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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1907)
THE OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, AUCtT 0, ICG. 1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. LOST AND FOUNBl ; HELP WANTED FEMALE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. I BUSINESS CTIANCES. FOR 6.1LI 1TEAL ESTATE ments received Joo late for insertion in these Date will be found on Page 13. San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789Markct,St,bcL3d&4th i omurxiojra moktbb. : Oregonlana when In San Franotseo m bar mall sent In car of The Journal oflloa, ARTHUR I FISH, Representative. . J2aMJy l5t2iftieiTrt k'.! . . Ander please phona Union 654$ orad- ri ,' W ? ' " " : " oress vodo, trvtngton raos rm vf::V..::V.l' -Ti' V'U'-i.' .0 Portland; rewards vr Htahl and F. A. StahL wait fo ret of. Jot . Mock B. Caruth. r naaiiion. wv 11 . . j t w a. - vw car, x I liar n to WU1 lam K. Robaon. lots i Jnl A i?.el,i. th wt 83 1-8 LOST PURSE ENGRAVED EMMA Bertuleit containing pocketbook, about iw rente, nanunercniar, eta, ana .m.m'. AMt.M t d l ... . . PN.H m VMIOIK1U I 111. . J . L . V Portr and Aah: reward 7 4 Water a. Ysj.I4M. 1(191 . . . . nder and Hllma L jUm 10 8601 LOBT-tlOHt RED HEIFER, WHITE tripe down back: reward. 1 ataa, ciaeKamas, or. Ring- HELP WANTED MALE NEW TODAY. Save That Rent And Buy a Lot for M. Cat tar 11 n Int. is i r'"I? addition NT 9 w r OiWllnu, ' ' i . 4 rfl (tmKM Wf, Security Savin,' A Trust Vn iA, I lt9 F M"" Jv T..II. m nrLii ' . - - " . riinimw, west jo rent t t SB faat f lot if block 10, John Irvlng'i flt.ddlUon. O. VT. . U. i . , A Aiiunraun. w. lu It. or lot' IS FOR ' Stare Bolt -Cattcis Wanted low flr, apply R. 306 Stearns bid?., Portland, Oregon. ' wi.1.., w,Kr'..rAI5i,?OOD NEWHALL, NEW BUILDING, JUST ' TIIB COAST REALTY COMPANT. wagea. mur Hotel, gth and ,01ln. opened, running watar In all rooms; J T I6(U Morrison a' mNTKD-AN &mtmmiSrfiEZS fiJiIt0ihl Main' l ai waltrana:- talan a reruiar w.iir... ."phone aat tlt. 40J 3aat Waahina. I , . . r liiia , . . Hobart-Curtla. llth at. ...Jton at.'.- - , -: . , . . - ... j 11000 Wa tha beat Day!n bakai WAWliWl 18 OR it f6 AfaaMf tV ho and tS.OOfl Vinva tha bat navln hakarv of Ha alzc In Portland; lon laaa; very ANTED JJJL, IS OR 10 T6 AfeSitif Vm J 1. l0lltm n Portland; Ion !; v in houaawoH "mi 1 will hara aood QJC2 f AQVAnTERSjt RonMS, ohap rent; aickneaa cauaea aaorlHoa. mi" 480 IrVIn.? " ' . f IdifJA? o iiKFUKniBiiKi)! 1 I1.J0O Ona half eaahs new. aavan - . , I HA V PI -I-IMH: k A rU I 1 ITYVm NHM UI I'PU Ww ij . - a . l i SAVE TIME ANI KYPHNRn. roh "T.. ".'.' ',3'' -rVflTiri IJ. I BTAUK BT. , I lot; fine view; thraa blocki 'horn oar- STENOORAPHER8, BOTH MALB AND ttuurao' ajul. MgiJBRN ii,V;tmu Da aoia iramttaiaieiji ALE AND FEMALE HELP. female, aood Doiltlona onen with beat rirma; no cnarca. a my exolualva agents at abora Ad n Opin WUfl I , ... .... n-n.. I . - viu.if. BQIt . w w aa. Underwood Tvoa. I TWO FURNlHMTtn wAiufi At.T- MW: omer nouaea. ail pneaa. . writer Co., 01 th al venlencea. IIS W. Park ii v '. j ao uya furnltura; 15 roome; almoat HeLp WaKted aNd sOpPLIBB: i min or xemaie, n. u. uraaca, ivm f UNI URMS1IED ROOMS I v ""waffrn, nign-ciaea roominar-iiquBei ion in tna oityj muai aeu lra- aaav tarma; ions jeaa WANfED SALESMEN;' MANY MAKE 1100 to I UO par month; aoma even TvaTTrJ" I mora: atock clean. Brown on reaerva- ance or mortange loana. call fln Pnifi tion, far from old orchard!; caan aa ABSTRACfd. titW Title & Tniet Co.. J04-5-0-7 Falling bid I vanoed weekly; choice of territory. Ad- Gbt Vdlrk lNaURAWeiU And Ahi SLl- Nur,,r,r Co Top rtrMtihWiwrC, Pnleh. Wa.h.ngton. SrJS1 Trtt,t Co" 140 ! r Union Hotel UNDERTAKERS . X. BTTTU IIW briDTr tm Mtt' Free emDlorment to all : boardera' ratea u.DO Der weal : room, zbs ana ud: ana- MAX M. SMITH. FLORIST, ISO 8TH I montniy. ratea given. , Anderaon. Tile. I RAILWAY ADDITION, ' . " ! ; . Montavilla ; Improved . Streets, 5c Ctrfare ' " Easy Terms : - t - $10 Down, $5 Per Month Come out and , see these lots. Take Montavilla Car. Get off at Ifibbard St, corner of Villa, or caU at office. ".- Lambcrt-Vhitmcr Co. ' t-' RmI EeUta Department' : 107 rowlock Bids', Cor. 84 aa4 Oak Sta. . FlNLEt flOMH. U AND Madi: on ata. Uince or count r onmn.. Phone Main 0. DWnTN(. k'itNTiJc. A .lLBAUafl: undertaken and embalmersi modern in every oeiaii. oeTenin ana rine. Main su, utaj aaaiatani. Al E HEM3TDCK. FUNERAL Dl , fa proprietor. OPPORfU'krTtES f 6 ' AbVANCtj , tit tha aovernment aervlca. Poaltlona tar Ry. mail clerk, let carrier, etc. Let ua prepare you ror exam;' can or write. ?ao. Btatea Bchoola, 611 McKay bldg. rector. Eaat ltth and Umatilla. Beiiwooa 7i. utay aseieiant. ona STENOGRAPHERS, - BOOKKEEPERS, caahlere. clerks. Realatratlon bureau. SOS Allaky blda. WIDE AWAKE, ENERGETIC MEN saLjsVnor sALEstAbf, want: ?HSSffiiffi?