The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 07, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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I ml nri6ii!6
Camival and Fair Draws in
All of Southern
f hie ran
r ...
Specimens of Four Varieties
of English Walnuts at
Chamber of Commerce.
Ashland Day I Friday, and Ercut
lions Will lie Run on Both Great
Parade el Autoa High Mark for
Southern Orrgon Touched.
i -
(Special Pltp'.trt to Tbe Josrnal.)
Medford. Or.. Aug. 7. The carnival
and fair now on In thla city Is the
mot successful event of Its kind ever
held In southe-n Oregon. Several thou-
i nand people are In daily attendance,
', many coming from other towna or
i- Jackson and Josephine counties. The
promoters have spared no effort or ex
penaa to make the fair a success, and
, tha several nhows and the various dls
( plays and exhlhlta are proving of in-
tsrest to tho throng of vlaltors. The
city la gaily decorated with banners,
' flags and atreama and a holiday air
Is manifest.
; Among the dally attractions Is a two
ring circus, In which local riders give
a performance equal In many respect a
to the traveling tented shows. A bi
cyclist loops the gap and there ara I
: races and contests of various sorts.
; -me automobile parade was tha pret
l tlest thing of Its kind ever seen In
f , southern Oregon. Medford has mora
motor cars than any other city In Ore
: son outside of Portland, thsra being
SO of them here. Many of these, beau-
tlfull" decorated, ware In tha parade.
The fruit and produce exhibits ara
splendid, considering the early season.
Many fine samples of pears and apples
ara on display.
y Thursday will be Oranta Pass day.
.. A special train will bring 400 people
from the Josephine county metropolis.
4 Hook-drlillng contests and events appro-
priate for the. mining town visitors will
be' riven.
, Friday will be Ashland day. A ape-
rial train will also be run from that
i city to bring the crowd.
' The fair will continue all week, clos-
'in Saturday nlghL
WIH Soon Return to Boise Gives
: His Reasons for Not Coins
' With, Haywood Party.
(8peclal Dispatch to Tbe Journal.)
Bolae, Idaho, Aug. 7. Charles II.
Mover, president of tha Western Federa
f tlon of Miners, released from the county
. Jail here on bonds, has left with his
, wife and her sister for Manltou, Colo-
rado, where they will remain a few
, days, and theh go to Denver. After
. looking aftsr Federation matters at
, headquarters for a while ha will return
to? Boise and remain till his case la
, ? called, October X,' If It ever la called.
Before leaving he stated as his rea
son for" 'not bavins- arvinrnli. tha
Haywood party thst he was only out on
bonds, and that he did not think it
proper for. Mm to participate in a cele
bration at Denver, or any other place,
, which he" would haye been almoit
; obliged to do if .ha had accompanied tho
Haywood party, as a celebration In
honor of tha latter had been planned;
besides, he had business In Rnl ha tn at
tend to that required his attention after
.the Haywood party left thia city. How
ever, he thought It would be perfectly
proper for Haywood to do so.
Tne etory sent out that Mover and
Haywood were at outs and that Moyer
had declined -to go. with tha Haywood
party on that account waa evidently an
1 magi native effort.
Specimens of English walnuts pro
duced on the farm of J. A. Wled at
Jefferson, Oregon, have fteen placed on
exhibition In the Chamber of Commerce
exhibit. There are four varletlea, nearly
matured. The ntita are large and per
fectly formed, and ure shown as con
vincing evidence that Oregon will pro
duce profitable crops of the finest wal
nuts. "Walnut groves already benrlna In
the Willamette valley have conclusively
proven that thla region Is especially
adapted to their successful prnpugatlon
as a commercial crop The walnut tree
thrives in deep, rich soil that la well
drained." said II M. Williamson, sec
retary of the state board of horticul
ture. 'Grafted trees are the best pro
ducers. These trees planted at two
years old begin bearing In five or six
years, and steadily Increase until they
reach their full growth nt about 20
years. The trees should not be planted
Closer than 66 feet A walnut orchard
can b filled In with Alberts, so that
every fourth tree Is n walnut tree. As I
me walnut trees anrend the filbert
trees may be cut out, until ultimately
all the Alberts are removed. The Al
bert bears quicker and reaches matur
ity at eight or 10 venrs, and furnishes
a profitable crop while the walnuts are
growing. If desired potatoes or some
vegetaoie may be grown in the walnut
orchard during the development pe
riod." The best walnut scions arc expensive,
costing 2 apiece, and are scarce at that
price. The reason Is that the grafts
should be taken from the jld 3'd. and
owners of trees are slow to permit the
cutting back of their trees. Borne Ore
gon Orchardlsts are starting English
walnuta scions In black walnut trees,
and planting seedling walnuts. When
the seedlings have reached a proper slxe
they will be top grafted with the scions
from the black walnuta. thereby pro
ducing the English walnut at lower cost.
English walnut orchsrds require "ult
vatlon and constant care, although not
ao much as apples or other fruit. The
walnut does not reoulre spraying, ex
cept In treatment for blight.
