The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 08, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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Alaska 1907
Boars Are Busily Encased at This
Time, in Telling of Supposed Improved
mcnt of Foreign Jlop Crop.'
SV .
3 TWPS , , :
fpokaa, Aug.'
910XM BOVT& ,
L U. aaor...... ,,..Oot. T
. ft. rruMnt Sept, M
' Sailing mat Seattle.
ItM, JllMI VftJP, fWItS.
ailing p. a.
t'g S Receipts of Local Stock' Not
otug City, TiasUtka.....Ang. xa,t ci TT L. j t... j IT
' f t riLurcxsoo botttx. ' ;
' galling t a, sa. rrasa avu. , . y,:
jaresMenS.'... .,........... 4"
b. m. vntatuia , ?",? 22
City Offlo. S4S Washington Stt.'
Showing Increase.
Front street feature:
Egg ton I Improved. J. '.
Chicken move at quotation.
"Cant" - market till In hari ahana.
. Eight cara of watermelon arrive.
rotato market alight)? higher.
Hop reporta badly mixed.
Great acarcity of meat.
Cheea market easier again.
'All creamery butter la firm.
Tomato market cleaning up.
Fancy peaches find good call
'-- '' ' Egg Torn Za Improved. ,
Ther la an Improved ton In the gg
mnrsei. , Receipts are not o neavy on
account of the greater detnan at coun
try point. The volume of poor eggs
now comma- to market la iiaewise
i greatly decreased. Thla latter feature
i the greatest help to value and the
iraae win 1 d in larger iota man 11 in
i quality wa - always unaer suspicion.
'iv 'Tor both potato and onlona
I think the market Will hold
steady for awhile. Later when
' th lata crop of potatoa begin
to move In earnest price will
llkly ml fair but X don't xpct
any high' value to rule not at
thl moment In any vnt th
pric will b profltabl to pro
ducers, "Thi raina will help th crop
considerably, both In quality and
quantity. I hav rport from
varioua section bf th tat and
they all tell of fine quality and
good crope. Good potatoes will
aell almost any time." Billy '
Dryer, of Dryer, Bollam Co.
l S3.70 Jl BARREL s
Free Scliolarsliips for Boys end Girls in
Leading Educational Institutions.,
" 8sBsBsBsssBassBSBsaBnaBBassksBBB
Sums of Cash Also to Be Distributed Amonf Industrie-'.:1
u ; , and Meritorious Students Who Participate i&f ,
'. ' The Journal Educational Contest. ; ' i
Quotations ; for New Grade Regular Dividend Glared,
Open ut Same values
BTUDENTf What ar you going to d daring vacation t Hav oa decided what
i achool or colleae you will attend next yeart If not, how would a acholarahin
In on of th following excellent echoole suit yout , - , f
as for Old.
AjxQvrt m. t, lorncrmasB 11,
; Chicago and return, f TLI.
t Loul and return.' M7.I.
, 01 Paul, Mlnnespolla. Iuluth, Sup.
rlor, 'Winnipeg and Port Arthur and r lust and thla la making quit a difference eautern Oregon.- II (e 21e.
POULTRT Mixed chlckena. HUc
fanrv hans. He lb: rooster, old
lOo lb; fryers. 1415c lb; brollera, 14i
I So lb: old ducks. 1U lb: spring ducks.
12o lb; geese, old. 80100 lb; gpnng rees
littwiJO per id; luraeyn, zxibiiso jo;
for old: sauabs. I2.S0 per doseni pigeons,
Il.f6 per doten. Dressed poultry. Iff
! . P' Jb. nigner.
' slop. Wool and Kldea.
HOP8 10.. crop Prim to choice,
While buddII of eastern egg In lhlslc; medium to prima, Sot contracts.
i . - - . . . - iinn a w a t
maraei i a very neavy; tne quality "'."''' . - .. .. ..
acarcely ba compared with th local prod-1 WOOL JS07 clip Valley, to Jlo
address H. DICKSON, C P. T. A.,
Telephones: Hala 110. Horn A-Ill.
v Weekly Jrlih and Paaaengev
: - Bervio of tb flM Baeamshlp
VOBTZlUTD averr lCoaday. trtM
f ax, mm oak-tri voea, I or
Ho! For Astoria
In the orica who claim thev are selling
eastern eggs ana do not mix in era wiin
Oregona and aell them aa the tatter
product. Todava orloe for strlctlv
Var ticketa. aleemna' oar reservations i freah pandlad ears ran ires between 12a
and additional Information, call oa orland JJH with -a few alngl cases of
guaranteea atock oid at I sc.
Chlckena are moving quite fair at
quotations, but the trad would not
atand any further advance in th pric
at ima um oecause auppue ar luiiy
up to requirement.
J. Mixed Ion la Cheese.
Th cheese market la on th "fence"
with varioua valuea ruling. Th tonB
while good In some Quarters Is dull In
otner ana some ar anaoing pricea.
Tbla coat the market th Ho advance
quoted yeaterday. It la atated that dur
ing th paat 14 hours th trade at Tilla
mook fell of considerably and holders
thr a r. nnt mn firm In thnli vUwi A
EMPIRE- NORTH BEND lrg local handler of cheea aaya that
. I rMterdJr h nad a great many Inqulrlea
AINIJ mAKbnrlULU Ior cneeaa, out aaiea were tew because
rtlva llrIV-'aa lof thm advannad lirnr an In ordan to
JTwlght Baoarved Till 4 p. m. on Pay keep thinga moving ho put prloea blck
oi Bailing. .'.;. . -r. again.
riBanm vortluo. lat-alaaa.! nov out of town creamery butter
910.001 td-cla , IIMI, laolndlng kerta 1 1 todajr selling at 10 and 12 Ho a pound.
IA B&aaia. - - ' l I wiin hwi uum ilium puyunai ui
Inoulra Otv Ticket Offlc. Third and butt! ! 5TSfi
Washington ete or Oak-street Dock. -hen tha laat advance waa made. Sev
eral cttv creamerv men were on Front
street today trying to aecur auppliaa
a tnetr atocx wer almost exnaustM.
