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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1907)
THERE HAS BEEN in tAW ENFORCEMENT in Oregon INGE THEOUKNAGAMILvTO TOVII 0 RE YOU GOING AWAY? Have Journal Circulation j' The Journal follow you to gtve you all the news from home. Yesterday Was t,.r.' Tha Weather Showeff ' tonight and tomorrow; aoutliwssterly wind.: VOL. VI. NO. 132. PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 7, 19(fr.-SIXTEEN PAGES. . , '. . , - . j PRICE TWO CENTS. V ffiBiPcSB .VsT' i A mm I mi m i ' mm . f K GAWiBLERS OPENED WAY TO PBOSECUTE HAEEDTAN.- Reform Forces Prepared to Wage Strong Campaign Whether Refuge Is Sought in Vancouver or Else where. "This War Is to the Finish," Declares Dr. Tufts Con tention Is That Majority of People Are Back of Those Fighting for Bight. No quarter la to be riven the ram bler by the reform forces and If the ramblers seek refuge In Vancouver or any other place near Portland, the war against them will be carried Into TVash- inrton or wherever they may seek to ODerate their tamei. according to O. L. Tufta of the International Reform bu reau. District Attorney Hedge' order In the fifth district cloaea all the towns in Oregon within any near dis tance of Portland. The principal town affected by the order la Astoria, though at Scappooae and Rainier games have been running. Others besides District Attorney Hedges are determined that gambling shall Do stopped. War to rials h. "This war Is to the finish." said Dr. Tufta, "because the majority of the people are back of it It la not Intended to take the work out of the hands of the county officials, but to hold them to a strict account for the performance of the work for whloh the people have nirea them and are paying them their salaries, Tne a ay 01 recKoning win come next June. And If the report be true. that tne ammeters propose to es tablish themselves ' at Vancouver, it will .be the business and pleasure of the bureau forces to follow them to that Dart of our field of labor where gam bling la made a felony. This club Is closely Identified with the Now York state race truck gambling octopus, where eight racks are maintained, ono of which .Jobs Its patrons of 12,000,000 dally. It was only a month ago that the movement which has cloned the Mllwau kle club was launched. On 8unday. July 7, by invitation of Rev. 9. M. Fisher Ssstor of the Evangelical church of tllwaukle, Dr. G. L. Tufts of the In ternational Reform bureau addressed a him ''FfeKiv&V m xs $w l mm ' BOURNE Oil! FOR FULTON AS SENATOR Qumshoe Campaign Being Made for Incumbent's Be- election by His Associate Hopes to Control Pat ronage Thereby. iBinger Hermann Also Finds a Friend in Junior Sena tor on Account of His Loan Made to Accused Congressman. SKETCH OT JUDGE K. M, LAND IS, WHO FINED THE STANDARD. large audience upon the evila of their rambling institution and how to abate hem, thus opening the battle at short range. A committee was appointed to take aerinue action. OenenU Cooperation. The plan of the campaign was to aecure general cooperation of all the moral and religious forces or the county to urge upon the district attorney and aherirr that they 'do their duty against this unlawful nuisance. To this end a drumnoad consultation was held a few days inter at Oladstone Park between Mr. Tufts and four of the pastors of Oregon City, all of whom agreed to uring trie matter oerore their congrega tion on a specified Sunday and take ac tion In harmony with that of the Mil waukle churches. The Journal came to their aid and after a brief but vigor? ous campaign the club was closed. "The Journal as well as those fear, less pastors," declared Mr. Tufta to day, "deserves a high meed of praise from every law-abldlnsr citizen. Not only ao. but this periodical, which is the ier exponent or public morals in this jr tne state, should receive the pat- ronaalHtT au who desire clean govern ment aflcmhe protection of society, for talk Is cheap. A newspaper can not do business In behalf of the people ana live on thanks any more than a nubile achool." ' Working Elsewhere. "The International Reform Bureau has two of Its field agents In New York state seeking the overthrow of this giant evil, in cooperation with such men for his cmis Bonaparte Announces That Government Will Trj to Imprison Millionaires. (Joaraal Special Berrlce.) Washington, Aug. 7. There is longer any doubt but that the federal grand Jury, which meets In Chicago Au gust 14, will inquire particularly into Harrlman'a management of the Chicago & Alton road at the time that it Is charged that the railroad 'granted thousands of rebates to the Standard Oil trust.