The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 07, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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County Commissioned Barnes Finds Eastern Weather
Hot, Disaprreeablc and Dusty He Cannot Sec Why
Feoplc Reside Anywhere Else Than in Oregon.
Whv do people live In the esst or
west, or anywhere, so long as there !
room for them In Oregon? This la the
question that County Commissioner F.
C Barnes, Just returned from a month's
, absence In Illinois and the middle wait,
la asking every one who wanta to know
If he enjeyed his trip.
1 taw no rosea, no flowers, and no
fruit after 1 left the Pacific northwest,"
aald Mr. mrnes. "Thoy have nothing
but corn and rumpklns antl wniermei
oni In all other things the Oregon
ceoole have them heat en to a standstill.
Mdthelr weather was hot. dusty and
"'ToTt 'see why people live back
there Well, of course, they don t know
about Oregon, and so long as they are
' fgSorant of Oregon conditions we can t
' expect any better of them.
- But I wet a (rood many people who
were talklna about Oregon, and nearly
J? Of thosewho had heard of this state
' mLlA they were coming here. Having
4 Jive .oblong In Portland the thing
that impressed me most while wij w
the absence of rosea I cou dn t be
hired to go anywhere else and live.
' Mr. an3 Mrs. Barnes stopped a while
In Chisago, then visited at various 1111-
SKR. and came back to ' Portland
by way of Texas snd Ix Angeles. The)
, erosed over from El Paso to Juarei and
saw a bull fight. Thev stopped a few
days In Ban Francisco and Inspected the
burned district.
"It will be 20 years before flan Fran.
clsco Is the city It was before the fire
ami earthqUHKe, declared Mr. Harnes
"Rapid progress In bulldlnr up the city
nun open mans, ana more rapid progress
will he made In the future, but there
are many vacant rooms In the buildings
aireaay compieiea, and nearly every va
rant lot has a sign 'For Bale' or TO
' The retailers have all moved out Into
the renldence districts, and the Deonl
an avoiding the burned district. Tho:
will not go Into the ashes and dirt ex
cept when it is absolutely necessary
The di'wn-town stores are bidding for
trade no Keenly mat tney will send out
and bring a customer to the store If the
customer will telephone that he wants
to do some shopping.
"Of course In time the people will
again get the habit of going downtown
I 111 taba m . n w mwtJI ....
IUI It mil tnnr iimns J '- , Biiu
they do there will be little demand for
space In the new buildings that are
being constructed.
When saked If he enjoyed his trip, Mr
Barnns said:
"Well. I believe I would have had a
much better time had I stayed right
here In Portland. And It seems mighty
good to he back here, breathing the
fresh, pure air and drinking; the good,
cold water again."
' It
Millionaire's Yacht Scene of
flickering That Breaks
Up Two Years' Trip.
(Journal Special B tries.)
Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 7. Following
close on the arrival of the steam yacht
Alcedo in port, after a cruise covering a
period of 14 months, In which the ves
sel's owner, George W. Chllds Drexel,
the latter 's wife and a well-known phy
sician Of this city took part, rumor has
it that , the pleasure trip, which was
originally scheduled to occupy more
than two years, abruptly terminated In
Vnknhimi in the early Dart of this
year by reason of a row on board the
vessel. There are hints also of scandal.
While In Pacific waters the alleged
row, which Is said to have been only
one of a series of quarrels, took place,
and according to one of the crew wordy
warfares; that cams from the quarter
deck, kept the ship in a turmoil. The
climax resulted when the vessel touched
at Yokohama, where It Is stated the
party broke up and sailed for home via
Pacific Mall steamers.
The Alcedo returned via flues, arriv
ing last night Mr. Drexel denied posi
tively 11 stories of bickering on the
Bugler Who Saved British
Army From Disaster Now
an Undesirable Citizen.
(Joarnal Special Serrtr.)
Winnipeg, Man.. Aug. 7. Arrange
ments have been made by the Canadian
immigration department to deport Bug
ler Dunne (Walter Woodrow), who
saved the British army from disaster at
the battle of Colenao. in the Uoer war.
