V THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAIi ' PORTLAND, '. SUNDAY MORNINQ,' ! AUGUST ; 4. ! JGOT.. . it LAPS' FINE STAGGERS STANDARD ATTORNEYS 'If Federal Jndge's Asspcssment Throws Rockefeller law yers Into a Panic AIL THEIR MOTIONS AM OVERRULED ATI Btantara of Ooonaol Immediately Summoned From Europe Conrt'i Bemarks Moat Sensational Utter not Ever Coming From Bench. By Jamea Evana. (Bitnt Xrw by Loofwt Immt Wire.) Chloago, Aug. I. Judg Knamw M. Landla, of the federal district oonrt, to day fined th Standard Oil company I1M44.0O for having violated th m klns law pertaining to rebate on 1,411 counts. It wu th maximum penalty permitted by th etaratea, and It la th largest aaaaamnt for aa infraction of . tb law that la recorded In all history for all governments. It waa a dramatlo morning In oonrt What Judg Land la had to aay to John D. RockeftUar's truat will liv aa on of th moat sensational nttranca eom Jnr from th bench. Twic Judg Lan dla waa aoDlauded. But h halted th demonstration himaelf, rapping- fiercely on th woodaa dealt la front of him with his bar knuckles. yrooaaq V xa Against BaOroaaa. Backed bT th cohesive forcea of th United Bute authorltl, Judg Landla ton. th Chi thla tnqolaltortal body will b to look artar tne orr ending rauroads and tha in' aiviauaia. Bookefenav Attorney oa-plne4. Th announcement thraw tha attor- Bra for Mr. Rockefeller almof t In panlo. There wr present Chauncey w. aaartyn, jtooert w. etawart ana Mr rttt Starr, aasoolatea of A. D. Kddv. a-eneral watrn counsel for th Stand- ard Oil. John 8. Millar and Mr. Eddy are in juarop ana aaorits jiosoninai ta on a vacation in tn east, ah or inem have been asked to com hom at one. In a moment altar th decision th nwa waa telegraphed to Mr. Rockefeller at hla hom near Cleveland, j. A. moi fett prealdent of th Indiana company, nam In New York, immediately aav out an Interview In which he crltlaleed th court action ana etrenuousiy ae fended the commercial oourae pursued by hla company. Dlatrlot Attorney Btme and hia aa alatant. Jama H. Wilkinson, war hlrhlr eratlfled at the court's action. Judge Landla had nothing to aay. Treated aa Any Other Criminal. inAn T.andla be fan to alva sledge hammer blowa to tha Standard Oil trust from the moment he took hla bench. No auch language waa vr befor Incor porated Into Judicial aentencea aa h ahot atralaht at th blggeat commercial association of men In all tha world, ur ki matVinHa ha aalri that the maker of counterfeit coin and th pilfering of money from the malla, were acta les violent to aoclety than thoaa ayatema of commercialism ercled by th Standard OIL H said: ... , . "The men who thua deliberately Vio late thla law (meanlnc th Elklna law). wound aoclety more deeply han does he who counterfeit coin or a teal a OIL n BUSY 11 Eockefeller Was Deeply En grossed Yesterday Imme diately After Court's Fine - Became Known Had No Time for Visitors. (Catted Preaa by ftpedal Ltesad Wire.) Cleveland. Ohio. August I. John D. Rockefeller, head of the Standard Oil company, which waa nnea over , 000,000, spent on of tha bualaat daya In hla career today. Until th Chicago decision waa read, ha apnt hla time aa usual. But aa soon aa tha decision and fin had been announced th oil king plunged into bualneaa Not onca did he ahow himaelf out of doora after STRIKE TIES UP COLORADO ROA D Passenger and Freight Serr ice Between Wyoming and Texas Paralyzed. will preoeed againat tha Chicago A Al ton. tn (jnicaxo at jatrn minoi ana th Chicago Terminal railroad com- pant, that gave to Mr. Rockefeller' oil truat Illegal rebates H will attack th indlvidnala of both th U and th railroad corporations, instituting and permitting auch prefer ential rata. The railroad ar to be IndlcUd on Unas identical with tha pro oadar In tb Standard Oil eaaea fined by Judge Landla today. Th individuals will b prosecuted under th conspiracy act, for which, after conviction, ther la prescribed a penitentiary sentence, rdaon Seateao race riaaaolara. Thua John D. Rockefeller, William Rockefeller, Joha D. Arehbold, H. H. Rogera, J. A. Moffatt and other of ficers of th Standard Oil company, to gether with th contracting freight of- oere. auditors ana otner ex ecu in the Chlci fl auditors and