-rljiTHiSHi &inniTiS? ui FednVbTd1r.,'rOPO"1UOn' 0t "Ml" PacSfl dlUncn oViJ. ' L!!" Art i ti.u nut- rujn.iKa tor " "' yyi y ti st, "i.uoa iuib fof kun n( roamirt large yarde; long eeaaon; fln ploklngt rL'room at . Mrlt,'t- ' rl1lBno "quired. , v , " bIm im. n-roomea nouea, cioee in T "( nne view. 0 rente ala-room houaa. cii nriceiT Apply IndraW KaiT ik Co. RENT HOUSEKEEPING, 28 Morrison at. -------.--- hOPPICKERtf WANTED" meaaura. Oret-on. ) jvierun Harding, Uervaia, wanted -boys anD . qirlb T6rnmwg4 WnPIT 111 rk aka ttr aynMaau A M I w - - . a-JJMi v.-..;- rr"iv,'r."i;y.'.' . furniahad C. btettler. . 10th and Gllaan at, ' $1.88 WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED Hntg Uiree-room furnUhed cot houaekeeplng-rooma, parlor.' bath. ge. v , j ,. , , , . laundry, furnace beat. yard. ,S0SH Sun- , f J; renta four-room hew cottage. . ton at U ear. -IIO rente four-room good houae. with CP LA RUE, CLEAN ' Vr"' brP " chicken houaa. houaekeeplng-rooma,, laua- J !SJK'""S"1'11 Prl'- " h. T l4 Sherman at. aouth, J Lb!;,na' w ' Four houaea and SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. RELIABLE MAN WANTS Janitoh toomM, reasonable. . or nthAP wnrb .nlii V-itn t.... I'"" lanaera ata, nal. .'.."-', ositi6 WAnI eD by MM 6f dry and bath.- 114 Sherman at. aouth I .t"a'r bring In your houaea and rortiana. ' I -'-I'J""'-' wa can rent them In THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING " xVIb OOAST ' RRitTT rri and tranalant wnnmm raaaonahla. 7th I lam ;UA1T. REALTY COMPANY, H Morrieon at. ortianq. Dr. Phonea Main 15S. A-4110. tHB HEILER. i86U GkAND AVhL": nrat-clnaa furnlahed houaekeeplng Proven executive ahllltv. vhn n n nun tha beat of referencaa. 11-457, avuriini BOOKKEEPER " WaNtA nxteen yearr experience! rncfi room a, eleotrle light and gaa; free tele pnone ana oatn. o! -"A rK,'"lnr houee clearing over a VI v. i"V,;lu."'- rpi, ic., are r"'' EIGHT ilOUSEKIfiEPlG' RtSdm btthiltSdtaj?! you yo wll MIDDLE wanta collector or night watchman. , W-466, Journal. "I r week. keeolna and t'alnale room a. furnlahed for housekeeping; 12.25 to .12.76 par Oak. wanted on rood aalarv and com ml a- aton for Cltv and travellna- Rafarancaa 4ELLER-BtRNEB CO.. FUNfiftAL VP required. SOT Couch bldg. - , rftora. ambalmera, S7 RuaaelL Eaat U. 8. GOVERNMENT SERVICE MEN 1088. Lady aealatant. wanted t once to auallfv for fall EDWARD UOLMAn. UNDfelRTARER, examlnatlona Call today. Information SSO Id at free. West Coaat, achoola, Sit Oregon- KRIfHON ITNDRHTAKIKrt m.. A. hlfi -TLLlJ": "I"" tonignt. embalming. 400 Alder tt 1SS. Lady aaeietent A Wfi vyTi, milium. idiln WANTED MAN TO CLEAR LAND. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. NICE LARGE." TjIghtT WORK BY DAY OR HOUR; NICE piacea. k-485. Journal. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE POSI- ,TH1D VETERAN LAND CO., i nira a(, LLCiAn I your wood mnrh rhun.. Eni - "iv'" v'V". , '., v , your wooa mucn cheaper. I rooma for houaekeeplng; alao aleeplnf tlculara ddreaa M-450. Journal rooms, yard and fehade. Cheap rent, 782 ' ra,,V tlon a a Inndladv in rAnmlnf-hnnu Call Main OSOa. Home A-H81. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Vancouver ave. NEWSPAPER ROUTE - OF 400 "PA. TWO FUIlNISHD HOUSEKEEPING P"r " rortiana ror aale; can ahow a rooma In cottage, bath. gaa. phone, 'roaa profit of 1100 per month. Don't yard. 881 Morrison et. answer unless you mean, bustneaa. For HOUSEKEEPING kOOMfl: RbNMlMd J?' De,t orrer Addreaa N-600, . .k... . . 'mil ni I.. . avuJimi. wh ini , l ...l , yiiuiin, in. VfllBHIl. CEMETEIUJiS AddIv Fred Hoeckbr. room 405 Cham. ner or commerce. W TVTTT VTVW-IIMlt. nD lit family lota. 10x15, for 8100, and upwarda, aocordlng to size; the only cemetery In Portland which perpetually malntaine and caret for lota. For Information, apply to W, ft. Macknnile. rvorcesier oioca. w. m. MAaa, preeiaent BOBS CITY SINGLE GRAVE WANTED-BOY OVER 14 YEARS 6Jr age io team aome trade, ni let . ; IF YOU DESIRE TO BUY OR RENT A : HOUSE 'We can ive you a fine list to ' select from . ' ;iT PAYS TO SEE US Chapin & Hcrlow Phone Main 1652. 332 Chamber - of Commerce flHAVfcft. il7 xemuy iota, je to 7i. Hupenntend ant at cemetery, corner of Fremont at and Cully road. Phone Tabor SOS. For run miormation epply to Frank Bchleaei, 00S Commercial blk. Phone Main S83S. NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEET ING. The tanderalgned incorporators of the Portland Country Club 4k Live Stock association, designated by a majority Of auch Incorporators to open books and receive aubscrlptlona to the capital etook of tha corporation ' and to fix upon a time for a meeting of the sub scribers to the atock of aaid corpora tion, hereby call a meeting of the sub scribers of the atock of the Portland Country Club 4k Live Stock association, to be held at Commercial club rooma in the city of Portland, Oregon, on Tues day, the JTth day of August, 1907, at tha hour of four O'clock o. m . for tha purpose of electing not less than three directors of aaid corporation, aa the MEN AND BOYS WANTED. LEARN Plumbing, plastering, bricklaying; alao aneei meiat pattern, araugnting; posi