Federal civil service examinations for
Portland have been announced as fol
lows: Marina steam engineer, salary
1720 a year. August 22; electrotype
molder, salary 64 cents an hour, Au
gust 22; garaennr. salary 1600 a year,
"Moral Character" waa tha thema of
the civil servlca commission thla morn
Ing, lying tha premise on which tha
argument was made, and Thomas Cole
man, ex-patrolnun, tha point around
which the action revolved. Coleman
who used to be a policeman before tha
nuvrm 01 mm civil service commission,
lied about his ajre and had been removed
rrom me eligible list, but the clrcum
stances were considered extenuating
mm in; wan reinstated. ,
Coleman's attorney. R. W. Monfaa-ua.
appeared before the commission and
stated that in view of the fact that hla
client had been advised by responsible
cltlsens to ralastage his age when there
was no reaeon for doing so, the former
officer should be given some considera
tion. Secretary McPherson In a communica
tion to the board called attention to the
number of applicants who lied about
their ages under oath and asked per
mission to have such men arrested for
perjury. The board did not feel dls-
poaed at thla meeting to grant tha re
quest and "will probably' be taken tip
later. Mr, McPherson stated that there
had been scores of Instanoes where men
had presented themselves and gave an
age permitting them to take the ex
aminations when investigation disclosed
!L' .t wor" na wn yaara above
th limit.
Commissioner Willis thought that man
who jinn anoui meir earea .m tAAk.
nlcally liable under tha law .but ha
doubted If a Jury would convTit tham.
uyms iDoui ages is like eteaiinv un,.
brellas," remarked Mr. Willis in show-
Somebody of Same Name, or Some I
'Forger, He Say, Wrote to
. ' : Railroad Commission.
Heavy Capitalists Who Havel
Money There Start
Great Boost.
(Special Dlaptteb to Tbe Joeraal.)
Vancouver, Wash.. Aug. 7. At
(Special Dispatch to Tb Journal.)
Salem, Or 'Aug. 7. B. F. Jonaa
rltea to tha railway commission that
tha complaint of oondltlona aa to rail
way travel at Medford and Jacksonville
waa not written hv him. hut that tt mas
either written by eome other man of tha
me nsme or is a lorgery. mat 11 was
the latter Is believed from the facta
uuveruur uuaraoenam Has
Named List of State's
(Special Dispatch to Tt Josrntl.)
Salem, Or., Aug. T. Tha following
' " ''" "1 Wl. YVI111S in SHOW- I -- ' I K - - k --ww - - - - ' ; - I - ' -".ivnuil
g the tendency toward treating ih. mnii h.M in ih narlnra of tha Co. I ln tne signature aa well aa tha letter naranna have bean annolntail h. i..
CofeKonttn appe'aSST'th0.' ,umbl club ,t th qU"tl0n OT - h?.dn0.CaUOn " rno' Chamberlain to represent tha
members of the commission and sine, of further advertising Vancouver waa Tha railway commission has juat is- state at the National Irrigation conaresa
tha oircumatances were mltis-atlnr th I vlmmuaw nii.n un tt was the d-I "uoa an order that fresh drinking water to be held at Sacramento next nu,
membera did not feel disposed to act olslon of everyone present that too b provided In all caraand depota where ber: f1"'"
Mrshly owtrd him. much money could not ba apant In thla "t mjp0ird ticket offices Portland F. E. Manchester. T. Rich-
r"if. ine pars: employe a is-1 way. 1 . , wwviw ui iroiim, a. a. iioiurooK, j. yv, cook A
V' aunuiia xori Aoignf inoae present irura wui.iu. "J.;. 1 j .L .1 ... v. n, uii.i., o. o, miioii, 0. cornel
alleged frequenting of saloons while on polnta were P. 8. Tyler and W. D. Tyler ,.m "r- that all waiting rooma Qeorge McMillan. A. N. Smith, J w
dutv. has annltnd fur & hrin i,i.k nt T.nn,. mil. c Unn. it lunctlona be kant ODen while naa- I ri c r - c,k.:l
o clock before Commissioner Brewster. Moore and E. L. Burnette. all of Port- Platforms of all atatlona ba 'lighted Thompson. J. Mallerv. Mrs. L. fir:
land. These' men. with (he exception when tne waiting rooma ara open.
or the Moore brothers of Portland, nave DIVORCE SUITS
Vntil yesterday evening Deputy Coun
ty Auditor Hasel Page believed firmly
that he was an expert In the use of a
sledge hammer. But ha had an expe
rience yesterday that differed consid
erably from the years of experience that
had led him to believe himself an ex
pert, and yesterday's experience cast a
doubt on Page'a convictions.
Deputy County Clerk Harry Bamford
and M. M. Bloch own a gasoline launcn.
Yeaterday evening when they went to
the river for a ride, they invited Page
to Join them. The Invitation was ac
cepted and the three proceeded to whtre
the launch waa moored.
Arriving at the wnarf It waa
that a boom stick which lies aor.g
the bank has two big spikes driven
part way into It. and these spikes
soratched the aide of tha launch.
oonatructing a atreet railway system
here. They were escorted to Vancouver
oy tne Moors brothers. Dinner waa had
at the Hotel Columbia, after which they
were ahown about town In Mr. Moore's
At the whooD-'er-uo meeting commlt-
1 iru wore uiiiMiiuiea u nave vuarse ui
Bloch borrowed a hammer, but the lne!'",nr campaign. E.E.Heard.
tool waa ao light that it ould neither iSSStnt . Jnmi.t!i ?X ..v'STZl
drive the spikes In nor bend them dow.i. Appointed, a committee to take up. the
so ha took It back. bu$ soon returned Siiiv n . p . m
with a sledge. Stepping over onto tha MiL Jaiera"--P-M- E1 Ei 8BU"
vvr,n .ti.i, nuk .k. i seeker, A. R. Eastham and W. H. Moore
driving ths'aplke In when Page remem- I Piln..te.i l0, rJT!n5 J0!01
Deren that he waa an einert. . mo mumuiii uuo
staff, Charles- K. Henry, C, B. Williams
E. P. Sheldon, J. T. Carroll, E. B. Piper'
C. 8. Jackson. W. A. Wilson. John tnri
dano, A. B. Slauson. C. W. Cornelius.