other executives of caa-o A Alton and Chicago A ('tun IlTinAla railroad tnmnanlea are j, to be lndloted with th end In view of placing on them auits ef atrtped olo th ing, surround them with iron bars aub- ject them to prison rules, and condemn , them to shame and disgrace. I When Judg Landla had concluded , with -reading- hU written . opinion f ' footing the Standard Oil company of ; Indiana, th Indicted concern, during the litigation of which tb entire com "r mercial wrld baa been interested, he turned to District - Attorney 81ms and ' directed that a panel of 60 men appear . befor htm August 14. Th dutlea of mnnmv frnin tha malls. M The court reviewed th objectlona of nounael in their many forma. He read from hla typewritten page with a slow and studied speech, hla vole rising and falling.- with dramatlo ffeot, as his most important declaratlona were ut tered. WaXl fftree roaoaon Fraaeat. Wall atreet men had representatives present They were there to take ad vantage of th deeialon by the effect it would have on the market These rep resentative aat near the entrance to th courtroom that they might bet away the moment the extent of the fine waa known. That information waa reserved until the very last of Judge Landla' utterances. Like a flash SO men tried to get through the doora leading to the eleva tors at the same moment. The confu sion exasperated th court. Probably Judge Landla knew tha character of the bualneaa of those making the noise. He directed that the marshal preserve order. Th offenses for which the Standard Oil company waa convicted were for shipments of oil from Whiting, Indiana, to Eaat Bt. Louis, at a lower rate than scheduled, either to tha public; or to th lnteratata commerce commission. It waa proved that the Standard Oil company profited by the hauling of 0,000 care at the preferential rata, 1121,000. Tha penalty following la more than on hundred time the original profit. Tha Standard Oil oompany could, with f 29,140,000 build and equip as no rail road in th nation la equipped, a three track ayatem from Whiting to Eaat St Louis at less than the figure it will have to yield In tha event Judge Landla I aeciaion ib upneia. Ana atiomeya aay ther ia little doubt noon. Contrary to hla usual custom ha aid not greet several parties of visitors. Even membera of tha etrongeet class in tna St. Clair mission, an axrmatea work with the Euclid avenue Baptlat church, failed to lure him away from hla deak. In veara son by. he haa dropped everything to meet member of the Sunday school of which he la tha presi dent To callera who wlahed to pay their respects, it waa aald that Rocke feller waa reatlng and that hla secre tarlea were too buay to talk. Rockefeller knew of tha Chicago de cision almoat aa aoon aa it waa read, lie waa In cloae touch with the Chi cago ofilctala of hia company. Tha message containing th announcement of the fin reached him Juat aa he waa reaching tha golf links after hla regu lar morning exercise. Hi haatened to tha houae whr ap parently he forgot tha usual program entirely. He waa engaged with bual neaa callers for ao long that lunch waa an hour late and even then ha waa buay at the table, shortly after t o'clock the first visitors arrived and naked for Rockefeller' a secretary. "Miss Adama la extremely buay and asks to be excused now," said the but ler nervoualy, after returning from tn house. Saturday afternoon ar not ueuaxiy devoted to work at Forest Hill. WILL NOT COME DOWN (Continued from Pag One.) FRENCH DUKE HAS JOB DBSnOB Marriage Contract of Pretty American Heiress Signed ; geveral Days Ago. (Bet rat Ifew ay Longest Leased Wire.) . Paris, Aug. . Society la on th qui f Ylv over th report that th Duke de Chautne haa aucceedad In hla wooing of Miss Theodora Shonta, th daughter of TbodorP. Shonta, head Of tha New Tork traetlon truat - '' ' According to th latest reports th marriage eon tract, which la neoaasarlly - under th French law, waa algnad here a few days ago tn tb preaenc of Wit p aea Prlno Oalltxln and Count da Plctua being th duka'a witnaaaea. While th report ia unconfirmed, ther atro no denials of it, and whan the Gbonta family want to London tha dak accompanied them, although atop- with Franklin iinur rniHii nun ritHIMUlf