tion s aecured; day and nlaht kinases: free catalogue; visitors welcome Coyne x raup wcniHjig, pan r rancisco. MEN, BETWENN l4 AND 4(t, Atf 6NCBi to prepare for TJ. S. LETTER CAR RIERS AND CLERKS In Portland Poat- oince; special examination August IT. LIFE POSITIONS. See ua today. Weet Coaat Schools, 816 Oregonlan bldg. Open FINE MOTION PICTURE MACHINE ; 4,1100 reet una rum cheap. Room , 146H 0th. bet. Alder and Morrison. ADVERTISING BOLICITOR& PRINT era, pressmen, Unotypera wanted, fur nlahed. Northwest Newspaper Broker age. Qtfodnough bldg, WANTED-LADY TElACiHERfl. APPTt tonight from 0 to 8:30, at 148 Frlat. LlVB SALESMEN WANTING BEST of atdellnes ailrtraaa Paolfta fnaii fnm Cr& Co., 102 Exchange bldg., Seattle, Wash. WANTED FIRST CLASS BUSHEL - man to take charge of ahop. Call At SOS Eaat 7th at., Vancouver. Wash. WANTED BUSINESS HOt'SE WaOTs" TWD FURNISHED kOUSEKEEPINtl FOaR1!,.A hTKtZRJ. ?2?D8' rooma. with water: 88 ner month. K88 nd ?ent furnishlnga and no- Pettygrove st. Phone T Main 8418. .VZ'ti2S Jn ,h.6.J?VSitK'.n2 TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING bu.ldTn'.r "inl" Stt&FKtU "tit iOIH MorrTaon at Phone Paclfio 888 i 1 ". .1" Bt- , . gooq pusinesa; w 11 Invoice about 18,000; STSdat '.n. .V.-.WPhoS. Paciflo 1800 9"!.N,.WER Fi6oft; MOb-' 'arm or city lot. for . ni i, fj mutl Ul. t nw i , rj ' - m-ivii, .uurnw. King, iu jerreraon. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE ..... JrOR MEN. 18 N. Sd st . Phone Main 1588. WrtlAnd SmpL6Vment 6ffiCb One MillWa Acres" u , In tha upper Snake river vl . . ley, In southeastern Idaho. T cneapest irrigated land an . cheapeat and most aWnaant water auppiy on the enure con- - tlnent Thrt beet augar fac- .' torlea In the valley. An Ideal 4 fruit country. An unaurpaaaed climate, no cero weather, no destructive storms and an ax ' cellant market for everything, i The next big city, Idaho Fall, ' Idaho. It , la destined to v become tha.' greatest railroad ' ', r center and the largest city In . the state. For full particulars ' addreaa Idalo' Falls ''DeYetopmeit Idaho Falls. Idaho. FOR RAINY DAY SAVINa. f MOOA very nice bungalow of f rooma at east ena or nawinorn vave.. on weat alopa of Mt. Tabor, on 1H lot of ground; anap. t 1,800- A new 8-room houaa, on full lot, ouiit ror a noma oy party owning It; on E. 82d at, near Clinton at; must aell ; a bargain. , $2,850 A 8-story 8-room house, at 887 Rodney ave., near Skldmora; mod ern; very easy terms. 21,850 A 5-room house at Bt.1 1100 cnah. halanca eatn 1,200-A 4-room houaa . in Sunny! ,y isrma eaay. Also aoma eplendld buys for mora mnnv, voma ana see ua. TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST CO., Comer Second and "Washington. MOORE 4t KEENEY.' 1 RED CR06& EMWtWEN fiA Logging camp and farm help a spa ctalty. 20 N. 8d at Phono Main 1288. we pay an telegraph charges EMPLOYMENT ROOMS AND BOARD. ACME PLACER OOLD MINEA GILT-EDGE I proposition for investment W. N. CO.. FARM- OSBORN HOTEL, CORNER . GRAND MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS corre- era' anil loraara' h!n a ana1a1v X i I A rr & ... . 1 -l .... . ... !tna at. zH N. Znd at, 841 Davis gl or en aulte, with or without board. Vonflence invited. H. W. Donahue A "" mn mi. i i I ifiast SB1B. I oucnanan uiug. WANTED REAL ESTATE ROOM AND BOARD AT THE HOTEL and bonds bought "and sold. Phone Mala 7868. WANTED A'r nnnic. We must have in Holladay'a addition W. O. W 800 E. Washlnaton st. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL. SEE RftoM AVjn nniRh win twA irrtrtisirt -.U8i-w 'v"..yo.u 1 referencea frie lala. nr man mi;; wallrln. Hi.. ?i . . . . J? Original hotel brokers. 861 U Mnrrl.nn main Till. Phone live, energetic, middle-aaed man for outside work. Z-480. Journal Stockholders nreaent aha.ll fatrmlna fnim covfiDOTm o7iA,, " tha adoption of nv-lawa. anil fn. tha I u i . . V'J" transact a nf aunK nti,.. Kii.inZ.. I ..fz!i . :f n.VL . iuiamooK ana t. . i . , ""1 on naiuraay. DMir-Pro?;r, b,.0'a.tho meeting. gp.,..c,lL TinrivrJ iortiand7'6regon. July SOth! iMTl MWBlTIJWjERll. 12.75 PER DAY; X CTJ Wl mm m SIS, n a WIPOTH A TT7 JULIUS L, MEIER. TOM RICHARDSON. Incorporators. 9 hour. WANTED GENERAL BLACKSMITH! NOTICE OF fiTnflKTWfir.nETRri' itiriTT ln The annna.1 maatlnor nf h. noiuers vi ue HUJiivan KTtanaion uin. Ing company, for the election of a board a practical horaeshoer. Montavilla, or, Q. K. Howltt, WANTED A REGISTERED ASSIST" am pnarmacist with moderate ex perience. Apply third floor, Blumauer- rrnnn j.rug yo., 144 tn St of directors for the ensuing year, and I FOUR ARPB-KrWRti r a t minvti for tha tranaactlon Of such other busl-i Woodiawn i4i iifL-iPH?Nf 4-blocka. with or without imnrova- ance, reasonable. 824 E. Morrlan. "1' r?lni ln VBl"6. ,rom SSioO to WANTED BY REFINED YOUNG WILL GIVE INTEREST ii Wri w.uuv. wa nRve ouiiomeri wiin ins iout. ouara in xyrivAim ramuv: mmtr i kn...Ai.ntA i.i. . r - - cash waltlna- for th.m " r-nM a1. ..II be raaaonahla- rafaranaa- h.. V?V"",V' Patentee, ror It ?ttr ProperVy ber; M-418. Journal.""