iV - ' V THE "OREGON r DAIIiY jUU.KrAit .ruxiAftiiJ. imuksuai : iiv iuimiimu, immwja q, ppcraoi v r OF LABOR DAY c Governor Rejoices Also in : Amicable Relations in ' Oregon. (Special Dtpatefa t Tbf )mmL) " v Salem. Or., Aug. I. Governor Chara bsrlaln today issued the following proo lama f Ion: - ' Whereas, the first Monday In Septem ber of each year has been let aside- by the legislature of thla state and de- dared to be a public holiday under the .name and tiue oi wiDor way. Now, therefore, I, Oeorg E. Cham- ' berlaln. aa governor of the atate of Ore- Jon, do, In pursuance of the duty n oined upon me by law, aet apart and 'declare Monday, the second day of Sep tember, A. 13., 1607, a public holiday to be observed aa Labor bay, and I do request all the people of this common- ' wealth to lay aside their .ordinary avo , cations on said day and make it day of rest and recreation, rejoicing In the fact that the relations , between labor and capital continue to be amicable, thus Inauring the continued prosperity f of our people and the permanent growth l and development of the state. In witness thereof, ' I have hereunto f aet my hand, and caused the aoal of V the state of Oregon to bo hereunto af- fixed, at the capital In Salem, thla .eighth day of August, A. XX 1(07. , itsigoea.; GEORGB K. CHAMBERLAIN. ...,. Governor, 1 P lafL:J ill tfQSrHTALSj TJniqua Fender lorented bj W. J. Half ht for Portland Streetcar, c ,.Vi,.ni mmmtmmmm , mi9 LOCOMOTIVE HITS THRESHING ENGINE j, t Two Engloema and Two Threaher- men Badly Hurt la Collision Garfield, Waah. ' , " 'Tl . . . .. (Bpeelal nTlea to III ftmraal.) Oarfleld. Waah., Aug. . -The four i men Injured In the wreck of the North- . ore Vaclflo train a mile east of. hero ' ' yesterday will recover. They were ro--!" , moved from Oarfleld by the railway J. com can r thla mornln to the company a ' Spokane hospital. The fireman of the " . passenger train, who jumped, had a leg and a collarbone broken and la In a more serious condition than the othera. ; The wreck was cleared by this morning ; and traffic la todav resumed. The train waa No. 10, bound to Bpo - - kane. It was behind and making up time, when it ran into a tnreaninic en v vine at a sharp curve where it could not be seen. The threshing outfit waa de . ' , mollshed and two men with It badly In- jureo. xne victims or tno collision are: Elmer Vetter. engineer of passenger train, shoulder broken, bead cut, inter nallr Injured. - - - IX Nelson, fireman passenger engine, ankle and shoulder dislocated and head bruised. - Alva A. Bee, engineer or threshing engine, shoulder broken, head out and I injured internally. . V , Claua Knopp, fireman of threshing en- r glne, bruised and leg; disabled. f,.. Nelxon'a borne is at Spokane, Bee's at ' Beatue and Knopp at Oarfleld. : MAY AGAIN SEND dlTiNlER TO ASYLUM " (JoornU apeclal Service.) New York; Aug. L-When John Arm ' strong Chanler, former tniaband of Amelia Klves,' the authoress, returns to 'New Tork to prosecute the suit he haa V instituted to regain possession of his vast estates, he may be placed in the tato Insane asylum. Chanler waa cora ii mitted to the -asylum but escaped to i Virginia where the courts adjudged him ; sane. His estates had. In the meantime, been placed In the hands of a guardian. Chanler sought a restraining order , . which would assaro him that' while re . . covering- his property he would not be r laced iu the asylum again but this pe ltion was denied . yesterday by Judge Hough. TOBACCO WORKERS VOTING ON STRIKE Journal Special fcrrlce.) ' Louisville, Aug. 8. A vote on whether ton tobacco workers all over the coun try will strike against the American Tobacco. Company Is being received to dav at the headquarters of the Inter- 1 national Tobacco workers' union. Should the American Federation of Labor de cide to assist the workers a strike of the allied traces would affect 70,000 employes. BARON ACCUSES GIRL OF MOTHER'S MURDER . (Joornil Special Service.) Berlin, Aug. 8- On the strength of a statement made by Baron Von Llndenau who Is now -under arrest, that Olga Mo liter and not Carl Uau, who is under sentence to he beheaded, killed her mother, Olga has been arrested at Baden Baden. The