THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND; -MONDAY I EVENING, AUGUST ; 5, 1907.'. 8 J'OIl SALEREAL ESTATE Acres r5 ;0ae Million of Irrigated Land in tn ley. Ii upper Snake river val- n Bout henarem Trfahn Th rheapest Irrigated land and the nfaeapeat and most abundant wTter supply on tha entire con tlnent Three beet sugar fac tories in tha valley. An ideal fruit country.' An unsurpassed climate, no aero weather, no destructive storm and an ex cellent market tor everything. The next big cUy, Idaho Falls, r Idaho. It la destined to become the' greatest "railroad V center and the largest city In the atate. For full particular! address FOR SALEmAL ESTATE Idaho Falls, Idaho. $880 Park. $800-$860- rett. VACANT LOTS. ' -Fine loa Wasco at.. Holladay -Fine lot, Clackamas at. -Fine corner, Slst and E. Bv- 23d, ii ooo Full lot. E. Gllsan. near $1.200 Full lot. E. 10th, near Tilla mook, Irvlngton. $1,9008 lots, Irvlngton Park. Ains worth boulevard. $1,96076x100, Hancock, near Slat at.. Irvlngton. $2,20076x100 Clackamaa, near 24th. Terms made on any of these. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., 6th and AnKeny. EXCELLENT VALUES. $3.000 66 2-3x100 and alley. 7 rooms, modern. University Park. $3,660 Lot 60x100. extra well built. 8-room house, modern appointments, On cnrllne; terma. $4,000 60x100, 8-room residence, E. 10th st. $4,260 60x120, 6-room modern house, Holladay Park. $4,600 60x100, corner, $ rooms, mod ern. HbIhpv st. $4,80060x100, 6 rooms, modern, E. Burnslde. Can arrange term on any of these. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., Sixth and Ankeny. Both phones. A DANDY BUILDING SITE CHEAP; 100x100, on graded St., near Union vf. and Piedmont; $850. We got op tion on It before rise In prices; going to sell It before contract expires. Be quick If you want It at this price. Call 1233 Missouri v(i. Take St. Johna. car. FOUR-ROOM COTTAOE. WITH BATH on Oantenbeln and Russell sta. Phone Main 5398. COTTAGE AT FIR LAND, ON THK Mount Scott carllne; will be Bold on monthly payments. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Hl't'llTEL A KERNS MAKE A SPE olnlty of east side realty, rentals, loBns, etc. 362 E. Morrison st. " io FARMS FOR BALE ' BT PACIFIC COAST REALTY CO. Rooms $07-30 Buchanan bldg. NO. 1 EXTRA SPECIAL. MUST BE SOLD IN 10 DAYS. 100 acres, eastern Oregon, 830 acrea now In wheat, 1(0 aummer fallow, about 60 acres rye and other cereals; over 100 acrea can be farmed, balance pas ture: ail under fence; orchard 90 trees, 12-foot header, household furniture, farmhouse and Implements, outhouses, to,, with crop (wheat wtll average ?6 bushels to acre), at 118 per acre. Terma. part ciah. part Income Portland property, balance on time. Owner too old to work. - NO. I. 'Eastern Oregon ranch, Morrow coun- wheat land, 260 to 800 acrea under Irri gation, 260 acrea In alfalfa; 3 big Irri gation ditches, all free perpetual water rlghta; ample water for all purposes; good 10-room houae, 2 large new barns, ample outhouaea and blacksmith shop; ?ood bearln- orchard, feeding plant, ully equipped for feeding 400 head of cattle; cut 700 to 800 tone of alfalfa hay a year; can double output In two or three years; townaite platted on ranch, with railroad, store and postofflce already located; price $21,600; half caah, balance 6 par cent mortgage. NO. 4. 697-acre dairy farm, $22.60 per aer Lane county, Or.; half mile from rail road; 800 acres under cultivation; l.r0 acrea good timber, 8 pastures, creek tnrough esch; fine farmhouse, piped hot and cold water: larae barn, gran aries and outbuildings; terms. NO. 8. 800-acre wheat ranch for rent on shares; Morrow county, Or.; 10 miles' haul downhill to shipping point; a re sponsible rancher can got good liberal terma. NO. 6. 120 acres, $160 an acre; IV, miles be low Llnnton, Or.; street privileges to waterfront; you had better look thla up; something doing down there. NO. 8. 240-acre fruit ranch. $4,000: 18 miles from Vancouver, SH miles to railroad; Clarke county; 30 acres under cultiva tion, 2-acre prune orchard; good housi 2 barna, larune dryer, farm implements, 6 head of cattle, chickens, turkey, ducks, perpetual spring water and terms. NO. 9. S3 acrea Portland aubtirb on Penin sula, factory district, north of Colum bia boulevard, fronting on deep water and 8. P. railroad; sell In acreage to ault; liberal terms. NO. 10. 8 acres, Including 3 story brick, cold storage and slaughtering plant, on pen insula. In factory district; switching privileges from N. P. or 8. P. R. R. can be leased on very liberal terms. Do you know Heidelberg Is In Port land? PACIFIC COAST REALTY CO., Rooms 807-808 Buchanan bldg. TIMBER. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND BOLD ta timber buyer- onlyj we have a few choice tracts for sale which we own. Have detailed estimates by forties. G. F, Banbourn A Co 401-2-1 Buchanan hdg. - PERSONAL HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS 100 HORSES 100 Our next sale at tha Union Btoeg yarda on Tuesday, August 6. 1 p. m. sharp; In this lot are aome broko sad dlers, some broke to , work, some halter , broke and ft nice smooth lot of unbroka horses, some mares and young colts; a lot of one and two-year-olds that will grow Into money. Remember the date und be on time. Twaddle A Kicnaras. OOOT) AS NEW. $125 LADIES, IF YOU ARB TJNEA8Y about yourself. If your condition of . uh not what 11 ought to be, con sult Dr. Isabella Mackle. She haa helped others, she will surely help you. She Jl y natural methods. Room 10. 