The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 01, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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" v A llq vM preparation
for Face, Ifeck, Ann
and Hand.
U It la neither sticky
. ' norgreasy.
Emperor of jUpan Disbands Korean ; Army Soldiers
Clash With Japanese and Twenty-Eight of the
latter Are Injured.
HUKUI. b ItH hanmlaai, claan
mitA Mfraahiiiar.
jTiagllUllU Cannot be detected.
Two ooloraj Pink and
Use It morning, noon
and night, Summer,
Winter, Spring, Fall.
Lyon Manufacturing Co.,
44 S. Fifth St. Brooklyn, If. Y.
jVal ality
Utmost Activity Prevails in
Eastern Oregon Oil
and Gas Field.
Nothing Down More Than Two Hun
dred Feet as Yet Explosion of
Natural Gaa In Shallow Well
Blows Pump Out.
On the left Is Yi Hylung, emperor of Korea, who has been dethroned
after ruling the country 44 years. On the right Is the crown prince,
who has succeeded him. Below Is Count Hayasht, the real ruler
of the country. At the bottom Is the entrance tohe royal palace
' at Seoul.
(loorail BpMltl Barries.)
Tokio, Aug . 1. Ths emperor this morn
ing dissolved the Korean army as the
reeult of a secret agreement. The Ko
rean soldiers collided, and exchanged
fire with the Japanese, and 2$ of the
latter were Injured.
Count Hayashl, the representative of
Japan la now the real ruler of Korea,
and the disbanding of the native army
takes away the last remaining vestige
or inaepenaeni nationality.
Washington, Aug. 1. Forty Koreans
were Killed or wounded In a right wltn
the Japanese today, according to dis
patches received from United States
Consul General Sammona at Seoul. Hos
tilities grew out of the Koreans being
disarmed by the Japanese. Casualties
among the Japanese were slight.
The annual campmeetlng of the Evan
gelical association In progress at Jan.
Iilngs Lodge will come to a close to
night with a, lecture by Professor S. L.
Vmbach entitled "Palestine." Officers
of the association for the ensuing year
wt Lnupi-n yesterday as louowe:
President. Rev. O. W. Plummer of Al
bany; first vice-president, F. Bens,
Portland; second vice-president, T. M.
Fisher, Mllwaukle; secretary, O. A.
Ooode, Monmouth; treasurer, H. Berkl
tnler, Mllwaukle. The association voted
to sel) 3 acres of the original camp
ground tract and use the money to pay
off the mortgage on the property. It is
thought that the 9 acres will bring as
much as was paid for the entire I It
acres four years ago.
President Plummer announced that a
number of lots had been leaned In the
camping ground and that the lessees
would erect cottages at .once,
Ohio County Has Centennial.
(Journal SiwcUl Uerrlee.)
Ravenna, O., Aug. 1. Portage
nnnlv'l rantonnlfcl WAa tnAav
an outdoor oeieDration at uraqy
lake under the auspices of the Portage
Summit County association. Although
the county waa settled in 1797, the
county waa not oraanlzed until 1807.
Prevloua to that the entire western re
serve was called Portage county.
Bishop Goes to Isthmus.
(Journal Bpoelal Berries. )
New Tork. Aug. 1. Joseph B. Bishop,
the secretary of the Isthmian canal
commission, sailed for Panama today
on the steamer Punnottar Castle. The
transfer of the duties of the secretary
from Washington to the canal sone are
In consonance with the plan of change
in the administrative methods of the
Tsifbbors Got rooled.
"I was literally coughing myself to
death, and had become too weak to leave
my bed; and neighbors predicted that
I would never leave It alive; but yiey
got fooled, for thanks be to Ood, I was
Induced to try Dr. King's New Discov
ery. It took Just four one dollar bottles
to completely cure the cough and re-
Store me to good sound health." writes
Mrs, Eva Uncapher of Grovertown,
Stark Co., Ind. This King of cough and
cold cures, and healer of throat and
lungs, Is guaranteed by Red Cross Phar
macy. (0c and $1- Trial bottle free.