FILED IN ONE DAY w!rjfounlr2rr j? "5: LbVa &
wnite, Mrs. r. r. chapman.
" Salem W. R. Klna- Mrs. W H. Kin.
tAhn I J T l . I i T l T T t r
Throe Allege That They Have Been rymple. ArHuckestein ' '
Heppner Jfrank Gilliam, C. A. Rhea,
Deaerted and One Charges
Drunkennear and Cruelty.
(Bpeclsl Dlipatrb to The Journal)
Oregon City, Aug. 7. Four divorce
or the Dumoss of raisins funds with ,ulu wer entered In the circuit court
It was the yesieraay, tnree ror desertion and one states: S. Thomas of Lexington, J. A
C. E. Redflald. Sam K. Van Victor.
Klamath Falla O. T. Baldwin, R. A.
Alford, L. Oerber; Pendleton, S. A. Lo-
weii, james jonn. M n. awinjp, WV J.
Furnish and H. C. Willis: RaKr.niv
r. nya, w. yj, cowgui, w. J
terson, S. I Baer, A. L. Curry, S.
I. B. Bowen.
Bealdea these tha followlna- were bd-
polnted from vartoua places about tha
"Here, let me have that." said Paeel
to Bloch. taking the sledae from his 10 advertise the city
hands. "You can t handle a sledge un- "t " " "'"J"'" i u (iraem ror cruelty and habitual drunkenness. Maiiery oi tone. c. T. uoodwln or Mil-
less you know how. I swung a sledge Vh mtln lat evening that a com- A Ntwby i her ...n.t ton' D- c- Brownell of Umatilla, J. T.
for years. I am an expert." ptilnt mn .houl1 uu fnP''l t0 I W 11 Nedby aaya the wlr. m5?Hed w'"tlar. A. C. Crawford and J. F. Mc-
And with thla Page swung the hlg hr,"e lhe, P110' work; ThJ a" Indianapolis Octoba? 2 Iggi and Na"ht of Hermlston, Louis School of
hammer and aimed a fierce bfow nt th" PI" r H1 be further discuased at the iei ,ha? her husbd deserted her Echo- W- Wooden. C. L. Keamee and
spike. But his hand had lost Its cun- coming whoop-er-up meeting. .. Jiie es tnat K. C Hanley of Jacksonville. C. R. Kay.
nlng. for the sledge missed the spike , to contributed lo ner auppor : In addl- i S"" ,nd J',Ti, K,ed(!L f Mvlford.
and Page and aledge went Into the TTNPT.F A Q TT MTQTTAP tlon to a decree of divorce aha wants F- 8- Youn- and K. J. hVasler of Eu-
rlver with a splash. UiM JjA&AJM JU1M1AI to resume her maldw? name Allll VM- E- Wonderly of Rainier, F. W.
A friend selaed Pare aa he fell nnA rr, iu...,. maiaen name, Alice of McMlnnvllle. Charles Ballard
1U lUlOO IirjUWLid
pulled him out before he waa complete
ly suDmergea. ana a aiver came nlun
f resent iv ana rescuea tne hammer rron
he bottom of the river.
Attorney-General AdTlaes That In
debtedness for Schools Would
Be Illegal.
Edwin Jones of Beaver Creek Drops
in the Field, of Heart Fallu
Second of Family to Die So.
(Special Dtupstrh to Tbe Journal
anlA ... 7 Tha DHnrnpv.CPntml
lli.n.l It- 1 ...l : " aoiriii, - "
$fVdayr8TeBmb.;"lcom S 5r""'! ye-terday gave an opinion that the nor
tlcal almanac office, salary 700 to $1 -00
a year, September 11 and 12: public
document cataloguer, salnry 900 a year
September 4.
Applicants desiring to take the exam
inations can secure full Information
concerning the details by applying to
Z. A. Leigh, aecrctary of the civil
aervlce commission, at the postofflce.
,M,rsv P1"9 Thayer Walker, wife of
Will II, Walker, died at the family pssl
dance, 442 East Seventeenth street, Irv
ington, at 1:30 o'clock this morning
from the effects of a severe ran. nt
pneumonia contracted last February.
neaiues ner husband and son, Mrs.l
naiaer leaves many warm personal
friends to mourn her loss. Funeral ar
rangements will be announced later.
"In a year the people of Portland will
pay out for hauling their garbage to the
present crematory more then .nnmrh
I to build a new one," said Mayor Lano
un. murning j na mayor wants a loca-
tlon closer In and in this he is supported
by the health board. It is likely that
ai me next meeting or the council that
mal schools at Drain and Monmouth
have not the power to Incur InJebted
noss for meeting running expenses dur
ing the coming year. A bill passed the
legislature last ssslon providing for the
support of these schools but It was
vetoed by the governor. Communica
tions were received from members of
the faculties of both schools stating
that certain funds were available from
tuition fees nast aDDroorlatlons. volun
tary gifts, etc., and they wished lo make
certain loana to make up the balance.
