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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JdURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINO, AUGUST 0, ITC FIE ov FOR J. PIU1S ' V't kept glancing downward all the time. I asked aim what he Intended ualng tba revolver for and - .said self-pro teo- tlon and t6 kill b . adding something about going into in mountains. When i adviaed him w u , ,ij caliber re volver If he needed on only for, self. protection he aald, "Oh, It does not naka my airrarence aoouc ma lengtn or bar ei. . au you . nave to ao u to are and hoot .-..". . OartrlArea Xa rocket, "He would not partnlt ma to wrap u forecaster Beals Is the Gen- tES B.rm V . ' j s i si tha eartrldgea In his pocket and carried t; nine ana Only Olympic . th- rv1?? ,n vi 1b wh, . uuiv uiiu wa j UV"1 v received, thorn. Upon receiving hit Article. i-ORDAINIXG SUNSHINE h 5 FOE THE HUSBANDMAN - v . ( . V UU0i, I waa not aurnriaad km I lurmui nt bla act." - , Tha atorV of tha tuutHna inM by Mra. Sturtevant today aa follow: . !?Yh1l Mr.- Llebe arrived at our bouse i miroaucea mm to my mother, Mra. A. M. Twomblr. and mv alatar. Mini Francea Twombly, of Befllngham. both or wnom are visiting - me. we all Mra. Sturtevant, although four Wj ridges were exploded. Another cart ridge had been struck by the hammer but failed to explode. What became wi the other five cartridges la unnnown. TP-tie ur (Continued from Pace One.) Montana, and St. Loula that the In ihnui oltiaa had been closed. offloea It la Tnwtait that feafore nlaht the atnke will have apread to every branch of the Weatern Union system In the United SUtea, and It la elated here thai a general strike order will be lud to night from Ban Francleco headqusrters whloh will call out all me operaiw. tba Pacific coast CHICAGO AFFECTED. I Joined In a. general conversation. Mra. Lleba Included. Which lilatad haut ha.lf (Wmm Tl.rl a Cntilnir Down I Lleba Included, which laatad about half unaKm i hmi, . - Yesterday, But Air Is SereAo To- Aav .Palouee Fields Soakrd T What the Official Forecast la. District Forecaster "Mra. TJetM did not imtit Atrwtlir t her . husband and treated him coolly. Bbe. explained., that-, aha had lust re. oelyed employment at Lowengart at Co, and. tha oonveraatlnat . riwalt moatrV on hata. Tha nnlv. tlma f ra T.laba anoba directly to Mr. L,laba waa' to aak him If he had aant aama tova hlp I.VMr. Beala la of tha I old boy who Is atayino; with Mra. Pitt- man, inen she and Mr. Liebe left us . I ...... i i. ii. Diin. imn ana and , i opinion mat '-7 ""and wnt to another room. In a few V ; last legs and that fair and wanner I momenta wa heard her eajv Oh, tbla Is ' weathee will be sera again lomorrow, i mi uran. Tha ahowera last night wara not "heavy, 'i only oneenth of an Inch falling dur- . t tag tha whole night, but they were f re- i quent ana nence more or aa mnorini. j Since tha beginning of tha present atom nearly on-quartr of an inch of rain has faUen here.' A few showers Called Tor Kelp. 'Almost directly afterward wa heard her cry, Coma Mra - fiturtevant, help me.- Three ahota followed Immediately. I ' felt that Llebe had killed Mrs. JLlebe but feared to enter the room because I did" -not know whether he had killed himself and was afraid be might harm nay fall tonight but no heavy, rain iaimB. j nn oown tn ataira and expected. l eaned for help and Levi Toung, re- Tha weather map this morning aaya I siding -neat 'door, came running In. W. that weaterly winds will prevail to-1 1. Bryant, a atreetcar conductor, also m or row , and- brine; sunenine ana a i came, wnen we entered trie room, notn higher temperature.. Thla will be much l were dead. Death must have been in appreciated becauee it la generally eon-1 stantaneous. ceaea uiat tne country naa on iaroreu with enough moisture, t do for a while. J The aama Kina or.wneawier is preaioiea I for the eastern part of the etate, where tba rain ia aaid t be doing noma dam- "I knew there had been trouble b- tween the two. Mr. Lleba used to'drlnk but he bad not been drinking laat night. There seems to have been aome agree ment between them to live together ne without drink- i age to tne wneat crop, a lew aaya oil after Mr. Lleba bad go 1 dry and warm weather, however, will I in for a year. He ha .: ward ott tha damage now threatened. I nti faithfullv but wanted Mra EASTERN OREGON'S RAIN. Liiene to come nacK to mm. wa naa not the faintest suspicion that tha man was desperate last nlaht because he acted coolly and collected. - tie waa In a Heaviest Ever, for TUU Time of Tear I pleasant frame of mind Just previoua ; n , .