He was In the van of the British army,
when shot in the leg and seriously
wounded. He saw a large detachment
of Boers approaching the British In the
rear. Raising himself on his arm. he
blew a warning, and then fainted from
loss of blood.
On return to England, he was feted
everywhere. Then he came to Canada.
Last February he was arrested for
stealing a 1300 overcoat, and sent to
Jail. On Monday he will be released,
and Immediately shipped back to Eng
land as an undesirable character.
To Say They Are Enthusiastic,
To Mildly Portray Their Copious
Language A Famous Engi
neer's Report.
President McCorkle and Secretary
McKechnle of the Butte Hoys Consoli
dated Mining company, who have Just
returned from Goldfleld, Nevada, where
the company's mining property is lo
cated, were busy people yesterday ana
are at it yet. When word came rrom
Manager Bever two weeks ago that "We
have the stuff." these two officials
hopped upon a train and away they
went to the scene of activity, over on
the sagebrush plains of the Yellow
Metal state. Arriving In Goldfleld.
their first act was to employ H. K. Pe
terson, one of the country a most fa
mous engineers or mining;, to tnorougniy
examine the mine, and the report he
made is herewith submitted:
A (treat Kin FredioUd.
ING COMPANY. Portland, Or. Dear
Sirs: At the request of the Board of
Directors, l have examined the property
wned and operated by the Butte Hoys
Consolidated Mining Company, and beg
leave to report as follows:
The company's property consists of
ve full lode mlnlnu claims. Known re
pectlvely as the Butte Boy, Butte Boy
Nos. 1, 2. S and 4, containing a super
Dclal area of lot aeres of mineral lode
The property Is situated in the Red
mountain portion of the Goldfleld mln-
at the lvO-rooi point, but this crosscut
will not be driven until about ISO Is
attained, after which the borea will be
drlvon, both east and wast to oatoh the
vein, ai a aepin or j rest values of
aau were ouiainra. jl a depth Of TO
feet assays returned 11,140 to the ton,
but these were from stringers. Blxtf
ieni runner uuwn a two-root imiv. was
struck, picked samples from which ran
IX.Z4U.I Then, when the shaft had got
in a aepin or jid reel an average asm
pie across six Inches returned l4J to
being rhoyMte
the ton. the formation
and lime, carrying heavy sulphides.
Tare Shifts Bmployad.
'Three shifts of men are emnloved at
ths Butte Boys Consolidated, work be
ing prosecuted without a let-up. Q. W.
Bever. vice-president and seneral man.
ager of the company, la in charge of the
property, ana is wen lined by the en
tire force. ile is convinced,", as are
other mining men wno nave visited the
property, that it will make a shintjer at
an early date. The showings so far ara
excellent, and the mine has been oner-
ated only since last March. The shaft
is at present in the hardest kind of
rock," the limit or which, however, may
do reacnea at any round or snots.
A sCflity Oood Showing.
On the 28th of the same month, lust
10 days ago. the same Daner again le-
f erred to the Butte Boys property aa
"The Red Mountain district seena to
be In line for big things. After monthi
of hard digging through stone of si-
most Invincible qualities, the Butte
Boys Consolidated has encountered
stringers that give $633 to the ton in
gold. I his value Is from an average
sample of ore taken a few feet from the
bottom of the 145-foot shaft. Th com
pany Is now crosscuttlng In a westerly
direction toward a oontact, which, ac
cording to H. E. Peterson, 5. M." should
give high values. This contact Is said
by experts to be about 160 feet west of
tho shaft.
'The Hssays Just received by the
Butte Boys management are highly
gratifying, and are said to be the finest
yet secured from the Red Mountain
country, although the property Is in the
Goldfleld district Work will be con-
mm m m m m m m m m si v mw bhsbv m ai mm m m m m mm i Mm t- m
m s m m at m r 1 1 sr r - - - aw
$ pieu cunty and Retire, the mi- Discontinuance of All Save
at Mill City Ordered on
Corvallis & Eastern.
mom Sentence Prescribed by
Law Off to the Pen.
1 (Special Dispatch to The Joarnal.
