RAItriAINS in sahiudavs grfat saif AU. summer mcrdiatidiae priced without regard to actual, retail value, la ordecjto quicMy urJosd and make rctom for the largest and finest stock of, new. fall garments ever, ahown In , Portland. Hot a disappointment, for yw here in Saturday's; sale. The values will surprise'eyen those 'expecting .the moat ' ' ,'; ; ' V !-::SATURDA V'SPECIAUSSoo' Our ; Window : : - - r , "... - v . k f Chinese Baby Entered la JBaby Show Contest t the. Oaks. ill! DID HOT: ' DAMPEN ARDOR Fully 15,000 People Attend r, ed Benefit Picnic of Car 's ' men at the Oaks. ; tPEOGBAM CAEEIED OUT I :'. IN 'ITS ENTIRETY Things Were Doing Erery Minute After the Baby Show Opened General Manager Fuller Won the Daah In HI Class Prise Award Although rala fall 'In th afternoon, (thrUnln to spoil a beautiful day of !' sports, and pleaaura, the success of the carmen's picnlo at the Oaka yesterday wa not lessened. It la estimated that more Jhan 15,000 people were present and the picnlo waa the moat auceeaaful held. A larte aura waa realised for the , 'Carmea'a protective' association. ' rieatjr ot Zjcdtenent. : There were thins doing every minute fefter the baby abow opened at 1:S0 o'clock yesterday 'afternoon until the last Jbosinr match waa pulled off In the evening. There were largo crowda on '(I vO-av Prof. Kelsner, Winner of the Barrel Race at the Oaka. the grounds, many of whom had bought five tlcketa or more and - there were many who had purchaaed tlcketa who were not present. A large number also came, buying tlcketa at the gates. Tnere were watermelon contests in which the boy who could eat the most watermelon in , the shortest - apace of time waa given a prise for. Ma ccom- pllahment. u nere waa a w ' man a rnm tnr that wlvca of carmen, for children and a race for everybody. Councilman W. T. Vaughn issued a challenge ty run Municipal Judge; Cam . i . fc. ' . hi.n1. y 1 n a kit .ram eron waa not preaent and Vaughn re- sed to compete against anyone else on the grounds. . . , ' F. I. Fuller, general manager and rleo-prealdent of the Portland Railway. Light A Power company, won the daah In hlSiOUss, aa did Superintendent Flelda. The "men higher up" proved to be all efficient footracera. , -, Bwaaa la Heavy Bain. The swimming contests were inter eating although they, were conteated In a down-pour of rain. Miss Mildred Cas well won the glrlwrace; Oaear Schweaer won the boy's race; and Professor Frank, Kelsner waa the only conteatant able to make the alloted course on the treacberoua barrel. Ziooky Mae Winner. Following are the awarda In the baby ahow: Prettiest girl baby under IS monthe. Florence Miller, S0 Tillamook atreet; prettiest boy baby under 18 montha, Paul Jackson, 020 East Davla atreet; f rettleat baby under IS month In dla rict from Ilolladav avenue to Haw- thore avenue,-eaat elde. Clyde 8. Hewett OS Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet; prettiest baby under IS montha In district north of Holladay avenue, eaat aide, Virgil Rogera, Denver avenue; prettiest baby under IS' montha aouth of Haw thorne avenue, eaat aide, Marjory Bur row, 8S7 Commercial atreet; prettiest babyunder IS months, in district north of Washington atreet, west' aide, Isabel V. uaoorne, 7sa -.nurman sireei; pret tiest' baby under IS months south of Washington atreet, west aide, William EL Empev, 118 Bancroft avenue: beat natured baby on the grounds under S years.. Viola Wolford, Bt Helena road; prettiest baby girl under 18 montha in Oregon 'City, ' Coraa Reddlck; prettleat baby boy under IS montha. In Oregon City, Atvln Smith. ,; Heat Free. See Market Page for details of gov ernment inspected meat price. Tomorrow la the last day to receive dlacount on weat aide gaa bllla. v a 1 ' " " " :"' ' Preferred 'Stock Oaaaed ttooda, ' Allen A Lewie Beat Brand. ' ' - ' SKIRTS ! 