- I to the hooting and chatted away.aa . " 1 n nouiinr waa DiniiBnni It I in - ' ImcUI Dlmtck te The loantL) Pendleton, Or., Aug. .-A heavy rain fell in Umatilla county and all eastern J Oregon yesterday and laat night It la I clear today. It waa feared muoh dam- 'are would result to tha Immense crop of I 'wheat which la being harvested, but no ; vamiri arc repunaa av r. who clear aky today and tha warm weather if the fsrmera will be able to resume tha 1 harvest tomorrow. Tha rain waa one of B the blggeat aver known at this season I ox uie year. , HEAVY RAINS IN PAMHT8E. a waa notnerina- Vf ra Llebe worked at Lowena-art'a frequently as a trimmer, and It seems that aha waa preparing to enter busi ness for herself. ' She worked yester day and Intended to live with - tha Sturtevanta while In Portland. Lleba owned tha house occupied by tna sturtevanta ana uvea at The uca- ley. Morrlaon street. Ha had -Threshing 'Stopped, 1S0U packed ail his effecta and was prepared to move to tha Sturtevant home where he expected to live nntll Mr. Lleba returned from her mother's home, which he did not expect to be for several montha Wall Known at Tha Dallea. V l.k. . . - a VI. : No Damage Yet But Farmer. Uney wl,r: . ' Uba wa. Krn at Tha Dallea where he was well known. He was a cast exalted ruler of The Dallea (gneetal Dispatch te The JoaraaLV I lodce of Elke. He leavaa besides hla jr uarneia, wssn aui. or iwemy-1 wire ana son, a xaxner ana momer, a . four hours a general rain has been fan-1 brother: Theodore, and two sisters. Mra Ins In copious ahowera over the Palouse I Georca CamDbell. of Bnokane. and Miss .wheat fields. All threshing has bsen I Calesta Llebe, of The Dalles. Two stoppea and it will be several days be-I cousins, Carl .Llebe and George A. fore It can be resumed. Tha around Oundlach, reside In Portland. . uiwiwuim wim.wu. vuv I'v wajiiKgi IjIBDV liremiiua Will w uum 9 Ana o far has been done to the wheat crop, I Dalles tonight for interment. Charles although farmers are very uneasy over Smith, a friend of the family, arrived the Situation. Tha Palouse towna are I from that rlma thla mnrnina and mada full Of harvest handa. Tha rain Will 1 arranawmenta for tha dlannaltinn nf ha vi 01 grrai Denaiti 10 iaia poiaioea ana I pod y. What WU1 pe done Wltn Jlra. Llebe s body is unknown. It is the Wish of Llebe's relatives that she be buried beside her husband hut nothing will be done until word la received from Telegrapher Walk Out at Blldnlght In Sympathy With Ryan. (Jouraal BpeeUI Brlc.) Chicago. Aug. . Telegraph keya on the . Western Union Unes were silent here after it o'clock laat night At that hour, actlna upon presrrsnged plana a whistle waa blown in the main nffina tha man closed their Key switches, rose from their chairs and with a lusty cheer, walked out The sudden strike of the operators waa broutnt 1DOUI DV inn iruuun in Loe Angelea when Operator Kyan was discharged by the compsny for alleged In fnrarardlna measasrea Limal night tha matter waa taken up before the executive board of the Commercial Telegraphers' union and discussed, to gether with the removal in Loa Angelea of the operators who refused to work with non-union men. When apprised of this action local operators In tha overland division -decided to refuse longer to work with tha non-union men. Immediately Chief Clerk Price notified all men wbo refused to work to leave the ornce ana men made demands upon other divisions for men to fUl the vacanclea' Little success attended his efforta and 7( men deserted their niacea at tha tables. Soon after tha strike was instituted Clerk Price waa waited upon by mem bers of the grievance committee. A short conference waa held at the con clusion of which the company'a official was notified that unless all union men wara reinstated by midnight a general strike would be caned in the office. Thla nroDoaal mot with pointed re fueal and at tha hour noted a whistle waa blown and every key In the general offices of tha company waa deaerted. Operators on the telegraph