- ' -VVVUtWi; " - n - - . i i ti i m: i iimki ht.hlk mnvT urur return or mnniv authin TMfci WTirDtu t twn rn i . . i - . fit,, iKw.-lri " room ror two; breakfast and dinner: I montns, gusranieeq. Kast X0. WE HAVE CUSTOMERS FOR NORTH- I reasonable; nice location. 262 N. 19th east corner lot. between Hawthorne si rnone pacinc Z497. ana xuiamook; acres on car line close In; lot In N. Portland and houses lesa than 82.000. Set your prices rlaht and bring them In; we do the rest R. F. MOZNETTS, BOS Commercial Block. FOR RENT HOUSES WE HAVE What Vort Wat Rooming-houses, restaurants, hntala "-"' "i Hiuat maraeis, real es tate, business chancea. 1 llYf?,ten, Company, room 61o tant ni.inumun u, jaucnanan blag. WANTED TO RENT VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE I WANTED PARTNER Tn TMVFg i and planoa moved, stored or shipped. CauL Amount in Ti-Iyf:8r Phone Main 1018. v v?,mo"n.t. ,nt?c motion picture m 4 v-.v., -V'"rt rDrua"a; "--a I'no location. "j B,ti di4ju rumus, DUn- i ju-in, journal man. v,iay at tjo. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COT tagea. flats, stores, officea. roomlna- housea, ate. Landlords will do well to mmZ. I -. C-o d.1 ''fnnA VI ..W . ?f.iJ '"VnyUBtt l.U LittAHli; .v. v""'. i jrjjjii i AiAjri-1 uia-eaiaoiianea. wun or without ss atorea. officea roomlnv- " V "" in si., iwuji, lurnianea; newiy remoaeieo; lt; Biuraa, oiiicea, rooming- fine location for nhvalolan'a nffla j m t.num knnu ...k.i , A . J 0 wr j ' ' - M w , V. I ----- - , . . , uuu a.iu VI Vll.l L .IV. . I lit J..."wr" ruom. ; aii on weat side. call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF Phone Ex. 72. B. E. Cor. Sd and Oak. W. L. Naah. 10SB Haw. thorne. TO RENT 8-ROOM H'6uSE 80o E.' 31st at., Kenllworth, modern and In . T.H-,?''lL?,ti' wner. lawyer, 4, I and 0. Mulkeylildg. THE BEST NEWLY WANTED AGENTS WANTED THOROUGHLY COMPH- tent and reliable nursery salesmen for WjkNtSHfcfi apartment houae. SB rooms, on tha east side. A bargain. Owner going cnitL AuuniHn n-iou. journsi. WEATHER REPORT - Tha western disturbanoa la central over eastern Montana, and tha barometer t continues relatively low over Arlsona. During tha 84 hours ending; with this re ( port rain fell along the California ooaat aa xar eouin as wan rranoisco and tn weatern Oregon. Washington, northern . laano, Montana ana tiie Canadian north . , west At Eureka the excessive amount . or inches ten during tha last 88 1 hours. ! The high nreaauro area, over the 'lake region has advanced to the New jMigiana states, ltocai rains have fallen , In the ' middle Mississippi yalley and along the Atlantic coast from New York to Jacksonville. Tha changes In tem perature since yesterday bay been un important. ," ' Indications are for fair and warmer ' weather In this district tomorrow, ex " cept in southeastern Idahak where ahnw. ' srs will probably occur. ' . 1 , -TSttD. k! mZlXX av. between 7:80 and 87ao . m company, rooms 601 to 804, Chamber WANTED TWO GORDON FEEDERS ox wummerce ouuaing, fortlana. Oregon. I "Qiy rreas, 'bh lat st, a' GEORGE F. HOLMAN, Secretary Sullivan Evtanalnn Inln. linV jru.wanu, uregon, August 1, WANTED CAMP COOK; MAN AND 1 PV I wlfa MrJ.-vi4 T-...l. Txr.-. f " v-k.. u ii a ti rHi.rn TEACHERS' EXAMINATION M6- Cooperage Co.. Stearna Bldg." city i I j? . ' ioa county su- j.ui uj, juunnoman county will hold tha regular examination of appli cants for stats and county papers at the 1 MAN" proofl repair, inouire 804 E. SSd st Phone B-7S8. Owner, D. F. Knapp 738 E. Burnslde and 22d st. i-ROOM HOttSE, 1001 K ALt)ER, in)'. I A 14-R66m R66tVfNG HOUiSfiJ W THl8 io ncni mrir. j. a uan Hnrrtimn i dcbl Dusineaa aiarriAT ki .fnhn.. An- tne Bitter KOOt country, Montana mil ""' xnyiur mi. rnnn Main Bia. ! !"H a"a uunineaa. juow rent. A snap, TWO COTTAGES. NO. 146 I .-.. ".t" .t1 ?rwrlt Mo. :. Suits 82, 28i Stark, Main 141. 1lA.aII.A Mia T Am. mm MHMM A j awsa'BW a, was SSI aV-Mlin VUUIH, UI I. KMMY in the valley, 28 per acre; Improved; Flna stock ran oh. Wheeler county. ii acres tillable, 180 timber, over 600 acres ?ooa gracing iana; irrigating plant; arm Implements; 7 horses, 220 cattle. J.."-"-, a uania, ana winar Dunaing. 76 tons hay, plenty water, plenty out side range. This Is a bargain, see ua I4UICB,. lots Arbor Lodge, dirt cheap. Corner Olenwood Park, anap. Half block Holladar avenue, dnaa in. it-1. ..I. .. - ----- .vfv. tut. uy. "Corner E. 8th and Couch, small house. 82,600. 