- The belief la growing that criminal prosecution of E. H. Harrl man. John D. Rockefeller . and others will be one result of the recent dis closures at Chicago. Secretary Bona parte today said: "In some cases It Is the opinion of most prosecuting ornoers tnat tne law can be much more clearly and effective ly enforced through Imprisonment of individual defendants. Immunity given to jonn i. nocKerener ana his asso ciates from personal prosecution, when 'they appeared as witnesses in the Chi cago case, will not extend to the rebates accepted from the other roads.'.' SECBETABY TAFT'S M0THEB SEBIOUSLY ILL (Continued on Page Ten.) BOY POSSESSES A SIXTH SENSE Draws Maps' of Unknown Localities and Finds Missing Things. " (Jonrnal 8peclal Berries.) Christlanta, , Aur. 7.- A 14-year-old boy John Flottum, who la alleged to possess a sixth sense, la the subject of discussion throughout Norway. On aev. j rf nocaaions he baa shown where miss ing persons and horses and articles, lost for years, could be found. At present . la trvino- to find a little girl in Chrls- tlania, supposed iu "v uen Kiuoipw py gypales. ,t u . ti9 uoes nut auv.riisv Mimae. iu uny my, but bis fame has spread beyond fcia home pariah. Christlanta papers publish full accounts by reliable eye witnesaea of his feats. Physicians and dentists are unable to explain his phe r?ry skeptical, but they ne lo r"e to be) .iusual rift (Joorntl Special Serrlca.) Mllburn. Mass.. Aug. 7. Mrs. Louisa M. Taft, mother of Secretary William Taft, haa suffered a relapse, and her condition is serious. She haa been ill for the past three weeks. FRANCE DEE HIES HER 10 Will Bestore Sultan's Power in Morocco Instigator of Outrages to Suffer. (Journal Special Berrlce.) Tangiers, Aug. 7. Two hundred and fifty sailors and soldiers from the French and Spanish warships are now guarding Case Blanca until order is temporarily restored. Paris. Aug. 7. France has sent a note to all the powers making plain her position in the Moroccan crisis. The note says the policing of Casa -Blanca will be undertaken Immediately1 and Jointly with Spain, as provided by the Algeciras conference. The note further states France' determination to main tain the authority of the sultan and in tegrity of his empire. Order and se curity to commercial liberty In Ca3a Blanca will be guaranteed. The author of the recent outrages Is to be puniahoX , , TAFT AND OTHEBS W SAIL ON MINNESOTA (SpccUl Dispatch to The JearnaL) - Seattle. Aug. 7. When the Minnesota sails next month for Japan, she will carry Thomas J. O'Brien of Grand Raolds. Michigan, newly appointed am bassador to Japan. Secretary Taft wilt also salt on tne Minnesota, as will Judge Thomas Burke and M. F.' Backus, who are going to tne orient as special com missioners for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition. (Washington Barcsn of The Journal.) Washington. D. C, Aug. 7. Senator Jonathan Bourne, while not mentioning the matter from the housetops, is the avowed supporter of Senator Ful ton's aspirations to succeed himself, and conducting a gumshoe campaign to assist the latter. If Bourne's quiet tips to Oregon people who visit the national capital have the desired effect, the peo ple of the Beaver state will sanction Senator Fulton's return to the senate. Tbs Junior senator from Oregon Is using all the persuasive powers of his political acumen to swing his constit uents Into line for Fulton and there is not as Oregonlan who pays his respects to Senator Bourne who Is not advised In ft quiet and friendly way that Ful ton should be eleoted again.. Bsmob Tor Support. There are those mean enough to hint that Bourne la secretly aiding Fulton, who is not popular at the White House so that he. Bourne, alone will control federal patronage for Oregon, through his assiduously cultivated friendshin with the president At the same time Senator Bourne has been favoring ex-Congressman Hermann ever fines he came to Washington. He deprecated the trial here and was close to being called as a witness during ois trial, xnis resulted rrom tsourne s connection with the