deaka of tha morning dallies line wise icrt tneir poms and a complete tie-up of telegraphic work la In progreea Thla mornfna practically tha entire day shift of operators refused to go to work at tha regular hour. Soma few were present at their desks, but they were quickly called off and tha main office of tha company has remained de aerted with tha exception of the few non-union onerators wun wnicn tne company la making atrenuoua efforts to resume tha transaction of buslneaa The strike here yesterday la but tha bursting Into flame of the smoldering feeling against tha company aince tha unsatisfactory aettiement or tne nan Francisco etrlke soma weeka ago. Tha terms mad then did not meet with approval WILL BE GENERAL. a big crop Is expected. - IN YAMHILL VAIXKTEV : ; ') TUUn Uaa Done Lota of Good mad No : Harm mt All. (gperlsl Dispatch to Toe JamAY , McMinnvllIe, Or., Aug. . Tha Yam hill valley was visited by ahowera Wed- . ' neadav durine- the day and nlaht'. and also yesterday. It waa atlll cool and : tha r.louda heavy vat thia tnomlnr. Tha rain cleared up the smoke and settled tne oust bo xar tnera ia no aamage - to cropa. Threshing waa held up Wed nesday afternoon and Thursday . morn ' Ing and also again today. Unless there , Is further rain this will be a crest help . to lata garden truck and hopa . 1 1 i TWO LIVES (Continued from Page Ona) "pointed to an Iver A Johnson It-calibre ' Weapon. He rapped nervously on tha case and would take no other revolver. , "He was very nervous and hla mouth ' twitched and ha would not look up, bnt mttman. i- - i aoon aa tha crime waa committed the police were : notified and' 'Sergeant Cola, Jailer Endloott Detective Prl and Policeman Graves went to the seen of the murder and suicide. Upon ineir arrival tney noted tnat nothin, waa left for them to do -and notifiei Coroner Flnley who took charge of the remains ana removea tnem to tna Fin- ley undertaking - parlors, Third and Madison atreeta 1 BalaUve Commit Sulci da. Several relatives of Llebe have com mitted suicide in the nast Alfred Llebe. an unolo, killed himself at The Dallea aeveral yeara ago. A brother bearing thes ama name as his uncle, killed himself at San Francisco two bearing the same name as hla uncle. ineonore uitzm, on weat tark street n 'KM, and then killed himself. The uncie recovered rrom the wound - in flirted by hla nephew. Tha bax of cartridges nurehaaad ti Lieo yeaieraay were rouna in nis room today with ten of tha cartrldgea missing. Only three ahota were heard fired by lb "V- f Operatora Will Tie Up Whole System of Telegraph In Country. Joarail pecUl aer1ee. Los Angelea, Aug. 9. Less than 20 operatora were at work in tne oinces of tha Weatern Union here laat nlaht as a result of the strike precipitated by the discharge of operator Kyan, ana it la believed that the strlkj now will be a general one and will result In paraly sing tha business of tha company until satisfactory terma are made. President , Small of the Commercial Telegraphers' union, wired to the local union here that unless the strike waa settled In 48 hours he would come here from Oakland to assist tha men who are out District Superintendent Lamb of tha Weatern Union, has refuaed absolutely to treat with tha local union, which demands the reinstatement of Ryan. He maintains that the company is handling Its business fairly well under the strained conditions, although about 68 of the 7t operators empioyea in tne or flees have walked out Outside oneratora and non-union key. men are being installed aa fast. as they can be brought to tha city. Last night about 20 men were operating keys. Striking operatora yeaterday held a meeting which waa largely attended. They put themaelves on record regard ing the Ryan matter and will not go back to work unless the discharged op erator la reinstated. A movement la on foot to secure tha cooperation of the Postal operators here and it la not unlikely that they will atrlke In sym pathy with Western Union men, should a satisfactory settlement of the present trouble be prolonged beyond a reason able time. SITUATION UNCHANGED. IT? TTD A npnTMM . A IT TE1. JllJjliJlillJ.-AlbUj The ring of the hammer and tHe .buzz of the saw is ; i - vAVfj still a familiar sound during the extensive altera- v If UOUS t U1C iiCUCll OIUIC. WlUVil UlUUKU 11US1V lt jTs1 our ears, is not so attractive to shoppers. ' To make the store alluring, however, alteration sale prices are quoted with new vigor. Fiead of the BIG BAKUA1JMS i I !".'