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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1907)
THE ' OREGON DAILY' JOURNAL, PORTLAND. ,- THURSDAY EVENING. , AUGUST 1,'. 1907. 11 Classified Advertise ments received too late for insertion in these pages will be found on Page 13. IUCAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 1,010 .0 San Fraidsco Office Oregon Journal 789Markct,St.,bct.3d&4th ASTBBTXSXT AWD BCJUTTIOsTB KXCKITZS. Orortmlfcni when In San ranclaoo ran have their mall sent in care of The Journal office. ARTHUR L. riSH. Representative. 100 1,400 400 10 426 raw TO DAT. - Clarke County Farms 157 acres. I miles from Vancouver and t miles from oountry to; 0 acre under cultivation: fair 2-story, (room house. brn and all outbuildings; food family orchard of assorted fruits; 1.690,000 feet of good grn timber, handy to aawmlll; timber alone worth , what is asked for place; on a rood road and in a fine neighborhood. Price, only I,I00. Term If deaired. , 77 acres miles from Vancouver and mile from .country town; 40 acree vnder fine atate of cultivation; fair 4- ; room house, barn 26 by 60, woodshed, chicken house and all other outbulld- - Inirs; all fenced with wire fencing; mail family orchard, well and living ' stream; on fine traveled road; mile from school and church and In a fine neighborhood; S horses, 1 colts, 1 cow. new plow, harrow, mower, rake, wagons. etc.; all of this year's crop. Price, If old soon, only $4,000. ' 44 acraa. Vancouver, and t miles to rood country town; to acres under fine state of cultivation; new S-room house. old barn and all other outbuilding, rood 'family orchard of assorted fruits, all under lence, gooa wen ana una iroui stream. M mile to rood school, on a rood traveled road and in a fine neigh borhood. This Is an ideal home. Price -only 11.100. It acres of fine land, 11 mllea from Vancouver and mile from railroad town; II acres cleared, S-room house, bin 14 by 40, woodshed, chicken house and all 'other outbuilding, all fenced with board and wire fencing, K mite to church, rood young orchard of differ ent varieties, on a rood road and In a thickly settled neighborhood. Only U,40. - 10 acres of rood land. 7 miles from Vancouver and 1 mile from country town, all under rine state or cultivation; 'rood 7 -room house, barn, woodshed and all outbuildings, family orchard of as sorted fruits, IflO yards from rood grad ed school, on a rood traveled road and In a fin neighborhood, rood team, wagon, hare ess, new rubber-tired bujrry, Jersey oow, eto. Prloe only $1,200. . Terms. If you are looking for a home and don't sea anything in the above that suits you, wrlte or call on us, as we have a large list and can suit you and save yon money. Thompson & Swan Yanooaverv ' Waahlngtoa. cmaaaat Baaft BnUdla. SAVE THAT RENT! Moy Back Hin and Yok Back Hln to Fidelity investment .floiy pany. Jots nd 7, block 118 Couch's addition H. H. Northrup. trustee to Fred Jennlng, 1.61J acres beginning st an Iron pipe driven In the ground, in the east line of Cor fcett street, 101.44 feet south of the Intersection of the east line of said Corbett street with the south line of Boundary ave George W. Henkle to F. W. Hoecker, 10 acres commencing on, the Base Line 61 rods west of the southwest corner of the D. L. C. of Benjamin and Emily M. Hall Kthel E and Ivan L. Adams to Kva Woolworth, lot 11, block 6. i Sell wood ., Conrad and Elisabeth Gettman, east 40 feet of lot 14. block II, Williams avenue addition .... Arleta Land company to Gertrude Taylor, lots 17 and 18, block , Lester Park Robert C. Yenney to Julius L. Meier, lots 6. 6. 7 and 4. block 110, Couch's addition Security Abstract A Trust Co., to F. W. Henderson, lot 11, block II. Rose Oltv Park Edward Dleck to J. W. Walter, beginning 30 feet west of the northwest corner or diock i, City View Park addition, thence south 486 feet, thence went 380 feet, thence north 461.3 feet, thence east 167.8 feet Cordelia Ehman and C. F. Ehman to j. u. morns, 101 . oioca ii. Fulton Park Francis M. and Mary A, Mathena to Phlneas T. and Carrie K. Hill, lot 4. block 4. Maegly Highland 1,600 Title Guarantee Trust Co., to K. F. Fenton, lot 6, block 6. West Piedmont Mrs. Sarah M. Rockenfeld to Wil liam I. Swalm, east H lots 6 and 6, block 10. Sunset Park addition No. 1 F. O. and Ioulse D. Burckhardt to Paul Wlederhold. lot 4, block 121. Couch's addition Henry D. Winters to A, W. Lof stedt, lot 8. 9 and 10. block 1, Corona Park Robert Collier and Hannah L Collier to Columbus C. Red man, lots 1 and 2. blocks 17. Central Alblna addition E. J. McDonald and Marvel Mc Donald to C. A. and Edyth E. E. Lota, lot 11. Mock 1 Anabel Mra. Sarah . M. Rockenfleld to WUllam I. 8warm, east V4 Wa 7 and 8, block 10. Bunset Park addition No. 2 Lou I P. Beno and William and Bertha B. Ball Is to John J. Hawea, lot 7. block 25. King's second addition Moore Investment Co., to H B. Grantham, lota 6 and 4. block 17. Vernon addition R. L. Stevens, sheriff, to C. M. Hyskell. Interest In lots . 12. 18 and 14, block 36 subdi vision "A," lot 6. block 27, sub division "B," lot 3, block 36, subdivision "B," all in South ern Portland Arleta Lar-d Co.. to Gust Prlttl nen. lota 6. 