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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY- JOURNAL', PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST I, 180ft , , TIMBER..' WE ARB STILL IN A POSITION TO local aaveral nartlaa nn nllruil mAm ! ?uth,rn Oregon, cruising bettsr than'; 4,000.000 feet per quarter section: for "PERSONAL. conA5nd look Into this nronosltlon. if L TWw i . ' , . W ' juu nan never -Douinc anv lanna renm ; the com pan r heretofore: remember this aoea not interfere witn any or your - other rights, call and get (all partiou HOWSB A MILLER, 6 th at. Open evenings. Phone Main f IRK. TIMBER LANDSC ; Intending purohassra desiring to be located upon Unda with heavy timber in the land grant of the Oregon A California railroad In southern Oregon can aecure the aam by acting quickly. Locate f;ee Including all necessary at tornsy's fees are reasonable. Address J. E. Verdln. Grants Pass. Or.' 1 LOOKING FORTIMBERT ' We offer you every advantage through our system of expert examinations which enables you to determine the suit ability of a tract without apendlng time or money. If ourjreneral report Indi cates that we hmya what you want our, estimates by two and a half acres are aaslly verified. ' TRT THB LACET WAT ( JAMES D. LACET A CO., 128 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 807 Lumber Exchange, aeatue. CHRONIC, NERVOUS AND SPECIAL diseases of men and women cured by modern sclentlflo methods; electric treat- ment for diseases or ins prorata; con I ' a . . sr - wa v. . . a I mating tender to the company and fll-d sulfation free. lr. w. . nowaro, worn V!ng papers in the clerk's of floe after- motiwealth bids-.. 6th st., cor. Pine. iV?"(v location. Including all attorney MRS'.""' OBROCKT vJRADUATB MAfl- TlSav we charge th- ,um of ,. , Now 1.. . r 'hi;., ha I h I alowi alcnh..l I - atauM , nDMBlVi sM I'M I Tan HMbTL I I CLAIlt VOT ANTS AND ' FAL&IISTi rub. cream massage; references. Seventh st. Main 43. bUClbltfd CHOONO, 1MP6Ri'ER CHl - neae root medicines; sells Chinese tea, certain ours for all diseases. Ill Id st, between Yamhill and Taylor. ftlRktSW BATHS, . .09 OREGONIANf bldg.: ladles days, gentlemen nights. Main jd. SUItS Pressed wiMle TtoxJ WAff. ' tOo, Ladles' skirts pressed, 88a Gil bert,. loH Sixth st, next to Quell. fnone Mam zvss. baLM ot tm tdn aLL female diseases., tit E. Belmont Phone East 4014. Always Consult ths Beat. Greatest living astral dead-tranca clair voyant of the age; adviser on business ana all anal re or '",',!"',J'""'1'"" - m w. wn.. MmA . fnr. wham you will marry, how to control the one you love, even mougn mu unites the separated; fives secret pow ers to control does all others to do. Hours 10 to k dally and Sunday. 252 Washington at Phone Mln 17, Mrs. Palmer v The World Wonder . Oalmlat and PsVcholoaTlBt. ' She reads your life with unerring sight X IN. ca mi., roruanu, Prophetess TIMBER LA NDSBOUOHT AND SOLD to timber buyers only; we have a few Choice tracts for sale which we own. Have detailed estimates by forties. O. P. Sanbourn A Co.. 401-2-1 Buchanan Mag. 112,600 BUYS HALF INTEREST IN sawmills-dally capacity of mill 20, 000: 18.000.000 feet timber: 6 head horigriogglng outfit etc.; 160 per day "roflts, which can be Increased; best reasons for wanting partner: 17,630 cash, balance payments. C. C Shay, wain l4. sot Aoingtoti Diag. FOR FARM AND TIMBER LAND SEE Dlllard and Clayton.. Roseburg. Or. RAILROAD TIMBER LANDS CAN BE had by applying to us at either of our Offices; charges reasonable. Ml, Hcott Real Estate Co., Ients, Or., and 288 E. Morrison. Phone Hcott ZZM. DR.' T1. ,J. 'Pl'EhCfc. SPECIALIST. DlS eases of women; all Irregularities cor rected; no exposure; medicine by mafl. Office 181 1st st. corner Yamhill. Port land. Or. YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE gives electrical, alcoholic and medi cated treatmenta, also tub .baths. 41 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington sts. MISS LE ROY. 2 ills ALDER ST., room 4; massage and magnetic treatment LADIES DR. SANDERSON'S COT Savin and Cotton Root Pills are the only sure remedy for delayed periods; Dy man iz per dox. vr. fierce, ii ist miss Ethel ward treats suc- ceeafully corns, bunions and Ingrown toenails; she also manicures. Room 16, 361 H Morrison st. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day, week and month; special rates to Business nouses, vtn ana Hawinorne. East 7. , HARNESS AND SADDLERY. KELLER Harness Co.. 40 N. th st. GOOD DRIVING HORSE FOR SALE cheap. FOR No. 1038 Mallory ave. SALE FOUR SPAN HORSES. five and seven years; good workers 1004 Mllwaukle st. GOOD TflORSE FARM WAGON, cheap. E. 21st and Division sts. FOR SALE 1.400-POUND HORSE. young and sound; would take smaller horse as part pay. Inquire at '415 E. nth, cor. Grant, For sale horse, buggy and harness. Inquire 268 Front st. