THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAt, PORTLAND TUESDAY ' EVENING j AUGUST 6. 1807; .U J - Tlie Real Difference in Stores Energy. Find in Time "TKe Priced Do cNoM akejJQualitics 11 1 Unite J States Patent No, 604,298 - - Abdominal Belt It's wronp to shorten your life and sur render to the discomforts of living. Let tis demonstrate to you the quality and all the pood points of '.his belt. Satis faction in every wav guaranteed. Price $5.00. mf .... , Tf- '-'. i Mr ' i .Ml4.. x Skin troubles qtiickl relieved by the use of LIEBIG'S SKIN CURA SOAP On trial will satisfy you that all we claim is correct. Regular One trial will satisfy you that all we claim is correct. Regular A GREAT RAZOR SALE This Week Only 97c ' Orders Wick SuitC er ases We hare left a few nice Wicker Suit Cases and Bars. Regular prices to $150. Spe cial at S3. 20. Wask Belts All Wash Belts, pearl buck let, all alzra. rlcee from 60o to $15, at half price. $2.50 and $3.00 IMPORTED RAZORS 97c , f11 Hollow Orounaan,d Sat Ready for Use. 1.000 Tine Imported Sample Reore will be placed on aale at 7o l V. t ,."V"Jr'r ... IT n"r ln"L eeaing import era or rnsors In the United States, the M. L. Brandt Cutlery Co, of New Tork. They 5r " JJl1-nrJa samples, We seoured the entire stock at a rldleuloue figurjl, J"t eortmetu comprises all the well known makee, tnoludlng the "Wade fc atohe, reiiat X-w.l., "Borer., "Wosteafcolm" Tip v "no Ppuar oranoa or all the famous matters. '"..'a" hava bean selling the same Identical raaors as high ti lt.80 Any rasor sold that does not aire perfeot satisfaction can be exchanged. We call apeclal attention to the BBAYDV atABOB. This raaor Is tem pered by a, secret electrical process assuring a uniformity of temper, ana is iuny guarantees. The regular price of this raaor la IJ.0; our yrn im wits wen. WE WILL ALSO PLACE ON SALE 1.000 of the Genuine Brandt Self Honing Raaor Strops. These strops ara sold and advertised everywhere at n ot. hur aiioe to $U aaok. The Braaat Self lulaf Besot ffteov la the beat raaor strop on the market today. The only rasor trop In the world that hones and strops your raaor at the same time and anablea you to obtain an edge which only an experienced barber oan five. The Brandt Self Honing Rasor Strop will put a keener edge on a raaor with fewer strokes than any other rasor strop. Tour raaor will show, and your face will feel the difference at once. Guaranteed never to be come hard or glossy. Special attention given to mall orders. Reliable Perfume If you want an odor that will last, try our famous Marcellea Perfumes and Toilet Waters. A few of our special odors are La France Rose, Darling of the Gods, Forbidden City, Carnation, Oriental Bou quet, Vinolena, Violet, Wild Flower of Mt. Hood. These are all reliable. Triple extracts and you can make no mistake in trying any one of these eight odors. Price, per ounce, 75c and $1.00 kF 1 Got a B union : DOES IT HURT? . Why don't you wear one of the famous Fischer Self-Adjusting Bunion Protectors? This is a fine thing for any one suffering with bunions and you owe it to your poor feet. They are your best friends, so make them aa comfortable as possible. Tice 50. Telephone Your Orders Exchange 11 Home Phone A1139 WOODARD, CLARKE & COMPANY Tie Largest Retail Drug Store m tke United States I . W III Iffi v& 1 mu r ti J We WouU Be Pleased to Have You Open a Montkh Account With Us. CREDIT TO ALL GOODING HOT DOIIE FIGHTING Idaho Agitated by Keport of Determination to Call Eitra Session. FOE MOKE MONEY TO FIGHT FEDERATION 1 State Auditor Refuses More De- D' fklency Warrants. Which Makes Desperate the Merely Precarious Cases Against Moyer and re ttJ bone (Special DUpateh to The Journal.) ' Boise, Idaho, Aug. 6. Reports of a very substantial character are afloat here which Indicate a positive deter mination on the part of Governor Good ing to. If possible, continue the fight - on the Western Federation of Miners. J jiMM .A U III ....Inn of the Idaho legislature. It ia reported that the governor has "feelers" In varloua parts of the state . learning the sentiment of the members of the legislature, for the purpose of determining whether or not they would or would not stand for an additional appropriation to carry on a warfare which served Gooding so well as a po litical Issue during the last campaign. It la said that he Is not only trying to reach members of the legislature through personal Correspondence an1 through others who are close to hla political family, but that he has sent some of his well known detective force out on missions of inquiry among the . law-makers. State Board Balks Oa aoodlag. State Auditor Bragaw haa refused to draw any more deficiency warranta for the purpose of prosecuting the casea against Mover ana rem Done, ttiana In with him In his determination in this matter ara said to be Secretary of eiaie iansaon ana Aiiorney-uenerai uuneen, memoers or me state , ooara It is understood that as soon as tha verdict acquitting Haywood waa an nounced a vigorous protest agalnat Gooding went up from his former po litical alllea, the Mormona of south eastern Idaho, who took him