.'' . - ...'. ". .. , .jfafnssssssxi'JJ'J-i. L.S iimal.-. U- .us,1-' ; -' .' .. . 1 -. : z ,"-,"v . i...?-;-'.J,v.v.' : - " v77 H mTTminmnTn?mu lAMlUyiijliJilU EVERY ARTICLE IS SOLD WITH OUR PERSONAL GUARANTEE BRACELETS Gold Filled ud Slf rllng Silver . HfcffiSM sir K Il (vv iui t"B anivt oaaaoaaaaaaoaaaa aFveaaF .oft riisqs Former price Former price Former price Former prion Former price Former price Former price M.00 Durtna aale 15.00 During aala. 14.00 Durlna sale. 11.00 During aala 11.50 During aala. $10.00 Rings reduced to 8.00 Kings reduced to...... .00 Rlnaa reduced to .00 Rlnaa reduced to. 1.00 Ringa reduced to. 10.1 t t. i .( i s.i t. BROOCHES 120.00 Broochea reduced to.. 110.00 Broochea reduced to.. I 7.00 Broochea reduced to.. 1 6.00 Broochea reduced to. . S.00 Brooches reduced to.. j.t . C' .P- !' ,i ; I'M I .SO I Tea' liaar I " SI. 00 ItbjBXHintltfL.r t . ' ' ' ', PERFECTLY DIAMONDS B.28 8.00 Ittgular $ 7M Tglue, now f Regular $ 12.00 value, now Regular t 25.00 value, now ,f 18.50 Regular. $ 60.00 value, now -45.00 Repilar $ 70.00 value, now f 52.50 ; Repilar $110.00 value, now f ' 82.50 Regular $150.00 value, now 8112.50 Regular $205.00 value, naw f 1K3.T5 ' Regular $300.00 value, now .8 225.00 Reguldr $400.00 value, now 8300.00 Loriiseire Cbsiss, Neck Chains Lockets, Pendanb; prlae that eaaaot he ' resisted. XaM foraertj seiuag fori , .'..... I I.OO Now ; .84.00 I i.00 Now, .. 83.60 83S.OO HI 52 E01-.... $.00 y.vyinow I'tV'VV eO'VU f a.sw now COMBS Oaaalaa Tortotaa Bhan StonaUd with 14k SoUd y 1 - - - - ataa-rave .or -jriaia ynnaaad. oJU CralflTrasj I now 819.79 now ; $11.00 Mow ..........111.00 SXS.P0 Now ,v ; , 1X8-00 isow... .8 7.50 Qold Plllcxl and Stcrllnc Comb Kala at 8t wltk emi-yradoma flVmaa. v ':'(t '" f f -- f S .00 Formarly IT .10., S.I l!2-22---f 2-2S5 IS" lift''""" I 1.00,., (4.00 Forme rlr, $1.10...... ...$1.1 Formerly For marly Formerly Formerly Our Watch Department is in charge of an expert workman and every watch repaired by us' carries with it our personal guarantee. . . ,,'',- . RELIABLE JEWELERS L-BFFERTT& 272 , Waahlngton . Street For the mountains or for the seashore, here's a bunch of things which you will need, and at prices well, don't distrust the goods because the prices are low. We are simply clearing out our hot weather clothing. Every garment has our guarantee. We are not after your trade for this day only, but we want it for every day, every month and every yearevery time you need anything for man or boy's wear. ' SUMMER SUITS, in blue serge and light col ors, $15, $18 and $20 ones, Q QQ OUTING TROUSERS, in Fancy Worsteds and Flannels, $4.50 and $5.00 djO OC ones, now. ;-;vj)aWeCX ALL PANAMA AND STRAW HATS -at..- HALF PRICE All Men's and Boys' Summer Wear at Clear f ance Sale Prices. 1C5-168 THIRD ST MOHAWK BLDG. Loa Angeles Manager Claim Bust ness Suffers Little Delay. (Jonrnal Special Berrlea.) Loa Anreles. Aur. (.The situation In the telearaphersr atrlke in this city remalna unchanged. it la claimed through, the offiolals of the Western Union that thla morning; the force of tetoaraphers on duty waa augmented and that nuainesa is movine- without any appreciable delay. It Is also claimed tnat tna usual numDer ox -wires to jm cajro are In operation. At sttikA head uarters it is ciaimea tne western rnlon has dlaoounted the situation. There are no defections from the ranks of tha strikers. PORTLAND READY 'Continued from Page Ona) has been declared on the' Paclflo coast said Mr. Dumars this morning, "but If there ahould be the Portland office would be up In the air. -1 don't know of anything we could do to help out. Every town In thla vicinity would be In the same fix and it would be a hopeless task to try to import strike Dreakera. There would be none to oe naa. Belay Offloea Oonarastad, Mr. Dumars declared that he had re ceived no Instructions from -flew York regarding a recognition of the tele graphers union and that everything he did would be upon directions received from the eastern ornce or we company "Our business here is pretty well up but tha relav offices are chuck-a-blocl and that Is where the biggest damage will be