The attorney-general expresses the
personal opinion that It was entirely
probable that the legislature would at
Its next session pass the original bill
over tha governor'a veto or enact special
legislation on the subject. In such an
event it would be entirely proper for
the arovernlha- boards of the different
schools to reimburse the parties who
have donated the funda to meet present
expenses. But it would ba lllegsl for
the boards to Incur liabilities which no
funds had been appropriated to meet.
(Special Dlspsteh to Tbe Journal.)
Oregon City, Aug. 7. Edwin Jones, a
young man about 30 years old, while
working aa a harvester at Beaver Creek
yesterday, met with sudden death from
heart failure. Up to the time of his
death he had been In good health. A
brother of his, some years ago, waa
(Special Dlapatcb to Tbe Jon mal.)
Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 7. Julia
Hedges, employed at the A. B. C. rea
taurant. Is of tha opinion that the
waters of tho Columbia river are about
aa cold aa possible without turning tnto
Ice. Such an opinion follows an In
voluntary bath In the Columbia slough
at "Camp Just For Fun."
With a party of friends Miss Hedges
crossed the river on the Vancouver
ferry. Some one suggested that they go
to Camp Just For Fun" and take a
rowboat ride. All agreed, and Boon all
but MlRS Hedges were seated In mw.
boats furnished by the proprietor of
William O. Wlmer nr. tnr a rtlvore. ?na. J- : -Bner'r or uosenurg. vv. J.
from L. Delia Wlmer. The nartle. were ?.rau" uv J- 'm" INOrm. Hen2-
m.i a, ' w. f. aiurpny. c oiraw ana j. o.
18M. The pUlnWaUMa. thM nla Twlfe 9.1.? Marahflald. W. Wright of
deserted him at Pnrtl.nrf i...v V unipn, 13, r. irvine oi torvains, J. 11.
deserted him at Portland January 1, Wh u ofr A,torllli N. a Mrrli of Mer.
her April 30, 1899. and haa alnce con
uppn. . H,llfrt of Th. I-,.,,., tame. Hlalces-
lAiminin naruaro sues Bartholomew ? " ",,r..
inces F Ross wishes to ha freed rlll J- Mahon of Mule. C. M. Redfleld of
John E. Roa's. Th. nartle. wer dmo"'?-. p. Huf t man of La Grande.
ried at Portland September 11. 1884. J?.r"r? J'V.'W J?.?L f
.11. ...... , l . . . . . - ... nurna. v . . vv . juaiitue, J l. macnauy. J.
M. Kackey and Miss Lavlnla Smith
of Ontario, c. w. Alien or Lidlnw. r .
Barbaro for divorce and chance of name
The parties are natlvea of Italy, where
f V was rat ma ftast as VanasMn V,.IB
native village, February 23, 104, and
shortly after came to America. Bhe
alleges that ever since their coming to
the United' States he hss treated her
with grossest cruelty, calling her vile
ley of Enterprise.
found dead In bed In the mornlna-. hla P.n"or .r. ,ne ,&mP kindly lent Miss
death resulting from the same cause I "Paa".P8 his long coat and with thla
His parents are pioneers of Beaver I BD1 ner sne returned to Vancouver.
Creek settlement, where the young man
was born. No arrangements will be
made for the funeral until his sister
arrtvea from the eaat.
win camp, miss Hedges rerused at the ..-..-. ""u
last minute to go boat riding, and was Jv accusing her of Improprieties with
standing on a pTanl: at the water's edge ,her mtn' .nk July .10-, " "h
when suddenly her foot slipped and she ?2 n,"' K put her ,out of tlTlrt bomi
ieu into IB reet or water. Herman i V. J - "-,
Erdman. a young man from Vancouver locked the,'00- on or a further
happened to C n?and anmi n JiiJi cause of divorce .h. charge, him with
The nrn- ui uimaiu, uaving regu-
Hedges out of the water.
(Special Dlapatcb to Tbe Jovrnal.)
Aberdeen. Wash.. Auar. 7. K o rnm -
plslnts were sworn to yesterday In the
orrice or -once judge Fox. although
rrosecunng Attorney Bower said a
numoer were ready for action and the
office of the police Judge was closed
yesterday afternoon. The work of
prosecution seemed to lag for some un
accountable reason and it was felt the
delay was caused by a desire for com
promise. It Is freely ststed that if It had not
been for outside interference the lid
;F0R POLICE ONLY b?dy w,u!,b,e "sliai0 lve some "niodi
Uil-UI ate relief for the benefit of tha publli
(lawrtal rttanstrb te Tbe JesrnaLl
I ' t Olympla, Wash.. Aug. 7. Albert M.
jf U Hadi. a Persian subject living at Seattle,
ify.-ii became involved ' in trouble last June
I; : which waa settled in tha police court at
c a cost, of something over J 100 10 Mr.
Hadl. This aettlement was not satin
factory to him and he carried nl t-u-
bles to the Persian minister at Waah-
lngton. In translating tha fact, in tie
oaaa to hli mother tongue he sonveyod
George A. Brodle, special master in
chancery, la hearing the testimony in
the case of Richard MeQahe;' et 1 al..
against the Oreaon ftlna- xiinin. nn,'
i the -Inwreaslon that the authorities' r.f I Pan' relative to clearing title to certain
j, King county had persecuted instead of ' rnlnlnft" properties in Crook county. Oa-
t prosecutea ntm. Thereupon hla diffl- J.?' u waiia. and Judge
In the loss of the Palmer Lumber would have been
ne was mieresiea in me company. TfnWfTt O 4 17C1 TTTi
Little was learned of the disaster ex- MjUClUK oAlO HE
cept tnat tne mill was a toiai toss, ii
is not known if there waa any inaur
ance. If there was insurance It was
small. The loss Is estimated by those
who know to be about r.'&.oou. w. c.
