THl? OREGON ; SUNDAY. JOURNAL PORTLAND, ; SUNDAY a WORNING, AUGUST 4, 1W7. How, to Answer Advertisements Addressed to Box Numbers, Care of Jhe Journal AS. VlbmVt. sober !BkUJLM.WlKTjl to take oar of private place or weton , man; trustworthy; referenoee. Address R-46S, Journal. ' Many ptTiong do not know how to tiiwer advertiaementi addressed to newspaper offices, gnd for the, convenience of those we wish to say that if they wish to get in touch with such adver tisers, they should send a letter addressed to the box number, in care of The Journal office. A personal call Is not wanted by the advertiser and the only way to get in communication with this kind of an advertiser is to address your letter with a box number just as though the adver tisement carried the original same. Bring or send the letter' to The Journal office (when brought direct to the office the letter does not require a stamp). When sent through the mails the letter is treated as ordinary correspond ence. The letter upon reaching The Journal office is stamped the date received and deposited tn a box set aside for that purpose the party who inserted the advertisement calls for the replies and does business with the answers that seem the most suited to his or her needs. FOR BALE REAL ESTATE BAST BURN8IDE DISTRICT WE make a specialty of fin home In this district and would like to show you nmm mti w rin v m 1 1 man wiia u. n. "aimer. 221 Failing bldr M S661. .iki . WILLAMETTE! I WIRE CORNER lots. $7(0. 100x100. H. P. Palmer, ?2 Falling bldg. 1 ACRES. CLOSE TO CITY. WOULD trad lor house and lot. J. W. Ruth erford, 617 Commercial blk. 0x100 on East 11th t, lays fins: a snap at f 1.100. J. W. Rutherford, (17 Commercial blk. 1-10 ACRES. ALL, IMPROVED, GOOD house and barn; 2 acres strawberries, 1 acre strawberries. 100 fruit trees 7-mlnutes' walk to car; 14,000: 12,500 cash; rest on terms. B, box 465. PAY RENT TO YOURSELF. New 4-room cottage, finely finished, porcelain bath, hot and cold water, elec tric lights, concrete foundation; 2 fine lots on Mount Soott carllne; a splendid buy for 11,500; only 300 cash. E. J. QEIBER. 221 H Morrison st FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE FARMS. Wastlngton & Oregon Realty Co. 114 acres 10 miles east of Vancou ver. 1 mile from Columbia river; i acres In cultivation, 60 acres In prunes 16 to 20 years old. 2 acres mixed or chard, 25 acres meadow, 4 acres spuds and beets, 2 drags, one B-rooro z-siory. 2 4-room cottages, 17,000 drier, new, 10 tons with cellar; good bam 2x70 with sheds, stable; barn 26x40 with leanto enclosed; 16x20 dairy, cellar, roothouse. 20 tons; 2-story fruit warehouse 16x25; 60 tons dried fruit, alt kinds of farm machinery, 2 wagon, hack. 2 buggies, phaeton, cream separator, good team, 2,800 pounds; T fine Jersey cows eev orl head of young stock, hogs, chickens. There will be 200 tons of green prunes contracted for 8o without grading, de livered at the boat landing 2 miles from filace. If you are looking for a safe nvestment it will pay you to Investi gate this. Everything is lust as adver tised. R. F. D.. near school, fine loca tion, best of soil. If sold by August 1 all crops including contract. Price only 216,000. ' Give good terms. 28,600160 acres In Clarke county Wash., 2 miles from R. R. station, one half mile to school and church; 0 acre; In fine state of cultivation in crop: good famllv orchard: new 2-Story 8-room hriie rnnA frame barn 64x16. Binder mower, rake, and all kinds of farm Implements; team, wagon, buggy, hack. 20 head cows, 16 head young stock, IS sheep. 10 hogs. 100 chickens, 40 geese. cream separator; level land, all rencea hut nt anil Thll is One Of the besi buys on the market. Terms 22,000 cash. nuance e rears. per cenu 160 acres, t miles from Washougal, Clark county; SO acres in cultivation nil fenced with I wires: house lex IS bam 26x40; mile to school;, 20 acres reeded, on main county road, nne soil , Price only 212 per acre. This Is a nap. 2S. 100 160 acres, 2H miles from Waahousal. Clarke county; 40 acres In cultivation. 100 acres easily cleared ' mnma . f Imharr mriall house. 1 acre fin orcnara, nne son; . jr. u., nwr terms, H cash, balance 6 years, 6 per rent? will take H I" exenange lor -ori' land property. SK BOO RK acres It miles from Port land, in Washington county, 2 miles from railroad station; 35 acres In fine rtate ef cultivation, balance very easny cleared; all fenced, all level, small llv- insr stream, fine new 2-story e-room hard-finished house, cost 21,600; new fram ham. matin KftxfiO: fine location R. F. D. and telephone, near school, milk route past door, best of black soli, near in xuaiaun river: investigate iu w fore buying. W. W. Espey Room 219 Commercial Bldg, Cor. 2d and Washington sts. Exchange for city property and some oash, or agreed time, S per eent 20 acres. 50 in cultivation; crop in; barn, 46 to 60 tons oat and vetoh hay, a good 8-room house, woodhouse, smoke and roothouse, a fine bearing orchard, fine water, on milk and mall route. f hone line, half mile to school. 2 miles o railroad station, 10 cows, 1 horse, hogs, chickens, all kinds farming im plements for such place; a good payer; prlc, 24,600. , , M 80 acres. 45 to 60 In cultivation; land mostly level, good buildings, fine or-, chard, will be tons of fruit this year; on county road, milk and mall route, phone line; place will run 25 to 20 cows; fine water, springs and well: price 22,600; part cash, balance agreed time, 6 per cent, or would take good city property. 