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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1907)
Till: OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, l'OUTLAND, FKIDAY- EVENT KG, AUGUST 0, 17. 1 t- . .' in jr aW Two Weeks More of the Most Reiharkable Values Ever Offered! Now comes the closing chapter of one of the most memorable bargain events in our selling annals. Now, xora master stroke in phenomenal value-giving, for we have no alternative. VWe must dispose of all remaining, stock regardless of any condition what soever. These closing days of the great sale offer even sharper, more alluring reductions than the astonishing values which attracted u u . : Jr3 r m momentous sale. These additional RaeiTfiees in Drices are due to a further depletion ox lines more odds and ends a natural sequence of the immense volume of business during the past montk ; We propose to make the climax -, of this event one to be long remembered as a period for savings of a most exceptional character;' These prices speak most eloquently v . v- 'a concermng this earnestness ox purpose. , v'-: . ." -. r -,; r v. : ; .v.-W Just in. i?.-'Vi ; .a:vtirc;twi i -; : . ; . : . . i Broken lines of Men's and Young Men's $18 and $20.00 SUITS how included at this Complete; lines of regular $12.50, $15, $16.50 and $18.50 w STYLISH SUITS At this low price you can choose from com plete lineaof $20 and $22.50 Suits, a saving of 50 and over. Tailored in the latest fashion, , Including a vast array of pat terns and cloths. $22.50, $25.00,427.50 Suits at a saving of $10 to $15 that's what an invest ment means now. Many of these suits have silk linings the very finest fabrics' obtainable at . ' ' : ' ' ' ' ; ' s'-: LOOK WHERE YOU WILL-Ycu'll Hnd No Values to Equal Thesc-THE GREATEST PANT SALE IN OUR HISTORY tor all our reftiWr $2.00 work and drew Fanta, all abet, 20 atylet. In fact,- any pair of. pants offered on this page are lower ia price than same value can. bt had anjrwhfre in America todays $1 For men's Dress Pants in new styles, with or without cuff bottoms;4 delud ing all wool, worsteds, blue and black cheviots and serges, neat stylish stripes and checks: values up to $3.50, all go , at $1.85. - V; ; ' , MM For men's fin Worsted Pants, in 30 distinct patterns; the new pegtop styles are also represented in this great lot Values up to $3 JO and $4.00, all to go at$Z35. For choice of 700 P" nen's fine wor sted and silk mixed worsted Pants in all the new.wanted styles; values up to $4.50 are included in this lot; choice at only $2.85. , $3 Gives you choice of men's finest wor sted Pants, newest fabrics; every pair a $5.00 value, some worth $6.00. You must see them. Choice, $3.45. $3 Gives you choice' of 800 pairs-of men's finest dress Pants. The very best makes on the market fine check worsteds, neat stripes; blues, . blacks, etc, all to go at $3.85. All worth $6.00 to $7.50. , MEN'S FUR1NISHINOS W BE SOUt) AT THE LOWEST PRICES OP THE YEAR ' :. .';i-'':.-v; i i zxz." I bathers snrt i .. oicrl'hSv. 35c Tor alt aw resrutar I0o crmdM ef rlbbJ mean i mt Voaermm. 45c Tr ehole ct az Unea Te , TJUder- 85c ita an we r asking for th well Known rrada II. BO tMurca; cum of hlrh- .rH tl.Bo Shirt : cull attached or taot4. $1.15 For all wrosylarMwe Cluott. 8tr and. Chicro mikM, of rofular til Bhlrto. Tou all know what Cluott and Starr Shirts axe, too. $1.35 Tot eholeo of all our roralar t. collr t Uohod. Shirts; sUk, mo hair and pongoo atjlos; host nada. 194 tor too ooru ribbed. 2&3 for o bluo-boJ. gRi for o Sarptian. S8 for Conrad Friodman'a ioo cause Voots. for an pink, blue, Sosh, roots. 