1 THE-. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY :; EVENING, AUGUST 8, 1907. Hatty Beach Hats ' "" ' 1 " 1 'j For this 223d Friday" Economy Sale "we bring forth an astonishing bargain in Outing Hats. Every ..duck and Outing Hat in : the house, some worth up to 2.50, ;. v f ' .. fi choice, Friday :;v:v; v.v.v. ;;v.7v 1 JC Trimmed Dress Hats. A lot of about 4,000 on sale for Friday hats in this lot from rA" 1 $3.49,to $r.50, choice . DiC Trimmings-Roses, , foliage, lilacs violets and, forget-me-nots, special f Friday, Vv ':. ")tll : 18c Madras IQcYd And you have over. 2,000 yards. to choose from, In many patterns and colorings; come in stripes, checks, plaids and figures, and in every desirable shade; all this 'season's patterns; regularly a worth 18c a yard, special for Friday .....IVC $3.50 Bedspreads $2,69 Colored Bed Sprds,; in satin finish i of very fine quality, handsome patterns and colorings; corns in light blue or pink; they're regularly worth fro A $150, special Friday . ....... .v... U,..., J.fc.Uj FIFTH STREET WASHINGTON STIIEET . SIXTH STREET Steel Ranges One of the most fa.' moui and best liked . Reitiaetatdrs "'-tVJ'. ':Hr-y--iY:Yl;:"-' ' oi reffigerai We are closing out stock ranffea nn th mar. .1 V: . -. i- oi reirirrri tors. 'Cl " uunii nib, ' TV c arc closing out in IS make and early ' customers find rare savings on ' splendid grade goods. , - , , 1. a . I- a imaplf mmmi ant. . w. - 1 . . , , lawn mowers, ice ream freeiers and oil stoves. Come Friday and find savings really astonishing. ... .. . 1 ' j i, " : ; I . Hostess and Guest. It la now when theatress of duties ; 'are laid aside for1 the time, when the ; dally grind of thing U relaxed and we allow ourselvea to expand and take a food deep rear ' enjoyment. , la, living, which we .usually: , crude ourselves, that we permit ouraelvea the pleasure or being tne nostess or me guest. It la not always easy on either part, much aa w wish It to be. There are little difficulties to be overlooked, lit tie twists of character to ba allowed for, little omissions and commissions to be : -atoned for. It requires tact oh bott - Idea. ;. ,;," :.' ; ' A 1 In the case of the hoateae, there ex- lata Vfr necessity for making- the gueat ffrl home all over the houee not In ie" Spot only. The gueat who feela f mv i ni ja apt tu irair rcawvv. .Then to b the right kind of a hoateaa requires that the guest's Individual pref 'erences ahould be taken Into account 's not' la the planning of meal hour and foods-fof in theae things the prevailing rtfle of the house is not supposed to be changed for the gueat, but In the master of entertainment The wise hoateaa will Itnow that th quiet atudloua girl will not want the aame aort of entertainment aa the romping girl, the athletla glrL To aome glrla the vlalt away from' ft me nay be made fully delightful with books and strolls in the woods, and an enjoy- - ment of nature. Thla la the kind of girl that la the eaay gueat. For another it may be neceaaarv to pian tennis tourneys, norseDaca rides tourneys. and dances. The arfrl who muat be do ing something all the time la the dif ficult one. Young men are absolutely necessary to the happlneaa of aome glrla, and If only one ia available he la apt to find hie attentlona aa eagerly Bought aa though they were diamond. Thla again makea a difficult gueat, for the hoateaa doea not like to be made reaponelble ' for the poaalble mlsunder atandlng which the girl who la avar- . tclous of attention generally leavea be- hind her. - ' It la a aafe rule to follow In the aum mer vlaltlng to leave before the welcome haa had a chance to cool. A moat un comfortable thought to find or to sus- Jiect that one haa tarried a minute too ong. The gueat room may be wanted for another