8 and 7, block 6. Arleta Park No. S. Josephine Cheney to Charles A. Manaasa. lot 8. block 4. East land Roman Catholic archbishop to Amanda Rerr, 10 acres begin ning at an iron pipe at the southwest corner of the south west 4 of the southeast U of section 31, township 1 north, range 1 east Frederick and Mary L. Tbrmoeh lln to Mable Pa It on, lot 4. block 1, Walt's Cloverdale annex.... FOR ABSTRACTS. TITLE INSUR ance or mortgage loans, call on Paclflo Title Trust Co.. 104-6-8-7 Falling bldg. I NOTICES. l,e"'',,i"sasaaisS" PROPOSALS - SEALED PROPOSALS , will ha reoelved at rhe office of J. H. Ackerman- , Stata kihit u.i.m rr 10 1 until ) o'clock p. m.. on. the 1st day of August. 107. and then orn,1 for the construction (except hasting, which will pa lei separate of the Mechanic Arts Bohopl building, at Corvalll. Or., In aoeordance with the drawlna-a and sDeoi noatlons, copies of which may be had at the ornca of J, H. Ackerman, Salem, Or,, office of , E. -Wilson, Corvallls, Or., and at the office of the architects. Bonnes. Hendricks A Ton v. 87 Labbe bldg.. Portland. ( Or. Governor O. E. Chamberlain, chairman: J, H. Ackerman, Walter M. Pierce Bulldina- Commltteo. W. J. Kerr, president O. A. C. , NOTICJH OF 8TOCKHOLOEH8' MEET inr The annual meeting of the stock holders of tha Coeur d'Alene Develop-1 ment company, for the election of a board of directors for the ensuing oeer. and for the transaction of such other business as mav ree-ularlv come before them, will be held at the office of the com nan v. rooms fiOl to 604 Chamber of Commerce building, Portland. Oregon, on AUgUSt 6, 107, at 0 o ciock a. m. GEORGE F HOLM AN. Secrets rv Coeur d'Alene Development Company. Portland. Oregon, Jnlv 11. 1907. I REFUSE TO PAY BILLS ONLYCON- IIELP WAJNTED FEMALE WANTED TOlTNfl LADIES , TO LEARN TELEPHONE OP f RATING! GOOD SAL ART. fgORT HOURS., PAT WHILlrf LEARNING: ' LUNCHEON SERVED FREE OF CHARGE AND LOUNGING AND REST ; ROOM8 IN CONNECTION. AP PLT CHIEF OPERATOR, TEL EPHONE BLDO., WEST PARK; AND ALDER f a HELP WAWtEbUNf6N UUN")RT company. ; ,.. HaS'seW's Ladies' ageInct, im rvaanmgton sc., corner seventh, up stairs. Phone Main, 2692. Female help wanted. GTftLfJ WANTED APPLT STANDARD factory No, 2, Grand ave, and. East i nyior ai, 460 3,000 680 100 6,000 700 1.000 1.100 1,000 2,800 660 10 860 1.600 1,000 10 tracted by myself. C. E. Oodbey, NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEEt ING. The undarsla-neri Incorporators of the Portland Country Club A Live Stock association, designated by a majority of such incorporators to open books and receive subscriptions to the capital stock of the corporation and to fix upon a time for a meeting of the sub scribers to the stock of said corpora tion, hereby call a meeting of tha sub scribers of the stock of the Portland Country Club ft Live Stock association, to be held at Commercial club rooms in the city of Portland, Oregon, on Tues day, the 27th day of August. 1907. at the hour of four o'clock p. m , for the WANTED GIRLS TO if ARE fTF2 Well shirts and Boss of AU overalls at 74 1st at. MATURE WbtfAhf AS A8S1STANT fd take management Sent. 1. Aonlv at once. ; Address E.-411, Journal. STENOGRAPHERS, BOOKKEEPERS, cashiers, clerks. Registration bureau. AiisKy tag. FURNISHED ROOMS FOH RENT. THE RICHELIEU. 13 U N. 6TH ST. Elegantly furnished; steam heat and pains. , WTrm nTTTTim 1 ifnriERN HOTEL.' furnished up-to-date: gaa and also- trio lighted. 409 Washington. tt?J AVALOM HbTEt, FtJKNIallliD rooms . moflern throughout, Cor. llth and Waahlnrton. FURNISHED A6oU IN PRIVATE family, suiUble for ona or two room- In the "heart '6tf run citt. be- twaan eitv nail ana courtnousa, hi r tv . ninaiv fnpnisharf rooms in thor oughly' renovated house, from $1.60 per week up. the newLaKd House - good rooms aincla and en suite: good clean beds, electric lights: $1.21 Jo 8S.60 per week. 304 H 1st. Phone Psclflo 1668. ROOMS UEGANTlT FURNISHED single or en suite: 189 1th Motel rorusna. St., near GIRLS- WANTED--OPERAT0R8 TO work on shirts and overalls. Lessons given to inexperienced. Apply at Stand ard factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor St. WANTELWFIR8T CLASS WAITRESS, in our lunch room. Call today. Bwet land's, 278 Morrison. WANTEDGOOD PLAIN COOK; GOOD wages. Apply 161 N. 22d at., Tuesday morning tltfc CfRTIS. CorMer iit It AK'b Commercial; over Danslger'g clothing tore; good rooms; central location; transient trade solicited. Astoria, Or. FR6NT - AND ADJOINING ROOMS. handsomely furnished; other outside rooms: transient or weekly. lBltt in. REASONABLE 6NE OR tVO NlClfi rooms; clean; quiet; very central. 460 Yamhill, near Twelfth. 230V. Rl'SSELL ST": 6WEN" APART ments; two furnished -apartments of two rooms each. PLEASANT ROOMS IN SINGLE OR double: central: cheap. HOTEL OAK 82 N. llth st FTR8T-CLA88 W A N TED YOUNG LADIES TO PRE- pare for commercial telegraph posi tions; good positions when competent. purpose of electing not less than three ft0"' ! directors of said corporation, aa th 0r9K"n 4U6 Commonwealth bid stockholders present shall determine, WANTED A GIRL WITH SOME EJ tha arinntlnn of hv-taw, tin A fnr tha transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Portland. Oregon. Julv 26th. 1907. G. A. WESTOATE. Jt'LIUS L. MEIER, TOM RICHARDSON. Incorporators. Ex perience In confectionery and Ice cream parlor. 