Kep JUporta Badly Hlxad.
Report from various hop-growing
sections are badly mixed at this time.
Thel atest report aava that th big
yard of Krebs at Brooka, operated by
Chine. I In vary bad shape. Reporta
of other Brooka yards ara to tha aame
effect. Some yards are better than
usual In other districts, while some ar
very much worse. English report ar
mixea; th am aavtbos coming from
local points.
Tha Naw Tork Producer' Price Cur
rent aive thi of th situation :
Th local market ha continued very
quiet the paat week, dealera showing no
.mm.mmm '1 ai a mm , lUUIIMllvu lu UUT Kb pncvi aaavu. mui
m.iumu.i.vm tmtJMm ,,,. concession In price It 1 understood
Dally eerrtae betweaa Fwtlaad aad rXk I some buslneag could b tranaacted. Th
coast market ar also very quiet,, busi
ness being of small volume at last re
ported pricea, U rowers ara atlll holding
their remaining atock firmly, but if the
inactivity continues mere is no aouDt
they will be willing to sell at the beat
price obtainable before long. Crop new
i pracucauy uncnangea. a neavy wrna
storm In New Tork state did some dam
age to the vlna, but not to any serious
extent Otherwise ther la no change
reported, th vines being absolutely free
of mold. Th coast crop continues grow
ing ateadlly with good weather. There
ar some report -of 11c from Oregon,
but reliable parties claim thla la "greatly
overestimated. Cables from England
report th crop malting good progress,
ana tn outlook fair ror an average
yieia. uermany reports cold weatner,
but hopa making good progress, and a
good crop expected. The London and
continental markets ar reported com'
what Mmmimw fnv 1 QAS hAM
Daily (except Thursdays). lva Aides
' street dock 7 a. m.
Sunday a. a. tl round txlp.
' ' " ' CTOiTB MAtf sea. . r
Columbia River Scenery
Pallas, except Bandar, Isarteg Portia a at
V a. at, arrirlD abeat p. mm, canylaii
rraicot asa pasaanfera. npieaaia eennaiieaa
tlmie tor aatflts sad UVestoek.
Daek font ef AMer wL. Portia d foot at
Cent et The Dalhe. Pbose Mala S14. P-rtlaa.
Steamships ROANOKE v
Ball for Tnrka, Saa Fraaelaoo and Lea
: Angel direct every Thursday at p. m,
Hcket offio 111 " Third, near Alder.
Phcne IX. lilt. H. TOUNO, Agent.
- Cclsatla Elver Thrcogh Line
Steamer of the "OPEN RTVER" Una
1u An.
day. Wednesday and Friday at FIVE what easier for 190 hope.1
irviAjva. a, m. ior au points between f "9W.?Ja- J"cesf
Portland, Th Dalle and Umatilla. State. l90ij cholc. par lb
Leav early and see all th river. Ar-j State, 10, medium to
riv early. iw rate. Prompt service. I ote, uo. per 10
Telephone Main IIOU Home A3527.
ram mm
p.iiiiA nna.t 1 ana ,kAtM ik
Pacific coast, 19o4, prime, lb., t
Paclflo coast, 1906, medium, ..
Paciflo coast. 1906. per lb.... . 8
Brief Kots of th Trade.
Cantaloup market la still verv badlv
glutted ior poor aiuornias ana some
sales are toaav reported down to
Best Oregon range between tl and
12.50 a crata, Quality of latter lm
proving. ;
Eight ears of watermelons arrived In
during the cast 24 hours from Fresno
and war In fin shape. Today's pric
potato marxet is fractionally higher
Transfers FHed for Eccord l?Z,&K onionWmW
' Totaled $51,642 Many
Building: Permits.
am reason.
Tomato market Is cleaning un well.
but price is still showing a wide, range.
fancy peacnea are iinaing an 'excel
lent call at top values.
Dressed meat - markets firmer with
values unchangod.
Jrroni street prtoes:
Grain, TlpntJlHi.
; , Bealty transfers fifed for record yes
tarda war luA at 1K1 H whll tha
- aluo of building Dcrmlta Issued reichid ; : RAINB.APS --alouttfcac, largo
v w -w 1 i iois; "roaii toiB, 4c a
a total of nearly 200.000. ' The largest WHEAT New Club, SI 82c; red
. . permit Issued was for ; tha construe- I Russian. 8081c; bluestem, 8485c:
1 1 1 .vt af O n jm.
. , a". T"1;"" "cOaiN-Whole, 128.00; cracked, $29.00
steel office building at Seventh and OaV per ton.
etreets. v Permits were. Issued for a BAKLET New Feed, $21.0022.00
dosea residences valued at from 13,000 PJJ nV'iJUn aV " 00 0Oi brewing.
to $7,000. Johan Paulsen took out a rye liu5 per cwt
.permit to erect a one-story frame dwell- f- OATS New Producers price No.
jng on jMuimoman, petween jsasi jNinui i X.TX V- . ' "A""
and Tenth f 7,000. ,4of hlVelrr,
? John H. Bogt sold to O. F. Paxton a valley, 84.80 4.40 graham, a. $3.7B;
.Bos and lot on, Twenty-fourth street, wnoie wneai,.uu; rye, us, ib.oo; bales,
MOHAIR New 1907 ZlttSlUa
each; ahort wool, 26040c; medium, wool.
ow v ioo eacn; long wool, 76c1.00 each.
- l Aicuiw-rrime, per lb, iVfetytc; no,
a ana jrrenae, ztrzHC. .
, CHITTIM BARK 8c per lb. . i
, Traits and Tegttables.
POTATOES $1.8101.60, selling,' buy.
Ing. 8L26 per sack. -
ONIONS Jobbing pric New Walla
waua, 11.69 sack; Oregon. 82-26; garlic.
ec ppr ID.
APPLES New, ll.S0O2.2S.