Watrus. president of the company, was
the heaviest loser.
The mill was located one and a half w
miles south of Drain on tne southern
Pacific railroad.
(Special Dlaoatrb to The Ion. I
Eugene, Or., Aug. 7. At the reunion
oi tne Bcnmitt ramilv held Sunday at
the home of Charley Schneider In
Walker, both the parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Schmltt, of Cottage Grove, were
present, and of their 14 children 13 were
entertained. A general reunion was
neia among tne Brothers, sinters nnri
their families, and at the big dinner
nearly 80 people were fed. Those pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. John Schmltt, the
parents; Mrs. J. A B.rnardl, Salem:
Mrs. William Shulmrick, Farmlngton;
Mrs. O. Hendricks and two children,
Cornelius; Mrs. Charley Schneider and
family. Walker; Adam Schmltt and fam
ily, Creswell; Mrs. Henry Sausbaur and
liui. on ihbi nunany. lamnr. uresweii i nariev Hrhmitt nH
panys mill near Drain, wnicn as One leading saloon-keeper said he would ' family. Cottage Grove' Frank and Har.
!ed to the ground yesterday morn- rather have It so, as his Saturday nlsrht I mnn Rchmiit o.lif. "ST.
ng. Gus Grltzmacher. son of Chief or business, when Sunday closing waa . a,hmi o...f. ..... AL.r.V' "V"u'B.a
lice Gritamacher.of Portland and a pected, more than made up for what h. r V' n7 k r
ular member or tne Muunoman ciud, would lose on a closed lid. .Sua" . " ,n W.
A. 1 A. KAarl1r aa naiu viiuuicil. JUUKCIIC. 1X1 I C. ill BlV 1 4 1 17 171
IU luntj lliuiaj ui ivmn iitncavtij ao - - -. ,, , -
being a habitual drunkard, having rgu
lar drunken sprees every week. She
wan u io reaujie ner maiden name,
vumiriic juongo juoiio.
County Commlsaionera Act on List of
Road Matter Blda Asked on
Cedar Creek Bridge.
(Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.)
Eugene. Or.. Auar. 7. A warrant wns
Issued last night for the arrest of
W. E. Best of Cottaere Grove on the
cnarge or practicing medicine without
a license. 'Constable Plank made the
of Petaluma, California, waa the only
mini w nu wno iiui mere.
i culty became the subject of lnterna
ft tlonal exchange. Governor Mead was
h' asked by tho state department at Wash
iu ington to Inveatigate.. A report waa e
j cured from th. prosecuting attorney of
J King county which haa been accepted by
b, the Persian minister aa an entirely sat
" t Isfactory explanation.
1 'i .1 .i . in ii ajp.. i I, ,
Stephen A. Lowell appeared' yesterday aa
lur lno Piaintirra. The Ore
gon King mine is one of the richest ore
producers in Oregon.
Charged with failing to support his
four children, T. E. Bradshaw was ar
rested yesterday afternoon at his home
near Nashville on the Mount Scott car
line. The children are Minnie, aged 16
Daley, aged 14; Ruth, aged 11 and
Earl, aged 6 years. The enm,,.iV
sworn to by S. D. Briggs. a neiehh'nr
f : i (Special Dlapatcb to Tha Journal. I
i f Wyeth, Or., Aug. 7. -Wyeth la now a
: I cloaed town on Sunday. Tha saloon
t .. . i i men here Inst flttn.v t..w. . .
I . Una around and glad to have a day off, ' the BraJshaws. Bradshaw gave bail
onca, in a while. Thev sav thv r -
- Last bunday someone turned cold
a - ' A.wt.?r lJt(L 0,8 boilers of the engine
I tb.f - tie plant here, after
i j ,-the fireman had gone to breakfast. It
J mlght have blown up the whole plant
r but fortunately did very little damaie,
though It caused some trouble.
(Special Dlapatcb to The Journal.
. Milton. Or.. Aug. 7. Rev. M. V. How
ard who waa suddenly stricken with
paralysis Sunday morning, while preach
; ing in the mini t of the vtthri.. r-i
Pal church. South, passed away thia
r, morning. He was 60 years of . JS
whom pWMOW"nd iw? on. one o,
wnom, p. m. Howard, Is a recelvlnc
KlTf.n'jf ,hAJdd Tllton bfnk a!
rjSSft. ."n'd" mTs Rdarcors",on8or? &?
j Campballdera to the AVooda.
' x, '"J?"?,1 DJ,p,tcb to T Journal.)
- North Powder, Or.. Au i
I A Sloan, who have' the'cJnTra? til
,ff building the foresters' log camD.1 onl
(Special Dlapatcb to The Journnl )
Helena, Mont., Aug. 7. W. F. Ben
nerman, aged 65 years, one of Montana's
best-known pioneers. Is dead at Living
ston. Corning west in search of gold.
uo iujiicu iu tunning ana amassed a
competency In the upper Yellowstone
country. He is survived by his wife, a
son and four daughtera. One of the
inner is me wire or. District Judge
(Journal Special Serrlre.)