763 Washington. Phone 8281. IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT Court for the District of Oregon. In the matter of F. G. Donaldson, bank rupt Notice Is hereby given that the property belonging to the estate of said bankrupt, whlrh Is In possession of the trustee, consisting of furniture, fixtures, csrpeta. safe, cash register, bedding, linen, silverware, dishes, cooking uten sils, typewriter, billiard table, and all other jpersonal property now In the Hotel Revere, Albany. Or., will be sold at private sale by the trustee, L. L. Swan, at his office at Albany, Or., at 10 o'clock a, m. Thursday. August 8. 1907, the same to be sold to the highest bidder In cash upon sealed Mris. which must be deposited with the trustee on or before the said time set for the sale. A certified check equal to 10 per cent of the amount must accompany the bid or It will not be regarded. Rids will be opened simultaneously In the presence of bidders. Inventory mav be een In the office of L. L. Swan, at Albany, Or. Dated this 2th day of Julv, 1907. L. L. SWAN. Trustee. LOST AND FOUXD. MALE AXD FEMALE HELP. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO prepare for the civil service; good positions constantly to be had by those who are qualified for them; we make a specialty of preparing you. I. C. 8., 132 6th st. STENOGRAPHERS. BOTH MALE AND female, good positions open with best firms; no charge. Underwood Type wrlter Co.. 68 6th st. HELP WANTED ANT) SUPPLIED. male or female. R. O. Drake, 206 Vi Washington st. Psclflo 1270. WANTED GOOD BOY OR GIRL FOR the kitchen. Richelieu. 23 N. 6th st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. fUr nlshed rooms, eleotrio light gaa. bath and phones; situated next to City park. 347 Oak St. LOOKING FOR ROOMS T SEE US. WE have them, all kinds, all prices. Suite 33. 388 Stark. Main 143. R66MS WITH -EVERf CONVlSN. lence, $2 a week and up. 109 Jefferson. SUMMER RESORTS knvt PROPERTY, i i. i v. Tha finest beach property aver offered, joining Breakers hotel property, to be know' as. Manhattan Btcf,J 260 acrs tract, a portion with building re strictions; other unrestricted; .aa-y '"a, C'CHURCHILL A CO. :-') 110 Second sivv7 LOCKSLEY' HALL SEASIDE. OH. bk. , P. T. Aiiatln -Mnrlator. aSBlStM Df U A.Carlyle; rates from $12.60 per weak up; rates ana reservations may oe roM" with Dr. Austin, dentist. Raieign Diag. SheLbUrn"'h6'TeL -NICELY FUH- nished rooms; averyttiinr rrst-cjM, Hum w inniKing. nn, a . tivi , view, Wsh. - FOR BALE KEAX ESTATE ", " SUMMER CHAN CH. '. ' $4,600 A nloa 8-room house at 871 Commercial St.. almost new. 1 ?- 'i .. modern, corner lot, near carl A yerjr terms. Bee US. $F BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. $1 26 WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, parlor, bath, launary, rurnaca beat. yard. I08H Mtan ton st U car. NEW. MODERN. CONVENIENT FOUR room apartment with bath; hot and cold water; steam heat; refrigerator and gas range. Apply to janitor, Z7Z sav entn, cor. jerrerson st. Main joob A FIRST CLASS STABLEMAN WANTS work with transfer company. Ref erences given. L-453. JAPANESE WANTS STORE WORK during the night. Speaks well. C-463. Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattressaa renovated and returned same day-jlll Front st. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Mets- ger, proprietor. $10 REWARD STOLEN OR STRAYED from barn on east side July 19, a white horse branded anchors, finder please notify Andrew Kan A Co. . LOST GOLD SCARF FIN. DESIGN. THOROUGH, EXPERIENCED NURSE wishes employment. Phone A-3866. EXPERIENCED WOMAN Of SO wants a position to run rooming house. D-453, Journal. WANTED WORK BY DAY BY COM petent woman. Call 300 6th st. POSITION AS NURSE GIRL PY 6AT tirday. 8elma Olson, Main 6381. GET YOUR INSURANCE AND AB stracts to real estate from tha Title Guarantee A Trust Co 140 Washington st, cor. td. WEATHER r REPORT AND BUY A LOT FOR $85 RAILROAD ADDITION, ,; Montavilla Graded Streets, 5c Carfare, ,,v Easy Terms. $10 Down, $5 Per Month Lambcrt-Whitmcr Co. Real Estate Department 107 Sherlock Bldg, Oor. 3d and Oak Bta. m GOOD BUYS ' S room, all mod, with full cement basement, and washtubs set. HI fMft . 7-room, 2 lots 'ftl.&XX ; 6-room, modem 'Si aX 6-room. 3 lots i' Sf 'gKn KS ::::::::::::::::::: iilll S-room ijt 4 an Vacant lots. loo to 8400. All Easy Terms. See M. S. BROWN ' mnard Are, Mount Scott CarUne. WEATHER REPORT. . The high pressure area along the eastern slope of the Rocky mountains has contracted In area and remained nearly stationary. A trough of low pressure extends from Arlsona northwest through California and thence north eastward through eastern Oregon to northern Idaho. A shallow disturbance Is central over Lake Superior. Light thunderahowers occurred In the lower Willamette and lower Columbia valleys and light rain is reported In southern Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and at widely scattered places in eaatern states. It is cooler In western Oregon and western Washington, but in the eastern portion of these states and in Idaho warm weather continues. Indications are for showers and thun derstorms In this district tonight or to morrow with lower temperatures, ex cept in southwestern Oregon, whera It will be warmer tomorrow. Temp. Max. Mln. Preclp. Abilene, Texas 92 70 .0 Baker City, Or 92 64 T. Chicago, 111 7 4 86 .0 Denver, Colo 80 68 .0 Fresno, Cal 100 8 .o Los Angeles Cal. .86 82 .0 New York, N. Y. .. 84 68 .0 Portland, Or 89 62 .o Roseburg, Or 90 54 .0 Salt Lake, Utah.. 88 64 .0 San Diego, Cal 72 84 .0 San Francisco, Cal. 64 62 .0 j Spokane, wash. .. 