The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 08, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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IMPORTANT TO MEN : See Mr. Brandt, the RAZOR MAN, working ,in the
Wood Book Rack, tumped ready for
buminc - xlv incbei, regular
35c, ipecial J-nday , y 2C
Egyptian . Complexion " Lotion, , per
fectly harmless face cream; you will
find this preparation of rtry. high
standard and the best you v dl flrt
ever tried; per bottle ....))JlUU
Genuine Tortoise Shell Back Combs,
sold regular for 50c td $1.50.
special Friday .......... s. a. , WC
Kleanwell . Common Sense Tooth
Brush. 10 styles for men and women.'
regular price 50c, positively : 07
for 'Priday only ............. Jf C
Strawine Make " the :' old stra w: hat
look like new; only a few rain- OC;
utes work; try it; Friday ati.V feUC
Williams' and Colgate'! Sharing. Bar.
sold all over at.lOc,: : , .
Friday special .,............... ?C
Wild Flowers of Mount Hood Soap,
exouisite . for . the toilet, . beautifully
perfumed, regular price, per cake,
Sc. Friday 40 bo, ' Iff!!
cak ..1 JC i
EfeirBrush Bargains
We are
h e a dquar
ters for -all
i m p o r ted
nil rtrm.
tic bristle goods solid back Brush, hand drawn,
12rows, regular 85c, extra special, ; SZc
Solid back Brush, hand drawn, 9 rows, 90
regular, 50c, extra special, each . . . OVC
Micro Hair : BrushThe best "of all for the
money; the best of 1 workmanship and material
goes to make up this brush; f OC
our price all .......... plJ
In Our Window
You will sec the wonderfiiUittle "Cornet" Phono-'
graph on the fourth floor and you can hear it - '
price, only ........ V . ; .pi, J
We have a . complete '.line ;of
Victor and Edison ' Fhono-
graphs, Talking Ma
chines, Records and Cab
inets.1 ' Y
"Cross" Leathers ! !
E are sole, agents for
the famous ."CROSS"
ERS. This is;the fin-
; j est ; line of , high-grade'
leathers in the country.
We mark your leather purchases in
gold free of charge. ft'
i mi wy
Your Ankles Strong ?
t i -
We manufacture the finest line
' of Silk Or Linen woven elastic.
Knee Caps at S2.50
Anklets at 2.50
Leggins at S3.O0
X Hose at $3.50
Satisfaction in fit, materia!
and workmanship guaranteed in
every case.
Don't Dip Your Life A way
In-an ink bottle; save time and worry with a Conklin Self Filling, Parke's Lucky Curve
or Waterman Fountain Pen. FREE any pen in the hduse one week on trial. .
Prices Run $1.00 to $20.00
Obesity Belt
Will give yon the right
support, is always com
fortable and cool. '
Svlvan Toilet Soao. 7 distinct
odors; per box, 3 cakes ...... OC
Calendula Toilet Soap A' medical
toilet soap made from our own OA
formula; special, 50c box, cake. UC
"Woodlark" Dry Shampoo Ladies
with oily hair don't fail to try this;
makes the hair light and fluffy with
out the use of water; .; ; i 9 C
per box JC
CJolden Rod Skin Food Most con
venient package to carry when travel
ing; fine to use after ; .. OC
shaving, special . . . . . . . .;... .faJC
Mennen's, Colgate's and 4711 Talcum
Powders, regular 25c, ; . 1 Cr
special, each , A tli.
Wash Belts at Just HALF PICE.
Embroidered ' and tucked, , beautiful
pearl buckles, 50c ralues 25c
Bohemian" Cut Glass Comports and
T.1. tA 7n an..t.l f.t.AA.
regular HSP, . , $Q QC
special . . . .'.
New Views of Portland, finely col
ored, fixed ready for mailing, 7C
pnly ;MoC
Why Do Children Squint ?
By gquinting or frowning the muscles
in the eye are relieved of strain. This
is nature's way. Study glasses relieve
this strain and thus prevent squint.
Consultation free.
If not the &rst time vou are down town aret on the elevator and go to the fourth floCT.
All of this floor has been given up to our Gift Room and Phonograph Parlors, redeco
rated and refurnished, everything is new. Pictures, imported pottery, cut glass, im
ported brasses, baskets, hand-painted china, fancy dishes, etc. Our space will not per
mit a complete list of the many pretty things for the home that is to be found in this
department Make it your headquarters when down town for we are always pleased to
see you, whether a purchaser or pot. Yours sincerely,
Burnt Wood Bargain
In panels and ovals for Friday only. New '
designs, ready for burning. ' i
Panels size 5x12 ins., reg. 15c, special. &)
Panels size 7x16 ins., reg. 20c-25c, spec. I'M
Panels size 7x12 ins., reg. 15c-20c, spee.l2
Panels, round, 10-in.( reg. 20c, special.. !,
Portland Will Be Headquar
; i ters of, One More Bail
'.. . ' road Combination.
