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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1907)
AUGUST ? 7, 1807. If ... M r . TIIE f OREGON ' DAllrY JOUIWAU PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY-'EVENINq MM .. j ; 7 ( . it- n ! I I II i STREET VAVtSQ WARREX OTN8TBUC WON CX Btrl paving, aiflcwaiaa u croes- In as. 114 liUmbor EHinr, ' f TEA barber AApHALTPAvfNO cd. K . of rrt1""1- fflc " Worcester blfc. I EWKITJEKa . 1 Room 43, Raleigh Bldg. t vnti are In the market for ft type writer, the new Model No. E, Oliver before Paying. 1 TO DAY'S MARKETS "Everywhere the - Same Complaint Is Being Made of the Salmon Run the Present Season Kecords Broken. TOWEL SUPPLY ? CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB, ' brush, soap. $1 Pr month. Portland t Laundry Towel Supply Co., fth ana Couch sta Phone 410. WHOLESALE JOBBERS i" THK OREGON CHEESE CO. (INC.) v. rhease. butter. m, etc, dairy prod- nnta houxht or handled on commission. Ill Jth at (Swetland bldg.), Portland. or. I. . a' j M A GUNST CO.. '3. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. V. PORTLAND. OREGON. FAR BELL. PRODUCK tfEff MARKET SENSAT10HA f i ; ' I - . f ' I '1 ... t. tvrwninn A nd commission merchants, 140 Front at. Portland, or. r-nons jwsin n. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turtng Co. Manufacturer of furni ture for the trade. Portland, Or. Wadham CO.. Wholesale gro- cera. manufacturers and commlaalon merchfl-t 4th and Oak eta. VtfRN'lTURE MANUFACTURING AND special order. L. Ruvensky's furni ture factory. 307 Front at. ALLEN CEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and 'Davis sts. Portland. Or. . WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND glassware. Prael, Heckle A Co.. Port- land. Or. - LEWIS-6TENQER BARBERS' SUPPLY CO., wsmere supplies, carriers r ur- Btture. Barber Chairs, lath Morrmon. Supplies 30 Per Cent Short in the East Ideal Value Advanced Daily. Today's market features: Cheese market advances aharply. All city creamery at high price. Fish famine Is pronounced. Egg market has steadier tone. Front street butter at 30c. Tomato market has better tone. Chlttlm bsrk showing advance. Fancy peaches sell high. .All dressed meats are wanted. Cantaloupes aell at express charges. TRANSPORTATION. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 8. S. 2 TRIPS Spokane. Aug. f i i f . - OH3 aOTJTB. a. 8. Senator Oct. 7 B. ft, Fraldnt Pt. 38 s. a. axasxa botjts. galling rrom Seattle. Ciarw;. Sitka, Jnaeau and way porta. Balling t p. as. ' XL S. S. Co.'s Humboldt. . .Aug. 1, 18, 82 City of Seattle. Aug. 3, IS, 30 Cottage City, Tift Sitka Aug. 13, 89 sav roAir Cisco boutb. a. m. rrom Seattle. President Aug. 4, 18 . B. S. VmatUl Aug. 8, 33 Sonoma Aug. 13, 88 City Office, 848 Washington St. Jamestown Exposition LOW RATES Atxatnnr 8. 8, 10 1 BEPTB1 18, 13. IEB 11, S." Chicago and return. IT 1.60. r St Louis and return, 167.80. 1 St Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Supa- rlor, Winnipeg and Port Arthur and re- 3. fturn, qv. I 3-TCAINS DAILY S ' 1 For tickets, sleeping car reservations i ftnd additional Information, call on or ftaaress ti. uickbuis, c v. i. a. 188 TKXBO ST, Telephones: Main POXTXAXD, OB. 680. Home A-Z2S4 COOS BAY Weekly Freight and PaaaengeT Serrlce of the Pine Steamship Breakwater Xaarefl POBTXiABrs erery Monday, 8MK) p. m, zrom oax-rtreet bock, jot ; EMPIRE NORTH BEND AND MARSHFIDLD , Freight -Jlecelved Till 4 p. m. on Day of sauing. P AM Prom Portland, lat-olasa, 810.00; ad-claaa, $7.00, Including berth nna mnu. ' Inquire City, Ticket Office. Third and -.wasninaron sis., or uastreei i.ock. Ho! For Astoria ao fastSteamerTelegraph Dally (except Thursdays). Leaves Aldei .tree? dock 7 a. m. Sundays s a. m. $1 round trip. phobe uaim oes. Columbia River Scenery BKOTJXATOX LIR STEAJCSBS. Dalljr Krrtce between Portlaod end Tie pallea, except 8andr. leering Portland tt 'a, m, irrlTlnjt ihoot S p. earryhik! ifrelcbt eod paieenKert. Splendid aeeomaioda itloo for ootflti and llreetock. . Dock foot of Alder it.. Fortland; foot f Coort t, 'fbe Dalle. I'bon Main Ul. Portlaed. I IWIl racinc BTEAHSB1F CO.'S Steamships ROANOKE and CEO. X. ELDER Ben tor "ureka, San Francisco and Los Angel' . direct every Thursday at 8 p. m. tick-: ofllce 132 Third, near Alder, v Pomes M. 1311- IL YOUNG. Agent. Sculptor at Work In Jail. S The Italian sculptor, Q. Cisarlello, mho has been In prison at Naples for (tha last eighteen months, has recently been allowed to practice his art In tha prison. The Idea was suggested to him tP - postal card sent to him by a friend, with a portrait of the Crown Prince of I (Italy on It. I He sketched a group showing the king 3 land oueen and the bov and made appli cation for modelling clay and tools and Ixor permission to have a child of 3 , years to visit him (rally to serve as a .model for Prince Humbert. The tools .and clay were furnished, but the child J 'model was refused. i Cisarlello went on "with the work and , lie baa Just finished it Fellow pris oner occasionally posed for the adult jflgurea, but he had no material for the child except the postal