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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1907)
t ' 4 Tin; ;'okego:j daily jouhiiau Portland,;;-:;: 4! 1 1 - ; ""Tip IllfjfiiiisJ 'WMMMMWMW& Sacrifice Af'A'DTf in IT 15,000 pairs of the finest Shoes. The samples of 12 of America's greatest makers scooped in, captured at 25c to 50c on the dollar and on Jl 1 vIvi sale tomorrow at a price that enables you to buy two, three and even four pairs for the usual price of one. . Shoes afl ALM CM ofl flle teller Mm A sale of such-gigantic' magnitude and stupendous savings that cold, inanimate type can't half do justice to these mammoth offers; 15,000 pairs and all samples from the finest and most noted makers; the same grades and makes that regular agency stores sell as high as $7.50, all thrown out in three monster lots and sacrificed at $1.00, $1.50 and $2,00 a pair for your choice and pick of the best. tv There Ever Such an Offer Before? SHOES P0R MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN All IGnds, All Styles, All Sizes Men's and Women's high-grade Shoes and Oxfords, the most exquisite of patent leathers, vicis and French kids, gunmetal calfs, many genuine hand-sewed and Good year welts. Shoes made for the most exacting trade, the finest of the fine, perfectly fashioned and up-to-the-minute in style, 15,000 pairs in all, and every one at a mere fraction of its value. ' - Buy Shoes : iowh And get 2 to 3 pair for the price of 1 wanted mm"" 10 extra Shoe Salespeople Apply at once " SHOES. $' Worth Up A to $3.50 Pair u TMlv SHOES (C W Worth llnJJ to $5.00 Pair u .50 SHOES (t Worth Up $ to $750 Pair 211 And remember! $2.00 buys the finest and best of Wen's and Women's Shoes, including values up to $7.50. It's a once in a lifetime chance to buy shoes at almost your own price, at figures that maka it worth your while to lay in a supply for the next year to come. Just a look, a single glance will tell you it's the most sensational sale on record. Come. White They Last-1,000 Pair Baby's Shoes it Fine ;softtole U. occains,-worthr - Dfi ' 25c, choice 0 3C tall rAtt 15c whit, m I Infanta patent i A Shoe V s t S C lMther nd LMC and PoUah .'. V $1, $1J5 Shoes.TtX W Extrawhile they last 200 Pairs Women's WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS Mixed lots in most all sixes, 10, 20 and 30 pairs i of a kind, worth up to as high as $1.50, all go in one great lot at choice, pair . ........ . . . . : . , Women's $1 Sommer Union Suits 59C Jufct one case of them, fine , ribbed, genuine bale thread, low neck, , aleeveleae' and Wiai 1am er aill S) VvVvmm m4 lace finish. A guaranteed $1.00 grade, and that's what youHjay . for as good when these are gone. . Choice, 59. Women's 50c Belts at 10c Eaclh 3,000 to Picft From Ths Most Sensational Belt Sale You've Ever Known An entire new lot, manufacturer's clean up stocks, bought at a sacrifice and every one a Belt vrt could easily sell at 25c to 60c, all bunched in a tremendous 10c sale to add to the excitement. Just think of it 60c Belts for 10c That's the offer, and it means just what it says. All pure silk, in black, plain colors and fancies, and we also include 600 exquisite Wash Belts, beautifully silk embroidered and with openwork effects. Over 300 different styles of fancy buckles, and the buckles alone are worth more than double what we sell yo the entire Belt for. None worth less than 25c, and most all 60c values. Sale begins at 9 sharp, and only two to a customer. Choice Men's $1.25 and 11.50 Straw Hats ' -t iJ .! A utu sweep si vur un , mgm stock of Hen's Nobby Straw Hats, all this season's styles, Amj sputuuan ana lancy straws, silk ribbon bands. All in one great lot and pick the best, choice, 70a 4j Final Price Slashing in the Millinery Woiilcn's Trim'd Hats Worth to S3 All go at And there's hundreds to bick from. too. Sellinc n5i what's left at almost any price. One great Iotuid remember there s plenty of 3.i go. Choice, 10e each. i.OO ones to SWeep J2L S8HandBags Out of pmen'o Made Of genuine peptoid leath , er, new circular frames, silk lined and with extra coin purse. No Old styles, but this fairs lat est and best 98c Hand Bags. Women's Double -Tipped A cleanup lot of about 200 pairs. All pure silk,, with double ' finger tips,' 2 clasp, all sizes, white only, no blacks. That's why they go at such a ridiculous price. All 75c Gloves. Choice AsioSkr Soap Sale 15c 5c Gillette's Shaving Soap 25c Cake Pear's Soao ... ISc cake Medicated 5 ft $ v j . o uv . 