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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILV JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 0, 1807. TO insure Insertion tinder proper classification y oa the Want Pages of the big Sunday issue of ' 1 "j '':.-' .1. ".,. . .'( . 1 ' ,f"' -"' ,'. ' ;T,he Joiiraal : , advertisements should be presented at the business' office before . " ' -' 1 V " i 9 6?Clock Saturday Xveiiirig '. 'A. ' . " ' ' " ' Office open until 10:30 Saturday evening ' i Phone your ad if you cannot bring it to th? office. ARCHITECTS ERN8T KRONER. ARCHITECT Plana and speclflcatlonej also building superintendence. ' ' It. 3. llEFTT. ARCHITECT. ." LUMBER Exchange, room 421. , ASSAYER3 WELLS PROEBSTEL. MINING EN glnoera metallurglste and aa&ayers. 204V Waehlngton at. GarVIn CfANtDE EXTRACTION Ca EDUCATIONAL ; and Montana Aaaar Offlca.- rlson at .- ' ' 186 Mor- ; ' HOWARD M. COVET. , J -ant Plerea Oreat Arrow, Locomobllea i Cadtllao anJ Knoa. : Temporary location I i imp wars re. itn ano aiar miw. F" i . m-ir . rr ra wp-a ACCORDION DRESS PLEATING M1S8 tt GOULD, SIT 8 WETLAND bid '--.Aocordion, pleating ana ouuons covered. '- AUTOMOBILES poll SALE FARMS PONT ; BUT A FARM, WHBAT OR ' etocLa ranch. until you talk with TjtlvTh knows whare to find tbara. rr.-. 101 vi waaninston at URRidXf ED LAND .WtTHIN A MILS of a thriving city. offer at Klamath Fall That la what wa Ila and no elty In Oregon haa batter proepecta Small tracts, cood terma Call or writ Ore gon Real.- ft Truat Co.. 101 Fenton bldg., -84 6th at, lft ACRES Fine bottom land, all claared and right In the heart or the city, ror sale at ma extremely low price of 1800 par aoio. Phone Tabor 808 for Interview. FOR SALE 4 ACRB FARM. CLEAR. 1500. high atate or cultivation, level. fine wack eon. zo la at. 84.000 ISO ACkfcd. io MILES PORT land. 4 mllea from railroad. T from boat; all bottom, but II acrea all fenced; CO acrea cleared; house, barn, woodahed, jranery. Buy of owner and aava com mission. George Armstrong, Rldrerleld. AVaah. 20 ACRE8 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL place of land on the Raae Una road. jvew Mt. Hood roaa paaaea inrouan 11. Abant ownra aak for Immediate dis position. Ten acrea adjoining aold laat week for 8800. 8760 an acre la the nrice: eaav terma. Every Indication aaya this property will ba raa4y for niDoivision Derore tnniimu. mt Span ton Co.. Country Dept.. 870 Btark at WIDOW'S SACRIFICE TOUR LUCKT chance, 83,800; on very eaay terma, for a .well improved 84-acra farm In eaay driving- distance of Portland, wfcrth 5.voo; in good town ana nne neignoor hood. If you have no time to look at It in the week, go out with ma Sundays. F. FUCHS, 221H Morrison at. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day, week and month; special ratea to business houses. 8th and Hawthorne, Fst 78. HARNKSS AND SADDLER T. KELLER Harness Co., 4 N. th St. FOR SALE CAMEL-BACK FURN iture wagon cheap. 102 Ruaaall at Portland. FOR SALE 80 FIRST CLASS HORSES. Including; six broke teama. Address Sam Strebin, Troutdala, Or. Phona Oreaham 888. ' for sale sweLL feWdUsri DOO- cart;u. rubber tire, triple acrew axla. Imtmrted: 8200. box J-4o. journal. VOR SALE STYLISH BRASS-MOUNt. ad alngla harneaa; Studebaker; aoat S86, sell for 860. Box 8-480, Journal. HKAVT HORSES. TOUNO. SOUND, rood workera; aome mares, bred to l.00-pound horse: will give tlma to pay. 1004 Mllwaukie at. A GOOD WORK TEAM FOR SALE cheap. Inquire David Smith, 404 E. Peventn at., near Lincoln. covered WaqOR U 666d 6m FOR SALE MI3C3LLAXEOUS FREE FOR EVERTBODT RING TTP . Main 4280 or call 211 Vk Front at We nuy and sell furniture, clothing or any pig ining. - - BUT FROM1 ' THE SECOND 'HAID store where your credit la cood. 826 let at, . Pacific 170. IhJKgLes Large 6"r"61alL L6fsV Tha noted Port Orford cda in stock. Call and aea them. B. E...OUbart 114 Front. A. HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM. 188-111 2D at. Blank books manufactured; agenta for Jones' Improvel Looaa-Leaf ledgers; aea tha new Eureka, leaf, tha beat on tha market. . BEHNKJJ5-WALKER BUSINESS . COL . J. ' LEGE, . 