dona to tha business lnteresta of the country. Manager jonn Ann an a or ina rosuii Telesrraphi oompany had received no word this morning from the New Tork offioes of that company regarding the atrlke situation or whether the strike of the western union operators waa likelv to affect the Postal. He. how ever, is In the same position as Manager Dumars and would act in caae of a strike of Postal operatora only upon Instructions rrom f.ew lorn. Business Men rear Oonaaquaaoea, Locally It Is not believed that there will be a strme on uie jrosiai system. The Weatern Union operatora will gain several points if the former telegraphers remain at their posts. The telegraph business of the country would then be thrown to the Postal to the financial loss of the Western Union, and with the Postal men working there would be less likelihood of the Western Union managers tteing aDie to break the atrlke With Postal operators. Business men look with fear upon tha Impending trouble which threatens the Western Union. Practically every bual ness In the country is dependent upon telegraph service and commercial and industrial activity can be stifled Sulcker through a telegraphers strike lan by any other means, especially If both tha great systems of the country bould be affected. Mow tha Trouble Sagaa. Aonnrdlna to local oneratora the trou ble which originated tn Loa Angeles and has' now stretched to Chicago, New l.v.l.n Van... fi.w o. ' tA,.l and Denver is only nominally caused by the refusal of tha Loa Angelea otfloe to reinstate vperaier nyan, iney ay the facts of tha matter are that the Weatern Union In Ban Francleco has shown no bonaflde disposition to abide by their agreement made wltn rreaiaeni Bmall in San Franlcaoo two weeks ago. Tha Waatern Union has Quietly been at work ascertaining who were active members In this strike, say the operat ora, and on one pretenae or anotner are getting rid or tnem. it can uj u aecn from thla that while they disavow any Intention to discriminate It Is In faot dlacrlmlnation of the worat order. Operator Ryan, who waa discharged at Los Angeles, waa well known In thla city by operators who are either per aontjfy acquainted or who have worked with htm over the wire, and theae men state that the conduct accredited to him Is exactly opposite to the character of the man. . rerseonta viuoa at am, Tha faat la that Mr. Ryan Is an ardent union worker and he Is being punished for his sympathies. While the men nave warned out in aympainy wim Mr. Ryan, now that the atrlke haa spread to other cities, the casus belli will be enlarged so aa to Include other grievances, and tneae unuouuieuiy win become paramount. Theae Include an eight-hour day and standardisation. By standardisation Is meant that for work ing a certain wire a nxea compenaation shall be given regardless of who works It ... At tha time of the threatened waia- out In Chicaao aome months ago. It will be remembered that the Western Union made a horliojital raise or 10 par cent. The company then Immediately began a readjustment or its men. wn trivial excuses, "top-salaried" men would be let out or shifted and in their place men drawing approximately 10 per cent less wages would be Installed. It Is an actual fact that by the time tba San Francisco strike occurred the high salaried men had been practically all replaced in tha Chicago office by men drawing leas salary than before tha 10 per cent advance waa granted. Principle Zs at Stake. The discharge of ona operator In a remote town could not move any body of men so large as the Commercial Telegraphers' union to such radical ac tion as causing a sympathetic strike in half a dosen of the largest cities In the United States. Such an Idea would, be absurd on Its face. The discharge of Operator Ryan was merely Igniting the fuse which has caused the real explo sion. The real cause of thla trouble Is the unjust treatment and inadequate compensation received by the telegraph ers. They nave aeciaea mat patience is no longer a virtue, and that the time haa come to bring matters to a head. Preferred atook Canned OKooaa, Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. Tomorrow is the last day to receive discount on weat aide gaa bills. STANDARD OH FINE TO APPEALS COUfcT (Joaraal Special tarries.) Chicago, Aug. t. Judge aroaa- ,e cup today