85f t s-radeas 1 to. 'Bodnood. TM4 tor rot. lto Hose. 10s for roe-, too grades. 12Ve) for faner Hoso; worth double. 19e for ail regular Sfe grades. 494 for all regular lto grades. SELLING at ALLIOST HALF PRICE for TBo values, for f l tO valuos. fnr 11 SO vaJnaa. IK for 12.00 values. SS for Jl.M valuoa. 85c Armnsi satoen Shirts; union made; collars attached Boot value offered In Portland. $1.85 Tor all our regular M-S.t silk - Shirts; all colore; eollare attached;, halio, ohampagno, tan, gray and white; all silk. See them In our windows. pStJues ' $6.00, $7.50, $8.00 and $10.00. It will pay you to , buy one and keep it ' for next season. ' MEN'S SHOESOWEST BRIBES EVER OFFERED : ':;'ai :K '; ' aBiaiS'--' ' $2.85 $3.45 $3.85 - gssM paBSjSMgssmBsBBBssssWBSBsmBsslsa ? ' - - : ' ," i- I. fl Your unlimited choice of any STRAW Your unlimited choice of any PANAMA I - , I f . ' jJ-r r rr rr -v Jt 1 HAT inur store now Out Of f fZrZtfZZ ?Tf jfl f-jTh I i e, ri " .. - k m isssvv- m . m m v r w v rm mm mm sr sr mm mmmmmm as a - ..'" . Hieh Wi I nig" JVb , v Not in the High Price Clicque Values up . to " $3.50. Sailors, . ; Split Straws, Soft Straws, Milans, etc.; Best values ever offered. I -- . ; r - I I - - II i : - ii -..-.'fill! . . ,- . ' . . ' v.:-.', J ' .V -i,iV:....V-J. o: -. J. "i.,- i-W BRIIISH MINERS BLACKLISTED , Mineowners ln TransYaal Prefer Chinamen 1 and Kaffir?, to Whites. . (Journal Special 8Tlee.) ' , : tondon, Aug. ; l.--To understand the , labor conflict oa .the Rand It im wces sarTto regard lCot a. a atrlke. but as -lock-out," and as a ock-out not from i . industry only, but from a' - country. The alleaneownera decide that the British mlnere must go. a. thetr Ubpf U ' rnuired In the mines, and their 52 ssme Inimical to the Interest, of PJ;.n?V"- Thousands of miners are " ?2iv refuftnsto accept this no - JHn flStt and thore the matter for - " Jh. foment rests. Meanwhile skilled ' wlt ft whlU overseers, ? n?Sducin2 40 per cent of the out 513 PMd on the other mines a super. I: ables the wnue mao u -u. XTuy shkedior 'British supremacy" h.t by- brtnsinr Dutchmen to m4- ih. rr.inei! to oversee skilled colorea ia- wUh thirSuch a ch.nsvwiif1e th. -. SjAtion of the Transvaal. v Needless f lav at behind this patriotic "View Is In timated . sarins , working . ex- Rt" the Boei government Is deter itoed to thwart Us Utachery of the cosmopolitans, and "will turn this last effort : of the flnanoiera to . oubi m. white man against themoejves. For the Chinese ars to goaad m& rapidly. The strike hao made that doubly aure. for the thousands of Englishmen under no tice' to quit now hold by repatriation as their only hope of salvation, and the government has a backing whioh will enablo them to make short work of the system. So the treacherous cunning of the cosmopolitans is going to work their own urMoing. They counted on the Boers assisting them In ousting the British. - but their advancea have been spurned. s The government has behind it a force of thousands of British miners In re bellion against their alien masters. . If that force be prematurely dissipated it will be nothing 'ehort of a calamity. And tha labor army now behind-the government is threatened with subjec tion through starvation. Already hun dreds are living on two meals a day to continue the struggle to the utmost limit, and despondency is falling upon the men with wives end families Al ready an exodus Is taking place of those with sufficient j- means to leave tho country. . v 'V'. -: . . -.,','' ".t:i.' M ' , Nobody denies today that the final hour In the struggle over the Chinese serf system has been reached. If aid be now forthcoming from the people of Great Britain to keep the army of British workers holding the Rand for the government - against the forces of coemopolitan finance a great and com plete victory ' Is assured snd freedom will be achieved. If the miners , nre beaten, the -control of "cosmopolitan finance over the Rand will be assured end it will be impossible for the gov ernment to stand firm in the crisis that repatriation will provoke.