaw to with eastern maple. A passenger sle- pay a wee lor tne support ox tns vat or win os installed. . ' four children,, but Bradshaw said hs Ths building will cost about 140.000, eould not do It Hs was going .over the entire Investment representing an Into Washington on a farm that was outlay of about 180,000, Mr.' Morgan k.l Y. I a mrtA half , V. .tilU,.1. ka s a t -t . . w . L i . . . . . 7 npwii . to unisn ins improvement' oy wm fio 01 SIR l!E r. i .-. i and besides has 18,000 life insurance In their favor. - The title to the farm stands In Bradshaw's name. Bradshaw waa finally dismissed on agreeing to make a deed to the four children of an undivided half interest in the) farm in Washington, snd pay 116 a month toward their support. Ons of Bradshaw's daughters, who was present In the courtroom said to District Attorney Manning that she snd her sinters were made to eat different provisions tbsn. were eaten by her father and step mother. KELLY WILL HOT REPRESENT CLUB I January. 1, 'I REALTY MARKET QUIETER TODAY Many SmaU Deals Closed Up, None of .Which Ex ceeded $5,0b0. ? Ths realty market was unusually quiet today, ho largo sales . being re ported by ths various agencies. V A nam- Champion Sprinter Chooses br '. reported yes to Run Under, University Colors at Jamestown. Dsn Kelly will not ran at James- tsrday. nons of which exessded 11.000. R. T. and F. x. Stahl havs nurchaasd from Mary K. Arnold ths wsst 70 feet of the lot at the aouthaaat corner of Arthur and First streets for 14.600 The property, which Is situated in a good residence section Of Bouth Port' land. Is well improved. - J. J. Hawea naa ourchasad f nun T. town under the colors of ths Multnomah Van Duyn a vacant lot on Lovsjoy club. A letter carrying this informs- street .between. Twenty-third and tion was received today by President iOO710"" McMillan of ths club, ths sender being John L. Whallsy has sold to Mar President Campbell of tha University 0f Huffmin single lot on Flint street Oreron Tha merchant. f Kt.rena have u,lw"n ana i-sgs, lor ,70, raised a fund yith which is send Kelly snd Trainer Hayward to ths big fair, and, though the board of directors had already voted to give Kelly the money. the champion sprinter decided to accept ths offer of ths Eugene merchants and to run under tne colors of ths Uni versity or Oregon. ADVERTISING AGENT EXTENDED TERRITORY LOSS OF BRACELET LEADS TO WARRANT A warrant was Issued from the mu nicipal court this morning for the ar rest of Annis Batsman, 884 Tale street upon complaint-of Jennie Stein, 634 Fifth street Both girls are employed by the Pacific Coast Biscuit company. The complaint charges Miss Bateman with the larceny of a gold bracelet val ued at 116. According to the story told to Deputy District Attorney Moser, Miss Stein wore her bracelet to work about a month ago and during the time shs was working left it in her coat. When shs went to get the bracelet at the close of ner aay s worn it was gone. A few days ago Miss Stein saw Miss Bateman wearing her bracelet. She de manded the return of her property, but the wearer declared a gentleman friend of her's had given her the bracelet and she Intended keeping it After waiting a day or so for Miss Bateman to change her mind Miss Stein told her troubles to the authorities. (gpeeisl Dispatch to The JearaaL) The Dalles, Or., Aug. . The IJebe tragedy at Portland yesterday 'evening caused a terrible shock to this com munity. Harry C. Liebe was born In this cltv about 16 years ago and was married to Miss Etta Plttman five years ago. One son was born to them, who is now about 4 years old. Their marital relations were never smicable. They constantly quarreled and seemed very unsuited for each other. Harry had the gambling habit but was not generally known to drink heavily. ' T 1-1 ' ....! . 