THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. AUGUST Stock of the rl 4 ! ilfi 1 m 1 1 M HP" $1501000; :rirt jSmokerid- Water Damaged Sale Slarls Tomorraw WOT Mi Ml MMfM and Halstead Sts., Chicago Entire Stock T) Tj to Be Sold at JJ Carats oi lie Mk S2 From the Chlca-e Dally Record, June l I. FIREvDESTROYS THE METROPOLITAN teadlnf West Side Clothier 50,000 Other BoUAlaca Badanf erefl. The biff HtlitMd street fire, which almost totally destroyed the bulldlnff oocupied by the Metropolitan Clothing Company, was discovered shortly after 2 a, ra. by the nlffht watchman, who was almost overcome by smoke before he was able to est out of the building. Flames were then leaping from the sec ond story windows and by the time the alarm rame In It had a great headway and spread very quickly to the Third and Fourth floors. A strong wind was blowing at the time and the hotel ad joining was In great danger. By 4 a. m. the firemen had the flames under con trol and It waa ascertained' that the stork of the Metropolitan Clothing Company was an entire loss, fully covered by Insurance. ODD COATS ODD VESTS COATS AND VESTS yif For elegant Wool Vests, tuC almost in perfect condi tion, worth to $2.50; mostly big sizes, 40 to 54 chest x Of For choice lot of white ODC and fancy Vests, in per fect condition, sizes 40, 42, 44 and up to 54 chest; worth $2.50 to $4. Small sizes are all damaged. They will be sold at 151 eacn rA For choice of a lot of DUC Frock Coats, sizes 33 to 30 only, pants and vests were burned up; suits were $12.50 and $15 values. rf 1 A For choice lot of Frock wlaUtjf Coats, all colors, black, etc.; from suits worth up to $20. dQ QC For fine black Frock tI)av)D or Prince Albert Coats from suits worth to $30. J rr For choice of 100 I)frDj Coats and Vests, lat ert"ack styles, 3 and 4-button; pants were burned; they are from suits that sold at $15 to $30. you're a judge of goods, you can get a fine one as these goods Ire not nailed to our counters. The first come first served. lare TOMORROW WE BEGIN THE SLAUGHTER Almost two car loads of Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishing Goods. There will be no disappointment, no misrepresentation of any Kina. ine goods are in aunosc penccr. conaxuon, except, in some cases a sngnt smeii ot smoKe or a perceptiDie dampness. We say it without fear of contradiction that within the memory of the oldest citizen no deal in mer- xn chandise ever surpassed his. Values will be found even greater than we claim. Every statement is most modest. No law of cost or worth will alter the conditions. The entire stock must be sold at what it will bring at forced sale in order to make room for our fall goods now on the way. 3 000 SUITS NOW ON OUR TABLES. MORE TO FOL LOW. BUT THAT IS ALL WE CAN GET INTO OUR STORE, AS WE HAVE NOT NEAR ENOUGH ROOM FOR THEM ALL. ( PA Takes pick of about 200 suits, mostly 5 1 OU Outing Suits, sizes 33, 34 and 35, some slightly soiled, others perfect, worth from $7.50 to $10.00. For choice of 300 elegant dark and )& O medium color Suits, some slightly damaged by water, but mostly where it does not show as it is mostly on the linings. These suits are regular $7.50 to $10.00. i OF Takes pick of hundreds of fine worst tjT'eOO eds, in light colors, and also 200 plain black suits, all in perfect condition, worth $12.50. dJiC Off For choice of 500 single and double tJjUeOO breasted styles for young and old men, blacks, blues and fancy mixtures, worth $15.00 to $20.00. dJO Off For choice of 700 Suits, extra quality, JOeOd serges, clays, unfinished worsteds, in gray and fancy patterns, single and double-breasted styles, worth $18.00 to $25.00. (Ml Off The finest grades, latest styles, im 100 ported materials, serges, Thibets, clays, unfinished worsteds, silk mixtures, black, gray, blue, every color that's new, also cassimeres, in checks and plaids, long cut coats, some full silk and satin lined; worth $22.50 to $30.00. (J Off For your unlimited choice of the tj) 1 0.00 . finest and best suit in the lot, elegant full silk or serge lined. The makers in America are here represented. Suits worth $25.00 to $40.00. There are also Duck Coats, Overcoats, Cravenettet, Blankets, Comforters, Suit Cases and Bags which we have not had time to mark and quote prices on. There are hundreds upon hundreds of items which we have not space to mention on this page. Better Come Tomorrow Better Come Early; But Better Come Late Than Never aPil wan i w RCCTI 'Z' J3)' From th Chicago Daily Record, June 11, METROPOLITAN LOSS NOT AS BIG AS REPORTED After the underwriters and adjusters had examined the store of the Metro politan Clothing- Company, Sixty-third ind Halstead streets today they re- nnrtjwt that tha flames were confined entliely to the upper floor of the estab-" lisnmeni. uii main rioor ana Mmmrai being- d&mag-ed only by smoke; and wa ter. When seen by the Record reporter Mr. Wynan, the president or the com- fiany, sal a tney were runy proieciea oy nsurance. and that they would collect . their Insurance and immediately order in a new stock. Mr. Wynan will also let the Insurance company sell or dis pose of the stock to the highest bidder. 