120 acres. 76 clear, cood orchard, good buildings, good water, 2 ft miles to good town. Yamhill county; price 22,600; 2,600 can stand, 6 per cent. 20 acres, half clear, good buildings, orchard, fine water: prloe 11.800. 20 acres, rood 6-room, house, good welt water and spring, good barn, 40x63, chicken house, 16x40, good woodshed and smokehouse, fine living water In paature, 8 acres under Plow, house nicely, painted, good orchard; Yamhill county; price 11,300. loo acres, 47 In cultivation ana crop, good orchard, good buildings, good water: price 28,600; terma. acres, hesd of Alnsworth ave., fine to plat Phone Pacific 1846. or W. W. Rnv A Cn 91 A PRimirill hid., cor ner id and Washington sts. W.W. Espey Room 319 Commercial Bldg. ACREAGE 12 ACRES. FINE SOIL. nearly all bottom land; all In cultiva tion; fronts on fine gravel road; some fruit trees bearing; no buildings; t miles out; 80 car fare. Will trade for 22,600 residence; terms on balance. Henkle & Harrison 217 Ablngton bldg, NOT UMBER.: WE ARE STILL IN. A POSITION TO - locate several parties on rauroao tanas la southern Oregon, cruising better than 4,000,000 feet per quarter section: for making tender to the company and fll ing papers tn the cleric of floe after ward location, including all attorney fees we charge the sum of 25. Now com and look Into this proposition, if youjiave never bought any lands from the company heretofore: remember this does , not Interfere with any of your other rights. cUl and get fall perllou- lslFsL HOWSH) A MILLER, . SI th st Open evenings. Phone Main 6188. BTvVMTDTWTlffiRN PACIFIC MA H. ROAD. 86,600,000 feet fir. 440 aores deeded i.a a a 1A veara tn remove balance. 18,000,000 feet fir located In same body can be seoured at reasonable prloe: 81 horsepower Atlas engine, new Atlas boi ler, 52 and 64 saw, new 10-12 Seattle donkey, 7,auu reel new inj un, a.auv feet new main line; I ponds above mill with storage capacity of 2,600.000 feet logs; 4 miles from railroad: 4 miles of flume can be built at estimated cost of $1,000 per mile: cost jot flume per 1 ft oo and labor flumlns not over 60c; will secure purohaser year contract for output of mill at price that will guar antee large profits on investment Price $22,126; one half cash, balance terms to U C. C. SHAY. 806 Ablngton bldg. Looking for timber t We offer you every advantage through our system of expert examinations which' enables you to determine the suit. ability of a tract without ependlng tlmo or money. If our general report Indi cates that we have what you want our estimates by two and half acres are easily verified. TRY "THE LACEY WAT." JAMES D. LACE I CO.. S28 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, 607 Lumber Exchange. Seattle. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD to timber buyers onlyj we hare a few choice tracts tor sale .which we own. Have detailed estimates by forties. O. F, Banbourn A Co.. 401-2-8 Buchanan j b dg, FOR FARM AND TIMBER LAND SEE nil lard and Clayton., Rosehurg. Or. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUflU -FOR SALE ONE HOTEL RANGE. inquire Z71 let st SHOW CASES AND FtxtUREl NEW" and second-hand. Carlson A Kall- etrom, 889 Couch st FREE FOR EVERYB6DY-RINU UP Main 4290 or call 212H Front t we bay and sell furniture, clothing or any iq ining. bUY FR6M the1 SEC6ND HaWD store where your credit Is good, 126 let st. Pacific 1970. shingles-Large or bmALL LoTs1, PERSONAL. MADAM VASHTI VAPOR AND TUB baths, massage, alcohol rubs. 201 Sd at LADiESi asK YoUA drUGoIst Port Chlcbeeters Pills, the Diamond Brand, For 25 years known as best safest Always reliable. Take no other. Chi chestera Diamond Brand fills are sold py qruggiie cverywnere, LAblEs, If you are DFEasT about yourself, if your condition of health Is not what It ought to be, con sult Dr. Isabella Mackle. She has helped . k. wm. .1., itll biimiIv h,ln vm, Bhi The noted Port Orford cedar In etoclt 1 treats' by natural methods. Room 10, 850 H Morrison si. rnone Main miv. mTb''oibson oivesscaLp treaT- zbsi Morrison si., Call and see them. iron 1. 8. E. Gilbert, 114 1-hORSB FARM WA66M. CALL llflt end Division sts. FOR saLE-a ddmtH Of 36Lb watches and chains. Address A-426, Journal. ROXBURY Rl)0. 9x12; 006D AS NEW; nan price, call 680 4tn st FOR SALE ALMOST NEW STEEL tired buggy and harness, cheap. 497 Big hi.; Kiwimona car. 4-hole range, Iron BED. s6Me cnalre; ttieso things are almost new and you can get them cheap. N. E. cor ner Kelly and Walnut st. 6 blocks north of Harelwlld. Tabor 705. BARGAIN WILL SAVE YOlj ElO money on piano of any make. H. A. Shorey ;; Lenta. R. F. D. No. 1. FOLDING GO-CART, ALMOST NEW. ment: dandruff. room 52. MlSS RAYMOND. Morrison at, room Main MASSEUSE. 268U Phone (911 14. LADIES! DR. LA FRANCO'S COM- pound; safe, speedy regulator; 25 rents, druggists or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco, Philadelphia. Pa. YOUNG" MAN; 81 YEARS. WITH some means, would like to meet young lady matrimonially inclined. Address K-450, Journal cLi Jit VOT ANTS AND PALMIST! See Melvto. For 428 N. 21t. Phone Pacific 740. 20-H. P. FIRE-BOX BOILER; A dltlon. for sale. A-458. Journal. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 627 WASH Ington, buys and Rolls all kinds of I second-hand goods; highest jirlees paid. Ph ontn Pacific 793, Home A-3793. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM flat, on 16th st, 1500. Call 2 4 7 V Madison st FOR S A LE W: rK ItL're Of K-ROOM YOUNG LADY WANTS ROOM AND board in private house; reasonable; widow lady's home preferred. Address K-4r)9. Journal. SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN. 64, CON trols 3800.000. would marry; confi dential; reference. D. It., Box 36, To- ledo. Ohio. MARRIAGE PAPER HIGHEST CHAR acter, Incorporated, 11th year; 8,000 members; paper sealed; send 10c. L. L. Love, Hox igiio, Denver, Colo. Call 247 TIMBER! TIMBER! TIMBER! 8300 buys relinquishment of. timber claim, between Ave and tflx million feet, with over 21,000 worth of Improve ments; only two hours' drive from one of the beat towns in Oregon. We have other claims at various prices. THE COAST REALTY COMPANY, 226 Morrison st. Portland, Or. Phone Main 1668; A-41D0 THE oREGON A CALIFORNIA RAIL road company must sell their granted land at 22-60 per acre; location fee 35. Apply liu 6th st., Portland, Or. I HA VE 120 ACRES OF TIMBER THAT will cruise 3,000,000, two miles from 8prlngwater, Clackamas county: will take 21 per thousand. For particulars call or write E. H. Dement, 242 Madison. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS BLACK MARE, WEIGHS 1,400 LBS., sound: also brown mare, weighs 1,100 lbs., suitable for any purpose, fine driver; one top and one open delivery wagon, one top rubber-tired buggy, fine open rubber-tired runabouts, one break ing cart and harness, three sets single harness, one military saddle and bridle. All the above are nearly new and are flrftt-claas. Every one must be sold to settle a partnership settlement. Call Sunday or Monday for snap. 23 N. 14th St., Oregon stables. . cottage on 7th st. 3290. Madison st. FOR SALE RUBBER-TIRED RUNA bout 1007 DIvlHlon st. FOR SALE-SCAMPING OUTFIT, IN good condition, cheap; leaving city; within walking distance. M-460, Journal. WE RENT YOU MOTION PICTURE machines, film a, gas outfit, song slides, etc.; lowest prices. Ses New man Motion Picture Machine Co., 146Vi th, bet. Alder and Morrison. FOR FR6NT OT 560 Col u in K" SALE MIRROR folding bed; rood as new. ria street. FOR SALE VICTOR CONCERT PHO nograph; a loud, distinct and perfect machine. S-459, Journal. INDIAN HERBAL BATHS, MADE American herbs, cure paralysis, drop sy, gout, inflammatory rheumatism; a trial treatment free. Consult the Sioux special today, 442 E. 11th st, south; Heliwood car. A WORkINGMAN, 26 would like to meet a of suitable age. nal. YEARS 5TT5 working woman Address C-457 Jour- CANCER. GOITRE SPECIALIST Goitres promptly removed, cancers cured without knife; asthma perma nently cured; chronic and private dis eases a specialty. Dr. Voose, 181 Urst street, room s. ADVICK THAT WII.T. TtO TOTT GOOD. Melvln has made thousands of dollar for Portland people. He baa deceived none, ir your mining stocks are a Ten ure he will tell you. If you have money to invest, do not throw ft away. Melvin will guide you and show you a war to sucoess. He advises In business. Do not buy or sell real estate; do not Invest In any thing before consulting him; let Melvln be your guide and you will always be successful. PROF. MELVIN TELLS TOUR NAME, AGE, OCCUPATION. WHERE YOU LIVE. NUMBER OF YOUR HOUSE AND THE STREET WITHOUT ASKING A QUESTION, without any previous knowledge and having no oatural means of knowing who you are, whence and for what you came. He tells you of friends and enemies, who is true and who Is false, tells you whom and when you will marry, giving name, dates, facts and locations; taking no fee In advance and accepting none unless satisfaction la given. LOW FEE 50 cents, 60 cents. 60 cents, 60 cents. THE BENSON BLDG., 291H Morrison st., corner Fifth. PHONE MAIN 7246. Always Consult the Best. PROFESSOR KHIMO, Greatest living astral dead -trance clair voyant of the age; adviser on business and all affairs of life; tells your full name and what you called for, whom you will marrv. how to control the one you love, even though miles away; re unites the separated; gives secret pow er to oontrof: does all others ad' rtlse to do. Hours 10 to dally and Sunday. : ' -.. LAND SCRIP WANTED" AND FOR ' BAUD ALL kind. Including approved forest r erve serin for surveyed, unsurveyet. timber and prairie government umj jU M Hamilton, 'The Portland." Ponld LEATHER AND JTXDIXG3 CHARLES L. MASTICK CO, FROM f and Oak eta, leather aire skin el every description for all purposes soia ana lap cuiiera; nnuins. MONET TO LOAM BBa,IsaeajaBejl MONET MONEY MONEY MON15T MONET MONET MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONET MONET SALART LOANS ON PLAIN NOTE GET 110 TO 10e. NO' MORTGAGE NO INDOTlBEH -AB8OLUTELT NO SECURITY." LOWEST RATES EASIEST PAYMENTS REMEMBER. IF. JOUWORIC . WE WILL, IUU, WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASKI RAILROAD MEN. A SPECIALTY. STATE SECURITY CO.. 704 DEKUM BLDO. HflTTTtH S A. M. TO P. M. WED, AND SATURDAY TILL P. V. MONEY MONET MONET MONET MONET MONET' MONET MONET MONET MONET MONET MONET ENTERPRISES FINANCED. Industrial, mining, railroad and timber proposition of merit financed; loan negotiated; stock and bond issues bought and sold on strlotly commission basis. Bond Issues prepered and marketed. Our brokerage department offer; the best facilities for making safe and profitable Investments, and I the quickset me dium for financing rood prpppeltton. Oregon Realty Co., ult 4-f. IS 2 Wash ington st. Phone Main TtS. Portland, Oregon. , 1 861 H Washington st. Phone Main 121 WANTED THE ACQUAINTANCE OF a young lady; object sociability. Ad dress T-459, Journal. ATTORNEYS ANY SIZE SECOND-HAND FIFE FROM to 12 inch, black or galvanised; any amount, cheap; 100-tons black or galvanised sheet Iron, cheap; 100 tons black or galvanized wire. M. Barde & Sons, 8th and Gllsan sta. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE WE HAVE A CLIENT WHO WANTS to move west he owns 1100,000 worth of good city, farm and other property which he desires to exchange for Oregon firoperly of any kind; give description n first letter; write today, B. F. Loos Co., Des Moines, la. PIOOOTT. FINCH ft BIGGER. ATTOR neys at law, 4 Mulkey bldg., corner 2d and Morrison sts. ASSAYERS WELLS A PROEBSTEU MINING EN- flneers, metallurglats and asaaysrs, H Washington st GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Assay Office. rlson st 186 Mor- DO 13,10080 acres, 7 miles from Was- hougal, Clarke county. Washington: iso acres in oultivation; some green nraur; rttnd house and barn: rood family Or chard; small creek good spring; good team, 6 head of cows, 2 wagons, one heavy, one light: mower and rake; all -kinds of farm machinery; cream separa- nr: Den di buui inn , n bumv , 11,600 80 are In Clarke county, Waahinarton. 28 miles from Portland, U rniiea from railroad station. 4V4 roue from boat landing; S acres cleared, eeveral acres of rood hardwood timber; balance ash and vine maple swale, easily cleared; 26 acres at a coat of $10 per acre; best of black soli; all level ; email creek: log house; R. F. o.; on county road; 8 cows, 6 coming 2-year-olds, one call; terms ft casn, paiancs o years s per cent. The above place are an . fuaranteed as advertised. Above bargains are but a few of the farms on our list We have the largest list of farms of any firm in Portland or vicinity. Prices range from $600 to 280,000. Write or call If you are In the market for a farm. 102 Second st, Portland, Or, And 200 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. Phone Main 2404. 60 ACRES. 20 MINUTES' WALK FR6M Oswego depot; 85 acre Under culllva ' tlon good spring water, orchard, house, barri all fenced and cross-fenced; cheap. Inquire 661 Union ave., north. John Dick. FOR SALE 5 AUKiSB, I CLEARED; small stream, spring, good well, small, no gravel, well-built house, 125 fruit tree; 26 minute from Portland on Ore gon City line; tec on ai tmur nausn, Postof'ice uaa uruve. aa. j-onia. - FOR 8ALEL Farm and acre tracts, Portland real estate and suburban property; lot In Caoltal H1U addition; business chances. GEO. W. BRANT, Room 40, Hamilton Diag., za tt., oet FAIL TO INVESTIGATE these Bargains. $2.800 On very easy terms for a 64- acre, well-improved farm; running wa ter, easy driving distance from Port land, fine school and neighborhood. $10,000 for an excellent 120 acre farm; 14 miles from Portland on flrst claaa oounty road; the cheapest place of its kind; $4,000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. $126 per acre for 166 acre of a model farm: H miles from center of Portland; excellent buildings, land and location: also all the machinery and crop. Show me a better place for the money if you can. 210,000 cash and easy terms will take it For good farms of any sixe, see F. FUCHS. 121 Morrison St 100 HORSES 100 Our next sale at the Union Stock yards on Tuesday, August 6, 1 p. m. sharp; In this lot are some broke sad dlers, some broke to work, some halter broke and a nice smooth lot of unbroke horses, some mares and young colts; a lot of one and two-year-olds that will grow Into money. Remember the date and be on time. Twaddle & Richards. FOR SALE HACK AND TWO HORSES good: very reasonable; see owner at room 11, Yale Rooming house, 291 Vi Grand av. Phone East 4261. $1,500 EQUITY IN HOUSE AND LOT In Bunnyslde. Address K-453. Journal. FOR EXCHANGE FINE UPRIGHT piano for real estate In city. G-460, Journal. WILL EXCHANGE $1,200, COMFORT able 6-room house, water, light, barn, fruit lot 40x120, 2 blocks Mt. Scott car, Nashville, for merchandise or paying business. Owner, 797 Grand ave., north. 320 ACRES 4 MILES FROM KLAMATH Falls, part timber, for city property. Address S-429, Journal. PROPERTY OCT OF CITY; INCOME $100 month; to trade now (account family tics) for Portland realty, home or business. E-429. Journal. 2 Acre Suburban Home All highly cultivated, set to fruit and berries, 7 room plastered 1 house, con crete foundation, good barn, painted red; chicken house and runs; sell or might trade for a farm. HENKLE A HARRISON. 217 Ablngton Bldg. One Acre Full of fruits and berries; nice, new. modern house, 6 large rooms, near Ken ll worth. HENKLE ft HARRISON, 217 Ablngton Bldg. yes $20,000. Ranch of 728 acres in the Deschutes country, 260 acres no under cultiva tion: nearly all tillable land. All fencei. and cross fenced. Good house of 8 or rooms, two or three wells and wind mill. This land will pay 10 per cent on $400 per acre. Three railroad surveys recently mane tnrougn tnia property Sure to double In value within two years. Call for other particular. VKTKHAJN UA.Nl CO., 166 Third st GOOD AS NEW, $125 COLUMBUS buggy for $60. Lyons Stable, Union ave. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day. week and month; special rate to business house, (th and Hawthorne. East 72. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. KELLER Harness Co.. 49 N. 6th st. FOR SALE FOUR SPAN HORSES. good workers. for Sale or trade fIne stock groceries for small ranch or house and lot; what have you? Phono Tabor S98. PROPERTY IN SELLWOOD; TRADE for land somewhat Improved within 12 miles of city. E-468, Journal. ARCHITECTS ERNST KRONER. ARCHITECT Plans and specifications; also building superintendence. H. J. HEFTY. ARCHITECT. Exchange, room 423. LUMBER ART FR-iE LESSONS IN Embi Idery Every Day. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP, 882 Washington St. BERGES' A. BERGES' ART STUDIO, 644 hi Washington st. High grade oil paint ings in landscapes and portraits made to order. ACCORDION DRESS PLEATING MISS O. GOULD, 617 B WETLAND bid 7. Accordion pleating and buttons covered. AUTOMOBILES five and seven years; 1004 MIlwauKle st. FOR SALE HORSE. BUGGY ANT5 harness. Inquire 268 Front st ' A GOOD WORKING MARE. WEIGHT 1,150 lbs., and one-horse wagon,' 2125; will take good milk cow a part pay. Address 1580 Peninsula ave., Portland, ur. fnone woooiawn oux. WHAT HAVE YOU TO EXCHANGE for $60 certificate on Reed-French Piano Co. Address A-460, Journal. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS GROCERY WAGON, WlTtf TOP.'aL- most new. for sale, reasonable. Front st 996 FOR SALE CHEAP FINE LITTLE driving horse and good top buggy; will take good cow in exchange. 835 E. 28th St., W-W car to Kenilworth curve. ATI" SELLWOOD, Two spans 706 mulei An Ideal Acreage Home 11 acres, all In cultivation: fin as- nvrmAnf s t -ri 1 1 cw"rfA hiiia ha sn eve vaai uaa v - a-eua r iu aauf asea chicken house and park; soil is all good; spring and well on place; a typ ical mountain stream cuts one corner: on electric line. So fare: station on place; good gravel roads, fenoea all first-class; better car service than the average suburbs; easy terms. Henkle & Harrison 217 Ablngton bldg. DON'T BUY A FARM, WHEATOR stock ranch, until you talk with Turner, he knows where to find them. Office. 803 H Washington st. -Aider and Washington. Phones A-254S and Pacific 1846. b F&K SALE BUTTER, EGGS AND buttermiix route; norse wagon ana rness; a paying pueineeB wim 111110 Ital. Vancouver Real Estate Cv, 708 Shshlngton-- st. Vancouver, wash. fHRMtf large asd small. L6- atea in ciarae couQiy, nun.; bom u go. id as the best; good market - and splendid social advantages; prices rea sonable and term easy. For further particulars write or call -on T. C. Bparkman A Co., Main end 12th ta. Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE 36 ACRES RICH BOT- tom land. 12 acres In cultivation, bal ance pasture; 6 acres hops, good 4-room ouse. good cam suxiu; close to school and town, on county road and R. F. D. route, fine location. Price $2,200. Ad dress J. D. Winn, the Land Man. Buena Vista, Or. A SNAP IN FRJIT LAND. 120 acre of fine fruit land at The Dalles, Oregon, with valuable improve ments. Surrounded by flourishing fruit orchards and vineyards. Equal to fa mous Hood Kiver rruit land st one Quar ter the price. For terms, price and rea son for ReHlna- see owner at Weeks' Granite Works, th and Columbia sts., Portland, or. SOMETHING EXTRAORDINARILY GOOD IN A FARM. 80 acre of the very richest soil In the state, 26 good onion land, beaver dam; produced last year 60 bushel wheat and 65 bushel of oats per acre; we will guarantee the soil; 0 acre In oultivation; email house, cheap barn, a mammoth spring, and a romantlo brook meandering through the place; the soil alone I worth ISO per acre; we are authorized to sell "the place for $2,600. Yes. $2,200 will take it Don't fall to eee it and make an offer. Situated 214 mile from railway station, 20 mile from Corvallis.- THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 149H lt st MARION well matched. 2-4 rears old, 1616 ids.; 2 sets, new harness; seated top buggy and harness; 2 wagon for sale. A MARE 5 YRS. OLD, WEIGHT 1,825 lbs., black, true; single or double, gentle. Address H. Epperson, Esta cada. Or. FOR SALE 1,400-POUND HORSE, young and sound; would take smaller horse as part pay. Inquire at 415 E. 8th. cor. Grant. FOR SALE A GOOD FARM WAGON and team. Columbia Stables, foot of Columbia st FOR SALE 1,100-POUND HORSE. years old. 721 Kerby st Take R. & o. car. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD TEAM OF horses, harness, express wagon, stand ior ousiness. call ZZlft Morrison st. room s. $160 FOR SPAN 51r 6-YfiAR-OLD bay mares, good drivers. Call at 21 jasper Place, a. Portland; take B. car to Hamilton ave. FOR SALE GOOD DRIVING MARE SEVEN CARLOADS OF SAN FRAN Cisco's pianos, diverted to Portland; 117 of them.; choice and fresh and splen did. We've undertaken to sell them. Must do so within the next ten days. Profit making is out of the Question In such an undertaking, hence the prices 67c on the dollar. New $200 pianos now $114; $300 means now $171; $400 1 $228. Remember we guarantee the price and value of each piano as well as durability and quality. Terma really should, be all cash, but we'll say half cash now and balance within a year at 8 per cent Interest, if more convenient We'll not epllt hairs over that part of it The main thing la to sell these pianos, to sell them quickly, and with the least Interference with our regular work. See advertisement on page 13 of this paper. Filers Piano House, 252 Washington, cor. Park. VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records; Stsinway (and other) pianos. Shemran. Clay & Co., 6th and Morrison sts.. opp. postofflce. HIGH-GRADE PIANO TAKEN IN ON mortgage: low price and your own terms ir aesirea. pnone Mr. tirown, Main 6284, Automatic 3284. " HOWARD M. COVEY, A rent Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobiles, Cadillac anJ Knox. Temporary location Club Oarage. 