raising of money on certain lands negotiated by the Hermann-Williamson-Mitchell Interest for loans. Bourne having suDDlled money ssked for with the land aa security. Zs Helping mermann. It has been claimed that Senator Bourne wanted to quash the Hermann case, if possible, and that he has ex erted himself to that end. at least he has always shown himself in entire mpathy with the former commls- oner of the general land office. Senator Bourne waa much annoved recently when the etory was published In Portland Intimating that the depart ment oi justice was not acting in good faith in investigating the land grants of the Southern Pacific railroad com pany. The senator has been cultivating the good graces of the department ever since coming to Washington, and the story apparently did not meet with nls favor. H00SIEB SENATOB WEDS MISS EDDY IN OEBMANY. ! Z--" ( ( . : '. - , ' - V w - X ' ('.. 1 1 '...' . y &&-x - . I h IS ' - a i i 5 t r i , ; i , i ' ' Xi . ; , r. - , f i&t : ii r- - ' V : I SENATOR ALBERT J. BEVERIDGH V I ! i ; . I i 4. ty f' " AND HIS BRIDE. rl 1, V.vr PllfflTOH WEBS' S0 I MAID Bomance of naywood Tria Groom Is Bodyguard of Detective McParland. i syn sioi WEST AND SOUTH WILL SUPPOBT BBYAN Member Severed by Glass in Frightful Berlin Wreck and Hurled Fifty Feet Away From Track Fifty Per sons Lose Their Lives, Among ThemAmericans. nomenal accomplishments. At first they -?ry sicepucai out tney ne longer rte to believe tnat be possesses an -llUSUJ gill. y The boy draws maps of localities In Whlcn ne naa never peeiv ana vy uifm maps people" are able to find lost arti cles and persons. One body was found tt hia aid after hundreds had searched Ht It aeveraj d-ys. , ' ; (Jonrnal Special Serrice.) Berlin, Aug. 7. In ft frightful wreck between an express and freight train which occurred at Tremeasan this morn ing, in which SO persons lost -their lives, amonr them several Americans, the ground 'Was strewn for rods with the limbs and mangled remains of bodies. Fifty feet from the track, covered with blood and dirt, the features cut be yond recognition, the head of a young girl was found by members of the wrecking orew. The head had been sev ered from the body by a. pane of glass when tbs two trains collided and the Impact of the. collision threw the mem ber away, from the wreckage. ' The body itself ' has not been recovered. - It lies I beneath the oars which are tilled on ton I of each other. r - v - - -'. 1 Count Keiserllnk Is anions- those bad. I ly in lured. He was caught in the debris the flames added to th list wiva vuuvuiif, uiat urn was a ues. removed from beneath the overturned cars. At noon today 20 bodies had been re moved from the wreckage, which Is half Cleared away, but an accurate list of the dead and injured is unobtainable owing 10 tne coniusion. 1 The collision was the result of mis directed orders. An express train bound to Berlin from Hamburg ran full speed Into ft freight train running in the op posite direction. Both trains were go ing at a terrific rate. This is shown oy tne way the engines were demolished and the manner in which the cars were piled three deep on top of each other. : The tmesenaer train carried several hundred persons, a large number of whom were American tourists who bave been spendinsr the summer in this tart 01 1 no country 11 is neiievea tna sev eral of these lost their lives and that their bodies -lie burled under tons of debris which will take hours to remove. "r-&roe- out In the -wreckage, but was extinguished,' It is thought, before (Journal Special Service.) Washington, D. C. Aug. 7. Chairman James Griggs, of the Georgia Democratic congression al campaign committee, says W. J. Bryan can have the presiden tial nomination If he wants it "The west and south will be for him," said Mr. Griggs. "Even If tha east objects, those two sections will be strong enough in the convention to control If Bryan decides not to run, the south will furnish the nominee." (Special Dispatch to The JoarnaL) renaieton, or., Aug. 7. A romance upon 'Whloh the recent Haywood trial has a bearing war consummated In this city yesterday, when Mr. Charles Sir ingo and Mrs, Grace Kelley were mar ried by county Judge Gllllland. The room- is a memoer or the Plnkerton etectlve force and has been with that organization for many years. During the Haywood trial he was detailed ss a ooay guaro