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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1907)
THE ; OREGON DAILY JOURNAt, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY 'EVENING, AUGUST. ,7, 1007, IDAHO IVHITE , 1 fc f, I V One-Fourth Off On All Buffets and Sideboards PiUF ih nmifjn ' 1 Ilia. III ULIIIIIII1J Pick out the one you like best Look at the price mark, on the ticket,- deduct 25 per cent from that, then name to the man' your own terms. v I fay your own terms and I mean it in the most liberal sense of the word. I'm going to give a copy of this ad to every salesman on the floor. :These salesmen may look downcast and shake their heads, wondering whether I'm working for or against the interests of the house. I say this, that I'm heart and soul in the interests of the house in making this great price sacrifice, because I believe it is best to reduce this immense stock of splendidly executed dining furniture.' 'A word more about "Your Own Terms"-.Pav $1.00 down, $2.00, or whatever you feel like paying. We will deliver the Buffet or Sideboard you select to your home, you then pay the balance in $1.00 a week payments. I want this offer to reach everybody. Now if you live out of town or have friends out of town or, as in many cases, you are enjoying the 'seashore or outing, send us $J.00, describe as near as you can the one you want We will send you a receipt for the dollar, reserve one of your selection for you and in addition give you the privilege of exchanging the one you select for any other in the house. Sale lasts but three days Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Come in the store. Phone or write tomorrow. ' . eastern Supply Is Exhausted and Western Forests Are Being Called Upon. MILLIONS OF FEET CUT LAST SEASON Idaho, Montana and Washington Practically Furnishing All ThU Grade of Lumber Now UtedIa of, Special Importance Commercially, (Wiihlnstr Boreas of The Journal.) Washington. Aug. T. Statistics for the flacal year just closed show that 115.68S.OO0 feet of white pine were cut In Idaho, Montana, and Washington. This Is not the white pine of eastern and northern states, but Is so much like It in general appearance and commer ' clal qualities that they are used Inter changeably. As Is well known, the easi ernjrfe pine supply Is very low, and lgsjllfpidly dwindling. For a long time fffaaa widely used for very many pur poues. and was exclusively used for others, until the supply fell short and something to take Its place was de manded. The nearest approach to It is the white pine of Idaho, which In most respects Is Its equal. This tree extends Into the adjacent regions of Montana, and Is found of commercial site, but In small quanti ties, scattered through the Olympic mountain forests of Washington, and on the western slopes -of the Washing ton and Oregon cascades, while a scat tered and Inferior growth Is met with southward along the Sierras In Califor nia. The suiDly of Idaho white pine. however, mav be expected to come mainly from fdaho and Montana. A universally useful timber is white pine. or this reason very special in terest is centered in the supply of white pine available In Idaho and Montana. The commercial pine timber of the United States Is drawn from two groups, white pines and pitch pines, the latter commonly caiiea yeiiow nines. Tha wood of the yelow pines is neavy and of dark reddish or yellow color. The wood of the white pines Is light In weight and in color. The two groups of pines may be dis tinguished bv their needles. All true white pines have needles In bundles of five. Longleaf yellow pine has needlos In bundles of three. The southern shortleaf yellow pine and Oreat Lake, red. or Norway pine have two-leaf bun dles. The so-called Arisona or south ern Rocky mountain white pine Is really a yellow pine, but with wood of such exceptionally light weight and colr, and of so excellent a quality that It serves In place of lighter species. SEKIOUS ACCIDENTS IN HARVEST FIELDS Bfaudesqne Mishap Results in Broken Jaw for John McNabb Thomaa Hatch Hurt in Runaway. (Special DUpttfta to The JtrarneL) Walla Walla, Wash., Aug. . 