'i . ,. s, 'Elka' Building;, ' ' i ' Portland. Oreaon. Chartler shorthand and Bliaa " book keeping aa taught in. the Behnke-Walker will lead you to aucceaa. Facta 787 cajia ror Help and blaced 111 ainea Aug. l, UOB. Will place you whan compe- r-inrou now. ' t , poatland riisWEsa collegh. A P. ARMSTRONG. LL.B., PRINCIPAL. - Open all tha year. Private or claaa In. atructlon. Position certain when comne- ini. . aii modern metiioda or bookaeep ing tauaht; also correspnndenoe, rapid caicMiiauona, errica wora, unartier anorv hand; easy, rapid, legible. Catalogue fray . BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES . a'BIRKEN WALDit Ca. iSM-IO EV rett at., largest butcher aupply houae on me coaat. write ror caiaioarua, bJTCHKKS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A, Dekvm. 121-18 1st at, carriea a full Una and r ir'ata assortment at lowest market priceq - COAL AND WOOD WE RENT YOU MOTION PICTURE machines, fllmk. area outfit. . annv alldea. etc; loweat prleea. .Sea New man Motion Picture- Machine Co., 14JH 8th, bet. Alder and Morrison. ANY SIZE SECOND-HAND PIPE. from felnchi to 11 inch, inr nuantltv. 100 tons ilack and aalvanfaed aheet iron, any atse cheap. 100 ton a black and JaJvanlzed wire, cheap. 1 10-horaepower onkey angina. M. Barde at Son. 8th and Ollaan. TINNERS 80-INCH aa Grant at. SQUARING PORTLAND SAWDUST A SLABWOOD r-n IKK IT -nr. at ..iuinn tn !. ton Wood Co. Fir, oak. glabwood. coaL- Tel. Main I3 Mnt Af fa nttorvL-cu frt I vriTT Washington and 10th ate. Fliedner bldaj. Bookkeeping. Shorthand, typewriting and all Engllah branches taught both day and nltrht FINANCIAL Xtb T6 SlJt W6RTHT young laJles who wish to. take a ahortband course. Apply at once at office. SIT Commonwealth bldg.. 6tlj and Burnalde ata. L bro36n-sALM6n dtubKd 6f shorthand and tyoewrltlna: full course In 12 weeka; open all aamnaer; established 18X8. MUner oiag.. V. Park and Morrison. SHORTHAND. THE GRAHAM SYSTEM Taught by an expert. Actual ornce ex perience. Positions secured when coni- retent. Butler, publlo stenographer, 814 he Pckum. SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY TTNITEO STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON 81 - ' ' Northwest comer tnira ata Ock Streata : ' '.. k, . Tranaacta t General Banking Bualneaa. DRAFTS ISSUED Aallabla n All Cities of tha United Statea and Europe, Honjkonn and , Ma nil. , Collectlona Fraaldant jr. C, A INS WORTH I Cashier.". ..;.a..lll.' W. V Vlca-Praaldent.,,...a LEA BARNES Assistant cashier.. ,W. A. HOLT ' Awwialiint VBaillfl t 4 a a Mil, JH. TT .ilUn LADD A TILTON. BANKERS Portland. Oreroa Eatabllahedl 8I. W. M. LADU Ot LXDD. ' J. W. LADD. Transact a Oaneral Banking Bualneaa BAVTN08 BANK DEPARTMENT. Bavin ys books Issued on savlnga deposit. Interest paid on tlma deposit a. RERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK Portland, Oregon. . , , J. FRANK ' WATSON, .President R. L. DURHAM Vlca-Praaldant B, W. HOTT..... ...Caahlerl GEORGE W. HOTT..Aasltant CaahleT ' 'f .. a C. CATCHINO.,.. Second Aaalatant Cashier 1.5 Tranaacts a General Banking: Bualneaa Drafts and Letters of Credit Isane ' Available o All Parte of tha World., Collectlona a Specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA Established 1884. Head Office, Raa Francisco, . , Caplui paid up.. ...14.000.000 ISurplua and undivided profits 810.168.872 General Banking and Exchange Bualneaa Transacted. Interest on Tlma Dapoalta. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Acoounta may ba opened of 210 and tip ward. Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Building. WM. R. M ACREA ........... Manager 1 J. T. BURTCHAELL. . . . Aaa't Manatrer IRST NATIONAL BANK Portland. Or, Oldeat National Ban on Paclflo Coaat CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 11,600.000.00. DEPOSITS, 114.000,000.00 A. L. MTLLB... ...... . . . .. Prealdent I W. C ALVORD Aaalatant caaniar 3. W. NEWKIRK..... .Caahler I W. T. STEVENS.. Second Aaa't Caahler TRUST COMPANIES. TRAr.ronTATio;. ii Mestowo Exposilh LOW RATES Avavn . 9. tot - aa, is. 1L , Chicago ptA ' return, Tl.v . St. Loula and return, 187.19. St PauL' MlnnaapoUa,. Dulutb, Supe- tior, Winnipeg and Pott Arthur aaa re turn, Mfc-i'.-,,; : :;t ' 3 TCAINS f DAILY 3 For tlcketa alaeoin ear reservatlcma and additional Information, call on aaaraaa a. iJICJtBON. g. f . a T. A, US TXZXO ST, rOST&AJTD, OB. . Telephonea: t Main lla. Horn A-2288. academy. Portland. CV aloaue. Write for cat- HOTEIJ9 THE BELLEVUE. EUROPEAN PLAN, 4th and Salmon. HOTEL Portland. Am. plan, 18. 