2 BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOWS. LOCATE ea eiae by side; each lot 60x100. These are model homes, un-tovdate aa to plumbing, fireplaces tn each; set wun trays; containing rooms each. The corner price 88.100: 81.000 cash tha one next to corner , 12,900; 81,000 caah. Ona block from ' the best car line and cloae In. We also have list of rood huva in. fine homes, from 21.400 to in price, ' JUOMH LAND CO., 146V First st. BUCHTEL & KERNS MAKE A SPE"-' Clalty of east Bide realtv. rantala. loans, etc. 862 E. Morrison st. t BOUGHT TWO LOTS CHEAP, BUT on account of sickness can't complete payments; must sell Immediately. G-428, Journal FOR SALE Neat 8-room house, full lot on the Installment: nrlra 11 lin- 816 per month: alao house, all furniahad; price reasonable: good piano; for par tlculars phone 'woodlawn 1828. t Hood River country, Oregon; exclusive agency given to party qualified. For terms and particulars address Oregon rturaery uo.. Baiem, or. Ladd school. West Park and Madison TO BUILD CHIMNEY AND street, commencing WednesdayAugust I thorne. A. E Joseelvn "fl HaW' 14th. A. complete r"g- i furrlshird i r - J , J"' on request. Applicants writing here for iio eiKax-CL,ASS SALESMAN other counties should secure written! t0. c0',ect and solicit; married man consent of tha superintendent 'of tha owning own home preferred: salarv to county where employed. R. F. Robin- Btrt with $18 per week; bond and ref son, county school superintendent I rnoe" required. Apply at once. 408 SEALED BiDfl wir.T. wfe pTOtiTyp 1 A n8f ton bldg. uj in cieric or tne county Court of ,wi abuut ii to DRIVE. IN- Muitnomah County up to 12 o'clock HELP WANTED FEMALE 'Max. Abilene, Tex. .....100 " Baker City, Or..... 70 ; ; Chicago, IlL ..... . 72 Denver, Col. ...... 82 Fresno, Cat ...... 93 Los Angeles, CaL.. 82 i New York, N. Y.... 90 Phoenix. Arlg. ....108, Portland, Or. ..... 6!. v ttoseburg, Or. ..... 63 Sacramento, CaL . . 78 Salt Lake. Utah... 90 V; San- Diego, CaL ... 78 ;, San Francisco, Cal. 68 i Spokane, Wash. ... 68 s Taooma, Wash. . . 70 Washington, D. C. 90 . Yuma, Aria. 110 Mln. Preclp. 78 48 68 68 6$ 60 70 80 64 64 56 72 60 68 62 64 72 70 .0 .0 i .0 .0 .02 .0 .04 .0 .0 .0 .02 .40 .0 .0 .0 aulra 261 1st st noon, August iist, 1907, for the erection ' a iwu-iory irame oe ten tlon Home at Center Addition, for tha bova nnA trtri. v. wit, .uvoutia v .u ii ri. Mini will ha .... t 11 k i,n . wintk iimrDtTADB m vf .J!!f.e worit or complete for the entire given to Inexperienced. Apply at Stand bulldlng. Plans can be viewed at the ard factory Nk j, Orsjnd avi Md EaJt t i s -t. , w suvilllBtw, DKHl nCB-ilOIKI- I -a J aai,. AGENTS WANTED CAN VOO" SELL foods? If so wa need you: complete fit free: cash weekly. Writ for choice of territory. Capital City Nur sery company. Salem, Or. SOMETHING NEW IN HIGH-GRADE perfumes: price verv low: annnlv nmuea. a. m. ftummer, at a rug store. iou a st FOR RENT and 149 15th' sVbetweeT Hoyt and Sf RuMe Phone 1426 ylngsts. Apply next door. ino sgents. Irving sts. Apply NEW, MODERN 8-ROOM COf TAOE, 216 per month. Woodlawn S62 101 Morris, Tel, k-ROOM MODERN HOUSE AND BASE mont; rent 216; 10 minutes ride on Union ave. car. Inquire Jones' Book store, zm Aider St. ' For rent two o-room coT-" tages; oatn ana sras; corner 13th and Montgomery sts. See them today. Mr. L. A. Patterson. 268 Stark st. , A "NEW FIVE-ROOM HOUSE; ' 938" Grand av. N.; rent 216. Address E. E, Howard, 613 McKay bldg. WE WILL BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD : r , "laa'JV nyQ phone or w rite. 8. 3. 1 U VRubn.Ve7i F,R RENT-NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE MEN OF ABILITY TO SELL STOCKS Exceptional chance to right party. 225 juumpur fjAcnange. r-ortianq, tjr. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS A GOOD CHANCE TO GET IN ON THE ,gX!d loori. w want a party with 22,000 to Investigate this; It will stand the closest investigation, and will prove nvtvu juui nunc, w-iei, journal. MT. ANGEL, OR., WANtS DRYddOM ladlaa' AM aana', unlahiH... i... did opening for such; call and 'see for yourself or address Drugstore, Mount FOR 'BALE CUdAR, JANby STORfl. XT llfl V.IL J.U 175 Front st, opposite National hotel racmc ngi, . CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 6AV Pa furnished: 86 feet from car traolr rinana; oniy izo. zi; AllsKy .bldg. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. age & Pennell. 845-347 1st st Phone lcirio 30U. N. 13th St.. 820 rent SlSf. Phone Main offc'e Vtt.Cleh.unt'y Cou WSd! WANTJSI---8INOXjD TAXERfl IN ORB- "taJra. Phona Main 9002. Parnate' help tiB,4iicB w uio urejj"il I !7 V ! REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Mabel L. Corser st al. to Lloyd M. and .Nellie L. Roberts, lot 21, block 1. Washington addition to East Portland. W. D. 11,000 ueorge jcvans to uiovinni juava B f ' l.ww a, oytuwui aaatuon, w, v. 27S ZOO 10 185 160 XL E. Noble et al. to John Trout " wine, lots 6 and 7, block 28, Car son Helghta, W. D. ' John T. Whalley and wlfa to Mary i , IT Unffm.n IM K hlnnb ml V.',' . '.W. V, V.WWM, m ) III" 1 Iglnal townslte of Alblna, W. D. 2,750 ';; i juarrison to ueorriana , Lester Burnett Crane, 217x105 fet commencing at a stake at the Intersection of tha center - line of Tabor avenue In the city, 1 projected south with the inter . section of the center ' line of Frances avenue in said city, projected In a straight Una eaat thence west 384.10 feet, thence ' north 80 feet to a stake for a place of beginning, W. D. Mary M. and Frank LaJDow to D. ' ?JrimJVl0.aB- block 18, Arleta, Park No. 2, W. D J' u?,a ? Js W. Sutton to B, K- Priest- lot 16, block 8. Ijfturelwood Park, 8. W. D..... L and Rose Vanduvn to John r - Hawes, lot , block 25, King's second addition, W. D. " 4 aaa W. JI. Behrena, trustee to the Ore. ' gon A Washington District of German- Evangelical Lutheran synod. 