d nun WILL BE SOLD Paris Evidence of Great American in Good State of Preservation. (tmttea Frees ay feeelal Leeeed Wire.) Paris, Aug. S. A house 1 to bo aold in Paris which haa a remarkable In terest for Americana. Thla la the for mer hom of Benjamin Franklin, 20 Rua da Pontblvere, in th St Honor quarter, and quite close to tha Champa Elyteea and the Elyzees palace. It waa built by the great American himaelf and ha lived in It before he went to reside In Passy, or rather in th Intervals since Passy, to which on goea now In 10 minutes bv tnunwav waa in Franklin's time a summer re. sort. Th genuineness of the association la undoubted, for tha "5? raduk. 1- aoln J?OUM li ' number of th. It la reported that the duk la going 1 important worka of the period On Its KSLJSSSSSt tdia of '<Tnt t0l ta a Dillon bearing th w hay an exaggerated lda or thlnajn nf Bntamin irv.nirif.. L. th of tha Shonta family. ASSASSIN EEP0ETED TO HAVE CONFESSED t (Tfettad Piass by Bpeda LeaMd wire.) Maw Tork, Aug. t. Through th of Car of Bedroa Hampartsoomian, mllllon- at, H. 8. Eavahanjian'a assassin la reported to have confessed all h knowa about the Armenian terrorist organis ation and It la believed th authorltl ar on tha verge of learning tha lnsld history not only of thla murder but tha aaeaaslnatlona of half a dozen other Armenian who were put out of th way because of their refusal to pay iriuuie 10 id. society. Hampartzoomlan'a offer waa coupled. it la aald, with a plea for clemency. The district attorney's reply was that if Ham part soom lan waa really duped aa ha claims, hla duty ahould be plain. Aa th slayer haa been constantly weaken ing, it ia believed he will soon reveal all ha knowa. Saloona Moat Cloae Early. (United Press by Special Leased Wire.) Montgomery, Ala, Aug. 1. Governor ' Comer today signed the bill requiring all saloons in the state to close early at nigni. jti towna or io.oou and less tha hour la 7 to 2:16 o'clock. nam of Benjamin Franklin, with hla portrait The house Is in excellent preservation and well hunt mr, i. .m quit atrong. NEW INSTEUCTOR AT TUALATIN (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal) Foreat Grove, Or. August 2. Mlsa Virginia F. Tancey of Missouri haa been aecured by Prealdent Ferrln aa aaslstant in Tualatin academy. She la graduate of Hardin college and re- wlll be devoted to tha following pur poses: pleadld Tamily KotaU. "The Washington and California bulldinga will be fixed for family hotela. Tb guests will have the use of th grove. I have forgotten ui number of gueat chambers they , will make, but it 1 quite a number. ' Tha special featurea contemplated are a Turkish bath In the basement of the Waahlnrton building. The lower floor or the Washington bulldlna; will be used for office and lobby, and the lower floor or th California building for the oaf. rrominem Portland hotel men may con duct that enterprise. Th oriental building will be offered, rnt'fre. for five years, or ten yeara may De aesirea, to tn city ior con ventlon purposes, and for the Rose Fleata association for Its annual festi val purposes. Th foreign exhibits bulldlna; will he given a concrete floor and will ba uaed for an automobile gar age; wnetner aa a puoiio garage, or a frlvate one to be uaed exclusively bv he membera of an automobile club, ia not yet determined. "If tha Oregon building la taken for an automobile clubhouse, the foreign ex hlblta building will be set aside for their purposes. The administration building will be the office headquarters. The agricultural building will. If I suc ceed in time, be offered to th com mittee In charge of tha horse show this fall, to be uaed by them If they prefer It to the Armory. We now have eirhtv atalls finished In tha Klondike building at tha end of th Trail, which that committee can use to acenmmndata boraea, if they deaire, during the ahow. rlne Driving Space. Tha agricultural building Is 450 feet long and 200 feet wide and covers a little mor than two down town blocks; th galleries are ideal for such a social event Tha Inside driving apace on the lower floor cannot be excelled. I hope to see the celebration held there and would take th matter up with the committee at once and offer them the free use of tha building. An