The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 01, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Best Quality Hump Shell Side CombW
hooks Vn4 invisible reg. 12cS'f,VA"'
eyes, c6me:in black value,1 special " C
or white, regular 5c Fa ncy Hat Pins,'
the card,7 -" O . wjth ball top. worth
special ..s. . . ; . OC S5p eaxb, - f Q C ""'
Barf) Pearl 'Buttons, special .v. . . . ZDC
self shank, all sizes, Lace Edge Shelf Pa
card of i a per, white ahd ; col
one dozen . .1 UC ors, 10 Ql'
Shell Hair Pins, yards for ...... OC
large size, 3 on card, j Writing Paper, fancy
special,, i botf, worth , : OA '
the card ..... 1 UC 50c, special . . oVC
A good sized can of Toilet Water, Pin
Cupid Talcum Por- aud'a Sapho- make,
der, elifchtf ul and violet or carr Vjf
refreshing, s p e c i al nation, bot ,.)jC
for C T Hair Brushes, with
Friday ...... ... C solid 'back s, stiff
Woodbury" Facial bristles,
Cream, for tan and 85c value . . . .D3C
sunburn, 25c ; f T Carter's Writ- , o -
tube for ..... 1 C ing Inlc, bot. . .. OC
Imported Caatile 25cWhita Q
Soap, large 75c bar, Wove EnvelopefajC
genuine Italian Writing Paper, old
make, sp-- IA, Irish linen, Ai
cial Friday ..4"C 1 15c box for . . 1UC
Heal Estate Market Fas De
cidedly Actire Yesterday,
Blue Flame Oil Stoves to help
you do summer cooking in com
fort. One burner si7. worth
Ice cream freezers,
ice picks, ice
Notwithstanding Exccs
8lye HeatHeavy Dealing
shaves,. ice chip-
$3.25 for $2.60 ; a two 'burner size,
worth $5.00. for a
in Warehouse District.,
pers, lemon juice extractors and squeez
ers, window screens, garden hose and
lawn mowers all low priced.
Small one burner Oil Stoves, regular 60c value . .. .33
The two burner size, worth $1.00 $60
OH Stoves
Transfers filed for record yesterday
mounted clou to the 1180.000 mark. In-
dtoatl-T active market conditions 1 not
withstanding the-goaring temperature,
Several of the larger instruments filed
were-oa purchases by the Fidelity In
vestment company la the North Port
land warehouse district.
, Largest Transaction.'
The largest aale reported yesterday
was that of ths series of flats oocupy-
tng the northeast corner of Eighteenth
and ailsan streets. The property was
purchased by Misses Marie and urace
Roselter from Emily Beckman for
Another Important purchase closed
vitesieraay was mat or one ana one
f acres adjoining the site of the
ortiand lmrniture Manufacturing com
pany in Bbuth Portland, bought by that
concern for extension ' purposes. The
property belonged to Fred Jennlng and
was sold for St.MO.
John McBobert has purchased from
' . . . . . . n w r. 1 . I
jbrnest aiuuer a 101 ouxou, occupiea py
a small residence and located on Eigh
teenth street, near Northrup, considera
tion $4,000. ,
Beno & Ballls have sold to J. J.
Hawes a vacant lot on Lovejoy street,
between Twenty-third and Twenty
fourth streets for $3,600.
A number of east side resldencee have
chanced hands In the past day or two
at prices ranging from $2,000 to $4,000.
Bays Modern Home,
On East Twenty-eighth street', near
East Pine, Ivan Sorensen has purchased
from Christen Chrlstenaen a modern
two-story dwelling for $3,100. and on
Fremont street, near Union avenue. Con
rad Oittman paid $2,400 for a dwelling.
F. W. Torgler has sold to Jejmkt Bur
nett a lot on Concord Heights for $2,000.
J. Whvte Evans has closed another
- lease for a valuable inside corner, this
time taking over the quarter block at
the northeast corner of Fifth and Oli
san streets, which belongs to Rev.
George B. van Waters, for a period of
86 years. Under the contract. Mr. Evans
agrees to pay $300 a month for the prop,
crty for the first 10 years, and $400
if month for the remaining 26 years of
the lease Win. He also secures the
right to purchase the property for $60.
000 st any time during the first 10
years of the Ufa of the lease.
President of Mazamas So As
serts in ConnjBction with
Scaling of 3t. Jefferson.