Denver, Aug. 7. The federation of
miners will hold a meeting tonight to
determine whether Darrow or Richard
eon will continue to have charge of the
defense of Moyer and Pettibone. Dar
row refuses to work with Richardson
for the same reason that Hlchnrrlsnn
refuses to work with him. Darrow fur-
inermoro is wining to be relieved.
arrest. The prosecut na- witness la n
B. Job of Cottage Grove. The trial has
oeen set ror iriuay morning In Juatice
L-ourt. Once before the doctor, who is
very wen Known in and around Cot
taue Grove, was brought to this city
for trial on the same chsrre th
Mrs. J. i. UDDenneimer. wiie oi j. i. i jury acau lien mm. Th dnetnr niaitnaH
Onnanheimer of the Atlas Assurance I that he did not rhars-e unvthlnr tnr hi
company, aiea ai i.ou hub niuniiuj nuer services, ne saia ne was wealthy and
a brief illness, at the family residence, that his cheek would probably be hon
42 Ella street. Mrs. Oppenheimer waa ored for $15,000. In cases where charges
UD VEHTB UIU HI U I lOJJ UCCIl 1,1.11, V CO t a HOll Uftll II1UU6 LflTU 17n fl 1 TTI BD 1
a resident of Portland. Besides a hus- he turned it over to other physicians
band, she leaves a daughter, Miss May from whose offices the eases had been
uppenneimer. wno is now n ma uraun, i given nun.
Solomon, wno lives in jnicago ana iee,
with M. seller & uo., or tnis cuy. An
nouncements of the funeral arrange
ments will be made later.
TMMinr i -itit iTTAir iv .. Curing the absence of Captain of Po
UUVViX AUrjLf VVU1UAI "ce Moore of the day relief, on his an
nual vacation, ueiecuve Sergeant Baty
has been temporarily asstarned hv rhicf
( Journal Special Service.) I Grltzmacher to take charira nt thm
san rrancisco, Aug. i. oxrs. r. oiu- waicn. me cnier declares that as nnn
menthal. 60 vears of age. of Johan-las Moore returns Ratv win ..1,.
nesourg. ivern iduuij, .u mm i up nis worn in me aetectlve bureau,
mornlnar bv being run down by a Fill- I It haa been rumored that tv. n.".i. .
more street csr The body waa badly I sergeant It to be placed In charare of
iiiailficti. . vniniu-'lt, luviij woo .unu I inu easi BIUO HlBllOn, Oil UniOn and HOI
on the body. No friends are known in laday avenues, aa soon as completed,
but the head of the police department
declares that until the headniirtr.
across the river are ready for
an acting captain and sergeants will not
DC seiecieu.
(Journal Special Service.)
San Francisco, Aug. 7. Antone
Chearani. a laborer on the Southern Pa
cific, waa found fatally Injured In the
tunnel in th Bayshore cutoff this morn
ing. He died later and it is thought
ne was muruerea.
(Journal Special 9rrif.t
Berlin. Aug. 7 The bodies of Prince from him gambling In a snlnnn
(Special, Diapatch to Tbe Journal.
Salem. Or..' Auk. 7. Governor rii.m.
berlatn today pardoned Maurice Flta
maurice. who was sentenced on Nnv.m.
ber 28, 1905, to three years in the pen
itentiary for larceny. The petition was
signed by over 60 citizens of rirr,.
county. Including the prosecuting attor
ney, wn luouuciea in case against
him. Fltzmaurlce took 140 fmm
Chinaman who had won the money
(Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.)
Eugene, Or., Aug. 7. J. W. Zimmer
man, or tne spencer Butte Coal com
pany, expects to have coal in the Eugene
market thia fall. The roads to the
mines, which are about 10 miles south
west of Eugene, are very good for hauN
ing while dry, but in winter are impass
able for ibeavy loads. Mr. Zimmerman
says ne nas the promise of Mr. Carver
io run me eiusi&w railroad nv hla m na
In case this road should not be built
the company expects to build one to the
mines tnemseives.
Sloat & Elllco, who have the contract
for sinking the main shaft, have the
jacKet ana an other paraphernalia up,
and are waiting upon some buckets to
lift the dirt with. They ara expected
ai any lime.
A number of Y. M. C. A. bova will
start Monday, August 12, In the launch
x. M. c a. jr. ror a week s cruise ud
the Columbia river." The plan is to
travel in tne morning. stODD nr each
day at noon at a suitable camping place,
where the rest of the dav and that
night will be spent. The afternoons will
be filled with side excursions In the
mountains and all the points of Interest
along the river. Including the falls,
fish wheels and locks, will be visited.
The party will bo In chara-e nf Mr
Hale, boys' work director at the Y. M.
C. A., who thoroughly understands the
management of such an undertaking.
There are a great number of bova be
longing to the organization who cannot
get away for a longer outing and they
look forward to this trip with the keen
est pleasure.
(Special Dlapatcb to Tbe JoariiaL
Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 7. The
county commissioners were In session
at the court house yesterday. Several
road matters were disposed of. The H
A. Hall road near Washougal and the
n. j. rerrin road in Fern Prairie, were
ordered surveyed.
C. D. Morrey handed In his resigna
tion as justice or me peace at Yocolt,
and It was accepted. An appointment
will probably be made tomorrow to fill
the vacancy.