especially attractive feature will be the fact that there ia reaay on me grounds a level track four tenths of a mile long, or over 2,000 feet for outdoor exhlblta. This track runs from tha administration building along the west aide of the agricultural building, around the sunken gardens to tha railing at the grand stairway, thence around west of the foreign exhlblta building, between it and the oriental building, back to the administration building. It la not long enough for speeding, but It ia long enough for dis play. If that feature la included, then the grandstand can be made temporarily of the foreign exhlblta building, or one made out in the open, the grounda to be at tha aervlce of the horae ahow committee. Plenty of Floor Space. "Th manufacturer building has 90,000 square feet of floor snace. It (Ckited Faasa ar tpeatal Leased Wire,) Dnrr, CoL. Aug. A. gnral trike of all membera of tb Brotherhood f Railway Trainman employed by th Col orado A Southern railroad ayatem (at tending from Orln Junction, Wyoming, to Texlln. Texas, waa ordered at noon tooay ana tonignc ruuy igg man ar out, with mor to follow aa aoon a thav bring their trains back to th terminal points. Tn atrik was ordered by W, T. Newman, vice-grand master of tha Dromernooo. Aa a result of the strike, th CAS. a not moving a frelaht wheal lata to night and la running ita paasenger trains on tha varloua branches and dl visions with tha greatest difficulty. Tha atrika la not for higher wagaa r better hours, but really a sympa thetic mora In behalf of tba awltchmen of the ayatem, who went out two weeka ago for an Increase of 2 centa par hour in tneir pay. ieaa tnan loo switchmen were involved, and tha company during tha paat two weeks haa filled their places and waa in a fair way to clear nines oi aiainga with loaded freight ear. Unless tba atrika la aetUed within the next 41 hour many factories and smelters dependent upon tha Colorado A Southern for coal and or supplies win nave id auapena operations. Vice-President A. D. Parker of tba C. A 8. clalma tha trainman hav vio lated their contract and h aent a lengthy telegraphlo appeal for aid to th president and th Interstate com merce commission. PEISON SENTENCE OF LEN KATON STANDS (pedal Dispatch to The JearaaL) Olympla, Wash., Aug. I. Tb au preme court haa affirmed tha case of tha state of Washington, respondent va. Lin Katon. appellant, from Chehaila county. The defendant waa convicted of a atatutory crime, the prosecuting witness being Ruby Shannon, 14 years of age, The court indicated that th testimony on which th conviction waa obtained was vrjr conflicting, but that alnca the trial judg had refused to grant a new trial, tha higher court did not care to take th reaponalblllty of upsetting th verdict of the Jury which heard all th evldenca A lengthy dissenting ontnlon waa fflu1 by Juatlce Root, who says the decision the court in this caaa la c.lrnla trt tn pnng tne ls-year aga of consent law into aisrepui. m.' V i a. . v! i -;:A i v.x, . a v' . '' -aj-J- .(,.(.- -.mm '.m ' ; . - , ,1 ... Ketrmerators Horcn ana Lawn r urmtun ON SALE ALL WEEK PENDLETON PUBLICANS THREATEN EEPEISAL (apeelU Dispatch to The JeomaL) Pendleton, Or., Aug. 2. On account of tne eunaay cioaing law going Into ef fect, Sunday morning may brine forth complication. Tha aaloonmen tonight declare they will retaliate, complaining nemuai cigar stores, rerreanment par lors and other lines designated In the eunaay closing jaw. - New berg Lose Pastor Cash. (peeta! Dlepateh to Th JnaraaLt Nawberg, Or., Aug. 1. A farewell re ception waa given at the realdence of L M. Parker laat venlng for Rev. Herbert iH.an ana Airs. jasn, prior to their de parture for Colorado. Rev. Cash baa been paator of tha Friends ehurch. Ill health necessitates his removal. will furnish not only fire protection, but opportunity for a novel display. Tha flag pole at the Foreatry building I l$4 it t will probably be divided, and light ma uumery wurit run oy electric power, which we shall lease from the O. W. P. I wu. celved her A, B. degree from the Uni- h?- rH erade of the grounds permit veraltr of Mleaouri. Mis. Yancey I run K come from a family of teachera. Her portatlon buiTding to the manufactures father la a oollege prealdent and ahe ! and mining building. Naturally these Metcger A Co., jewelera. 