La Grande, Or., Aug. 7. Luther
Smith, who was arrested Saturday for
, attempting to extort $1,000 from J. D.
McKinnon, was sentenced yesterday by
3 Judge Crawford and given the limit
, r under the charge, which is two years
in the penitentiary. He will be taken
to Balem today. Smith made a full con
iV' fesslon.
4 Smith wrote to McKennon demanding
that he place $1,000 in a oertain place
v J, or he would cause him bodily Injury.
, ' j McKennon posted two officers, who
.." trapped the would-be black hand oper
Y a tor.
: i 1
' "My child was burned terribly about
"i the faoe, neck and chest. I applied Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil. The pain
ceased and the child sank Into a rest
ful sleep." Mrs. M. Hanson, Hamburg,
N. Y.
. Helix Boy Dies of , Apjpendldtto.
(Sperlal Dinpetrb to Tbe Journal.)
i Pendleton, Or., Au 7. U Botts, the
16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K.
Botts, died yesterday at the family
home at Helix, following an operation
for appendicitis. Interment was made
in the. cemetery at Helix. '
(Special Dlipatch to Th JonrnaL)
Albany, Or., Aug. 7. On account of
the fact that the state railroad commis
sion is so exacting in regard to depot
facilities, the Corvallis ft Eastern has
Issued an order for the discontinuance
of the depots and the discharge of the
agents at most of the small stations
along their lines. Between Albany and
Detroit, the terminus, the only Btatlon
agem ana acpot maintained are at Mill
iuy. ine other stations along the way
have been made flair stations.
Much freight has been forwarded to
mese points over the lines of the Cor-
vaiiin & eastern snd with the discon
tinuance of the agents at the by-statlons
this will cease, as shippers are loath to
forward freight to points where there
is no agent or means for caring for and
muiuiing ino consignments.
Many Good
Pro do si tl on in
Opened Up In The Hood
No fruit districts In the state of Ore
gon are so popular with Oregon peo
ple as the Hood River and Mosler dis
tricts, and many who heretofore have
not had an opportunity to Invest in fruit
farms in these sections have taken ad
vantage of the offor mado by the Hood
Rlver-Mosler Fruit company of this
city, to secure stock in their splendid
300-acre farm located about halfway
between Hood River and Mosler.
This company la IncorDoraied and
capitalised for $160,000 worth of stork
Uy paid and non-assessable. Only suf-
"Llfe Is a species of energy, and
each man expends his energy on
those thing which chiefly delight
him." Aristotle.
Here are clothes for
the energetic.
Shirts that will stand
the strain.
Trousers that
hold their shape.
This week a special
sale of Outing Trousers
in fancy flannels and
worsteds at $2.85, were
$4.00 and $5.00.
ficlent stock is being sold to carrvrm th
development work, in shares of $lu0
each and every Ave shares are backed
by an acre of ground planted to 70
trees. The land overlooks the Columbia
river ana Slopes northeast, the Ideal
slope for apples. The climate is es
pecially adapted to apple culture, there
being sufficient rainfall to cause the
trees and fruit to fully develop. No
irrigation is necessary, the natural sub
lrrlgatlon being something most re
markable. The soil is a volcanic ash
or wonderful richness and varies in
depth from Jour to 16 feet The prop
erties of the soil are such as produce
the most perfect apple known.
The officers of the Hood River-Mo-sler
company are Oregon men of long
ing district, Nye county, Nevada, dis
tant eight miles northeast from the
town of Goldfleld. A splendid road
leads direct to your property from
Goldfleld, passable at all seasons of tbe
The contour of the land, in the main.
Is slightly Undulating, being traversed
y an Immense dike boldly outcrop-
Ing through the center of your prop
erty, forming a low ridge.
