i - . v - '.-',.' It J ... . , . 4 i . Is TLW is. yeais onto w: : , ! .- ; . . . , . - . -v. v J. . III vKvvii. VV (l 1 ' V, - Awl - 1 r . i . . --Y'l "... ; ':'. . . , ; .'. . , -.': riAil .--. '.- ..... I ' .. . . . ;' ... .. . ., , ' ; '! " i i.'f it 1 a - YW V " . V; Entire Output of the Mines of sumers Coal Comoanv - a .:. - w Con Has Been Sold for Six Years to-Banlreld -Veysey Fuel Co. , -. : 1 ' The Banficld-Vcysey Fuel Company first investigated the proper ties the Consumers Coal Company. They were interested at once. Arrangements were made for an immediate test Under the auspices of Chief Engineer Slocum, Portland General Electric Company, and Chief Engineer Asher, Portland hotel, together with other prominent engineers, the coal was thoroughly tested. It was found to be FAR BETTER THAN HAD EVER BEEN EXPECTED. Applied to domestic uses or for steam purposes this coal was absolutely demonstrated to be perfectly satisfactory. As a result the Banfield-Veysey Fuel Company immediately con tracted for the entire output of the mines for a period of six years. The price agreed upon is sufficient to guarantee immense profits to all stockholders. As nearly as it is possible to figure the returns from this investment the following statement is approximately correct: Shipment September 1, '07, 100 tons a day; profit about 20 per cent Shipment November 15, '07, 200 tons a day; profit about 40 per cent Shipment February 1, '08, 300 tons a day; profit about 60 per cent Shipment November 1, 08, 800 tons a day; profit about 160 per cent Shipment January 1, '09, 1,000 tons a day; profit about 200 per cent Banfieljd-Veysey Fuel Co. Is Taking Orders Wow at $ 6.00 a Ton The cost of production is bound to decrease as operations enable the company to facilitate the mining of the coal. This means still greater profits than those given above. THREE THOUSAND FEET OF TUNNEL COMPLETED I ! ! TWO MILLION TONS OF GOOD COAL NOW IN SIGHT!!! ABOUT SIXTY MEN NOW WORKING EVERY DAY AT THE MINES!!! A BUSY, BUSTLING, MONEY MAKING PLACE JUST NOW!!! I 1 Stockholders9 Free Excursion The steamer Kellogg has been chartered for the last free excursion to the mines. August 25 is the, date. No one ut stockholders and their families will be permitted to accompany, rue object ox the, excursion is to enable those who have purchased stock to investigate for them selves, the progress that has been made 'and to acquaint them with the very short time before they will be enjoy ing profit from their investment in the stock of the com pany.. Tickets for this excursion must be obtained from the Commonwealth Trust- Company on or before Satur day, August 24. A happy; chance to. combine business with' pleasure. - --yv A GENUINE, HIGH GRADE, CERTAIN INVESTMENT THE COAL IS THERE AND THE "OUTPUT IS SOLD .'.--.'TV .. "v ; - ' I : . ;r- I, .... A I i l I l ) GAMiLE Only -1 a Share ifYou uyThisWeek THIS STOCK WILL POSITIVELY BE ADVANCED $1.00 A SHARE EVERY - REMAINING WEEK IT IS ON THE MARKET. One Way to Secure Free Ticket Those who are not stockholders at present may become so before the date of the excursion. An easy way to see the mines under these circumstances will 'be to de posit with the cashier of the Commonwealth Trust Com' pany. the amount that you would invest if the proposition proves to be what it is represented. . A certificate of de- -posit will be given to you. If not satisfied with the in vestment the money will be returned to you the follow ing day. If not called for on Monday, August 28, it will be taken for granted that you prefer the stock to the money and it will be issued to you forthwith. You, Ask Why We ie Raising the Stock One Mlar a Week it One definite and certain way to- find out why the ' -price of this stock is on the increase.is to pay. a visit -to the properties of .the company just north of Kelso , on the Northern Pacific. First secure an oder from , the Commonwealth Trust; Company for admission , to the-tunnels.. Your first' surprise will be mani-- fested upon observing the enormity of the undertak ing' and the heroic manner in which the work is be- ing. carried, on. You will marvel .at our conserva-" tism in offering the stock for $14 a share when every indication convinces, you that; it: is worth $30 a share. - ' You will find a . small army of men" working " three shifts night and day. You will find. that , tracks are being laid on the tramway grade; that an engine has been purchased and is merely waiting for the tracks to run upon. You will find great heaps of coal being taken out every day and laid aside, ready to be transported to the docks at the riverVedge. If you enter the tunnels you will be amaxed at the tremendous quantity of coal that is protruding from the interior, all ready to be mined and shipped. Then you will become enthusiastic when you learn that all of this coal has been sold for six' years. You will say to yourself, "If this coal V V : Common wealthBuilding X V. :: Sixth 'and Ankeriy :) ; , , r Kirtri nrTZs. a n A i.A II I II I l j-.-AiX t is good enough for the Banfield-Veysey Fuel Com pany it is good enough for me." If you will stop to consider for a moment you will conclude that after the six years' contract is terminated the coal belongs tothe stockholders. From that time on there is every probability that millions of tons of coal will be taken from the mines. Millions of dol lars will be distributed in dividends among the stockholders who buy now. Think of it! Here is a big coal mine. It is only a few miles from Port land. The papers are full of news about coal fam ine. Yet at the very threshold of this big city is a supply of coal that seems to be t well nigh inex haustible. Portland can use every 'pound of it. The Banfield-Veysey Fuel Company .must have, thought so when they purchased the Output. The time is ripe. The opportunity is present. There ' is only one thing for you to do and that is to get busy and buy all the stock you can handle: Hold, on as long as you can. Your money will be earn ing a handsome, income for you within a year. Nothing more profitable in the entire northwest than this investment. Call and see us today. Next weex you win pay $ia per snare. TH T WW SS I FISCAL. AGENTS FOR; THR . m&j&nm: mm amy.- You Save a Dollar a Share . By Buying Now