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. HILLSDALE DAIRY FARM. MIL waukle. Or.; J. A. Zimmerman, pro prietor; dealer In blooded stock; full blooded Jerseys a specialty. Two reg istered full-blooded Jersey bulls for sale. FRESH COWS. E. Z. BROS. LENTS. 6 blocks of car station. JERSEY COW. HEIFER CALF, BIG milker, and email family Jersey, fresh, 40. 17 Belmont. Ewwt 5H5 LADIES! ASk YOUR DRUGGIST F6tt Chichester Plus, ths Diamond Brand. For S5 years known as best, safest Always reliable. Tske no other. Chl chesters Diamond Brand Tills are sold by druggists everywhere. MADAM VA8HTI VAPOR AND TUB baths, massage, alcohol rubs; 101 H d st LADIES! DR. HX FRANCO'S COM pound; safe, speedy regulator; 25 centa, druggists or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco, Philadelphia. Pa, LADIES. TF YOU AR"E UNEASY about yourself; if your condition of health is not what It ought to be, con sult Dr. Isabelle Mackle. She has helped others, she win surely help you. She treats by natural methods. Room 10, 850U Mihrrlson st. Phone Main 73Z0. MISS oiBSON GIVES SCALP TREAT mentf dandruff. 268 Morrison st, room 62. Viola Marshfleld. irlt medium, 16IV4 Unrrlam ait (VticftnTr m BESf lT WILL PROVE CHEAPEST TN THE END. FREE TEST! - FREE TEST! A Take this advertisement to PROF. D. NIBLO, 101 hi Washington St. WAV ANDREWS. CARD READER. X 225 Main St.. 25c. Phone Main 7548. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS JOHN A. MELTON, 204 4TH ST-OF-flce and store fixtures built and re modeled ; showcases and counters. Phone Main 1787. STORE (T 1st st E. MfcLtON OFFICE. turss: reneral Jobbing. Phone Main 210 Hbitsfi MOVING AND GENERAL RE- paliing; foundation ana carpenienn. 10)2 E. Caruthers. Tabor 20. CHIROPRACTORS U M. GORPON, D. C. SCIENTIFIC nlnal aiuatmentL acute and ChronlO diseases; hours 10 to II. I io t, 10 s. 86-87 Raleigh bldg. MONEY TO LOAN DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. W.M.MILLER. V. S VETERINARIAN. 28 N. 8th at Phone Main uo. All branches of the science. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL for horses end dogs. 281 Gllsan at Phone Main 1484. DR. C. E. BROWN. V. C. M. DOGS and horse hospital. 108 N. th su (Main 4086). ATTORNEYS PIGOOTT. FINCH A BIOGER, ATTOR neys at law, 4 Mulkey bldg., corner 2d and Morrison sts. ASSAYERS WELLS ft PROEBSTEL. MTNINO EN glneers, metallurgists and asaayers, 204 V, Washington st GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Asssy Office. risen st. 186 Mor- ART FRJE LESSONS IN Embi ildery Every Day. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP, 282 Washington St A BERGE8' ART STUDIO. 644 V. Washington st High grade oil paint ings In landscapes and portraits made to order. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records; Stelnwav (and other) planoe, Shemran. Clay ft Co., 6th and MurrUon sts.. opp. postofflca. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BARGAINS STEEL RANGES, stoves, iron beds, springs, mattresses, tables, chairs, dressers, cheffenlers, car pets and linoleums, new and good as new, at lowest prices. Come and see us; It will pay you; your goods taken In exchange. Fox ft Brower. 82 N. 2d. Phone Main 2111. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE SURE cure for rheumatism. Bold by all druggists. FOR SALE ONE HOTEL RANGE. Inquire 271 1st st ARCHITECTS ERNST KRONER. ARCHITECT Plans and specifications; also building superintendence. J. HEFTY, ARCHITECT. LUMBER W. DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKER FROM SAN FRAN clsco wishes a few mors customers; alteration work neatly done. 284 2d at Phone Paclflo 806. MRS VAUGHAN'd DRESSMAKING parlors: good work at reasonable prices. 892 H East Burnslde st Phone East 6217. MADAME ANGELES 242 FIFTH. PA clflc 82. flxCtSI K2NET MONEY MONEY flSSi yKr MONEY MONK T MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY baia.ix iAJANH ON PLAIN NOTES. MT 19 TO 1100. A BSOLI ITKI ,T Vfl BBT'TIDtTV ' L0WE8T RATES BASIE8TPAYMENTS WILOj CONVINCK YOU. RKMKMBER. IF YOU WORK. WE'WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASKT RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTY. STATE SECURITY CO.. 704 DEKUM BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. WED. AND SATURDAY TILL 8 P. M. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY INDUSTRIAL. MlNlNG, RAILROAD and timber propositions of merit financed: loans negotiated: atocka and bonds bought and sold on strictly com mission Dasis. companies Incorporated and organised. Bond issues prepared and marketed. Our brokerage depart ment offers the best facilities for mak ing safe and profitable Investments, and is ths qulcseat medium for financing good propositions. Oregon Realty Co., ujte 8-9, 262 Washington st. Phone Main 7620. Portland, Or. MONEY TO IX) AN On Improved city property or for build ing purposes, for from 2 to 10 veers' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years. ' Loans ap proved from plans ana money advanced as building progresses; mortgagee taken up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent 242 Stark st. CONFIDENTIAL EOANg OTJ BTTT arles. Insurance oollclea. msnos. fur niture, warehouse receipts, etc.; any de serving person mar secure a liberal ad vance, repaying Dy easy weekly or monthly Installments NEW ERA LOAN ft MORTGAGE COM PANY. 205 Ablngton Bldg UNCLE MEYER 8' LOAN OFFICE. 142 Id st, near Alder, established 1870; old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, diamonds. Jewelry and sealskins. BANKS. nNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREOOH. , 1 7 "Transacts a General' Banking Business. DRAFTS ISSTTKD Available rs All atles of the United States andaEurope. Honxkonc and Manila. Collections made on Favorable Terms. r i. u j,lS2nLii J- C A INS WORTH I Cashier R. VT. CHMEER Vice-President r. tjba BARNES Assistant cashier , ,VT,. A HOLT Asslatsnt Cashier... A. M. wr.IGHT ' -- LADD A TILTON, BANKERS -Portland, Oregon. Established UW- , W. M. LADD. C E. LADD. J. W. LADD. - Trasaaot a n ...... i r.t.(- mOTuni vivy nr.PARTllInTi Savings books issued on savings deposits. Interest paid on tlms deposits. J. FRANK WATSON. .President I R. L. DURHAM TlcePrsWe R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HO YT. .Assistant Chlsf S. C. CATCHING Second Assistant Csshler Trsnsacta a General Banking Business. Drafts and Letters of Credit Isstjea Jtvanaoie to All Farts of the worw. collections a epeoiajiy, THE jb'aNK OF CALIFORNIA Established 1864. Head Office. an lnclsojv Capital paid up, ....$4,000,000 I Surplus and undivided proflts l.ltl,ITl uenersi ManKlnr ana Bxcnance Business Transaoiso. Deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts msy be opened of 110 and P- V, VA Pa,..J Tmmm ThamKai tt PotT imtMa Building. Wf. R. MACREA Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL. . . -Aas't Managef FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland. Or. Oldest National Bank on Pactflo Coast CAPITAL AND HtTRPLTTH. 11.500.000.00. DEPOSITS. A. L, MTLTJI J. W. NEWKIRK. , ..President I W. C A LVORD. ... .Assistant 'Vnwr Cashier B. F. STEVENS. .Second Ass't Cashier TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON Ths Oldest Trust Company in Oregon. RESOtmCES OVER 12.100.000. General Banking. Two i per ent Interest on cheek accounts levsn hundreds) on dally balances of 1500 or over. Letters of credit and exchange on all parts of hs world. BavinM ac counts. Time certificates. I to 4 per csnt; short-call special certificates. 6M r jver. 2H to 4 per cent. Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS. Southeast Corner Third and Oak Sts. Phone Private Exchange BENJ. I. row PiaMant 1 H. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretsrr I J. O. OOLTRA. .. .Assistant Secretary ECURITT SAVINGS A TRUST Ca 266 MorHson Stjreet Portlsnd. Oregon. Transacts a General Banking Business. SAVINGS DEPAR TMENT Jntsr. est allowed on Time and Savings Accounts. Acts as Trustee ttvrKntAfm. Drafts and Letters of Credit Available on Ml Parts of the World F. ADAMS President I L. A. LF?W 18 First Vlev-Pijsldent . U MILLS... Second Vice-President R. C JUBITZ Sewstary GEO. E. RUSSELL Assistant Secretary ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES M. J. WALSH CO.. 811 STARK ST., Electrlo snd Gas Fixtures and Supplies, Mantels, Tiling. Grates and oogirons. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. ENGI neers, contractors, repairers, electrlo wiring, supplies. 94 1st. cor. Stark. Main 6B9. R. H.Tate. Mgr. WESTERN' ELECTRIC WORKS, t 6th st Contractors, electric supplies. motors snd dynamos; we Install light snd power plants. MORRISON ELECTRIC CCv mOney" advanced SaLarIed pb!6- ple and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 60 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN. 222 Ablngton Bldg. 106 H 2d st CASH ON HAND F.OR PURCHASE money, mortgages, bonds for deeds or contracts of sale on real estate, either country or city property. H. B Noble, Commercial blk. 2d and Washington. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEO ple Just on your own name; don't borrow until you aee me; my system Is the best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employes; business strictly confidential. F. A. Newton, 611 Buchanan bldg., 284 Washington. TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRU8T COMPANY 240 Washington Street MORTGAGE LOANS ON Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rate. Title Insured. Abstracts Furnished. ' J. THORBTTRN ROSS President JNO. B. AITCHISON Secretary GEORGE H. HILL Vice-President T. T. BURKHART Treasurer BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. WILL LOAN $8,000, 6 PER CENT. ON real estate. Partington. 