Card, t Notwithstanding this, the work Is ' ald to have merit The government lias ordered -the model to be cast in ' bronse and the finished work Is to be aet un In front of tha prison. CI sariello'8 trial is expected to begin nest monta. .. rollowlnl tha trllre of 500 Italian trackmen on tho New York Central rail way a movement ha been started to rganlse tb 00,000 or more Italian rail way employes all over the United States mA bring about a higher scale of wages. Cheese Market is Sensational. A most sensational tone is shown In the cheese market all over tho I'liltd States at this time. In this market the price Is advanced another Ho a pound, moat sales of flats being made at 17c a pound. In a few lnHtancei some dealers are still selling flats at 14 He but all will likely put the price to 17o flat tomorrow morning. This condition In the cheese market at this time of year is most wonderful. The condition Is not local, for everywhere cheese values are breaking all previous records for their highness for this period of year. According to T. 8. Townsend of the Townsend rreamery of this city, who has Just returned rrora an extensive trln throughout the east. supplies of cheese held there are fully SO per cent short of the normal stock, and prices are advancing almost every day. While in the east Mr. Townsend saya that a decline of le a pound was shown In the Elgin market one day, but the demand on this account became so heavy that the price not only regained the loat value, but advanced over the former figure. Tillamook Supplies Are Vary Small. Cheese supplies at Tillamook are said to be the smallest ever noted there at this time of the year for many scaaons, and this in a measure accounts for the many recent advances in the price there The greater northern demand at this time is also aiding the advance here, but one of the principal causes of the higher prices Is the fact that but little cheese has been purchased by local par ties because of the enormous values asked. Practically all sales of city croam ery butter were made today at 32 He a pound, the figure quoted by the recent advance. One or two creameries sold some of their old customers at the old range, but all will charge the nigner price tomorrow morning. The Improved tone Is likewise shown along Front street, and the best product there brings 30c today. Igg Market is Steadier. A steadier tone Is shown today in the local egg market. While a considerable number of bad eggs continue to come to market the general run of supplies Is of better quality. Price unchanged as yet. Poultry market, while not overfirm. Is steadier than durlnr the orevlous week. and supplies are all moved off at the values quoted Dy in journal. Oantalonnea Sell at Iiow PUruras. Very low figures were named again in the cantaloupe market during the past 24 hours. Some sales of quite good fruit were made as low as $1.50 a crate, and It la stated that the railroads have been offering Jobbers cants as low as 31 a crate. The express charges alone amount to 90c a crate, and the crate Itself cost 16c each Where the California grower gets off Is not fully exulalned. Dalles cants are arriving In better shape and values range from 32 to 32.60 a cratu ror Dest stuff. Tomato market Is acting better to day. Supplies are of Improved quality on account of the cooler weather, and shipments are now holding up well. Price advanced somewhat. Fanrv neaches are selling higher. Some from The Dalles sold this morn ing as high as $1.36 a box. but this was received but for one snippers supplies The higher priced stocks were not even urawrorfls. crawroras are ranging db tween 31 and 31.26 a box. Potato market Is firmer, owing to the smaller supplies, some selling as high as 31-36. Chlttlm Bark Is Advanced. Owing to the very light peel In both Oregon and Washington this year on account of the scarcity of labor, the Srlce of chlttlm bark Is advancing, and ealers are freely offering 6c a pound this morning. All lines of dressed meats continue firm In tone with prices at the top. Famine in Halmon trade more pro nounced. No arrivals coming from any direction at this time. Watermelon trade Is very heavy, with price at 31.50 for best. Peppers from The Dalles are In larger supply, but the price holds well at 10 12c a pound. Front street prices roaay: Grain, Plonr and Peed. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, 9c, largo lots: small lots, 9V4. WHEAT New CIUD, (ilgzc; rM Russian. 80(fJ)81c; bluestem. 84S5c vnllev l(fJR2c. UOliN wnoie, zs.uu; cracnea Der ton. BAKLiEY New feea, zi.uu(fli zz.uu per ton; rolled, 328.0024.00; brewing, $22.0023.00. BTB $1.66 per cwt. OATS New Producers' price No. 1 white, $28.00 per ton; gray, 327.00. FLOUR Eastern Oregon patents. $4.80; straights, $4.25; export, 34.00; vallev. 34.3004.40: graham, 'is. $175: whole wheat, $4.00; rye, 60s. 35.60; bales. 3300. MILLSTUFF8 uran, iiy.oo per ton; middlings. 325.00: shorts, country, 320; city, $18.00; chop $16.00$21.00. HAY - Producers price iimotny, Willamette valley, fancy, $1.0017.00; ordinary, $1 2.00 14.00; eastern Oregon, $18; mixed, $1010.60; clover, $7.608; grain, $810; cheat, $8.6010.60. Batter, Eggs and Poultry. BUTTER FAT F. o. b. Portland Sweet cream, 81c; sour, 29c. BUTTER City creamery. 