1 tr-eiA T.l.h. Mnm mltted suicide 10 years ago by jumping Into ths river. His brother, Alfred IJebe, klled himself in San Francisoo two years ago oy snooting niraien wun a pistol. The family Is very highly respected In this community. His father has served a term as county Judge and also as mayor of this city. Ons sister, Mrs. Campbell, lives at Spokane. Another sister, single, is living with her parents. T.lftha waa oast exalted ruler in the Elks and a member of the society of l Artisans and of the Knlgbts of Pythias. Tills body will be brought ners 1 burial. Mrs. Llebe's parents live 18 miles from White Salmon. They havs not been heard from. FELL TWELVE FEET THROUGH SKYLIGHT .TRACTION TOWER CAR RAN AWAY' ; : ; BUT LUCKILY NO ONE INJURED A towsr car used to repair overhead Vires broke . away on . ths : Portland Heights Una last evening and tore down ths Incline, safsly making ths eups at Washington street and- careening down Washington to Sixteenth before It was stopped, Luckily there happened td bs no matrons or other passenger car In Its pathway or there might have bean serious reu!ts. . . - :. -M,---, - Three linemen were hanging onto ths car endeavoring-to stop it , t putting their feet against tha 'wheels, but ths improvised brakes were Of no avail. It finally came to a atop and was conveyed rnJS0,t?,.town by an eleatric car.; Ths mSl?ent v happened at 6:80 o'clock. iIBii,!..tht has happened bnPort- '-" EW oin Being eenstruetion 'S!.'. Vormr .was a Tieavy flat car iLoy.?r. after ln down the iriti2lr ltn that aomsons was, not killed or injured, ., While attempting to walk along a narrow ledge from one window to another In the Antlers hotel last even ing. Miss Gertrude Graham, employed in a local department store, lost her balance and feu tnrougn a sKyiigtit, sue fell .a . distance of about 18 feet and was considerably . bruised about the body.- Immediately after the accident hubs "uransm was rumoveu 10 ine uooa Samaritan hospital where her injuries were dressed ty a pnysician. Miss Graham, according to her state ment, left her room and closed the door which is provided with a spring lock. Shs discovered : shs had forgotten hsr key and went Into an adjoining room, raised the window and attempted to uiallr .lnn tha I aA it a tfi ih. wlnM a her room- he lost her balance and fell through tha skylight 1AtMnn In Rulrmirfn , Jacob Rosencrantz. a merchant at 985 Belmont street filed a petition In bank ruptcy in the United States district court this morning. His assets are ? laced st 15,193.91 and his liabilities at 10,131.28.. ... . , ' Tomorrow is ths last dav to receive discount eu vast side gas blUa, SLAUGHTER IS GUILTY ACCORDING TO PLEA - William W. Slaughter, who was brought from Los Angeles yesterday to be arraigned for sending obscene pic tures through the malls pleaded guilty this morning in tne united states dis trict court before Judge Charles E. Wol verton and was fined 1250, which he paid. Slaughter lives near Woodburn, Ore gon, and has had serious trouble with his wife and neishbors and was shot by ths man whom Slaughter claims ruined his home life. In retaliation he sent letters about the country contain ing the pictures. Because of his former troubles and the punishment he received at ths hands of others. Judge Wolver ton was disposed to be lenient with the man and only fined him. DUTCH SAILORS ARE . KILLED BY SAVAGES (Jonrnal Special Service.) Amsterdam, Holland, Aug. 9. A mes sage received' here, today says that 48 Dutch soldiers were massacred In an uprising of natives in ths Mori district on the island of Celebs, FRISCO AND OAKLAND ' WILL 1S00N WALK OUT (Joanial Special Bervloe.) V 41 San Francisco. Aug., J. There is great discontent among ths' 4 4 operators hers and in Oakland w and It was rumored this morning 4 H. A, Gowdy, ' who was arrested - In Astoria laat nlrht eharsrml with nh. BSMttSniSSi ln on.yinderfal.e pret.n... la directors, as ths club has dons much connsctlon with 'soliciting ads from ths for Kelly. For soms tims there has nw menoi toai city tor puDiica- heal mnmm faallnv amnn -IK tlOn in the Labor das edlMon Of tha bers sgalnst ths athlete because hs ig- Portland Labor Press, was smployed by nored a letter sent him several months 'hs J. B. Taylor company, ths concern ago by George W. Simons, thso presl- that Is getting out ths special edition, dent of ths club, commending his work When asked about the arrest of Gowdy, at Bpoxans last year and asking if he r racjLoiuua, sailor 01 ins xaDor Preaa, at Jamestown. Kelly never answered "When I received ths telegram last