860H Morrison st. Phone Main 7320. MISS GIBSON G'lVjfffiTsflALP TRlSAT ment; dandruff. 268 Vi Morrison at., room 62. MISS RAYMOND. MAS8EUSB. 268H Morrison St., room 14. Phone 6911 Main. YOUNG MAW, 31 YEARS. WITH some melius, would like to meet young CARPET CLEANING STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. -Largest plant on coast; Lorlng and Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; steam anil compressed air process; renovating mattresses and feathers a specialty, i6i CE BUGS'.. PROPRIETORS OF THE Electric Cleaning worka; carpets c.eaned and laid, both dry and com pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main 2112 and A-2672 271 Grant st. BANKS. sBkrfsMskBkdaBBKaaaaaattaBMtfBMasA UNITED 8TATE8 NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. ORXOON, . y ; Northwest Corner Third sjU Oak Street . ' Transsets a General Banking Business. DRAFTS ISSUED Available t All Cities of Jhe United States and Europe. Honjkong and Ma alia. CoUsationa made on Favorable Terms. ' ' ; 1 President, ....... 3 & A INS WORTH I Cashlsr .R. W. BCHMFFH Vlce-Pre.ldent RLEA BARNES f Assistant cashier. . W A. HOLT Assistant Caahler. . lady matrimonially Inclined. 1 Address "COLUMBUS buccy for $60. Lyons Stable, Union ave. nal. uTvjTh irk " A M n'" RtlOGIKS FOR RENT ! MISS A WORKING MAN, 36 YEARS OLD wuum iiKe to meet a working woman age. Address 0457 Jour- of suitable by day. week and month: special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorne. East 73 HARNESS AND SADDLERY. KELLER Harness Co.. 49 N. 6th st. GROCERY WAGON," WITH TOP, AL mofct new, for aa.le, ressonable. 996 Front st SELLWOOD. 706 2-seated top buggy wagon for sale. MARION AVE well ma 2 aeta new harness Two mxin mules well matched, Z-4 years old, 1616 lbs and harness; 3 A MARE 5 YRS. OLD, WEIGHT 1.J2S lbs., black, true; alngle pr double, gentle. Address H. Epperson, Esta cada, Or. A GOOD FARM WAGON FOR SALE and team. Columbia st Columbia Stables, foot of $150 FOR SPAN OF 6-YEAR-OLD bay mares, good drivers. Call at 219 Jasper Place, 8. Portland; take 8. car to Hamilton ave. FOR 8 A LB HORSE, EXPRESS WAO on and harness for sale. B-459, Journal. ETHEL WAKI) TREATS RUC- cnssfully corn-., bunions und Ingrown toenails; she also manicures. Room 16, 3 5 1'4 Morrlwon st. Wanted the address of omkT maid or widow with nome means, ty respectable young mini of SO; mechanic. L-458, Journal. ATTORNEYS PIGGOTT. FINCH & RIGGER, ATTOR neys at law, 4 Mulkey bldg., corner 2d end Morrison sts. ASHAYKIIS WELLS & PROKHSTEL. MINING EN glneers, metallurgists and asayers, f04V4 Washington st. GARVIN ClANllJK EXTRACTION CO. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS JOHN A. MELTON, 204 4TH ST. OF flea aad atore fixtures built and re modeled; showcases and counters. Phone Main 1787. E. MELTON OFFICE, STORE Fix tures; general Jobbing. 67 1st st Phone Main 8190 HOUSE MOVING AND GENERAL RE patrlng; foundation and carpentering. 1083 E. Caruthera. Tabor 2.J. CHIROPRACTORS L. M. COR')N, D. C. SCIKNTIFIC spinal adjustment, acute and chrontc dlHfBses; hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8. 36 37 Raleigh bldg. DANCING. Established lilt., 3. vr. la do. T AD ft TILTON. BANKERS Portland, Oregon, I xxr r a r fr T.Ann " Transact a o?naSl Bankln Business. SANOB BANK DKPARTMJRjrt. , Bnvngs books lmiued on savings depoaltw. Interest paid on time depoaita. Merchants- NATIONAL BANK Portland, Oregon. v,.mL, J FRANK WAT80N President I R. L. DTTRHAM VIoa-PrjsldSM It W. UOYT..... Caahler GEORGE W. HOYT. .Asalatant Caahler Tr. . S. C. CATCHING Second Aaaistant Cashier t.i Transact, a General Ranking Business. Drafts snd Letters of CredU Issued Amblejo All Parts of the World. Collections a ppwinny. THF RANK OF CALIFORNIA- "Piiai paid Establlahed 1864. Head Ofllco, Han "iseji. nn wa Ann aaa i Hufliiiifl nn unniviam uruin w, -. u'lin'rm nnnmng and Exchange Business xranaacxeo. ... Deposits. 8 AVINOS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened of $10 and up nr ' Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Building. WM. R. M ACREA Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL. . . Aas t Manage FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland, Or. Oldest National Bank on Pnclflo Coast CAPITAL AND StTRPr tto ii ton aaa nn niTPOSTTS. $14,000,000.80 A. L. MILLS .. J. W. NEWKIRK .President . . .Cashier W. C. ALVORD. B. F. STEVENS. Aaalatant Caahler Second Aaa't Caahler TRUST COMPANTE8. FOR SALE CAMEL-BACK FURN Iture wagon cheap. 102 Russell st. Portland. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. HILLSDALE" DAIRY FARM. MIL waukle, Or.; J. A. Zimmerman, pro prietor: dealer In blooded stock; fulN blooded Jerseys a specialty. Two reg istered full-blooded Jersey bulls for sale. and Montana Assay Office. rlson st. DANCING LESSONS, 25c DURING summer months; school open all year; social, fancy and stage dancing taught dally. Wilson's Dancing school. Alla ky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. DOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. 