Baron makes the charge in a letter to the prosecutor at Carls : rune. INDUSTRIAL VACATION PLANNED " FOR JUVENILE COU rTWARDS Preparations are being mads by the Juvenile court to send about 60 boys to the hopyards early In September, where they will spend their summer outing In Industrial camps and pick hops. These excursions to the hopyards are to take the place of trips to the seashore which were given the Juvenile court wards last year and the year before. Probation Officer Marion R. Jonnson haa been entrusted with the prepara tion for the hop-picking trips. , He Is now engaged In arranging; the detail. Some hopyard up the winamette river will probably De selected. I It Is planned to have at least two camps, each in charts of a probation officer. Transportation, tents and camp Ins; outfit are supplied by the Juvenile court. The boys furnish their own bedding and at the end of the season each boy pays his share of the board bllL If any boy Is so slothful that he does cot earn enough to pay hl share oi me cost or living, ue Daiance la made up by the Juvenile Improvement association, so that the burden does not rail on the mors Industrious boys. Similar camps were established last year, and many of the boys earned snug sums for themselves, besides hav Ing enjoyed the benefit of the fresh country air. v. , E FEU FOR CITY CARS W. J. Haight 'Invents v New Style of Life-saving De vice for Use in Portland. I A DAVIS BUYS FIIIE LOT Former City Official Pays High Price for Ains worth" Property. William M. Davis, formerly deputy city attorney, haa purchased through the agency of Knepp & Mackay the lot at the northwest corner of Fifteenth and Raleigh streets. The property be longed to J. C. Alnsworth and John Beck and was sold for IIS, 000. The Site, which Is unimproved, is In that part of the warehouse district where values have increased rapidly in the Daat few months. Charles H Hall, who has purchased the half block on the north side of Mar ket street, between Front and Water streets, announces that as soon as the ease on the property expires two years hence ne wiu erect moaern ones: dusi ness houses on the half block. WARRANT OUT FOR ED GOSSOII District Attorney Suspects He Knows Who Killed E. Benomi. MILWAUKEE CLUB (Continued frdm Page One.) NORTHERN PACIFIC GOBBLES MORE LAND Washington, Aug. 8. The Northern Pacific list of lieu land selections, con sisting of 18. 000 acres, in The Dalles. Burns, Portland. Roseburg, La Grande and- Lakeview districts, made under the act Of July, 1898, was approved today. MOYER WANTS DARR0W TO CONDUCT DEFENSE (Journal Special Serrlcs.) Denver, Colo., Aug. 8. Charles o H. Moyer, president of the West- o ern Federation of Miners, will o) probably decide tonight upon 0 which attorney he wants to de- o fend him when he Is tried for the murder of former Governor Frank Steunenberg of Idaho. 4 He la conferring with Clarence 0 Darrow today and if the matter Is left entirely to Moyer, Darrow e 0wlll be selected. Hot Weather Lunch A Uttlo Fruit, and some . rout with Cream. There' Reason? to the charters' Of the cities In such cases." Deputy District Attorney Gus C Mo ser also oeueves mat tne Question in volved In the Sunday closing cases i the same as that raised by Hedtres. Deputy District Attorney Adams took this view of the matter and believed that aambllnar , in Milwaukle has not been authorised by the legislature. senator Heages, attorney ror tne Mil waukle club, contends that the club haa a legal right to exist at Milwaukle and to continue selling pools and playing poacr, ana By 111m 1 11 one wno are clamoring for obedience to the law are merely urging that the Milwaukle club be permitted to continue. senator Hedges issued a statement in spport of nis contention in winch he says in part as ronows: "The legislature of this state has power to license pool selling, poker play ing, or even maintenance or tne so- called "social evil." Only the first two 01 tnese it is assorted are earned on at the club. "The legislature further has the right to delegate to a municipality the power within its boundaries to matte lawful. so far as the public Is concerned, a work or business or an act or state of affairs generally