gueat don't faU to remember that. In general the girl who walta upon heraelf aome what, lnatead of lm posing extra aervlce upon the servants ia aesiraoie, ratner man tne opposite type, and the girl who la sufficient unto nerseix always ror a certain time each dav la aura to leave a Dleasant memory. To help or not to help with the house- worx ia anotner Question which can only be answered hi the individual home and by intuition. No hard and fast ' rulea avail here, for aometlmea the ona who needa the help la the one who pre fers not to have It. The only thing one can do then, la to make aa little trouble aa poaalble and to try to make up in aome other way amusing the children, f Aai InarafiM rm i 1 viln emlth lha anl w am or finishing a piece of long-delayer jancy wora. The beat thing of all to take vlaltlng with one, whether to mountains or sea . shore, or camp or villa, and whether the atay be over night or for a fortnight, la a cheerful spirit, a- willingness to be entertained with whatever cornea, and a dtapoaitlon to accept the kindness im plied in the Invitation, in the aplrlt in which it waa proffered. Mn. Eddy on Babies. Mrs. Clapp. who waa at one time an amanuensis for Mary Baker O. Eddy, and who haa been confiding her recol lections of that experience to Georglne Milmine of McClure'a magasine, believes that ahe copied one of the early drafts of "Science and Health," She recalls many passages, and remembers her amusement In copying the following passage, which now occurs on page 413 of "Science and Health": "The dally ablutions of an Infant are jiO more ' natural or necessary than would bo the process of taking a fish out of water everv dav and covering It with dirt In order to make It "thrive more vigorously thereafter In Hi native element. After Mrs. Clap? had finished copying the manuscript. Mm. Olover took it to Boston to find a publisher. Six hundred dollars, cash In advance, was the only condition on which, a publisher would undertake to get out the book, and Mrs. Olover returned to Btoughton and vainly besought Mrs.' Went worth to mortgage " the farm to raise money. V ? ' . How to Put on Braid. Thenars one machine attachment that doea not receive the attention it de serves from the home-dressmaker; this 1a the braiding attachment, says a writer in the Lad lea' World. It is sim plicity Itself, and by its use 'some very effective trimmings may be made at very llttlesstrouble. The narrowest of aoutacne nraiaa, in cotton, wool or ante are employed profusely this season upon nil kinds of materials, .and when you have tried the braiding attachment for their application, you will be fascinated with the effect. If It is only a line or two of braid, it may De more evenly applied or macnine man oy nana. t Suggestions for the Housekeeper. Milk changed from a cool atmosphere to a hot kitcnen win sour in a very few . tt.lnlit.1. jriuiuiv ubiug, vr lieu vuTirwi wiui Specks may ne cleaned by wiping with a doth dipped In kerosene. Coffee, when bought already ground, easily loses Its strength or flavor, even though kept in closed cans or jars. In dusting brlc-arbrao and statuary, smalt soft camel's-halr brush Is use ful when cleaning out . the crevices, where a dust-cloth eannot reach, A bag ofy heavy, dark-gray shaker flannel rnade to-draw' over the broom ' when sweeping, gathers up the dust 'iBSSSSSSBBSSSSSS ". W . , I Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived In California 20 years, and am still hunting for trouble in th way of burns, sores, wounds, . boils, cuts, sprains or a case of piles that Buck ion's Arnica Salve won't aiilckly cure."! writes Charles waiters of Alleghany, Sierra Co. No use hunting Mr. Wal ters; It cures or money refunded at Red Cross Pharmacy. 26c ; ' " ' " V ''. ''...: ? ,.'