26 day. BELVEDERE. European; 4th and Alder. FOR PROMPT DEM VERY OF SLAB wood call Main 4876. Oak. aah. fir and ooaL Pur Urn d Wood A Coal Co.. 16th and Bavler vta. FUEL "Wei ASTERN FEED FUELCO. Houaa and blacksmith coala. coke. charcoal, kindling. Phone Main ion. TELEPHONE EAST 7, F. B. JONES A CO., Wood and Coal. 181 East Water at QUICK DELIVERY PHONE egon Fuel Co.. 824 Alder- CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST 46 R. I860. R, F. D. No. 1, box 129 Mllwaukie. FOR SALE 6200 used tnree months: rond aa cheap for cash. T-461. Journal. FOR SALE 8 hi INCH COOPER WAO oon; prlca 260. R. E. Beef la, Lenta, CLIFFS, WASH.; DIVISION POINT; MdtORCYcSLE; new; watch for opening. f6R dALB - asparXg'UA eans, the beat green bean for oickllna or canning; aenverea. bavn. t)ON'T WAIT UNTIL NEXT SUMMER to build your boat but build It now. It will coat you leaa and will be ready when you want It in the spring. Let ua furnlah you an estimate on ita coat and ehow you designs. Oregon Launch Co., foot of Hawthorne ava. Phone E. 2888. FOLDING GO-CART ALMOST NEW. 428 N. 21st. Phona Pacific 740. ELEGANT MOTOR-BOAT, NEW, SEA- worthy." powerful, speedy: 26 feet length, 7 Hi feet beam; cabin, toilet ma hogany finish; 12 H. P. Standard enrlne. For terma and Inspection, apply to J. M. Arthur co. rnone Kaat 10. Always Conault tha Beat. PROFEESOR KHIMO. Greatest llvlna aatral dead-trance clalr voyant of the age; advlaer on bualneaa and all atrairs or lire; tens your run name and what you called for, whom you will marry, how to control tha one you love, even tnougn muea away; re unites the separated; gives secret pow ers to control; doe all othera ad' .-tla to da Hour a 10 to dally and Sunday. 662 H Washington at Phone Main 1247. Mrs. Palmer The World Wonder Palmist and Psychologist. She reads your life with unerring alght 2 N. 8d at.. Portland. Proptietess VloJa Marahfleld, spirit medium, 268 hi Morrison at. MAY ANDREWS. CARD READER, AT 826 Main at.. 25a Phone Main 7648. CHIROPODISTS PERSONAL. and heavy harneaa. 840. 1664 or call 173 8d. Phona Main FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. JERSEY COW, FRESH. 210 ARGYLE, feninauia station, tst. jonna car. ONE GOOD FRESH MILCH COW FuR aale. Call 388 E. 8th at. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE RESTAURANT, LUNCH COUNTER IN connection, closed account of sick ness: will accept 860 aa flrat navmant Price 1275. Will trade thla for vacant Iota; if necessary will pay aoma cash difference; well located, reasonable rent Alexander Lang uo 3H th at LARGE STORE BUILDING; 80 FEET front, splendid for general a tore; thriving valley town; will exchange for atock of rood a and rent back, or take farm, uau or aadreaa Drugstore, Mount jingei, wregon. X HOUSE AND ACRE LOT X f OWN Moacow. Idaho. East Portland property. valued 22,200, IJ-459, for Journal, $800 8TOCK OF GROCERIES WITH living room a, cheap for cah; or will exchange for place In country. CaU or addreaa orocer, 680 Front at IFOR SALE SMALL STEAMBOAT. OR trade for houaa and lot O.. 79 Rus- aell at. TB1BKR. LOOKING FOR TIMBER? Wa offer you every advantage through' our aystera of expert examlnatlona which enablea you to determine tha suit ability of a tract without spending tlmo or money. If our general report Indi cates that wa have what you want our ostimatea by two and a half acres are easily verified. TRY "THE LACET WAT." JAMES D. LACET A CO., 828 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 607 Lumber Exchange. Seattle. " timber Lands. " Intending purchaaera desiring to ba located upon landa with heavy timber In the land grant of tha Oregon ft California railroad in aouthern Oregon can secure me same Dy acting quickly. Locati f:ea Including all necessary at torney's fees are reasonable. Address j. m. verain, uranta rasa, or. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Sexlna Pills cure all weakneaa: 81 a box. 6 for 15; full guarantee. Address or call J.. O. Clemeneon, dmgglat, Port land, or. A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER; aealakin garmenta redyed and re modeled; expert fitter; aatlmataa given; loweat prices. 663 Washington. Phona Main 7808. MOLES. WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. No charge to talk it over. Mra. M. D. Hill, room 230 Flied ner bldg. Phone Paclflo 186. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NOV- ela. ate: German. Enrllah. French. Spanish. Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all klnda Schmale Co., 229 Flrat. at HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cure for rheumatlam. Sold by all drugglate. CHRONIC, NERVOUS AND SPECIAL diseases of men and women cured by modern aclentlflo methods; electrlo treat ment for diseases of tha prostate: con sultation free. Dr. W. L Howard, Com- monweaitn bldg.. th at. cor. Pine. ESS OBROCK, GRADUATE MAS? aauaa: cabinet bath, salt alow: alcohol rub, cream maaaage; references. 