(Special DIpateD to The Journal)
Ontario, Or.. Aug. 1. A carload of
drilling machinery for the Oregon Oil A
Oas company has arrived from Akron,'
Ohio. C. W. Taylor, manager of the
company, states that this machinery Is
ror me wen io De sunn i rt
Idaho, and that a larger drill for the
well to be unk on Dr. Pogue'a place,
one mile east of this city, will arrive
in a few days.
Considerable Interest Is being taken
In Ontario by people from the outside
at present from the fact that this sec
tion is to be thoroughly tested regard
ing the oil and gas prospects. There
are several deep wells in Ontario and
I every one of them gives some indica
tions of oil or gas. None of these wells.
however, Is over 200 reel deep, ana u
Is confidently predicted that oil or
natural gas will be found at a depth
of less than :.000 or 3,000 feet In large
and paying quantities.
Th niimn was blown out of Charles
Atherlon s wen, a mne ana a nair west
of this city, by an explosion of natural
gas. The well la about 200 feet deep.
Board of Trade to Be Formed
Building Very Active
Park System.
BASOAI1T HO. 7 Women's
eiDow-iengin nne Lisle,
In white, black and model
Women s
rearular T6c value.
19-button length.
Quality, patent tip, Moui
quctalre Pure. 811k Gloves
In black. wMte and all
colors; regular $3 value.
pair S1.4S
elbow-length real kid,
in black, white and
colore: $3.60 quality,
pair S2.35
Parasols and Umbrellas recovered aad repaired,
factory on the premises.
Cleaning Up Parasols
Lennon's Get Acquaint
ed Sale Greatest
Parasol Bargains Ever
Offered In Portland
white Linens, also print
ed lawns; .regular SI
value i 49
BASOAXH jrO. 8 White
Linens, In plain, tucked
and scalloped; also black
and white effects I n
Wash Parasols; 11.50 and
$1.78 value 89
BABOAXir jro, a stylish
Parasols in linens and
fancies; $2.25 values
only SI. 10
BAXOAIV MO. 4 ftne
white linen Parasols;
hemstitched, tucked, and
embroidered, fine sticks,
flit tips; also full line
fancy colored silks: $2.60
wii5 airiiii
- Linens, fancy colored
Bilks, Pongees with col
ored silk borders; $3.25
and $3.50 values. .81.70
son's handsomest styles
In beautiful Parasols; IS
values ........... 82.35
Irrery Barasol la the
souse reduced to eost and
lewe la or4 te -clean p
Oar owr I
Mail orders especially solicited.
SM MORRISON ST Ofipoaltt Foatolfiea.
(Special Dlapatch to Tbe Joornal.
Butte Tails, Or., Aug. 1. The citlrens
of Butte Falls In mass meeting assem
bled have established a permanent pub
lic park Improvement committee, who
will at once set about beautifying the
park by fencing and seating it ana win
make It an attractive pleasure ground, j
At Die aume meetlnr thev took formal i
tens for the immediate organization of
r . . .... i . m .
a commercial ciud ana w iraua.
At the next session of the county
court the Judicial departent will be thor
oughly organised, wun o. o. rents as
The Pine Belt Banking company has
...,iv Aomnleterf a. twn-itarv structure
and will soon oe open ror can Ring uubi
m with O P. Jester as cashier.
The Hotel McMahon has been rebuilt
und thoroughly furnished. It is under
the management of McMahon Bros., who
are experienced uoiei suvn.
Building operations are going on In
every direction. The only drawback is
the lack of necessary materials of con
Already there are In Butte Falls sev
eral mercantile establishments, a meat
market, feed store, confectionery, a law
office, two dally stage lines with mail
from the east and west.
Manager Estes of the Pacific A East
ern railway with other capitalists, has
arrived and. occompanled by Mr. Hafer I
ana son oi ir.e luwa uanu cuuipnny.
und District Attorney Kearaes. is inves
tigating the vast timber resources here
(Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.)