32Hc; sec onds, 30c; outside fancy. 30c; seconds, 27c; store, Oregon, 1819c. EGGS Extra fancy, candled, 22c; good candled, 21c. c-tEESE New Full cream, flats, 16 M 17c per lb; Young Americans, 17HtfU8c per lb. POULTKV Mixea cmcxens, izc; fancv hens. 13c lb; roosters, old. 10c lb; fryers. 1416o lb; broilers, 14itf lRc lh: old ducks. 11c lb: goring ducks. 12c lb; geese, old. 8$10c lb; spring geese lZViWl-io per id; luraeys, iiigmc id; for old; squabs, $2.50 per dozen; pigeons, $1.26 .per dozen. Dressed poultry, 1 1 .c per lb. higher. Bops, Wool and Bides. HOPS lt06 crop Prime to choice, 5$; 6c; medium to prime, 5c; contracts, 1807 crop, 9e. WOOL 1907 clip Valley. 20 21c FBEE OF CHICKS AT STEADY PKICES imn MinifT nuu I "Hens and springs have been coming In more freely of late, but demand has been very good and prices have been well main tained. Oeese are very dull, there being practically no call t this time. "Fancy-fat veal continue In firm request, and the trade could use a great deal more than Is be ing received. The same U true as to medium-sized hogs. "Eggs seem to be holding about steady at prices quoted by The Journal, city demand being the only call." -Frank Temple ton of Templeton Graham. 10 inlime i io i rare agi Sharp Advance Is Again ("a used by Lack of Supplies. $29.00 eastern Oregon. 18 21c. MOHAIR New 1907 Z9TZe. SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 16&20c each; short wool, 2540c; medium, wool. SoYSc esrh; long wool, 75c?y$1.0O each. TAl,lOW rrlme, per id, seric; wo. and grense. 2&2Mr. CHITTIM BAKK 6c per lb. Prults and Vegetables. POTATOES 31.25)8' 1.35. selling; buy ing, (tiic mil per sarx. ONIONS Jobbing price New Walla Walla. 12 26 'ff 2 50 sack; Oregon. $2.25; game nr pr in. KRESII FRl'ITS Orangrs. $4.25ffl 4.76; bananas. 6c lb; lemons. $6,00$p7.60 per nox; limes. Mexican. 34.00 Der 100 pineapples. 13.2Syi6.00 dozen; grape fruit ja.zft; cnerries, diaiioe lb; peaches. 110 1.35; cantaloupes, $2.50; raspberries. nc in; plumrt, $1.00; watermelons. lHc; cultivated blackberries, 3150 a crate; crabapples 6076c per box Bartlett pears, 31.00 02.60 per box; ap- ricois. Ji. mi. VEGETABLES Turnips, new. 90cJ i.uu ssck; carrota. 7Bcep$l.oo per sack: beets. 31.60 per sack; parsnips. $1 00 40 ii -o; cannage. iz.uu; tomatoes, Oregon. 6A46c: parsnips. 90c$l: wax beans 4c; green, 4c per lb; cauliflower, $1,259 l. bo dozen; peas, 6c; horseradish. 8c lb. artichokes. 6Rc75c dozen; rhubarb, 8c b. ; green onions, 25e per dozen; bell pep pers, iu'oizhc per in; nead lettuce. ( ) doz; cucumbers, hothouse, 20Q26O doz: outdoor. 40g60c box; radishes, 15c dozen Duncnes; eggplant, 16o lb: green corn, $1.60 sack; celery, $1.26 dozen. Orooerlos, Huts, Etc SUGAR Cube, $6.22: powdered. $6.07 H; berty, $5 87; dry, granulated. $5.87V4: Star. $5.77H; conf. A, $5.87H: extra B, $5.37H; golden C. 35.27H; D yenow, is. if": beet granulated. 35.77H; Darrein, iuc; nair barrels, zsc: boxes. 60c advance on sack basis. (Above prices are 30 days net cash quotations. ) HONEY 33.60 per crate. COFFEE Package brands, $15,889 1668. 8ALT Coarse Hall ground. 100s $12.60 per ton; 60s. $13 00; table, dairy 60s, $17.50; 100s. $17.25; bales. $2.10; Imported Liverpool, 60s, $20.00: 100s, $19.00: 224s, $18.00; extra fine, barrels. 2. 6s and 10s. $4.606.50; Liverpool lump rock, $20.60 per ton; 60-lb rock. $11.00; 100s, $10.60. (Above prices apply to sales of less than car lots. Car lots at special prices subject to fluctuations.) RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, 6c; No. 2. 6tttj5e; New Orleans, head, 7c; AJax, 6c; Creole. 6c. BE ANBi Small white, $3.30; large white, $3.50; pink, $3.60; bayou, $3.90; Llmas. 6 He; Mexican reds, 4 He NUTS Peanuts, Jumbo, 9 Ho per lb; Virginia, 7 He per lb; roasted, 10c per lb: Japanese. 6(2)1) He: roasted. 7 7 He per lb; walnuts, California, lOo per lb; pine nuts. 14iji'15c per lb: hlckorv nuts, 10c per lb; Brazil nuts, 18c per lb; fil berts. 16c per lb; fancy pecans, 1820c per lb; almonds. 1921Hc. Meats, Pish and Provisions. FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs, fancy. 8Hc per lb; large, 78c per lb; veal, extra. 8H?9o per lb; ordinary, 8c per lb; poor, 67o per lb; mutton, fancy 89o jer lb HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland pack uoeal i nams, iu to 12 lbs, ibe per lb 14 to 19 lbs, 15Hc per lb; 18 to 20 lbs 15c; breakfast bacon, 15H?f22c pe lb; picnics, 11 He per lb; cottage roll 11 He per lb; regular short clears, un smoked, 12c per lb: smoked. 12c per lb clear backs, unsmoked, 12c; smoked, 13c per lb; Union butts. 10 to 13 lbs. un smoked. Sc per lb: smoked. 9c pr lb clear bellies, unsmoked. 11 He per lb smoked 13 He per lb: shoulders. 12 He per id; pickled tongues, eoc each. LOCAL. LARD Kettle leaf. 10c 13c per lb; 6s. 13Hc per lb; 60-lb tins. 12Hc per lb; steam rendered, 10s, 11 c per lb; 6s. llc per lb; compound. 10s, 10c per lb. HUH Rock cod. 1". per lb; flounders 6c per lb; halibut. 6c per lb; striped bass. 16c per lb: catfish. 