. FRESH FRUITS Orangea. $4.28
4.78; bananaa So lb; lemons, $(.0007.60
per dox; umes. Mexican, 84.00 par 100;
pineapples, 13.28 8.00 dosen; grape fruit
3.26; cherries, 8010c lb; peachea, $10
.36; cantaloupes, $3. SO; raapberriea,
10c lb; , , plums, $1.00; watermelons,
ltto; cultivated blackberries, 81.60
a crat; crabanple 60O76e per box;
Bartlett t-ars. 1 1.00ft 1.60 nr box; an.
rleots. 31.60.
VEOETARLTCfl Turtiina. naw MM
$1.00 sack: carrots. 76c1.00 per sack,)
Deris, i.ou par sacx; parsnips, xi.goff
$1.26; cabbage. $2.00; tomatoes, Oregon,
6088c; parsnips, tOcOtl; wax beans
le; green, 4c per lb; cauliflower, $1,260
t.SO dosen: peas. 6c: horseradish. 8 lb.:
artlchokea. 5etfi7Bo dnaen: rhuhnrh in
lb.; green onions. J6c per dosen; bell pep.
pers, 10O12HC per lb; head lettuce,
( ) dos: cucumbers, hothouse, 20025c
dos; outdoor, 40060c box; radishes, 16c
dniDil 1 htinpnaa mm-m-nlmmt II. tK
green corn, $1.60 sack; 'Telery, $1.26
1 Orocerlas, Bats, Zto.
. BTTOAR Cube $8.22 H; powdered.
.vi; perry,; ary. granulated,
$5.87H: Star. $5.77H: conf. A. 85.87u1
extra B, 16.87 H: golden C. $6.27V4; D
yellow, $8.17 H; beet granulated. $6.77 H;
unrroin, jvc, naji Darreis, zoc; boxes.
ova muvanco on, bsck dhsi:.
(Above prices ar 80 daya net cash
HONEY $8.60 per crate.
COFFEE Package brands, $18,889
SALT Coarse Half around. 1nn
$12.60 per ton; 60s, $13.00; table, dairy,
60s, $17.60; 100s, $17.25; bales. $2.10;
Imported Liverpool, 60s, $30.00: 100s,
"; n'B, sis.uv; extra un. narreia,
2s, 6s and 10s. $4.6006.60; Liverpool
lump rock, $20.60 per ton; 60-lb rock.
u. uu; luus, iv.du.
(Above price apply to Sales of less
than car lots. Car lots at special prices
uujpci 10 nuctuations. i
RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, e. No.
2. 6V6c; New Orleans, head, 7c;
Ajax. 6c: Creole. (Ve.
BEANS Small white. $3.30; Urge
wnna, ss.bu; pins, payou, J3.8U;
umns, b&c; Mexican Tea, 4 HC
NI7TS Peanuts Jnmhn U.n rur lh
Virginia, 7 Ho per, lb; roasted, 10c per
is Japanese. BWc: roastea. 7O7H0
per lb: walnuts. California. 10c ner lb:
Pin nuts, 14O160 per lb: hickory nuts.
lOo per lb; Brasil nuts, 18o per lb; fil
berts, 18c per lb; fancy pecans. 18020c
per lb; almonds, l02lHo.
Meats, risk and Provisions.
FRESH MEATS Front street Hoa-a.
fancv. (Ho ter lb! large. 7 a So ner
lb; veal, extra, 8H9c per lb; ordinary,
8c per lb; poor, (07o per lb; mutton,
fancy. 8 9 e per ib.
HAMS. BACON. ETC Portland pack,
(local) hama 10. to 12 lbs. 15o ner lh-
14 to 19 lb& 15 Ho ner lb: 18 to 20 lba.
16 e: breakfast bacon, 16H22o per
lb; picnics. 11 He ner lb: cottaa-e roll.
11 Ho ber lb: reeular ahort cleara. un.
moxeo, izc per id: amoKed. 120 ner lb:
clear backs, unsmoked, 12c; smoked, 13c
per lb; Union butts, 10 to 13 lbs, un
smoked. to per lb: smoked. o dt lb:
clear bellies, unsmoked. 11 He per lb;
smoked 13 Ho per lb; shoulders, 12Ho
per Ib; pickled tongues, 80o each.
JjCnjaij IjAKD Kettle Jear, 10c, I80
. , . BetUr Thaa Aveaag. ,
: ; (Journal Special Servloa)
Pullman,.: Wash-. Aug. '1
, ThreshlDg machines ar hum
d mlng around . Pullman and th
d ; combined harvesters , hav been
startd tip thla wk. Th first
loads of grain-' wra hauled Into
. town Monday. Tlelds are- r-,
4 ported atrom 80 td 4$ bushels,'
d . th latter prvaillng In som ln
d stancea Utu fall sown grain
d la sUndlng,' th greater .part
d having m been; bound. , Spring
gown grata continues to de
d ' velop nicely as weather con-'
dlUons hav been Ideal for th
past month, 'white th crop will
not be a bumper, It wlU be better
than the average.
' Although a Disappoint
ment Holds Price Up.
Katy .. ....... HI
Q. Northern
L. dc N. ........
MO. racina .,..1
N. Y. Central...
Amalgamated ,1
Cotton Oil S
Locomotlv ...1HI
PL & Huson,.3H
u. Paclflo . ....
DlatUlera r
Anaconda . ,
Canadian ...... a.
Colo, Fuel .....
Xm Military Academyfoi boys, Port-
Mtuu, wregoo.
Two scholarshina; nni ' arhnlarahl
With board, room, tultlnn. laundrv ani
other Items, amounting to $660 Another
scnoiarsnip aa a aeparat prls for tul-
. Mary' zastltnt. Baavertom, Ore
gon, un acnoiarahip In aoadamlo de
partment. Including loasona on any in
strument; also board, room. eto. value
8N. Balm's Ball, day and boarding
cnooi ior gin ana young laaiea. l-"ort
pinn ,clfl0 land. Oregon, '.-wo scholarships, inolud
t'enn. , ........ .1., 1 in- noon DM,, ., . , .,,
Whltnaa OoUag, Walla WaHa, Wash.