granted tha Standard 4 OH a writ of error. Tha big line 4 case now goes to tba United a States court of appeala Tha a a amount of the bond will be fixed a a later. Judge Orosscup did not 4 agree with Landls that tha 4 Standard Oil company of New a) 4 Jersey la a defendant e) IF YOU WANT, TO SEE THE NEWEST IN WEA& INQ APPAREL VISIT THE STYLE STORlS BAY CITY DOOMED IN F0ETY-F1YE YEABS (Boedal Dlmtck te Tha Jesrul.) Vancouver. B. C, Aug. t. Professor F. Maaon, of California, tha noted as-1 trologer, predlots that San Francisco will be uteri y destroyed by an earth- auake In 46 yeara The city will be! badly shaken up In seven years. Fro-1 feaaor Maaon is now In Vancouver. He I aaya he has received spiritual warnlagi 01 tne caiastropnea. , Tomorrow ia tha last day to reoeive I discount on west side gas bllla PAETIN ACCUSED OF DESERTING FAMILY (SmcIiI Oimatefe te Tba ToaraeD Roaeburg, Or., Aug. I. C W. Partln, of Portland, waa arrested on tha farm of C H. Brown near Wilbur today by Constable Jarvls on a warrant Issued at Portland charging non-support of hla iamuy. jrartin was orougnt nera to l await the arrival of an officer to take I mm oaca to roruana. The Federation of German Seamen, 80,000 strong, are still on strike, having gone out May 20, laat Tomorrow Is tha last day to recelrv Qiscount on west siaa gas Diiia.. STEVENS RENTS (Continued from Page Ona) company'a statements as vouchers. Where he has rented his own automo bile. Sheriff Stevens haa written out formal receipts as if he were an auto dealer, snowing tnat he has received rrom tne country . each of tha aums claimed for the use or his auto. Then Stevona, the sheriff, took the re ceipts signed by Stevens, the auto dealer, and preaented them to County Auditor Brandea aa vouchers entitling nim, as sneriii. to receive (B2.U zor tne rent 01 nis automoDiie. lOltal fell ' .h0win - WMVSBnvXH- For a Ifon Who Gan Sell Not all good salesmen have good positions. Not all the men wr;o have it in them to sell have yet found the right opportunity to develop this ability, or the position where their ability will be rewarded when shown, ft either i of the above applies to you, if you are all right u to character, capable as a salesman, and persistent as a worker, this advertisement is pointed right your way. The business referred to is the sale of life insurances some thing that is certain to be more in demand every year. The Company referred to is the strongest in the worldbest for policy holder, best for agent A contract will be offered that will result in building up an increasing income each -year. No previous experience is necessary; a course of professional instruction will be given free, but the position ': calls - for work it will never pay a quitter. If you are , interested, drop a line at once to the undersigned, give your references, and tell him something about - yourself. Don't simply send your address that alone will not fill the bilL - All letters treated in strict confidence, v V' ."':'";. ''.''"' i .' '. ! s , ' -.'' V' ' ' ". : r" --'-' ' : GEORGE T. DEXTER . - 3d VloarPresldent , i Th Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York 34 MaMam St., New York, N. Y. Of Men'g and Women'a Wearing Apparel. The dally ar rivals of advance fall styles In correct attire interpret the activity of our buyers now in New York and justify us to announce that this season our showing of men's and women's wearables will be the grandest ever exhibited Portland and the prices as moderate aa honest merchandise can be marketed at In conjunction with style, quality and price we extend to you liberal credit accommodations. You can arrange to pay for your fall outfit in small weekly or monthly payments. -; Your inspection is invited. It will be of interest to you to visit our store and acquaint yourself with the many new and clever styles, materials and colors. EASTERN The atore Whet Tout Credit Zs Oeod 0U11TTTMG CO. Cor. Washington and Tenth The BREAKERS HOTEL mmmmm it ir 1 1 " z A - AMERICAN PLAN. 4 I-tl?i'f; 1 u' 'M jmn r v n T I I'' J I I I f f - - ia tBAnnro arrnogam ssiomv or rra uomo mirtwuan E3sctrio Llaht. Steam. Hot and Cold Saltwater In Every Tub. But Tleketa I to, Breakers. Paclflo Cunty, Wash. . PoatofUoa, Addreaa,, Braakara,, Wash. - i a ' V, ' J ' ' ; , r- ' ' , , , ; . ' . ' , - . ' ' '