189 Seventh at Main 4968. DR. BING CHOONG. IMPORTER CHI- neae root medicines: aella Chinese tea. certain cure for all dlaeaaea. 191 2d at, between Yamhill and Taylor. TURKISH BATHS, 800 OREGONIAN Main i68. JOHN GARTNER HARD AND SOFT corns, callous removed without pain; Ingrown naila cured. Phona Tabor 601. tti E. Belmont at CHlKOPODY AtfS PEDICURING Mra. M. D. Hill. Room 230 Fleldner bldg. Both phonea. INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 844 Sherlock bldg. ORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON Tha Oldeat Truat Company in Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $2,200,000. Oenaral panklrfg. Two per cant Interest on chick acoounta avan hundradaT on dally balancaa of $500 or over. Lettera of credit and exchange on all part a of tha woria. J"".?im counts Tim a i. a rr cant: short-call peel al certincaiea, eavw or over, thi to 4 oer cen t Call foVBook of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Southeast Corner Third and Oak Sta Ph "tie Private k-xenange LEE PAGET BENX I COHF.N .....Prealdent I H. L. PITTOCK. , SecreUrr 1 J. - u' " .Aaalatant Sacra tary SECURITT SAVrNOS TRUST CO 266 Mo "-'J on T'4. , Zt Tranaacta a General Banking Bualneaa SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Inter eat allowed on Tlma and 8avlnga Aocounta Acta aa Truatej for Fatataa Drafta and Lettera of Credit Availably pn AU Parta of ' M JJjt C F. ADAMS Prealdent I U K LEWIS. ... .Flrai Vl-Pjdent A. L. MILLS... Becond Vice-President R. S JUBITZ.. .Secretary GEO. E. RUSSELL. AaalaUnt Secretary JAS. Mcl. WOOD. EMPLOYERS' LIA blllty and Individual accident security bonda of all klnda Phona 47. $02 Mo Kay bldg. ? LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALS ALL ' kinds. Including approved forest re servs scrip for surveyed, unaurveyed, timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton, "The Portland." Portland LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MAST1CK A CO.. FRONT and Oak ata.. leather and akina or every description for all purpoaes; aole and tap cuttera; findings. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. GET 110 TO 8100. NO MORTGAGE NO INDOUSER ABSOLUTELY NO HECUKITY. LOWEST RATES EASIEST PAYMENTS A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU. REMEMBER, IF YOU WORK. WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK? RAILROAD MEN A 8PECIALTT. STATE 8KCURITY CO., 704 DEKUM BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. TO P. M. WED. AND SATURDAY TILL 8 'P. M. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONET MONEY MONEY MONEY TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRUST COMPANY 240 Washington Street. MORTGAGE LOANS ON Portland Real Estate at Loweat Rata Title Ineured. Abatraeta Fumlehed. X THORBURN ROSS Prealdent I NO. E. AITCHISOH 'SSZZ t I TV T. RURKHAHT i GEORGE H. HILL Vice-Prealdent i T. T. BURKHART BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M D ORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Commerce Building, Munlef'nal Railroad and Publlo Service Corporation Bonda OWNING-HOPKIN8 COMPANY Establtahed 1898 BROKERll. STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Bought and Sold for Caah and on Margin. Private Wlrea. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phona Main 8T. Oyerbeck & Cooke Company! 2!SffSSr&tSS GRAIN. PROVISIONS, COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESi Continuous Marketa by Private Wire. Quick Serrlca GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. LEAVING PORTLAND. Rhaata. Exnreaa 8:1$ a. m. Cottage Grove Paaaenger . 4:16 p. m. California Expreaa 7:46 p. m. Ban Francisco mxpreas ....ii.av p. ra. WEST SIDE. Corvallla Paaaenger 7:00 a. m. Sheridan Paaaenger 4:10 p. m. Forest Grove Paaaenger ...n:uu a. m. Foreat Grove Passenger ... 6:20 p. m. Southern Pacific. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Oregon Expreaa 7:28 a. m. Cottage Grove Passenger.. 11:00 a. m. Shaeta Expreaa 7:80 p. m. Portland Express 11:80 p. m. ' WEST SIDE. Corvallla Paaaenger 6:86 p. m. Sheridan Paaaenger 10:20 a. m. Foreat Grove Paaaenger ... 1:00 a. m, Foreat Grove Passenger ... 