186 Mor- ARCH1TKCTS DR. C. E. BROWN. and horse hospital. (Main 40K6). D. C. M. DOGS 106 N. 6th at. ERNST KRONER. ARCHITECT Plans and specifications; also building superintendence. H. J. HEFTY. ARCHITECT. Exchange, room 41'3 LUMBER ART FRJE LESSONS IN Emb. Idery Every Day. THE NERDLECR AFT SHOP. 382 Watihlngton St. PURE JERSEY COW FOR SALE; reasonable price. Phone Tabor 796. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. $1,600 SMALL PAYMENT DOWN, balance $16 per month, buys a 6-room house; good lawn, fruit and nut trees; gas; all assessments paid; owner, Woadlawn 1322. .84 ACRES UNIMPROVED; WELL watered; plenty cordwood; 7 miles out; good roads; new buildings worth 9 1 .BOO. Price $1,800; terms. O. R. Ad- dlton. Lents, Or., 5c fare. ROOM MOuc-RN HOUSE. BATH. OAS and furnace; large grounds, fruit and shrubbery; near car; $3,300. Hatfield & Smith, 166H 4th st LOT .-,0x100, 100 FEET FROM RU8 hcII Kt , and enough lumber and brick to build, only $660. 604 Goldsmith. $3,0(i o SIX-ROOM COTTAGE 317 Hawthorne ave., Ideal location and a derided bargain' particulars at 1004 B. Lincoln, plum e East 6 1 4. A 6-ROOM HOUSE, WITH GAS AND electric fixtures tinted walls, hot and cold water, for sale bv owner; will give terms 6116 Kerby, R. 8. car. CONTRACT ON CHOICE SUBURBAN lot, $10 monthly; bargain. Zella Gos aett. Riverside office. St. Johns car. HOUSE FREE LOT FOR LESS THAN value 3-room house, on easy terms; lot 100x100. near Piedmont barns; $1,476; cash $360; $10 per month. Phone Wood lawn 1277. INSTALLMENT BARGAINS. $Tnri g-rmim house, full lot. $l,0.r0 modern 6-room cottage, lot , 62x106. $2.250 modern 6-room house, full lot. i,600 modern 7-room house, full lot. ,AU fenced on carllne. LEWIS O. CONANT, Room 10, 268 Stark st. ,1' BOUGHT TWO LOTS CHEAP, BUT on account of sickness can't complete .payments; must sell Immediately. G-48, Journal ANTHONY HARDY, LINNTON, OR.. residence and business lots, water front and factory altes; farms and tim ber lands. BARGAINS STEEL RANGES. stoves, Iron beds, springs, mattresses, taalcs, chairs, dressers, cheffenlera, car pets and linoleums, new and good as new. at lowest prices. Come and see us; It will pay you; your goods taken In exchange. Fox & Brower, 82 N. 3d. Phone Main 2111. HOLDEN'8 RHEUMATIC CURE SURE cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. FOR 8ALE ONE HOTEL RANGE. Inquire 271 1st st. SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES, NEW and second-hand. Carlaon & Kall- strom. 2S9 Couch st A. HEROES' ART STUDIO, 644 Washington st. High Krnde oil paint ings In landscapes and portraits made to order. ACCORDION DRESS PLEATING MISS O. GOULD, 617 8 WETLAND bid.:. Accordion ploatlng and buttons covered. AUTOMOBILES W.M.MILLER, V. S.. VETERINARIAN. 26 N. 8th st. Phone Main 6606. All branched of the science. VETERINARY HOSPITAL CARNEY'S for horses and dogs, Phone Main 1 484. PORTLAND trust COMPANY OF OREGON The Oldest Trust Company In OreRon. RESOURCES OVER $2 200.000 General Banking. Two per cant Interest on check accounts (vrn hundreds) on dally balances of $600 or over. Letters of credit and excnnsj;e on all parts of the world. s"v,n-.: counts. Time certificated. 3 to 4 cent; short-enll special certificates. $80? or over. 2H to 4 per cent Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Southeast Corner Third and Oak Sts Phone Private Egohanga TJ. BENJ. I. COHEN president I II. L PITTOCK Vlca-President B LEE PAGET rtecretnry I J O OOLTRA Assistant Secretary 289 Ollsan st. DRESSMAKING MRS. VAI'fiHAN'H DRESSMAKING piirlors; good work at reasonable prices. 892 H East Hurnslde at. Phone East 6217. MADAME ANGELKS elflo 982 -24 2 FIFTH. PA- HOWARD M. COVEY. A "rent Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobiles. Cadillac and Knox. Temporary location Club Garage. 15th and Alder sts. FREE FOR EVERYBODY RING UP Main 4290 or call 21 3 H Front st. We buy snd sell furniture, clothing or any old thing. FOR. SALE NEW MODERN 6-ROOM house, two blocks from car. Highland; also fine new modern "-room house on Union ave. In Piedmont. Inquire owner, 1167 Union ave. N. BUY FHUM THE SECOND HAND store where your credit Is good. 825 1st st. Pacific 1K70. SHINGLES LARGE OR SMALL LOTS. The noted Port Orford cedar In stock. Call and see them. S. E. Gilbert, 114 Front. ROXBURY RUG 9x12. GOOD AS NEW; half price. Call 680 4th St. 4-HOI.E RANGE. IRON BED, SOME chairs: these things are almost new and vou can get them cheap. N. E. cor ner Kollv and Walnut at.. 6 blocks north of Hazeiwlld. Tabor 705. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS A K1I.HAM. 109-111 2D st. Blank books manufactured: agents for Jones' Improve Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf, the best on the market. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES M. J. WALSH CO . 311 STARK ST.. Electric and Gas Fixtures and Supplies, Mantels, Tiling Orates and Doglrons PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. ENGT- neers, contractors, repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 94 1st. cor. Stark. Main 669. R. H.Tatfr. Mgr. Western electric works. T 6th St. Contractors, electric supplies, motors snd dynamos; we Install light and power plants. SECURITY SAVINGS TRUST CO. .266 Morrison Street. Portland, Oregon, Transocts a General Banking Buslnena. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Inter est allowed on Time and Savings A'vounts. Acts as Trustee for Estate Drafts snd Letters of Credit Available on All Pnrts of the World. C. F. ADAMS Prescient I L A LEWIS First Vice-President A. L. MILLS. . .Second Vice-President R. C. JUBITZ Secretary GEO. E. RU8HELL Assistant Secretary ' TITLE GUARANTEE TRUST COMPANY 240 Washington Street. MORTGAGE LOANS ON Portland Real Estate st Lowest Rates. Title Insured. Abstracts Furnlsbed. J. THORBtTRN ROSS President JNO. E AITCHISON Secretary GEORGE H. HILL Vice-President T T. BURKHART Treasure BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Commerce Building. M OR R I 0J ELECT RTC CO 291 ET Morrison st Fixtures, wiring, re pairing. East 3128. FAIRBANKS. MORSE- -MOTORS AND dynamos. A. C. and D. C. 1st and Stark sta BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES S. BIRKENWALD & CO, 304-306 EV erett st., largest butcher supply house on the coast. Write for catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Deki m, 131-133 1st St., carries a full I line and c ijlete assortment at lowest market prices. EDUCATION A L BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COL LEGE. Elks' Building, Portland. Oregon. Chnrtler nhorthand and Bliss book keeping as taught in the Hehnke-Walker will lead you to buccess. Fact 737 calls for help and placed 311 since Aug. 1, 1906. will place you when tent. Enroll now. D Municipal. Railroad and Public Pervlce Corporation Bonds. OWNlNO-HOPKINS COMPANY Established 1693- BROKERS. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin, Private Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main IT. Overbeck & Cwke Companyl umhbd;'.hr,Bh".'t.Bneasrrd GRAIN, PROVISIONS, COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Contlnuoua Marketa by Private Wire. Quick Service. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. LEAVING PORTLAND. Shasta Express 8:15 a. m. Cottage Grove Passenger . 4:16 p. m. California Express 7:45 p. m. San Francisco Express ....11:80 p. m. WEST SIDE. Corvallls Passenger 7:00 a. m. Sheridan Passenger :iu P- m. Forest Grove Passenger ...11:00 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger ... 6:20 p. m. Southern Pacific. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Oregon Express 7:25 a. m. Cottage Grove Passenger .. 11 :00 a. m. ohasta Lxpress 7:30 p. m. Portland Express 11:30 p. m, WEST SIDE. Corvallls Passenger 6:6$ p. m, Sheridan Passenger 10:20 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger ... 8:00 a. m. Forest Grove. Passenger ... 2:60 p. n. Northern Pacific. compe- CLEANING AND DYEING CiStHEs"75lTa1vE $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 809 Stark st. FINE CORNER. 60x100. IMPROVED, small house; $650. Take Scllwood car, 714 Tacoma. FOLDING GO-CART, 428 N. 21nt. Phone ALMOST NEW. Pacific 740. FOR SALE Neat 6-room house, full lot. on the Installment; price $1,160; i5 per montn; also house, all rurnisnea: price reasonable; good piano; for par- tloulars phone wooalawn laib. 7-ROOM HOUSE. 2 LOTS, FOR SALE cheap; one bloelf from carllne. In quire R-459, Journal. MEN AND BOYS WANTED. LEARN plumbing, plastering, bricklaying; also sheet metal pattern draughting; posi tions secured; day and night classes; free catalogue; visitors welcome. Coyne Trade schools, San Francisco. FOR SALE TWO HOUSES AND 300 feet of picket fence; also a lot of lumber; nil for $25. Call at W. Park and Alder sts. A Full Block 500x200 feet. In Waverly. Thla Is high and sightly, 2 blocks from carllne; will sell it cheap if taken this week. BGZORTH-WILLS CO.. 819 Lumber Exchange. Phone Main 1116. OWNERS OF REAL ESTATE. We have numerous calla for small houses and acreage. List your proper ties with us for quick sale. MILLER, PAGE & CO., Hoom c, Z7l Morrison FOR SALE CHEAP 6-ROOM HOUSE; city water, good barn, 2 lots, 60x100 each, 15 small fruit trees. Call and ace ownar Frank Roahak, E. 17th, near Alnsworth ave.. Woodlawn. TrtE CHEAPEST LOTS. Nice lots 40x126. These lots sell whether the weather Is hot or cold be cause they are the best for the money and the terms are easy. Price $110; $5 down, $5 per month. J. J. OEDER. cor. Grand ave. and East Ankeny. NICE NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE Full concrete basement, gas and elec tric lights, hard fiber plaster, nicely tinted walls, attic large enough for 2 bed rooms; 3 blocks from Union ave.; $2,600; easv terms. J. J. OEDER, cor. Grand ave. and East Ankeny. WE RENT YOU MOTION PICTURE machines, films, gas outfits, song slides, etc.; lowest prices. See New man Motion Picture Machine Co., 146 6th. bet. Alder and Morrison. ROXBURY RUG. 9x12, GOOD AS NEW; half price. Call 680 Front St. FOR SALE WELL DRILL; GASO- llne outfit. C. W. Stephens, Orient, Oregon. H. W. TURNER, DYER CARPETS dyed a specialty. 605 Jefferson st Main 2513. HERE IT IS! CLEANING. PRESSING and dyeing done by experts. 648 Washington st. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE, Tenth and Morrison. A. r. ARMSTRONG. LL.B. PRINCIPAL. Open nil the vear. Private or clfiss In struction. Position certain when compe tent. All modern methods of bookkeep ing taught; also correspondence, rapid calculations, office work. Chnrtler short band: easy, rapid, legible. Catalogue f ren. F. THOMAS. FEATHERS AND feather boas cleaned, curled and dyed; work called for and delivered. 764 Water st., Portland, Or. Phone Main 2375. TINNERS 30-INCH SQUARING Shears; good ns new, very reasonable. 