7. John McNabb, a young harvest hand, was brought to a 'hospital here yesterday suffering from a broken Jaw, received .at the Slmpklns ranch while hauling water for tha harvest crew. McNabb was driving a pair of young mules. While passing down a grade one of the tugs came down and McNabb climbed oft the wagon to fix It. While hooking the tug one of the mules Jumped, bringing the doubletree around on McNabb's Jaw with crushing force. McNabb was al most knocked senseless, but managed to make his way to town and have his Injuries attended to. One of his Jaw bones was badly splintered. Thomas Hatch, a farmer residing near Attalia, was brought to St. Mary's hospital yesterday suffering from se vere internal Injuries received In a runaway accident while harvesting on his place. A team that Hatch was driving became frightened and started to run. Hatch was thrown to the ground and received injuries about the body. Training for SangAfest. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Walla Walla, Wash., Aug. 7. Fully 76 members of the Walla Walla Maen nerchor club will attend the annual sangerfest to be held at Spokane begin ning August 29. Professor Olson has taken charge of the local singers. Re hearsals will be held four times a week All 1L. I. 1 " Summer Reading. We will take a few books with us, of course, to mountain or seaside, or when we plan the outing in the woods. What shall they be, and how shall we get the good out of them? One suggests that it is well to have a notebook into which one Jots the best of each au thor's thought and the cream of his argument This, necessarily pre-sup-poses that we Include among the sum mer books a few at least that are worth reading. Such a notebook may become valu able. There Is no doubt that many ,ef us have often had the best of our stories SDoiled bv bclnr unable to re call the exact wording of the quotation that we wished to use. and have-often sat dumb when the most pertinent sug gestion trembled on the tongue, but Just escaped. It Is of little use to cull other peo ple's thoughts If they do not Jump with your own. For this reason, a book of ready-made quotations Is of so little use. It has been made by some one else, and your own thoug . finds li stale and unprofitable. If you have the fileasuro of making the book yourself, t will have a real value. You will have the satisfaction and It Is a real one of having your own inner thought corrob orated by some one whom you know to ve a masier in nis own line, vague half-formed thoughts will become crys tallised as you find them expressed 'n the pages of some one else. In keep ing such a book, the suggestion Is also well made that one should not try to keep too much of the author simply to skim the cream of the argument, that the words may serve, not to bolster up one's own weak memory, but as a re vealment of the common thought. The memory may be cultivated instead of being weakened by the process If the words quoted are but the key. And then. In quoting, as one will. If these words have become a part of the mental furnishings of the mind which culled them, as one reads them over and absorbs them unconsciously, they will fit In with one's own mental output and not sound didactic and unreal. "I do not number my borrowings," said Montaigne. 'I weigh them; and had I desired to raise their value by their number, I had made them twice as many." It is worth while emphasizing, In this hurrying and -superficial age, as ap plied to reading, that one book carefully read, thought over and digested, is providing it Is worth reading In tho first place worth a dozen skimmed. The trouble with the skimming is that It weakens the memory and enfeebles the Intellect. Most of us have not much mentality to spare. Let us conserve what wo have by reading some sensible and valu able book In our vacation. The mind does not need absolute rest; It demand variety, but unless one Is extremely feeble, the tax of reading one good book will not be Injurious. If one wants an insight into wnat is worth cultivating: In one's self by the summer reading, take this thought of Emerson's. 