The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 09, 1907, Page 20, Image 20

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ill mm
Now Is the Proper Time to
; Help Your Favorite
)$&P$ in Contest
Aurust If will be allowed to evervona
end a friend of education on a trip to
I Alaska at th ax pens of thl news
paper. . ; , . ' ..,
Sam of the contestants nurnnu tn
name for the free trip the person who
I nominated them In the contest. nthara
nave agreed to appoint me person who
Pkaswav and Bltka and Taku Glaoler.
The round trip la made in about 10 or
11 aaya. At sh ports visuea, mmpi
Taku OMeler the Vessels stop for irons
an hour to four or five hours or pos
sibly longer, allowing passengers Quite
suiricient iini to go aanora ana m"
1aam kuw miA Mj.fl vaalt. 1. I
which determine the atandlnr f thai a, tlnv,ib. . i . i.t.ruHn
' nit'tM.6 T'Xi " are Ueralon Is a walk up Ketchikan creek a
snort distance. There is a gooa ooara
walk on each aids of the creek and It
Is only fire minutes', walk from the
steamer to the creek. During August
likely to decide the nomination of Sdu
eaiora iwr uie trips to Alaska..
' Tree Xxoursloa to
The contest for nlaoaa in ...
eurslon to Alaska closes on Auruat it tn salmon run is heaviest and count
at 11 o'clock mlrfniaht aii ..VkV I ls numbers so un the creek to spawn.
tlons neid over tha Mimtu k I Thev mar be. Seen best at the point
ants or br their friend tnr Mt..i..t. I where the walk crosses the creek. It
Will be counted If th ruk Tk. I ll vtrt interastinar to watch the fish
nal office before that data. f 1 trying to ascend against the swift cur-
inifoiroruand contestants and sub I rent, just at tna point wnere mi wais
Fully 300 Carloads Will Be
. Hauled . From Crook
County to Shaniko. .
1 msntl An ifKamlntl...'.. . . . r iM r null mIhv ha Inaml thai -.-.-v.. a. .a, lyT.lU.aA Ji VI
Uix ux xuju a'ajawjaxjoj" Vc""r"i .a inr LT.A "?I"r "w.I-A. zztTz'' ..!. "Z I : llAiltJJlAW SII1VV 1 I
nil thaw arlll ha
counted If they reach Tha Journal of
fice within 48 hours. The postmark on
the letter will be proof aa to whether
the Subscriptions Were ma 1 1 ail hafnra It
O'clock of August It.
The leadlnc con teat ant a will Ha antl.
fled Of their rle-ht tn na ma mummim fni1
meats on Subscriptions oa Aoftuti TJ Journal excursion just aa soon as
m-rm- vuuntea. An errort win
Ont-of-Portload Contestants Mid Sub-
- scribon Ms-, Mail Advance .Pay
creek' narrows very suddenly nd the
water rushes between rocky walls over!
a two or inree-root laii, a . roaring.
xoamy mass. - , y ,,.
' ; Xaffalflosat ' Scenery.
Below, the creek widens and tha cur
rent la leas swift. In trying to ascend
tha fish swim along In tha lower pool
up to tha foot of the fall, hugging thai
Charles P. Richardson of Spokane
' Visiting in Portland Brings Sam
ples and Telia Some Truths of the
J5Xews of The Journal Contest. I be made to .announce tha result in tha If " FT," 'Wonderful Dc-chnta rantr'
I Izzll. a . Tha1. Journal oa Monday, a1r.A'c'n ifJ. f?v I wona5 "chtea C-ointry.
Now Is tha thus, for patrons and oc
casional purchasers of Tha Journal to
help their favorites tn tha scholarship.
yatvarfc cff ?..' i m i jfitjtl m
wani-i iisi israMi Miatiii. artaawpxuKK ;il awaaLJaaWi X-..!