Another railroad graeral ag-ency will
1 added to Portland's llat tbls month.
'' Tna Minneapolis A St. Ixmui and the
ow 'Central will open Joint arencr
at room - 209. " Lumbermen's Kxchanr
buUdinB.' R. W, Cook hum bean appoint-
, d grenar&l agent.
' ; Mr. Cook la now cltjr paasenfer and
ticket agent for the Chicago & North
weatarn. Ha haa tendered hla raatg-na-4inn
and' vill - ba- aueeaeded by B. B.
Haling, who haa been chief clerk In
, the office of General. Agent H. V. Hold'
r. of the Northweatern. Mr. cooic i
tor eight yeara commercial agent nf
the Aatorla Sc Columbia Hirer railroad.
: And later waa traveling freight agent
.'of the Northern Pacific He la well ac
quainted with the territory of the rail'
: roada centeiina- at Portland.
r The two rallroada that are to be for
.tbe.firat time represented In Portland
Hap the Important field of Mlnneeota,
Iowa and Illlnola, comprising the moat
. productive portion or me upper Mia
. HlaaioDl valley. Their linea extend from
. Peoria to Omaha and from Dea Moines
to St PauL At Oakalooaa ther have a
-trafflo connection with the Wabash to
, Bt. iuib. The lowa yentrai waa ror
merly a Ruaseil Bag road.
- einoe the death of Bage hla holdings,
- K is oreaumed. remain with the estate
-The president la Edwin Haw ley, who
is known to ' have had in ' the paat
cordlal - dislike for Mr. . Harriman on
account of the tatter's retirement of
' the former from the Union Pacific at a
- .'time when, Hawley expected to become
- iiie company's presiaenc - u. jt. ua-j is
.-vice-president and general manager, and
Jfieorge W.. Beevers is general counsel.
iThe same officers act for the Minne-
' spoils & Bt Louis railroad corporation.
. , m, ., ..
Totter Schedule for Beach.
The steamer Potter will sail from
Portland. Ash street dock, Saturday, 8
Oet tickets and make reservations at
cltr ticket office. Third and washing
jton streets. C. W. SUnger, city ticket
; agent
(Special Dt patch U The JoenuL)
Astoria, Or Aug. t. The biggest
run of salmon of the season has made
Its appearance, but weather conditions
are ao bad that full advantage can not
be taken of It by the fishermen. The
middle and outer traps la Baker's bay
took out more fish than could bo got
Into the boats at one trip to the can
nery. Several traps. It is reported, took
out between five and seven tons each.
On account of the rough water on the
lower seining grounds near the jetty It
waa Impossible to operate them. Very
few glunetters ventured out, but those
who did report very good catches. Fred
Williams, a gillnetter, delivered to a
cannery 2.500 pounds as one night's
alilwftukefi'a Advent Will Transform
Bock Lake Country In South-
, ,.' em Waahlnfton.
.. Tomorrow and Saturday, last days to
receive discount on west side gas bills.
i." '
-Yes, and they'll bear
the brunt of the boy's
v a c a t i o n adventures,
and the price is so ovf
that you can always
have a fresh suit in the
Here also are stout
Wool Suits, built for va
cation wear.
;; Combination Romp
j ers, ' Shoes and Sandals,
f in fact everything in.
I boys' ' wear is bere at
' Clearance Sale Prices.
(Special Dispatch to The JooraaL)
Rock Lake, Wash, Aug. 8. The Mil
waukee In Ha course to the coast will
open no richer section than that lying
hereabout Rock Lake la In the north
western part of Whitman county, In the
midst of a great cattle rangd. The lake
is nearly 10 miles long and about
mile in width at the widest point and
la 800 feet deep at the deepest place,
but has an average depth of about 80
There are many caves here which
have been in years past the rendeivous
of horse and cattle thieves. There is
an Immense rock at the foot of the
lake which from a distance resembles
an ancient castle.
There Is great activity here on ao-
count of the building of the Milwaukee.
Nearly 1,000 men are employed here by
the company and grading la going on
at a rapid rate. V Railroad camps can be
seen lor many mues ana tne blasting
is line cannonading in Dattle.