ths letter. A few weeks sgo, however, night from an Astoria business msn I hs wrote to H, W. Kerrigan intlmat- was under ths Impression that Gowdv Ing that ho would be glad to accept was no longer working for the J. E. tne orrer. xne directors went shead Taylor company, but I am told today by and appropriated the money to send J. E. Taylor that his company will pro hlm. but instead of acceotlner It he tect all contracts marts in Astoria, hv um iucn iiiu upimriuimj aiioraea oy i uoway; proviaeo, or course, that bs ths citizens of Eugene to represent his didn't exceed his authority. Gowdy was university. employed to solicit ads hers for ths special edition and It ssems that hs MTTsIT PPllVP TTTAT has only extended his tsrrltory." MILL IS NUISANCE BLOODLESS BATTLE WTTTT TTTHTTWAVtn?T Cftv Attornav JCavniih In .n !- iXXVJ Ion read before the health and nollce ' There were nine badly frightened men t.t . . , ... In Jacob Bauer's saloon, 710 Milwaukie stated that it would bs Impossible to treet, last night, shortly before . mid pass an ordinance1 closing up the planing night. They were two highwaymen, the mill operated by Lewis A Lswls at 107 saioon, and six cus- Madison street unless it could be proved 8auTr was ssrving out beer to his eusl th?.l h.t.pcw" ? P"0110 ?ulanc- tomers when two highwaymen, their VillAI ICS A AV U II J CI11. B, UUUl L LttllllHlal- 1 fanna Vidian Vvr Mtaaba anta,. tk . ati 1 1 awes iiiuuvu j j tuuoas, viiieivu nic a- SiJSI'-. i l lit" m L 18 ,the vl loon and commanded all to raise their cln ty of the mill. Is the chief com- hands. Sauer, who waa held up laat piainant, although the petition to abate winter, grabbed a loaded shotgun snd the alleged nuisance Is signed bv ilores i .h. . ,k. -nKh.r n.i,t.. of people living In the vicinity. The gtandlng that hs was but lo' feet away """7 V'" V" "vfwiun rrom the noiaups ns lauea to nit tnem. of the planing mill Is not in itself a The robbers fired a shot at ths saloon- nuisance and that the buildings, since keeper but1 evidently were as hadly the machinery is operated" by olectrlcltv. ihn,i .. theif K.,n.iu are not firetraps. The matter is ons for Uo went wild. Bauer had plenty of the courta to decide, according to, the tlmo to shoot again before ths robbers cny auurnay a cynnirucugn oi tns law. 1 fled but failed to do so. .ife ds ?'yni? thl" morn,n" The police are laboring on tha case. at ths northwest corner of Ninth and Everett streets for a site for a jail and emergency hospital. They ask 134,600 for the location. It was rsferred to the special committee handling the matter. Robert G. Morrow of the Portland Civic Improvement association, who asked the council to compel swinging doors to do piaceo in an ouiiamga or a public nature to prevent accidents In case of firs, will, in return, be asked to havs an ordinance drawn up covering the desires of tha association. It will bs taken up at the next meeting of the council coQimittee 11 tns ordinance is presented. Operators" Sanction 0 tncral . Walkout in Other. Cities; J : business Parailyzedi (Joarsal SpaeUd Bsrrles.l' ' ' t '' rianvai '.fVtln Ana. IS . J ths Western Union offices In this cltv. lsft thslr desks 1 this morning shortly after word was received from Chicago that telea-raohera thera anrt -l. niiL natl liad gons out , "7 , "T r'""r . A meeting of ths exscutlvs committee or tns local union waa.mllari n cusslon was at ita helahth whan i- patches were received stating that ssi i City,' New Orslsns, Helena and Bait This Information decided, the courss Of action regarding Denver operators and word Was immediately sent to ths of floss, of the Western Union for ths men to walk out Keys wers at ones closed and work discontinued. ... , im men. jert tneir places - without making a disturbance of any kind and Simply notined ths chief ODerator that they would quit until , such .tlmo as conditions wars settled. , S of the walkout and It la practically Im pose ibis to sven flls a message with ths Postal as It has mors work' now man it can nanais ror osys to coma '. . mmmmimmm-mmmmmmmmmmtfmmmmmmmmmmmimmfmi , w uiJiuTiii unnt. III. Ill I III 11111411: 'IT FROM FRISCO CITY NOTIFIED TO PROTECT ITSELF that they