Scholarship .in 0 Conservatory of
aauBio, vaiu aivv,
Willamette TTalveralty, Salem, Ore re a.
two acnoiaranipa uno in either ooiiea
or , preparatory department value 860
th other in the muslo department,
VB1U S1VV. -. :- . '!.' 1 4
Dallas Colter. Dallas. Oroa.' Bchol
arship in olther academic or colleg de-
S. Paclflo
U. & Stel
do pfd
B. A O H
C- 4.0 H
White there wa aome disappointment
among traders' because no increase waa
shown In th union Paclflo dividend de
clared today, th fact that It did not go
,ow..1M l"r ce.?1 """"J4 fu"if,n Tn .partmant. valu $36 to $60,
Kin, n,r( WUDIV 1 V WBB. f IUVIU.UVUI iU
thla Harrlman issue wer severe, th
price at on time ahowlng a loaa about
4 polnta from th close of yeaterday.
Thla loaa wa later reoovered on the
talk of an Inoreaaad dividend and the
declaration of th actual rata.
Amalgamated Copper waa th strong
est feature, th closing being 3 points
above that of yeaterday. Almost every
sioca on in iii closed witn an ad'
Official New Tork prices by Ovarbcckl music, value $80.
2ortlaad Acadamv. yortlaad. Oraa-om.
Day scholarship In either college or
academic department, good . for oa
year, vaiu 1120.
Mr. Walter Beed, Portland, Oregon.
itacnar or voice ana singing, lessons
to th valu of $100. ,
McMlanvlU Collars, BteBUaBrUi.
Oregoa. - Two soitolsrshlpa On in
ither scademle or college department,
value $60: one In th department 0
A Cook Cori
Aug 8 Aug. 7 Gain.
...88H. . 87 H
...2 7g S
73 H
76 H
79 ,
Oreron and w.ahi-- iti V;0VP"a
have it last aiinavnced an opening prl I Am! C
on the new crop of flour. The price Am. Sugar' . ."
named 1 $8.70 for exnort. n. Thi. 1. I . " S".
?XCtifi"Lin P' ruling I Anaconda M. Co
ih. h..V :.r5,. T now strong 1 Am. Woolen, ft.,
tne wheat and rloni. la ah tk. o. r .
elf la 'coaat . While no opening values do preferred . .
have beer, named by in liter on local I B. & O.c
-th Plnln h"-t new valuea Brooklyn R. T. .
Will ba Inst the aama aa ld . I r'.r, d..i,i. .
at thla time and that old flour will like- I Cent Leather, c.
It ""w iractionai aavanea Th trad I C & o. w.. o.. .
therefor expect quit a rush for old- C. M. dc St. P..
grade flour and on ammiiit nr tha .m.n In. N r
supplies some one will hav to be eon- Chea At Ohio . .
ni wun in naw gran a. 1 uoia r. ft 1., o.
Local wheat valuaa are van ataadv I Colo. South , n.
with much buying by millers around L lc 2d pfd. . . .
quoted value. Dela. A Hudson
' Chicago Karket Oataa. I d ? ' Lt"
In Chlcaro tha cliMt mar. V S12 P "
fractionally higher despite th bearish do 2d pfd,' 7.7
ton and lower G&blea eomlna- tram T.I. I An 1 .M
erpool. Thr ton grew better In Chi- Ot. Northern, p.
cago as th seaslon advanced, the close Illinois Central
howf ,8'as of to He. Louis. A Naah..
""""" v-mcngw price oy uverDecg & 1 Mannai. Ky.
Cook company
. Open. High,
Oct .
Jan. .
88 89H
92H 9S
97 'i 9$Z
ES 65
42 43
46 45
1820 1820 1600
910 910 902
916 917 910
860 862 860
860 862 862
860 866 856
787 787 785
Mex. Cent. Ry.
1 M . K. A- T.. c
Or Lands . . .
1 Vlr. Chemical.
Mo. Fac........
Nat. Lead......
N. Y. Cent
N. Y.. O. ft W...
Nor. ft West.,..
Nor. Pac, com. .
Pan, Mail St Co.
Penn. Ry
1-. 1. Li at v vo,
Pres. St.
Car. c 29 29HI 29
c. .... va s
Reading. 2d nfd
Reading, 1st pfd.
nep. 1 at o., c. .
ReD. I. ft S.. nfd.
noes; isiana. c. . .
Rock Inland, pfd.
HI. Ij. ft D. IT., 0.
So. Pac, com . . .
So. Pac., pfd....
So. Ry., com....
Tex. ft Pac
T.. St L. ft W.. a
T.. St. L. ft W p.
Un. Pac. com... 131 H
U. 8. Rubber. e..r82
u. a. Bteei vo., o. sz
u. s. steal Co. p.
Prfceg Current Today on the West ftn. fei
Saq Francisco Exchange.
San Francisco. Aug. 8. Official bid
raolflo Vnlverslty, Forest arov. Or-
goa. Two scholsrshlpa Ons day schol-
arsnip in in acaaemv or college, vaiu
isw. un scnoiarsnip .or a gin witn v
montha' Instruction In music; board,
room, etc.. In Herrlck Hall, $160.
Paclflo Oolteg, Bwbz. Oregoa. On
scholarship in either colleg or acade-ay
department for one school year, $80.
B, Max Myer, 843 Alder street, or
laad, Oregon, un scholarship good for
1 j noura inairuriion in o rawing, oi or
water color alnting or pastel.
Bolmes' Bnslaess Co 11 age, fortlaad,
Oregon. Fo ;r acholarahlpa; one com
bined scholarahlp one year, valu 104;
one academic or civil aervto scholar
ahlp. one year, $100; cholc of either
commercial or shorthand scholarships,
six montha $60; night course, any a-'
psrtmeni, one ear, iiv,
Bhak-Walk Basis Colleg,
Portland, Oregoa. Four scholarships
for 12 mpnthir combined course, valu
iivo: one scnoiarsnip ior months" com
bined course, value $86 on scholar
ship for s months' course, valu 870:
one scholarship for S montha, either
ahort hand or business course, value 80.