which without such authorlz atlon would constitute a nubile nuis ance, and the person for whose benefit the authorization is made will be ex empt from liability to suits, civil and criminal, at the instance of the state. firovided, always, he keeps strictly wlth n the terms of the legislative license or permission "If. therefore, by the act creatine the municipality or in tne cnarter tne now- er Is granted to license pool-selling and poker playing and, under ordinance duly and regumriy passed and approved, a license is granted to a person to prose cute this line of business or conduct such vocation, the licensee Is immune from punishment for pursuing the cal line or business. "The state cannot prosecute as a nuisance that which It has authorized. The term 'public nuisance' applies only to something occasioned by acts done In violation of law. A work which Is au thorized by law cannot be a nuisance. "Now the legislature of this state In the year 1903, Incorporated the city of Milwaukle and In the charter granted to the city council the power to 'prevent, remove and -abate nuisances by general ordinances,' and to 'suppress bawdy hotlses, houses of ill fame, gambling houses and gaming.' "In its wisdom In 190S the legislature changed these powers and gave to the city council power within Milwaukle to license, tax and rtgxtlate and restrain and to license the different branches of business or professions which in theff Judgment should be licensed. "It will be noted that the special act creating Milwaukle and granting the powers above enumerated to the council was. pawed long after section 1930, B. & C. code, so often referred to In the press during the past few days. "In strictness, therefore. If those who are so persistent in having the officers or mis county compel eoecuence 10 mo law but knew it, they s re urging that the Milwaukle County club be permitted to continue Its business unmolested." Special Dlipttch to The Journal.) The Dalles, Or.. Aug. 8. After care fully examining the evidence offered at the coroner's Inquest on the body of E. Benomi. who was murdered at his home on Mill creek Tuesday morning, the district attorney today Issued a war rant, for the arrest of Ed. Oosson.as the party responsible for the killing;- It is not Known where Uosson is. but of ficers are on his track and he will be I under arrest in a few Hours. W. J. Ralght has Invented a street ear fender which he claims will Ml the requirements of that life-saving device. Mr. Height's fender la en entlroly new departure In the line of streetcar fend' ers. Heretofore, the idea has been to attach some scoop-Uke device to pick up end carry' any obstruction which may be on the track. "As long aa the fenders are screens or scoops, a victim nas little or no Halght In dlscussln his fender. "He Is pound to orag. Let his arm get beneath me lenaer ana tne rest or mm win roi low. and he will be terribly mansied. ine main ining is to get mm orr tne track and out of harm's way without . . . . Mr. xiaignra rentier is a very simple device. It Is comDOsed of two sheet steel wheels with one axis. The larger wiieel extends horizontally over the rails of the track. This upper wheel is to 11a in pusning uie victim out or tne Fain 01 ins car, as tno wneei turns reelT anv obstruction Is oushed to the side of the track nearest the edge of the wheel. There Is no chanoe for any one's being dragged If he should be thrown upon 'the wheeL there is en emple screen to protect htm. Four men can stand on the wheel at One. The appliance has been attached to foru&no Heignis oar iz ror tne past two weeks. ' - Experiments performed with boxes and barrels have proved the fender to be effective. The management of the Portland Railway, Light A Power company is willing to adopt Mr. Height's fender If the oubllo thinks well or nis invention. BALTIMORE GRAIN ELEVATOR DESTROYED fJesrea! BoecUl terries.) Baltimore, Md., Aug. I. The grain elevator of the Baltimore A Ohio rail way was destroyed this morning. The loss on the building Is about 150,000 end nearly aa heavy on the contents. BELFAST COAL STRIKE REACHES SETTLEMENT (Joaraal Special Berrlee.) Belfast, Aug. 8. The coal trades strike was settled and