Allcs Grant .of Dallas, enterprising
, glrl, now leading The -.Journal
scholarship contest.' ; ;
contest Tha young people are now
trlrittg for tha leadership of tha four
divisions, for tha ones who lead on
-The guests of ho Journal will aa.
serable In Portland August it and leave
for Seattle. They will take nasaaa-e
on the steamer Jefferson on August t.
' Tha Jefferson la ana nf tha nrut nnn.
ular paaaenger steamers operating , on
uie aoutneaaiern Aiasaa route.
tor those who arc not
time, sometimes being hurled clear out
of tha water and through tha air for
or I feet But they arc game and an.
parently never give up. Ketchikan's In-
ll'ttfa KncVrror'th3. Ifr&l!! -M
Wo stronger condemnation of Harrl
man's policy of bottling up the.staU
Is a board walk runnlna- around th. ps which will be harvested' this
acquainted 1 ciiiis ana eoge or me pay to tha totem I 7r on t-rook county's broad plains.
Ith tha Jefferson, tha t ollowlna- de. I polea and old town,
acrlptlon la given. ' - r l I Metlakatla may be
trlaltad nnHh.
bound before calling at Ketchikan or af-
I l tha V.liliilrB. a. II - i u-
The Jefferson Is a new. ocean-going utn the return vv.;.' . n
y at Ta-1 ere body has heard of rather r...
steamer, built - br -the com pan
coma expressly for - the southeastern
erybody has heard of Father Duncan
and Metlakatla and all want tn , n
them a visit.' Indeed Metlakatla la one
vi uie most , interesting or the .many
Plaoea to be seen on this 'Alaska .Sacur-
Alaska service,' the plans being baaed
on years of observation and axpsrlenoe
In Alaska waters.' 8he haa a large
freight capacity under -decks, and en-
Joys the description of being tha only
ataamar mnitln. tn alaalra . that, la
equipped almosf exclusively With large EM3IA ' TV. liTLL KSpTT!
two-berth rooms, which are so much I MUat- " "AlVliLOriL
more satisfactory, to naaaenaera than
three-Dertn rooms. Tha social hall ai.d
ladles' narlor and amoklnar rooms era
large ana luxuriantly rurnianea. ',-.
The cuisine is not surpassed on the
coast, one is a new vessel, launched
APni . isot. ill I eat ions-: Beam, xi
feet; depth. If feet; spaed, about It
knots. .-
After leaving Seattle tha course la
northwestward through tha British Co
lumbia and Alaska waters tha first aton
being at either Ketchikan or Metlakatla
ua at tne snip s convenience. The
Tha agency plains alone will be oom
peuea to haul about 100 carloads of
wheat to Bhanlko, a dlstanca of about
10 miles," tn order to secure an outlet"
jThis is the statement made by
v.iinca r, rucnarason OI spokana, who
is at the Oregon hotel, having Just re
turned from a trip Into the Deschutes
country. He brought with him a roll
of grain samples and grasses that at
test his assertions regarding the great
crops which have been raised thla year
both in the irrigated and non-lrrlgatad
Ifon the former tracts ha has. nata
Standing Six feet hte-h with heart a nn tn
20 Inches in length, 1-year-old alfalfa
" , r ' f . i , i
, -r! - ' , . 1 '
u mm
t,'.: ..'.' ' '.. ,'- ...... " '. .. , f f .
fa's 'mi Rdys'
a mm
U .;' U U U I - i
i 1 .r
, S--TN
r" '
X jf 11 if 1 ( J .
n 1 ' lit
a 1 .,'-.
A 4,-1,
Men's Three-Piece
;- Suits v
Unheard of Values to Qose.
them Out
$25.00 MEN'S r : M C - nl
$20.00 MEN'S
Ridicules the "DcaMo- Blethod & V., TTSJ9 J
of Teachino; A dr ocatcs Bring
lng Out Student's Individuality
acre tha flrst cutting the last of June.