469 E. Grant st. CHIROPODISTS CLOSE-IN WEST SIDE HOME. $3,800 Modern cottage with fine lot faclna east with good view; 15 minutes' walk to postofflce. for a few days only. Hagemann & Blanchard, 91 6th at. NEW MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, close In and a bargain at $3,250. J. W. Rutherford, 517 Commercial blk. THOROUGHBRED POINTER PUPS for sule; 3 months old. 19 East 3 2d. E. 3884. JOHN GARTNER HARD AND SOFT corns, callous removed without pain; Ingrown nails cured. Phone Tabor 603. 998 E. Belmont st. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE $1,600 EQUITY IN HOUSE AND LOT tn Sunnyslde. Address E-463, Journal. WILL 8ELL MY NEW 6-ROOM MOD ern house, corner 36th and Belmont, for $2,800; worth $3,000 $1,300 cash. Phone Tabor 886 or call at 1000 H Bel mont st. I FOR EXCHANGE FINE UPRIGHT piano for real estate In city. G-450, Journal. MODERN SjROOM HOME HOLLA day addition; close to car; full lot; the owner Is a non-resident and this Is a bargain. J. W. Rutherford. Main 6120. 617 Commercial block. WILL EXCHANGE $1,200. COMFORT able 5-room house, water, light, barn, fruit, lot 40x120, 2 blocks Mt. Scott car, Nashville, for merchandise or paying business Owner, 797 Grand ave., north. LARGE MODERN BUNGALOW. COR- ner lot. swell new 6-room cottasre: easy monthly payments. Owner. Phone East 676. FOR SALE OR TRADE FINE STOCK groceries for small ranch or house and lot; what have you? Phone Tabor 893. PROPERTY CHIKOPODY -AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill, Room 330 Fleldner bldg. Both phones. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Washington and 10th sts. Flledner bldg. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and all English branches taught, both day and night. FINANCIAL AID TO SIX WORTHY young laJles who wish to take a shorthand course. Applv at once at office. 617 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Burnslde sts Tacoma and Seattle Exp 8:30 a. m. North Coast & Chicago Lim. 2:00 p. m. Puget Sound Limited 4:30 p. Irt. Overland Express 11:45 p. m. North Const Limited Portland Express ... Overland Express .... Puget Sound Limited . . 7:00 a. m. . . 4:16 p. m. . . 8:15 p. m, . .10:58 p. m, Oregon Railroad & Navigation Companj. Local Passenger 8:00 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:80 a. m. Spokane Fiver 7.00 p. m. Kan. City ft Chi. Exp 7:40 p. m. Spokane Flyer 8:00 a. m. Chi.. Kan City Port. Ex.. :45 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:20 p.. m. Local Passenger 8:46 p. m. Astoria & Columbia River. Astoria and Seaside Exp Astoria & Seaside Express. Seaside Special Daily except Sunday. 8:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. 3:10 p. m. Astoria A Port. Passenger. 1J:10 p. m.' Portland Express ,n '.10:00 p. m. Saturday only. All other trains dally. MONEY TO LOAN L. BRONSON SALMON'S STUDIO OF shorthand and typewriting; full course In 12 weeks; open all summer; established 1 888. Mllner bldg., W. Park and Morrison. COAL AND WOOD PORTLAND SAWDUST & SLABWOOD Co., 366 Front at., successors to Ful ton Wood Co. Fir, oak, slabwood. coal. Tel. Main 1936. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF SLAB, wood call Main 4876. Oak, ash. fir and coal. Portland Wood & Coal Co., 16th and Savler sts. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO. House and blacksmith coals, coke, charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1018. TEN-ACRE TRACT AT WITCH Hazel: all cleared; easy terms. T. A. Markley, Reedvllle. Arbor U> Siaps Dandy lots. Dandy aero tracts, Homes; easy payments; come this week; date hv nhone: Woodlawn 126. W. B. fciRust. Arbor Lodge station, St. Johns FOR SALE FARMS DON'T BUY A FARM, WHEAT OR stock ranch, until you talk with Turner, he know3 where to find them. Office. 308 H Washington st. COTTAGE. LOT 100x100, nenrarline, $1,600. Hatfield & Smith. 165H 4th st. HAVE FOUR QUARTER AND SIX half acres At E. 26th st. one block from car, one from church, excellent soil, Bull Run water, easy payments. R. V. Belford, owner. Phone E. 4788. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS ONE OF the nicest homes on E. Burnslde; ex tra large 8-room house, with large hall, attic, cement basement; perfect con dition; nice lawn; near new High school, public schools, cars, stores and churches. Owner, 762 E. Burnslde St.. near E. 22d. $4,600 NEW HOLLADAY PARK RES ldence; six rooms, modern; fine sight ly location; reasonable terms. Owner, 73 8 E. Multnomah st. C. R. Doonell & Co. REAL ESTATE. Room 12, 268 Stark st FOR SALE 36 ACRES RICH BOT tom land, 12 acres In cultivation, bal ance pasture; 5 acres hops, good 4-room house, good barn 30x40; close to school and town, on county road and R. F. D. route, fine location. Price $2,200. Ad dress J. D. Winn, the Land Man, Buena Vista, Or. A SNAP IN FR JIT LAND. 120 acrea of fine fruit land at The Dalles, Oregon, with valuable lmprovs ments. Surrounded by flourishing fruit orchards and vineyards. Equal to fa mous Hood River fruit land at one quar ter tne price, for terms, price ana rea son for selling see oVt at Weeks' Granite Works, th ax4oiioIunibia sta., Portland. Or. FOR CITY level; some timber ments; six miles from 189H Fourth st. 240 ACRES fine lmprove town. Apply MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTOR TALKING MACHINEsTAND records; Stelnway (and other) pianos. Shemran. Clay & Co., 6th and Morrison sts., opp. postofflce. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F. B. JONES A CO.. Wood and Coal. 181 East Water st SHORTHAND, THE GRAHAM SYSTEM Taught lv nn expert. Actual office ex perience. Positions secured when com petent. Rutler. public stenographer, 814 the Dekum. SEND YOUR ROY TO HILL MILITARY ncademy, Portland, C.-. Write for catalogue. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS 2d and Everett sts. Phone Main 2000. FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONE Oregon Fuel Co., 884 Alder- AS LONG AS THEY WILL LAST Kindling nt $1 per load within 20 blocks of office. Star Box Wood Co., foot of Montgomery. Phone Main 214.1. PERSONAL. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Sexlne Pills cure all weakness; $1 a box, 6 for $5; full guarantee. Address or call J. G. Clemenson, druggist, Port land. Or. TEVIEER. A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER; sealskin garments redyed and re modeled; expert fitter; estimates given; lowest prices. 663 Washington. Phone Main 7308. MOLES, WRINKLES, SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. No charge to talk It over. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 330 Flled ner bldf;. Phone Pacific 136. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS See Melyli For GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary and marine; electric equip ments; launches; accessories; wholesale snd retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co., 182-4-6 Morrison st. SHEFFIELD MARINE ENGINES. ANY propeller. Fnlrbui ks. Morse & Co., 1st and Stark st s REFITTED GASOLINE ENGINES; low price; call or write. Fairbanks, Morse A Co.. 1st nnd St.irk sts. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. GET 110 TO 1100. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. LOWEST RATES EASIESTPAYMENT8 A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU. REMEMBER. IF YOU WORK, WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU. WHAT MORE COULD YOU A8KT RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTY. STATE SECURITY CO., 704 DEKUM BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WED AND SATURDAY TILL 8 P. M. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEii MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY7 MONEY MONEY MONEY TO LOAN. ENTERPRISES FINANCED. Industrial, mining, railroad and timber propositions of merit financed; loans negotiated; stock and bond issues bought ana sold on strictly commission Dasis. Companies Incorporated and organised. Bond Issues prepared and marketed. Our brokerage department offers the best facilities for making safe and profitable Investments, and is the quickest me dium for financing good propositions. Oregon Realty Co., suits 8-9, 362 Wash ington st. Phone Main 7630. Portland, Oregon. HOTELS THE BELLEVUE, 4th and Salmon. EUROPEAN PLAN. HOTEL Portland, Am. plan. $3. $53ny. BELVEDERE, European, 4th and Alder. HARDWARE FIVE ACRES FOR $3,000; A SNAP, ON Arlington heights. Top of Canyon road near Council Crest; all platted. Andrew Kan, 287 Morrison st. ALL KINDS REAL E8TATE BOUGHT. sold ana exenanged. Abraham & White, Washington St.. 227K 2d, Labbe bldg., offices 8 and oorner Both phones. FOR HOUSES AND LOTS CALL AT 303 E. 34 st or phone Tabor 611. HAVE YOUR ABSTRACTS MADE BY Security Abstract A Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL BLOCK, HOLLADAY'S" WE ARE STILL IN A POSITION TO locate several parties on railroad lands In southern Oregon, cruising better than 4,000.000 feet per quarter section; for making tender to the company and fil ing papers In the clerk's office after ward, location. Including all attorney fees, we charae the sum of $25. Now come and look Into this proposition. If you have never bought any landa from the company heretofore; remember this does not Interfere with any of your other rights, call and get full partlcu- la"' HOWSE A MILLER. 66 6th st. Open evenings. Phone Main 6188. LOOKING FOR TIMBER T We offer you every advantage through our system of expert examinations which enables you to determine the suit ability, of a tract without spending tlmo or money. If our general report Indi cates that we have what you want our GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NOV els, etc.: German, English. French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all kinds. Schmale Co.. 229 First st. HOLDEN'8 ' RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cure for rheumatism. Sold by n.11 druggists. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. Roberts' Nerve Globules. One month'i treatment, $2: 3 months', $:; sent se curely sealed by mall. Agents, Wood ard. Clarke A Co.. Portland. Or. CHRONIC, NERVOUS AND SPECIAL diseases of men and women cured by modern scientific methods; electric treat ment for dlse'ftses of the prostate; con sultation free. Dr. W. I. Howard, Com monwealth bldg.. 6th St., cor. Pine. MRS. OBROCK, 1RADUATE MAS seuse; cabinet hath, calt glow; alcohol rub, cream massage; references. 