Scappoose, Or., Aug. 1. At the last
school meeting here It was voted to
consolidate this district. No. 1. with the
one south of It, No. 9. G. T. Watts waa
eleate.l director. He is now at Seaside
and It is Id that as soon as he returns
the directors will immediately take up
the building of a new schoolhouee In the
south part of town. It will be a large
and modern building and the full high
school course will be taught. The other
directors are Mr. Collins and H. West,
The clerk Is M. J. Englert.
The town Is growing rapidly. There
are now three hotels and a restaurant
and all have all they can accommodate.
Ross & Mllloy opened a new store In
tne spring and are enjoying a fine trade.
The old firm of Watts & Price, which
has been in business 20 years, also has
a very large trade.
Dr. Flynn, who has a big practice, has
opened a first-class drug store here.
Seven-Jewel Elgin watch. 16 size, 20-
year case, .7. Meizger s. am vvasn.
Prinevllla, Or., Aug 1. The three-
year-old daughter of Oscar Cox of La
monta, received a very painful flesh
wound vesterdav from the accidental
discharge of a 23-calibre rifle in the
nana or ner oroxner. ine mu gin
waa playing on a bed with her feet In
the air and her brother, a lad of It,
was standing Just outside of the bedroom.
The gun was by some accident dis
charged, the ball passing through the
door and through the child's thigh with
out Injuring the bone. The little on
was. brought here for medical aid. It
la thought she will make a rapid re
Too many vacant rooms In a summer
hotel or boarding house Indicate that
the manager's advertising education hag
)ea neglected. - ,
Prices Have Been Cut With a Generous Hand
It will be impossible for you to shop at Roberta Bros, without getting bargain, and no person within trading distance of
Portland can make a mistake by coming here tomorrow and aelecting from Friday's Bargain List. Prices have been cut
to rock bottom. Here are mighty values that will stir the heart of every woman. Every price in this advertisement 1
positively the smallest ever asked for such highgrade merchandise. EVERY DEPARTMENT BRINGS FORWARD
WONDERFUL VALUES. Friday's great saving opportunities are altogether out of the ordinary. Come as early as you can
Specials in
Summer weights at lowered
prices is the story in our popular
ilosiery section tomorrow. There
is no stock in Portland more com
plete, more comprehensive and
more properly priced.
Friday You Can Buy
Women's Stockings
25c Values at 15 Another spe
cial purchase placed on sale to
morrow for the first time.
Women's Fancy Stockings, in
neat patterns of black lace, black
with silk dots, black with un
bleached feet, plain black and
nobby gray effects in dots and
figures; all are 2bc values. f
Choice Bargain Friday... IDC
Women's Stockings
60c and 75c Values, 3 Pairs for
1.00 Women's high grade
tockings in fine lisle lace, in a
large variety of patterns in all
over and boot styles, colors
black, tan and gray; excellent
values at 50c and 75c a pair.
Soeciallv oriced for Barrain Fri-
l . o
day at 3 pairs
Children's Stockings
35c Grades at 19 Children's
summer weight Stockings in fine
isle ribbed, all sues, in colors
black, tan, champagne, light blue,
pink, etc.; also fine black lisle
ace; our best selling numbers at
35c. Specially priced for one day
only, bargain Friday, i
A Parasol Bargain
$2.50 and $3.00 Values at f 1.19 A
special clearance sale tomorrow at
less than cost. Women's fine Para
sols of heavy -White Linen, trimmed
with fine Swiss embroidery nd in
sertion; also white silk Parasols,
neatly trimmed with checked borders,
regular $2.50 and $3.00 values; spe
cial to close, Bargain Fri- i f A
day at Pll7
Another Great Sale of
Men's Goods
This section is making a famous
reeord of special value giving this
season. Some tremendous purchases
direct from reliable makers, enable us
to offer the most seasonable and up-to-dats
grades of Men's Furnishings
at prices tnat are remarkably low.