Baker City Bnslaess Collage, Baker
oiiy, wrcgoa. ttcnoiaranip good ror one
?rear In shorthand, commercial, v Eng
Ish. advertising and- penmanshlo
course, value
InWrnatlonal Oorrasaoadnoa Hhoola
of Soranton, Pa, Portland aceaey 614
amosLay snag, v. J
teed, maaager. Two
or iu tuition in
scholarshlrs: cnoita of
any of th numerous or helpful
courses except language course or
courses In locomotive running; another'
scholarship In th sam to th valu r f
International Conservatory of Ign-!
0, B. Sands, manager, Paolfl aoaat dl
vision, Portland, Oregon. Three schol
arships; the wlnnre to hav their
cholc of i any of th flv different
course taught by this concervatorv
namely, piano, organ, violin, mandolin
and r-itar; scholarships include sheet
music, all truotiona and the stringed
Instrument If stringed Instrument
courses ar selected.
Oreroa Sxor Colleg. PortlanA Aa
Yoa. On scholasrhlp In telegraphy ad.
typewriting, valu $7S. Apmher aohol-
arsnip in tciegrapny, ' typewriting and
avait.ii , wvta. van). , ivv,
' Portland Business Collars.' Portland
Oregon, A. p. ArsBstrong, prtaolpaT .
Four scholsrshlpa a follows: On for
13 months In combined course, valu '.
I 1 AA t Aata dna - Maiilkia t mm, - - . a
course, valu 886: on for a month. i
combined course, valv: $70; on for (
montn in suonnana or ousiness course.
valu $60. ' .... :. . .. , , ,
Bos City Business Oollera PorUaad.'
OresrOB. WO acholarahlna. nna un,:
blned course for on school year, valu
$0; one' co-ira In Bagvand
or bookkerlng, $60. v .
vapiia ainsiaesB voum, aaiem. tM
sTOB. On acholarshln. annd fn. Id
moncnr , tuition in slther department, ,
valu $100. - 1
- Oreroa Consarratar mr Wnilx
laad, Oregoa. Course In piano with m.
struction under- Lv H. Hurlburt-Ed-warda.
. Including iaa of muaia v,iu.
$250. - -- . .
Bagen Bnslnsss OoDer. Xnrene dm.
(Tobv. On scholarship In commercial or
stenographic course., valu $100.
Western Aoademv af VnalA. snnaat-
tloa and Dramatie Art, W. ZC Basmns.
prtnolpaj, portlaad, Or-goa, On schol. '
arahlp In cholc of vocal, piano, violin. 1
mandolin, elocution, oratorv and dram.
atlo art valu $200.
Xolmes-Plaadara Private School, part
land, Orga. On achoiarahlp good tor'
one years sneclal university prepara
tion, on year's normal course, or prao
tlcal English conrs for on and am
half years, valued at $160.
Oreroa Xw Oollasr. OonuBoawaaita .
building, Portlaad, Oregoa. Scholar,
ahlp In th first two years ot th oours.
value $160.
6UlDte Slchoal of BnveaaloB. Vara. '
land, Oregoa. Private snd class lnstrua
tlon to tha valus of $226.
Albany Oolteg. Albany, Oreroa. Tui
tion for en school year la liner oa
demlo or college department
Pendleton Business Colter, pendJetom,
Oregon. Valu of scholarship $100.
Marioa Ward Parahasa. drasaaua
reader, teach of elocution, oratory aael
aramaua art, Portland, Oregoa, Schol.
arahlp good for leaaon to valu of $200.
Columbia University, Portlaad. a
scholarahlp providing for tuition and
dlnnera on school days during th
school year, commencing In September.
Value $100.
Paclflo TTniversltv. Conservator af
Music, Potest Orov, Oreron, Frank
Thomaa Chapman, director. Two schol
arships, one valued at $50. on valued at
$101.26, In either vocal or instrumental
THE OREGON JOURNAL, Portland, Oregon:
I desire'' to aid to win i
Scholarship by gubscribing to the .....JOURNAL for the
Indicate here period of months beginning 1907.
Please credit to my account and deliver
the paper to the following, address:
whether NEW or
OLD subscription
No. Of points due
Call money closed 2 OH
Total galea for day, 916,400 shares.
per cent
Sandstorm 44c. Red Ton 48i Xfnhawk
II I: Columbia ML 67c. Jumbo 14. Jnmho
Ext 31.97, Vernal 17c, Pennsylvania
2c, Goldfleld M. Co. $1.80, Kendall 80c,
Booth 47c Blue Bull 88c, Adams 13c,
Silver Pick 69c. Mav Ouaen 11c. Vv
Boy 7c, B. B. Ext 8c Blue Bell 18o,
Dixie 60, G. Columbia 40o, Hlbernla Jo,
St. Ives 93c Conqueror 14c Blk Rock
uuii. oLttr nu, v. vYonaor 10, rouacn
40cA, Oro 23c, Kendall Ext 2c, Sandst
Ext 4c, Mayn 7c Atlanta 60c, Great
Bend 73c, Sknerone 20c, Empire lOo,
Red Too Ext 24c Florence fin. ntam'r
B. B. Con. 26c, G. Daisy $1.50- Laguna Official receipts:
i.w, v-umo. rract. z.zu, ur. isend Ext,
Neither Are There Any Arrivals of
SheepAll Prices Are Hold
ing Unchanged.
DIRECTIONS Points rfbt credited to contestant unless CASH accom
panies the order. To make sure contestant gets proper credit for the
points, remit direct to The Journal or give the money to the contestant you
wish to favor.. A person now, taking The Journal will be allowed votes if
the subscription is advanced for three months or more. Votes are allowed
on new subscriptions for any payment above one month.