11c ner lb; sal mon, fresh Columbia Chinook. 11c per lb; Steelheads. 10c per lb; herrings, 6c er lb; soles. 6c per lb; shrimps. 12c per t; perch, Be per lb; tomcod, 7c per lb lobstcra. 16c ner lb; fresh mackerel. 8c per lb; crawfish, 25o per doz; sturgeon izc per lb; black bass, zuc per lb silver smelt, 7c per lb; frozen shad, 6c per lb: Mack cod, 7 He per lb. OYHTEK8 Bhoalwater bay, per gal on, $2.50; per 100-lb sack. $4.50; oiym pla, per gallon, $2.25; per 115-lb sack, $5.60 6. 25; Eable, canned. 10c can;"37.00 doz. CLAMS Hardshell, per box, $2.40; razor clams, $2.00 per box; 10c per doz. Paints, Coal Oil, Etc. ROPE Pure Manila, 15 c; standard, 13c; sisnl, 11c. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases, 19Hc per gal; water white, iron bbls, 14c per gal; wooden, 17c per gal; head light, 17U deg.. cases. zic per gat. GASOLINE 86 deg., cases. 24Ho per gal: iron bbls, 18c per gal. BENZINE 63 deg, cases, Z5c per gai; iron bbls, 3c per gal. TURPENTINE: In cases. 96c per gal; wooden bbls, 93c per gal. WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 7fcc per lb: 600-lb lots, 8c per lb; less lots, 8o per lb. WIRE NAILS Present basis at $3.18. Portland Union Stockvarda. Aug. 7. Official receipts: Hogs. Cattle. Sheen. Today 26 250 Week ago 114 124 468 Yar ago Ill 726 Previous year .. 11 183 1.0)6 It seems that the hor Bundles of tha raciric-nortn west are entirely exhausted for no arrivals were shown In the local yards since Monday and then only nominal run was reported. "It Is very hard to get hnrs theae days," says President Daugbtrey, "and 7o Is the ruling price for best stuff to- day." This Is an advance of 25o over yesterday's advance figures. At tha new range of values the market Is ex ceedlngly firm and tt Is quite likely thst shipments would bring a still greater value. Cattle tTp With Scarcity. Run of cattle has fallen off of late and the market Is firmer with best stuff movlnar readily at 13.76 4. This Is an advance of 25c over former figures. For about a week the cattle market has been displaying an Improvement In tone and today's advance la the result of the Increasing demand. The run today was but 26 head compared with 124 head a week ago, 11 head a year ago and 133 neaa two rears ago. Bhacp Holding- Wan. Today's run of sheeD was fair but the market la holding very well at unchanged values. A year aro today all markets were quoted steady but unchanged In value. urneiai yard prloea: Hogs Best eastern Oregon. $6.7607: Blockers and feeders. $7; China fata. Cattle Best eastern Orearon steers $3.7604: best cows and heifers. 33: bulls. 32. Sheep Best wethers. 34.25: awes. $4; lambs. $5. PACIFIC II RAID COSTLY Price of Stock at One Time Today Is Nine Points Under Yesterday. NEW YORK STOCK LOSS. ' Horses for Harvest. (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal.) Athena. Or.. Aug. 7. Charles Brother- ton has purchased 13 head of work horses In the Wallowa country, for which he paid $2,400. or $800 per head. These horses are being used for haul ing combine harvestera Mr. Brother ton recently sold a large bunch of fat cattle In Pendleton receiving $36 for steers, $26 for cows and $12 for calves. FIFTY-BUSHEL YIELD IN THE VALLEY Amalgamated Sugar Smelter Atchison .... B. A O Brooklyn .... Canadian St. Paul Colo. Fuel Oreat North.. L. aV N union Pacific. Missouri Pac. .. Nat. Lead N. Y. Central.. North Pac Penn Press Steel.... Reading Southern fae... U. 8. Steel do pref BH 1)4 1 i At on time today the raiders on Un ion Paclflo caused that stock to sail points lower than the price of yester day. Tha market opened at an advance. Union. Paclflo going to 138. Persistant selling caused by reports of mora trou ble ior Harrlman in rebate matters forced the market down H to points at a Jump, the market hitting the low point at 130, with a bang. Just pre vious to the close there was an up ward bulge which sent the price back to 132 H. the closing transaction being 6H points lower than the similar time yesterday. while union Paclflo was tha leader today, its lead In the depression was verv closely followed by Southern Pa cific, The rest of the market was weak and aharply lower. Official New York prices by Over- beck dc Cooke Co.: i v i ir u DESCRIPTION. Free Scholarships for Boys and Girls in . Leading Educational Institutions, v Sums of Cash Also to Be Distributed Among IndusfcrSt&s and Meritorious Students Who Participate in The Journal Educational Contest STUDENT! What are you going to do during; yacationT Have ou decided what school or college you will attend next year? If not. how would a schoUrsh.p In ona of tha following excellent schools suit youT New Seed Brings Good Returns Sharp Break In Chicago Values Caused by Liverpool. United States York, Government Bonds. Aug. 7. Government New bonds: Bid. Twos, registered 105 H do, coupon 105 H Threes, registered 102H do coupon 102 H Threes, small bonds.... 101 Dls. Columbia. 3-65s 113 H Fours, registered, new.. 127 do, coupon 127 Twos, Panama 104 do coupon 103 Philippine Fours 109 H Asked: 106 106 103 103H Wew Wheat Balling. 4 e (Special Dispatch to Journal.) 