The auditor was Instructed to ad
vertise for bids for the construction of
tne bridge across Cedar creek at Am
boy. The bond of J. Harvey aa justice of
the peace ror Chalchthla precinct waa
Armed with stop watches and tape
measures, Detectives Smith e,nd Inskep
have been timing tha speed of autoa
in all parts of the city upon special or
ders of Chief Grltzmacher. The police
and determined to put a sIod to he
practice of chauffeurs of racing th.Mr
cars through the city, and from the evi
dence gathred by the two detectives
during the past few days warrants will
be secured for the arrest of some of the
most prominent autolata In Portland.
Judge Cameron announced some time
ago that all drivers of autos who per
sist in violating tha speed ordinance
and are found guilty, will be severely
dealt with.
It is expected that the police depart
ment; reinforced by the municipal court,
will be able to bring home moat for
cibly to motor car owners that the law
must pe ooeyed and tne lives of pedes
trians not piacea in jeoparay Dy scorch
(Special Pupa ten to Tbe Journal.)
Oregon City, Aug. 7. District Attor
ney Hedges last evening announced that
in a week from today the lid will be
put on all gambling concerns In every
city and town In the four counties un
der his Jurisdiction. Clackamas, Wash
ington, Clatsop and Columbia, and that
the lid will be on to stay st least dur
ing hla term of office as district attor
ney, and that any violation of the anti
gambling law will be dealt with mpat
severely. He has now the assurance of
the officers of these counties that they
will stand by him and will see that the
lid Is kept on tight In their respective
counties. The authorities In Astoria
have aasured him of their determina
tion to see that his order closing up
the gambling games will be rigidly en
forced In that city, and that no ob
stacles will be thrown In his way by
the officers but on the contrary, they
will help him to accomplish bis pur
pose. He stated that It was out (air
to give the gambling element a reason
able time to Quit their business.
Yesterday afternoon ha sent a copy of
the following order to hla deputies,
John M. Wall, at HUlsboro, Washing
ton county; John C. McCue, at Astoria,
Clatsop county, and W. H. Powell, at
St. Helens, Columbia county:
"To Whom It May Concern: I call
attention to section 1944 of Bellinger
and Cotton's annotated code and stat
utes of Oregon, which reads as fol
lows: " 'Gambling unlawful. Each and every
persons who shall deal, play, carry on.
open or cause to be opened, or who
shall conduct either as owner, pro
prietor or employe, whether for hire or
not, any game of faro, monte. roulette.
rouge-et-nolr, laquenet, ronod, vlngt-un
(or twenty-one), poker, draw ooker.
bragg, bluff, thaw or any banking or
any other game played with carda, dice
or any other device, whether tha same
be played for money, checks, credits or
any other representative of value, shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction thereof shall be punished by
a fine of not more than $500 and shall
be lmprisofltd in the county Jail until
such fine and costs are paid; provided
that auch person so convicted shall be
Imprisoned one day for every 'i of
such fine and costs. And provided fur
ther, that such imprisonment shall not
exceed one year.'
"That the enforcement of said sec
tion may prove effective I call upon
the press, municipal authorities and tho
best citizens in the district to cooper
ate with ma in thia matter.
District Attorney for the Fifth Ju-'
dlclal District, State of Oregon.
"Dated at Oregon City thla tha sixth
(8prc!nl Dlapatcb to Tbe Journal.)
Olympla, Wash., Aug. '7. Governir
Mead hus added his Indorsement to
those of other governors In support of
TVr tvi vnriTi Ttr tt rrn " P18" rosterea Dy the Span sh-Amer.
J.l -LfAl IX Jlill iI DLtALL) lcan Memorial Asoclatlon for erecting
a BuuaDie memorial in honor of the sol
diers BE) ilnr. anA .K. .(-,
Thrnntrh tha .Minn nt th d.,)K -D , I ,j . ," ,711 "uo P"-'-
, - I i , " i wiiii opain. J no
na improvement company in setting I ' l" dc ereciea is a reproduction
ti tn th. k-,..y, .hi. , ... . l. I of the battleshin Maine Tho miwii.
vv ww v o u 11 ,11.11 iIU(IDI IT IIUI Ul t , i . . " '
of ,itn tnr th nmn.. nt L"0" Drol??se8 to ciire) the funds for
IZ i a V . I; ercung tne memorial through subscrlp-
Ul. 1.IIU, ML LlflSLir Ull LlltJ WCHL HlUfl 11I1 I 111,119 11U1I1 L11R HCIlOm H 1 ripan V A m r. i
vl mo ouuuierii facuic company ana ica.
ine residence or u. inaermuie were
I , 1 1 1 , .
A special engine was sent out from Building Permits.
the railroad yards to keep the flames J. Wlsnlerkl, one-storv dwelling Cook
- Everybody Lrfkts "Jim."
"Jim tha Westerner" is a' comedy
- drama success with tha Allen Stock
, company at tha Lyric thia week. Last
night It went with a. hurrah from the
-very first and the demand for seats
4, since people learned bow good 1 la is
(Sp-clal Dlapatcb to Tbe JonraaL)
A.tnrl. fr A ..a T II... Tt r.
fOr the last 1 i vara In nhrnr- .k.
rw p orrice ana a stockholder In
tne company has tendered his reslgna-
p.r..a w' move with hla mother to
merm; 7hTe h w, engage tn tha
mercantile business.
Ewgewe Need More Laborers.
TT'-i!!,Url,t",,'h t Tb Journal.)
wiv mL'vAuK' 7. The atreet rail
M tSSJT securing
tha mv J. L l Paent needed, but
mn rr ,5 ,eomWiny still needs mora
Alexander Pogotoff and two sons of conduct' haa been exemplary in prison
Count Kaiserlink, a Russian captain,! , , f"n"
nave Deen recoverea rrom the wreck.