7q ToUet Soap r.v:.vvi'.:;;luw 25c Bottle Florida Water . 14c 15c large double bar Twin , IJJHowers Glycerine Soap ...... V T2Sc box VesUl Perfumed 20c bottle double distilled ' extract Witch Hazel Ji. ...... IfciV 10c La Primers Castile Soap. . . of 2c 25cbottle French's 1m- 1i proved Bay Rum JLHC 15c La Primer Castile Soap ...Tf 10c bottle Machine Oil 5f 25c Dressing Combs, 8 inches long, all styles, choice ....... JC 500 pairs 50c sample Scissors and Shears, 4 to 8 inches 0At long, choice ;. . . .-. . . . . ViC MORE STAGGERING REDUO10NS Clearing Out the Suit Room Sell out what's left at any price to make a clean sweep are the orders. New fall goods will soon be crowding in and we must have room. Here s just samples of what a sacrifice this is. Keaa on 88e For Women's Wash Dresses, worth up to $3.50. $4.98 For Women's . $15 and $20.00 Silk Jackets. 12c For White Aprons, worth 25c and 35c. $10 White Wool Skirts $2.98 An that's left, about 40 in all, made of fine white wool serge and mohair. tf0 QQ fancy trimmed. Pick out the best of them; choose a $10 skirt if you want. JO fancy Clean Sweep of all Our Women's $2 ft $2.50 White Waists Itna, sham laws la evr 60 .dlffrat styles, teTlattr trlaua4 with 1ob, mbrottfsrUa and tnok lagv, all sIms. ThWu ao r nr. all 93.00 and S3.SO "Waists g-o aow at, oaoio w -wmm 49c AnySilkWaist .98 In the House flj That sold up to $15.00, V there's none reserved, all colors and black and white Skirts Than Cloth Cost Almost sirliur nm away mow to soak a elaaa swam bfra ttaa fall stock anrtra. Orf BOO still to t'Jl'rm to las than oost of matMlal aloaa. BCada of all-wool chiffon, vaaama, oaortota, Mrg-a, kreadeloto, ToUa. taf f ota, suk. JJ-. fall taUor-ma4, f aaolly trtamad, all colors aad black. Com aaxlr St. first plok. Xhx froai lota, nxaa WS bar rains, onowa. $7.50 0 SI(irts-$i All Wash And i Dresses at about cost of - the trim mings alone, white and colors, dozens of styles and kinds, embroidery, ' lace and braid trimmed ; ducks; Indian Heads, lawns dimities, etc., and all sizes. Two treat lots and values up to ft A AQ 10 s aU gof at; choice; $10 J()I.t7(l ones, $2.93; aU $7,50 ones. .X M $20 SIdrts THE FINAL CRASH. PICK OUT Women's $15, $18; & $20 Black and colors, all silk lined, n about 18 in all, and values up to $20.00. Choice of the lot. ..; . . Hvery Flower in iStocK to fjo All Finest Flowers Worth lo ll And this includes real $1X0 ones, too, and $1.00 Flowers for 10c is almost giving; them away. Silk, linen and velvet flowers, large, big bunches and all kinds to pick from. Choice Odds and Ends Sweep Ont of Child's 25c Pursesi About 200 in the lot and every one at less than the leather cost; all aolid leather, with and with out handles. Every one a 25c value or your money back. Choice Women's Pure Linen 19c Hand kerchiefs A Almost half price, and one of the best bargain lots yet Women's pure linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs, fine, sheer doth, all width hems and all perfect Out they ro. cut from 19c to, each . .. : . . . m ar ' dC i maa. aji tosiery. Sweep -oat-. For 25c Women's Allovcr i Iiace Lisle fioso ::$9r: They are every pair s real 25c grade, but because we have too ' JiO many of tnem qown goes the pric w wc, genuine usia thread, in plain snd fancy aitover lace effects, black only, all sL?i. Strictly fhe best of 25c Hose at almost half price. .Choice, .13 f r " 13c