6000 PAIRS PANTS No pen description can convey the immense variety of styles over 2,000 patterns to select from, sizes to fit everybody, 28 to 58 waist measure, 27 to 38 in seam y tor dark, medium ana VuO light Work Pants, cotton worsteds and all wool goods ; also Kentucky Jeans; some not in per fect condition. M OA For worsted, cassunere and Corduroy Pants, cassimeres and cheviots, all col- , ors, worth to $4.00, according to sizes and conditions. A For elegant wool also eyl0? union worsteds, worth to $5; also silk mixed worsteds, worth to $4, according to size and condition of goods. rfo A For extra fine quality baelblue serges or wor steds, all colors and styles, worth to $8, according to condition of garment and sizes of lots. $9 QO st 3ualltie8 of PaeO7 regular $5 and $8 Pants, in perfect condition. Q For choice of all !)JeUft Pants, all sizes, the very best that money can buy, worth to $10, in perfect condition. The pants stock is so vast and so many kinds and sizes are on hand that you can get anything you , want in the pants line. Sensational Bargains in the Shoe Department 1 Aft For sightly damaged Shoes, worth D1UU to $4, according to condition. d1 QC For Perfect condition $3.50 and $4 MO0 Shoes, all kinds and styles. , d0 AT For up to $5 values slightly cDaCeUD soiled Shoes. $9 9C For $3-50 and $4 pulverized calf and Pa&as&D seal grain Work Shoes. dQ r A For $5 Patent Leather Shoes, per- DaCeOU feet condition. (9 Qfi For 8 bench made Shoes, nothing PaW0 hurt but the boxes, which were scorched a little. V We have so many shoes that It is absolutely impossible to attempt to describe them, but they are mostly in good , .condition. .The worst damage to them is by water; Jrou will get them at a fourth, a third,; a half wha oth ers ask. - . . , READ THIS ENTIRE 1UIST FURNISHINGS FOR MEN Underwear, Shirts, Sox, Suspenders, Hand kerchiefs, etc 2 For slightly damaged Linen Handker chiefs, worth 10c. 3 For slightly soiled Sox, worth 10c. 5 For a lot of mismated Sox, some colors don't quite match; worth to 25c andSOc a pair. OFor Plain and Fancy 25c Sox. 12 For Plain and Fancy 25c and 50c 'Sox. Ill For 25c Wool Hose, slightly damp. 3 For water-jaded blue and red Handker chiefs, 10c grade. 19 For heavy Wool Sox, 50c grade. 10) For men s slightly soiled Underwear, regular 50c value; shirts only all fizes. 10t For men's blue and black 50c Work Shirts, slightly soiled. 5 Men's Canvas Gloves, in good condition 19 For Men's 50c Caps, outing styles, etc., good condition. 5 For soiled Suspenders, 25c grade. 19e For Men's 50c Suspenders. 1351 For Men's 75c to $1.00 Suspenders, in perfect condition. 19$ For Menfe White 50c Underwear, good condition. jk8f Men's perfect condition Overalls, bib and plain. 101 For men's good Canvas Gloves, gaunt let styles. 391 For men's perfect 75c Golf Shirts, 100 patterns. 50t For. men's slightly soiled $1 and $1.50 Shirts. 19 For men's 50c Neckwear, condition perfect. 39 For men's $1.00 Neckwear, condition perfect. 691 For $1.50 Mohair Front Shirts, perfect condition, collar attached. 98 For $2 and $2.50 Negligee Shirts, per fect condition. 45 For men's derby ribbed white Linen Underwear, all sizes, perfect condition, $1 value. 101 For damaged soiled Shirts, 10 dozen only. 451 For $1 Work Gloves, good condition 45 For $1 Outing Flannel Night Shirts $1.45 For $3 and $4 Silk Pongee Shirts. perfect condition. 35 For 75c Underwear, all sizes, perfect condition. It Is impossible to descries all the iwrtetlea. The stock Is all 1b salable oondltion and mostly perfect. Xy te supply to last for years. Hats for All the Men in Portland AH in good condition. For Men's Mexican Hats. 10c 39c 59c 98c $1.29 For $2'50 and $30 prf4ct Hats Cl Q For 3 00 latest stvle Hats, derbys, 0 1 U Fedoras, Telescopes, , etc . . - n QC For Men's $5.00 Hats, leading styles DsCeOD and colors, perfect condition. Do yout ; trading in "moniing if possible For genuine Panamette Hats, worth $1.00. For genuine Markabo Hats, perfect and cool, worth $1.50. . r J," ? For slightly soiled $2.50 and $3.00 Hats. ' v .v,'iyMiS THIRD AND THIRD AND BURNSIDB ; BURN SIDE Vf J Evcrv Article Guaranteed I nTTUTlk MM1lJi3) SATISFACTION or YOUR as Reoresented -R 11 RlLJPd U UJO MOWEY'BACK f : ... ' , , ... - -