The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 09, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Stomach Ache
and Diarrhoea
are' often brought ' on. by eating
ereen veeretaDies ana unripe iruti,
or by sudden changes in weather,
' ... i; js : ,t
Notorious Outlaw Escapes From New Wesinster Prison
excessive ncair guiping uuwu ivtu
drinks. - etc.. and ' arc prevented
and Is Sought by Canadian Authbriticsrig-
and qmcklyjcm-ed ,
'..-" ",....'.''.;..: .i-i ...j., .'(.,.. ii ;, .'.. .... -.. ,v v. . . ' ' j ' ". .. ,
. .. : ' .V , ;;-;: ;:?. -.-?.v.:
Bill Miner.
TanoouTer, a C. Au. . B1U Mlnr,
nnnr outlaw and notorious train rob
br, and for whoM capture thraa yeara
ao waa offered ' a raward of f 11.100.
mada a aanaaUooal aacapa from tha New
Weetmlnater prlaon yesterday afternoon
la company with three other convlota
by iltfint a hole under the fence- aur
reundlnr the penitentiary brick yard.
Mono of the men have been captured,
Miner and hla three companions,
wooda. Clark and McCIoakey. were at
liberty fully an hour before the prison
officials were notified by soma children
who had aoen the men running through
me woods that an escape had been made.
Miner la 6S years old and waa serv
ing a life sentence for holding up tha
Canadian Pacific strain at Furrer. Brit
ish Columbia. May 9. ISO. Prior to
that time he had held up and robbed
numerous trains and stace coachea. He
wa one of the first train robbers to
Miner was a single-handed man. He
never belonged to a gang and generally
worked alone. Aa early aa 186 he
served a term In San Quentln prison for
stage rooDery. Ten years arter, a lew
days after his release, he robbed the
Del Norte stage in Colorado of 11.600
and for a time lived In Michigan, where
ne poaea aa a retired California capital
it -
When his funda gave out he again re
turned weat ana resumed his operations.
In 1881 he was captured together with
his associates and sentenced to 25
rears in prison for another etage rob
bery in California. Released In 1S01
he went back to hla old occusatlon and
carried on a petty robbery campaign un
til September 190J. when he held up and
pnbbed the Oreron Railroad. A Nivl -.
Hon passenger near CorbetC Oregon.
The same month a year later Miner
held up the Canadian Paclflo and .
cured 110,040. For this crime a reward-i-
oi iiM.auv waa orrerea ror hla capture,
a e ma nurn ana in inay.
" KKBin ueia up a uniiin train near
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
'It-kills the disease germs and
keens the svstem in a normal.
healthy condition. It is distilled
wholly, from malted crain, and its
softness, palatatmity and lreedom
from injurious substances make it
acceptable to the most sensitive
stomach. ." ' . ..
It is recoenized everywhere as
the purest; most powerful tonic
stimulant.andis pf escribed b v doc
tors of all schools and used in hos
pitals as a positive cure for pneu
monia, pleurisy, grip, coughs, colds,
bronchitis, consumption and all
diseases of throat and lungs ; nerv
ousness, malaria and fevers indi
gestion, dyspepsia and every form
of stomach trouble.
Sold by druggists, grocers, and
dealers, or direct. $1 per bottle.
llustrated medical booklet con
taining some of the many convinc
ing testimonials received from
grateful men and women who have
been cured, and doctors advice
tree. Unity Malt Whiskey Co,
Rochester, N. Y.
SaiiW. SLXt.0 r,B' ll?"' constabulary and
r ...... v.- . nncr iun iignt was captured.
foul mm
Hi. ' .
in nnnnrnTrn
km - - - -
I. ' '
: Death of Oscar Schroeder Is
Surrounded With Uo
- mantle Mystery.
(Joornal Special Berviee.)
Chicago, Aug. A sensational mys-
;,try,, tinged with romance, came to
. light ' today. Oscar Schroeder, a north
V. side millionaire and man about town,
h Is dead under peculiar circumstances.