15c, Or. Bend Anx. 10c B. B. Bonanr.a Today
7c Kewanos 7Sn. Fm.rM, 11 141 I Week rr
per Ihi Ss. I8H0 per lb: 6d-lb tlns.l2Ha Portland 22c, Cracker Jack 22o. Francia Year ago
par lb; ateam rendered. 10s, 11 o perNonaw" si.17. Red Hill 84c. Mohawk freviou year
Portland Union Stockyards, Aug. 8
Poke Scott and Ellas Williamson, In
Sheep dlans, ' residing on the Grand Ronde
reservation, appeared at Assistant
725 United States- Attorney James Cole's
202 office and told a harrowing tale of how
rendered. 10s. llio ner Mohawk $1.17. Red Hill 64c. Mohawk Previous 3
b; Bs 11 c pr lb; compound, 10s, 100 1 ih.il0' ffu 5ui2.n.Sc. T T's-ej 2 5c A, I Another day without th arrivals of u,ulu Commoyer and Jim Fasher sought
X. KOSO einsie nog in me local yards. Uke- l QVa-tha llvaa Rott and Vila wife
Mr lh I Urandma 19o. 8. Pick Ext. n
bh Rock cod. 7 per lb: nounders. I SS i'J'f- Jf- - vons. 8.i6,
00 per id; ; nauout so per ib; striped l ...,b r
bass, I5c per lb; catfish, lie per lb; sal-1 . COMSTOCK.
uwwav, 4w UV1 ah, vai. jl aS4S LI IVp BBS I
mon, fresh Columbia chlnook. 11c per
lb: Stlhead." lOe nlh- hYi "f."-. ??, Gould &
t,:: i- tct -ci. "z j-'Tg-' - 1 v-urrjr xiv, u)n. Virginia 59c: Hivan u o... ..
per lb; soles, 6c per lb; shrimps, 12c per
lobsters, 16c per lb; fresh mackerel, So
?er id; crawnsnfzso per oos; sturgeon,
2Hc ner Ib: Mark ha. ; 20o oar lh-
silver" smelt, 7o per lb; frozen shad, 6c
for id; disci cdq, per id.
In ateadv Cnt rhd "f1" on tn f" June 8 nd tnat th
lng steady, but unchanged. ' I Pad 10 ahota Into Scott's cabin, four
a van, sa sta tha nak vbi.a a. a a i 1 . - - : r . r .
,... -" auy to au 0f which went into the bunk Boott and
his spouse were reclining on,
Official yard prices
jLatue -Best eastern Oregon steers,
$2.76 4; best i cows arid heifers, Jt;
.Sheep Best wethers, $4.26;
$4; lambs, $6.
between Marshall .and Northrup, for
,BVV. : ,
A number of good-sized sales of east
via ' property have been closed up In
MILLSTTJFFSBran. $17.00 per ton
middlings, $26.00; shorts, country, $20
w.i-r, ,i..uv, wnui ,i,,vv uf m m A.v V.
hat iTociucers- price Timothy,
th paat day or two. - J. H. Truby has i WfA.iaTTa r.n
j.urca-ed from R. R. Ruff ner a house LVS liino
and lot on Fast Tanth aiiwat harwaan I ordinary, 81J.UOWl4.oo; eastern Orea-on
swMnfjSra f "4'. f "10.B0; clover, $7,60 8
, an.-uuyBr ana . jesroaaway, ior J 4, buy.
On Commercial atreet near Failing,
. Diuter. nan purcnaaea tne I. W.
Priest residence, consideration $3,100.
In the aame district.- J. W. ; Masterson
has -.purchased from L. A. Lesourd a
i; mixea, ivpiu.du: ciover, l.ftl
grain, $810; cheat IS.60l5.60.
hotter, Eggs and Poultry.
BUTTER t FAT F. 0. b. Portland-
Sweet cream, sic: sour. 29c
BUTTH.K t-ity creamery, 8Zc; sec-
rar v"aSf r8oo ,oMt -Mr.: Yo'tTts
m, .....w m " uiui uuiuiicvanii sa. niiur.
Iff 1 a. , a. 4- aa .a,a.A 1 tl Z A .
e-b.loi:k.a$ h? "?utb west corner of Bel- EGGS Extra fancy. dTndled.
V1" ".f"l'outen.t,, streets from a-ood candled: -22c.
JM. iim, uuiIMIueratton Ib.hOO: Tha 1 , UVUff H.nffnll i ...
'SencV' itosnvti lth odern 16c per lb." Young AmeWcani. lift
- Herman Klr hnnc-ht tt I PCriO.
'Webster fiv and a fractin- .SLur 1
IK. ?oM$2l,,5noVro,4' wat of Mount 5- MARK LEVT.TELLS OF
Article of - Incorporation of the in.
d'penrtent. Hebrew- Free Loan -society
wr filed In the office of the county
lerk this morning by M. Abrams, Max
. I'ohen- J. Weinteln.- Charles Good.
nan and A. Seibel. Their object la to
3 hh money to deserving people without
t uumtviz Interest. The corporation Is to
'i;Jt.i j ears. The property now held
13 vaiueii ll .uu.
II"', ' ,a
Tomorrow and Saturday, last days to
ixvt'Ue discount on wtst side gas DUia,
"The tomato market Is holding C
fflult well but no fancy prices ')
ar being paid by th trad. Qual- ' d stul very much . mixed . )
aom very "good ''toms' hra be-1
mg received from nearby points .
and ar finding a good demand ;
.around 10c a pound to th trade.:
They ar of th Black Republl- r
can . variety.- Mark - Levy. of
UTyj sc C0 a
Nev. 80c, Exchequer 85c, Union 88c.
Orleinal 8eA Hultf tut n it ..
Bullf. 6cA.- Nat Ranlr Dft). t 'ti-i.
