The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 01, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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POIW 111
,1EU COfJPll
Eose City Ultinfttely Great
General Cofbln Who Ordered
1 3 Tnrx clock ca YAii.iaim;:j 2nd t jir?J 1 7 ' ; SALE
Want Empty .Warehouses
UsedKick on Traction 1
. (Iiwlil Dlanateh 4e tbe Journal. .
Mm! iireismK:
est City of: Coast, Says
Courtraartial Tells ' of
Idaho Falls Han:
Double Punishment.
v I am coavlnced that Portland wM
nltitnatsl be tha - great metropolis of
tha PacWo coast," said J. M. McOreor
of Idaho Falls, "and that doaa not maan
that all th othei' cities, won't grow,
But aha -baa the others handicapped.
Transportation, after all. la tha treat
medium through' which cltlea ara built,
and countrlea populated., Tou Start a
dollar roUlng "anywhere In the Snake
and Columbia river basins, for a- tnou
aand miles east and nor,U, and It wul
roll Into Portland by its own gravity.
Mr. McGregor la ana of the dlrectora
of the Idaho Falla Development com
pany. He la a cioae obaerver. and
studies commercial condition! with one
Af . tha mmt intellla-ent mlnda In the
northwest Me (a an advertlaer of ine
northwest .In general, every wnere ne
goes, and nas no peraonal bias outalde
of bla own apeclal Interests In Idaho.
"Portland's trade territory. Includes
not only thia ana adjoining states, dui
ijrjx portion of British Columbia,
mine; and California, he said, "it
? a sinruiar condition in iacu uwi
im nathlnv Ilka It anvwhare else. The
' .' Improvement of the Columbia and Snake
' rivers are as vital to you aa they are to
us. We feel closely tied up with this
city, but It Is a little bit difficult to un
derstand why Portland constantly
harps upon the business of Alaska, Ha
waii ana otner ouisiae countries, anu
ends only about one aalesman up In
our section where she ought to have 10.
I am not criticising Portland, because
he sends now more travelers than any
other coast city, but she has the op
portunity to command that trade, and
should do It. It occurs to me that your
capitalists would do well to investigate
the opportunities for Investment In our
section, and in this way still tie the
metropolis and the Interior closer together.
"We have a great proposition out at
Idaho Falls. We feel that Portland
and our section ara tied toa-ether by
community Interests and we want the
Portland business man and the Port-
land capitalist to understand that there
is no trade territory anywhere In the
united tttates equal to tnai oirerea oy
southeastern Idaho. We have the best
watered valley in the whole United
States, and there are actually l.OOO.wU
acres of Irrigated land In the upper
Bnake river valley alone.
"Directly south of this million acres
come the splendid irrigated sections
known as the American rails, the Mini
doka and the Twin Falls tracts, or more
man a- million acres additional.
"Now 2.000.000 acres of irrlcated land.
, and that highly productive, is more than
You have under water in this state and
in Washington combined, or nearly
twice aa much as there is In Colorado
and Montana Combined, and even esti
matingthe products of these lands an
nually at DUt uv per acre, tnat includes
the fruit, which nets from $160 to $400
an acre: the sugar beets, which net
from $175 to $800, and potatoes, $100 an
acre, ana tnen you nave a trade terri
tory ror Portland which produces a
net product of $80,000,000 annually, not
Including livestock or anything other
, than that which comes directly from
'' the land, and this one territory alone
gives you an opportunity to double your
trace upon a aepenaaoie territory.
Mar a -
xneier fraoK secure Property on
Irving Street Near Fourteenth,
Paring 942,500.
, ' " (Journal Spaclal Service.) '
Washington, D. G, Aug. 1. -General
Corbln, who, when in command of the
military division of the Philippines, con
vened the court-martial which found
Major Frank De I Carrlngton guilty
of embeailement of about $1,500, haa
recommended to the war department
that a pardon be 'granted Carrlngton.
who, after the court-martial had acted
and sentenced htm to dismissal from
the army, was tried by a civil court In
Manila and sentenced to 40 years im
General Corbln ordered tbe court-mar
tial on an understanding with Governor
uenerai Wright that the civil author!'
ties would not proceed against Carrlng-
dered home, and Wright became ambas
sador to japan, and this arrangement
was overlooked by their successors.