Men's Negligee Shirts
Best $2.50 Values, f 1.98 A special
sale tomorrow of Men's Negligfee
Shirts, made with button down collar
and two button sleeve, full custom
made, merceriied to look like silk;
come in plain, white and tan; regu
lar $2.50 value, Bargain M tQ
Friday pl70
Men's Underwear
50c Value at SSe4 Special sale of
Men s Jean Drawers, made from good
grade Piperill Drill with elastic in
side seam, knit ribbed anklets, just
the garment for hot weather; sold ev
erywhere at 50cj our special OQ,
price Bargain Friday OiC
ose Supporters
Women s Elastic Hose support
ers, pln-on style, comes In all
the best colors; never before sold for
less than 25 cents each specially priced
for one day only Bargain A
Friday, at AC
Whisk Brooms
8 H -inch Whisk Brooms, mad
of fine quality straw, wall
made frames; sold everywhere at 20a
each. Our special price for one j A
day only Bargain Friday, at...."
Back Combs
Women's Rank- Combs, in pretty
mounted and plain styles, new
est shapes and mountings; regular SSo
and BOc value specially priced 4 Q.
Bargain Friday, at XWO
Splendid Bargains
in Domestics
Note Qualities Carefully Make
Comparisons if Xou Desire
Housefurnishing and Wash Goods bargains picked at
random from dozens of equally good values. They
are all best grades in staple goods needed every day
in the home. But we feel that never before was the
display so broad and so 'fine and so keenly interest
ing to every woman as it is just now. Make your pur
chases tomorrow and save In the buying.
Another Great Towel Bargain
Huok Towels Tri- 1
14x26 Inches DC XjELQH
Extra Good Values at 8 Each 200 dozen only to
sell at this price. White Huck Towels full 14 inches
wide and 26 inches long, excellent wearing quality
made with fast colored borders snd selvedge edges.
Barbers, hotel and rooming house keepers can save
money on this item usual 8c grade, on sale while C
they last Bargain Friday Only JC
Bleach'd Muslin
Best 10c Grade .8 36
inch full bleached Muslin
made of nice even thread,
nice soft finish, excellent
wearing quality; always
sold at 10c a yard; spe
cially priced Bargain O
Friday OC
Curtain Muslin
Best 10c Grade 14 40
inch white Curtain Mus
lin in a large assortment
of pretty striped patterns,
unusually good value at
10c yard; specially priced
Bargain Fn- It
day IC
Odd Curtains in White and Ecru
Values up to $2.25 a Pair Friday only, your OQ
choice at. each t)7C
Another Great Saving Opportunity Quite a large ship
ment of manufacturers' single Curtains arrived today
in time for Friday's sale. These single curtains are
extremely desirable for single windows, sash curtains,
glass doors, coast or country cottages, etc. They are
all this season's patterns in widths from 40 to 60 inches,
full 3 yards long. They come in both white and ecru;
some are slightly soiled, others are slightly imperfect;
all are extraordinary values at this extremely low OQ,
price, each C
Early Comers Will Secure Best Choice Come early.
Children's White Canvas Shoes with hand-
turned soles; also Black Kid Oxfords, hand
made; regular 75c and $1.00 grades; Q7
VI w
specially priced Bargain Friday at.