2:60 p. m. COOS BAY Weekly Prelght and Passesarer ; . Servloa of the Fla Steajaaklp. B rea kwato r teavea POmTiairs every XCoaoay, SiOO p. to from Oak-street Book, fat EMPIRE NORTH BEND AND MARSHFIDLD Freight Received Till 4 p. m. on Day ; . of Sailing. FAJUB Prom POTtlaad, let-claaa,, flO.OOi Sd-olaaa, $7.00, toalndlaa? bam. Inquire aty Ticket Offica, Thlr4 and Washington ata, or Oak-etreet Dock. Colombia River. Scenery auEOtrrATOB son sTTauunmaV Dalla mmt lua PvtluD aai ev. usiwe, except aeeoar, sMTlag rarUaag at t a. si, arrrrtng sbaat I p. St., earryhH: imsai u pwniira, vpiaaaia aesBBiaii Uoas to eatlta aod Urestoes. Dart tent of Aldar at- VortaiaSi ' M mt csan sc. me pause, Paoaa Mala tie. rarUaaa. momn nemo stsluuztp co. Steamships ROANOKE 7; and GEO. If. ELDER Sari for areka. San Frandaaa ana Taia Angel'' , direct every Thursday at 6 p. m. ica onica isa 'nira, near Aider fncnea ai. iiii. tL. iuunu. iiL TuAimu and Seattle Exp.... 8:80 a, m. North Coast ft Chicago Llm. 2:80 p. m. Puget Sound Limited :tu p. m. Overland Expreaa 11:45 p. m. Northern Pacific. North Coaat Limited T:00 a, n. Portland Expreaa 4:1$ p. ra. Overland Expreaa 8:16 p. m. Puget Sound Limited 10:66 p. m. CLEANING AND DYEING CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, $1 par month. Unique Tailoring Co.. 209 Stark at. W. TURNER, DYER CARPETS H 606 Jefferson at dyed a specialty, Main zsif. CLEANING. PRESSING HERE IT IS! and dyeing dona Washington st, ENTERPRISES FINANCED. Industrial, mining, railroad and timber propositions of merit financed; loans negotiated; stock and bond issues bought and aold an strictly commission Daaia. Companiea Incorporated and organised. Bond lasuea prepared and marketed. Our brokerage department offers the beat facilities for making aafe and profitable investments, and is the quickest me dium for financing good uroposltlona. Oregon Realty Co., suite 8-9. t2 Wash ington at Phone Main 763.- Portland, Oregon. ' ,1 by exparta $48 V. THOMAS, FEATHERS AND feather boaa cleaned, curled and dyed work called ror and delivered. water at, Portland, Or. 2376. Phone 764 Main CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS JOHN A. MELTON, 204 4TH ST. OF flce atora fixtures built and re modeled; ahowcasea and countera Phone Main 1787. E. MELTON OFFICE, STORE FLX7 turea; general jobbing. 67 lat at rnone Mem 9199 HOUSE MOVING AND GENERAL RE- r; foundation and carpentering. E. Caruthera. Tabor 2.0. pairing; 1088 SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT, 60c Ladiea skirts Dressed. 60c Gil bert, 106 ft Sixth at, next to Quell Phone Main 2089. BALM OF FIGS dlaeaaea. East 4034. 626 FOR ALL FEMALE E. Belmont Phone DR. T. J. PIERCE, SPECIALIST. DIS eaaes of women; all Irregularities cor rected: no axDosura: medicine by mall. Office 181 1st at, corner Yamhill, Port land. Or. LADIES DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savfn and Cotton Root Pills are the only aura remedy for delayed periods: by mall $2 per box. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st MADAM VASHTI VAPOR AND TUB CHIROPRACTORS MONEY f 6 L6aW On Improved city property or for build ing purposes, for from 3 to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all or part or loan arter two year a. ioajie ap oroved from Diana and money advanced aa building progreaaea; mortgages taken Local Paaaenger Chicago-Portland Special Spokane Flyer Kan. City ft Chi. Exp... Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. 8:00 a. m. II BDOkana Fiver .... 8:30 a. m. II CM.. Kan. City ft Port. Ex.. 7:00 p. m. II unicago-f ortiana tspeciai 7:40 p. m. jl Local Paaaenger 1:00' 9:4$ m. m. 1:20 p. :4$ f. m. Astoria A Columbia Hirer. Aatorla and Seaside Exp., . Astoria ft Seaside Express 8:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. 'Seaaldegpeclal... 3:10?'8lroMray only- A other trains dally. Astoria ft Port Paaaenger. 11:10 p. m. Portland Express ..10:00 p. m. OSTEOPATHIC PHTSICIANC STREET PAVING IiR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, 8PB- WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. olallat On nervous. BUUll a-nu khiwuw i .iu. -k mhi vrvvar- dlaeaaea Offlce 217 Fenton bldg. Pnonalinga. 314 Lumber Exchange. Paclflo 1190. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP up and replaced. H. STRONG, Financial Agent, 142 BtarK at. money to Loan on real estate, chattel mortgages curlty; notes bought Fenton oidg. or personal se- C W. Pallett. 804 L. M. GORDON, D. C' SCIENTIFIC spinal adjustment acuta and chronic dlaeaaea; hours io to iz, j to f, I to a 86-87 Raleigh bldg. CARPET CLEANING STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest plant on coast; Loring and Harding ata.; phone East 280; carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; steam and compressed air process; renovating mattresses an feathera a specialty. JOYCE BROS".. PROPRIETORS OF THE Electric Cleaning worka; carpets c.eaned and laid, both dry and com pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main 2S12 and A-2672 271 Grant at DANCING. baths, maaaaaa alcohol ruba id at. 201tt DANCING LESSONS. 