Mb Richardson thinks Portland should
use Its utmost efforts to encourage the
building of transportation lines Into the
district He said: , ,
' donntrv nf tvaa4 aan.itiMu
The schools participating with Thel Trla TUtjAhittasi AAimtaa lea am
aela aall at Vatrhlkan rv.n.l.a . .w. A ., , Z I a T. .t: TT " 7. .. "
y . V,iT.. . .i. I uiuuui cuuiaai nave I anu witn us proximity to rortiand I
Juneau both northbound and annth
bound; at Metlakatla, W range! and
Halnea either northbound or - south
bound; at Sitka southbound. Skagwsy
Is the northern end of tha route whore
tna nortnoouna voyage ends and the
been invited to araraas I ao not understand . how so little Is
along the line of the lines of their known of It and so little interest taken
work through the columns of The Jour-1 i " MT- if had a tract of land
nal. -Tjef like sise and with like possibilities
Mrs. Emma Wllson-Ollleaple Is one I ' Spokane tha whole country
Men's Outing Pauls
$2.50 OUTING tt 7tZ
pants l;u
$3.00 OUTING - CI A C
.$3.50 OUTING. - CO Cf
; PANTS $Z.Zf)
,$4.00"OUTING : . CO or
PANTS..;.:.,., ipZ.OO
$5.00 OUTJNG- C5
PANTS. 96.00
$15.00 MEN'S L1A'AA
aa.tthhA..a ..'k.'U.. a..l tue iirst to take Urutut Bf'thli wnuia 1 who over 11.
iu wa-I Bnftr,,, tA arfrf.... , I The ntwhiilM t
tanco travarsea in tms round trio ll I u .C -iT iuu-
a it. - . . v . I lie and aha rnnoaaa tnr nap ink t
about 1,100 miles, a
AS rorts Tinted. ,
Tha Alaakan norta visited either m.
lnr or returning, and In . aoma eaaa.
both, are Ketchikan. Metlakatla, Wran
gel, Douglas, (Treadwell gold mine).
uaoau. mian uon vvuiiam oewaral.
tH mHeli? yZ chooses for her fubject KK
' " 1 Pressionai Schools as Educational Fao-
tors. yvnat she has written follows:
Expressions Schools as r actors.
An Institution, to be worthy of the
name of "school," must possess the
scnooi eseennaja a curriculum, meth
"The Deschutes countrv todav ntfera
the possibilities that were offered the
publfo when the Northern Paclflo wheat
lands were being sold at SO cents to 11
per acre, with tha exception that thai
buyer of the railroad lands was taking
a long chance as to whether his land!
wuuia oyer prove anytning more man l
sheep range. The country was untried.
free Scholarships for Boys arid Girls in
Leading raurabonal Institutions.
tne uninrormed. . are aadiv lark-ina t
Sums of Cash Also to Be Distributed Among Industrious i Si il
.. - : I alnn haa- haan aa -
'' metnoa or developing enter
tainers, rather than as a means of in-
oao and tnstruetora . To be a worth I rirv.fa.Kt famiaa- na.-,..
i1!. curl.cuiu,n,v nust he broad as a scientific proposition, and the buyer
-..... .J, . uiuw; u metnoas was . running na saras on ais purchase.
rational and Progressive. To be a school But thoss same lands are selling and
that will produce a worthy output, those paying big profits today at 130 to $60
who teach the curriculum and employ per acre. - '
the methods must be earnest and pains- "The country along the Deschutes, en
taking and auallfied for their duties, the other hand, is a proven country of
both by nature and by culture. wonderful crop yields, even In its first
. w?m ftcuVonrrch,O0ls. alast both crops, and far more wonderful posslbill
publlo and private, to the detriment of ties when additional - cultivation and
the profession and to the prejudice, of cropping add the needed nitrogen and
$1.50 VALUES. ... ..iPl.lO ; COLORS, 50c VALUES .O sC
All Men's and Boys' Straw and Panama Hats
OnerHalf Regular :Mai''''--.-
and Meritorious Students Who Participate in '
. i tie journal .Educational Contest
STUDENT! What are you going to do dating vacation T Have "ou decided what
in one
school or college you will sttend next yearT If not, how would a schoTarsbin
or tne louowing excellent scnoois suit you I .