15th and Alder sts. Mrs. Palmer The World Wonder Palmist and Psychologist She reads your life with unerring sight 29 N. 3d St.. Portland. CONSULT THE! BEST IT WILL PROVE CHEAPEST IN THE END. FREE TEST! FREE TEST I Take this advertisement to l PROF. D. NIBLO, 803 H Washington St. MAY ANDREWS, CARD READER. AT 325 Main st. 26c. Phone Main 7648. MOWtfT TO LOAM m 'Jl On improved city property or for DUud- i ! time, with privilege to repay afi e-f vrt of losn after two year, xoane ap proved from plan and money advanced a building progresses; mortgage taaea up and replaced, . . . FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent, 242 Stark at 1AX Prophetess Viola Marahfleld, spirit medium, 248 H Morrison st. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. W.M.MILLER, V. S.. VETERINARIAN. 26 N. 8th st Phone Main 1(06. All branches of ths science. CARNEY'8 VETERINARY HOSPITAL for horse and dog. 289 Gllsan t Phone Main 1484. DR. C. E. BROWN. D. C. M DOOS and horse hospital. 106 N. th st (Main 4086). rnvirrnirNTrAi. LOANS ON arte, insurance policies, pianoe, fur niture, warehouse receipt, etc.: any ee- servir vance. monthlT NEW ERA LOAN ft MORTGAGE COM PA NY. 108 Ablngton Bldg. ire. warehouse receipt, etc.: any sie ving person may secure a liberal ad ice. repaying by easy weekly UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OITICtt 14t 2d St., near Alder, established 11702 old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, diamond, jewelry and ! sklna DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKER FROM SAN FRAN- clsco wishes a few more customers; alteration work neatly dona 284 2d t Phone pacmc 06. MRS! VAUGHAN'fl DRESSMAKING parlors; good work at reasonable prices. 392 Vi East Burnslds et Phone East 8217. MADAME ANGELES 242 FIFTH. PA clflo 982. ELECTRICAL SUPPUES M. J. WALSH CO.. 211 STARK ST.. Electrlo and Gas Fixtures and Supplies, Mantels, Tiling. Grates and Dogirons. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. - ENOT- neers, contractors, repairer, electrlo wiring. suDDlles. 94 1st cor. Stark. Main 669. R. H.Tate, Mgr. WORKS, WESTERN ELECTRIC "ST BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS ft KILHAM, 109-111 2D st. Blank books manufactured; agent ror jones improved Loose-lear ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf, the best on the marKet. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES 8. BIRKENWALD ft CO., 304-306 Ev erett at, largest butcher supply house on the coast. Write for catalogue. B JTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A Dekim, 131-128 1st st, carries a full line and c iplete assortment at lowest market prleei. CLEANING AND DYEING CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 109 Stark st W. TURNER, DYER ialty. 605 - CARPETS Jefferson at dyed a special Main 2S1Z. CLEANING. PRESSING HERE IT IS and dyeing done Washington st by experts 648 6th st Contractors electric suDDlles. motors and dynamos; we install light snd power plants. MORRISON' ELECTRIC CO. Ill a Morrison st Fixtures, wiring, re- palrlng. East 2128. FAIRBANKS, MORSE MOTORS AND MAKte advanced salaries' 'pbk pie and others upon their own name without security; cheapest rate, eaeiee payments; offices in 60 principal cities; , save yourself money by getting eug terms first TOLMAN, 221 Ablngton Bldg. . ioiH 2d si - ; MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PTS5T pi Just on your own name: don't borrow until you eee me; my system I the best for railroad men. clerk. knislilra.n... .tmtM MAM AM.4 1f employes: business strictly confidential, F. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bide I8C Washington. LOANS TO STEABV WORK3N6 Pfid-' pie without security: no publicity; ' no filing of papers; lowest rates; easy . Installments. T.nndlaan Investment Co.. 184 Sherman, South Portland. CASH ON HAND FOR PURCHASE! : money, mortgages, bond for deed or contract of sale on real estate, either ; country or city property. H. E Noblej Commercial blk., 2d and Washington. WILL LOAN $2,000, PER CENT. 0 real estate. bldg. MONEY Farrlngton. lit Fentoa fb LOAN; LARtffl LOANS rates; tire insurance. William O. Beck. 812 Falling bldg. QUICK LOANS ALL SECURITIES. B. W. King, 45 Washington bldg. Main flOO. Money1 tO LOan" ON ALL KINDa" of security. Washington bldg. William Holl. room 9. dynamoa Stark sts. A. C and D. a 1st and EDUCATIONAL DRAMATIC TRAINING. MRS. MINA CROLIUS GLEASON (of the Baker Theatre Stock Company.) will during the coming dramatlo sea son, accept a limited number of pupils for Instruction In voice culture, dra matic expression, and general training for the stage; student wishing to en ter the tbeatrloal profession will be (riven an ODDortunltv for Dubllc appear ance by Mr. George L. Baker; matinees TO LOAN-SUMS' 6 Suit 6M CHaT tel security. R. A. Frame, (14 th Marquam. a Loan for Th asKINg IaLXbT or chattel The Loan Co 410 Dekum bldg. ; money-tO LoAM IN $io6 td $8,064. Charleson A Co., Commercial. Phone ' Pacific 1196. 