. OYSTERS Shoalwater bay, per gal-1 2c, Amethyst 24c Gold Bar 64c Steln
lon, $2.60; per.lOO-lb sack, $4.66; Olym- way ScA, Denver Buf. Anx. 9cA, Bonnie
pia. per aaiion, ..zo; per no-m sacK, uiare 43C Mayn. cons. 87c, Monty. Ohio
$5.60Q6.2S: Eable. canned. 10c can: 87.00 Ext. 7c. O. Scenter if., vtnnt iit in
' t avrwaHjp J. aiVUICBLaa-B I .linnL . sun. I,
CLAMS Hardshell, per box, $2.40; Yankee Girl 4e, Nujrget 4c, Tramp Cons. Price Is Five to Ten Cent Lower
fS-EOr rinmi 19 nor- hnT 1iW riant Ar.m I A(ltA Vitni Q XT4-V. a-, n. "a a. I ..
. v vv ywa awa. y. wvat i T; ' Wf V V 0U6T 4J, 0UiB9l,
raws, coal on. xto. " ' .
ROPE Pure Manila. 15o; atandard. ' iwwrAn wbikiut. ,T CBlcagO. Aug. 8. Official receiDtS
. mom. -ron. is.oe, TOn. I . nugi vaiu eneep
fx.o, uicnunan zic, Midway I -"mi ........ i i.uuu a.ouu 1U.UUU
76c, Ton. Belmont $3.10, Ton. No. Star Kansas City .... 9,000 . 7,000 6,000
16c Ohio Ton. 2c West v.nA r.nnm 7i I Omaha -. 8.000 ' l.snn anno
Rescue lie, Ton. & Calif. 6c, Golden I . fiog are 6 to lOo lower.; left over
Ancnor iso, Jim Butler 88c, Ton, Cash I receipts a year ago 87,000. Prices:
Boy 6c, Ton. Home 6c, Bost. Ton. I0cA, Mixed $5.706.20; heavy $6.808.06;
Poke does not know why his lif Is
sought by th men whom ha has named.
but believes that they went out on a
spree on night and having nothing else
to shoot at or other means of express
ing the exuberant spirits which per
vaded their souls and anatomies, fired
a volley into the Scott cabin with tha
hone, according; to Poke, of hlttlna 'the
aged'- Indian and his wife. -Poke
Is not only old. but blind. He
presents a sorrowful spectacle ss he is
led from on place to another by his
Interpreter, Ellas Williamson, who is
almost blind himself. Ellas can speak
English, however, and Pok cannot, but
is quit a fluent speaker In his own
As tha twain poured forth tluHr tale
of wo and tribulation, Elias in broken
iwiKuau ana -ok in pur Chinook in
which ther ar said to be only S00
words, the air waa surcharged with '
' ua unure. una rea pictures oi com
moyer and Fasher wearing cloven hoofs
and spiked talla. Poke is bellevedjfj"
hav used each and every word, JgiHi
Grand Rond languag four f&Si. "
fc-Ju8t Jhat they wanted outsld ot
having Commoyer and Fasher hanged,
drawn and quartered was not mad very
f 'ear, but Mr. Cole promised to look
into tne oasa And if Wa tn.tnA .i,-
kind of evidence would do all sorts of
iSP.S ruUtjr Pr"e. whereat
Pok and Ella wended their
homeward wher thev mbwi h.
one mora ' tha ttrt v. . w..n..
i s9 w v v a, . suo MUtlwUI '
from Unknown and unaaan anemia.
13c: sisal. 11c.
COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Caaea,
19 c per gal; water white, iron bbls,
14c per gal; wooden, 17o per gal; head-
iigm. lvu deg., cases. Zlp per gal.
GASOLINE 86 deg., cases, 24 Ho per
xai; iron ooia, isc per gai,
BENZINK 63 deg., cases, 25c PtLMoj r,"' Ex 1c' Mont, Mid. Ext' 0"Kh 6.85 6.60; light 5.80.15,
gal; iron bbls,93c per gal Mc, Golden Crown 7c,
TURPENTINE In casea 0 ner aal: MANHATTAN riTHTwrfT
Ib- 600-lh lota So nar lh- leai lnfi alTn , ctjiw ump DC, uexter IZC,
Mr lb ' ? V lb. less.lotif, c t,. joe 2c Crescent 6cA, Combination 2c
Cattle steady.
eneep steady.
paying Dry Cows.
WIRE NAILS Present basis at $3.18.
: Best Crop of Grain.. t,l
' (Special CTepatch to lie 'Journal I U ;
Garfield. 'Wash.. Aucr. 8. Senator Tt.
C. McCroekey began threshing his big
Granny 23c, Mustang 20o, Uttl Grey
marketed last season because of ' tha
lack of transportation facilities. The
nearness of the railroad construction
ha brought this grain out to meet the
coming or th Northern Pacific this fall,
which will carry it to market at a price
that will leave tha farmer a a-ood nrofit
n me prouuet ot nis soil.
Threshing Stopped by Bain.
Roseburav Aug. 8. There was a heavy
rain her yeaterday afternoon that put
a stop to tnresning in tnis section ior
day or .two at least White there la no
material damage as yet to th grain in
wheat crop yesterday, and said:, i "Tho 11-00. Nevada Hills $5.76, Pittsburg fill
rAi4 tin. ..4 tkv vnr fnair a l .ail. Nn Htar , Wn. An
nice, J never expect to have a better Eagles, Nest 19c, .Ruby Wonder 18o,
crop on grain man i, em -now harveat. I wuur oca.
(Soeeial Dtamloh In Tha Tnnni.l.t
Mrt.MM.1J. A .. . m cil. j, ,. .1 ...Ira 4 . will ..Hi... 111. la. .Mln ...