other Ingredients to heretofore arid
lands 'which have" bee lying dormant
for untold centuries. The transforma
tion la already being carried on at a
surprising rata. The change is so
WMejitra4 ainaa mw Assi . wIsalsT rka I
. I - : - nistiMvu Btaiww a j n ss v 101a uimo sea v I
TT aMMml1 wen as special I May as to astonish even a westerner
culture. Hence any one who could "per- who has seen the development of the
iHrn!L la ua,eno ha been con- bulk of the country west of the corn-
tv. vviuy.i,uu w inairuct otners. neia ZSitCCS. .
Failure on the part of many teachers ! , voewTn- t. nuiJ
to merit the , indorsement of cultured ... -sXP Mdea. , ,
people is also largely attributed to the Junipers i and sagebrush are being
"do-as-I-do" method of Instruction and "Prooted. Jand cleared and plowed, llt-
to the .tricks of voice, gesture and per- t1- Patches around the houses are in
sonal mannerisms that are oftentimes sreen crops, which were in the raw on
encouraged.- - - my flrst visit; older settlers are harvest-
A bird can. five us beautiful voice, Jnra newer ones clearing their
Bml amitarr S HSU SHU fo nova. Voit.racholarahla in tha aama a IS. Mh,.
land, Oregoa. .;.-w-. :. - - 1 960. - ."
Two scholarshlns: one oeholarshln wieraaticmai tnMerraory ef hftuK
with board, room, tuition, Uundry and y. mi. saaas, manager, racuie coast at. . M.V,;r.-.: . . " T land War. Va i. w mZa .S-Ji i-
other items, amounting to 1660. Another I wloa, rortlaaa, Oregon. Three schol- ".n S2w'urion,B swan majestic 'n- n ?ra
scholarship as a separate Srisa for tul-1 rhips; - the t winnsrs ; to have their K " ape remarkable imlta- work for an army of men more than
tnri vaJiia lit 7 v : f Ichoice of any of the five different tiona But the time. Is fast Daeslna are. now in the country. The Deschutes
Bt. aCarv'B Xnatitata. laivartn.' Ova. I . wugni oy tnia conservatory; 1 , ,i avuvvi ui expression can any I """"" wu,vu, wuivn
mm mmrw m IVMWia SMI I VI llin, VI . ..a .i Ai i j.ilj I Hull' I.m " . ..r I aytunH f n v It m Mnnl ava.aM mmM
gaa. una scnoiarsnip in aoaaemiO OS-land r.llir' ahalarhla .. .v.... 1 Klthar a n. . .I-.... .V ... I manv mnr man thav want awallaKla
snt. includlna- laaaona on an tn- I 1 ,V "-J y ni, uu u T..?. ."
puaic, aii -v iruonons ana tne stringed I maintain its proiessional standing. The neariy svu muea oi canais ana 1st
partraent. Including lessons on any In
strument; also board, room, etc
w . . , i IUU.I& ail . iruuLiuna ana tne imntM i iiiaiiit&iu iib nroiuiionii itanfiin. Tha i
I instrument if stringed Instrument I concept of life as a realltv: nf aaiaota erala are completed and the work is I
11 ' MMru, ava ..lul.J . . I . I . . ... I I. . t b. . n M . . I
:"i ,--r . i J.r Vrir. I .k-i. wunaaa, rwuuo, wr- oi emotion as individual temperament. on- xno son is proving, a wonaer-
?0L'0r.:you.n J".a,,"t Pr - Qn .Tcfiolasrhlp la telegraphy and and of exnreaslonal growth .J rZTil fullv rood water hindler. Last vr
the Pilot Butte canal, the oldest of the
land. Drea-nn. vwn ahnlarahlr... inning. I " ' .tr " V'1?i-"f.".u V. -Hr""",Pn'" STOWtn as tne nat- w.wli
' " " " 1 ' j f " i .aMv . I w. jiuDinm kdoi. iirai nnrnMmnr r ih. i. m . K ti. iij
lng noon meal-
Whitman OoUege, WaOa Wana, Wash.
ncnoiarsnip '.ia.a ma conservatory
Musia value I100J
Wlllametta Valvaraitr. Islam. Oimw
Two scholarships. Ono in either college
vr preparatory aepariment, -vaiue nu;
the other in, thet muslo . department.