6N t BdRROtf yOKEY ON saLa&Z until you see 1 . Hutton Credit Co. , 612 Dekum bldg. IMTR6VB ; PERSONAL. old. Call 464 and colt four month' is. Mill. YOUNG BAY MARE. GOOD TRAV oler; used to harness or saddle. Call 90 E. 45th St.. after 6 p. m., week days, A GOOD WORK MARES, 9 YEARS OLD. 646 E. Madison St. Phone 2991. FOR SALE HORSE, EXPRESS WAG- on and harness for sale. nal. B-469, Jour- FOR 8 A LE LIVESTOCK. HILLSDALE DAIRY FARM. MIL waukle, Or.; J. A. Zimmerman, pro prietor; dealer In blooded stock; full blooded Jerseys a specialty. Two reg istered full-blooded Jersey bulla for sale. FRESH COWS. E. Z. BROS. LENTS. 6 blocks of car station. 2 JERSEY COWS, FRESH. 1 THOR- oughbred. 917 Jbeimont. jsast Sunnyslde car. PURE JERSEY COW FOR SALE; reasonable price. Phone Tabor 7. FOR SALE MRS METZOAR 5? Lenta. Or., is going east Thursday, Aug. 8, and will sell her fine bred stock at once: Black Minorca, white wyan dottes, Rhode Island Red; price cock- erella, also za nne wnue oucas at n each. Call or address Lents, Oregon. TIMBER. TIMBER LANDS. Intending purchasers desiring to be located upon land with heavy timber in the land grant of the Oreaon A California railroad In southern Oregon can secure th same by acting quickly. Loeatl-'r fsea Including all necessary at torney fees are reasonabia Address J. E. Verdla, Qrent Pass. Or. FINE FOX TERRIER PUP. ONE YEAR old, for sale cheap; leaving oity. Phone Pacific 945. FOR "SALE 2 FIRST-CLASS FRESH milch cows- 140 Macaaam sl, rxn- ton. Phone Main 6981. FOR' S"aLE FULL BLOODED JER- ey bull. Ladd stock. Will trade for row. 660 Columbia street FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BARGAINS STEEL RANGES, stoves. Iron beds, --springs, mattresses, tables, chairs, dnessers, cheffeniers. car pets and linoleums, new and good a new. at lowest prices. Come and see us; it will pay you; your good taken In exchange. Fox A Brower, II N. Id. Phone Main 2111. HOLD EN'S RHEUMATIC CUKE SURE THE PORTLAND MATRIMONIAL club solicits business from reliable people ouly; fine local list; strictly con fidential; unless .ully of legal age don't apply. Mrs. H. C. Wilbur, 406 2rd st. S car, Harrison. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Sexlne PHI cur all weakness; $1 a box, 6 for $6; full guarantee. Address or call J. G. Clemenaon. druggist, Port land, Or. A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER; sealskin garments redyed and re modeled; expert fitter: estimates given; lowest prices. 662 Washington. Phone Main 7308. MOLES,' WRINKLES, SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. No charge to talk it over. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room $30 Flied ner bldg. Phone Pacific 135. F. THOMAS, FEATHERS AND feather boas cleaned, curled and dyed work called for and delivered. 754 Water St., Portland, Or. Phone Main CHIROPODISTS JOHN GARTNER HARD AND SOFT corns, callous removed without pain; Ingrown nails cured. Phone Tabor 603. 998 U E. Belmont st. CHIKOPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. Room 830 Fleldner bldg. Both phones. COAL AND WOOD GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NOV els. etc.; German. English, French. Spanish. Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all klnda Schmale Co., 129 First st HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. Roberts' Nerve Globules. One month's treatment. 22: 2 month'. sent se curely sealed by mail. Agents, Wood ard. Clarke ft Co.. Portland. Or. PORTLAND SAWDUST ft SLABWOOD Co., 865 Front st, successors to Ful ton Wood Co. Fir, oak. slabwood. ooaX Tel. Main 1936. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY 0 SLAB wood call Main 4876. Oak. ash. fir ana coaL portirna wooa & coal Co 16th and Savler its. WESTERN FEED ft FUEL CO. House and blacksmith coals, coke, charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1016. TELEPHONE EAST 7 XT' T TnXTlTD JL Wood and Coal. 181 East Water t CHRONIC, NERVOUS AND SPECIAL diseases of men and women cured by modern sclentlflo methods: electric treat ment for diseases of the prostate; con sultation free. Dr. W. I. Howard, Com- monwealth bldg.. th st, cor, pine, MRST OB ROCK, GRADUATE MA3- seuse; cabinet bath, calt glow; alcohol rub, cream massage; references. 183 Seventh st Main 4968. DR. BING CHOONG. IMPORTER CHI- neae root medicines; sell Chinese tea. certain cure for all diseases. 191 2d at, between Yamhill and Taylor. TURKISH BATHS. 800 OREGONIAN Main ins. Wits Pressed while- yoC WAIt. IOo. Ladles' skirt pressed. 50a Gil bert. 106 V Sixth st, next to Quelle. Phone Main 2088. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE" FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONE Oregon Fuel Co.. 334 Alder- AS LONG AS THEY WILL LAST Kindling at $1 per load within 20 blocks of office. Star Box Wood Co., foot of Montgomery. Phone Main 2143. CARPET CLEANING STAIfDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest plant on coast; Lorlng and Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; steam and compressed air process; renovating mattresses ant feathers a specialty. JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THE Electric Cleaning works; carpets cleaned and laid, both dry and oom pnsased air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main Sit 2 and A-2672 27 Grant t MotfE TO LoaN1 ON city property or for building pur poses. Columbia Life A Trust Gov, J14) . Lumber Kirhann hldr . & .reiudAulu.tAz?,Jr UoC-l MONEY1, 6 LOaN ON REAL