20 acres commencing at the aoutheaat corner of William H. Payne's D. L. C. In section . 13. township 1 north, ruin east Security Trust company of Roch ester to C. F, Bunker, - lot 6. block 24, town, of Linnton, ex- . ecutors deed Elma Buokman to Paul Zlmmer man, lots 6 and 7. block 6, Buck- -, man's second addition, WV D.. .. An tn Petpraon to Armstrong Ay n . lot 16. block 36, Point View Mij'Mnn to St John, W. D. . ' D. O. eathcrby and wife to Mvra Z. hrurtr, lot 15, block 8, Fir-" land, v, D. . . . . . . . . . , . iAV Onavr.-i K nn V. M. Rtggen to ' n, k. ti"!nn, lots 17 ana 19, blovk l. i. i.iaad Park, W. D.t. 10 100 10 178 Tax Reform association. 603 6th st, GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANniRn Portland. Or. A forward movement ha. " ficltorV No, Xtiri! Taylor st. hicLi 1 WATED-tlNiojl Laundry wpipany. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE? , row. i Autraun kuums, Main 6666. 211 1st st. FOR KENT FLATS TTTOT rVlMPT.V.TIPn vjrtnintJXI hit xano a . ' -"V . i" ".'irK axum ua. or i, o ana rooms; wanting aistance. Second Hand Palace. Hlahest nrloaa nn faat antith nt !a,i n?o.ti -!' n.M tn. a.nnJJ.h.n4 nnf TJ. I ZIZ . ."T-T -. " A-1" .i, . . ders. Phone Main 8818. ,,;., . , , r HIGHGEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL" kinds of second-htnd goods. Union Exchange, 282 Front st. Pacific 1481. FOR . RENT DEFORMITY APPLIAIJCES MADE t5 FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES 861 An. order. K. E Karlaon A f!o keny st. Main 6260. WAkjED-FURNITURE ANt HOUSE. MEETING NOTICES. MULTNOMAH CAMP NO. WApDOiRLS TO kAKE FlTsS bought, sold and' exchanged" The"0?, 77 wUl entertain Portland .W?U shirts and Boss Of All overalls 882 1st. Main 6S74. Home A-2S27 camp, their prlze-winnina- at 75 1st st. tusirnti m irai.t riuri vnrrr, STfrrr- i. . v vtttvutiv t7tUJIJll oriices. iron t ana An Ken v ats inn trw. ji. vut, totcyuuno wain txts. MSti OfFlClfi SUITE tOR RENf. Maaison oiog-, aJtia Madison sts. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE f ' FOR SALE JMLLl tonu-'htn thfi- haiiCai? MATURE WOMAN AS ASSISTANT f6 nlturs, etc., phone East 1087 and sav A " COMPLETELY FURNISHED COT- sCaj e fth' at- titora in til o--' ffilPP'ft a8?- , g.0?. : t! wmi, bath, etc., arrangements a..TiEi invitad in mlrniil once. Ajfldress M-418, Journal. CLIFFS, VASH.; DIVISION POINF Perfect; very reasonable; rent 821 per Of W OP W welcome m""bers gxioNOGRAPHERS, -. BOOKKEEPERS, -watch' for open ng. UN OINT, h WM. Langley, Il7 ChamBei cashiers, clerks. Registration hiinum' I ut a wrrn gnm,n l 1 of Commerce, 803 Allskybldg. - an4 board ln pr,vats family: central! 1 FURNITURE OF 11-ROOM MODERN . m.i -v -at? w i - . pii E. L. MINAR. C. C. w tiT-rtTTffT nrtr t tm - I, xn. vYvwnunin, vieric. i t r t-- it hi t. -iii aii uwaiu 111 fjiivai-fs xainij carpenters' HBArjotfARtlgaTwit 188 W. Park. corner E. Pins and Grand ave. meets .hrT ho,T H Z W.ilfiMiii. avuninl Allalru ."m-,'" CT "??:l!?.iV AJBPIy. S-hlef rrwin RTr-PrW'T.lTPTt !; Iwr I ouse; always full FURNITURE OF A 6-ROOM FLAT ror eaie. zao taat aa st. meeta Wednesday evening. Alisky I nnarntor TniAnhnn. Kiifn " ana A.aer sis. est iark ",T :Z.-Ti- S-ri.U.V.7". .i'.-'V?. -:, FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP NOT WANTED GlRL3" FOR 'AHAW PBtn' ' ' ' r ' ' -8.978. Mondays, lfth and Marshall. T iut m j,ra UK TAILOR s,-riB5 BtiTLERl MonwiiWr goTmT visitors weiooma. tu,. xt. ..T ij. , furnished up-to-date; gas and ai.I "-rT.i..W .OR I trio lighted. . 409V4 Washington HALL AND BALLROOM. NEW WITH moo-em conveniences.- f none Mam 1869. BUSINESS NOTICES SUMMER RESORTS INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co.. 427 Flledner Didg. Main bkeLLy d6.. 14H AMD fLAnderS flour, feed. nay. grain, fhones A-ieu. Paciflo 811. IT C HERtfiH3E CD. JEWELERS, ana opticians, v waanington st KEW FIClTlON LIBRARY. 131 lOfH st; books loaned at s cents tne aay. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A . PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated ana returned same day. 228 Front st Main 474, Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Mets- ger, proprietor. CAME TO MY INCLOSURE ON AUG, - 2. 1907. one spotted heifer: owner can have same by paying charges. Jas, j. itaw kin a, at iutuer station on o. W. P. R. R. LOST BLACK COCKER SPANIEL, full grown, taken from . 