In regard to the first ascent of Mount
Jefferson by Dr. iE. O. Smith, an ac
count of Whlcfc was published In yes
terday's Journal, M. C. Bholes, presi
dent of the Masamas, has the following
to way:
"The Mazamas have never claimed to
have been the first to scale that peak.
In our last bulletin was published as
complete a list of ascents as could then
be obtained, in which the first ascent
was credited to Farmer and Cross' of
Salem In 1888, Dr. Smith's ascent not
being Included because we had no knowU
edtre of It.
''One of the objects of the club is to
secure trustworthy information concern
ing the earliest ascents of the Oregon
and Watthlngton mountains. If Dr.
Smith 'can give pointers on mountain
climbing to anyone' the record of bis
exploits ought to be preserved In per
manent form, and if he will write an
authoritative account thereof, including
the particulars and data of his ascent
of Jefferson, we shall be glad to publish
It In our next bulletin, we desire his
torical accuracy, and credit to whom
credit )s due, far more than self-adulation,
and if this constitutes what the
doctor Is pleased to call a 'dude organis
ation' we are content to accept the
"We think, however, that we have
some good mountaineers in our club,
men of experience aud skill, who do not
fear to lead or follow anywhere-that a
goat can go. I have personal knowledge
of some ascents made by Masamas that'
would do credit to the best Alpine
guides, and I can say this with good
grace because I did not participate In
them. ,
"The Masamas have not yet found an
unascendable peak, nor do they expect
iu. uuiuunn mere are peaKS wnion may
on etueiy oiimDea Dy unsxiuea per-
STng in larire' names, and in our out.
goings we Invariably discountenance at
tempts on me part I novices which
appear to be fraught with too much
danger to life or limb. There la too
much knowledge and pleasure to be
f ainea irom an intimate association with
lie mountains within safe anil
able limits to JuBtlfy sacrificing life to
the mere whim of addlnar nlr (
pesK iu una s record. w ao not wear
giraies to tie scaips to. '
John sainpolis, character man with
the Bakqr Stock company last season,
has gone into bankruptcy at Boston.
Jaeger Brothers, of this city, who are
among the creditors, have been notified
to rue meir ciaim.
Mr. Sainpolis was regarded as one of
the best actors the Baker oompany ever
oio. m ciiareciw pans ne excelled and
as a leading man he made a favorable
Impression. Before the close of the
Bauer season ne ana miss Lillian Law
rence, leading woman; went to Boston,
where they were Interested in a sum
mer stock company. They were also
aid to be interested In a company at
X,ynn, nwownuBVLii.
Bainpolis and Miss Lawrence vwere
jointly imoresiea in several llnanclal
Barbers Scheme to Help Trade.
- (Journal SpecUl Service.) y
Bellefontalne, Ohio. Aug. K-2n accord.
ance with a mutual agreement reached
some time ago me Daroers or tnia olt
nrfnv raised the price of shaves to 1
cents. In order to prevent patrons from
Shaving themselves, the barbers have
decided to increase the price for boning
rasora rrom xo to ou cents.
when your child has a severe old. You
need not fear pneumonia or other pul
raMSarr diseases. Keep supplied with
(Oailsrd's Horehound Syrlp a positive
cure for colds, coughs, whooping cough
and bronchitis; Mrs. Hall of Sioux
Falls. S. D. writes: "I have used your
wonderful Ballard's Horehound Syrup
on my children-for Ave years. Its re
sults havs been wonderful. Sold by all
mm ay
Good Hammocks, h c
Even if you use this
hammock for only one
season or one trip,
you've had your
mojrey's worth in com
fort. Swing one on
your own porch, or
"ween the trees while
wv a en
camping. Have concealed spreader and sen reg
ularly at 65c, an open weave hammock
that gives very good wear, special . . .
Close Weave Hammocks, with pillow and con'
cealedjpreader, a splendid make that sells regu
larly at $1.25 each, a fine Friday
bargain 'at ,
Heavy Tapestry Couch Covers, fringed all round
and in handsome-oriental effects, a reg. dJ "f
$6.50 value, special Friday for De D
Same Cover in Lighter Weight,
regular $2.00 value, special . . .
Pillows, filled with live goose feathersaticl cov
ered with best satin finish ticking, reg.