4 4 Weston. Or.. Aug. 7. The 4 first new wheat offered for sale a 4 in this locality and In Umatilla 4 4 county so far u known Is that of George Bannister, consisting of 4 4 6,000 bushels of Red Chaff for 4 which he will receive 70 cents 4 4 per bushel. Many of the farmers 4 4 are expecting 75 cents or more a 4 4 bushel, and are holding for that 4 4 price. Sept. Dec May Aug. 7. Aug. Loss. .87 0HA 2H .92 94 A 2 .97' 99 1H 1906. ?. 79 (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Albany, Or., Aug. 7. One of the best yields of wheat reported for the present year is that of a two and one half-acre tract on the farm of John Lennox, about six miles cast of Albany. Using a new variety or wheat purchased In Canada called the New Abundance, he threshed 116 bushels from the small tract or at the rate of 45 bushels machine measure or bo bushel by weight. Alongside o this he has a field of Golden Chaff wnicn yielded Z3 bushels to the acre. Mr. Lennox believes that he has th right variety of wheat for this section and with Introduction of new seed feel that the valley yields can be doubled and made to bring forth yields equal to those or early days. It has been the OD'.nlon Ions-held hv men v that tha fiiM. or inis section are run out and lncapa ble of producing the heavy yields cred neu vo mis Beciion in the early days Sharp Break in Chicago. Chicago. Aug. 7. Following the shorn ureaa. in Liverpool values today Chi cago prices are showing a slump, the close Deing 1 to zc under yesterday. Official Chicago prices bv Overbeck cooxe company Am. Cop. Co. . . . Am. Car A F., 0. Am. Cot. Oil. c. Am. Loco., c. . . Am. Sugar, o. Am. Smelt, c. Anaconda M. Co. Am. Woolen, c. Atchison, c. do preferred . B. & O.. c do preferred . Brooklyn R T. . Can. Pacific, c. Cent. leather, c. C. A Ot. W.. c. . . C. M. & 8t. P.. Chi. A N.. c. Chea. A Ohio .. Colo. F. It I., c. Colo. 8.. c do 2d ofd Dela. A Hudson. . D. Sc R. O..C .. Erie, c do 2d pfd. . . . G- Northern, pfd. T i a n ' t. LiUUlB. Ot iUSU... Mex. Cent. Ry, M . K. & T., c. . Distillers Ore Lands Mo. Pac Nat. Lead N. Y. Cen N. Y., O A W. . . N. A W., c N. P.. c Pac. M. 8. Co Penn. Ry P. G., L. A C. Co Pressed H C, c. Pressed a. C, p Reading, c. . . , R. I. A 8., c. . . R. I A S., p. . . R. I. c R. I., p... St. L. A 8. F., S. P.. c S. P., p Southern Ry.. Texas A Pac... T.. St. L. A W. c Union Pac, c. . U. S. Rubber, c. U. 8. Steel Co., c !U. 8. Steel Co. p v abash, c West. Union Tel Wis. Cen., c 1 9 1 5 1 r 1 I 2 5 4 ES r I; M I 80 81 75 I 76H 41 41 39 39 82 32 32 83 66 66 54 54 110 110 n i. iiji. 107 107 101I108 62- 62 64 61 24 26 22 23 89 90 86 87 92 93 91 91 86 96 94 94 85 53 53 60 60 174 174 170 171 . 20 20 19 19 10 10 10 11 11 19BU 1 v4U iHiU. 146 146 143 144 34 36 84 34 28 28 27 27 24 26 24 24 44 44 44 44 163 163 161 163 26 27 26 2t 28 23 22 23 40 40 39 39 128 129 124 125 109 109 106 107 20 37 38 36 37 62 63 69 60 t III f 1 CO ,1 uo vo 7 uj u 73 73 71 71 62 62 51 61 110 11,0 109 108 34 84 33 30 72 7Z 7Z 73 127 127 121 123 25 26 25 25 120 121 118 119 88 89 88 88 30 30 30 30 99 99 93 25 26 24 24 81 81 80 80 .. 20 20 20 20 .. 45 45 45 45 o. 33 33 32 32 .. 87 87 82 84 . . 112 112 112 112 c. 18 18 18 18H 29 29 27 28 25 v 26 26 25 'US I1.1B Y, IliVVt 13Z 33 33 32 I 32 33 33 32 33 98 98l 96 97 12 12 1Z 12 78 I 78 77 76 16 j 16 I 15 15 Kill ICUltarr Aoademr for boys. Vort- aaa, vrsgon. Two scholarships; an scholarship Ith board, room, tuition, laundry and other1 items, amounting to $660. Another scholarship as a separata prise ior iu non, vaiu iizo. St. Mary' Xnatltuta, Beavartom, Ora- goa. Ona scholarship In academlo da rtartment. Inclndtnv leaaona on anv ln- strumant: also board, room, ate. value zio. SM. V alert's HalL dav and boarding school for girls and young ladies, fort land. Oregon, '.'wo scholarships, includ ing noon meal- Whitman College. Walla Walla, Wash. Scholarship .In tha Conservatory of music, vaiua iivo. Willamette University. Salem. Orearoa. 1 wo sciioiarsnips. uno in miner coiien or preparatory department, value $60; ine other in me musio department. vaiua 3100. Dallas Collars. Dallas. Oraoa. Schol arshlp In olther academlo or college d partment, value $36 to $50. Portland Aoademr. Vortlaad. Oregon. Dav scholarship In either college or academic department, good for ona year, value $120. Mrs. Walter Baad. Portland, Oregon. Teacher of voice and singing, ieasona to the value of $100. HoitlnaTllla College, lfoVlnarliis, Oregon. Two scuoiarships. una in either academlo or college department, value $60; on In th department of music, value $60. raolflo UnlversitT. forest Orov, Ore gon, two scholarships, ona day schol arship In tha academ" or college, valu $60. On scholarship .or a girl with ivi months' Instruction In music; board, room, etc In Herrlck HalL $160 Paolflo College, Brwber". Oregon. On acnoiarsnip in eitner college or acaie-jy department for one school year, $60. . Mix Kyar, S43 Aider straat, Fort land, Oregon, one scholarship good for 72 hours' instruction In drawing, oil or wster color "aiming or pastel. Holms' Business College, Portland, Oregon. Fo r scholarships; on com bined scholarship on year, value 100; one academlo