. --.' "', ' ' ?3 O n T7T II :t k J7i-il:i'"". sru sr- m m "ssaaBsasBBr ar isbbmsssb Women's Hose Worth to $2, 59c Infants' fine mercerized Lace Hose, in pink, blue, black,, cardi nal and white. 25c to 35c values, in sizes from 4 to 6, spe- ? cial, Friday, the pair, ,vC Misses' fine black Lace Hose, worth 30c and 35c, . Q . special, the pair .......... . Women's white or bJack gauze lisle Hose, to wear with dainty white or colored dresses, special value for 35 f, or fine full fash ioned, medium weight black cot ton hose, rriday, vj the pair .....aWJV This grand Hose bargain is made up bf ft number of Odd lots of fine lace lisles, em broidered lisles and silk lisles, mostly black, but there are some colors among them, and nearly all sizes, though, there are not all, sizes in each lot; they're regular $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 grades choice, any 'pair Gfl,l Friday, for A.DVC Bathing Shoes, in odd sizes, 2, 3, 4 and 8 only, A reduced l Bathing Shoes, a few women's small size or misses' large size bathing shoes IL reduced Women's plain white Richelieu ribbed Vests, all sizes, "I Q- worth 25c, Friday VU, Women's plain and fancy Vests, some with lace1 and crocheted yokes, 35c value, special aWC Tooth Brushes 12c Imported Tooth Brushes, with stiff or soft bristles, regular 20c values, special 19 Fridav Ia-C Toilet Paoer. large size rolls, worth 9c roll, Kr anerial .41 r Hand Mirrors, in ebony or red birch finish, regular 50c OCr values, special Friday ...... eJsJw Bathasweet, a delightful powder for perfuming the bath, softens hard water, f 7- 25c package 19c Pack Playing Cards... 25c Box Writing Paper ...LSf Writing Pper. linen finish, with embossed initial. OO- 50c box .....eXfeC 10c Package Envelopes ... Framed Pictures, small size, manv subjects and large assort ment, worth to 45c OAp each, special .VlC REMNANTS HALF Friday and Saturday we'll make a half price special on all rem nants of colored wool or silk and wool dress goods. Lengths' suit able for waists, skirts, jackets and children's dresses. L D ? For two days only lm 1 f I vt7 t 5c Spool Thread 3c Black linen Thread, large sized spool, in all sizes, 5c 0 value, special Friday JC White Lace Crochet Buttons, six on a card, 10 special 1UC Toilet Pins, large size cube of white headed pins, 10c value DC Hair Pins, shell or amber. 6 in box, 15c value, . special OC Washington Pins. 400 on paper. full count, regularly 5c 1? package, special, 2 for ....... OC THE SHOE SALE FOR FRIDAY Interest at Fever Heat All Portland Saving on Footwear of the Right Sort LOT i , $6.00 Shoes $3.29 These superb shoes for women come in Oxfords or high cuts, in fine, light weight leathers, and mostly summer styles. They are made in the newest European shapes, patent kid, calf or suede leathers. The popular shapes in Oxfords are plentiful, garden or Grecian ties, also button Oxfords, any shape, any last, any heel de sired, plain or tip toes; regular $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 o OQ values, choice LOT 2. Women's Oxfords, in all the most desired leathers. Styles of every popular shape, light and extension soles, low, medium and high heels. Blucher, Gibson and garden ties. White or colored can vas and leathers. Large eyelets with silk ribbon laces. This lot embraces all the styles that have met with favor and are in ) QQ $3.50 and $4.00 grades . . . ,OV LOT 4 Women's White Canvas Oxfords, in a splendid assortment of stvles. Button and lace. light 'and heavy soles. We will include .every style of white and colored canvas low shoes in val- Cft ues to $3.00 $1.03 LOT 6. Men's Medium Grade Shoes and Oxfords, made in all leathers and covering the popular fashionable shapes. Hundreds of pairs in the most desired styles for