$4.50 values, size 22x27 inches
saticl cov-
the Friday Hourly Shoe Sale
$2.75 Percale Wrappers 98c
JNeat House Uresses in a
marvelously good sale for
Friday; 18 dozen percale
wrappers in the best styles,
patterns and materials;
made in dainty designs that
appeal- irresistibly to the
women of good taste. Most
of them are in dark color;
the patterns are stripes, dots
and figures. Made with deep
flounce and trimmed wit::
pretty wash braid. The
greater part are $1.50 values,
but there are several worth
$2.25 and some worth $2.75.
Come early and take your
choice. Big table filled to
overflowing, AO
choice rOC
Women't Lingerie AO
Waists VOC
Another irresistible Waist
sale that takes in hundreds
of pretty wash waists. A
splendid range of patterns, and the values run to $6.50
each. About 200 for this Friday sale; early comers have a
great opportunity. A waist sale that will be a
surprise in good values
FROM 8 TO 9 A. M.
Women's Oxfords, in white
canvas and black kid; three
styles, plain and tip toe, turn
soles, medium heels, all
sizes, value $1.75,
White Canvas Cleaner, r
10c size . OC
FROM 9 TO 10 A. M.
Women's One-Strap House Slippers, made
with light flexible soles, medium opera heel
and dull kid bow or strap ; the most
popular kind; value $1.75, special
FROM 10 TO 11 A. M.
Women's Oxfords, Patent and Bright Kid,
made with medium extension soles, Goodyear
welt sewed. The patents have dull calf top.
One style in four buttons, another lace Rlu-
cher, and the kid one is also lac Blucher.
Three styles that are very nice, Aft
$3.00 grades M70
FROM 11 TO 12 A. M.
Women's Dress and Street Shoes and Ox
fords, made in many styles, with light weight
and extension soles; swing and straight lasts,
Button and lace. A large assortment of soft
kid and patents. Full height shoes and a
very large showing of dQ 1A
fine Oxfords, $5.00 vals.Jpj, 1 Jf
FROM 12 TO 1 P. M.
Men's Oxfords, kid, calf, rfA A
good styles, $3.50 vals. . .Pa.Ue7
Men's High -Cut Vacation Boots
Men's Fine Oxfords,
all leathers and
lasts; big showing;
values to f0 OA
$5, special tJ)Oe 07
FROM 1 TO 2 P. M.
Shoe Findings Bargainlzed
Men's and Women's Shoe
Trees, regular yf
$1.00 I DC
Black Shoe Dressing,
reg. 25c a bottle
White Canvas Clean- - Q
er, reg. 2oc bottle.... XajC
Regular 10c size , 5
Shoe Paste, any color, regular 10c 6
Bunion Pads, regular 50c 35
Foot Ease, regular 25c 15
FROM 2 TO 4 P. M.
Women's Highest Grade Oxfords This
hour covers most every style of Oxford
made, patents, kids, calfskins, suedes and
canvas, made in black and colors. Select any
style shown and you will be fitted in the
usual way. A splendid opportunity to make
a saving on fine footwear; values
to $6.00, special
FROM 4 TO 5 P. M.
Girls' Oxfords, in eight styles, embracing
button and lace, in heavy and light soles, pat
ent or kid leathers. Ve will select styles
that are most popular and of the quality that
brings them into the high grade class :
Sizes 6 to 8, reg. $1.75. . . .Jl.ltf
Sizes to 11, reg. $2.00. .81.29
Sizes 114 to 2, reg. $2.r.0. .$1.49
Sizes 2yi to 7, reg. $3.25.. 81.89
PROM 5 TO 6 P. M.
Boys' Shoes and Oxfords, in kid,
calf and English grain leather.
Made with good
quality of soles, light
weight uppers. BI .
cher and reg. cut.
Splendid footwear.
Sizes 9 to reg
ular $2.00 ...$1.39
Sizes 1 to 5y3, reg
ular $2.75 ...81.89
$4.00 Shirts $2.50 Each
Men's Negligee
Shirts, in Pleated
Golf Styles, a fa
mous shirt from-the
best shirt maker in
all America. Shirts
that have style, that
fit in the neck and
shoulders as does no
other ready made
shirt. Plenty of
styles and all sleeve
lengths ; they come
in white, tan or blue
and sell regularly
for $4.00 each, spe-
Friday . . $2.50
Same Shirt in $2.00 Grade 8L.35
Men's Outing Shirts, with soft collars and cuffs
attached, come in plain or fancy de- a a
signs, regularly 75c each, special tHC
Men's Outing Shirts, with soft attached collars
and cuffs, come in cream or tan, QA
regular 50c value e3aC
Men's Outing Shirts, with soft attached collars
and cuffs, come in tan, cream or blue,
$1.00 value
Dainty Cambric Drawers 57c
"The right sort of Hats for
wear at the beach, clever and
'smart affairs that vacation re-
sorters will find ample use for. Children's and
women's models, special at
Beach Hats
Untrimmed Shapes, very de-
sirabje styles and shapes in
Untrimmed Hats selling
Friday for
each ". .'