242 Wash. haa had four yeara' experience of teaching. She will hav charge of the aama branches aa Mrs. Grace' WnnH Hill, who la in South America with her husband, the. well known Y. M. C A. worker, "Chunk" Hill, doing missionary work. The faculty or pacific university la complete now el nee Professor Taylor of Nebraska haa been ena-aared to take p. feasor Marsh'a place. The push club, organized by the atudenta, la largely re sponsible for tha numerous lettera com ing on every train inquiring aa to Pa cific university. Tha atudenta, now. scattered over tne scats - aurina- vaca tion, are all booatlng and in all proba bility there will be the largest atten dance the achool haa ever bad. Mainsprings, $1, Metager's, 142 Waah. Everything In Jewelry That's the beauty in buying from this store. The large va riety and style lateness" is so satisfying that particular buyers tind it a simple matter to make selections. Besides a ,denn.eimer gold quality goes with every article sold , , and the prices are such as to warrant instant approval. I NEW NECKLACES IN i "AMETHYSTS PERIDOTS CORALS ; CORNER THIRD AND WASHINGTON STS. Diamond; Irnporterf jpWppticUns: . Jlanufacturtng I Jeweler three bulldines will be uaed tnr mercial purposes, on account of their track facilities. Just what they will be I cannot yet tell." Provision of Option. The Pence option provides fdr pur chase of the fair grounds for 2300,000. That Includes the fee simple title to abOUt 277 lOtS. It Include In arirtlHnn a 10 yeara' lease, with a privilege of 10 years' renewal, upon the Mead estate tract, consisting or about 16 acres. Upon this tract atand the Transporta tion building. Mininar bulldlna- Aurfltn. rlum bulldlna:. and Dart of tha Agricul tural building. The purchase includes also all the buildings, containing a rioor space or over 10 acres, or about 600,000 quar feet. The building in- oiuae tne Transportation, Mining, Manu factures, Auditorium, Colorado, Agricul tural, r-uQiic jomiort. Administration, restaurant. Coos county, Oregon, For eign uxniDits, (jaurorma and Washing ton buildings Inside the present fence, and our present office building, the old Emergency Hospital building, on the roaa neiow Twenty-eighth and Thur man atreeta. Mr. Pence aald: Much Honey to Kaise. "Under my option I have a good deal of money to raise and "I must raise It quickly and raise it right here In Port land. My plana make It in a fair sense largely a public enterprise and I have no doubt of succeeding. As you will and the Rose Fiesta organization of the Oriental building, for a long period of years. It will make for the city a hall for convention purposes and similar pur poses euperlor to any In the country. It will furnish the Rose Fiesta association an Ideal place for its disDlav. If de sired by mat association, they i in addition zs acre ror their own use tn loci iugn; ii win oe a pretty sigt ee n. iour-incn stream or water thrown ivu leet aoova me top of It." Other Operations. Regarding other operations hw him company tar. .reno aald: "I hay bought alo tha Cottle tract under option, which consists of 81.61 acres below the Llnnton road and 12 acrea above tha Llnnton road on the sloping hillside, running from the Llnn ton road up to th Thurman atreet car line. I have had the bruah slashed off mo upper tract, so aa to accurately aurvey it and contour it and aee what it looks like. "I have driven the deep bulkhead around 15.8 acres of the low tract and will, with the first run of gravel thla fall, finlah that bulkhead: then thla winter I will promptly fill that bulk headed acreage. Thua we will have 11 acrea below and 13 acres above the Llnnton road, or 28 acrea In one tract divided only by the Llnnton road. I do not know whether the Rose Fiesta peo ple will want to go into the business of cultivating roses and having a tract for that purpose or not. If so, they will be welcome for a reasonable period to have the free use of these 28 acrea with water for irrigation. If they do not I want it I will raise onions on it and earn the Interest. I shall also thla win ter finish the fill of the 22 aores around the government building on tha Reed