severely to task for having assured them that he would see to It that the Western Federation official were convicted and having Insisted that the evidence was entirely ample to do so. Infuriated over thts threatened de fection of hla former political Asso ciates, he at once aet about It, It la said, to batter down all opposition to a continuation of his fight. H The legislature ghould Meet. The convening of the legislature would necessarily Incur an enormoua expense to the state of Idaho, and the only perceptible end, now that Hay wool haa been acquitted, which could be served In a legislative session would be the gratification of the political de sires and ambitions of the governor, to the extent, at least, that fie might be able to go down amoni hla Mormon alllea, who aaved him In the last elec tion, and point to a vindication. IP la argued here that an Interview which Senator Dorah cave the Suit Lake Tribune means that Mover la not liable to be prosecuted, that the prose cution admits there is not evidence enough upon which to convict. It is the conviction of a larae ele ment of Idaho's DODuIstion that with Haywood acquitted and not enourh evi dence to convict Moyer, the caae ends so fsr ss the Western Federation of Miners is concerned. Special Sale otf Gas Ranges Including Ouj Latest Pattern of High Oven Range For 30 days we will offer special inducements on ranges at less than factory cost. T0WNBUILDEKS AT SISTERS ARE BUSY Fully Satisfied That Corvallls Eastern Extension Is Com ing Their Way. & How are you fixed for your outing? There are two features you can't neglect if you are go ing to have the' time of your life. 7 Pretty Clothes. girl and cool You look after the girl and wel'll attend to the clothes. Cool Underwear, Negligee Shirts, Smart Hosiery and Ties. Be sure and see the Two Piece Suits we are showing at ?10. They are all $15, $18 and $20 ones. IM LION ClotlnnqCo fin GuiKuhnPrcp' 166 and 163 Third St, - Mohawk (8peeltl Dispatch to It Journal.) Prlneville, Or., Aug. 6. A deal has been closed by A. L. Qoodwillle, mayor of Bend, for 160 acres of land, a part of which is the present townslte of Bisters, Oregon. The original owners, Smith Wilt, general merchants of Sisters, re ceived about 1 5.000 for the land, more than they considered the place worth two months ago. A great significance s given tne transaction here, consider ing tne ract tnat the little town Is alt uated on the aurvey of the propoaed ex tension of the Corvallia & Eastern. It ia an Ideal location for a town, and rumor haa It that the entire tract will be plotted into lot and acre tracts aoon The situation is Ideal for a summer re sort, for it ia situated but a short dis tance from the Three Sisters mountains. Blue and Buttle lakes and the head waters of that mysterious river, the Matoies. Cltlsens of Bend are assured that their point will have railway accommo dations soon, and the assurances are evidently taken as well founded, for real estate transfers have been brlhk and prices astonishingly high there for tna past two weeic. rnts condition has been effected largely bv the statement Of H. C. Ellis, one of the directors and managers of the Pioneer Telephone company, wno saia in errect that Bend should and will have a railroad, and if tna uorvanis & eastern aoes not build It tha Deschutes Irrigation & Power company will, and it is taken for granted tnat Kills knows. This and the business connection Mr. Ooodwillie has wltn tna U. I. r. company, it Is thourht. are the reasons for the for mer's action regarding the Bisters town site. FISH LAW VI0LATERS WARNED BY ROBERTS (8pertal Dispateh to Tbe Journal. ) Hood Klver, Or.. Aug. G. Deputy State Fish and Game warden j. u, Roberts, who resides at Hood River, has commenced a campaign against violators of the llsh laws. He will shortly make a personal Inspection and report all offenders to the district at torney. He also states that sawdust is beinK allowed to go Into some of the treams, wnian is in aireci violation oi the law, and that those found guilty will suffer. The penalties are fines not less than 150 nor more than $1,000. or Imprisonment In the county Jail for not less than 25 days nor more than a year. with fine In addition at the discretion of the court. GRANGERS TO BUILD HALL AT HOOD RIVER mm im mm ia m iuuvi sfi'T- IT'iV Regular $45.00 range with elevated oven and broiler, also lower warm ing closet, with 3 single and 1 dou ble top burners, also simmering burner, at special price of $30.00 delivered and connected. Regular $30.00 range with cast body, 18-inch oven, 3 single and 1 double top burners, also simmering burner with separate oven for bak ing and broiling, at Special price of .