THE OREGON DAILY JOUHNAi; rORTEANP. THURSDAY VCIN0' J81 SH EPE R SEC UTE 0 ti Federal Prisoner Returned J , " 1 'i I rroiu Los' Angeles Jells Tale of Abuse.-V; , V HE USED THE MAILS , A ;; FOR yitONG PURPOSE : Jhior td Divorce Man Under Arrest l Had Narrow Ecp From Peath at Hands of Individual He Charged With. Breaking Up His Homo, r Wilts m W. Slaughter, who tu In 'Uctsd br tat ' federal rand. Jury for nd!n obsoens pictures through the mall, waa brought to Portland last nlsht "from Loa Angel. ' where ha waa ar rested, and arraigned this morning be-ora- Judge Charles B. Wolvarton In local United States district . court Slaughter Uvea near Woodbura. Ore- gon, and ctalma to be a much perseeuted md sga man, and If hla tale of trial V aaffibulatlone l true ha haa Juat Pjrf&Muae fdr complaint Ho says that' in rthe first. place ha waa divorced from ins wire When ne Touna ane no longer loved him. in fact Slaughter haa no heal- v tancy In declaring ' that hie former ' apouae waa smitten on one Eugene Rem vine ton. who realdas near the Slaughter rancn. Believing hla former, wife and Rem- Jngton were too familiar, Slaughter aent etters to ber in which Remington waa .mentioned in a manner dlapleaalng to that man. He accordingly seised a rifle, .ran over to the Slaughter place and sneaking up behind Slaughter flred at .the man aa he waa plowing In the field. Remington missed and aa Slaughter turned to aee who waa doing the shoot Zing, flred again, the bullet taking ef fect in the shoulder. Huge pieces of the Joint were torn away and Slaughter . Is minus the uae of one arm. A auilij- tei flew into Slaughter's eye and he -lost the eye. Remington waa tried in -the atate court and aentenced to serve two years for the crime. He appealed 'and the case is atlll hanxing Are. In the meantime Mrs. Slaughter a-ath- ered up her letters and others Slaugh ter srnt through the mall and came to Portland where she turned over the evi dence to I'oitofflce Inspector Clement. Slaughter waa indicted by the grand jury. Thinking that the fatea had been jtinklnd to him without the latest s , .eault on his personal liberty, he fled to r California where he expected to lose "himself from the officers. His hiding .ilace was located, however, anu Slaugh ter was arrested. He waa brought to ;Tortland by Deputy United Statea Mar shal Franklin of Loa Angelea. Slaugh ter la in the county jail la default of ,1,UUU OalL v Bad Symptoms. ;v. Ths woman who hu periodica head aches, backache, sees Imaginary dark spot or specks floating or dancing before ber tyea, bavvnawlng distress r heavy full Ming IfTItomacn, lalnt apelli, drag' ng-downfciling In lower abdominal or Glvlo regfon, easily startled or excited MuWror painful periods, with or with out trivia catarrh, Is suffering from wetkuif Y anttCertngemenU that should have efiiy eyfrntion. Not all of abova symptoiM aj likely to be present la any case at one Alma. ' . . Meglectod or badly treated and inch eases ybfiea run Into maladies whick de soantlfe surgeon's knlie U they do not. retu4atal(Y. ; yrmgdlclnw enunLhaa. tuch a long nOumpfiw.. ri ryrq,jrr runs in I'1 f "' 1 I Favorite, Frrsrrii? tinn. . no r,i-airiiie Iihs such a strorut Kt&iia riifrnrff if vt ral iiigrprienUL-wnrlh mnra than ay j uiiiiiiyi.iii.iiHM nail iiiiii,im ur.imiiat y .UlUttUia.Hi. The very best IngredlenU known U medical science for the core of woman' peculiar allmenta enter Into Its composition. No alcohol, harmful, or habit-forming drag Is to be found In ihe list of Its IngredlenU printed on each doiuo-wrapper ana attest! nnaer oatn. Dr In any condition of the female system r. Fierce'! Favorite PreacrlDtion ean da oniy gooa never narm. m wnoie effect Is to strengthen. Invigorate and regulate the whole female system and especially the pelvlo organs. When theae are de ranged In fnnctlon or affected, by