'A few Cream Panama. Skirts, slightly soiled; values up-to 1.98 Light mixtures in stripes and ' checks, values up to $17.50 ; ; $4.25 White wash Shirts Only about '10 of them. Values z up to $3.50 - 95 Cents 4 Priestley and Satin Coats, valoes 17.50 . . . . . . . . ...... 07eOD LlnenWnih Suits Your choice of any Linen Wash Suit in the house, J AC value up to $22.50. . . ; O'Te aD J EXTRA SPECIALS SILK SUITS ' i Values up to $50.00 1 $iaoo Come .early,; only,a y few of -V-..; them .,: .V.: ,v FROM 7 TO 9:30 P. M. EXTRA SPECIAL SKIRTS-Values up to $4 50c On our Second Floor we are prepared to show advance FALL STYLES of . . SUITS AND GOATS .Bathiiiuits $10.00 values ; 1 ;'.'. , . , . , 4.00 ' $ ?7.50 values' 'i'U ,7i V.v.a53.00 $ 6.50 values :.y..V:i.7.?2.50 $ 5.00 .values .:, i .V. , i'i ,12.00 $ 2.50 Values A;; y. "V ?1.50 M" WaistsK'.:;, $1.25 v Waistsi;; XX . ;,i .45 $1.50 Waists-.. . . , . 55 $1.75Waists v;V..:. .65a $3.00, Waists '.v;. r'..-;:.i';7 ..." $2.25 ; Waists"-: . : -. 85 1 .1,11 .If, White; Princess Dresses Exquisite . styles) ' yalues , up to $16.50. , Your,choice $4.95 Silk Petticoats ; Values up to $12.50 v 15535 SoleAgents for Henderson Corsets J. M. ACH ESON Wholesale and Retail FIFTH And ALDER SCARLET WOMEN FACE BAD CHARGE Charged with contributing to the de linquency pf 17-year-old Alice Francis, by encouraging her" to remain in a die orderly reaort, Essie Watklna and Dor othy Darlington wore arrested thla morning by Detective H. H. Hawley of the Juvenile court on bench warrants issued by Judge Fraaer. , The girl waa taken from Essie Wat klna' resort a few daya ago by the po lice, and because ahe la under IS years of age. waa sent to the Juvenile court. Deputy Dlatrlct Attorney Robert GaU loway nas, .sines imii nwni u in vestigation, which resulted thla morn ing in the filing of information! against the women. r Essie Watkina put up $500 cash bail to guarantee her appearance in the cir cuit court to answer the charge. The Darlington women had not been able to secure ball at noon. Potter Schedule fop Beach; The steamer Potter will sail from Portland, Ash-street dock, Saturday, I a. m. Get tickets and make reservations at city ticket office. Third and.Waahtngton atreeta. C W. Stinger, city ticket agent Woman lovee a clear, rosy bomplex lou k Burdock . Blood Bitter a purifies the. blood, clears the H skin, restores ruddy, sound health. $1 Diamond A WEEK WIL,t BUY YOU A $1 Watch or a EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED STANDARD JEWELRY STORE ISO Third atreMrt Dtweejn Yamhill and Taylor fc - . , ; w .aaBBB .m ..tm - k aawea ; aav . sm sa. mm w. ssv. . . . va.V ,U m ' i . , M . Tte Qoifliiig Wwm Stook to i ll . The most desperate sacrifice sale of air fine grade merchandise : in the history of America Men's CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES and FURNISHINGS at 33 Cents on the Dollar of Value Study This Price-list--- Ask to Sec the Goods IWfentibnii Read ThisEntireList Furnishings for Men,' Underwear, Shirts Sox,' Suspenders, v Handkerchiefs, etc. . --:.,:,-. 