or civil service scholar ship, ona year, $100; choice of either commercial or shorthand scholarships, six months, $60; night course, any de partment, one "ear, ido. Bhnk-Walher Basin Collar, Portland, Oregon. Four scholarships for 12 months combined course, valu 1100: one scholarship for ( months' com btaed course, valu $86; on scholar ship for 6 months' course, value $70: one scholarship for months, either shorthand or business oourse. value $60 Baker City Basin Collar, Baker City, Oregon. Hcholarsnip good ror on year In shorthand, commercial. Eng lish, cdvertislng and .penmanship courses, value 10i. International Oorraanandme Schools of Boraaton, Pa- Portland arnoy 614 MoXay Bldr, X V. Bd, manager. Two scholarship: caoke of $100 tuition in any of th numerous or helpful courses except language course or courses In locomotive running; another scholarship In th sams to th valu rf $(0. Xntsrsattonal Oonsarratorr of BTn-ln. O. B. Sands, manager, Paolflo coast all vision, Portland, Oregon. , Thre chol arshlps; th wlnnors to bav their ohoioa of any of th flva different oours taught by this conservatory namely, piano, organ, violin, mandolin and r-vitar; scholarships Include sheet music, all ' tructions and ths stringed instrument ir stringed instrument courses are (elected. Oregon Brpart Collar. Portland. Or, roa. One scholasrhlp In telegraphy and typewriting, vaiua $71. Another schol arship in telegraphy, typewriting and station set-tea work, value $100. Portland Bnsla College, Portland, Oregon, A, p. Armstrong, principal. Four scholarships, as follows: On tor II months In combined course, valu $100; on for months In combined course, valu I8S: on for t months in combined oourse. vaH $70: ons for months In shorthand or business coursx valu $60. Bos City Business OollsfS, Portland. Or roa. wo scholarships, oka com. blnd course for on school yasTT'C tvv; one' co'jraa in snortns or bookkeeping, $60. capital Basin Collar. Salm. Ore gon. Ona scholarship, good for 10 months' tuition In either department, valu $100. Orron Oonssrvstn-r of ICnsta. h. land, Oraron. Cours In piano with in struction under L. H. Hurlburt-Ed-wards, lncludln- us of muslo, value $250. Bursa Bnslneas OoHr. Bursa Ore gon. . One scholarship In commercial or stenographic course, value $100. Western Academy of Music. Bloen. tloa and Dramatic Art, W. ML Baamns, principal, Portland, Oregon. Ona schol arship In choice of vocal, piano, violin, mandolin, elocution, oratory and dram atic rt. value $200. Holmas-Plaadars Private School. Port. land, Oregon. On scholarship good ior on year's aneclal university prepara tion, one rear' a normal course, or prac tical English course for ona and one half yeara, valued at $180. Oraron Xrfiw Collar. Commoawaaltli building. Portland, Oregon. Scholar ship In tha first two years of th course, vslue $150. OillMVl School of Bxvrsssloa. Port land, Oregon. Private and class Instruc tion to the valu of $22$. Albany Collar, Albany, Oregon. Tui tion for on school year In either aca demlo or college department. Pandlrton Buslneea Oollr. pradlatoa, Oraron. Valu of scholarship $100. Marlon Ward Parnham. dnunaUo reader, teaeh of loentloa. oratory aud dramatlo art. Portland, Oregon. Schol arship good for lessons to value of $100 Colombia University, Portland, a scholarship providing for tuition and dinners on school days during th chool year, commencing In September. Value $100. Paclflo TJnlreralty, Conservatory of Muslo, Poreat Orov, Orsroa, Frank Thomas Chapman, director. Two achol arshlpa, one valued at $60. on valued at $101.25, In either vocal or Instrumental departments. era shipped thousands of pounds of Royal Anna cherries to tha Seattle plant of this company and the high quality of this fruit and the immense supply available makes this a favorable center for oneration. One local firm alone shipped enough small fruit to outside canneries to keep a large sized plnnt in operation a gooa portion of trje summer. Albany is reach ing out after new Industries and all manufacturing enterprises are encour- agea ana assisted. New York Cotton Market, 'Extra dividend 1 per cent. iExtra dividend 1 per cent. Total aalea for the day, 1.087,300 shares. Call money closed 4 per cent. NEVADA MINING STOCKS. Sept. Dec. . May.. Sept. Doc. . May. . Sept. . oeo. . May. . , Sept. . Oct.... Jan. . . 128 128 106 104 HIDES NEGLECTED, SAYS FELIX KAKNT 'The hide market Is dull and neglected. The eastern tone and demand. Is very slow with tan- ners out of the market Sales made there recently are at ma- terlal concessions in the price. Aa far a I can aee at this time th outlook for Immediate future prices is not over bright" Felix Kahn of Kahn Brothers. 4 New York-London Silver. New York. Aug. 7. Bar silver 9c; London, 32 d. Sept. Oct. . Jan . . WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. 