. Dallas College, Dallas, Oregon. Schol
arship in either academic or college de-
inmeni, vaiue oe no sow. ;, ,
Fortland Academy Portlaad, Oregon.
Day scholarship' in either college or
acauemic aepariment, . gooa tor one
year, vaiue fizo. .. , - ' . .
Setrs. .Walter Seed,' Portland, Oregon.
Teacher. of voice and' singing. Lessons
iu ma vaiue ot elvw. .
MoMlnnvine OoUere.
oregoa. Two " scaoUrshlps. One . in
irihin iU tJlZZJ .l scooi- urat unioiament ofthe latent posslblli-
VR&)$5F:XSF&1$ Mi III? ?Ltt5 'rW: mu-rreplac.
? OrgSat faT5
I Four schotarshina aa fnllnwa- rwTa .Ar I ' .lu7 " raise toe stanaara of our
Sr. ot?ths co ft L PWlc estl-
igo; one, for months in combined rai-.i au"i "'.m,lr' or
GourBe. vaiue so; one for months in I Jmi .illia it. . A
vumuiiim counm, varie evv; one lor ;-"""".; Wj t,v ugun,
months in shorthand or business course, i f0?? th ,"t annual report words of
yaiue (so. : i teaaing woraers may snow the general
- soee City Bnslaess Oollega, rortlaad. I trena or growing sentiment '
O retro a. . wo eohnlarahlna nna .nmT 1 . Professor 8llverna.ll: nf tha WnMia....
Dineu counw tor one scnooi year, value J.!BW t pra i neiogicai seminary says
90: one f montlis' eoiran in .hnHt... I "When I am, aaVarf n iilmln 'k. .1-
or oooKxeeping, o0. ; 1 dering of a thin, and I do nnt think
Capital Baslasss Collegs. Balam, Ore.) at an of what la renriara. t a ....
Sth'tnit'i'haf .SHL .-1.0 fcP2fef"l.T the very
value 1100. . ....- z r I IXli-i v"'"".". tui'B?"c" Pr:
. . m Kiran una imn aeteaieo."
atcatianvlll., I UVrerorCoun.a" 07: 1 8-y' Wheeler, a prominent
is. t insa . in i in a:- ar- -- " wumer oi ulickv saw t rr ir i tm aa
lther academloor college' denartment. Jrafda includta- use of ,a "rnrl reat mptatlon to 'dolhlngs for show,
value ISO: one in; the aepartment of m"' rln ff "a""10- i.Itt The general .audience, having been
!ritffl22'Jfiip O",0"' ch,- StraoirraSite courw V u 110 ' " ' " A M compliment to us. PpTuarlty
!hlpil Sdr?r r O0l!eLl7BJu : Western Aeademy of atnalA, Xloon. wltJ !h yerage audience Is no sure
w r.TZ.u ' ; r r 'r wt ana Dramatic Art, W. XL Xasmos. leBl OI train in interpretation."
Wom?teln'nXrrtck1HaSUlB b"4' 'Ft". fonVschot , Professor Newons of Iowa state col-
S-aclflS f'hojlaiv. ' J-l?a. A-i r8i?,.ln hceiof vocal, piano, violin, fives us his Idea of Just adverse
scholarship in either, colli-. aVIZZiZZZI "i?"."" -"i'.Tl' TmvrT' na aram- " uie toiiowing: - -ine worst
department for one school7 year. tin. r. w-?r-:":ati"ua--::i. i S"i?fJ"f. IHn,ray
Itrnt. Wara-1 --T. TZ T " TC'T Tr"""' I ""X "luoraii ; act U l OO;
rr , -cnoiaranip gooa tor i tnat tney speak as I do; that they have
?iX- i-"2-cIllr',lvr,Lty P"PW my mannerisms and my Individuality!