' . - " v v,ij ii, aw, i ury mi l a COWS nave oeen DOugnt in lu6 I : eAiwn, iiu n tt. uuuuuuoi 1.119
Bronchjv 7c. Jump. Jack 10c, PInenut Camas prairie country by F, A SteyenaM"nage to all grainr wiU be heavy. The
OUi DUUttlU DC A. H. J fOtc JVC Y HAfIA a .Wallaaa M Ol . mi m w I fvtk tar f nwA nnonh rrnh iat lustt AAtValwics 4t
sc, Indian camp Sc. . . I brought here for shlDmenl to northern now and ready for the market.' Several
., VARIOUS DISTRICTS. ! ' f points. . The price paid is an advance I growers brought In their first gather
Falrv. Silver King 16eA Falrv Ea'ale 0' about haI a cent over last year's " yesterday; Ths rain will not hurt
.. . - I v, m, nl. . .... , n Amr.r. . Th... Mrlll V. .
than an average crop her and th prices
are gooa. , ,
United States Government Bonds.
tXork, Aug., $. Government
Ing." -Mr. McCroskey has about 1,800 1
aviea in wueai ana oais xnis. season.
Wheat Goes 69 Ponijds.
. (Special Dtipitch to Tfaa Jonrnal.l
Elberton, Wash., Aug. S.-VThreshlng
was naricu mere aaa me rirar ... naw
wheat came to the warehouse testing
Aft nnilnrl. It la nf th A t
and of a choice quality Ten threshing Thpees,.sman .bonds,.,? 101
machines and two combined harvesters E1"' Columbia. 3-h. . , , , uy.
t Twos, registered ;.,
dc couuon
i Threes.' registered
do, ' coupon
Higher Threshing rrlce. ?
. (Burets! "Dispatch to Toe JonraaL)
Moscow, It's., Aug. 8. Six cents
Easterners Want Fruit.
Bid. , Asked
106 '4 ' 108"
105K 108"
102 ; 103
102 U 1031?
re oueraiins in tne wneat ileitis naar
.....I..... n... . . - . - .
tnis : city.. , 4.n narvesi is on in full
swing. '
' 1 1111 ' f -
Pushing Harvest Work.
Wash.. Aug. 8. Harvest J
Four 8, registered,- new, .
do. coupon-.....,.,,.
Twos, Panama ..,. k
do, coupon
Philippine Fours v , .
busherfor oats and harley and 7 cental Moscow, Ida., Aug. . Bert W. Day,
ivr wiimi 111 me tou ar ma cnarges representing tn uamoie-itoDinson com-
thftt hav been decided UUOn bv tha n lnn fnmn,n,Af Mlnn.annlla la In
rthreshlng, men of the Palouaa country tha Snake river country for tha purpose
I ftn1 - ru prc prairie for this sea- of getting together a large amount of
nun; .m em nncai jutgiu u nuuica to i iruit ror carioaa snipments. - in a lew
me macnine, anomer cent- per bushel days h will leav for th lower river
will be added. Farm hand are scamn. I rmmtrv ta look nvar tha fniii .ihiiHnn
and though many hav come into tha He is dealing principally In Bartlett
wayeriy. 1
work Is being rapidly nushed and ix
threshers Will be in ODcrnlinti h.r. hi.
week. The weathc Is delightful and I London 31 16-16d,
tna iirmers are juonant over the great
prospects ahead for . a, bis vield
Wheat and a big pric for th same.
harvest fields this week there Is still.
srraat demand for men. . The wnthnr
conditions are ideal for grain saving. (
' - JIuch Grain Stored.
, (Sreeial Dlntch to The JourntLl r '
.- Lewlston, Ida., Aug. S.--Mor than
An AAA L. . . .. l. t I, . .... . - . . m
at. tr..i. - t n ... . i ivu.vvu iHimrrin ui main u la now eiorn
"2W- Wft'A- f1: ", J; in the warehouses at Vollmer. which is
more than the total of hist vear a crnn
in tna locality,
Newj York-Iondon Silver." .
pears and Elberta peaches, for which he
says there is a constant demand In ths
eastern market. H is now negotiating
wua uie viarasion men;.
of! Tomorrow and- Saturday.' test days to I lieved to
receiv discount-on west sid gas bllla ' enormous amount
allty. - This condition Is be
indicate that tliorewas an
unuust of grain thai was not
h Liverpool Grain Bfarket. C; ' .
Liverpool, Aug.- . Official prlcfes: -
Onen Clnan --.-Ana 1 T.r
oepwan ia is ta .-'s d
Mar, .ts 8d . Ts 4Hd ,7s 4 fed
Cept ,.4s HKd 4s llVsdAs U1
New York Cotton Market.
t ?P,n' H,Kh- W. 8 UC'T
HU J25 1221 1229 HIT
Feb. .....1235 1285 1221 1282 121S
aJSfi 'iSU 1284 288 22
April ..,.1285 1235 1235 1241' 1225
May J238 1238 1245 1228
Aug. ., 1164 1167 1151 1169 1144
Sept ....,1167 1168 1168 1167 1154
1210 1215 1208 1212 1197
Dec 1224 1227 , 1214 1221 1207
v PorUand Bank Statement.
Clearings today . . .
I Clearings yaar ago-.....
Gain tndaV
Balances today . . . I .
Balanoes year ago . . .v. . ,
tav, oaa.aa y i
. Bnlb Farms of Marshland.
From ths Chicago Tribaa. ift
Th vast Industry hlthrto assool
ated almost exclusively with Holland
is gaining a foothold In Great. Britain
that Is promising for the agricultural ;
?n?8, r-Itfte said that tha
Climate of Holland ii,t iiva .h
mate of England,.onIy wors. '
t la th. fen, district of 'Linoolnshir:
ther ar manv acrut nt i,m AmtmA
to the growing Of narolaal mr.t mn .....
cessful has the industry become that
several .Dutch rnn h,n ia r-
land th . compliment of buying tneir
uuid in tnai country, wh
era r saiu to nave considered si
tne aavisannitv or nnrrhiu n.
Llncolnshlr for the arowlna- at
so as to compete with tha .Englishman:
An acr of Wheat or'nntalnna In Vn.
land 1 worth from 880 ta ti 01). hilt an
acre of choice daffodils or narcissi may
be worth anvthina from aKft i nna
and mor . .