90 90 87 87 94 94 92 92 99 99 97 97 CORN. 56 65 52 64 62 62 61 61 62 63 62 62 OATS 43 44 42 43 42 43 41 42 44 45 43 44 MESS PORK. .620 1630 1617 1620 LARD. 912 915 907 r 907 915 915 910 915 852 852 852 862 SHORT RIBS. 870 870 863 865 865 866 857 867 787 787 787 887 Liverpool Grain Market Liverpool, Aug. 7. Official jrtces: Open. Close. Aug. 6. Loss. WHEAT. Sept. 7s 2d 7s 2d 7s 2d d Dec. 7s 4di.7s 4d 7s 6d d "CORN. Sept. 4s Ud 4s lld 4s lld d SALMON SEASON IS THE WORST IN HISTORY OF PUGET SOUND (Special Dispatch to The Journal. - Seattle, Aug. 7. The season of 1907 will go down into history as the most disasterous in th history of the salmon Industry of the Pacific coast according to leading salmon brokers. The sound sockeye pack has failed and the red salmon are absent from the Alaska fishing grounds. The Alaska red pack will be at least 400,000 oases short. Unless some unforeseen circumstance should Intervene, not more than 76.000 1 CanmA thev uv. ta hutnh the anckeves cases of sockeye salmon will be packed which spawn in the Fraxier riVerrfdr inis year. . m inn must, me total win tne benefit or packers on ths American not areaed- JOU.UOO omasa. Tha womtlaida, . year of record heretofore was 1904 when 123,419 cases were packed. To make matters wors this was the year when the humpbacks were due to appear and they were counted on to fill the places left vacant by the sock eyes. But the humpbacks have not come,. The greatest shortage In Alaska is reported at Bristol bay and In southeast ern Alaska. It is said that the packers are about to quit Fuget sound for all time. The packers can hardly expect Bid the bid Prices Current Today on San Francisco Exchange. San Francisco, Aug. 7. Official prices: GOLDFIELDS DISTRICT. Sandstorm 47c, Red Top $4, Mohawk $17, Columbia Mt. 62c, Jumbo $4, Jumbo Ext. $1.95, Vernal 17c, Pennsylvania 3cA, Goldfleld M. Co. 16c, Kendall 31c, Blue Bull 40c, Adams 13c, Silver Pick 60, May Queen 11, Nev. Boy 7c, B. B. Ext 7c, Blue Bell 20c, Dixie 6c, G. Co lumbia 46cA. Hlbernia 7c. St. Ives 5c. Conqueror 14c, Blk. Rock 4c, Lone Star 22c, G. Wonder 2c, Potlach 40cA, Oro 23c, Kendall Ext. 2c, Sandst. Ext. 4c, Mayne 6c, Atlanta 61c, Great Bend 77c, Empire 11c, Red Top Ext. 24c, Florence I&.3UA. mam r u. tt. con. zc, o. Daisy $1.72, L.aguna $1.40, commonwealth 26c, Comb. Fract. $2.20, Or. Bend Ext. 14c, Gr. Bend Anx. 10c, Mlllstorm 40cA B. B. Bonanza 7c, Kewanos 80c, Esmer alda 10c, Portland 25c, Cracker Jack 24c, Francis Mohawk $1.20, Red Hill 6c, Mohawk Ext. 9o, Lou Dillon 8c, Y. Tiger Z3c, urandma isc, 8. Plcic ifixt. 4c. Y. Rose 7c, Col. Mt. Ext. 3c, Goldf. Cons. $8.42. COMSTOCK. Ophlr $1.02. Mexican 61c. Gould A Curry 12c, Con. Virginia 68c, Savage 63c, Hale A Norcross 70c, Yellow Jacket $1, Beicner 24c, confidence 65c, sierra Nev. 30c, Exchequer 35c, Union 28c. BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original 7c, Bullf. M. C. 15c. Mont Bullf. 4c, Nat. Bank 20c, L. Harris 2c, Amethyst 25c, Gold Bar 65c, Stelnway 4c, Denver Buf. Anx. 9cA, Bonnie Clare 45cA, Mayfl. Cons. 37e, Monty. Ohio Ext. 80, G. Scepter 8c, Monty. Mt 16cA, B. Daisy 8c, Homestake Cons. 90c, Yankee Girl 4c, Nugget 4c, Tramp Cons. 40c, Victor 8c, North Star 2c. TONOPAHS. Ton. Nev. $12.50, Mont. Ton. $3.02. Ton. Ext. $1.35, MacNamara 24c, Mid way 74c, Ton. Belmont $3.10, Ton. No. Star 16c, Ohio Ton. 3c, West End Cons 73c, Rescue 12c, Ton. & Calif. 87c. Golden Anchor 13c, Jim Butler 90c, Ton. Cash Boy 6c, Ton. Home 6c, Bost. Ton. ioca. Monarch fitts. jtx. 7c. Mont. Mid. Ext. Sc, Golden Crown 6c. MANHAXTAN DISTRICT. ir v. . jam mnk Yjr . - ti ... nun. vaults, tul, uwiiu, ai. t, vu, vr. Wedge 6c, Seyler Hump 5c, Dexter 12c, Joe 2c, Crescent 6cA, Combination 2o. Granny 22c, Mustang 20c, Lltne Grey zoca. cowDoy bcA, urig. Mann. 10c, Broncho 7c Jump. Jack 10c, Plnenut 6c, Buffalo 6cA, S. Dog 17c, Y. Horse 3c, Indian Camp 7o. VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Falrv. Silver King 16cA. Fairv. Ea gle 84c, Pittsburg Silver Peak $1.40, No. Star Wonder 4c, Eagle's Nest 17c. Alice of Wonder 6cA. August Open. High. Low. 7 6 Jan 1219 1226 1210 1217 1218 Feb 1227 1227 1227 1219 1217 March ...1226 1236 1220 1226 1223 April 1228 1227 May 1238 1245 1230 1231 1230 Aug 1148 1162 1140 1144 1147 Sept 1158 1163 1160 1154 1165 Oct 1202 1208 1191 1197 1197 Nov 1210 1210 1210 1199 1199 Dec 1215 1219 1201 1207 1207 SCIENCE NOTES At the present moment both the orange and sugar-cane growing Indus tries of Louisiana are seriously threat ened by the ravages of the New Orleans ant, which Is a South American, that entered this country by way of the city whose name it bears. The efforts made by the state to keep out the cotton boll weevil have been unsuccessful, and the commission having charge of the matter has about given up the fight The con clusion arrived at was that the weevil could not be exterminated, but that Its destructive operations could be kept Careful planting and burning the stalks, but this same commission has taken up the warfare against the misnamed New Orleans ant, which Is said to be more of a menace than the weevil ever was. It Is said that the sugar plantations of Grenada, in the west indies, were al most wiped out of existence by these ants in a campaign which extended over iv years. A canal system one mile In length has oeen constructed ror the purpose or con veying water from the Nile across the desert, where it is used for