street and dress wear. Our $3.50 and $4.00 shoes have always been popular for the good styles and satisfactory wear. 49 1 Q Buy them now for $J17 LOT 7. Men's Patent Kid and J Calf Leather Shoes and Oxfords, all are welt sewed and splendid $3.00 and $3.50 .values OIVIIUIU $2.59 tor 3 $3.50 DuBarry Shoe it. 9 8 This DuBarry Shoe comes in high cut only, but with them we include a large number of Women's Ox fords from our regular stock, made in patent leather, gunmetal or plain kid. They come in button or lace and with light or extension soles, swing or straight lasts. The pat ent leathers have dull calf tops. There are plenty of sizes in all kinds and they are the grandest shoe bargain ever offered in Port land; 4,000 pairs to d QQ choose from yl70 LOT t Men's Highest Grade Shoes and Oxfords, embracing a great many kinds made in dress or street Styles for hard and light ser vice. Made in patents, kid and calf leathers. This assortment is most extensive, it being in the grades we have always specialized and no trouble will be experienced in find ing plenty of styles in Q QQ $5.00 to $6.00 grades $ J.OJ LOT 8. Girls' Shoes and Oxfords, embracing shoes for school and dress wear. Button and lace, pat ents, kid and calf leathers. This lot will cover over 8,000 pairs of splen did shoes, showings from the best factories in the land. Shoes not usually offered during sales. "Friend makers" every style of fered: Sizes 5 to 8, reg. $1.75 f 1.29 Sizes 8 to 11, reg. $2.00. . .f 1.49 Sizes UK to 2, reg. $2.50. . . 1.T9 Sizes 2jto 7, reg. $3.00.. . . 1.98 LOT 9. Boys' Shoes and Oxfords, made in calf, kid and patent leath ers, Blucher and regular styles. A strong line of excellent shoes that are satisfactory both in style and service: Sizes 0 to 13, reg. $2.00. . .$1.39 Sizes 1 to by,, reg. $300... f 1.89 Long Silk GlovesMM Here's another Glove bargain; 16-button, elbow length silk Gloves, in splendid qualities; come in the wanted colors, black and white; a grade that has set the standard value at $2.00; doz ens and dozens of pairs to sell Friday, special, JA the pair Women's Lace Back Gloves, of fine silk, solid palms, come in 2 clasp length, in black, white, gray or mode; the choicest quality and finish, regular $1.00 and Q $125 values, Friday tOC Women's Embroidered Swiss Turnover Collars, very trim, neat styles, and values to ' C 25c, special Friday DC Ribbons. Two splendid bargains, 5j4-inch all silk taffeta in white or colors, much in demand for hair bows, of regular 50c value, special Friday, OQt the yard JC All silk chiffon Taffeta - Ribbon, special, the OA yard .sVtv Valenciennes Laces in white only, come in both diamond mesh and round mesh styles; edges or in sertions in bolts of 12 yards each, and widths up to 3 inches or more; not a yard in the lot is worth less than $1.25 a bolt, some are worth $2.25; choice, 7C Friday, the bolt lUC Women's White Parasols, beauti ful designs that lend a finishing touch to a perfect summer cos tume; come in tucked or embroid ered styles, now reduced $1.50 values 75 $2.00 values ....tl.OO $2.50 values .....fl.25 $3.00 values .S) l.KO Decorated China, Friday, Half Fruit Saucers, regular 9C 50c values, special ........ .aWC Creamers, worth 22c, 1 1 special Hi. Sugars, worth 60c, ei( erwrial OVV. IT . Sauce Boats, regular 40c Ort valuts-.-SDecial Friday Covered Vegetable Dishes, regu larly worth $1.20, Cft- special wUC Covered Butter Dishes, regular 90c values, AKf special "teJW Oat Meal Bowls, regularly, worth $1.00 for set of six, CA special Jwt A closing out sale of several odd and discontinued lines. High grade semi-porcelain in very pfetty decorations. A splendid chance to replenish your stock now. Half usual price. 