Tomorrow we place on sale a half dozen
styles of Misses' Oxfords in Black Vici Kid,
White Canvas and lan Vici; all sizes from
Syi to 2; best $1.50 values; special Bargain 77
Friday at IfC
f f Women's Kid and Canvas Oxfords, this
V V season s styles, in all sizes, lace and blu
cher cut, heavy and light soles; bestl AA
$2.00 values; special Bargain Friday at aplaUU
Wonder values in Women's Wash Turnover
and Embroidered Collars, this season's best
styles in a large variety of patterns: sold only
one half dozen lots and specially priced for OA,
rgain Friday at 6 collars for mUC
A LLOVER Embroideries
5,000 yards of Allover Embroideries from 22
to 24 inches- wide, made on fine sheer Swiss
and Lawn Cloth, new and up-to-date patterns:
not a yard in the lot worth less than $2.00; QQ
special Bargain Friday at .07C
Hundreds and hundreds of yards New Eng
land Wash Torchon Laces from 1 to 3 inches
wide, in an unlimited assortment of patterns;
one of the most wanted laces of the season; 5c O,
to 8c values. Bargain Friday, per yard IC
ILK Taffeta Ribbons
From Stf to 6 inches wide, extra heavy qual
ity in a full range of colors, including black
and white, suitable for sashes, bows, lumper
waists and millinery purposes; best 40c grade, OC
Bargain Friday at t,
WHITE Juniper Jackets
Cool, comfortable and stylish, new this
season; a very fortunate purchase
enables us to offer most extraor
dinary values. In the lot you'll find many handsome
effects in lace, linen, and batiste. Prices reduced
from..... 25 to 50 PER CENT
Women's Seal Grain Hand Bags, made with,
heavy riveted frames, good quality moire lin
ins:, fitted with inside coin purse, wtU fiO
worth $1.50; special Bargain Friday only... ....4OU
More Special Values in
Dress Goods
Great preparations have been made
for this week's sale. Hundreds of
yards of the newest, most up-to-date
and reliable fabnes of the season will
be offered at savings of from 25 to
40 per cent. Here are some of the
prices for Bargain Friday:
Wool Challies
39C Grade at 2528-inch Silk and
Wool Challies in a large assortment
of attractive Dresden and Persian
Patterns in rich colorings; also cream
grounds with neat Polka Dots, rings,
dainty figures, crescents, etc., in all
colors; a cool, soft fabric for summer
wear; best 39c grade; special- OC,
ly priced Bargain Friday at..)C
Summer Weight
Woolen Dress Goods
50c and 65c Grades, Friday at 38e
At this price you have choice of hun
dreds and hundreds of yards in all
the most fashionable weaves and col
ors. It is such values as these that
tell at a glance the cause of the enor
mous business we are doing.
50c and 65c Values
Friday Only at 38c
50-inch Chiffon Panama
38-inch All Wool Albatross
38-lnch All Wool Henrietta
36-inch All Wool Taffeta
36-inch Cream Bedford
36-inch Silk Lustre
2 Great Silk Barguins
AT 42 32-inch Plain American
Pongee, fully half silk, washable and
very durable; nothing quite so good
for all around wear; comes in nat
ural color only.
AT 25t 28-inch Fancy Pongee in
nobby weaves, fine finish, high lustre,
washable, half silk and half linen;
sold everywhere at 50c a yard.
Little Things
at Little Prices
But they're very big values. Why
pay more than these prices for Just
the things you need' It is a fact
pretty generally known in these parts
that this store can and does present
better Notion Values than any other
store in this vicinity.
Basting Cotton, 2 "pools for Bf
12c Ruled Tablets Sit
25c Box Paper 14f
5c Hooks and Eyes .....24
15c Hair Pins 9
5c Skirt Binding 3
6c Finishing Braid 4
50c Belt Buckle 3S
15c Dress Shields 9t
10c Toilet Paper.....
35c Scissors Off
Some closing out values in Women's
and Children's Summer Underwear
make the best of shopping tomorrow.
Come down, have a look, you'll be
surprised, pleasantly surprised.
Friday Yon Can Buy
Union Suits
$1.00 Values at 39a Special clear
ance tomorrow of Women's Fine
Lisle thread Union Suits in all styles,
high and low neck, short and long
sleeves; ankle ana knee length; all
are well made, nicely trimmed, oer-
fect fitting garments and are fully
worth regular price; most ail aizea
in each style; your choice while
they last, Bargain rnday
Sleeveless "V csts
20c Values at 8s About 150 dozen
women's fine white Cotton Vests
Swiss ribbed, sleeveless, nicely
mmmea yoke, cool and comfortable;
cua everywnere at k; our spe o
cial price Bargain Friday OC
Sleeveless Vests
SSc Values at 18 A specially re
duced price on the most wanted
vests. Women s fine summer weight
sleeveless vests, Swiss ribbed, made
of select white, cotton, with yox
trimmed with silk taoe. alt the; l.Uh
rradV trarments fullv worth J5c; spe
cially priced, Brffaui P --? If
day att.i..i""'" j
i T