The formation consists of rhyollte
(on the foot wall) and quartxlte (on
the hanging wall), forming a contact,
traceable along the center of the strike.
along the apex of the hill. At this
contact frequent blowouts of andeelte
occur, which when crosscut from the
present level will prove the permanent
mineral-bearing cone. The shaft has
been sunk in the rhyollte (foot wall
country rock), in which numerous
trlngers of ore have been encountered,
carrying gold values ranging from
$1.80 to $10. Z9 per ton. These stringers
are all dipping toward the contact,
which indicates the presence of a large
and highly mtnerallz.d ore body at
the contact of the two formations
(rhyollte and quartxlte). The presence
of andeslte at the contact, together
with the distinct regularity of the for
mation, demonstrates the fact that this
property is situated in the same geo
logical horlson as Tonopah and Gold
field; in fact, the character of the for
mation is identically like Tonopah and
the most highly mineralized portion of
the Goldfleld district. The trend of the
formation is northerly, dipping at an
angle of 80 degress to the west.
The property is being developed
through a vertical shaft which Is now
145 feet in depth, from which a cross
cut is now being run westerly toward
the contact, approximately 150 feet to
the west of the shaft. With two shifts
at work, five feet per diem can be made,
which should enable you to encounter
the contact In from SO to 40 days.
The equipment consists of one 26 H.
P. Western Gasoline Hoist, gallows
frame, blacksmith shop, tools and all
requisite appliances; also bunk and
boarding-houses for the employes.
Eleven persons in all are now em
ployed, and the work is progressing
favorably under a capable and efficient
The present plan of the management
is entirely adequate and comprehensive,
In accordance with the geological con
dltlons, hence 1 would not advise any
In conclusion. I desire to state that
in my long and varied mining ex
perience 1 have rarely encountered
better equipped or better managed
camp than Is round at your property,
Perfect harmony prevails between the
company s officers and the men em
ployed. I consider your property most
promising, and predict that you will
succeed in developing a great mine.
Respectfully submitted,
Goldfleld, Nev., July 26, 1907.
A $1,000,000 Fro position.
"When you have spent $40,000 rou
will have a $1,000,000 mine," Engineer
Peterson remamea to Messrs. McuorKle
and McKechnle, after he had written
his report. "I confidently believe that
there is no doubt of this, he added.
declaration fully Justified by the last
line of his report, wherein he says that
I consider your property most promis
ing, and predict that you will succeed
tlhued unabated on tho westerly cross
cut, ui
cut, under the management o
ly cr
f Q.
'Peterson, the mining engineer, has
given a written report on the com
pany's holdings, declaring that the for
mation is identically like that or Ton
opah, and of the most highly mineral
ized portions or the uoldriei.i district,
lie predicts that the mine named will
soon oecome a snipper or nich-grade.
Many other excerpts might be pub
lisher rrom the uoiarieia newspapers,
but tne roregoing are surricient to in
spire one with the same rnthusulasm
that permeates the hearts of Messrs.
McCorkle and McKechnle. and owners
of Butte Boys shares are today fueling
about as happy as any family lu the
Offloa aXemorvd.
Owing to the renting of the Weather
ly building to Messrs. Calef Brng., the
office of the Butte Boys Mining com
pany has been removed to -ne s-cond
floor of the West building, 129 H Grand
avenue, where an apartment la now be
ing fitted up for the use of the com
pany. This office will hereafter be In
oharge of Dr. McCorkle's brother, who
will give his entire attention to Its
The Butte Boys officials are in
great glee these bright summer days.
From all Indications they have a right
to be.
Pendleton, Or., Aug. 7. It is feared
that wood will be very high in eastern
Oregon and Washington this fall and
winter, and even in the present warm
summer days people are already be
ginning to feel chills running over them
at the thought of paying $9 and $10
a cord for wood. Wood is already ris
ing in price, and it Is difficult to secure
coal. Old-timers say It has been thirty
or more years sine such high prices
were paid for wood In this section.
Owing to the fact that this building is to be torn
down very soon,
our large and
complete stock of
v-.'.f iA ".'!v ."... ..
.' ".. rjk weevil "
- j ' -1 . ... -
r. i
it '
-'. i I.
i. y
ft.t '
' 4- if . .
X e.'V. ,
. t t ! 1
rt .f .(. tv,;4
1 14-
S- j
t, XX
Gas and
Are to be offered ,
with no reserve, at
You can judge for yourself by coming in and al
lowing our salesmen to show you the stock.
Fref erred mock Canned Oooas.