'God has delivered yourself to your care, and says: I had no one fitter to trust than you. Preserve this person for me such as he is by nature; modest. beautiful, faithful, noble, tranquil." SARTOR I A rlBav. T J. - J "IV J 1 J - Mtted You Have Always ' Bears the Signature of xro iTxroiurTS. iro a as. vo OOOAXXS. Wc Set the Pace Specialists in Painless Dentistry a-T Nervous people and those afflicted with heart weakness can now have their teeth filled and extracted without the least pain or danger. To introduce our painless meth od until August 31 we will do all kind of dentistry at one-half our regular prices. A protective guar antee given with all work done by - Lady in attendance. Open rre-nings. Chicago Dentists Suite 3-4-5 Raleigh Bldg. Sixth and Washington Sta. Phone Main 3880. " Salads. Many agreeable hot weather salads may be made by adding ingredients to a fondant of gelatine, preferably lemon flavored, as that combines well with other vegetables and fruits. One can scarcely go amiss in this sort of salad making, since fruits, nuts and vegetables may be pleasantly mingled, and for one who, like Elizabeth In her ?arden, can dine satisfactorily on salad or six weeks continuously, all sorts of variations may be obtained without los ing the piquancy of this favorite dish. Try one day, for instance, after hav ing made the lemon Jelly and allow ing It to become partially hardened, the addition of sliced tomatoes. The next time you use the Jelly foundation add bits of celery, olives and apple. Such a Jelly foundation may he tastefully used in grape fruit baskets or In halved orange cups. H tVt For the Housekeeper. A delicious Icing for cake is made with fresh berries. Crush a cupful of the fruit, turn over it a third of a cup ful ef sugar and let it stand an hour or two. Then press 'the berries through a sieve, add a tablespoonful of lemon Juice and confectioner's sugar enough to make a frosting thick enough to spread and remain on the cake. A favorite dish in a French family consists of Spanish mackerel served with young leeks. The leeks, with their leaves on, are boiled for half an hour In salted water and a tablespoonful of butter. Meanwhile a Spanish mackerel that has been split down the back is seasoned inside and out with salt and pepper, folded and brushed thoroughly with melted butter and broiled for ten minutes on each side. The fish Is served in the middle of the platter with the leeks arranged around it and accom panied by a rich cream sauce seasoned with parsley and lemon Juice. A person who has traveled in tropical countries says that the fruit salads of such places far outdistance the ones made here. One of the chief differ ences lies in the mixing of the ingre dients of the salads. Where such dishes are reduced to an art the fruits are sliced and arranged in successive layers, the Juiciest kinds at the top, so that they will permeate those below them. Sugar is sprinkled over each layer. Pears, peaches, bananas, oranges, ap ples, pineapple, etc., sliced thin, may all contribute to delicious mixtures. They snould be allowed to stand on ice two or three hours before serving. Some of the blends are delicious served with cream. A Tree Oar Bid. Take Rose City Park car and get off at O. R. & N. crossing and -visit Han cock street addition. For particulars call up East 1085, or Woodlawn 202. 882 Sandv road or 848 Mississippi. Spokane Campers Drowned. (Special Dispatch to Tha JoarnaL) Spokane, Wash., Aug. 7. Vern Wil cox and Robert D. Mitchell of this city were drowned yesterday near Bridge port, on the Columbia river. The boat is supposed to have capslsed with them, as It was found farther down the river. The men were camping and were flsh lng In the river. dost sa BXTra -and lose all Interest when help la within reach. Herbine will make that liver perform ita duties properly. J. - B. Vaughn, Elba, Ala., writes: "Being a constant sufferer from constipation and a disordered liver Iihava found Herbine t be tha beat medicine, for these trou bles, on tha market I have used it constantly. I believe it to be the best medicine of Its kind, and I wish all sufferers from these troubles to know the good Herbine has dona me. Sold by au ,raay :.j V-"Mir'. - ... WISE PEOPLE WILL BUY FURNITURE WHEN THEY CAN BEST BUY CHEAP