7- inch Plates, regularly 55c for set of six, OQ special XOC 8- inch, worth 77c, special. .. .39f 9- inch, worth $1.10, special.. HSf 11-inch Meat Dishes, 11. 22c value 11C 13- inch Meat Dishes, OA 40c value ZUC 14- inch Meat Dishes, OC 50c value juDC 18-inch Meat Dishes, Ort 78c value JVC Soup Tureens, regularly M AA worth $2.35, special l.UU Pickle Dishes, regular 1i, 27c values, special llC Fruit Saucers, worth 45c OQ for set of six, special uOQ This is only a partial list. There are included nearly everything needed in dinner sets and there are savings on every piece in the odd lines lot. Waists WORTH TO $2.75 Ea. 69c Another sale of the sort that this splendid store has become famous for. Again Friday we ably demonstrate our supremacy and offer more conclu sive proof that we. are Portland's largest and best suit store. A lot N)f nearly 300 Waists in white and colors, trimmed with lace iJQ or embroidery, an immense assortment of styles, special UC NONE SOLD ON APPROVAL. NONE SENT ON PHONE ORDERS. THREE WAISTS THE LIMIT TO ONE CUSTOMER. Women's Percale Wrappers, in light or dark colorings, come in blue, red and mixtures, stripes and figures, regularly worth to $2.25 each, QQ special.... '. , OC Women's Short Kimonos, made of fancy figured lawns, in very I L Dfirei attractive designs, regular values to $3J0; special Friday 2 TliLtJ 51.50 nightgowns 97c Women's Muslin Night Gowns, wkh embroidered yoke, and in the round or V neck style, come with long or short sleeves, regular Qiy $1.50 values, special .. C Women's Gingham Aprons, come in blue or white checks, made with pockets and with long ties, regular 07 35c values, special .... I C Women's White Petticoats, of Indir, linon, circular or um brella style, long or short and stamped for shauw or eye let hand embroidery, together with floss enough to complete pattern, ready to sew complete, S5c value . . D I C Portieres -Pair Full sized tapestry Portieres,, in oriental designs and rich, warm colorings : handsome hangings that sell regularly for $4 50 the pair, dJO 4C special for Friday e)ajit) White Lace Curtains, . in heavy cable net and renais sance designs, full 50 inch.es wide and 8)4 yards long, splendid wearing curtains that sell regularly for $4.00 and $4.50 the pair,. QH special, pair ...... biOD Croquet Sets, splendid sport and exercise for summer eve ninps and afternoons; 8-ball set with hardwood mallets, $1.25 value... Men's Shirts IT $1.07 Each A broken line of very fine Negli gee Shirts, in pongee effects, and they run in good sizes. They are splendid qualities and patterns, regularly worth $1.50 ff and $2.00, special ...... PX.UI Men's Shirts, in self-figured neg ligee effects, have soft collars and cuffs attached, collars are buttoned down and silk stitched; a regular $2.50 number Men's Underwear, the celebrated Lewis make, one of the best fin ished garments in the United States. These sell regularly at $1.25 the garment,. ft7'f special for Friday Of 2I All the items on sale earlier in the week are continued for Friday's selling. Come and share in the splendid values,' ....$1.59 Km Jwhv eat erood ; butter and: drink' poor tea and : coffee.'- N va Tf, z i . Your grocer retaros year moety If yoa oa gke Schilusf 'i Best; we w aba. and keeps it from flying all around the The oven door In 'baking- should al ways be gently closed, after opening- to see If the baking is done, as otherwise the Jarring will cause tne cane or pua In mending the torn leavea of books, a thin waxed paper such as comes in crateker or bon-bon boxes, may be used and fastened with library paste. The paper being transparent may be used oyer the entire paper if necessary, aa the print easily snows inrougn. : TAKiArritw and RflturdnV last davs to receive discount on west aide gaa Dins. WILL HANG GEORGE M0ERIS TOMORROW (Journal BpecUI SerrlM.) ' ' New Orleans, .La., Aug. t. Sheriff Long has com fie ted arrangements for the execution tl morrow of Lasar Meho- Jevich, alias George Morris, convicted of criminal assault. Mehojevlch waa In dicted for criminally assaulting a young flrl named Hilda Borchers on August S, 806, and was tried and convicted-last October, r The case waa taken to the su preme court, which- tribunal refused a new trial. lumber interests . -op'coast.to unite .Seattle.