peninsula, the mud running through the high pipe over the Trail. Thla tract I hold only under lease and it ia not Involved m tuia piun. reetuxea of nan. "I have also the option on the Gold smith gravel hill tract. It Is the tract above the Cornell road running from the end of Lovejoy atreet around to Twenty-ninth atreet and marked on the city maps 'Louis Goldsmith.' Thla to tha Investor and the public is the Im portant feature of my plan. Th tract consists of over 26 acrea and will grade into 180 lota, after allowing for wide boulevards. The site Is beautiful for location and can be easily and speedily cut by glanta Into auch alone or terraces aa mav be desired. I will finish them ready for use and paaa them over to the bond buyera aa a bonua with their We have just completed our inventory and find that we have a peat many Porch and Lawn pieces on hand. This stock moat be sold in season or be carried over for next summer's trade. Now we do not intend to carry the stock over, but have cut the price down so low that it must move, and at once. $2.50 Porch Chair, slat back and rattan seat Special this week $3.75 Ann Chair or Rocker, in natural white maple or painted green, rattan seat Spe cial this week fl.05 $5.00 Porch Easy Chair, painted preen, dou ble rattan seat and back. Special this ' week .. ?2.75 $4.60 High Back Comfort Rocker, in nat ural white maple or painted green, rattan seat and back. Special this week. .$2.50 $4.00 Arm Chair, slat seat and back, bent arms, bolted construction. Special this week $2.25 $8.00 Porch Morris Chair, double rattan seat and back, finished in white maple. Spe cial this week $4.75 $4.00 Chair, made of silver birch, rattan seat and back. Special this. week. .$2.00 $6.00 Arm Chair, in Adirondack silver birch and heavy rattan. Special this week $3.50 $11.00 Silver Birch Morris Chair, seat and back made of heavy rattan. Special this week .$6.00 We are sole agents for the celebrated Wls 1 consln Peerless Refrirerator. It ia tuft? vi rion in refrigerating. The Peerless whi(5t ' l Ml ti n ,t cnaunc wiu hoc cmp or pcei. . ocven waus to preserve the ice, making it the most eco nomical refrigerator made. All parts re movable. Absolutely odorless and thor oughly sanitary. $10.00 Zinc lined Refrigerator, ice capacity 80 pounds. Special this Week $6.95 $16.50 Refrigerator, two shelves, zinc lined, case made of first quality eastern ash, polish finish. Special this week $10.75 $20,50 Wisconsin Peerless Refrigerator, seven walls to preserve the ice, syphon drain' pipe, enamel food chamber. Spe cial this week $13.75 $25.00 Wisconsin Peerless Refrigerator, white enamel lined, ice capacity 75 pounds, mineral wool insulation. - Special this, week $16.75 $30.00 Wisconsin Peerless Refrigerator, ice capacity 90 pounds, all parts removable for cleansing, white enamel lined. Special this week ..$19.75 $35.00 Wisconsin Peerless 'Refrigerator, white enamel food chamber, two shelves, double door front, ice capacity 120 pounds. Special this week $22.75 $31.00 Wisconsin Peerless Refrigerator, ice capacity 110 pounds, swing door to ice chamber, white enamel lined. Special this week $21.25 $40.00 White Frost Refrigerator, all metal, 125-pound ice capacity, white enamel in side and out, round body. Special this week $29.25 TTv: i it i V I f MILWAUKEE CLUB (Continued from Pag One.) investment on nounced. eome basis to be an il! have j-aislng roaea for their celebration. will be. The moat important thing about it all tne , abundant fire protection supplied by direct pressure from my reservoir at the head of the flume at an elevation of 400 feet. Thla will give a direct, dead-bead Dressure of 200 . feet at . th Foreatry - building, and through itnr. wawiuug or giant piantaa vor 3 i AS vffr isp- BEST RUBBER $7.50 GOOD SET FOR $5.00 Sam kind all olr reliable dentists make; only dif ference is the proflt we ask. Bridge work or teeth without Plates, per tooth. .13.00 to iK.OO 1.00 tuid Fnilna. 00 from Silver Fillings,' up from..-., Enamel Fillings, up from . . . crowns, goia or . porcelain ........ Painless Extraction S3.00-t5.no 50 A ruarantee for 10 yeara with all work. Lady attendant Lily Dental Co. AMD COT7QS ITXSBTB. Oeen evenlns Until .1 and Sunday until 1 p.'tn. soma not aaoio. faciao States JThon raolflo 1880. make 4 to 1, while hia price at the track la anywhere from or 10 to 1. By doing thla it makea tha club appear to the newcomers aa UDerai. wnen in fact the reverae la true. It ahould be understood in the first place thatodd from th tracks are cut so low that a poolroom could double them ana then give track odd, if a horse is a favorite and the crowd beta on him they cut hla odda down and in cases, ref us to take any money on him at all. It ia a well-known fact by race play era that any horse that haa a reasonably "vd chance to win that the odda ar kept down, to auch a low prioe that the a vol aa player cannot afford to bet on mm. ., A glance at the official form chart shows that In many lnatanoea the Mil waukie club poolroom laya ( to . 5 against a horse with, say, 10 to 1 and sometimes 16 to 1. in other poolrooma In many Instances horses against which tne prevailing odds are 50 or even 100 to 1 on the official form charts, are placed at 10 and 15 to 1 by the local gamDiera. As an instance of how the Mil waukie club ewindlea its patrons, the following races at seattie on August 1 are an example: First race Ed Davla, at track 1 tQ 6. at Mllwaukle club 3 to 1. Sightly, at track 7 to 1, at Mllwaukle club 6 to 1; San Ramon, at track 7 to 1, Mllwaukle ciud 0 to 1. Second race Illusion, 14 to 6 at track. z to 1 Mllwaukle ciud; Duke or Orleans, 9 to 1 at track. 1 to 1 Mllwaukle ciun: Remember, 16 to 1 at track, 10 to 1 jHiiwauaue ciud. Third race Aftermath, 28 to 1 at track, 10 to 1 Mllwaukle club: San Rlda. 6 to 1 at track, 11 to 6 at Mllwaukle club; Jack Adams, 7 to Z at track, 2 to 1 at club. Fourth race Salable, 9 to 6 at track. 3 to 2 Mllwaukle club; Im Joe, 16 to 1 at track, 12 to 1 at club: Eckersall, T to 1 at track,' 5 to 1 at Mllwaukle club. Fifth race Bessie Welfly, 12 to 1 at track. 10 to 1 at Mllwaukle club: Rose. aro, 11 to 2 at track, 4 to 1 at club; Ramona IL 20 to 1 at track. 12 to 1 at CIUD. Sixth race Cadechon, ; 11 to I at track, 1 to 1 at clubroom: Orllene, 13 to 10 at track, 7 to at pooiroom; Legatee, ia 2 u iraca, 1 m at pooiroom. Thla ia but one of the many methods employed py.xne juuwaukie oiub. LANDIS OPENS WAY 'Continued from Page One.) inar - oeraeoutlon and will be forced to prouum n uouaa ueioro in euprera court can decide the case on lis merits. It ia reooamlaed that an early -rullnar On Judge Landla' decision wUl hav a' most I fl 111 taw - effAAt- An Yim .. nfvtMAti. against other common .carriers and iruste. - . . . : , .. Divorced at, La Grande. S (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) I ' La Orande. Or.. Auar. I. Juda-e Craw ford haa granted a deore of divorce to Grace Taylor, who charged Duncan O. Taylor with desertion. Low Summer Rates To Jamestown Exposition and the East. There is no better time for your summer trip than now, taking in the Jamestown Exposition and then visiting the Eastern Summer Resorts. SEX YEXLWSTNE, PARK AS A SIDE TRIP EN ROUTE FOR FULL INFORMATION CALL ON OR . WRITE A. D. OXAUTOK, Asst. General Paasenger Ag-ant, 865 MorrlaoB St, Portland, Or. Northern Pacific Railway 0PUEAT0ES IGNORED ' THE STRIKE ORDER Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Butte, Mont; Aug. 8. General Man ager Murray of the v Rocky Mountain Ball iTeleDhone - company says the on- eratore in II Montana. cities, ordered out by the Stat Federation of Labor Thursday, disregarded the order and are atlll at work. Thua far Butte alone la tied up In thla state. Pendleton Divorce Salts. 8peUI Dispatch to Tba 7earaaL) Pendleton. Or- Auby 1. John W. Noble haa filed a petition for divorce from Clara Nobla . Thy wr married May 17. 1906. at Snokane. Jessie B Car lan also seeks divorce from Davd Carlan 1006 attorney in both aulta Thav . were married . July at waus walla. 14 Peter West 14 ABERDEEN DEALERS LAUGH AT THE Liu Spelal DUpatch to Th ?oorni Aberdeen. Wash.. Aug. t. In spit! warning by Deputy Sheriff Anatl a notice from reform leadera Aberdeeil Will be onen tomorrow. A meetlnRf called bv the Llauoa r09lAra' association! this afternoon waa attand hv bt busi-l ness men. wno riaidei to atand toasiueu ana sep open.. ,- r .--j z 2) zsr ,;,.v.... . ; , j . ;:V-- 'f V. ; : j'-'r i'-;