EST A BUFFET, A SIDEBOARD WHAT MORE USEFUL, MORE NECESSARY ARTICLE COULD BE BOUGHT? THESE WE OFFER ARE OF AN ORNAMEN TAL NATURE AS WELL. PURE OF CUT, CLEAN OF MOLD AND BUILD. OBDER NO. IS Buffet in the genuine quartered oak. Fitted with two drawers for linen and silverware: lower part opens with double door of oak, panelled glass; large piate mirror ana sneu; ironi anu lop nicely carved. Regular price 31.00; One-fourth Off Price neiied glass; large $23.75 ORDER NO. 27 Buffet in handsome weathere'd oak; double oak door; three small top drawers and heavy plate mirror; hinges and trimmings of gun metal, plain but very attractive. Regu- ! -g Ci PlV price 25.00; One-fourth Off J) j Q ") ALL AT ONE-FOURTH OFF and At Your OWN TERMS ORDER NO. 29 Large Buffet in the quartered oak, fur nished with two small drawers and one large lower drawer Inr linens. Two fflass or bottle stands; large double oak door; heavy plate glass mirror. Regu lar price f 30.00; One-fourth Off Price $22.50 7 IK sssStli, tslaleVmaaaa - k h v ; r tftf 4 ORDER NO. 32 Buffet in genuine quartered oak, hand somelv carved. Fancy plate glass mirror; heavy double oak panelled glass door; fitted with three small and one large drawer; guaranteed to please any one appreciative of high , r vt-.l: w... .L. ffc j"w art iurniture. ruining uui un , everything In makeup. Regular price f 40.00; One-fourth Off Price preciative of high $30.00 ORDER NO. 3A Buffet in the genuine quartered oak, of elaborate appointment; sectional three-piece plate-glass . . , t . . I. M .1 mirror; hand carved legs ana mournings, uk pan cucu doors of colored (white) glass; S separate drawers and top roll compartments. There could be non handsomer than this. Regular price $ 65.00; One-fourth Off Price rate drawers and top ..$48.75 ORDER NO. 44 Exquisite Buffet in the genuine quartet sawed oak. Highly polished; two small drawers: larare double door; oak panelled, with heavy etched glass; large plate mirror. This is a little beauty, sure to please those who desire something quite above the ordin ary. Regular price f 37.50; One-fourth Off Price i picase inose woo $28.25 tilii lilpfJi I S f ORDER NO. 47 Gorgeous Buffet in the weathered oak, fitted with double door of heavy leaded plate glass in differ ent eolors. Trimmings of gunmetal; two small and one large drawer; heavy plate mirror with shelf. This piece will add a touch of beauty even to the most elaborate dining room. Regular price f 45.00; One-fourth Off Price nis piece win add $33.75 ORDER NO. 53 Sideboard in the quartered oak finish; built high, with handsomely carved trimmings; two small drawers for silverware and one large linen drawer; large double door; heavy plate mirror; with shelves; an excellent sideboard for family use. Regular price f 30.00; One-fourth Off Price $22.50 iOff In ordering by mail please do not fail to give order number. All goods shipped in perfect condition. ORDER NO. 59 Combination Buffet and Sideboard in the quartered finish; large double door, two small top drawers with oval-front and one large linen drawer. Fancy plate mirror with two stands a very fine ap pearing and well put together piece for the dining room. Regular price S 35.00; One-fourth Off Price $26.25 ORDER NO. 62 Sideboard in the genuine quar tered oak; massive in build, though attractively plain in construction; large plate mirror, shelves and every complete appointment to give it the resemblance of one of much higher price; large linen drawer and two smaller ones for the silverware. Regular price f45; One-fourth Off price. gner price; large $33.75 ORDER NO. 65 Here we offer one of the most beau tiful pieces in the house. A sideboard in the genuine quartered oak. Oval panel strip front, finely carved. Kicniy aopoinrea. .every possiDie conven ience. A very showy addition to the dining room. Regular price $ 50.00; One-fourth Off Price possiDie conven- $37.50 OBDSB WO. 6 This ons In suitable for a pulses. A Sideboard In the highest finish of quartered osk, ori ental gable top, supported by piriars In hand-carved drag-on design; also with dragons on front and great claw feet; massive ana eiaDorate in every way; large. heavy plate mirror; a