$20.00 delivered and connected. '1 I Take Advantage of These Ranges While They Last ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE THE GAS COMPANY Mexican Mustang Liniment floss quickly to tho vary eore of tho dlsooso and stops tho most deep-set, exorHiolatlng pains almost instantly. Mexican Mustang Liniment Cures every oilman! of Man or Beast that a good, honoat Liniment oan oura. None better, Mono so good. days. f OR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Savin and Cotton Root Pills. The best and only reliable remedyfor DE LAYED PERIODS. Cure the most obstinate cases In 3 to 10 irice 2 per box, mailed In plain wrapper. Sold hv drunrlstn evnrvwhera Address T. J. PIERCE, 181 First street. ri uiiuu, Oregon. To View Greek Army Maneuvers. (Journal Special Service.) New York. Aui. . Colnnol C H Bromwell. mllltarv aide to th dent, sails today en route for Greece, where he will reDresent the nrlrlr.t In the maneuvers of the Grecian army IlCAl imULIl. (Special Dtapatos to. The Journal.) Hood River. Or., Aug. . Hood River alley grangers, who are opposed to combinations on general principles, will waive the stand they usually take in order to secure the erection of a big hall on a 10-acre tract recently pur chased for that purpose. The plan. Is the three organizations here to con f01'4." and subscribe funds for tha Ii ich. in addition to having 15 'rfst hall for meeting purposes River, will have a gymnasium S5?h "wM"ning pool for members of 2;.TaJUnt u a nlttc recreation. IP avrn?, reund it ara to be trana- lormea into a mrw . i. i I lali .,.,1 - "" vmu-t Del Monte Postmaster. Oyster Bay. Aug. 8. President Roose velt today appointed H. E. Warner postmaster of Del Monte, California. DOHT BXS BLUB and loss all Interest when help is within reach. Herblne will make that liver perform its duties properly. J. b Vaughn. Elba, Ala., writes: Being a constant sufferer from constipation and a disordered liver, I have found Herblne to bo the best medicine, for these trou bles, on the market. I have uaed it constantly. I believe It to be the best medicine of Its kind, and I wish all sufferers from these troubles to know tha cood Herblne has done me. Sold hv taU druggists. EXTRA! EXTRA! Your Choice of Any Panama Hat in Our Store Values to $7.50 The Chicago Clothing Company 69 and 71 Third Street Out of the lgh Beat Dlstrtet. Hot lie the X1-b rxioe Clique. SaffT a . tl IT fl ft VKV "Let me Laiei i eir Says Uncle Sam Another wallop for drugs. Uncle Sam says makers or compound ers of patent medicines and bottled "dope" of all kinds must print their formula on the bottle. Mr! How It hurts them to tell the truth. WhyT Simply because their remedies are doped with deadly poisons that wreck the nerves and vitals, and often make drug fiends out of their victims. I've been telling you for years that most drugs are a combination of a lot of alcohol and a lit tle poison. Now, you can see for yourself If you will examine the label on the bot tle. Tou know poi son for a stupefying the nerves, and you should also know that this stupor puts a brake upon the heart's action. Of course the pain comes back after the stupor wears off, and you have to take the drug again. Every dose weakens your heart action and in time, by steady dosing, your heart is liable to stoo entirely. The only way to makes Its own B1U ease pain slTort time by trlcity where It Is needed. My Electro vigor does tnis while you sleep. saturates the nerves with ita power, and these conduct th&Jewfe ta the part that Is ailing and (fOTckly re store health. Electro-Vigor is a relief from tha old system of drugging. It removes the cause of disease, and when that IS done no pain or sickness can exist. Electro-Vigor is not an electrlo belt. It is a dry -cell body battery, and power continuously. There is no charging to do Juat put it on and turn on the cur rent Electro-Vigor cured me of digestive trou ble and restored my strength, after I had tried many other methods without ben efit. THOS. KELSAT, Smith, Or. Get It Free cure pain or ais- ease is to neu nature, urugs uuu i do that. What nature needs Is nourishment something to build up not tear oown. Electricity Is that nourishment. Feed It to your nerves and they will absorb It, just as a sponge absorbs water, and carry It to every organ and tissue of your body where It gives energy and strength to all weak parts. ' Tour body Is run by electricity. It s the lack of electricity that causes sickness and disease. When you have a full suDoly of electrlo energy you are healthy and strong. Electricity is the power Nature uses 10 resiuro health; so can't you see that drugs won't give you this forceT . Human electricity comes from the food you eat The digestive Juices or the stomach burn the food and produce this power,- which Is forced through the nerves to run tho human machine. When you dope your stomach with drugs you decrease your supply of electrlo energy, for the drugs upset the ate this foroe. stomach, rendering; It unable to gener- Get my 100-page book describing, Electro-vigor and with Illustrations of fully developed men and women, show ing how it Is applied. This book tells in plain language many things you want to know, and fives a lot of good, wholesome advice or man. t I'll send this book, prepaid, free, If you will mall me this coupon. Cut It out now. S.A.Hall,M.D. 1439 raimore Street, SAX TBABOUCO. . Please send me, prepaid, your free luv-page Uiustraiea dook. 1-6-7 Name . Address . . . Help Nature cure by . restoring eleo- Wfcen ordering please refer, to advertise ment in "The Journal'' II