ror James McParland, who secured Orchard's confession, and he was Known as tne cowboy detective. rne Dride was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Deerlng, of the North Juniper country In Umatilla county. Charles A. Slrlngo, the groom, has oeen in tne pinicerton service for twenty-one years, and during that time has oeen tnrougn some thrilling events. During the early days of his work as a sleuth he was connected with the task of finding the parties who partlclpatod in u lamous jiaymarxet riot In Chi cago. But most of his experience has been In the west, much of it heinir among the coal miners of Idaho and other states wherein the Western Fed eration of Miners sway. According to .."i0 11 waa hls evidence that con victed George A. Pettlbone, and seven teen other miners of blowing up the flr'sco mine In the Coeur d'Alenes in 18S2. When that crime was committed Pettlbone, now on the executive com mittee of the Western Federation, was accused of having taken the lead In blowing up the mill, and he served two years In the Detroit, Mich., peniten tiary for the same. At the Hm nt th. riot he was the financial secretary of the Gem Mining Union, and 8erlngo was serving as the corresponding secretary of the same organisation. From here Mr. and Mrs. Slrlngo will go to Denver, where he has beeh living, ut they will make their future home in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where Mr. Slrlngo owns some property. WEDDING IS PRECEDED BY CIVIL CEREMONY Indiana Senator United in Wedlock With Miss Kath erine Eddy, Niece of 3Irs. Marshall Field and Sister of American Diplomat. (Jeomal Special Service.) 1 Chicago, I1L, Aur. 7. Acordlng to ad vices received here by friends of Miss Katherlne Eddy, her wedding to Unito States Senator Beveridge, of Indiana, is to take place today in Berlin. The ceremony is to be performed at the apartments of the"brlde's brother, Spen cer Eddy, on HohensoUern Strasse. Be fore the wedding there will be a formal civil marriage at the city registration office, in acordance with the German law. Miss Katherlne Eddy, the bride-to-be. Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Au gustus N. Eddy, of this city, and a niece of Mrs. Marshall Field. Aer brother, Spencer Eddy, Is now secre tary of the American legation at tha German capital. Miss Eddy Is noted as a beauty and made ber social debut four years ago. She has been educated prin cipally abroad, and It la said she always has taken an intelligent interest in pub lio affairs. Mr. Beveridge is the senior United Stats senator from Indiana, ''having been first elected in 1899. He married in November. 1887, Miss Katharine Maud . Langsdale, but she died seven years ago. Mr. Beveridge was born 4a Ohio in 1862, but has lived tn Indiana the greater part of his Ufa Ha Is a graduate of Depauw university and la a lawyer by profession. LONG OVERLAND MABCH OF BEGULAES (Special 'Dispatch to The JoornaL) Boise, Ida., Aug. 7. Troop K of the Fourteenth cavalry haa Just left Boise Barracks for an overland trip to Marys- ville. on the. St Anthony branch of the Oregon Short Line, ab"'.t 400 miles from Boise, where It 'will go into camp with the Second Battalion of the Idaho National Guard, which Is to go by rail and pitch tents there August 19 and hold an encampment till August 28. Cap tain W. C Smith of the post Is in com mand of ths troop. Besides Captain Smith and Lieutenant Smalley there are 15 men In the troop. j ffilf OF BEARS c k mil L n IVAD lUVfll Michigan Hamlet Beceives . Visit Brom Denizens of Dense Forests. tfttalt- (Journal Special Berries.) Standlsh, Mich., Aug. 7. Driven to lowlands by forest fires, a small army of bears Invaded this town, fore ing a suspension of business for several hours and terrorising the population. The visit was made Just as thestores opened for business and laborers-were on their way to the factories. The in vasion waa headed by a remarkably large specimen, a mother bear, followed oy two cuds. Tney chose the principal street of the town for the entry and ieople un when they had driven all the doodi der cover were bold enough to stop in front of .a arrocerv store and breakfast from a basket of turnips. This advance guard was followed by the main army of four good-sised ani mals, but they refused to stop, racing through the business section in double quick time. ' When the Inhabitants