- Aug.-8. Believing that -they will be able to accomplish mora working hand in hand, the lumberinr Intaraata of the Pacific coast have decided to unite in fighting increased railroad rates. The Oregon delegation at the conrerence nere yesterday promised to recommend such action to the, Oregon lumoermen. FRUIT EXPERTS MEET AT PURDUE UNIVERSITY iJoeraal Special Serrica.) Lafayette. Ind., Aug. t. This waa another Interesting and profitable day for the many fruit growers gathered at Purdue university In attendance on the annual meeting of the Indiana Hortieul toral society. A considerable part of the forenoon was taken up with prac tical demonstration work in spraying. The demonstrations were conducted in the experiment orchard connected with the university. , -The program at the afternoon session included addresses as follows: "Our Insect Friends," Prof. James Troop, of Purdue: "Commercial Orcharding." Prof. S. C. Whitten. of the .University of Mis souri; "The value of the pure Food Law state food and drug commissioner of Indiana; "Effects of Commercial Fertil isers on the Quality of Potato," Prof. S. D. Conner, of Purdue. ' StefarrM Stoek Oaaaed Cloo'da. x. . Allen & Lewis' Beat Brand. Metsaer sells diamonds at 10 ter ont profit. . 142 Waslk a W. ' ... , OPERATORS LEAVE LOS ANGELES KEYS Refusal of Western Union to Rein state Man Causes a Walkout. - Jonml Special Swrlce.) Loa Angelea, Aug. 8. Because the Western Union company refused to re Instate Operator Ryan, whom the of ficials accused of delaying messages, 60 members of the local union of the Com mercial Telegraphers of America left their keys last night, leaving but five men to work the wires. Officials of the union say they are sorry the men were-so hasty in their action, but that they had been discrtm- Inn tori nlirnt hv tha comnanv and were justified in walking out. Superintendent Lamb of the Western Union offices declares that the griev ances aa drawn un bv the operators are a tissue of lies, and that he is willing to see any operator as ahlndlvidual but not aa a union man. KNIGHTS 0E COLUMBUS MEET AT JAMESTOWN Norfolk. Va.. Aug. t. Today waa ob served aa Knights of Columbus day at the, Jamestown exposition, with special certmonlea beld In observance' thereof , The BREAKERS HOTEL AMERICAN PLAN. ' V;rJls --.. evil's 1 1 . 'v rsAsnrci snratMSB itzsoB or ths Fiomo iroBnrwxsT. Electrio Ught, Steam Hot and" Cold 3alt Water in Every Tun. ?Buy TlcJteta to Breakers, Pacific' County, Wash. Postofflce Address, Breakers, Waah. v at the auditorium. G. T. Shepperd. secretary- ef thVakpoaltton company, pre sided over th 'exercises, and addresses Of welcome . Were made by Harry St. Oeorga Tucker, president of the expo sition company, and Governor Claude Swan son of Virginia. The response on behalf of the Knights of Columbus waa delivered by Supreme Knight Edward L. Hearn of New Haven; The special guest of honor was Mgr. Falconio. tha papal delegate. Following the exercises there was a public reception in honor of Mgr. Falconio. Bishop JDonahue, of Wheeling, and Bishop Kelley, of Savannah, aasist ing the delegate In receiving the guests. i '"i m i ..... : Metsger'g ey glasses, L Ui .Waah., fsl T A J fa the ; Portland Trunf: iManufacturnT ? H-ke'rs 'af Qui:tyt J .C7I!xtfc'.T - Tn ' 'Cor.1 1 j.rnt r::...5 fit. r r