J onl JKf2Srl-r'Or pro- The worst criticism thit can nossibfV
Hola' ooneVrortls that my students
rna-nav foir iciiniuhin,'TM..,.:i -... iimiuus m inu tnev have tn van aama
'"P-? rtla-reT" I ' . orI hire njaomo"
nhlVToti. .EWi Wlhta.ftt r.t two yearsof the course, S "luac5 "
Ship, one year, 1100: choice of either
. . umuiorciai. vranorinana. acnolarshlps,
. six .months, ISO; night course, any dV
partment, one wear, $60. ,-'. T' - , vT
Behake-Walker r Businees i ' OoJlare.
yorUaad, Oregon. Four -. scholarships
monmi CTmmiiM course,- value
$100: one scholarship for 9 months com
bined course,' value $86; ;one scholap-
miuv i or inonina- : course, value $70:
one scholarship- for 4 months.- reit her
shorthand or business course, value $60
akjwCity Business College, . Baker
vt,uu. Dvuvwnni gooa ior one
i. i ' - .nvriimnu, i vommtrcui, i Eng
lish, cdverUslng - and r penmanshfo
Interaatlonal Corresnoadeace School
"ad. manager: Two
SchoUrshlrs; cnolce of $lo tuition, in
STa. numerous or helpful
courses except . language course or
courses In locomotive running; another'
value $180. ; ' a 1;, comparing the art of expression with
auiasnia itnnanl iraaaa wa. I other arts. Professor Rummell nf But.
land, Oregon. Private anf class Instruct ialoV New r2rkt. ajrB: ; "Pterature
tiwn 10 tne vaiue or tto. i ' ui, i ui points. it includes
Albany College, All) any, Oreroa. Tui- aL tn oth,r rtB- Therefore, the study
tlon for one school year in either aca- ?f the ethical interpretation of lltera-
urnuc or couege aepartment. i iur gives a proaaer and more general
. fwuvwa aiauin. wwuwv, jreaoisvon, vuun mm any oiner art.
tZJ5lJy!Ji scholarship. $100. One last quotation, showing a phase
SStH Wmi&SSPftS ot tnouint regarding the advertising of
St?l5lifr Jfral0J1' orT aad our work is taken from a paper by
fTS"?.A:????d Sob?!- Professor Winans of ComellunWersltv.
"a!?aZX"-TSs" . M 'o"?ws:.. "I believe a Aeacher"
scholarshin 'ttovmiZ 'ia "tViHnn.-S ; a?S?. university as I know would
dinnara -Tt 7 ..hTi ar.-i rv": or never to give a public read-
SOhool vear. 'Mmm.nMnln filn S-.w'1"?- He should let his pupils be his
vr.i..i ?. t . .-'"""' i aoie idnrt um.ui ; i . .-; .
waaifia ' - ' ' Mar the time' sneedllv noma ha- all
Knsio, rorest Orors, Oregon, Frank I teacher" f expression, whether private
a iitiiiaa siiasriiTiBin.. nirarrrtF i ' ayviu svuuuis ur uhiser. nHnnrta
arshlps, one valued at $60. one valued atlmB! wU1 concur with the advanced
$101.26, in either vocal or instrumental tenets or our national association, whose
system and $0 miles long, showed only
12 per cent loss In evaporation and seep
"A man from 'the famous Imperial I
country in California was in there dur.
lng mr. stay makin an -exhaustive-ex
amination for a large party of settlers
who will follow him should his report I
prove lavoraoie. After tneir disastrous
experience with the Colorado river this!
man certainly . was from Missouri on
matters pertaining to substantial ditch
construction, and he was more than
pleased with the work being done in
crook county,
"In fact, the whole country Is en
thusiastic over the results so far at
tained and Is a unit In support of the
company whose policy seems to hava
been a Broad and liberal one. I have
been In many Irrigated countries where I
there was constant complaint and bick
ering at tne policy pursued bythe com
pany at work,, but throughout the Des
chutes - district the settlers are - unl-1
rormiy oacx or tne company and its
efforts. . It Is an Inspiration to a chance I
visitor to see the general optimism,
hustle and earnest work to a
ena tne development of a wonderful
new country. One would have thought
he was in a hornet's nest down tharal
the first of the week when one of your I
roruana pspers came out wttn a sensa-f
tionai attack on the company and Its
policy. ' -r.-...,,: . . .