183 Seventh st. Main 4968. ADVICE THAT WILL DO YOU GOOD. Melvin has made thousands of dollars for Portland people. He has deceived none. If your mining stocks are a fail ure he will tell you. If you have money to Invest, do not throw ft away. Melvin will guide you and show you a way to success. He advises In business. Do not buy or sell real estate; do not Invest In any thing before consulting him; let Melvin be your guide and you will always be successful. PROF. MELVIN TELLS YOUR NAME, AGE. OCCUPATION, WHERE WINDOW made to Co., 74 6th. AND order. DOOR Portland SCREENS Hardware INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 344 Sherlock bldg. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for bulld- I Ing purposes, for from 3 to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay an or part of loan after two years. Loans ap proved from plans and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent. 242 Stark st. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS Of? IaTJ arles. Insurance policies, pianos, fur niture, warehouse receipts, etc.: any de serving ptraon may secure a liberal ad vance, repaying ry easy weekly or monthly installments. NEW ERA LOAN A MORTGAGE COMPANY. 205 Ablngton Bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD. EMPLOYERS' LIA blllty and Individual accident security bonds of all kinds. Phone 47. 802 Mo Kay bldg. LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinds. Including approved forest re- YOU LIVE. NUMBER OF YOUR servo scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed, MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, chattel mortgages or personal se curity; notes bought C W. Pallstt 04 Fenton bldg. DON'T WORRY $10 TO $100 LOANED salaried people, with or without se curity. Crescent Loan Co., 428 Mo hawk bldg. PURLIO STENOGRAPHERS MISS L. B. MAY. 502 8WETLAND Copying deeds and abstracts apee'lty. PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A. DOANE GIVE8 BE8T E8TIMATB for satisfactory work. 286 Yamhill. PAINTS, OIL ANP GLASS F. E. BEACH A CO.. THE PIONEER Paint Co. Window glass and glaslng. 136 1st st. Phone 1334. PRINTING OGILBEE BR08, PRINTERS CARDS, billheads, etc. Phons Main 1169. 146H 1st st. MODERN PRINTERY. PHONE PA clfic 1626, R. 26, Russel bldg.. 4th and Morrison sts. RUBBER STAMPS P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER 8T. Phone Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils; baggage, trad checus; brass signs and plates , RESTAURANTS. GO TO THE BUSY BEE FOR DELI- catebsena. Home cooxing. as waan- Ington st . ROOFING .,1 TIN ROOFING. GUTTERING, RE pairing and general Jobbing. J. Loall 212 Jeffersdn St. Paclflo 1424. UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE, 143 3d st., near Alder, established 1870; old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, diamonds. Jewelry and sealskins. HOUSE AND THE STREET WITHOUT ASKING A QUESTION, without any previous knowledge and having no natural means of knowing who you are, whence and for what you came. He tells you of friends and enemies. who Is true and who la raise, fells you timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. "The Portland," Portland LEATHER AND FINDINGS MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO ple and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, ensiest payments; offices In 60 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton Bldg. 106, 3d st. REAL ESTATE THOMPSON & OGDEN REAL E8 tate, insurance, loses. See u befor -buying. 848 Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 202. J. W. OGILBEE. REAL ESTATE AND loans: established 1883. room 11. - DEALERS 145 1st.. SOS Stark CHARLES L. MASTICK A CO., FRONT and Oak sts.. leather and Hklna nt whom and when you will marry, giving every description for all purposes; sole name, dates, facts and locations; taking no fee in advance and accepting none unless satisfaction Is given. LOW FEE. 60 cents, 60 cents. 60 cents, 60 cents. aHHItlon: 2 houses: will brinv ISO rr month cheap for cash; see owner on ertlmates by two and a half acres are preminCH. oiu xu. mux ai, murin, SMALL COTTAGE, PLASTERED throughout; cioBe xo car. prloe $760; $26 down, balance $10 per month. M-450, Journal. FINE COTTAGES LOWEST PRICES. 11.000 4 rooms, plenty of fruit. $1,600 to $1,900 6-room modern, fullJ plummng, gas ana eiecinc ugnts: noer plaster; 8-mlnute car service; all naw. Inquire 208 4tn. rei. Main 3990. A SIGHTLY RESIDENCE, LOT 60x100, , . Bull Run water, cement walks and cu9k all paid for, and less than -two ysjWcks from carllne, only 15 minutes rrrom heart or;cuy. 460, terms. lumbia Trust -o.. youen, piag. ii. J'. PALJUHitt. M. VAW AL2TljNl. PALMER-V. I AL8TINB CO., REAL E "ATE. INSURANCE, 222 Filing Bldg. i Mala 666L A-28I. easllv verified. TRY "THE LACEY WAY." JAMES D. LACEY A CO.. $28 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 607 Lumber Exchange, Seattle. " timber Lands. ' Intending purchasers desiring to be located upon lands with heavy timber In the land grant of tha Oregon A California railroad In southern Oregon can secure the same by acting quickly. Locat!- f:es Including all necessary at torney's fees are reasonable. Address 3. E. Verdln, Grants Pass, Or. DR. RING CHOONG,, IMPORTER CHI nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea, certain cure for all diseases. 191 2d st, between Yamhill and Taylor. TURKISH BATHS, 300 OREGONIAN bldg.; ladles days, gentlemen nights. Main 1958. TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. 