C TWO girls, and 8 yeara old reapeoUvo-
' ly,'vdaughters of his dead wife's sister-
' In-law, are the principal beneficiaries of
" wia
Schroeder, whose estate Is valued at
1700,000, and who a year ago. waa
.. fleeced by a band of sharpers out of
1100.000 'by. means of a "fake" prise
ngnt in Bt. ix)uis. diea in Woodruff,
i Wisconsin, Thursday. ' - .
Hla frlenda and family declare he
died of heart disease, but- -there "are
rumors mat he met a violent end. It
Is declared the body was found In the
wooas surrounaing a summer resort at
whlchho was a guest. Mrs. Otto
. Schmidt, mother Of Clara and Bessie
Schmidt who inherit the bulk of the
' stale, aemea that this was the case.-
Cecil Distinguishes Herself As An
Asnai Artist.
iuaual sight on Washlnrton
street, (hie that collected thousands of
people on that thoroughfare, was the
. thrilling feat performed at 11 o'clock
this morning by Miss Cecil of painting
a sign for the Powers Furniture com-:
pany at the top of the east-wall of the
- Columbia buUdlng. Suspended as she
was on a narrow scaffolding, as it were,
In mid-air, she performed a more sensa
tional act than the aerial artist in the
circus. The task Is so trying that Miss
Cecil cannot continue her work much
over an hour at a time. With all she
can aocompiisn, it win require at least
three days for her to complete the
painting or the big and familiar sign.
This lady has received extended press
notices elsewhera on her work aa an
artist, and her notoriety In this class
or worx nas preceaea ner.
Stock Has Declined Twenty-
our Points Since Fine
Was Imposed.
fjoomtl 8dc11 Service.)
New VTork. Aug. . Standard Oil
shares, although they hardly showed
any change Monday, following Judge
Landls' fine, slumped badly vesterdav.
Stock sold down to 7, a decline of 24
points slnoe Monday and 20 points since
Wednesday. This alumn . v,-..v,.
about by larger sales than have takdii
place for many months, 281 sharea be-
uk euiu yeaieraay.
It R thouaht one nnn h
stock has turned weak
.. " ins smaller Hold
ers did noi decide to sell until they had
time to be impressed fully with the Im
port Of the fine. Standard Oil he.
sold as high as 1 800 and sold for 1700
Iu"tJief?re,C!ommjM,oner Garfield made
Ms- original report on the company last
year.. It has been faiitnr .mdm
ever since..
warn fight
Passenger Rates and Freight
Tariff on Over 100 Com
modities Iteduced.
(Bperlal Dispatch te Tke JoonuLI
Astoria, Or.. Aug. 9. Manager Whyte
of the Astoria chamber of commerce
has received a county warrant for $1,000,
t the sum the county court appropriated
' at Its July session to "be used in mak
1 Ing an exhibit at the Oregon State, fair,
v and advertising the resources of the
; county. The court - decided that tha
money should) be spent under the direc
tion of tha chamber of commerce, which
lg conducting a publicity bureau,
(Special Dispatch to The Jonrnal.)
Albany. Or., Aug 9. A team taken
from ono of the Salem livery stables has
been' ' located at tha ham n a
Zysett of Thomas, In this county. A
Stranger appeared there Monday even
ing and represented that he was a cat
tle, buyer In Xha amnlnv nf iV ilk...,
Dressed Beef comnnnv an ..ii. nr
accommodations for the night In tho
iiiumiug ii wii iouna tne stranger had
dlsappearcd .and -.tha. team and buggy
it ..." Ji lnB oarn. Mr.
Zysett, after waiting some time for the
return Of the innnr .nri.ij.i
would be idvisable to notify the sheriff.
A&rtce0 received from Sheriff Culver
at Salem, were to tha rran .ho. .i.-
V.' .1 - X . 1U1
"""e?0 ,";ne" "ndji an officer
.Ti? aD8enJ'ng tparty;B WeU known
. . . .-.VfV',: .l.;fi
Doan's Regulets mire '''.constipation.
-""'A" Ji-.LTi- l'inuml" ln" liver,
promote digestion and appetite and
easy passages or the bowels. Ask your
- iiwui. m 9 cents a DOX.
(Journal Special Berrlee.)
Montgomery, Ala.. Aug. . The 2-
eent paaaenger rate and the reduction of
freight rates on 110 commodities 'shipped
within this state will become oper
ative on September 1, 1907, as a result
of the conference concluded veatardav
afternoon between Governor Comer
and officials of the Southern railroad
wnose license had been revoked.