94 66 .0 Yuma, Aglz. 100 SO .02 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Hansen's "eIloyment" office FOR MEN. 26 N 2d st. Phone Main 1526. woman's head: finder will receive 33 reward by leaving at Journal office. wi DUfi'Ai n ri-nwai)in---. . ..-j Portland-Corvallls train, lady's red ""'f, , tMr-iAiiMimr urriuis. leather Burse, keeosake. Reward Phone ?253 Morrison st Phone Paclflo 239 Main 8498 or care Journal. $Tbo week up Large; clean furnished bousekeenlnr-rooma. laun dry and bath. 184 Sherman at. south. Portland. THE OTIS FURNISHED HOUSE- keenlnr and slnrle rooms: walk Ins distance. 371 H E. Burnslde st. TWO FIJRNI8HED HOUSEKEEPING- rooms for rent. Inquire at 80 E. 12th St., corner Stark. THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms, reasonable. 7th and Flanders sta. LADY LIVING ALONE WILL RENT furnished front room, modern cot tage, use of kitchen, bath, phone, $9. 336 Ivy st.. near Union ave. Phone Woodlawn 463. r URNIflHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 2 In suite, ground floor. $2 week: free wood, phone and bath: sleep Ing rooms, $1.26; 367 E. Oak. Large, light, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; water, gas range. THE COAST REALTT CO, 116 U. Morrlaon iL Headouartera for real estate and homesteads, timber claims, sta; also Business opportunities. 868.000. half aaah-&a anraa improved level land, onlylf miles from office. $27,800, half sashIncome property olose In. . 818.000. half eaalv or trade Hard ware store at Invoioa, established 30 years, doing $45,000 -yearly. Jib, ooo Manufacturing at invoice. 7.000 General atortt. 10 oar cant Off. Inventory; $6,000 handles it. ij.ovo at lnvoioe wew inoe pwn 16,000, half cash Nearly new saw mill with lot of lumber, logs, Umber, etc: clears $40 daily. $1,000 (0 acres, Improved, near Ore gon city, good buildings, etc; ejasy terms "kttiar axvaa a $8,200, half caah 330 acres level wheat land; will ba worth $100 acre. $10,000 buy one of the flneat homes on the Heights (others all prices). - $2,260, half caah 6-room modern house. $2.000 6-room new strictly modem house. $1,800, $$00 caah 4-roora house with 6 lots $300 up. Rooming-houses, all slses; restaurant, confectionery, grocery stores, etc., and Other business onnortunltlea. I $500 Confectionery, close In, city. S living rooms; three years' lease; rem only 116. $500 buys half Interest In Isrgs res taurant with position aa cashier $150 monthly, and board guaranteed. $600 buys Interest in real estate busi ness, old established, money-maker. Call, write or phone Main 1503. A-4160. THE COAST REALTT CO 226 H Morrison st. FOUR NEW FURNISHED HOU8E keeplng rooms, $12 per month; no children. 616 Spencer St., Montavilla, Oregon. MILLER. PAGE 4 CO., Brokers. Room 6, 271 Morrison at Good chance for enterprising man grocery and confectionery business of fered for few days only at low figure of $800. pee ue about this. Also very desirable lots In good residential parts of city on easy terms. We can show you some good buys In small and modern homes st prices and terms suitable to all. List your prop erties with us for quick sale. We have an Al milling and smelting stock for sale; good money maker and best of references; only small number of shares left. It will pay Investors to look Into this. MILLER. PAGE CO. NEWSPAPER ROUTE OF 400 PA- Dera in Portland for sale; can show a - M. - - ft.AA - - . I. T"- ' $$,700-rAn 8-room "dwelling afsrith-i; , east corner a. Washington and, ' . ' r $7th stsa new and modern; cash. !,800 Dwelling of I rooms on lot bev tween 6th and 87th. sts. on E."' Belmont modern t and newi " $1,200 cash, balance time.., ;.; $3,000 A 8-room new house In Sunny . . side, nice condition; $1,600 cash, balanca easy. - , , 13,150-A anap in a 6-room dwelling' it1 ' Sunnyslde, on two lots; $j7650 - cash, balance mortgaga, $2,600 -room rood house la Sunny side, on ona lot; $400 cash, bal " anca easy. , $1,600 R-rOom house In Orchard Rome . addition, on two lots; a bar rain; cash. $1,200 A 4-ropm house and one lot la Sunnyilde; a anap In small " property; $600 and monthly., , payments. TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST CO- Comer 2d and Washington ata. WE WILL BUILD ANT STYLE HOUSB you ilka from $1,600 to $1,600. par us bv tha month. Tha SDantou Co 170 Stark street. io acres, t it& k6f deaL TraCT in Portland: is raadv for immadlata sub-dlvlaion, buy now and hava It ready for fall trade; $760 an acre, onsVilra casn. The Hpanton Co., 870 Stare $4,000 AN EXCEPTIONAL REAL Et tata opportunity It la good for 60 per cent profit within a year. Tha wpanton Co., 170 Btark street. FOR 8ALE-T-NEW MODERN 6-ROOM house, two blocka from car. Highland; also fine new modern seven-room housa on Union ave. in Piedmont. Inquire owner, 1167 Union ave., N. SMALL HOUSE. LOT 70x100. GRAY 8 crossing, Mt. Scott line; term, or big bargain for cash. Owner, 814 Dekum bldg. FINE CORNER, 60x100, IMPROVED, 1 Ma. I rv. A aj A, W V AUArfS, Take Bellwood small house; $660. car. 714 Tacoma. FOR SALE BY OWNER 6-ROOM: modern house, central part of town; wood fiber plaster cellar, woodshed. rruu trees, lot luexizo- price ii.ioo. 20$ E. Polk st. St. Johns. Pbon Union 283. COOS BAY OPTION ON ACREAOET to plat; snap; sure speculation,; ln yestigate. Address 8-428. Journal. LOT 60x100, 100 FEET FROM RU3 sell St., and enough lumber and brick to build, only 3650. 