sideboard, the like of 1125 grades. Our reg ular price 185.00 One fourth off price i every way; targe, '$63.75 iOff For days three only Thursday, Friday and Saturday $1.00 Down $1.00 A Week WE ARE GIVING ALL THE WINDOW DISPLAY WE CAN SPARE TO THESE AND ASK THAT YOU EVEN COME A LITTLE OUT OF YOUR WAY TO SEE THEM. "GEVURTZ sells it for less GEYUfTTZ BLOCK Bounded Br Yamhill Tirst And Second Sts Portland- OUR REGULAR PRICES ARE ABOUT yA LESS THAN OTHER STORES' PRICES OFF OUR PRICES WOULD MEAN ABOUT HALF OTHER STORES' PRICES. THIS SURELY IS WORTH YOUR WHILE. Going EAST This Summer? Rates but Little More Than 12 for the Round Trip ? ON THE O. R, JMo Two More Sale Periods Only Aug. 8, 9, 10, Sept 11, 12, 13 PORTLAND to CHICAGO and Return..... $71.50 ST. LOUIS and Return 67.50 KANSAS CITY and Return 60.00 ST. PAUL and Return 63.15 To all other points In tha east and middle west and from all etbar points In the northwest, correspondingly low rates. to SATS rOB in BOW nucr. Stopovers within MznU. W HEN you take a trip across the continent you. of course, want the finest scenery, the best and fastest trains, with through cars and most luxurious accommodations. Then buy your tickets at the City Ticket Office of the O. R. & N. Third and Washington Streets C. W. STINGER, City Ticket Agent iWM. McMURRAY, Genl Passenger Agent CHICHESTER'S PILLS Idlel As year ncbt fee , . t)kiaM lirt MalnVA Pills la K4 m 41.14 aSuvA bwut. MU with Sta tbta. V Askfc.ciri--r I BftAND PI1 yemkw m, UlmL tiwrn altoHa SOLD BY fUNffifiRTS FVFRYWXFRE JOHNSTON SENAT0E TO SUCCEED PETTUS . (Joornal Special Serrlee.) Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 7. Tha two honaes of tira Alabama legislature In Joint session today elected former Gover nor J. F. Johnston of Birmingham to the vacancy In the United States senate caused by the death of Senator Ed mund W. Petfua. The election was of a purely erfunctorjr character, following tha result of the state primaries of last year when candidates for the alternate senatorshlDS were voted on. These Drl- mariea resulted. In tha choice of i, H. Bankhead. who recently succeeded Sen ator Morgan, and Governor -Johnston, who now takes the seat of the late Senator Pettus. The new senator, who will take his seat at the opening of the regular ses sion of the Sixtieth congress, is elected not only for the unexpired term, but for the additional term to which Senator Pettus was recently elected, which ex- filres March 4, 1916. Governor Johnston s (i years old. has a fine war record and has always taken a lively Interest In confederate affairs. He served aa governor of Alabama from 189 to 1900. Preferred Stock Oaaaed Ooeta. Allen Lewla Deat Brand. , BIG LA GRANDE MILL BEADY FOR BUSINESS (Ipeetal Chpateh to The 7osraaL La Grande, Or., Aug. 7. A trial ran waa made at tha Palmer mill yesterday to demonstrate If all the machinery waa In working condition. Tha exper iment waa entirely satisfactory and tha big mill is now ready to begin ita reg ular run. Tha logs to supply the mill will be shipped by train from the. com pany's extensive belt of timber .below Elgin. The Palmer bjIU has been pro nounced by .all lumbermen who hsve visited. It on of tha most complota ad WOMAN A SPECIALTY L harmless, treatment at, corner . x. cx&jr Tha only Chinese woman doctor In this city. She has cured many afflicted sufferers. Cured- private and f emal diseases, also throat and lung troubles: stomach bladder and kidney and diseases of all kinds that - tha human flesh la heir to. Curedffcy Chinesa nerba and roots. Remedies no. operations. . Honest Examination free. 3(2 Clay Third.. , - up-to-dat plants, oa tat coast, and other drag habits are positively eared by or aypodennte or internal HABITINA. Fo oanapwseni so any arng asoitue oy lvsa mall Brular price $2.00 per bottle a v at year druggist or by mail in plain wraptien blta Cataaaleal Cs lit 1 la lie. t. JsrUaad. Otegea. QS. WILLOW'S sooTr.i::a syrc? has hen aeed by KiluVms of Mothers fertaeir children wbUe Teetaiac for over Fifty feu It soothes the efalld, earteas te game, aiiari all pais, cures wind euUe. aad V fcM a remedy for dlarrhnea. - iwkktt-fivb cthtm a tti.k. '. ;: J - - - c : ' v ..