"Every rancher who came Into town
coiraemnea tne endeavors or a metro
politan paper to hamper and retard the
development of the district. There a
a aeiigntruuy - irana ana vigorous use
of ' Anglo-Saxon in opposition to this
COUrSe. ; .. . : I
Ton will not have to keen vour Mr
to tne grouna to near rrom tha nnn.
chutes country in the near future. It I
is a wonaer ana your Portland people I
anouia m man in viaenn. in ira nawai-
opment." . . ,
r-r-.... , . . . -I
ww. . (0)ppiiMfIy
Is Writte;i; All Oyer August at ,
Genuirig Removal Sale
THE 0RIG0H JOURNAL Portland, Oregon: '
.......... win a
SchoUrshlp by suUCTftint to ths. . . t . . .... . . .JOURNAL for thi
whether NEVr
OLD subscription
Ho. of points' due."
Si": ? ir account and deliver
" w tna tquowinc sddress: .
liir-i - , .... i
- '"..Mi
DIRECTIONS Points not credited to contestant !.. r-atr .... r
n,t s the . orSr "!ttw onetant .ets proper credit for -the
'" n5it d,re.ct t0 Thejjournaj or Eive the, moftey t the contestant von
Sim is to Stand, educatlnnallv. umuil
mir w im national jjjaucauonal asso-
cmuon. - ' ,
MRS. EMM TOTf JlrtW mt.T.iwaBf
Principal Gillespie School of Expression
' Helena. MonL. Aiiar: a.Th. mamKara
vt me rxaiiunai Association nr iriah ant
Game Wardens, representing nearly
every state and territory, of the union,
assembled in the Yellowstone national
para toaay ior- meir rirth annual meet
In. The meeting, which la tn h. i.
session several days, will be devoted to
the ' discussion . of . uniform law. an
other measures for the better protec
tion of fish, and ame throughout th.
country." , -
A : " i ' " .Ty.. -L
! V '. l
h to favor,
t".e srHcrij
ta tew I-'-:
contestant ycio f : Borne,
person now taking The Journal will fc. allowed Votes if vrmTr of the coronal
n is advanced for three'montht or more. -Votes are allowed pT"nin"8iine
:loat tor an payment abore one month.
Aug. ; t. T"he fourth' anni-
coronation of Pope Plux
by a brilliant re
chapel. ' The at.
tendance Included tha cardinals, bishops
diplomats and members of the nobility.
never cry as do children who are suf
fering from hunger. Such is the cause
of all babies who cry and are treated for
sickness, when they really are suffering
i rum n u imer. ; inn is causes irom tnair
xooa not Doing assimuatea, nut devoured
by worms. - A few doseg of White's
tjream vermuuge win cause them to
cease crying ana oegm to thrive at
once. Give it a trial. Sold by all drug-
Makes the skid
like you want
it (Does it in
a moment.
A liquid preparation for the Face, Neck;
Arms ana Hands. Cannot be detected.
; It is neither sticky nor greasy. -v :
y It's harmless, clean and refreshing.
Two colors, Pink and White ,
Use it mornine.' noon and nirht. Rnrino-
Summer, Fall, Wipter. , SAMPLE FREE.
-,. - . LYOM MFO. CO., " ' '
44 South Fifth St, Baooxxn, K.T, ' .
Men's Outing Suite Are Selling at One-Half Price
Men's Straw Hate Are Selling at One-Half Price
If Not Right Welch Makes It Right
' h 11 '
" SB