Allen Ac Lewis Best Brand.
years or successful Duslness experience:
President, H. F. French; secretary. C.
E. Houston; manager, William Neville.
Board of directors: A. E. Hammond. H.
William Neville.
-166 imd 168 Third, Su
' 'l.Iohawk'BIdg.
(Special Dlapatcb to The Journal.)
Echo, Or., Aug. 7. Watermelons are
now being exhibited here that were
grown on land that had a heavy- growth
of sagebrush on it early in the spring.
j nese melons were raised by Messrs.
Page and Kyle, of Portland, who nnr-
chased a tract of land under the "Fur
nish project some months ago, and they
were among the very first to take up
land under this project, Tbi melons
are as fine as any grown in this section
and are a fair sample of what will be
produced under the lands of the TTmo-
tllla project when it la complete.
Various vegetables and fruits are being
srown on the new lands about here.
Potter Schedule for Beach.
iwJwLSU?n,,?r Potter ""rill sail from
Portland Ash street dock, Thursday; T
Mti ".Ii1"1 mako reservations at
city ticket office, Third and Washing
ton streets. C tst. aluf-I? ara8.,i?l?:
n developing a great mine."
Mark ths lAnruAg-e.
'Mark the language of this man.
Dr. McCorkle enthusiastically exclaim
1 he rormatlon demonstrates the ract
that this property is situated In the
same geological horizon as Tonopah and
uomneid; in Xact, the character of the
rormatlon is identically like Tonopah
nd the most highly mineralized por
tion of the Goldfleld district,' in which
It Is located. Isn't that enough?
Wouldn't that declaration, made by an
expert such as Peterson, rill your heart
to the brim with Joy? I tell you we will
have a mine in Goldfleld that will open
the eyes of our people, and our share
holders shall have the squarest deal in
this transaction that men ever received
from any mining concern on earth. We
had an offer In Goldfleld for every
share of treasury stock we had at 15
cents per share, but declined it. We are
?olng to continue this business In the
uture as in the past, absolutely on the
level, and when our dividends begin to
roll in, which will be much earlier, I
predict, than we expected, you will hear
our friends, every one of them, corrob
orate every statement that we ever have
made. The Goldfleld newspapers have
almost dally mention of our property.
They are Just as enthusiastic as our
selves. They see our future. Thev
know that we are in earnest, and that I
we are almost sure to have one of the
- . . I r. 9 tKat rr-rnr, t rr, A I 4 '
Krws paper Comment.
Speaking of the neighboring mines, in
th thick of which the Butte Bovs is lo
cated, the Goldfleld Tribune of July 20
had ils to say:
The largest plant in the neighbor
hood belongs to the Butte Boys Con
aoHrtated Mining company, a Portland.
Oregon, company which is headed by
Dr M CK McCorkle. The mine is a ver
itable little camp, all to itself, behind
a low ridge that screens Its operations
from the main roadway. A 25-horse-
power hoist is working on this
property, and the shaft has at
tained a depth of about 160
feet. The outcroppings on the claim
returned 124 in gold to the ton. The
abaft was started 37 feet from the
ledge, Uia company expeoUag to cut Iti
DSAOWdAONS m htmkliik&dday
25 c
For $1.50 to $2.00 LACE or SILK
HATS for children.
For $7.50 SUITS for men and
For any White Silk SHIRT
WAIST in store, vals. to $6.50
for men and youths.
For Men's 75c GOLF SHIRTS, dandy
For 50c WORK SHIRTS, any
For $5.00 LINEN
SUITS for ladies.
For 35c SUSPENDERS for men or
For 25c FANCY
SOCKS, all sizes.
For $2.25 WORK SHOES for
For $1.00 nicely embroidered SHIRT
WAISTS in white.
For $3.50 DRESS SHOES, in
.fine vici kid.
For $2.50 and $3.00 SHRTWAISTS,
any size, dozens of styles.
For $2.50 DRESS SKIRTS, in navy
blue and black.
$ f CP For Dress Skirts, $2.50 to $5.00
JL vals., grays, browns, fancies.
For 25c SIDE OR
ST -- F