had recovered from their astonishment a big hunt was orsranlsed. and In two hours three of tha invaders were brought back M f una. ; V WIRELESS TOWER ON CREST United Telegraph Company Plans to Build Big Station In Portland, Connecting: With Tacoma, Seattle, San Diego and Several Other Coast Cities. Within the next 10 days' the United Wireless Telegraph company will be- gin the construction of a wireless tele graph station in Portland. A. V. Rags- dale, the Portland manager of tha com pany, is negotiating for a site for the plant, with the probability that a lot on Council Crest will be selected, al though It may be found more desirable to Install the plant on top of one of the tallest buildings in tha downtown busi ness district C B. Cooper, the- chief engineer of the company, with head quarters In Denver, Is In Portland 'for tne purpose 01 constructing th nin and installing the delicate machinery. Mr. Cooper has Just returned from As toria, where a wireless station is under construction. . , Sites for plants have been selected in both Seattle and Tacoma and the ma chinery is on the ground for Installing both stations. Mr. Cooper says that with the completion of the plants at ooaiuo, roruana ana Astoria it will De possible to eommunlcate by wireless telegraph from Seattle to San Diego. He further says that the United1 Wire less company has made arrangements to put in stations all - the way from Nomej Alaska, ' to the city of Panama, SECOND VICTIM OF AUTO WRECK DIES (Jonrnal Special Service.) Milwaukee, Wla, Aug. 7. George Pess, the chauffeur for Alderman Kuschbert,-- died from his injuries at noon. Sloan may die, as he is seriously Injured. . , COUBTS TO BESCUE OF PHONE COMPANY; (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Helena, Mont, Aug. 7. Tha Helena Cab company has applied to tha district court for a writ of mandamus against . the Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone company to compel a resumption of service, papers were served on General : Superintendent Burdlck and ha at onea asked the strikers to return, saying that if they did not he would bring girls from Salt Lake City to Jtake their places. The cab company, whloh it is understood is actinar in behalf of , that Helena Business Men's association, as serts it is losing business because of the shutting off of the telephone ser vice. . - i Federal Judge- Hunt today granted a temporary injunction, aa , prayed - for against the labor unions and their offi cers, restraining them from continuing; . In effect the boycott" against the tele phone company. 1 -",;. JapaneM. Wrestler Sails. , A , " Tokio, Aug. 7. Japanese Champion Wrestler 8 Itachlyama sailed todavfor Seattle, -where he expects to meet Hack enschmltt and -other wrestlers. ; ALABAMA PREPARES TO PQHT RAILROADS f . . ''-f, 4 t, x (Joaraal Special Barries.) Montgomery, Ala,, Aug. 7.-The house today adopted" a resolution Strongly backing Governor Comer in his firht against railroads. The resolution vir tually asks the executive to tell the House what' ha wanta. and the same JrtU granted, ffn is itlU aa aout possibility that nC mayibatne-essar to recall th. militia, unless strained lauuQB eeiween roaas and state of rt clals are terminated. If the SnTithiV road takes off local, trains, as the revo? cation order requires, riots will t To add to tha present troub lei is th threap of the railroad employes, OX tto abltaav-to -.trWVp WIIATOIIII PRETTY eOl'IIS "Jack the Smearer" Caught Bed-Handed He Spoiled 4 Many . Costly Dresses. I (Josrul Special Ssrrtoe.) Indianapolis, Ind.. Aur. 7. William ' R. Gadd, known to tha polios 'for too last three years as "Jack the Smearer," waa captured " red-handed; shortly after midnight and made a confession, coolly admitting that he had ruined hundreds of t costly party . gowns, but gives no reason for his mania. He has reMe her eight years and although employ in a rolling mill has done some t rain able painting and crayon work.. H as sociations have always been mooa ss his habit above reproach. 11 luta estimable wife, who la stanaeJ fey h. arrest and confession.. - His friends believe that, on , the f subject of prwp" v others and perhaps driven ' ' Socialist orators, who --i- - such acts against weli-dr'"'-' ; He says he would bs ovwiw,- - s desire to ruin party dr ' ' fill bis pockets with fiif "?' -with theatre crowds, u- l-t