26c DURING summer months; school open all year; social, faifcy and stage dancing taught dally. Wilson's Dancing school, Alla ky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD to tun per puyers only; we have a few cnoice tracts ror sale which we own. Have detailed estimates by forties. G. F. Sanbourn ft Ca, 401-2-8 Buohanan piag. hi SECTION 6, 19 S. 9 W.. WITH 0,000 fir; . price $2,ooo. or will for vacant lo;ts. W. O. Opp, gen- S. W 4,000, trade ral delivery. cliffs, Wash.:' divisi6n 'p6inT watch for opening. ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS vi 'VICTOR TALKING MACHINES ' AND records; Stelnway (and other) planoa Shemran. Clay A Co., th and Morrison sta. opp. poatorrica. - - - FOR SALE mSCELLANEOUB. v BARGAINS STEEL RANGES, stoves, iron beds, springs, mattresses, tables, chalra, dreaaera cheffenlera car pets and linoleuma, new and good aa new, at loweat prlcea Coma and sea ua; It will pay you; your goods taken la exchange. Fox ft Brower. II N. Id Phone Main 1111. - ' HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE SURE ure for .rheumatism. rnfi-ff-tata. ,v" -v -, SALE ONE Sold by all FOR , Inauire 271 1st st. SHOW CASES "AND FIXTURES, NEW and - aecond-hand. Strom. 281 1 Couch at FOR SALE WELL Carlapn ft 1 KaU- llne outfit : Oregon. .. . : ,- DRILL GASO- C. W, Stephens, Orient, ( WANTED TO KNOW PRESENT AD- dreaa of William Fiaher. latelv of Klamath Falls. Address M-467, Jour nal. , LADIES, J YOU ARE UNEASY .about youreelf. If your condition of health la not what It ought to be. con ault Dr. Isabella Mackle. She haa heloed othera, she will surely help you. She treata by natural methoda. Room 10, souE Morrison st. rnone Main 7320. MISS LE ROY, 291 tt ALDER STREET, room 4; massage and bath. MISS ETHEL WARD TREATS SUC cessfully corns, bunions and ingrown toenails; ahe also manicures. Room 16, 861 tt Morrison st. WANTED THE ACQUAINTANCE OF gin or widow, r-451, i DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. C. E.BROWn! T. C. M. DOGS and horse hospital. 106 N. 6th st (Main 4086). W. M. MILLAR. V. S.. VETEHINARIAN. 26 N. 8th at. Office 327 Flandera Phone Main 7846. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL DON'T WORRY $10 TO $100 LOANED salaried people, with or without se curity. Crescent Loan Co., 428 Mo hawk bldg. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ON SAL ariea Insurance policies, planoa fur niture, warehouse receipts, etc.; any de serving ptrson may aecure a liberal ad vance, repaying by easy weekly or monthly installments. NEW ERA LOAN MORTGAGE COM PANT. 205 Ablngton Bldg. UNCLE METERS' LOAN OFFICE. 143 3d at., near Alder, established 1870; old and reliable; any amount loaned on watcnea diamonds, jewelry ana seal aklna for horses and does. Phone Main 1484. 289 Gllsan at DRESSMAKING MADAME ANGELES 242 FIFTH. PA clflc 982. M6NEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEC pie and othera upon their own namea without security; cheapest ratea, eaaleat paymenie; ornces in eu principal cities; aava youraelf money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN, 228 Ablngton Bldg. 100tt 2d at MONET LOANED TO SALARIED PEO ple Just on your own name; don't borrow until you see me; my ayatem la the beat for railroad men. clerka bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employee; ouamesa strictly confidential. F. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg., 284 Washington. CASH ON HAND FOR PURCHASE money, mortgagea bonda for deeda or contracts of aale on real estate, either country or city property, h. ui. Noble, Commercial blk.. 2d and Washington. WILL LOAN $3,000. 6 PER CENT. ON real estate. Farrlngton. 313 Fenton bldg. MONET TQ LOAN; LARGE LOANS specialty: also building loans: lowest rates; fire Inau'ance. William G. Beck. 312 Falling bldg. QUtCK LOANS DM ALL SECURITIES. 46 Washington oidg. a German Journal. WILL MEET IRENE K-451, Journal. ON SUNDAY. YOUNG MAN OF 30 WOULD LIKE to meet a German girl, maid or widow with her own home; a steady wage earner or gooa appearance; no triners. R-451, Journal. MANICURING, BATH AND MASSAGE, competent attandanta. 