The rrade here Is but one Der cent
This was the first route selected by
the Northern Jacino m crossing me in
land empire and the old grade stakes
are frequently found by the Milwaukee
The country here Is very rich and
there are hundreds of wealthy farmers
and cattlemen.
Two townsltes have been Dlatted here.
The old townsite is located fn the valley
and the railway people have platted a
town a mile and a half east on a rocky
plateau. The railroad will cross the
valley at the foot of the lake.
The lake is a beautiful body or clear,
cold water on which steamers and
launches may be seen at any time.
Rocky cliffs rise out of the water from
100 to 100 feet. At only one place after
leaving either end of the lake can a
landing be made.
The district at some eariy period
must have been thickly settled by In
dians, as In excavating many Indian
relics, such as tomahawks, elk teeth, ar
rowheads and beads have been un
earthed, also skulls and bones of In
dians, who have departed for the happy
hunting grounds.
v. t
I CG -end 1 68 ThirrJ-St,' ;
J.lohawls tsldg -
(Special Dispatch to Th Journal.)
Albany, Or., Aug. 8. English walnut
culture Is receiving quUe an Impetus
and the horticulturists are favorably In
clined to take up this branch and place
It on a paying basis. The trees in this
section, and especially those imme
dlatelv across the river In Benton
county are loaded with nuts and the
crop will be a large one. Those that
have made a study of the matter con
tend that this country and the climatic
conditions are especially favorable for
the growth and the promotion of wal
nut culture.
Walnuts grown across the Willamette
from Albany were exhibited at the
World's Fair at Chicago, Buffalo and
other admonitions, and have always re
ceived favorable mention and carried off
most of the orlzea. Mrs. w. a. Shan
non received the gold medal at Buffalo
for the best English walnuts. This in
dustry is but in its Infancy and will no
douftt be enlarged umu it Becomes one
pf the leading sources or weaitn. Tne
trees In the orchards hereabouts are
filled to breaking and those interested
in their growth pronounce it a success.
Joaquin Miller to the Caves.
(SdmUI Dlioatcb to Ths Journal.)
Eugene, Or., Aug. 8. Joaquin Miller,
the poet who spent a week here after
ne returned from a trip to tne siusiaw,
has gone to Grants Pass, near ' which
place are some famous caves which he
wishes to explore. There1 he was joined
by Jefferson Myers and Judge Watson,
of Josephlbe. .
, Death of Infant Sob. j
tSpwlal Dtapatch to The Journal.) "
Yoncalla,- Or, Aug. 8. Pled, at Yon-
ealla, August . 7. . 1907. Mathew W.
Eu",,111 'rft son of Mr. and Mrs.
g faaaett, agad one yaw aad two
Conductor Thomas Shame
fully Abused His Wife
While Intoxicated.
Another candidate for the whipping
post fas scheduled to make his appear
ance in police court tomorrow morning.
In the person of A. E. Thomas, a con
ductor on the Twenty-third street line
of the Portland Railway, Light A
Power company, for whom a warrant
was Issued this morning on a charge of
assault and ' battery preferred by his
wife, Mrs. Lulu Thomas of H32 Thur-
maa street
Angered a Wife.
Angered by the action of his spouse In
arousing him from drunken slumber in
order that he would be able to report for
duty on time, the complaint alleges that
Thomas proceeded to amuse himself by
twisting his wife's nose, pulling her
hair and otherwise maltreating her. It
was on the arrival of several neighbors,
who had been aroused by the woman's
screams that the vicious streetcar man
was compelled to desist
Bearing an ugiy-ioomng oruise on ner
nose and on the verge of physical col
lapse from beating she had received,
Mrs. Thomas today made her way to
the office of District Attorney Manning
and secured a complaint against her
According to her story Thomas came
home about 3 o'clock this morning hi
an Intoxicated condition and soon fell
into a drunken stupor. At the usual
hour Mrs. Thomas awoke her husband
so he could have breakfast and reach
the carbarns In time to go to work.
Still suffering from the effeots of his
debauch Thomas resented the faithful
ness of his wife by leaping from the
bed and assaulting her.
i n not leave any maras on you." is
what he Is said to have told his wife.
Kelgbbors Bared Woman.
It was not until the neighbors came
rushing into the house that Thomas re
leased his hold on his helpmeet Mrs.
Thomas prepared her husband's break
fast even alter the abuse to wnicn sne
had been subjected. Thomas refused to
partake of any food, however, and
rushed from the house. The warrant
has been placed In the hands of Detec
tive John Price for service and ball has
been fixed at $150.