604 Goldsmith. FOR SALE BY OWNER; NEW FIVE room modern house; close In; lot 60x 100: easy terms. Call or address. 901 E. Eighth st. N. BEAUTIFUL BLOCK. HOLLADAY'8" addition: 2 houses; will bring $60 per month cheap for cash; see owner on. promises. 378 E. Third st. North. SMALL COTTAGE, PLASTERED throuithout: close to car: 325 down. balance $10 per month. Inquire 271 answer unless you mean business. For yamnjn ,t nter g p rn A,80 , fuU ioU. aale for best offer. Address N;600, . , i pA-.w 'a' Journal 'OR SALE BY OWNER, ,4-ROOM CO'N TxriririrT) davt a m ha ixrxrxrxr-D onw three-room suite completely furnished for housekeeping. Main 6432. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOUND JULY 50. 1907. TWO COLTS with halters; a dark iron gray with spot in forehead, a bay with a white face; the Iron gray la 2 years old, the bay about a year old; owner please call 1 ACME 27 N 2d st. , . .Phone Pacific 1300 RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a spe cialty. 20 N. 2d st. Phone Main 6296. We pay all telegraph charges. EMPLOYMENT CX FARM- at 522 North 26& St., Portland, Or., and) era' and loggers' help a specialty. 34 pay expenses. ! N. 2nd st., 29 M N. 2nd st, 241 Davis LOST ON SUNDAY'S OUT-BOUND , L F.none Main 6437. Portland-Corvallls train, lady's red leather purse, keepsake. Reward. Phone East 8495 or care Journal. PARASOL TAKEN WHILE IN TELE graph office; have description of party; please return 493 Montgomery and save further trouble. WANTED AGENTS HELP WANTEDMALE ; WANTED THOROUGHLY COMPE j tent and reliable nursery aalesmen for I the Bitter Root country, Montana ana Hood River country. Oregon: exclusive agency given to party qualified. For terms and particulars address Oregon Nursery Co.. Balem, Or. AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL goods? If so we need you; complete outfit free; cosh weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nur- iry company, eaiem. ur. FOUR UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP. ing rooms with water and llarht: No. 70 is. loth Nortn; rent lift, inquire 41 e. r.igntn Norm; i-none K,asi z3. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. Call 660 couch st ROOMS AND BOARD. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS; walking distance; gentlemen preferred. 141 ixwnsoaie st. NICE, CLEAN ROOMS AND GOOD board, $5 per week. 610 E. Washing ton st, between 10th and llth. FOR RENT HOUSES $1.50 per cord, timber yel low fir, apply R. 306 Stearns bldg:., Portland, Oregon. SOMETHING NEW IN HIGH-GRADE perfumes: price very low; supply limited. R M. Plummer, at drug store. ou da at. AGENTS TO SELL STOCK; EXPENSES and commission guaranteed; good men should make from $25 to $100 weekly. 207 Couch bldg. SEWER DIGGERS WANTED; NINE I hours. E. 7th and Taylor sts. MEETING. NOTICES. WEBFOOT CAMP No. 65, W. O. W., meets Fri day night In the W. O. W. temple. 138 llth st. Matters of import ance will come up and all members are re quested to be present visitors welcome. FRANK MOTTER, C. C. L. BARBUR, Clerk. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 245 nd Lisette M. Jennln to Portland Furniture Manufac turing Co., 1.612 acres begin ning at an iron pipe driven In ; Joe, ground in the east line of ; Corbett street. 101.46 feet south " ' ?. the- Intersection of the et line of Corbett s'reet with the nJ!.t0f Boundary avenue. $ 8,060 Emily Beckman tc Marie and 2 and 8, block 163, Couch's ad- alllon . . nnn Louis and Elisabeth Schumacher - . arl VdTena- Buman. lot , block S, Canter addition an- , Jenette Goodman et al to Fidelity iiiTvnuiinjH voriipuny, lots 2 and . block 13S, Couch's addi tion, excepting beginning at the - , southeast corner of lot 2, run ..ninr thence north 70 feet thence weat 33 1-8 feet, thence ; southJ'O feet, eaet 33 1-8 feet. 10.000 JTames-W and lantha Cook to Murr, Bovle. lot S. hlock a " ' Conk" eeond addition .' I. W. and Ida E. Torgler to Jen nie Burnett. lot 20. block 1, Concord Heights IC and E. C. B. Miller to John and Augusta A. McRobert, west Ki of lot 1, block 209 Couch's addition . .i'. Christen and Johanna Chrlsrensen tn Ivan Sorenson, lot 2, block 3, I'leasant Home addition ...... Abraham end Pora Fleshman to - tha Fidelity investment oik- . . panvr lots 1 and 4. block 129. Couch's addition ...... ,r ( . John Klernan and Sarah Kir- - , -- nan to tha Fidelity Invastment 4 company, lota 6. , 1 and 8,; tlocJc lit Couch's addition... 49,00 CARPENTERS' HEADQUARTERij. corner E.- Pine and Grand ave. m.i every Tueada- night Phone East 6279. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP, 6.466 meats Wednesday evening. Ailsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. M. W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP No'.' 6.175. Mondays. 17th and Marshall. Visitors welcome. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO learn plumbing, plastering, bricklay ing; also sheet mefpJ pattern draught ing; positions secured; day and night classes; free catalogue; visitors wel come. Coyne Trade schools, San Fran cisco and New York. WANTED REAL ESTATE MR. WANT MONEY. IF YOU WANT 100 men to sell your property to their friends, list It witlj me; new plan. M. D. Howse. 