282 E. .7th. Return to above address or phone E-267 25 reward. JLOS'T ONE DARK SORREL MARJEi and one usnt sorrel colt thnnl I months old. Finder kindly return to nacsaam roaa, opposite Jones Lumber Yard; No Questions asked: Ugt Wath BETWEfeN milwau; , jrreaerica ana u is. Wherman leather belt case. Telephone E. 4 and owner will call for !.. general housework. Can mi H i alu " ""i"" '"' " "mon. WA.N,TE-EXPERIENCEDTANGlSr OR., DR. Kina ana ironers. apdiv at th P. ..j wo.hintnl. - I f. I. Austin, nronrletor. aaalatad h r t...... .tiuHnry, 8ji Annur st. i , I Won MtjTtd cottNrtTt iWii a k ( A.yariyie; rates from J1Z.60 per week up; jl.A.r'i!.KljH.NUlD L.ADIE8' CLOTHES Commercial7 over DanciMVa Vit,hi rAl" 5"a reservauons may be made now irnn.r. s9k n.. ... Jz-Sl,.v-1 1 . commercial, over juanzigerg clothing with nr. Auatin. rfantiat n.t.ii. mh. "rr-'r!.. 7 -r. u"'i "ynoncea store: aooa rooms: central " " nmiiKie Kiria. sii nnr wnair w. u nr.i. I ... j. ..nt.. ' r. rr. "'iTiv awmpd i-iAtTrr Tsrp ytTFiSTr , -T - - -I nw- irwuicm nuu aviiuilBU, Astoria. Of. i 7 fTJ-- "wtviu ,ijvxy, vi V CJTV' lace Laundry Co.. Wallace, Idaho. frrrii.oTat pnmu' S1Va looking ooean beach; city limits. New- Ii" ;rfr. ""y1"0 y jujaiAjri.r i xan; i ramuy, suunoie ror, one or two roni T.i "L T. r Sironlaat 7; .7.., ."i .',"""f ' .53"."". , or two gen- , u,-B xzt . t Vitti.hj iV;j!' a . . T uuiVACBi, ' niiu lcoLBIt 8 LIHlTlCrik Is OU HI. - VMiV r TV AOIL LllVIltlLJl r'l 3 1 W I itl1. ya,B,hin-. l'ava clothing and kOTEi7fiAk --I'TrmaT-rt.igg ttttb; LjPhfor opening. T 1."" ,us-...lolnm will wear long- " nfhd ooma. .iS Tihf 'kVC SHBLriirN hote. trimf thrlb: fabric Full instruct Sf nr.fTn"i and phones; situated next Vclty plTrk . nished rooms; everythin YirsUlaVsi adV.. f" J"?KuotJon aent to i fi,k itH - I homa cooking. Mrs. T. P. Hoar, fiaai view. Wash. BUSINESS CHANCES. addreaa onU"JU".,055 ?"f, "T 14T 6ak St' .V- Pumphrey. 1027 Chestnut St., ' Oak- THE GRAND, 45 N. 8D ST. ROOMS I land. Cal. I for a-entlemen. 31.26 nar waafr mnA m LAUNDRY Hfetp WANfED--Nd 3:1 THE NEWLAND HOUSE G06D' I TIAriortAA Ariil . x. . . I siAlrri A alrt Orl aa AMf tan arnUa- j-uk.jn.JI 1 I PoSltioa bedsr-ejectrio; fflllSa'OT BjaAmTOB A FEW DAYS-! .MUST - i WBrK. a uhw isii. rnnnn Mam win i wm w w-a g, duiiiik. afrtfyttTj-wtJ- nnnilivtn . tjiffigf f leiq nw. V "uing; good experienced and .h!m:r-.r? ana paying, pusmees; good " ??ramr!efo?r.oad" i'CTfSU lesJtw-J'all"eiSS8 q'ijl' m.mL!lu - I - ' " r -- aja and bondrSqUl?edne W ?80ljrf o'f00' UotSEKEfepiNd AND Ft'hNISHED ttmuii Irt q,. ,.W'l!?' Jok tt. rooms, reasonable.- 801 H 1st st CLIFFS!" "CHOdoLATK cream dippers and packera, Ull Candy Co,, 10th and Qllsan sts a 1 V1IWT.J1IA-" VVUi. DUl A VfjDJuxli Jf Uii I WHWll lOr UI"1'8' avWVa WANTED CBAMBEB MAtD, iniru. till Biter 1 p, m.;' inontfe1- AV'o?? KTlWaa LB-SMALL' (il(3AR, TRVlf Tff- ?i v a evenings or Sunday, 87j and candy atore; nne cash trade; in- at li - : uL ' - IvaaHmtt.' tthann t falran nirinl, U JIl No. 110 North 6th st. FOR SALE-t-A DRUG STOBSlTS Southern Oregon mining town; good uuiiia., invuiua aj.ovu; two good 0OC- tors. For information, writs Box 106. Gold Hill. Oregon. ' SSOOl' CONFECTIONERY STORE AND two living rooms. Good trade and location. Kent, &, I years lease. SOS 8d st. I HAVE A RESTAURANT DOING BIG Dusiness ana win pear investigation. Call sod see. E. H. Dement, 242 Mad. ison st, Lunch and confectioner? store ror sale; Dargam. 874 H First 8700 CONFECTIONERY. ICE CREAM and ciaar store: fine location: eatah- iisnea; can oe tanen on trial. This is a snap. Must be taken this week, Dla- mond Realty co.. esa Aider, room io. HAVE MONEY TO INVEST. WHAT have you?. Give full particulars. F-465, Journal FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. ANTHONY HARDY, LINNTON, OR.. residence and business lots, water front and factory altes; farms and tim ber lands. 1.600 SMALL PAYMENT DOWN, balance 815 per month, buys a 6-room houses- good lawn, fruit and nut trees; gas; all assessments paid; owner, Woodlawn 1322. FOR SALE NEW ' MdDERN ' -R6oU house, two blocks from car. Hla-hland: also fine new modern 7-room house on union ave. in Piedmont Inquire owner, 1167 Union ave. N. FOR SALE 6 LOTS, 6-ROOM HOUSJbi;' new oarn, nt ieet, is iruit trees; room for cow and chickens. H. H. Luse, 210 Argyie St.. Peninsular station. St. Johns car. ONE. NEW MODERN. 9-r66m ri6ufeM in Holladay park addition. R. B. Rica owner, No. 691 Wasco; phone E. 2482; vacant lots for sale. 1,800 NEARLY FINISHED 4-ROOM modern bungalow: 8300 down. 220 monthly, 43d, near Hawthorns. East 6Z8i , CORNER LOT."" FULL "sKzeV" BLOCK from car, at 8100 less than value; must go this week; leaving city. Main 1 3DS. A Full Block 100x200 feet tn Waverly. This Is high and sightly, blocks from carllne; will sell it cheap if taken this week. BOZORTH-WILLS CO.. 218 Lumber Exchange. Phone Main 1118. OWNERS OF REAL ESTATE. We have numerous calls for small houses and acreage. List your proper ties with us for quick sale. MILLER, PAGE A CO.. Room C. 271 Morrison. HAVfi'FOUR QUARTER , AND Sitf half arraa mt in $8th mt ona fltw.W- from ear, one from churcn, excellent soli, Bull Run water, easy payments. R. V. Belford. owner. Phone K. 4788. G ft. Doo&ell & Co, REAL ESTATE.' Room IS. 268 Stark at WVI Acres' fOr; A 4nAp, oil Arlington heights. Top of Canyon road near Council Crest; all platted. Andrew Kan. 287 Morrison st. ALL KINDS REAL ESTATE B6UGl4f. SOld and exchana-ad m. Xh,re,vf7. Washington st... corner 2d, Labbs bldg offices 8 and 8. Both phonea kok MOPBgfl AND lbf CALL At " xx. at., or pnone Tenor 611. HAVE YOUR ABSTRACTS MADE Bf Security Abstract A Tm.1 rA i Chamber of Commerce. ' FINE . COTTAGES LOWEST PRICES." ji.uoo 4 rooms, plenty of fruit 81.600 to 81. BOO fi-rnnm mrut... ..11 plumbing, gas and electric lights: fiber plaster; 8-mlnute car service; ail new. Tnnnlra nm tty. ir.l 11.1. lt " . . . , . . w . v. . . . m. m.m o V n V. j. . SIGHTLY RESIDENCE, LOT 60xi64" Bull Run water, rwnfhnt .