disease, the stomach and other organs of digestion become sympathetically deranged, the nerves are weakened, and a long list of bad, unpleasant symptoms follow. Too much must not net exnected of this Fa vorite Prescription.. It will not perform miracles: will not care tnmore no med icine will. It will often prevent them, If taken In time, and thus the operating table and the surgeon's knife may be avoided. ' Women suffering from dlseaaes of long standing, are Invited to consult Doctor Pierce by letter, free. All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. Bi V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. r 7 Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser (0 pages) la sent free on receipt of SI one-cent tamps for paper-covered, or 11 stamps for cloth-bound copy. Address at abov PASTOR'S CONFESSION ASTOUNDS CONFERENCE Admit Guilt of Injudicious Conduct Before Large Assemblage Given Indefinite Vacation.: OAL AT LA GRANDE, i WOOD AT PENDLETON iTrainload of Anthracite From Penn sylvania at the Former Place; ,' , No Famine at Either. '. (Special Dlipatch to Tba Journal.) j I Grande, Or., Aug. . La Grande avnd Baker City have clubbed together iend ordered what will amount to a pralnload of anthracite coal from Penn .jylvania. the coat laid down in La Orande to be SK.SO per ton. Aa on ton of thla coal is equal to about two nd a half tons of soft coal, the price la not considered high, from the merely comparative standpoint. ' I n . Pendleton, Or., Aug. I. There are now over 4,000 cords of wood banked ut and awaiting shipment at the dif ferent wood - shipping points in the flue mountains, and there Is no rea son to fear a wood famine this winter. In many places the land haa been Kleared entirely, every small tree being cut. Into cordwood, and the supply is larger than for several years. It is .thought wood will be high this winter, jbut that there will be enough of it at pome price. (Journal gpadal Service.) Los Angelea, Aug. (.Rev. George Steed, pastor of the Prospect Psrk Methodist, church, hss astounded the great southern California camp meet lng at Huntington Beach by making a public confeaalon of "Injudicious Con duct" with a woman. Dr. Torrey, the Chicago evangelist in charae of the gathering, had been discussing Sabbath- Breaking, ana suddenly Drancnea on hla subject with thla DJea "If there Is any here who have made other unworthy compromises, please let tnem arise." None stood up ssve Rev. Steed, who sprang to his feet and remained erect until the meeting closed, hanging hla head In shame, while his wife sat be side him and wept. It was a dramatic scene. Not a word waa spoken, but a a Steed had already been accuaod his action spoke plainer than words to the assemblage. Four presiding elders of the southern California conference who were present. at once took Bieea in nana, ana after a private hearing gave htm an Indefinite "vacation without -pay." V t ' Tomorrow and Saturday, last days to receive discount on west side gaa bills. - I'M iron moiaers or st Louis ac cepted a wage increase of 16 eenta per aay offered by the employers In piace or tne ze osyits demanded. Watches cleaned, 11. 142 Wash. st. AT THE THEATRES i 'j "The Undertow." Municipal reform and how it was ac complished by a newspaper reporter Is the plot of "The Undertow." which the Btockwell-MacQregor company is pre senting thla week at the Marquam. "The 'Undertow" reflects conditions in San Francisco and other American cities .where there have been revolts against machines. Bachelor's Honeymoon." - It seems impossible for a bachelor to ihave a honeymoon. Those who have 'doubts about thla tnattar ahmiM vial Rjiha Star theatre this week and witness scream- dolnir comedy work In this Vehicle. rUiie nmr meaire inis weeK and wi I fSfefcBachelor'a Honeymoon," a c I ln3BBle. The stock company Is I i aome