66 6th Bt. Main 6188. WANTED SALESMEN; MANY MAKE $100 to $160 per month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orchards; cash ad vanced weekly; choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co., Top penlsh, Washington. i I WILL BE IN PORTLAND AUGUST j 16; 1 want a modern 6 or 7-room , house; I will pay cash; please send me iun uescnpuon ana price so l can in vestigate as soon aa I get to Portland. George Davis, 160 Hanover ave., Oak land, Cal. GOOD 4-ROOM HOUSE: STABLE AND large chicken house; lot 126x100, east side, $8 month. Good 7-room house with basement and porch, grassy yard; weat side river; $20. 4-room flat, new, $16. Furnished 'housekeeping rooms, 2 for $8 month. Coast Realty Co., 226 M Morrison. VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE and Dlanos moved, stored or Phone Main 1618. hipped. WE RENT AND 8 ELL PIANOS. 8HER man. Clay A Co. HOUSE FOR, RENT BEAUTIFUL 9-room home, near Hawthorne and 84th st. Keystone Realty Co., 212 Ailsky bldg. NEW MODERN FIVE-ROOM COT- tage, $16 per month. 101 Morris st FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, 601 OVERTON st. $20, or phone E. Land. $17 MODERN SIX-ROOM HOUSE; gas; bath; fine neighborhood; best car Bervice. 917 East Salmon. 648 PETTY FOR SALE 8TOCK OF DRY GOOD8. ladles' and gents' furnishings and no tions, situated in one of the best and liveliest cities on the coast; good brick building and one-year lease; doing a good business; will Invoice about $6,000: would take small farm or city lots for part payment Address E-466. Journal. IF YOU WANT TO BUY AN 8-ROOM nicely furnished house, now Is your chance; owner leaving town; well lo cated on Washington st; furniture in sured for $800, paid for one year, bring ing in $76 per month; will sacrifice for $380; half down, balance $25 per month. See Dement A King. Main 6202. Auto- matlc A-1681. $200 OR INVENTORY, PART TIME. takes at once, established, always- paying cigar, stationery, school supplies, confectionery store; worth $300; rent tage; lot 40x126; leaving city. In quire T. E. Fradshaw. red house, 8 blocks west of Nashville. Mt. Scott car. $1.850 NEW 6-ROOM MODERN ALL furnished complete ready to move In right at carllne; easy terms. See Joe Nash, owner, at Millard ave., Nashville addition, on Mount Hcott canine. NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSE; NICE: painted; corner lot 60x100; St. Johns car line; woodshed, etc.. $850 $300 down; balance monthly payments. W J. Day & Co.. 268 Stark. FINE COTTAGES LOWEST PRICES. 11,000 4 rooms, plenty of fruit $1,600 to $1,900 6-room modern, full plumbing, gaa and electric lights; fiber Flaster; 8-mlnute car service; all new. nnulre 208 4th. Tel. Main 8990. A SIGHTLY RESIDENCE, LOT 60x100. Bull Run water, cement walks and $16; store and rooms 679 Williams ave.; i curbs all paid for, and less than two take "U" car. I blocks from carllne, only 16 minutes rrom nesrt of city. 4B0. terms. tso lumbla Trust Co.. Couch bldg. $4.500 NEW HOLLADAY PARK RE8- idence: six rooms, modern: fine sight ly location; reasonable terms. Owner, 738 E. Multnomah st. FOR SALE 8-ROOM, NEW, MODERN home; best location on east side; close in; $1,500 less than cost and can make desirable terms! Phone Main 8218, 187 4th st , ANTHONY HARDY, LINNTON. OR. residence and business lots, water front and factory sites; farms and tim ber lands. MOUNT ANGEL OR, WANTS A DRY gooas ana general mercnanaise, a.iao Jewelry store; splendid opening for foil an A fnr vnnr.Alf fw n A - J vn....nM Ms,,, t Inifal rtv DAVIS HOTEL FOR SALE. REASON- able terms. 110H N. 3d. PLACER GOLD MINE A GILT-EDGE proposition for Investment. W. N. Ruble. Welpne. Idaho. A GOOD BUSINESS; BEST IN ITS line; best location; good reasons for selling;; $1,200 required; a snap at that. Bee H. U. ugaen, ei. jonns, ur. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. grove st, $20, or phone Woodlawn 785. E. Land, Union Hotel 81 N. SIXTH ST., PORTLAND. OR Free employment to all: boarders' rates 11.60 per week; room, 25c and up; spe olal monthly . rates given. Anderson, proprietor. UNDERTAKERS MAX M. SMITH. FLORIST, 160 6TH st. opposite Meier A Frank' a Main 7Z16. J. P. F1NLEY A S6NS. 3D AND MADf so n sts. Office of county coroner. Phone Main V. DUNNING. M'ENTEB A GILBaUGH," undertakers and embalmere; modern In every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main uay assistant. EDWARD HOLMAX UNDERTAKE 220 3d st. FUNERAL A. B. rector. HEM8TOCK. FUNERAL DI East 13th and Umatilla. Phone Bellwood 71. Lady assistant ZELLER-BYRNES CO.t FUNERAL DI- rectora, embalmers, 178 Russell. East 1088. Lady assistant. OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVANCE IN the government Bervice. Positions for railway mall clerk, letter carrier, etc. Let us prepare you for exam. Call or write, Pacific States Schools, 613 McKay bldg. WANTED ESTATE. PROPERTY WANTED I WANT A bargain In a full size residence lot; not over 20 mlnutea' out. H. Atlee. 270 Stark. WANTED COUCH AND LOUNGE maker. 66 Front, cor. Davis. FIRST-CLASS HARNESS MAKERS: steady employment The P. J. Cronln Company. STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS, cashiers, clerks. Registration bureau, 308 Ailsky bldg. WANTED YOUNG MAN AS So licitor for printing house; steady job; good wages to right man. Address WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COT tnges, flats, stores, offices, rooming houses, etc Landlords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Ex. 72. S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. WOULD PAY GOOD PRICE FOR FUR nlture in wnll-located house, where I couia pay ror same in monthly pay ments. P-453. Journal. FOR RENT FLATS JUST COMPLETED MODERN FLATS of 7. and 4 rooms; welkin- distance. 