212 Fenton biag. M ORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Commerce Building. Municipal. Railroad snd Public Service Corporation Bonds. OWNING-HOPKINS COMPANY Established 1892 BROKERS. 8TOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin. Private Wires- ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main 27. D' (Members Chicago Board of Trade.) L. near waamngtoa. AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Continuous Markets by Private Wire, Quick Service. Qverbeck & Cooke Companyl ifiSlgfa't GRAIN. PROVISIONS. COTTON. STOCKS AN GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. MONEY" TO LOAN; LARGE LOANS specialty: also building loans; lowest rates: fire insurance. . William G. Beck. 212 Falling bldg. Morrison st. Fixtures. pairing. East 2128. FAIRBANKS, wiring. re- dynamos. Stark'Sta. , MORSE MOTORS AND A. C. and D. C. 1st and Exchange, room 423. ACCORDION DRESS PLEATING MISS O. GOULD. 517 8 WETLAND bid-. Accordion pleating and buttons covered. AUTOMOBILES SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES, NEW and second-band. Carlson ft Kall strom. 2S9 Couch st. FREE FOR EVERYBODY RING UP Main 4290 or call 212 Front st We buy snd sell furniture, clothing or any old thing. BUY FROM THE SECOND HAND store where your credit is good. 225 1st st. Paclflo 1970. BUY LAWN SWINGS, lawn seats. 630 ROSE CITY baby swings, or Washington st. SHINGLES LARGE OR SMALL LOTS. The noted Port Orford cedar in stock. Call and see them. & E. Gilbert 114 Front. Philippine relics, spears, bo- los,- knives, brasses at Beauregard's, 460 V Washington st. 100 LAYING HEN8. 60 PULLETS; registered Jersey. House and acreage to rent. Woodstock car, 86 Holgate. WHITE SEWING MACHINE TWO wheels, lady's and ' gentleman's; for particulars call 395 2nd, cor. Harrison. HOWARD M. COVET. Aarent Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobiles, CadlDao and Knox Temporary location Club Garage. 16th and Alder sts. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS ft KILHAM, 10ff-lll 2D st Blank books manufactured: agents for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf, ths best on ths market. EDUCATIONAL BEHNKE-WALKEK BU8INESS COL LEGE, Elks' Building. Portland. Oregon. Chartler shorthand and Bliss book keeping as taught in the Behnke-Walker will lead you to success. Facts. 737 calls for help and placed 311 since Aug. 1. Will place you when competent En roll now. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. Tenth and Morrison. A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL.B.. PRINCIPAL. Open all the year. Private or class In struction. Position certain when comna tent All modern methods of bookkeep ing taught; also correspondence, rapid calculations, office work. Chartler short hand; easy, rapid, legible. Catalogue free. QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES. 8. W. King, 46 Washington bldg. Main 6100. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS of security. William Holl. room 9, ttldg. Washington TO LOAN SUMS TO SUIT ON CHAT tel security. R. A. Frame. 614 the Marqnam. A LOAN FOR THE ASKING 8ALARY or chattel. bldg. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum MONEY TO LOAN IN $500 TO 16.000. Charleson ft Co.. Commercial Phone racino ii. DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY until you see Button Credit Ca 612 Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED city property or for building pur poses. Columbia Life ft Trust Co., 214 Lumper isxenange tiag. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Washington and 10th sts. Flledner bldg. Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting and all English branches taught both any ana mgnt. LOANS TO STEADY WORKING PEO- ple without security; no publicity; no filing of papers: lowest rates; easy Installments. Landlgan Investment Co., 184 Bherman, South Portland LEAVING PORTLAND. Shsata Express 8:16 a. ra. Cottage Grove Passenger . 4:15 p. m. California Express 7:46 p. m. San Francisco Express ....11:30 p. m. WEST SIDE. Corvallls Passenger 7:00 s. m. Sheridan Passenger 4:10 p. m. Forest Grove Passenger ..11:00 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger . 6:20 p. m. Southern Paclflo. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Oregon Express 7:36 a. m. Cottage Grove Passenger. .11:00 a. m. Bhasta Express .. 7:10 p. m. fortiana nixpress WEST SIDE. Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger . . . . Forest Grove Passenger. Forest Grove Passenger. .11:30 p. m. . 6:65 p. m. .10:20 a. m. . 1:00 a. m. . 2:60 p. m . Northern Pacific. Tacoma and Seattle Exp 8:80 a. m. North Coast & Chicago Lim. 2:00 p. m. Puget Sound Limited 4:30 p. m. Overland Express 11:45 p. m. North Coast Limited 7:00 a. n. Portland Express 4:15 p. m. Overland Express 8:15 p. m. Puget Bound Limited 10:55 p. m. Local Passenger Chicago-Portland Special Spokane Flyer Kan. City ft Chi. Exp. . . Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. 8:00 a. m. Spokane Flyer 8:00 a. m. 8:20 a. m. Chi.. Kan. City ft Port. Ex.. 9:46 a. m . 7:00 p. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:20 p, m. 7:40 p. m. Local Passenger 6:46 p. m. Astoria & Columbia River. Astoria and Seaside Exp 8:00 a. m. Astoria ft Seaside Express. 6:00 p. m. saM Rneclal 2:10 p. m. Dally epJ3jinday. Astoria A Port. Passenger. 13:10 p. m. Portland Express ......... .10:00 p. m. 'Saturday only. All other trains dally. SAFES MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. chattel mortgages or personal se curity; notes bought C W. Pailett. 204 Fenton bldg. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES BJTCHER8' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Dekum, 131-113 1st St., carries a full line and c .iplete assortment at lowest market prices. S. BERKENWALD ft Ca. 804-806 EV erett st, largest butcher supply house on the coast, write for catalogue. CLEANING AND DYEING FOR SALE COUPON GOOD FOR $4) on any piano or organ In Reed-French store.' Will accept best offer, no matter now small. F-453, Journal FOR SALE 28x50 J. I. CASE 8EPAR- .- -Alt 4aAf1n- nrUil n L- A - lit ius duii i uou ' f n I llu Diatnci AV horse Russell engine; all ready for im- use. rea u. comey, uresuam. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 809 Stark st H W. TURNER, DYER CARPETS dyed a specialty, boa jenerson st. Main 2513. CLEANING. PRESSING HERE IT IS! and dyeing done Washington st. by experts. 648 F. THOMAS. FEATHERS AND feather boas cleaned, curled and dyed: work called for and delivered. 754 Water at, Portland, Or. Phone Main 2376. fsw mediate i Nicely FOR SALE. furnished four-room houseboat: suitable for summer home. Call before Sunday; east end of Madison bridge. H. G. HAMILTON. Tel. E. 6214. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE EXCHANGE LARGE STORE BUILIV lng, splendid for general store, good valley town, would exchange for stock of goods and rent back, or take farm or city property. Owner H-463. Journah fTJon eqijJty in housr and lOt In Sunnyslda. Address E-453. Journal. CHIROPODISTS JOHN GARTNER HARD AND SOFT corns, callous removed without pain; Ingrown nails cured. Phone Tabor 603. 998 H is. Keimont st CHIROPODY AND PEPTCUR'-Nf Mrs. M. D. Hill, Room 330 Fleidner bldg. Both phones. COAL AND WOOD PORTLAND SAWDUST 4 SLABWOOD Co 855 Front st, successors to Ful ton Wood Co. Fir, oak, slabwood, coat Tel. Main 1936. FOR TRADE A GOOD 2 6-ACRE farm to trad for Portland property; has small house and stable and 10-acre full bearing orchard apples and prunes 1 mile of railroad station, about 6 acres brush, balance in cultivation. Title Guarantee A Trust Co., corner 2d and Wa s h I ngton stB. WE HAVE A CLIENT WHO WANT'S ) to move west, he owns 3100,000 worth of good city, farm and other property which he desires to exchange fdr Oregon property of any kind; give description in first letter; writs today, B. F. Loos Co., Pes Moines, la. TO EXCHANGE 40 ACREd BOTTOM FOR PROMPT DEI J VERY OF SLAB- wond call Main 4876. Oak, ash. fir and coat Portland Wood ft Coal Co., 16th and Savier ,sts. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. , House and blacksmith coals, coke, charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F. B. JONES ft CO.. Wood and Coal. 181 East Water st FOR QUICK DELIVERY Oregon Fuel Co., 884 Alder- PHONE land, near Seaside, for lot Investment Co., 91- 6th st Paclflo PERSONAL. DON'T ,BE DULL- AND-InACTITE; Sexlne Pills cure all weakness; $1 a box, for $5: full guarantee. Address or call J. u. uiemenson, druggist Port land; ur. - CARPET CLEANING STANDARD CARPET -CLEANING CO. Largest plant on coast; Lorlng and Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed ana laid; steam and compressed air process; renovating mattresses and leathers a specialty. FINANCIAL AID TO SIX WORTHY young laJles who wish to take a shorthand course. Apply at once st office. -617 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Burnslde sts. L. BRONSON SALMON'S STUDIO OF shorthand and typewriting: full course in 12 weeks; open all summer; established 1888. Mllner bldg.. W. pars and Morrison. SHORTHAND. THE GRAHAM SYSTEM Taught by an expert. Actual office ex perience. Positions secured when com petent. Butler, public stenographer, 814 the Dekum. SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY academy, Portland, C. Write for catalogue. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE ft IRON WORKS 2d and Everett sts. Phone Main 2000. DON'T WORRY $10 TO $100 LOANED salaried people, with or without se curity. Crescent Loan Co.. 428 Mo- hawk bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANL DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON. SPB clallst on nervous, soute and chronlo diseases. Office 217 Fenton bldg. Phone Paclflo 1190. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP 416-16-17 DE kum bldg.. 3d and Washington its. Phone Main 349. Examination free. PORTLAND SAFE CO., SOLE AGENTS for Herrlna--Hall-Marvln safes and U.nnnau Hlnel flafa CO.'S bank Safes! 20 second-hand fireproof safes and bank safes, verv cheap. See them or write us. 92 7th st. hIir.B(H.n MANGANESE 8AFE8 Large lines carried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, Jails, metal furniture. Both phones. J. E. Davis, 66 2d. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS ttost KI.EISER SIGNS. We have built up the largest sign business in the city by first-class work and keeping our promises. Our prloes are right 6th and Everett sts. Phone Exchange 66 "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" PORT land Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Pacific 1696. SHOWCASES AND FUTURES PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS MISS L. B. MAY. 502 SWETLAND Copying deeds and abstracts spee'lty. FAYE KANDLE, 209 ALISKY BLDG. PAINTING AND PAPERING. GASOLINE ENGINES GASOLINE ENGINES. Stationary and marine; electrlo equip ments; launches; accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 182-4-6 Morrison st. SHEFFIELD MARINE ENGINES. ANY nroDeller. Falrbar ka. 1st and Stark sts. Morse & Co., REFITTED GASOLINE ENGINES; low price: call or write. Falrbnuks, Morse ft Co., 1st and Stark sts. HOTELS THE BELLEVUE, EUROPEAN PLAN. 4tn ana Haimon. HOTEL Portland. Am. plan, $3. $5 day. P. A. DOANE OIVE8 BEST ESTIMATE for satlafaoSWry work. 286 Yamhill. PLUMBERS FOX ft CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS. 231 2d, bet. Main and Salmon. Oregon phone Main 2001. DONNERBERG & RADEMACHER RE- SHOWCABE8 OF EVERY DESCRIP tlon; bank, bar and atore fixtures made to order. The Lutke Manufac turing Co.. Portland. rTH. BIRDSALL. DESIGNER; AGT M. Winter Lumber Co. 7 Hamilton bldg. TRANSPORTATION. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 3 TRIPS M. B. 2rpotansJuly Ml BOtTflL Sept. S, Oct. T Sept, n TYPEWRITERS BLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITER Acency Supplies: repairs. Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington sts. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. STOIC S. 2L Senator ..... S. OT President . . , at B. AJaABXA SftOTTTm. Sailing From Seattle. Skagwa;, Sitka, Joaeaa and way porta. Sailing p. m. K. . ft. Oo.'a H untbodl July as. Aa. i. ia. n OUt of Seattle. July BO. Avar. S. IS. BO Cottage City, via Sitka V Hi .oT. w. AW TRAIT CISCO atOUTZL Balling' I a. m. Xfroaa Seattle. Presldsnt Inly 80 Bknia mvwm my Sonoma July 88 City Cffloa, 849 Waablagrtom Bt or womnjum enrnmrn - ' j ff8aswssfjsjBW tjsaysp SsaMtar 1 - H Um ft Sm Omm tsmviasm ail kixds op tXVH UTOCK AO ATNT ' DCA.TH PKOM ANY ' , 1CAXMSA 1 r. . ft Sfett rafts.. s ICObwIiiminy It. Ueag Osil Otal Hnltn , Maed Ossrfisi sf CMaawns . wtlaad Besri af Tnm . aaoaaa MrUUKCS Owens Tra mi Urhip Bank Pnr8sn60re,' Ths Bra4atnet Cmss mf a. a Das Co. Cus iirtsl Agsatr Vt buIm ss pMsdaa ww Maf ' Wsgi im s saoara ia tmkmtl hi " 4 ' tfOMB OFTICX t-tJtAtA YHTKBLtXl Cbm reOMiSM mmd 5fad fwthtd Om C1E CGeeVo Xke WstWXae a CHINESE Bset as4 ssk I DOCTOR Bas ad BUSS S nts stodj f rests s4! Wea, ItaSr dlaowatad and la ajak iv as awa aw matr rai rwaniaa. 210 MEKCU1T. TOMOMB OK DE008 VrTO-a IU CVSIB WITHOUT OrUUTJOW, OA WITHOUT TBI Aft 0 A iCAIl'B. Be aaaraotMB te nrs Calarr k. i afaia Lseg. Tkroat. BheeaMrlsa .WaTuaiaa, Naroe DrbiUtr. Btemarb. IMBtt TreoblMl aha Vomt Msabasd. fnaaJe Weafea aad All Prirate tXaaaaaa. A SURE CANCER CURE fast Eaoat I lram TMam, 0 sad BaliaMe. IW YOU 1KB AITLICTKD. DOIT BtUZ. OBLATS ARB DaKOBBODI. If res eaaart ealL write tat aiiafcai klaaa aad etrcalar. laetoa 4 seats la staass. CONSULTATION FREE ni C. Oil WO CBXaTZSK Ktuiom om WIB Mtm at., ya. m VartUad, Oratea. Haas aUatiaa XhU I Scott's Santal-Pepsio Gapsclss A POSITIVE CURE rorTnflammaHoa erastsnket tke BlaaaOTsnd MMad atd Bars. M0 0O 0 raf. Oares kjalckhr sad sormuiacitlT ths : (r3n r av BaU Vy vent eaaas sad dices, as Bfttar of kow , TliEUKTAL-PEnaCa Balldsatstas, OBsa, . 