would, trlka at noon. '4 4 but the men continued at work although a strike is momentarily, 4 expected. Tha : claim - la ' mads 1 that "the company has not lived up to, its agreement .This with ths troubls at las Angeles, lead ers ssy, will undoubtedly result id a walkout - 'r: Attorneys W. M. Davis and Spencer & Farreli this morning served notice on ths street committee of the council that Contractor John P. O'Neill would be held liable for the death of Mikko Kaik konen, who was killed in a sewer cave In about June 24. Kalkkonen was em ployed by O'Neill on city work and the Intent of ths communication was to notify the city that it also waa held liable and any funds remaining to O'Neill's credit should bs held up till ths suit was settled. . 1 ' r- WALLOWA'S "FAIR AT LOSTINE IN 0CT0BER 8Mlil ' DtiDatch to The" Journal. Enterprise, Or., Aug. 9. At -ths last session of ths county court the county fair Was ordered held at Lost Ine, 'and Sam Pace and c, t. Mcuaniei were ap pointed commissioners of ths First Ore- Son District Agricultural society. The ttr Will bs held the first week1 In Oc tober, and a very large number or ex hibits ars expscted. v ARRESTED WOMAN . DENIES PURSE THEFT ASKS FREEDOM FROM AN UNTRUE HUSBAND Mrs. M. H. Cox this morninR filed suit in in circuit court ior m aivorce. kBlM O-Ka ha- ViiiaKan4 Ta tsiirvn Oaw was untrue to . her, and that hs had clandestlns meetings and carried on a clandestlns correspondence for years with Helen' Fladeland. The litiganta were married in Benton county in l04 and have one child, whose custody the mother asks, together with 160; a month alimony. - THIS" WIFE-BEATER REMAINS IN JAIL A. E. Thomas, the streetcar conduc tor,' arrested yesterday upon complaint of his wife, Lulu Thomas, who charges him with beating ner on several occa sions, wss arraigned in municipal court this morning. He pleaded not guilty and the hearing of his case was set for August 12. Being unable to give ball, Thomas is neiq in oustooy. , - Tomorrow is the last day to receive discount on west side gas bills. Local Federal Attorney Does Not Know .Whether Heney Will Come. United States Attorney William ,0. Bristol - rsturhsd , from San Francisco and Los Angeles this morning, aftsr holding conferences with Secretary Oar. field and Francis J. Hsney In regard to ths Oregon land fraud situation, and, as a result of his trio to California. It is expected .that a resumption of ths fa mous Oregon land fraud . casss will commence soma tims In ths next two ' months. . Whsthar Mr. Heney will come to Portland to participate In the prosecu tion of ths land fraud artists cannot bs determined at this tims, because of tha great amount of work confronting tha noted prosecutor in ths graft trials In San Francisco. Mr. Bristol's trip south Is believed to hava resulted favorably for the oroSs- cutlon, and It la probable that larger appropriations snd additional help will bs allotted to ths local federal attor ney's offlcs. More than 10 land fraud oases ars on ths docket awaiting trial besides a large number of other crim inal cases. Including those In which ths defendants havs bsen lying in the county jail for more than a year with out having an opportunity of going into court for trial. MOVEMENT FOR I THF Will). BSW w aw a- "(' aw Vancouver, Wash.. Aug. 9.Thsro seems to bs considerable dissatisfaction ovsr ths Sunday lid that has been on In this city for ths past six wseks. So far as any public mova is concerned ths complaint comes from the closing of ths clgsr and confectionery stores, and In fact any other business with ths exception of saloons. Despite this fact ths law remains on ths statute books and It Includes all places of business now closed on Sunday. The matter promises to create a small-slsed earth quake before It is finally ssttlsd. Two factions ara lined ud against each other and both are ready to fight to the last Ons faction says closs ths saloons and let ths other places remain open. Ths other side says dose them; all up fit let the saloona remain open. Ths faction that advocates a seml-Iid Is first to make a public move by cir culating , a petition asking the authori ties to allow the cigar and confectionery