200 feet south of 23d and Washington sts., ureen ave., ueaar hid. TO LET NICELY FURNISHED FIVE roora flat one block from car line. 134 Porter st, near Failing school. Call today. FURNISHED HOUSES. FOR RENT 6 FURNISHED HOUSE koeplng rooms. Call in the mornings before 9:80; at 523 Clay st. NICE NEATLY FURNISHED COT tage, 4 rooms, part rented; central. reasonaDle rent 188 west 1'arx st FURNISHED FLAT, MODERN; LIGHT, water, phone, piano; no children, "S"' car south. Front st; $20. LIST YOUR ROOMS WITH US. WE can rent them; try us. Suite 32. 26S Stark. Main 143. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, dress M-461, Journal. . AD- 128, Journal. WANTED MAN TO RUN RIP SAW. Oregon Furniture & Manufacturing Co., Macadam road. ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO., AND embalming. 409 Aider st Main 6133. Lady assistant. CEMETERIES 225 2,000 4,000 8,200 RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVE8. $10: family lots. 10x16, for $100, and upwards, according to slse; the only cemetery in Portland which perpetually maintains alW cares for lots. For inrormatlon apply to W. R. Mackenzie, Worcester block. W. M. Ladd, president WANTED BILLER. EXPERIENCED on Remington typewriter with tabu lator; permanent position. Address P. O. box 764, stating experience and salary received. I WANT A PHYSICIAN LICENSED IN Oregon; must be good surgeon; sin gle man; good thing for right party. Phone Main 7320. WANTED ALL-AROUND BLACK smlth; write quick. Tom McPhar land. Buxton. Or. CARPENTERS WANTED AT E. and Taylor sts. 24TH Worcester block. W. M. Ladd, president ROSE CITY SINGLE ' GRAV:""'llO: family lots, $26 to $76. Superlntend- -ni i cemetery, corner or i remont st and Cuiiy ro Phone Tabor 206. For yj" Information apply to Frank Bchlegel, 802 Commercial blk.. Phone Main tSU. BUSINESS NOTICES XNTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Ht". itH and flaNders; Pacific ix - r' rrain- Pno""" A-1811. ETC anq opticians. 104 Washincton at Ti&SI1! ?BRART, 131, lOTti Li i book. laeuTi. toi PHARMACIST OR REGISTERED As sistant.. Cpttel Drug Co., 1st and Sherman. WANTED TOBACCO STRIPPERS. 333 Burnslde at WANTED MISCELLANEOUS CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 8AV age A Pennell. 346-247 1st st Phone Pacific 380. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE." PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. ivmin 0000. 11 isi ai IF YOU WANT TO SELL. SEE US." Second Hand Palace. Highest prices paid for second-hand goods. 267 Flan ders. Phone Main 8518. HIGHGEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of second-fend goods. Union Exchange, 262 Front st. Paclflo 1431 DEFORMITY APPLIANCES MADE TO order. K. E. Karlson Co., 351 An keny st. Main 6260. WANTED FURNTTURE AND HOUSE K. i.. K Vi" or ovry description bought, sold and e-chan-o1 T 282 1st. Main 8274. Home A-lnY w will BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD goods and guarantee best prices. Call ??50nS or,wrlte- S. J. A L. Rubensteln; 175 Front st, opposite National hotel. Pacific 1401. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 8-ROOM HOUSB FOR sale! cheap if taken at once; rent rea sonable. P-466, Journal. FOR REi T 6-ROOM LOWER ' FLAT; furniture for sale. 230 N. lth st FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES A GOOD STORE BUILDING AND VA cant lot (No. 162 Grand ave.) for rent; food chance for any kind of business, ft on the side of the street people travel on. Come and see it inquire it Grand ave., city GROCERY STORE, FEED STORE and .wood yard for rent cheap; call on JoeXNaah, Millard ave., on Mt Scott carllne. f6r saL half1 Interest W a -ond country newspaper and lob of fice, in a good town, and doing a good business. Address V-466. Journal. WILL GIVE K INTERE8T IN TWO household necessities, patented, for use of 83.000 to start factory; immense sales: 260 per cent prom; aDsoiute ee curlty; return of money within ( months, guaranteed. East 6260. WANTED PARTNER BUCHTEL & KERNS MAKE A SPE ctalty of east side realty, rentals, loans, etc. 362 E. Morrison st. - Come quick before advance in values. Choice homes and lots on St. Johns line, best location, dandv acre tract easy terms; make date. Phone Woodlawn 126. IN LIGH manufacturing business; will pay $20 to $30 weekly; $160 and services re quired. Room 16. 263 H Washington FIXTURES BOX 176, A BARGAIN HOTEL for sale, Rood locality. Bpringneia. ur, WANTED PARTIES WITH IDLE money to invest in amounts of $25 and up, in heavy manufacturing concern now estaoiisnea in ini cny. esi open ing in United States. F. L. Schott 404 H East Mornaon si., f-urnmiu, uragwi MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS . and bonds bought and sold. Corre- ----a 1-vltad H. W Donahue A Co. 611 Buchanan bldg. Phone Main, 7368. $1,000 OR' $1,200, ALL THAT IS RE- QUiree lor nl-inir-i in two stores, or will sell one store outright splendid opening for a business man. Address E4 j j Jou run il HOTEL AND ROADHOUSE TO LEASE Old-established, with or without sa loon; furnished; newly remodeled; $35; also 7-room house and orchard. $10; and 4 flats, 18 rooms, $26; all on west side. C H. Piggott, owner, lawyer, , 5 and 6. Mulkey bldg. NEWSPAPER REPUBLICAN, SPLEN