-J Curbs all paid for, and less than two blookt from carllne, only 16 minutes x rum neart or cilv. xtRfi r.i-m. lumbiaTrust Co.. Couch hide- p. Calmer. m. Van aLI REAL E 'ATE, INSUR, . Mai., 6681. A-2653. FO,RmlAI5r-B!ijtOVVNKK' SBlRBAN home, large five-room cottage,' two lots, flowers and fruit: 81 nnn Trt.i O-.l. V1.5-""H tiviip PUUH Oltl. FOR SALE-3 FINE LOTS' IN MONtA: 230"103Or3dr'.tn" M0Ck tt0m UK JLtJWam'2yf9 jpvEL Lots, -eoxioo each; two blocks from car; price 8460; Q-Tl8:jo?,rnadrB T fyVfSk FOR SALE KMOMi3 " PROPEAf f Si double flats 6 and 6 rooms, only 4 " cLar? Jrt!f n be car rled. The Spantori Co.. 270 Stark st NOB HILL RESlDENClt 7-ROOAf .house: -alt modern Improvements; large lot; a reasonable offer gets It this wehSpanton Co, cfty depart- iv Anted hotel help; One WAW THE ELBWORTH. 168 LOWNSDALE; C " Uk6n QUlCfc H-4S5' reas: one woman Inquire 850 Glinan st IELP; ONE WAITi phone Main. 6474;, new brick, steam VrlrriT'irY f atT'n" nmAn--cook; good wages, heat electric lights, single and double: M,fL S., Ar-i , ZZ.?R H t '- lone housekeeping suite. ' , olean stock of cigara. confectionery, GIKLh SA.NTE VVORK IN CAN- TWO LlGHf BASEMENT ROOMS 0i 1 stnd VtoTOg Xwt dy: department.,; Qopd , wages, steady close in; phone and bath. 432 Stark. KJ? journal . low rent amployment, Applypacifie Coast Bl VLean 1 AnD - KiftcLV Wrovt.rri .... cult Co., E. 12th and Davla. WANTED COMPETENT" i ' -,:.-.-...; i will, sifi.r, h thi rvm vv non rooms and, iranaiant. sfi nh t -v-T . wv- iMieiror. Htark. ' b " a. una m owrS afsetrflnder returtTo l ?.Wwna7driln,,,Kb iih.on? 800 648 Overton at. ii. Phone Mala E 2 tslh? fftr fltflrtr wa's0 of WSaaHflWS OWEN APARTMENT; NICE FRONT" "8 JSSST re I!la.n:JSlis Tnre- PP1? 9hc ' housekeeping rooms; reasonable rates, nui red. Owner D-4SB. Journal " I HAVE A RESTAURANT DOINO Bia aaa i r 4 , i ' J i i i ii r1 - I SOU 7 IVUDOtU. I XtT A XTT tTrv mrrTLt A XT trn xirTTTTTTSf I i I li ill I -iiis i mi a i T : . s. ...". e.i -: "in vjt i jc viv ian- at uuionrjL' un in i vmains.a nri win hsoK-iriwaisHMiiAt fjBtii. i atao s ivuiiow,. -;t: t 1 i a- GREAT BARGAiN-N'EW ' Sl-Rddif house, near car line, for 8800. 91 5th at. PRdERTy WaNTED-DESIRABLe home: . walklns distance from Rum. side street bridge; not over 38,750. The Soanton Co.. city department. 270 Stark. mOTIRfri TWO i.OTSf ; FTLtlTT tuvb-B berries; situated in Kern's park; wili sell for 3400 cash. J. B. Meeks. Arleta. Oregon v-; : ' '- SPECIAL BARGAIN IN CTY PROp: AksaaVaW . TSSmS 4fVlll4 lonal tiAmAafaaA- 4-imKakM ,L ntalwia 4 J j. .4 land. etc. L. H. Freeland Co., room 7, 141 1st; st. ' r.-- ' CLIFFS, WASH.: DIVISION POINT: watch for opening. v LARGE MODERN BUNGALOW, COR- ?' montniy payments. Phono XU, V I V, A -OOOD INVESTMENT BUY A LOT' In Hancock Street Addition; all im provements; cement, sidewalks and t curbs; alsoBull Run water. Thompson ; Ogden, 848 Mississippi ave, or 882 andv, road. , Phone Woodlawn 20? or AUOVDty A VOl. FOR SALE $1,460, FOUR LOTST with small House, Portsmouth, corner McKenna av. and Princeton st Easy inriiia, juo nnjinruiua, owner, (0 lasl Couch St. Phone East 2360, B-1360. FOR SALE NEW fe-ROOM HnTtAff ona block from car; -31.200, $300 down. 310 per month. 268 Stark St., room 80. oji6o; fine VtEW; ' Some shaDeI trees; alley In rear; half block from good car line: about so minutes out. near good school; only 8900; easy terms: iw. ."itorest; investigate this. Call 1288 Missouri -ave. Phoni Woodlawn 814. MODERN COTTAGES FOR SALE. , By owner, on carllne, one 6-room; ono 5-room; terms. Inquire at 1031 E. 16th ft. N! Take the A car . Phone Wood lawn 899. Barealn by Owner $l,800-Cottage, furnished, full lot, nice lawn, choice rosea. fu41 hnaamant all kinds Of fruit, improved strset, 8 minute car service; part cash. 828 E. 11th st, N, , , WHY PAY RENT? 11,500 buys new 4-room cottage, fine ly furnished! porcelain bath, hot and,' vvu i wicr, Bteoiric aignts, concrete foundation j 8 fins lots on Mount Scott earline; onl $300 cann required, VE. J. Gelser. 221 Morrison st. - - -"C. ' FOR SALE HOUSEBOAT," 2 ' LajSIC rooms; all ready to move into at FuTC ton; worth $100; will take $50. Cpms and see. 243 Madison st. - " IF YOU WANT TO BUY AklCKLV - furnished 8-room cottage on Washing ton st, now la-your chance: worth $600. Will take 100. fall Main (Una Itnma w ..-,' ,fr . i, ... ;- , . jii 4