m mv
Women's Trimmed Hats,
the most clever productions
of our own skilled workers,
woi-th to $7.50 each,
special Friday
Sale Boys' Underwear
Boys' Balbriggan Shirts and
Drawers, in natural or Egyptian
color, extra well made and
trimmed. The drawers have
double seat. This is an odd lot
accumulated from the season's
busy selling. Five different lines
of 50c goods. Friday they will
be three garments QC
for 81.00 or, each a)DC
Joys' Shirts and Drawers, in good
quality balbriggan, gray or ecru;
full size garment 34 to 24 special,
three, for 50 or, 19c
Boys' Ribbed Shirts and Drawers;
shirts have long or short sleeves,
drawers knee or ankle length. They
are 35c values, sizes 24 to 34; Fri
day four garments
for 81.00 or, each' . . . . ,
Made of very pretty sheer carhbric,
trimmed with a deep flounce of sheer
white lawn, and in addition, finished
with cluster of four tucks and em
broidery edging. They sell
regularly for 85c, special
Children's White Dresses, made of
white lawn, linen, organdie and Swiss,
and come in plain or elaborately
trimmed styles. The trimmings are
the prettiest imaginable patterns in
lace or embroidery, and this sale takes
in our entire stock of white, dresses for
little misses from 6 to 14 years of age.
The regular prices range all the way
from $1.25 up to ?20.00 each, spe
cial for Friday One-third Less. . .
In the Art Department Cushion Slips
with plain backs and stamped iand
tinted tops. The stamped designs are
the flags of various nations; these are
50c values, special
Seasonable Reductions for Friday
Ofl-j. -w14 I u We have over 20 sizes and styles to
llQlCil)rS choose from and every one in stock is
2J reduced in price now. Here are three
samples of how they will sell Friday; Refrigerators worth $25.20 sell
for 820.25, Refrigerators worth $22.20 for $17.75 and d nr
the regular $8.00 value, special at OQ f O
Going to the
beach ? If
you are you
Bathing Stockings
need stockings to wear with your bathing suit. Something
heavy enough for good wear, and something fine enough
for good looks, and above all you need a fast dye. We art
putting on a special lot for Friday. Stockings that are
especially suitable for bathing wear. .They are, Hermsdorf
dye, that's a guarantee they are fast. They are medium
weight, and they are one of the best 35c hose we have in
the store. Some of them have extra size. tops and they
come in all sizes from to 10; s OCj,
special for Friday .... aWUC
When Blgnor De Caprlo" suggested considered most suitable for all con
that request be sent In for favorite
numbers for the park concerts he hard
ly believed that the proposition would
be ao readily ; accepted. So many re-
?uests have been received already that
hey -would serve to make up programs
to the end of the season, despite the
fact that many requests are for the
same compositions. That there are
many musical people here having a
taste for high-class music la proven by
me cnaracter 01 tne pieces aetecieo.
A number of requests, for Instance.
have been received for Tschaikowsky's
Jxand composition, "1812," only per
ormed here once before by one of the
large visiting bands. Signor De Caprlo
will put it on a Sunday program in the
hear future. The X'Slave" march, by
Tsohalkowsky. was ' played by request
at the City park last Sunday and at
tracted the ' attention of the musical
people, especially. A few requests have
coma In for numbers impossible to ob
tain here alKpresentr-eiome of them
have not been arranged for either or
chestra or band, and the scores of others
would have to be sent for, which the
rner season will not warrant. - sia-nor
De Caprlo, however, says he . will use
every endeavor . to 'Comply with1 the
wishes 01 an who indicate an interest
Last night's concert at the Plaza was
largely attended, despite the thunder
storm, and those present were well re
warded, fcecause the program was well
rendered. Signor De Caprlo's baritone
solo. "Rooked In the Cradle of the
Deep," elicited a demand for two en
Tontaht the following program wUl
be rendered at Holladay park, commenc
Ing at S o'clock: , .