work waa re umtfl todav. Trooos will retake .pos session of the streets when the factories reopen. FAIR EXGHANGE A Niw, Back for o Old One , HoW it it Done in Portland ' ' The back aches at times with a dull Indescribable feeling, making you weary and restless: piercing pains shoot across the region of the kidneys, and again the loins are so lame to stoop Is agony. No use to rub or apply a plaster to the back In this condition, sou can not reach the cause. Exchange the bed back for a new and stronger one. Fol low the example of this Portland clt- Jsen. Mrs. Captain C. 3. Orovsr, ef SI4 Ralelah street. Portland, Oregon, says; "Lapse of time has not lessened the confidence I have round, in uoan a sua ney Pills sines February, 1901, when X nubllclr recommonded this remedy. I had used them in treating kidney trouble of several years' standing. It origin ally started with dull aching . In the small of my back over the kidneya. Colds aggravated the trouble and made the pain sharp and acute. Any extra exertion would Druig on a proairaung attack. I had tried various remedies for the trouble without avail, but Doan'a Kidney Pills began to help me right efter I started using tnem. xney gradually banished the bachacne and pain In the loins, strengthened the kid neys and helped me In every way. I can conscientiously recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to any sufferer from kid ney complaint' , For sale or ell dealers, rrioe 00 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Burraio, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name DOAN'S and take no other. BROTHERS SHOT, ONE KILLED BY PRIEST (Joaraal tpeeial terries.) Pittsburg, Aug. 8. Andrew end Stephen Starstoncky, brothers, were shot today by Ludwlg Sseslel, e former Polish priest Stephen died and Andrew la in e critical condition. Sseslel Is said to be erased on account Of some recent trouble. SULU COUNCILMAN IS AFTER AMERICAN GOLD A nw Dlac hu been found for tht investmMit of American capital. Frank U. wouii i voiuatit vs aw rw aa vvuaiwa of Siasl, Sulu, haa written to the Port land chamber of commerce eettlng forth the great resources and advantages of that Island, and Invltlns Investors snd homeseekers to Investigate. He says the variety and richness of opportunity for American enegry and capital there are Indescribable. NEW FALL SHIRTS First showing of new St shirts for fall Excep- M CA tionally smart effects........ 1 " SPECIAL Men's iine Pajamas, in a variety of shades and 'pattern effects. Ex Q A traordinary values at special '. P 1 awU. SPECIAL Men's light weight dropstitch Underwear. Full line of sizes. Bar- QK gain values at special, per garment. . . VOv The Store Noted for Best Goods at Lowest Price 18c Hosiery at 10c Pair Children's fine ribbed Hosiery, dou-. ble heel and toe, best garter top, warranted fast black and best 18c 3uality, sizes 5 to 9. Fri- ! A ay and Saturday special, pr. 1UC NAZARETH . WAISTS FOR 12c Nazareth Knit Waists for boys and girls have no equal, come in ages 2 to 12. On special sale here Friday and Saturday only at this unusual O Idw price. laC 20c Handkerchiefs at 121c Men's hemstitched pure linen Hand kerchiefs, Yt and -inch hems; best 20c quality. Friday and Sat urday at extra special, 1 O I each 1Z2C HAEKDIAN LINER (Continued from Page One.) about 6. o'clock, a day late on account of iogs ana strong wmas along tne coast, 1 not to mention the few hours lost at the mouth of the Willamette last night The news of the grounding of the Al liance was brought to the city at mid night by Pilot Turner who came up m a launch, and Agent F. P. Baumgartner immediately sent the steamer Diamond u to assist in mating her. The steam er Charles R. Spencer, returning from The Dalles, made fast a line and tried to help, but the hawser parted and the Spencer proceeded to her dock with her impatient passengers. This afternoon the dredge Portland Is suckinr out the mud that holds th steamer prisoner and it is believed th.it she can be released by this method of procedure some time tonight or at any rate tomorrow morning. The dredge naa Deen at tne moutn or tne Wil lamette a couple of days deepening ..he channel and had to shift only a few hundred feet to get to work under the Alliance. 