1 Bs-aMa, Evory Woman . tolDjsraa2aaaatioaJSkB- mwaerfal lf SMULVllTai aoaaue HAiWMl 11 "". WbtrUafl Spray aT'a'wSSL,"''f'' Sanaa IS. ffTa bbow? ITthe (Jfc "" MARVaX, aoaapt bo XafjBTIif- othar, bat aaod itains tat 1JA UlaaBPBtad baofc T.t. nateSJ lj (ail parti lara ami ltTnna la- WL . TmiuaolaloladlM. HIBtlL raju W"W av aaa st i lW VOKK. WOOOAAS, OIAUI 00. AJTO LA&a-SATZa moved to No. 308 Burnslde st TOWTSL SUPPLY ptTiM TnwvT.S DAILY COMB, brush, soap. i per month. Portland Uundrv & Towel Supply Co.. th and Couch sts. Phons 410. PAINT8, OIL ANT- GLASS F. E. BEACH & CO., THE PIONEER Paint Co. Window glass and glazing. 186 1st at. Phone 1334. RUBBER STAMPS BELVEDERE, European; 4th and Alder. HARDWARE WINDOW AND mads to order. Co.. 74 th. DOOR SCREENS Portland Hardware INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 344 ShenocK Diag. A7REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER: seaisKin farmenu reayea and re modeled; expert fitter; estimates given: lowest prices. 663 Washington, Phons wain vans MOLES. WRINKLES, SUPERFLUOU8 hair removed. No charge to talk It over. Mra M. D. Hill, room 180 Filed ner bldg. Phone Paclflo 136. BACK DATES OF MAGAZINES AT S cents. Jones Book store. 221 Alder. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NOV js, ate: German,: English. French, ivtanlshr Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all klnda Schm ale Ca, 222 First st UOLDEN'S - RHEUMATIC ' CURE Sure cure for rheumatism. Bold by all dniarslBta. . Roberts' Nervs Globules. One month's 'treatment, f 2; months', $3: sent se curely sealed' by mail. Agents, Wood ard. parka A Co, Portiaad. pr. JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THE Electric Cleaning works; carpets e.eaned and laid, both dry and com praised? air cleaning; carpet refitting oar specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main 2112 and A-2672 270 Grant at "The smith m a 1c e s : more noise to earn a penny than the gold smith to earn a ducat."-. So a "poster and sign1 -campaign" in advertis ing requires more troli ble to earn a dollaf or " the .business man than the 'newspaper, cam paign causes in earning a hundred. . JAB. Mcl. WOOD. EMPLOYERS' LIA- bllltv and individual accident security bonds of all kinds. Phone 4T. 202 Mo- Kay bldg. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 249 ALDER ST. Phono Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils; baggage, trade chocKs; brass signs and plates. PRINTING TRANSFER AND HAULINO C. O. PICK OFFICE 88 1ST ST., Be tween Star!: and Oak sts.; phone 698. Planoa and furniture moved and packed for shipping: commodious brick ware house with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. ' Henry Roe. W. A. Cleland. F. P. Shcascreen. General transfer and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed and shtppea. 2US unit sc. wim snonra. OGILBEE BROS.. PRINTERS CARDS. billheads, etc. Phone Main 1868. H5H 1st st MODERN PRINTERY, PHONE PA clflc 1626, R. 26, Russel bldg., 4th and Morrison sts. REAL ESTATE THOMPSON & OGDEN REAL Es tate, Insurance, loans. See us before buying. 848 Mississippi ave. phone Woodlawn 202. ESTATE J. W. OGILBEE. REAL loans: established 1883. room 11. AND 146V4 1st. LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinds, Including approved forest re serve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed. timber and prairie government land. H M. Hamilton. "The Portland." Portland LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES U MASTICK & CO., FRONT and Oak sts., leather and skins of avarv Aaanrtnttnn for all mimosea: aola snq tap, cimr, iiiiuiiis". MACHINERY THE, . H. C. A LB EE CO. SECOND hand machinery, sawmills, eta 241 Grand ave. -A J. PAUU 100 1ST ST. A COM- plete line sawmill engines and boilers. machinery; also MONUMENTS NEU A KINGSLEY. 268 1ST ST. Portland's leading marble and granite worka MUSICAL PIANO, VIOLIN, CORNET. TROM bone, clarinet Professor & A. Smith. IK A U.I. ifAt . . . mwm aam yaaui viva; . a SPHINX AGENCY, DEALERS IN real estate and rentals. 306 ft Stark st Main 6164. FOR FARMS OF EVERY DE8CRIP tlon. W. W. Espey, 319 Commercial bldg; VAN HORN TRANSFER & STORAGE Co. Inc. Furniture ana piano moving a specialty: storage warehouse. 40-44 2d St., co-ner Ash. Phons Main 1618. PENINSULAR EXPRESS & BAGGAGE Transfer, 247 Alder st Phone Main 2Vil. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 134 N. 6TH. Main 69. Heavy hauling and storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE ft TRANS- fer Co. Storage. 824 Stark. Main 407. RESTAURANTS. GO TO THE BUSY BEE FOR DELI cateasens. Home cooking. 