110U 4th Mr. per Wawhlngton. - ' DR. MARY LANE, NOW AT THE Lane .institute, rooms 6 to 14, Grand Theatre bldg. Dlaeaaea of woman and children a specialty. Consultation free. Correspondence solicited. ELECTRIC VAPOR BATHS' ' MAS- aage. electricity. 145 tt Sixth St., room z&. ART , V FR-3E LESSONS IN " Embi ldery Every Day. ; .THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP, " 383 Waahlnaton 8t. BERGES' ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES tJ'wAVBHCO Sl'JSTARK Electric and Gas Fixtures and Supplies, Mantels, Tiling. Grntea and Dogirona. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. ENGI neera, cOntractora. repalrera alectrlo wiring, supplies. 94 1st cor. Stark, Main 859. R.H Tate. Mgr. 6th at Contractora. electric auppllaa motora and dynamos; wa install light and power plants. ' CO. 391 TT re- MORRISON ELECtRlC Morrison st Fixtures, ' wiring, pairing. Eaat 3128. ' FAIRBANKS. MORSE MOTORS AND dynamos. A. c and D. U. lat and stark sta. S. W. Kina. Main Biou. MONEY V6 L6Ati ON aLL kfripft of security. William Holl. room 9, Washington bldg. A LOAN FOR THE ASKING 8ALARY or chattel. bldg. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum kum bldg.. Sd Phone Main 349. and Waahlngton sta Examination frea THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. of Portland. Office 666 Worcester blk. TRANSFER AND HAULING PLUMBERS imv JL rn RAVITART FLUMBB.KB, 231 2d, bet Main and Salmon. Oregon nhnna Main 1001. frAyxMromrpn a PihlUMAaft RB. ana Clay ats. moved to No. oa Burnaioa at. C. O. PICK OFFICE 81 1ST ST, Be tween Stark and Oak sts.: ohona 696. Planoa and furniture moved and packed ror shipping; commodious brick wars- house with separata Iron rooms. Front PRINTING OGILBEE BROS., PRINTERS CARDS. billheada eta rnone Main it. 145tt let at . unnpuv privtert. PHONE PA- clfic 1626. R. 26. Ruasel bldg., 4th and Morrison sta. PAINTING AND PAPERING. OL6EN-R6H TRANSFER C6." Henry Roe. W. A. Clalano. f. r. eaes screen. General transfer and storage: safes. planoa and furniture moved, packed and snipped, xo uax at Motn pnonea VAN HORN TRANSFER A StOftAGE Co., Inc. Furniture and piano moving BDeciaiiT; sioraae warenouaa o-a 2d st. comer Ash. Phone Main 1618. PENINSULAR EXPRESS A BAdGA6 Tranafar. 147 Alder at till. Phona Main P. A. DOANE GIVES BEST ESTIMATE OREGON TRANSFER 66.. lS4 ii. 4Tlt 'for satisfactory work. 284 Yamhill. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS Main 69. Heavy hauling and storage. iNDEPENDEiNf BAGdAGfl ft fftANS- rer co. storage. iz stark. Main 407. MISS L. B. MAY. 602 8WETLAND Copying deeds and apstracts spec y. WHOLESALE JOBBERS RUBBER STAMPS P. C. 8TAMP WJORKS, 249 ALDER ST. Phone Main '710. Rubber atampa . .i. v.a .Mmm - Am Ah..lf' braaa signs and plates. RESTAURANTS. THE OREGON CHEESE CO. (INC.) Cheese, butter, ears. atc dairy orod I ucts bought or handled on commission. 126 6th st (Swetland bldg.). Portland, M. A. GUNST ft CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND, OREGON, GO TO THE BUSY BEE FOR DELI- catetaena Home cooxing. tst waan- ington at eVerdInG A FarreLL, pR6bucjBl hanta. ROOFING TIN ROOFING. GUTTERING. RE- pairing and general .obbing. J. Loan. 212 Jefferson st. Paclflo 1424. and commission merchanta. 140 Front at. Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC- turlng Ca Manufaoturera of furni ture for the trade. Portland. Or. WAbHAMf- A 66.. WH61.ESALE flRO- cera manufacturers and commission mercha' ta. 4th and oak sts. REAL ESTATE THOMPSON & OGDEN REAL- Es tate, insurance, loana. ee ua peiore buying. 848 Mississippi ava Phone Woodlawn 202. J. W. odlLfeEE. REAL ESTATE AND loana: estaoiisnea isss. ian isu, room 11. SPHINX AGENCY. DEALERS Iff real estate and rentals. iutt Btarg FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND special ordara. L. Ku venskr a furni ture ractory, sot rront st. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchanta Front and Davis sts., Portland, or. WHOLESALE rlaaawara land. Or. CROCKERY AND praei, Hegele ft Co. Port LEWIS-STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLT Co.. Barbers' Supplies. Barbers' Fur niture. Barbara Chalra 10th ft Morrison. at FOR tlon. bldg. Ma'.n 6164. FARMS OF EVERT DESCRIP- W. W. Eapey, 819 Commercial TRANSPORTATION. SPIRITUALISM. MONEYTO LOAN IN $500 TOS.OOO. Charleaon ft Co. Paclflo 1196. Commercial. Phona DON'T BORROW MbNEY ON SALARY until yu aea Huttca Credit Ca 612 Dekum bldg. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE ft IRON WORKS 2d and Everett ata. Phone Main 2000. GASOLINE ENGINES in- . oirmm enu Ings in landscapes and portraits made to order."" . .... Stationary and marine: electric eauln- ments; launches; accessories; wholeaala ana retnn; engine , repainng. Keieraon Machinery co., igz-4-s Morrison st BHEFFlELb M'ARWE ENGINES. AN V propeller. , Fairbaiks, Mora ft Co- Jet ?nd Stark sts... ; - ' .- ... KEvTvfED GAs6L1nS i ENGINES; ?ow price; call or wrttej" Fairbanka. Morse ft Co.. lat and Stark sta -; ATTORNEYS PIGGOTTV FINCH ft BIGGER. ATTOR- WINDOW y i taw,, Muikay bldg,-corner made to ii and Uorrlsoa sta. f. , .. . . ICo, Ji su HARDWARE ' AND order. DOOR ' SCREENS Portland Hardware MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED city property or for building pur poses. Coiumb'a Life ft Trust Co., 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. CLIFFS, WASH.; DIVISION POINT; watcn ror opening. MACHINERY THE H. C. ALBEE CO. SECOND- hand machinery, aawmllla etc. 243 urand ava r- A J. PAUL. 100 1ST ST. A COM plete line sawmill machinery; also engines and boilers. MONUMENTS NEU A KINGSLEY. 868 1ST ST. Portland's leading marble and granite worka MUSICAL PIANO. VIOLIN. CORNET. TROM bone, clarinet Professor EL A. Smith. 264 12th St . Main 4703. PAINTS, OIL ANT GLASS F. E. BEACH ft CO- THE-' PIONEER Paint Ca Window- glasa and glaxlng. 12$ 1st at Phona 1324. , MRS.' SOPHIA B. SEIP. SPIRITUAL reader, dally, 302 Allsky bids. 3rd and Morrison; circle fTiaay a p. m. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIP- ' tlon; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Manufac turing Co.. Portland. R. H. BIRDSALL. DESIGNER; AGT. M. Winter Lumber Co. 7 Hamilton bldg. SAFES PORTLAND SAFE CO., SOLE AGENTS for Herrlng-'Hall-Marvln safea and Manganese Steel Safe Co.'a bank aafea; 20 aecond-hand fireproof aafea and bank aafea very cheap. Sea them or write ua. si 7tn st. , DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES Large lines carried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, .jails, metal furnltura Both pnonea J. E, Davis. 66 3d. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 8. 8. City of Ptubla, Ang. U 90X3 260T7TS. S. 8. Senator Sept. 9: Oot, 7. S. 8. Prealdent .Sept, 88 s. 22. A&A8XA motrra. Sailing from Seattle. Ekagwar. Bltka, Jtmeaa and way porta. sailing p. nu ..Aug. 18. 88 ftng. 15, 80 . . . . . .atuar. as, M B. 9. 8. Oo.'s Humboldt City of Saattta: Cottage City, ria Sitka saw puajt cisoo moirn. ; Baillag t a. sa. Sfroa Beattla President .... 8. 8. VmatUla Sonoma SIQNS AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER ft KLEISER SIGNS. Wa have built us tha laraeat aim bualneaa in the city by first-class work and keaoinar our nromlaaa Our rricea are right. 6th and Everett sta Phone Kxcnangoj 66. 'SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" POR in land Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Pacific 1594. ..............Aag. 8, 83 , . , AOS-, II, City Offio. 849 Vsshl&rtoa. 1', TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB. bruah. soap. $1 per month. Portland Laundry ft Towel fiunnlr Co 9th and CouaU ata, phoas 410. 0 fl Ho! for Astoria ;rapli fastSteamerTelel DaDy (axospt Thursdays). Leaves AJdet auw aw i aw jn. , , Shandaya Ita. fx rouaA trip. 2fO smrozaTTa. 20 AS... so oooAurx. We Set the Pace I Specialists in Painless Dentistry TEETHoliTPe M6-w Nervout people and those afflicted with heart weakness can now have their teeth filled and extracted without the least, pain or danger. To introduce our painless meth od until August 31 we will do all kind of dentistry at one-half our regular prices. A protective guar antee given with all work done by us. Lady in attendance. Open eve nings. -' , Chicago Dentists - Suite 3-4-5 Raleigh Bldg. . Sixth and Washington Sta, Phona Main 3880. ' "NUMBERlS PL, BASE" Main 1372 places at your -command - large and well-aelected hardwara stock, with prlcea as close to right as t&s goods to your wants. Coma and seat AVERY a CO 4S Third St, Bet Fine &, Ash Classified Ads In Tha Journal roach the people la the great Oregon country at tha right tlma. Rates for Classified Advertisements ; ; , Count alx words to the Una.), ' , One oent a word saon Inaartloa. Mora than two Insertions $ cents par Una each insertion. By tha week, $6 cents par Una O days). No' advertlaement taken for lass than 16 oenta . aaojajBJHiifwiji and other drag habits are positively eurea t y HABITINAV For aypedermle orlnteral u Runnl. unt an, an Amr bahitue by tYi' ttait T Eegular prfoe 82.5b pf bottle v . Wit. Ca-saiea C- t UmiU. , Tor aale y SkMrnar vrag ee., wi Ji' C ysrtlasa. CnM. - - mm