While the state was compelled to
make some concessions to the corpor
ation, the final decision Is considered a
triumph over corporate greed and Gov
ernor Comer's persistent efforts to gain
a point for the people is hailed with de
light The lavs ln question which will con
trol the operation of the road after
next September, will be onlv tempor
arily In force, or until auch time as a
final decision upon their constitution
ality la made by tne supreme court of the
United States. The two main points of
contention were the two laws, one re
ducing the passenger rate and the other
reducing the freight tariffs.
In consideration of permitting these
two laws to become operative, nnv.r. 1
nor Comer agreed that the revocation
of the company's license within the
state of Alabama should be revoked and
secretary or mate Julian issued an
order last night to that effect Other
roads in the state are not affected by
tho. decision.
As a rousing close of the most successful SGii&on
, - i i. 1 i v .
of our long and extensive business career we offer
the following lines of Men's, Youths and Children's "
HIgh-Qrade Wearables at Just OINB-H A L.F PRICB ,
Men's Fancy Three-jPiece Summer Suits
Men's Fancy Two-Piece Outing Suits
All Our Young Men's Two-Piece Suits
Boys' Sailor Suits and Three-Piece Suits
Boys' and Children's Washable Suits
All Men's Straw Hats
Children's Straw Hats
Oil Trust Faces Prospect of
Filing; Security Twice
Amount of Fine.
' (Special Dispatch to The JonrnaL)
Eugene. Or.. Aua-. a. In vi r h.
neallaence of mnv of ih nhv.ini...
Lane, county Dr. . W. Harris, county
health officer, has resolved to apply the
law strictly to secure the reporting of
births and deaths; For every case not
reported the offender In ilnhl tr, m
of from 110 to $100. . . ,
..Comes pnly.from experience and as this store, has been
established since 1868, one can, readily see the wisdom
of buying ems here and know that their money is
safely, invested. ' rt t - v
' Corner Third and Washington Streets
Manufacturing Jewelers' r " Opticians1
Diamond Importers
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.
Salem, Or., Aug. 9. Charles Tuel,
night cook at the White House, a well
known Salem restaurant. Is under ar
rest on a charge of larceny, on com
plaint of tho proprietor of. the place.
The charge was stealing eggs. These
have been disappearing at about tne
rate of four dozen a day and Tuel was
suspected, as he was known to be se.i
Ing large quantities to a grocer, Alex
ander Daue. Daue had begun to suspect
the origin of the eggs and had told Wil
liam McOllchrlst, the proprietor of the
restaurant, who immediately commenced
to mark them.- -The marked gga also
reached the srrocery and Denutv Sheriff
Each and Minto watched tne cook and
caught him in the act of passing a pa a
vi vggv iu ins wife.
(Josrsal Special Berrlee.)
Chicago, Aug. I. Another twist was
given the necks of tho Standard Oil
people yesterday when It was reported,
that District Attorney Sims, who Is
now In Michigan, will ask that tho cor
poration file a bond lust double tho
amount of the fine Imposed, or
It Is stated that tho request for this
bond will be made upon Judge Grosscup,
who will fix the bond as soon as tha
district attorney reaches hero the first
of next week. The Standard, of
course, will fight any such demand on
the part of the prosecuting offlolals
with all the legal force which It pos
sesses or can commana.
However, should a writ of error be
granted today, the case will pass out
of the jurisdiction of Judge Landls'
court and into ihe circuit court of ap
peals presided over by Judge Grosscup,
who will save It within his power to
set aside the fine imposed if he so
Several other roads besides the Chi
Crystal Water Set
Consisting of one Pitcher
and six Tumklcn
cago & Alton will be caught ln the drag
net which government officials are pre
paring against the lines which granted
rebates to. the oil octopus. Among these
are the Lake Shore & Michigan South
ern, the Chicago. Burltnarton & Oulncv.
and the Chicago & Eastern Illinois.
Should the Standard trust be com
pelled to file a bond twice the amount
of Its fine, it will be the largest bond
in the history of legal jurisprudence.
Regular raise $1.51
. -' (Journal Specta Service.)