2 for slightly damaged Linen Handkerchiefs, worth 10c Sa for slightly soiled Sox worth 10c . B for lot mismated Sox, all colors; don't quite match; worth 25c to 50c pair. , V ft 4 for plain and fancy 25c Sox. ?'.. , 1VA lor plain and fancy 25c and 50c Sox lla for 25c Wool' Hose, slightly damp. . 3a'for water-faded blue and red Handkerchiefs; 10c grade. ; 19 for heavy 50c wool Sox. 10 for men s 50c grade Underwear, shirts only, all sizes. 194 for men's blue and black Work Shirts, 50c value, slightly soiled. , K for men's canvas Gloves, good condition. 9t for men's 50c Caps, outing style, good condition. . 1 Sa for soiled 25c Suspenders. 19? for men's 50c Suspenders. s S5f for men's 75c and $1 Suspenders, perfect condition. 48 for men's perfect condition Overalls, bib or plain. 104 for men's good canvas Gloves, gauntlet style. i; 39 for men's perfect 75c Golf Shirts, 100 patterns. ' 19 for men's Neckties, perfect condition.' 50c value 39 for up to;$l values in Neckwear. ' 19 for men's'white 50c Underwear, good condition. 35a) for75c Underwear, perfect condition, all sizes. 45 for $1 Work Gloves, good condition. HATS FOR ALL THE MEN In Portland AH in Good Condition. 10aV for men's Mexican Hats. i' V 't . 39 for men's General Panamette.Hats, worth $1. 59e for Maricabo Hats, perfect and cool, worth $1.50. 98 for Men's slightly soiled $2.50 and $3.00 Hats, f 1.29 for perfect Hat, $2.50 and $3.00 value . S 1.69 for perfect Hat, $3.00 value, 1 latest Style Derys, Fedoras, Telescopes. ' T , , . f 2.35 for Men's $5.00 Hats, leading styles and colors, per . feet condition. ' - SENSATIONAL BARGAINS IN THE SHOE DEPT. ; f 1.00 for slightly damaged Shoes worth $4, according to ?;:'"acbndition.J'i:; : ",-1 f 1.85 for perfect condition Shoes, worth $3.50 and $4, all kinds and styles. $2.05 for up to $5 value slightly soiled Shoes, f 2.25 for $3.50 to $4 value calf and. seal grain Work Shoes. $2.50 for $5 patent leather Shoes, perfect condition. ' f 2.98 for, $6 bench-made Shoes; nothing hurt but the boxes, ' which were scorched a little We have so many shoes that it is absolutely impossible to attempt a description of them, but mostly all in perfect con- ' dition. - The worst damaged is by water. Yours for one- i fourth, one-third or one-half wht: others ak for them. "r, ;i 3000 Suits Are Now; on Our Tables More to follow but that Is all we can get on our tables at we have not near enough room for them all t r A . Takes pick of about 200 Suits, mostly Outing Suits, tM.dU ' sizes 33, 34, 35, some slightly soiled, others perfect, worth $7.50 to $10. . -; 3 , . 7C For choice of 300 elegant dark and medium color tjf O Suits, tome slightly damaged by water, but mostly where it does not show, as It is mostly on the lining; regular $7J0 to $10. 1 4 QC Takes pick of hundreds of fine worsted, in light P.OD colors; also 200 black Suits in perfect condition, worth $12.50. , . . , t QC For choice of 500 single or double-breasted styles $0.0D for young and old men, blacks, blues and fancy mixtures, worth $15 to $20. - , tPo or For choice of 700 Suits, extra quality serges, clays, pO00 unfinished worsteds, in grays and fancy patterns, single and aouDie-oreastea styles; wonn aio to $11.85 The finest grades latest styles imported mate terials. serges. Thibets. clays, unfuiished wor- , steds, silk mixtures, black, gray, blue, every color that'a new, also cassimeres in check and plaids, long cut coats, some full silk and satin lined; worth $22 JO to $30. am ac For vour unlimited choice of the' finest and best DlJOd Suit in the lot, elegant, full silk or aeVge lined, , finest makes in America are here represented; suits worth $25 to $40. ; i-irr-'--- -r--;-'-'' , - Odd Coats and Odd Vests .45e for elegant Wool Vests, almost in perfect condition;, worth to $2.50; mostly big sizes. 