ESTATE, until after August 27. Elton Cou.t, chattel mortgages or personal se curity; notee bought C W. Pallet, 104 Fenton bldg. ; DON'T WORRY $10 TO $1 LOANED salaried people, with or without se-. curity. Crescent Loan Co., 421 Mo- hawk bldg. . Portland. BEIINKE-WALKEH BUSINESS COL- LEGE, Elks' Building, Portlsnd, Oregon. Chartler shorthand and Bliss book keeping as taught in the Behnke-Walker win lea a you to success. Facts in calls for help and placed 211 since Aug. 1, 1906. Will place you when compe tent. Enroll now. P6RTLAND fclfslNESS COLLEGE, Tenth and Morrison. A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL.B.. PRINCIPAL. Open all the year. Private or class in struction. Position certain when compe tent All modern methods of bookkeep ing taught; also correspondence, rapid calculations, office work, Chartler short- hand; easy, rapid, legible. Catalogue free, MACHINERY THE H. C. ALBEB CO. SECOND hand machinery, sawmill, etc I4S Grand ave. a J. PAWL, lbo 1ST sf.-L floit plete line sawmill machinery; also engines and boilers. MONUMENTS HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, Washington and 10th sta Flledner bldg. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and all English branohea taught both day and night FINANCIAL AID TO SIX WORTHY young laJles who wish to take a shorthand course. Apply at once nt office. 617 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Bumslde sts. L br5ns6n saLmoN'3" studiO 6f shorthand and typewriting; full course in 12 weeks; open all summer; established 1888. Mllner bldg.. W. Park and Morrison NEU A KINGS LET, 2(2 1ST T Portland's leading marble aa4 granite work a MUSICAL PIANO. VIOLIN, CORNET. TROM bone, clarinet Professor mL A. Smith. 254 12th st. Main 4701. - OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS SHORTHAND. THE GRAHAM SYSTEM Taught by an expert Actual office ex perience. Positions secured when com petent. Butler, public stenographer, 814 the Dekum STRICTLY PRIVATE WILL COACH a limited number of grown people in literature, history, art and general po lite society usages. C-458, Journal. SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY academy. Portland, C.' alogue. Write for cat- DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERAQN, B ra cialist on nervous, acute and chronle diseases. Office 217 Fentoa bldg. Phone Paclflo 1190. DR. R. B. NORTHRU. .1.4I-1T DE kura bldg.. Id and Washington sts. Phone Main 149. Examination free. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS MISS L. B. MAY. 101 SWETLANZW Copying deeds and abstracts speo'lty. PAINTING AND PAPERING, FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE ft IRON WORKS 2d and Everett sts. Phone Mam ituoo. GASOLINE ENGINES CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS diseases. East 4034. 626 E. Belmont Phone Lr, . J. Pierce!. SpeCIAL1s, bis- eases or women; ail irregularities cor rected; no exposure; medicine by mall. Office 181 1st st, corner Yamhill, Port- land. Or. LADIES DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin an-1 cotton Root Pills are the only sure remedy for delayed Aerlods by mall $2 per box. Dr. Plerce,l81 1st MISS ETHEL WARD TREATH 8UC JOHN A. MELTON, 204 4TH ST. OF flce aad store fixtures built and re modeled; showcases and countera Phone Main 1787. E. MELTON OFFICE. STORE FlX tures; general jobbing. 67 1st st Phone Main 3194 RtnHonurr and marine: electrlo equip ments; launches; accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co., 182-4-6 Morrison st SHEFFIELD MARINE ENGINES. ANT propeller. Fairbanks. Mors A Co, 1st and Stark sts, REFITTED GASOLINE ENGINES j low price; call or write. Fairbanks, Morse A Co.. 1st and Stark st. HOUSE MOVING AND GENERAL RE S'; Caruthera. pairing; foundation and raroenterins. HOTELS THE BELLE VUE, EUROPEAN PLAN, in ana onimon. HOTEL Portland, Am. plan. 12. $1 day; BELVEDERE. European; 4th and Alder? Tabor 2.J. CHIROPRACTORS L. M. GORDON, D. C, SCIENTIFIC spinal adjustment, acute and chronic diseases; hour 10 to 12, 2 to 4. 7 to 6. 36 27 Raleigh bldg. DANCING. cure for druggists. rheumatism. Sold by all tcS-ras cnuUndRo,mo6,: i "v-jLx .ra ittu Mnrviann m summer months; school open an year. iJmW ...,!oc.tol feney and .tags dancing taught PSYCHE SNOWDEN VAPOR BATHS daily. Wilson's Dancing school. AUs and massage. 146 hi 6th. room 15. Iky bldg, 2d and Morrison its. HARDWARE WINDOW mad to Co, 74 6th. AND order. INSURANCE P. A. DOANB GIVES BEST ESTIMATE! for satisfactory work. 221 Yamhill PLUMBERS FOX A CO SANITARY PLUMBERS. 231 2d, bet Main and Salmon, Oregon phone Main 2001. " DONNERBERQ ft RAfcfliaACtlKA Rfl moved to No. 108 Bumslde st PAINTS, OIL AW' OLASa . F.'al' BEACH" A' CarTHJl" PIONEER , Paint Co. Window glass and glaslng. lit 1st st. Phone 12f4. PRINTING OOILBEB BROaU PRINTERS CARDS. billheads.-eta. ,; Phone Mala lit A 146H 1st t 1 kODERNPRtNtERY7 cifio 1628. R. 2i. Russal hld.. ith and l i -Il-T " ------- I nornmn Bis. PHONtfi "FA. 1 bli RUBBER STAMTS P. O, STAMP WORKS. 14 ALDER tT. Phone Malu T10. Rubber stamps, seal, stencils; baggage, trad ehec, prase signs ana piste. . RESTAURANTS. - - - " riw mrar Bf M lf i ,...n r Tr-5 caUeson :Boqi K.kW. U . . . w w.V usuaanu -ingten si. Afl. Met WOOL, EJlPLO? ERfl' ' XJA w Wllty and individual accident security pnd of ail klad.v Phone 41, 103 Mo Kay bid ; . .. . . . ten TIN ".l;r '.'. ' : pairing and genel ill Jefforsoa ft loci.. A