434 Wash- lngton at , ,. THE BEAVER RESTAURAN"t. 306 Bumsldo st., reopened by experienced caterer. A. J. Parker, proprietor. WHOLESALE JOBBERS M. A. GUNST A CO, DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. EVERDING & FARRELL, PRODUCE and commission merchants, 140 Front st., Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turlng Co. Manufacturers of furni ture for the trade. Portland. Or. WADHAM" & CO.. WHOLESALE GRO- cers, manufacturers and commission mercha'ts. 4th and Oak sts. .Matt!' Jamestown Exposition AtrausT LOW RATES , 10; XPTZatBira 18, U. ll, Chicago and return,. 171.60. St Louis and return, 867.60. St Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Supe rior, Winnipeg- and Port Arthur and re turn, 60. 3 TRAINS DiULY 3 For tickets, sleeping ear reservations and additional information, call on or address H. DICKSON, C P. 4k T. A. US TKIBD ST, POK-LAJTD, OK. Telephones: Main 680. Home A-2 2 86. 0PEEETTA GIVEN BY INDIAN GIBLS Crowning Feature of- Gradaatton Exercises at Chemawa School -! Proves a Great Sacoeaa. ROOFING TIN ROOFING, GUTTERING, RE palrlng and general jobbing. J. Losll. 212 Jefferson st. Pacific 1424. 8riRITUALISM. MRS. STEVENS, PORTLAND'S RELIA . ble palmist and spiritual life reader; readlns-a dally. 348 M Yamhill. MRS. SHAVER. SPIRITUAL READER. 426 Burnslde st. corner iota. STREET PAVING WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross ings. si L,umoer rjxenange. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. Portland. OXUCs 66 worcastsr blk. FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND special orders. L. Ruvensky s furnl ture factory. 807 Front st. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts., Fortiano, or, WHOLESALE lrlassware. land, or. CROCKERY Prael, Hegele & Co.. AND Port- THB OREGON CHEESE CO. (INC.) Cheese, butter, eggs, etc., dairy prod ucts bought or handled on commission. 126 fith st . (Swetland bldg.). Portland, Or. LEWIS-STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY Co., Barbers' Supplies. Barbers' Fui nlture. Barbers Chairs. 10th & Morrison. Ho! For Astoria SO 3 FastSteamerTelegrapb Daily (except Thursdays). LeaveaAldti street dock T a. m. Sundays 8 a. jn. tl round trip. fhoite mtAUt sea. Columbia River Scenery Pailj rrlee barwtaa Portland aad Ts Dalles, T leapt Sanaa r, MMVlng Portland at rnriDf anooi e p, .. earryias freight snd paaMDcers. Splendid ace DBKxla, tlona ror outriis ana iiranoca. Dark foot of Alder at.. Portland! fan af Court at. Tbt Dal lea. Pbone Usln 814. Peruana, tlOT lACmO BTBAJCSSXr CO.'S Steamships EOANOKE X and GEO. W. ELDER San for ".ireka. San-Francisco and Los Angel' . direct every Thursday at 1p.m. 'ticket office Itl Third, near Aider. Ptwaa Jd, IU4, H, JOUNOa aVfaat, , Colnmbla River Through line Steamers of the "OPJEN RIVER Una leave OAK STREET DOCK every Hon. dav. Wednesday and Friday at fivb O'CLOCK A. M. for aU Points, between "S" 11 ST a. . TT 1 1 , - a e . ruruauu, i ui umnvm. an , ' umaUlla. Leave early and see all the river. Ar rive early. Low ratea, prompt service. Telephone Main 2201, Home A.3527, rnaaarsiaf 3 (Spatial Slspatck to The Joan!.) Chemawa, Or.. An. 1. The school auditorium was crowded to overflowing : at 7:45 last evening with the audlanc attracted by tha feature of tht oom '' mencement season, tha operetta, "Tha Japanese Girl," which waa given br II -young: women of tha school under tha direction of Mrs. W. P. Campbell. Tha operetta waa handsomely staged . and both the singing and tha acting af the young Indian maidens earn la for highest praise. Tha cast waa as fol-r -lows: '... -! O. Hanu San, Bessie Boles; O Kayo .. San, Anita McLaughlin; O Kitsu Ban, Louisa Murray, Chaya, . Ella Brewer; . Nora Twinn, Irene Peons; Dora Twlnn. Violet Berner; Miss Minerva KnowalC Bessie Chlloquln; Mikado of Japan, For tunato Jay me; chorus of 31 girls. Thia was ths andlnr of one of tha most successful ootnmenoementa aver held at Chemawa. -. There were preaant nambara from over a dosen claaaaa who came back to their alma mater, all of whom give a good account of themselves. At p. m. last even Ins- tha school fcat. . talion waa assembled on thai - Kira ground under tha disciplinarian. D, E. rewart and headed by the achool band . f dress parade, Tha battalion went through tha evolutions llkt vster. ana and showed able training. t Thla year's graduating class nam berod 14 bright-minded Indian boys and (inav jreier aeiiioa or coeur A' Aiens, waa the valedictorian and Lisala Frs sierra Klamath, waa aaluUtorUa. She gava an azcallant outllna at tha work at Cbamawt. -- -,i-t - - lieutenant Cooped Trmnaf erred. - (Special IHapatch te Ts Journal) Astoria, -Or- Vua-LLluten!t Cooper, U, 8. JL, who has ban tlonad at Fort Stevens the rH ' " year, has recatred orders tj r" for hi transfer to Fort A' -- - Newport, Rhode v,lelan. i f Cooper is ths most pn)u!r o -. r t the noat and he will i- h.:-J ' -torla aa well as at F-.rt l" -l depart Saturday for Ms '' ." jtatra-ayaftw --'. t t'l ,T' i 1