2-Clasp SILK GLOVES 50c Pair, best quality silk with double tips, all the leading colors including white and a full range of sizes ; standard 75c grade. Two days only. OUR GREAT FridayandSaturday SPECIALS 2-Clasp - KID GLOVES $1.00 A pair. Our new fall stock is now ready, made from best quality French kid, all the new shades. Every pair fitted and warranted. PANAMA FIT FOR JUNK 'Continued from Page One.) Cotton Towels at 4c Each 100 dozen fringed white Cotton Towels, red border, size 14x29 inches: reerular price 75c a dozen. On sale Friday and Saturday at special, each 4c CORSET COVERS 25c Cambric Corset Covers with two rows torchon lace insertion, lace around neck and arms, extra full and Of best 40c val. Extra special, ea. UtOQ, 85c Fancy Silks at 49c Yd. Fancy Taffetas, in checks and stripes, in all the leading shades in cluding browns, blues, grays, greens and tans; best 85c and $1.00 jq grades, yard TuC be a good and fine boat in some people's estimation," said Mr. omlth in speaking of his trip north, "but as for being a passenger boat there is a mistake some where. The staterooms are without anything in the way of modern conven iences sucn as ngnts, etc., and I doubt If the speed would average over eleht I knots an hour in favorable weather and with the engines going full speed." Mr. smun is ner- on a Drier visit. Tomorrow and Saturday, last.davs to I receive discount on west side gas bills. UNION PACIFIC WILL divide More profits New Tork. Aug. 8. The Union Pa- cifio today declared its regular quar terly dividend of 2 per cent on com mon and the regular semi-annual divi dend of 2 per cent on the preferred tOCK. 36-Inch SILK0LINES 11c A yard, Friday and Saturday only at this price, full 36 inches wide and standard 15c grade. New patterns in both light and dark colors. Tailored Suits at $7.98 A Great 2-Day Special For Friday and Saturday we place on sale about three dozen Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits, our reg ular $15.00 and $16.50 values at this special price. Come in neat checks, plaids and plain grays, rony Jacket styles with full plaited skirts, jackets trimmed with velvet, silks and fancy braids, j4 or long sleeves and in a full range of sizes. Don't miss this (J "7 AO great bargain. See window.... 0 feeO 18-Inch DICE NAPKINS 65c A dozen, extra quality and weight and sold regularly at $1 a dozen. On sale Friday and Saturday only at this low price. WILLIAMS DECLARED THE PARTY NOMINEE Jackson, Miss.. Aug. 8. The Demo cratic state executive committee today declared Williams as the party nominee for United States senator. WUllams had a majority of 643. There will be no contest. M S0Z0D0NT TOOTH POWDER BUY MEXICAN LAND FOR JEWISH COLONY ' " (Journal Special Serrtce.) -llexieo City, Aug. 8. Philip Shabin, Abraham c Desiatoff and Brln A. Urin ?S J Anffelea are hero negotiating for 10,000 acres of land for a Jewish col ony of 150,000 parsons, 2,000 of whom will come from California, the rest from itussia. . ... .-.'.r . Urn. Covert Goats $4.85 Women's and Misses' 25-inch Cov ert Coats, in tan, square cut, dou ble breasted front, come Unlined and in all sizes; standard $7.50 values anywhere. On special sale Friday and Saturday only at this A J Of price.. DfleOD Dress Skirls $4.98 Black Panama Dress Skirts, full box plaited styles with two folds of self material around bottom, a splendid quality and weight, and our best $8.00 values. All sizes including the extra large. Friday and Satur- frl nn day at, each. .b4ee70 $8 Petticoats $4.95 Best quality Taffeta Silk Petticoats, in black, navy, green, brown, apri cot, garnet and several changeable effects, extra full with silk dust ruf fle, the best bargain in silk skirts ever offered. Choice Fri- A J Qf day and Saturday at, ea.0'Tee7D It will not tarnish gold work nor scratch the enamel. A perfect rjentifrice rthe one for you, Ask your dentist Wash Belts White Duck Wash Belts with gilt buckles ; reg. 25c grade, while they last jj 'B""""""SS'e'MBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBSBXMBajBSM All Patterns Paris v. Patterns , are seam-allowing and easy to use. All now t A v sell at.,......;lUC Si . M I 4 V t