Boat and Net Thieves Busy.
(Special Diapatch to Tbe Journal.)
Astoria. Or., Aur. 7. Boat and net
thlevea are again plying their nefarious
trade around Astoria. J. Jarvev. fish
ing with a boat and net belonging to
Phil McDonough of Altoona. moored tho
Doat at risners cup yesteraav. When
he started to go fishing later he fnnnri
boat, net and all the gear had been
stolen. The net waa new and the loss
la heavy.
Good Sales of State Lands.
(Special Dlapatcb to Tbe Journal, t
Montesano, Waah., Aug. 7. At a sale
of state lands held here on Saturday
the total receipte amounted to I8l.22ft.40,
Many w iua iracn eoia iar aDove their
eppttlsed' Value. Four forties on' the
SatsoD river broueht 124.800. that w
aauHlMMl aU SL2AL .
Plans are being made for running n
special train over the Bouthem Pacific
ironj x-oruana 10 eacramento, to ac
commodate Oregon men desiring to at
tend the National Irrigation congress at
Sacramento September 2 to 7. The com
pany will make the low rate of J20 for
the round trio. Tickets will h. ani
August 80 and 31, and September 1.
Alden Kindred of America.
(Journal -Special Service.)
Boston, Mass.. Aug. 7. The annual
meeting of tbe Alden Kindred of Amer
ica waa held today at Nantaaket Beach
Members from many parts of the coun
try attended the meeting, which was -ii-voted
to literary exercises and social
Yielding to the persuasloua of Mrs.
Lola R. Baldwin, the emissary of tha
city health officer, "J. D. Hummaston
of 612 Linn street, Sell wood, consented
yesterday afternoon to call a Dhvslclan
to attend his 16-year-old daughter, who
is ui with typnoia rever. The Hum
mastons are said to belong to the Tan
gled Tongues religious sect, and it was
reported that they had -refused to do
anything for the sick girl except pray
ior ner recovery.
from attacking the bridge and engine avenue and Delay, $700; H T Walters
No. 10 of the fire department also one and a half-story dwelling East
turned out (n response to a still alarm. Tviniv.v.., ,'K UuTf '"?'
Owing to the fact that the s reels In cock a'nd Tillamook, J1.800; Mrs E li
the tract are not graded and no hydrants Virgil, two-story dwelling East Thlr
have been instated In the locality the teenth. near Halsev l'nn- wnrv
I . ' i"u-iury aweinng, jsast Wasn-
flremen were powerless.
(Journal Special Serrlre.)
San Francisco. Aug. 7. Hmll J. Zlm
mer will be tried by a Jury on a mis
demeanor charge of contempt of court
ror refusing to testily in tne Glass
trial next Wedneaday. This morning In
the police court he plead he had already
been punished on the charge by three
sentences to the county Jail and a $600
fine, but hla plea was not well taken
and the case waa aet for trial.
It took SSt ballots to nominate Scott
Ferris of Lawton aa the Democ ratio
candidate for congress from tha Fifth
Oklahoma district " j
e'fro'm-lPtf bl!
Vfe ?al-trri n.V l
not damaged and Indermule's house alio ti w Twenty-fourtn,
escaDed harm I f 4,800, W. and F. Wlntora, two-story
eacapea harm. flata. Twenty-first, between Glisan and
WATER FAWTYF PJ.00' Jw-story Celling, East Flftv
UAAXiXV JAlUllN ill third, between Belmont and Tarohill,
ft.auv. jonn i-auison, two-story dw:ll
Ic, Multnomah, between East Ninth
This cltv and East Tenth. $7,000; E. O. Oerfln.
mine unless S0Ty dwelling. Eaat Ninth, between
(.Tonrnal 8peclal Berrlca.)
San Francisco. Aug. 7. T
n-HI u.narl.nn. a t a a M 4 n . . . .
tha ntnnninl Ann,iimrlln I Weldler and Broadway ' t2 SOO: JTrHnlf
The Boring Valley company, which islr. "" lV,'r?i?r aweinng, East Nlntn,
and cannot repair the mains from the k . ?"i two"8tory dwelling, Monroe,
new sources, xne company will apply r-, ..f '9B,PPi ana Aioina, 11,700;
to the supervisors for financial aid. ',m" , V Church, two-atory dwelling,
oeiween Aioerta and wygant,
13,000; Beck Investmentcompany, aix-
StOry Office build In o-. Seventh h.)un
una aiiu Ainieny, 140,000; A. O. Hall,
, Kearney, b
and Twentv.1
$4,700; Mrs. William Bennett. tarnVa.
Davton. Auar. 1 Harrv Tannh -a I dwelling. Davldion ImIwui, noil
Bertha Markowita who were arrested in n Couch, $2,190; Moy Back Hln, re-"
uiuuii wini ine aeain or sertna slfrM " .,IATouona Del ween Sainton ana
.low, Ainu, nrnu WHO ADS VOOch Wag I .w,vuw.
shot Sunday night, were released thla "
aiwraoun to aitena ins runerei nr Th. .... . . . m
ukThey WU DOt b cluraW-witSlmany Uansactlbn'.to.y5 Sda? 1SK
with sister's wmmi&Z'JJ
. V. ''VHtft''''").
, - -' ""' ' '
, A