Grand March. "The Prophet" (by re
quest) Meyerbeer
Overture, "The Beautiful Galatea"..
"A Garden Matinee" iTimi
Invitation a la Valse (request) . .Weber
Selection, "The Burgomaster" Luder
"Fackeltuns." in B flat Meyerbeer
"Escamllla Habanera" : . . Bedla
Baritone solo, "Schubert Serenade'
tby request) ... ecnuDert
Sicnor De Caprlo.
Selection. "King Dodo" ...oLuder
The cewooy ratroi '. ...... .ouning-ion
A. De caprlo, director.
named by ex-Mayor Schmlts was
brought Into the courts when Presiding
Judge Coffey, on application of W. B.
Kollmyer, on behalf of the Taylor ap
pointees, issued a temporary restrain
ing order to prevent the Schmlts board
from making any move toward assum
ing office.
At 10 o'clock this morning a trolley
wire on Washington street broke Just
as Portland Heights car number 460 was
passing: At the time the street was
crowded with automobiles and pedes
trlans. Quick footwork alone on the
partjOf-the pedestrians saved their lives.
The dangling wires ,were cut, and be
fore the repair crew arrived cars on
Washington street were running at reg'
ular schedule.
' Preferred Stock Canned Oooda,
Allen 4k Lewis' Best Brand.
Heart Failure and Drowning.
Vancouver. B. C Aur. 1. While hath-
Inr in False creek John Lofts, a dining
car waiter, waa drowned. It Ts sup
posed heart failure preceded drowning.
Sennit Board Enjoined.
Journal Specie! Service.)
SaihlTrannUnA Auf. 1. The issue be-
In musle and will still receive reauasts. I ttn th hnard of sunervlsors aoooint-
since ha has decided to choose those ad by Mayor Taylor and the rival board
Huatlag for Trouble. ,
"I've lived in California 20 years, and
am' still huntlna for trouble In the way.
or Durns, vsores, wounds, dous, cuts,
sprains or a. case of piles that Buck
Jen's Arnica Salve won't quickly cure."
Writes Charles v alters of Alleghany,
Sierra Co. No use hunting Mr. Wal
ters; it curea or money refunded at Red
Cross Pharmacy. 26c
Ei A. Lynds, In charge of the con
struction of the Masdnlc hall building
at West Park and Alder streets, sur
rendered himself at police headquar
ters upon learning that a war
rant had been , Issued for his ar
rest for falling to construct a covered
walk around the structure in question.
Lynda was released on his own recog
nisance and appeared In court this
T. Jepperseh and " A. J. Pike were
taken into oustody at the new Roth
child building. Fourth and Washington
streets, by Patrolman O'Brien, on war
wants charging them with the same of
fense, issued upon complaint of Sam
Howard, a Fourth street barber. They
were released on deposit of 1100 cash
ball apiece. In the justice court this
morning the cases went over until
August 5.
There is apparently a disposition on
the part of builders to ignore the pro
visions of the ordinance requiring them
to construct covered ways as soon as
the building reaches to the second story
and the police are determined to en
force strictly the law so that pedes
trians can pass in safety, on the sidewalks.
Mustang Liniment
aoes qulokly t tha
vary ear aftha
dlaaaaa and ateps
the most deep-sat.
exoruolatlng pain
almost Instantly.
Evidences of a prehistoric age. when
the sea covered the whole of what is
how Oregon county, were discovered
by Fre4 .O, , tvoaderv of thia city, who
has returned from a hunting trip in the
Nehalem mountains. He found countless
petrified clams burled 1.20 feet below
the surface of toe earth.
The clams were found In countless
numbers in the great cut near Buckston
that Is being dug by the builders of the
Nehalem railroad. i,Tbe - sand belt in
which the clams ar found Is 1,280 feet
below the surface of the mountain
through Which the cut la being made.
The clams are the kind that ia known
a aand clams And care found along tha
Mustang Liniment;
Curat tvary all meal ,
af Matter Baaat
' Liniment ea ewre, ,
an so oeed.
entire Oregon coast
pietely petrified.
They are com-
n Police Chief Reelgns.
' ' Joerar Special UnUm.- -Salt
Lake, Utah, Amr. l.r' ' '
Dniix nu.M Khi-.t. iin,fr in
for conspiring with ewlndiTs,
4Ulnspriaga. JI, Wether's. U2 Was