Mrs. Thomas states she has been mar- i
rled for six years and -her husband has
aDusea ner continually since sne leu
the altar. The couple have two chil'
aren both boys, aged 2 and 4 years re
spectively. About a montn ago Thomas
is said :o have been discharged from
the employ of the railway company for
arunKenness. mis wire pieaaea witn
Traffic Manager Cooper and he was
"I don't want him sent to the whlb'
ping post," declared the aggrieved wife
arter swearing to the complaint, 'TSut I
want a divorce.
Judge Cameron will hear further de
tails of the affair tomorrow morning.
Codling Moth Case In Idaho.
(Special DUpateh to The Journal.)
Moscow, Idaho, Aug. 8. O. C. Cars
sow, a dealer in green and general gro
ceries, is under arrest on a charge of
selling ana naving in nis possession ap
pies affected with codling moth. The
arrest was made on complaint of W. O.
Dowdy, deputy state horticultural In
spector, and comes under the inspection
law passed by the last legislature.
Carssow will contest the case In the
Astoria Addition Plat Filed.
(Special Dispatch to Tb Journal.)
Astoria, Or.. Aug. 8. A plat of Union
Square, consisting or eight blocks at
Warrenton. as laid out by Walter ' c.
and Mary E. Smith, has been filed for
record In the county clerk's office.
r 'V--v,A aa-h. ZMsoount. - .
Only two days remain! Mail checks.
Or send remittances, to general offices.
Park and Burnslde streets, on on before
August lfr. and save 28 cents. Home
Telephone and Telegraph company. .
' Friday mi Saflnirtsiy
8 SB-- alS - '! . T'
ODD LOTS SUITS Fancy Patterns, BLACKS and BLUES; Single and Doable
Breasted Styles
Youths' and Men's Regular Suits
All Sizes
$20.00 Values
Special Price .
Odd Lots oi TROUSERS
$4.00 and 5.00 Values
Speeial .......
$22.50 and $25
ValS. Special Price
$3 and $3.50 Qualities
Special price . . . .
m m
Come Friday ad Saflwiay
269-271 Morrison Street
Bnarlal SliBateb te The Jouraal.)
flmnita Or.. Am. 8. ODerattonS will
soon be resumed at the Monumental
mine. At any time W. T. Adams, one
o( the principal backers of the property.
IS expected to rri i biutoi;
from Pnrlnth. MlSslsSlDDl. On a Visit O
(nonaction- The Monumental mine has
been opened by tunnels and shafts to
the oeptn or over ouv leei nu i in
the lower levels that the best ore In
the mine shows. In these two levels a
considerable body of rich ore has been
backed out. which It has been announced
will be taken out for treatment on the
resumption of work.
, i, ssae"ewssjiss"-""""""""""ss
Meyer Bank's Name Changed. -Astoria.
Or..' Aurf. t.-3 Supplementary
articles of Incorporation have been filed
in the county clerk's bf flee changing
the name of the' Astoria Trust com.
f.any to the (Scandinavian-American say.
ngs bank Of Astoria, Oregon. The in
corporators ar H. ft M. 8. and F. K.
(Special Dispatch to The JoornaL)
Brownsville, ; Or, Aug. ' I. China
pheasants around Brownsville are caus
ing farmer no end of trouble. They
are literally taking the gardens. Farm
ers are beginning to get rid of the
peats. ; Thejr say they will not endure
the reatrlctlotwi of the game law, wnicn
was framed by the ; Influence of city
sports and ''rod and gun clubs" to pro
tect the Chinese bird. The fanners ar
gue that they have to raise the birds.
and they wiir hunt and destroy them
when they so desire. They are begin
ning to rerard them a domestic fowls.
as they are getting so tame as to come
and eat' with their poultry.
Hundreds or sonars' worm or grain
and garden stuff Is destroyed every year
by the pheasanta, .- --:. ,;.-
Tomorrow and Saturday, last days to I
receive discount on west aid gas bills.
signifies the best in BUSINESS COLLEGES
. ; rollment, past year, 4S pupils. Graduates ar all em- ; ,
y a ployed.. We will place you Into a position when competent! ' ,
i V- Big log Driva at Albanx, . -
(Special Dispatch to The JenrasL)
Albany. Or., Aug. I. The lor drive ol
th SDauldlnr Lumber- and : .Tirarlna'
company, 1,000,000 feet, is now In the
WUlamett river, opposite Albany, ThlJ
la one of the largest drives ever brough
down the river. It has been on the way
over 40 days and It is estimated that
It will require at least as much more
time to reach Us fines destination, The
logs were out on the upper waters of the
Willamette and the ilcKenale rivera.-, ,