New fork, Aug. 8. In recognition of
tne courtesies or tne employes of the
Long Island railroad, whom she and her
husband. Russell Sage, met almost dally,
while they lived at Lawrence, on Long
Island, Mrs. .Russell Sage has donated
tew.uup to tne rauroaa Drancft of the
Young Men's Christian Association of
Long Island City. The money will be
used for the erection of a gymnasium,
equipped with a swimming pool, track
and field accommodations, and Indoor
Mrs. Sarc some time ago exnressed a
desire to show her appreciation of the
many kindnesses shown by the com-
any s employes auring me iiretime of
er husband. The railroad comDanv do
nated the ground for the building.
Sunset Beach Plat Filed.
Astoria Or.. An G-.
csunset. ieacn as
newer, trustee, wa
the county clerk's office yesterday, af
ter being approved by the county court,
which is now in session. The tract con
sists of 160 acres on Clatstop beach
ana is tns property recently sold by F.
J. and E. A. Taylor. . -
Original of Famous Song Heavy Con
sumer of Whiskey in Seattle
for Ten Tears.
(Special blpatch to The Joernal.)
Seattle, Aug. 9. "Aante Rooney,"
who ln real life is Florence A. Story,
has been sent back to her wealthy east
ern relatives by the Seattle police, after
len years enori to soDer ner up.
Miss Story Is the original of the soni
which went the rounds a number o;
years ago and came to Puget sound Just
prior 10 tne iiionaiKe excitement, sne
waa a variety actress, but liked whiskey
and the latter has been the cause of her
downfall. It la said that during the
ten years " of her life here she has
drawn not a single sober breath.
Owing to her family connections the
police nave always accorded her con
siderably more attention and care than
her fellow nrlsoners In the citv iail.
Miss Story is related to Senator Burn
ham of New Hampshire, and is a grand-
0 TK. nam or riew nampsnire, and is a grand-
h?M ATI Vi m nlec" of Joseph Story, Justice of the
- riiai rilU"" SUtea supreme court half a
S IllOd for record In centurv aa-o. Kha H lnn hnnA Vn tn
Ex-Ambassador . Joseph H. Chpate and
her father waa a shiDbuilder and mem
ber of the Massachusetts state legis
lature. She has tried through all these
years to keep her disgrace from the
family to which she is now returning.
fe-r-w.5r,i- , .--...Jt.. n, sun i ,i ; ,-, ' uty.-XiL.-afr--r:?-
N. TsY ft i. V. ra H.""rv
Tsr r (s
' There is no difficulty in
getting: good coffee.
There is no difficulty in
having good coffee.
. lor Infanta and Children, t ,
Tta M Yea Haia Always Bought
Boars tha
' Slgnatura of
Salem, - Or., Aug. S. Three concerns
filed articles of lnoornoratlon with the
secretary- of state yesterday.
One waa tha Marv ljkt-ia Surff-lMl anA
Medical Institute, to have its quarters
Washington street, Portland.
at J60H
wts Incorporated with a capital
The capital stock is S1.000.
Tha rnarkamaa- C.nnatv Vale aaavla.
joa . w
Your grocer returns yoml t
Uks SctUUlag's Best. . .
lossy if res dost
stock of $2,000. Tho headquarters of
mis association win do at Oregon uuy
and its purpose is to conduct a fair at
mat piace. -jinot incorporators are
James Shaw. Thomas F. Ryan and O. W.
astham; capital-S2.000.
" The other firm was the C A. Martin
company, the place of business of which
will oe at Ontario. Malheur county. It
was Incorporated by C. A. Martin, Wil
liam Butler and W. fi. Lawrence. wUu
a capital stock ,of I2S.000. ,
Tomorrow Is the last day -to receive
discount on west side gas bills.
Spaeial Dispatch to Tha Journal fc
Rosebtrrg, Or., Aug. . According to a
report of County Treasurer J. Jbl. Saw
yers ha liaa paid out of the t
lected since April 1
exclusive of the county rh"l
funds. Of.his amount $i
the state tnx. He him !
stato snhoyi fund Ironi
was tH.7sJ.iH. this h.'r-f t'
to IotiKias coUiHy ft . it I
lv i '