irrigation work. It is constructed In sections 328 feet long and 20 feet wide. The sections are laid in masonry, ao as to permit of expansions and contractions from the changes in temperature. The use of metal In this manner Is unique, and greatly simplified the problem of build ing tne canai tnrougn tne aesert coun try. completely, and the 40 per cent formal dehyde, the antiseptic power of which Is well known, destroy fungi, bacteria and other micro-organisms on the sur face of the fruits, which are the agents of putrefaction and decay. Reports from France are to the effect that electricity may supplant drugs In the capacity of an anesthetic. What is called electro-narcosis Is being devel oped by Professor Leduc, of Nantes, which is said to produce complete in sensibility without any Injurious results whatever. He has conducted experi ments sufficient to demonstrate its value. A current of from six to eight volts completely deadens the brain of a rabbit, and this suspension of Its func tion can be extended Indefinitely with out danger. In the case of the human, where It has been tried, the part re sume their normal sensations immedi ately upon cutting off the current and no after effects are noticeable. NOVEL COAT HANGER Convenient Combination Which Will Appeal to the Traveler. A very convenient combination which will appeal to the traveler specially, as well as to others. Is the coat hanger and clothes brush combined, as shown in the A series of tests made recently of tne airrerent electric lighting systems gave results greatly in favor of the vacuum tube system. As far as possi ble an tne airrerent lamps were tested under the same circumstances, and it was shown that the long vacuum tubes were tne most satisfactory and the most economical. While the virtues of mis comparatively new method are manifest, there are certain disadvan tages connected with their uae which must be overcome before thev can he generally accepted for service. The disagreeable color or the glow, which was very noticeable at first, has been overcome In a great measure and the system otherwise perfected. Would Establish Cannery, V (Speelof Dlapatcb to Tb JnnrnaL) Albany. Or.. Aug. 7. The Weber-Bus- sell company, a large cannery organiza tion of Seattle, is considering the es tablishment of a plant in Albany to handle the vegetables and small fruits of this section. A representative has been In ' the field and the prospects are favorable should he succeed in finding the necessary fruits to justify such an institution. Last season Albany grow- A universal electrical director nutv. llshed by a London company Is a very complete register of all the nrlnclnal electrical concerns and plants of the world. The last Issue, which has just oeen issued, contains az.asa names, glv ing telephone numbers, telegraphic ml dresses and many other particulars aoout tne companies and data concern ing the character and capacity of tho piant. The National Agricultural society of France has recently had its attention directed to a new process of preserving iiuii, wiui:ji nan wreu m use in nngiand for some little time and found to be very satisfactory. The fruits are plunged Into cold water containing 8 ?er cent of a 40-per-cent solution of ormaldehyde, and after 10 minutes' Im mersion they are arranged on screens where they drain and dry. In the case of the soft-pulped fruits of which the whole Is eaten, like grapes, cherries plums, ts they ar dipped for five minutes In pure water on taking them from the formulated solution before putting them to dry. But in case of hard-pulped fruit which are pared before eating, like apples and pears, this sen- ond washing Is not necessary. Th formlo aldehy disappears , almost FOLDINO CLOTHES BRUSH AND HANGER. accomnanvinv cut Garment hangers are largely resorted to by women aa wen as men at tne present time. fat .hair uu la wallnlrh universal, and the very first thing that one wants after taxing a garment rrom tne nanger i -brush. Where the new combination is made use of, the brush is not only at hand, but In hand, as a matter of fact. This article consists of two portions hinged in the center, at which point Is also secured a hook for hanging. The two parts are supplied with bristles suitable for brushing the clothing, and when the two end portions are folded back onto each other a very excellent article Is presented In the shape of a brush. ' The Secret of the Sea. Inscrutable snd doomful deeps. Where Solitude, calnt spirit sleeps. Beyond the furthest seeking sunbora ray. Where 8llence. kindred god, abides, And "rvthmtcallv restless tides Clock off th' unreckoned, lightless ocean oay. No temple of the olden time Was ever like to this sublime. Nor from the world of men so all un linked. Here broods the Spirit awesomely In his own sanctum of tha sen- True Holy of aU Holies, God dieting I So was It when the world began. St-I So In the cycle. God in Man so when this earth is old and cold 'twill . do. ..... ... .... ... Then Man in God, ons perfect soul j The Ultimate, .the liinnmi mal.- ShaU share Hho long locked secret of : I. . vua eea- .: . . ...... . ay. , 1