stores to remain open on Sundays on the grounds that the pressnt condition of affaire la damaging to the welfare of the city. J ' ' Following Is ths resolution which, Is now being placed before ths business men for their approval: "To the Hon. James P. Stapleton. frosecutlng attorney of Clark, county: he Hon. Joseph R: Harvey,' mayor ot the city-' of Vancouver, and the Hon. city council of ths city of Vancouver, Washington i . v. t. "Gentlemen We. the undersigned cltlsens and taxpayers of ths city xt Vancouver, engaged in ousiness m said city, believing that ths enforced clos ing of all places of business on Sunda works a great financial injury- to county and the city of Vancouvnss socially by causing many ofsarr own cltlsens to leave ths city on that day and spend their money elsewhere, snd by . keeDina outsiders who- would visit our city on 'that dajr from coming hera on the only day of the week on which they have an opportunity of com In here. By keening visitors from oom- Ing here we shut out and keep away all outside money. , "Believing that It will be of great benefit to ths public and the city In particular, we respectfully ask thst ths following classes of business be per mitted to remain open aa formerly, vis": Cigar atores, confectionery stores, los cream parlors and theatres." ' Enterprise Pythlans Officers, f " ; !TwaS4ls.A rts- A tin- A A Vta Ilia IVIItotyiinoi V .Tl U (, t. t (,110 SOI ay v meeting of the Knights of Pythias of Enterprise the following officers were Installed: Charles McAllister, C. C: Ben Weathers, V. C; V. I. Cronln, G. P.; Herbert Browning, M. A.; Charles MO- ler, M. J. B. Selbert I. G.;. W. & -Taggart, O. G.; E. B. Wheat, K. of ' Viola Klosterman was arrested at East Water and Hawthorne avenue last night by Detective Price upon a warrant. The complainant, Mrs. R. 8. McGilvery of 137 Market street, alleges' that while she was listening to a band concert last Monday , night - ths Klosterman ' woman stols hsr purse containing 13S. This morning, when arraigned in polios court, tha woman oleaded not guilty and her case was continued until Monday.' - i .Si i .a mil ii ii ' Tnmnrrow Is the last dav ta receive discount on west sldo'gas bliiv. . JUDGE CAMERON TAXED AUTOIST i FOR EXCEEDING SPEED LlMlt B. H. Guile of ths Wakefield. Fries company decided this morning when arraigned in police court on a charge of speeding ths firm's automobile, that he might hava gotten" a sudden attack of Oldfieldltes the other day and en tered a plea of guilt v. Judge Cameron, promptly rinea mm :o, tne lowest pen alty provided by the ordinance, and suggested that in ths future Gulls run undr a "slow bell. 1 v . When Detectives Smith and Inskeep first took action in this particular case they arrested Robert Wakefield, the se nior member of ths firm, because ths city records showed that hs owned the automobile. Mr. Wakefield' waa .highly indignant when arrested and declared he didn't know ths difference between a siren horn and . a "Jump - spark." Hs said he couldn't operate aa -automobile If he had to and as a matter of fact had taken- but -three rides In the firm's car. Gull; was, than apprahended,.. K. E. Bret pleaded not .guilty to ths charge-of running his car at the rata of tO miles an hour, mors or less, but the detectives, armed with stop watches and two cages of nftner covered with figures. Convinced Judss Cameron that Bret had been "going soms." Bret was adjudged guilty and fined US. t .' , ,-H.- U Corbett escaped prosecution by. a combination of clrcumstancea Ths detectives wsrs certain that they saw an automobile with a taz numbered "324" going faster that th ordinance per mits. They looked up the records and : saw that ths Capital Supply . company owned the automobile with that ruimber. Later It develoned that tha reoirAavaM wrousr as H. L. Corbett had that ij- I befi' Corbett was in court this mo? J"K J ing ana etateo tnat ns was positive thar. on tne aay tne detectives saw ths auto mobile going so fast he was out of ths city. It was such a hopeless tangle ' that Judge Cameron dismissed ths cass -after .Corbett , had promised . to keep Within ths paos provided by law. ; v , . ' ' -' f-. S v., j x ,4. r V