mlti best comedy work lr -Real Vaudeville Feature. , "Friendship," the headline attraction . t the Grand, waa written by Ibsen, the .famous dramatist. It Is the only ketch he prepared for vaudeville and this is the first time it has been brought to the Pacific coast. "Friend ship'1 Is a satire on the modern prob lem drama. Tomorrow and Saturday, last days to receive discount on west side gas bills. PERSONAL- Charles Wright, president of the Ore arnn hotel, has returned frnm weeks' outing at Bellingham and the coast. Mr. Wright spent much of his nmo in me ovuiiu u j ues wnere he had an enjoyable time. George H. Baker of Spokane, is at the Imperial hotel. Mr. Baker ?s , state senator in Washington and has a larae nmVia - 4 trl tn A m la Tm 4. .a liumwui v. , ii'iivin sis Arvrwdiia. , A. E. Strang of Salem, who goes to Niagara Falla as a delegate to the National Association of Stationary En- glneers in convention there September JO, will do missionary work for the Portland chamber of commerce by dia- trlbuting Oregon literature among tha ' delegates. .. j Harry B. Smith, the Well-known porting writer, formerly with the Tele- ?ram, reached the city this morning rom San Francisco on the City of Pan ama. Mr. Smith Is sporting editor of the San Francisco Chronicle and Is in the city visiting old friends for a short vacation. I Tomorrow and Saturday, last days to receive discount on west side gas Dills, ,- ' ...... Town-Building at Vollmer. T ! j. Lewlston. Idaho, AugV t. The new town of Vollmer. near Lewlston; Is alrve w4th construction work, and gives every Indication of rapid growth. ' Fifteen cnjpnters from Nos Perce are at work sldewak construction and on the sierv lur ini inarr Mercantile com- pany. This force Is In addition to those previously at work on buildings. Work on tha water system is to begin - at ones. irrfr:i-.-r- .r . j - ' " " Xstsger'a spectacles. It, 14! Waeh. Suits $20 to $40 Trousers $4 to $10 You'd best not wait many days more We're nearly ready to withdraw our i special mid season offer of an extra pair of trousers free with every suit at $22.50 or more. We'll have to "cut it out" as soon as the fall trade gets started. However, you can order youV fall suit now and by anticipating your wants just a little you can still se cure the extra trousers, too. This is a case of "nq, time' like the present." ' GRANT PHEGlEY.Minagsrf Elks Building Seventh and Stork Summer Goods Have; Us Now--Clearing: Tliem Out H A. 1 U, lh iH , Arc Heel . ' Record Drenlcers Friday's Great :A day of staggering reductions to crowd the store with buyers Whafs left of pur summer stbeicat VfandW more you buy the more 20c LARGE BOXES Hair Pins Larga fancy tMortrnent arviestra 'bit: boxes: our best 20c values now half pric, DO a ...,........... . ...... .11 Jm ' assssaamaaaaiwrT-'-'-si,,, ' " 0 an1 "laaji Fancy Silk Gauze s Jap rati Hand painted Geiaha effect others seu tnem at no ape cut; one day only, 3 for. ; caw . a f osoid ait mum Tawmm Women's $7.50 to $10.00 White Wool SicirtS All $7.50 to $10 values-that's what they are worth-that's the price we have sold hundreds at all season long-NOW-slashed to $2.98 to clear them in a day-just 73 in the & AO; lot and if you are lucky enough to come before they are gone you II get a bar- y J jlZytv gam mat you u remember tor years-made or tine wnitc wool serge and mo? v hair, cut in the latest models, strap and button trimmed-all beautifully tailored i and every one guaranteed a $7.50 to $10 value-Pick a $10 Skirt if you want CLEAN SWEEP OP ALL OUR WOMEN'S $2.00 AND mi TOM $2.50 White Waisb men s 49c Fine sheer lawns in over 50 different styles, lavishly trimmed with laces, embroideries and tucking sizes. There's no reserve, all $2.00 and $2.50 Waists go now at, choice All our Women's $2 Long Kimonos go now at choice.. Any Silk Waist in the House $ That