40 to 54 chest. ' . 85e for choice lot White and Fancy Vests, perfect condi tion; sizes 40 to 54 chest; worth $2.50 to $4; small; aizes all damaged; they will be sold f6r l5e each. 50t for choice of a lot of Frock Coats, sizes 33 to 36 only; pants and vests were burned up; suits -were $12.50 to $15 value. ' $1.69 for choice lot of Frock Coats, all colors, black, etc; from suits worth up to $20. 83.85 for fine black Frock or Prince Albert Coats, from suits worth $30. .v . 84.55 for choice of 100 Coats and Vests, latest sack styles, three and four-button; pants were burned; they are from suits .that sold at $15 to $30; if you are a judge of goods, you can get a fine one, as these -goods are NOT nailed to ' our counters; first come, first served. v . Men's Shirts 60 for men's slightly soiled $1 and $1.50, Shirts ' C , 69 for $1.50 mohair and silk front Shirts, in perfect con dition; collar attached. . . 69 for $2 and $2.50 Negligee Shirts; god condition 45 for men's derby ribbed White Ljnen Underwear, all sizes, perfect condition, $1 values.? 10 for damaged and soiled Shirts worth to $1; about 10 dozen only. ..; ,'" 45 for $1 outing flannel Night Shirts. fl.45 for $3 and $4 Shirts, silk, pongee, etc.; perfect condi- . tion. ' - It is impossible to describe all the varieties. The stock , is all in salable condition and mostly perfect. Lay in a sup ply to last you for years., "N - Do Your Trading in the Morning if Possible Every Article Guar anteed As - Repre-- u y sented k . . i i " " i i I i a. i r :.;, ww I II . .1 , it THIRD AND BURlSIDE STREETS Satis faction or Your Money, ; Back mm 1 C,.'JJjjHwl I'll I . . TL 6000 PAIRS OF PANTS No pen description can convey the immense variety of tyles. Over 2,000 pairs to select from. ' Sizes to fit every body, 28 to 56 waist measure,. 27. to 28 inseam. .. . , A. For dark, mediurot and flight Work Pants; cotton OUC worsteds and 'wool grades: also Kentucky Jeans; (. some not in perfect condition. a OA lor worsted, cassimere and corduroy Pants; cas Plswi simere and cheviots, all colors; worth -to $4, ac cording to sizes and conditions.' - CI tiCk or 'eKan wool, also union worsted; worth to $5; tDlU also silk mixed worsteds: worth uo to S4. accord- 1 ing to size and condition. ' Cv IQ' Jf or extra tine quality Diue serge or worsteds, ail sws 17 colors and styles; worth to $6, according to con dition of garment and size of lots. 2 OA For best quality ot $5 and $6 Pants, in perfect O': condition. , : Q Q For choice of all Pants, all sizes; best money can JU7 buv: worth to $10; perfect' condition. Pants line is so vast, so many sizes and colors on" hand that you can get anything you want in tne rams nne. - " J There are also Dark Coats, Overcoats, Cravinettei Blan kets, Comfortables,' Suit Cases and Bags, which we have not had time to mark and quote prices; and there are hundreds upon hundreds of items which we have not space to mention on tms page.' - . ; v-iv' v..v,.;. '. . .,. .. ....... ,. .. .. A BETTER ? COME TOMORROW nt?TTt?D lormi? t?apt VtatTT K1 BETTER LATE THAN NEVER