-, Never again will an opportunity occur such as this for breaking the fateful monopoly con trol over the gold fields which has ben the cause of ao nuetesrtery. . i i -p ' 1 " V j Besides the cabinet df tnlnletere a private cabinet may be summoned and consulted by the emperor, oomposed of s president snd a vice-president of the ministers and of 17 councilors. SIGH UEaDAGIlE 1 a'JH fkADTTDCI ii .un r mil ri m 1 1 I DILLS. iatassjssSEhMiUsawslj2MJ regulate thsBowela. PoelUTelremred. Vy these jiitue ruu. t They also reOera Dk tresa fromBTspepaia.I' dlgosUom and Too Bearrv Batino A perfect rem eotorIJtalnesa.lInssa, DrowdneBS, Bad, Taste tha Kotttlk Coated Tongue, rain la t3w Side, TOKPID UTER. Thei purely Yegetahla. smnimL soacasE. samracE. CARTERS JIM8- Genuina Must Gear FD-Simila Signature BEFUSE SUBSTITUTES Always Boy THIT DOWT osaca as QUMK" : Bare'lISOCOBD" eyelet batkmbolee. ST tobvMoak . , , Biroog to bold. ato. r. isi a o, wnn tsot, s, . II fcmvtrtonlS l n V. n N H H II H H H II II II II M as. One of lie Most Attractive Beach Resorts - ; on the Pacific Coast Jnst Now b ii Vsa the mouth of tha OolnmMa stiver, oa tha Vaaslaftom Ids, reaohed from the City of IwrttssS oa the, jsteamer T.J.POTTER XM ABOUT S XOVmM. '"-t i. nf en miles long, very broad and level and almost aa 'JV -PI iDosltlon vsmsnt. Tt is dotted Us entire length with X cotta?e CsetKenta.nt cities, villas, fine hotels, and all the I?JJ-W ?nMiiaries of a popular Summer beech resort IT'S in SSloaaTlTO hea?tf and a good tlmeJ Thousanda go. there for their bummar ouuua- - i The Potter Sails Every Day mxoBTt smnATS axb tjudats. - Pare From Portland, Round Trip, $4.00 gaturdayxto MondayTIckets $2.50 ' imm tlokata ahd make reservations at City Ticket Offlce, Third ithSstofTat of any O. 8. A N. - agent slsswbers for InformaUosk - - ' - "T laC 3C YAQUINA BAY Has One of the Finest 'Beaches un iuc ruunt vuum and Is ah . ' ' ,V IDEAL SUMMER RETREAT ". i-i- . -j-tli '- i. 1 .v -.; : i ..... y -j. ;-. ,. .... f - - ;- j; , . " : -' It is easily reached, Is not an expensive, place to visit, has ex cellent hotel accommodations affords perfectly safe and delightful surf bathing and all sorts of beach pastimes, such as dam-bakes, oyster hunts, fishing, pebble and shell . gathering, etc., enjoys a mild and inviting climate, picturesque scenery, and all tho other at tractions that can be desired for recreation and pleasure.- NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern radfie to Al bany or Corvallis, thence Conrallis & Eastern R. R. ; Train seryica daily and the trip' a pleasure throughout. Leave Portland 8 a. nv Rate from Portland $6.00 for the round trip. Tickets en sala daily and good: for return untU October 31. There is also a Saturday-Monday rate from Portland of $3.C0, tickets on sale Saturday, 'good for return Mondays. ; Correspondingly lowr rates frm n l other points. Call at the city ticket office of the Southern Tac . Third and Washington Portland, or at any i: 1. sj- y elsewhere, for-complete information. 1:' ' WILLIAM McMURRAY. " r Oeneral Passenger Agent, Southern PacL'ic Company, Fort. ,, c . "i