sold up to $15, there's none re served, all colors and black and white . ' f 'v ' 5,000 Women's Aprons Made of white lawn, good size, always sold at 35c, now 11 3o Women's Short Kimonos, worth up f $1, all In one lot 28c SKIRTS AT YOUR OWN PRICE Almost giving them away now to make a clean sweep before the fall stocks arrive. Over 500 still to go, marked down to less than cost of material alone. Made of all wool chiffon Panama, cheviots, serge, broadcloth, voile, taffeta silk, etc., full tailor made, fancily trimmed, all colors and black. Come early and get first pick. Three great lots, three big bargains, choice 15c Curtain Swiss Qlp Full yard wida, made to aell at 15c fj 4 j yard $1.25 Table Covers 6-4 English Tapestry, fancy 1 O V fringed, all colors $1.25 Bedspreads QQp Full slie, Marseilles patterns and good weight Big 10c Towels fip Genuine huck, heavy weight and 113a cheap at 10c. 25c Hand Mirrors An Good size, fancy styles; one to a I 111 customer '. $15 Skirts a mm itt i nnirr Shirts m' ruA Here's how We Clear out the Millinery My Mnmed Mat In the Donse Worth np to $3 Choice Remember Worth up to $3 all now Choice 10c Sale Starts at 8 Sharp Be Sure and be Here Then All our Trimmed Hats worth up to $12.00 SQv uuv All our Trimmed Hats that ffi.10 ....49c now . 50c Black Silks, Full 19 In. One thousand yards only and all the genuine Kai Kais, black only, 19 inches wide and the kind that always sells at 50c. Thousands will be after it, so come early. While it lasts 3)e 20c Bath Sponges All good size best 20c values half price, each 210C lOcMogneticStorch All full size 10c packages while they last '5e Best 25c Combs Full size Dressing Combs none worth lets than 25c choice. 9 20c Tooth Brushes Good bristles bone handles, best 20c values cut to lOe Finest 50c Perfume Offo All odors buy what you want at ZjfiJ . half price, oz 50c Linen Hankerchiefs Half Cutting: the price right in half to clear them out. Women's hemstitched Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, and J-inch hems, full size; never sold even at a bargain sale at less than 10c. For Friday, y2 price ire by Selling0 Out the Wash Goods Most Any Price Goes now to Clear Out What's Left DOMESTICS 12Uc fancv Ginehams. in blues. cink.zray and tan stripes, A vard... 7C a ' r ' 8c bleached Huckaback Tow C eling, full 16 in. wide, yard. . . . JC Yard wide unbleached Muslin, fine heavy and cloae wove; best OI of 10c grades, yard 03C All remaining lots are yours now at l2t 1-3 and Yt price, and at these give-away fig ures it will pay you to lay in next season's supply now. AH kinds, all styles, plains and fancies, figured, striped and dotted including the finest of imported fabrics, all in 3 great lots at, choice All 20c Wash Goods 8 ILHfr Goods JlQi Children's 25c Underwear 1,000 garments to go, fine Jersey Jl ribbed Undervests, high neck, short sleeves, pearl buttons, 4 to N 1 aaAsMa sina4 . lm jSkaas txAslst xu y&iOf anu cui svjw vcuuva t v , Ladies' 20e Hosiery Just 1 case of it, fast black and full regular made, full seamless; never sold under 20c Clean Sweep price at SOOOClothesand Hair shes Bru Good bristles, solid wood backs, full sizes, none in the lot worth less than A(ft i p 25c, only 2 to a customer, as at jl I L this price they're a bargain so f r great that every one should go by liA-i 1 noon, choice, each ........ ? SILK Qean Sweep 75c All our $1 wide 27-iru black Taffeta SUkv yard. An our 75c Pongee Silks, in brown, green, pink and cream, ; 3 39(J Broken lines Suitings, all yard 50c and 60c Wool 1, all. go at, choke 3 25c Silk Elastic Yard Pure silk web Eiastic, plain and1 E3. fancy edge, black, white and all col- K JD orsour every day 25c kind, cut to, Jtty vy 75c TJuslin Underwecr All mixed lots of Gowns and Draw- p ers, lace and embroidery trimmed ; none worth less than 75c all go at, r . choice V