dld valley field; Cylinder press, big Job business. For sale on terms. T-425, ournal. FORT SALE GOOD HOTEL, 80 steady ooaraers, win sen reasonable. too much business. Inquire at 360 Gllsan st. FOR RENT TWO GROUND FLOOR offices. Front and Ankeny sts. Apply R. t. Cox. Telephone Main 422. A NICE OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT. Madison bldg.. 3d and Madison sta HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED -r GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, wages $25. Phone Main 4048; ' - WANTED FIRST WAITRESSES AT Hobart-c:urtiB, iin ano jerterson Teachers for Chinese episco- pal mission; night school from 7:30 to 9:30 a m. Apply at 141 6th and Alder sts. WANTED -HOUSEKEEPER FOR ONE man and ;chlld 4 years old; no mar rled woman need apply. ,Call after 7 p. bv, or Son day 691 S. Morrison st BEFORE SELLING nnR Kra! niture. etc., phone East 1067 and save WANTED LIGHT FARM WAGON IN good condition. Joseph ProlL 61st st and E. Couch st. WANTED GOOD, SPEEDY SINGLE driver. Address D. F. Bulley, The Dalles, Or. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, THE COLLINGE NICELT FURNI8H ed rooms, hot water in every room, free phone and bath, $2.60 to $S per week; no children. 331.4th. cor. Clay. THE GRAND, 4614 N. 3D 8 ROOMd for gentlemen, $lz FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL AND BALLROOM, NEW WITH modern conveniences, rnona uun ib. It's not quite a horse less agenot by about a thousand years yef; and -good horses are as val uable as they ever were: If you want to buy or advertise for sale any of that sort,; a Journal classified ad will man- age the, matter for you. YOV CAN MAKE 20 PER CENT oroflt on a thousand dollars Invest ment; you can control the money all tne time. Aaarees i-oo, journal. COMPLETE FURNITURE MANUFAC tory for sale, cheap. Enquire 282 Yamhill st. BUST THE WOOD COMBINE GET your wood much enesper. For par tlculars address M-466, Journal. C. R. Dounell & Co. REAL ESTATE. " Room 12. 268 Stark st. HOUSE FREE LOT FOR LESS THAN1 value 3-roorn house, on easy terms; lot 100x100, near Piedmont barns; $1,476: cash $850; $10 per month. Phone Wood lawn 1277. HAVE FOUR QUARTER AND SIX half acres at East 36th st, one block from car, one from church, excellent soilj Bull Run water, easy payments. R. V. Beiford. owner. Phone E. 4788. 88. .V rRSs, I owner. $1,600 SMALL PAYMENT DOW balance $15 per month buys a 6 house; good lawn, fruit and nut gas; an assessments pal Woodlawn 1322. it. P. PALMER M. VAN ALSf 3tNH? PALMER-VA.J ALSTINE CO., REAL E 'ATE, INSURANCE, 222 Failing Bldg. Main 6661. A-2658. FIVE ACRES FOR $3,000; A SNAP, ON" Arlington heights. Top of Canyon road near Council Crest; all platted. Andrew Kan. 287 Morrison st ALL KINDS REAL ESTATE BOUGHT, sold ano exchanged. Abraham & White, 227 U Washington t, corner -a, LaoDo Didg.. onices 8 and 9. Both. phones. . FOR HOUSES AND LOTS CALL AT 30s K. 3 4 St., or phone Tabor 611. HAVE YOUR ABSTRACTS MADE BY Security Abstract & Chamber of Commerce. Trust Co., 7 FOR 8ALE CIGAR CONFECTIONERY store, no. jio ff.-etn; $2,000 CONFECTIONERY " AND VA- rtetv store; cheap rent; town of about $5,000, 'near Portland; would exchange ror rancn tr suuaoie, or part cash and part acreage, or city lots. 8-450, Jour nal. $6,000 SECURES HALF INTEREST IN prontauie city mercantile business; health forces me to dispose of my in terest; bank references required; first class office man preferred; salary $160. E-450, Journal, FOR SALE R-3AL ESTATE A BARGAIN. 6-room new cottage In Central Alblna; quarter block. tl,800; rents for $200t $900 will handle it; vacancy 64HxlOO; room for two more houses; (a great big snap; for a few days only, Hageman A Blanchard, 91 6th st -. FOR SALE. Nleely Yurnishedi four-room houseboat: suitable for summer home. Call before Bunaay; east ena or maaison pridg-e. .a. V?"- 10 Z? P"r p JS" ,1 '. - . .. 1 suitable for summer nome. call bef 331.4th. cor. Clay. kfS-v-?''? ".: 'V'-.v. : , Sunday,' east end of Madison bridge, 1 N. 3D St-ROOSia ' , v ' - H. G. HAMILTON, L26 per week and xxp, . .."V ' ' - L r 1 ; iw1 E-,ai $2.750 5-ROOM HOUSE, CORNER, 100X luu-, juroaaway ana za st. $1,860 6-room house. 2 full lots, all In garden. $3,500 6-room house, 6 lots, all In garden; in St. Johns. Best buy In city. $1,300 5-room modern house, on west side, 10 minutes' wak from postofflce. $1.200 6-room house, lot 60x100, at St. Johns. $2,700 New modern store with 6 fine dwelling rooms, fine location. Call 602 Swetlana bldg. Wm. H. Sftula, A SIGHTLY RESIDENCE LOT IN" Hancock street addition 'Bull Run water, -eement walks and curbs, and Improved streets. Thompson A Ogden, 848 Mississippi ave., or 882 Sandy road. Phone East 1085 or Woodlawn 202. $13.000 WHOLE BLOCK "CLOSE tt Income 180 month on part of ground; balance block good for manufactur lng; terms; owner. E-46I, Journal. FOR SALE FARMS. 40 ACRES; ""HOUSES QOOD BARNS sorlmr and creek: plenty fruit: cher ries, Bartlett pears,, apples, and prunes of different varieties; one hour by train from Portland; good timber; good poul try ranch. Terms 12.000 cash. Add! Box: 18. route 4, Sherwood. Or. DON'T BUY A .FARM, WHEAT ' OR article rancn. . until - von taiar witn Turner, he knows where-to find them, omoe. aoMi wasnington st. . TDIEER.. MILL SITE COLUMBIA" RIVER, $. 000.000 feet fir and cedar timber. C. C Shay, Main 1942, $04 Abington bids, i :, 1 :