8. E. Action 24 tOWnnhln 9A -mitK rantra eo-H west W. Mi Will scale l.'600.060 feet. Cruiser's report furnished; I hold U. S. patent, duly recorded; taxes paid: must sell for cash at once. F. M. D Bote. Ashland, Oregon. FOR FARM AND TIMBER LAND SEE SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT, 60c. Ladles' skirts pressed, 60c. Gil bert, 106 H Sixth St., next to Quelle. Phone Main 2088. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE THE BENSON BLDG-, 291 Morrison st, corner Fifth. PHONE MAIN 7246. diseases. East 403 4. 626 E. Belmont Phone DR. T. J. PIERCE. SPECIALIST. Dis eases of women; all Irregularities cor rected; no exposure; medicine by mall. Office 181 1st st, corner Yamhill, Port land. Or. LADIES DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills are the only . sure remedy for delayed periods; by mall $2 per box. Dr. Pierce, 181 lwt. PSYCHE SNOWDEN VAPOR BATHS and massage. 146V4 6th. room 26. Always Consult the Best. PROFESSOR KHIMO, Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; adviser on business and all affairs of life; tells your full name nnd what you called for, whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though miles away; re unites the separated; gives secret pow ers to control; does all others ad" rti-"') todo. Hours 10 to 0 dally and Sunday. 352H Washington st. Phone Main 1267. and tap cutters; findings. MACHINERY THE H. C. ALBEE CO. SECOND hand machinery, sawmills, etc. 248 Grand ave. A. J. PAUL, 100 1ST ST. A COM plete line sawmill machinery; alao engines and boilers. MONOIENTS NEU A KINGSLEY. 268 1ST ST. Portland's leading marble and granite works. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEO pie Just on your own name; don't borrow until you see me; my system Is the best for railroad men. clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employes; business strictly confidential F. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington. LOANS TO STEADY WORKING PEO plo without security; no publicity; no filing of papers; lowest rates; easy Installments. Landlgan Investment Co., 1S4 Sherman. South Portland. CASH ON HAND FOR PURCHASE money, mortgages, bonds for deeds or contracts of sale on real estate, either country or city property. H. E Noble, Commercial blk.. 2d and Washington. MUSICAL WILL LOAN $3,000. 6 PER CENT, ON real estate. Fnrrington, 313 Fenton hi d g. ' MONEY TO LOAN; LARGE LOANS specialty; also building loans: lowest rates: fire Insurance. William O. Back. ! 812 Falling blag PIK?0,,f,LINi. 9ORN'EJ. , TROM- ' QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES. Irs. Palmer The World Wonder Palmist and Psychologist Bhe reads your life with unerring sight 29 N. 3d st. Portland. Dlllard and Clayton., Roseburg. Or. MADAM VASHTI VAPOR AND TUB baths, massage, -alcohol rubs. 201 3d st. MISS LE ROY 591 MORRISON, room 4: massaga and bath. CONSULT THE BEST IT WILL PROVE CHEAPEST IN THE END. FREE TEST! FREE TEST! Take thl advertisement to PROF. D. NIBLO, v 803 Washington St. MAY ANDREWS, CARD READER. AT 326 Main st, 35c Phone Main 7548. 254 12th st Main 4703. 45 Washington bldg. Prophetess Viola Marshfleld, spirit medium, 268 Morrison st OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANC DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, SPK clallst on nervous acute and chronic diseases. Office 217 Fenton bldg. Phone Paclflo 1190. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 415-16-1? DE kum bldg., 8d and Washington sts. Phone Main 349. Examination free. S. W. King. I Main 6100. ! MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KlNi3 of security. William HoU. room 9. Washington bldg. ! A LOAN FOR THE ASKING 8ALARY or chattel The Loan Co 410 Dakum bldg. - - ' . MONEY TO LOAN IN $500 TO $6,666. SPHINX AGENCY. real estate and rentals, st Main 8164. FOR FARMS OF EVERY DE8C!RlP tlon. W. W. Espsy, 319 Commercial bldg. ' SPIRITUALISM. RETURNED MRS. SOPHIA B. 8EIP, psychometrlst, Intuitional life-readers daily. Office 302 Alisky bldg. Publia circle Tuesday evening 8 o'clock. MRS. 8TEVEN8. PORTLAND'S RELIA ble palmist and spiritual Ufa reader; readings dally. 843 Yamhill. SAFES PORTLAND SAFE CO.. SOLE AGENTS for Herring-Hall-Marvin safes and Manganese Steel Safe Co.'s bank safes; 20 second-hand fireproof safes and bank safes, very cheap. Ssa them or wrtta us. 92 7th st. DIEBOLD MANGANESE 6AFE8 Large lines carried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, Jails, metal furniture. Both -phones. J. B. Davis, 8t Charleson A Co. Pacific 1198. Commercial. - Phona PLUMBERS FOX A CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS, 231 2d. bet Main and Salmon. Oregon phone Main 2001. DONNEBBERG A ftADEMACHER RE moved to No. SOS Burnslde at DON'T BORROW MONK if Otf fiALAilY until you see , . , Htittoi Credit Co. 512 Dekum bldg. - - MONEY TO LOAtf 1 ON tMPRdVE'B city property or for . building pur poses. Columbia Llfa A Trust Co J14 Lumbsr Exchanga bldg. ' 7-" STREET PAVING WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and eross lngs. 14 Lumber Exchange. , THE" BARBER A8PHA LT PAVNd CO. of Portland. Office 666 Worcester blk. TYPEWRITERS TIDE OLIVER TYPEWRITER AGENCY Boom 4t, Ralsls . -nM If you are In tha 0ft: writer, sea tha naw Model Na . CMivr before nuviw. towel strrxv CLEAN TOWELS : VAJ S','?, brush, aoap, ! p moni. Laundry A Towel Supply to,,iu Couch sta, I Uone 410 i'.."li '