General Corbln thlnka Carrlnaton has
been nunlshed enourh. Carrlnaton was
about to be promoted to the grade of
a neutenani-coionei wnen ne wu dis
( Journal Soeclal Berries.)
Albany, N. T., Aur 1 Inspector
Reichmann, state sealer of weights and
measures, has begun the Inspection of
the measures of grocers In all cities of
the state. In Albany ne vlalted 20 gro
cery stores, and in nearly every place
found the measures dlflclent He saya
that grocers of the state, by use of In
accurate weighta and measures, pur
posely or otherwise, defraud the people
of the state out of $3,000,000 annually.
They do not seen to know, he aald, that
there is a difference of 15 per cent be
tween dry and liquid measures. He says
In many butchef shops In New Tork.
emDloves who cut and weighed meat.
used to be paid only by what they could
make by false practices.
Home Rule for Iceland.
(Journal Special Serrica.)
banquet In his honor. King Frederick of
Denmark stated that he Intended to give
home rule to Icelanders while main
taining the unity of his kingdom. A
commission has been named to bring
about these objects.
'i. iiai.m. or..' ;Aur. 1. The Willamette
Tranafer company, tha capita wr
Transfer company, tha Salem Truck ft
Dray company and tha Capital Improva-
roent company nave jumw? ......
the railway commission a complaint
that freight accommodations at Salem
depot are Inadequate, both in the num
ber of bands employed and In storage
facilities. They ask that certain ware-
i - - . . inmil nuf th. Am not
be opened and used for the accommoda-
The legislature of Michigan, having
commission In that, sute. Deputy Com-
fm n Was . nnll A I
missioner w. v. vraoipiun
to the Oregon railway commission, in a
the hearing" of cases aa to tbe reports
of both steam and electric railways. He
nae requested ma ursgun.. owminiin
to furnish copies of the blanks the use
The commission reports that aawder
la aooui to ne issued to n "
. M ,1.. T A. M MIMMH thU
.l .MnvMVAmAvi.a K. tnAila 111 ItS
paasenger , service. The commission
yesterday addressed a letter o nri
Manager J. P. O'Brien asking for den-
111 17 IlllVIIimuuu aw " I
falsity of the report that the company
is auout to put on a vvw iwu wwwn
Pendleton and Walla Walla, In order
consideration In Issuing .the new order.
Preferred Stock Oaaaed Oooda,
Allen Lewis' Mast Brand.
(Bpaetal ptipatch to Tha JooreaL)
Rnlnlor. Cir Au. 1. Joe Oral.
vnil n m Ttallan. waa drowned in four feet
of water at the C. C Wilson Lumber
company's mill. It la thought while
walklne- Iocs. No one saw Oral drown.
and It waa only when he waa miaslng
that a search tor mm Degan. ms iog
nola waa discovered sticking out of the
pond and hla body was found near by.
It ia thought by some that he had rela
tives t Fort land, put no one na oeen i
able to find them. Orsi had $0fn
htm Mlien found, $100 to his credit In I
tha bank nnd about $200 coming to him.
T"-T are several other Itallas atjtbei
mill, bin he never aaaociatea Jritn trrm.
Meier & Frank have purchased
the half block on the south side of Irv
ing street, between Fourteenth and
Fifteenth, which will be used aa a site
for a warehouse by this firm. Theprop
erty was owned by D. G. B. Watts and
waa sold through the agency of the
Commercial Investment company for
142,600. It Is understood that Meier
& Frank made the purchase for the
purpose of securing a warehouse site
with railway facilities. Their present
warehouse la at Taylor and Seventh
A house and lot on Second street be
tween Caruthers and Sheridan has been
old by Fred P. Morey to Maud Q. Al
ien zor t,uuo.
The Freeman home, a modern two-
story residence In Central Albina, haa
peen sold to a. W. Hongham for $4,800.
T. J. MoNamee haa purchased from
James W. Wright block 24 in Waverly
addition lor ib.zoo. The block has a
frontage on East Thirtieth and Kern
W. G. Register haa aold to Docla' N.
Wllllta a house and lot at the corner
of East Alder and East Thirty-Sixth
Streets: consideration, $2,$00.
Charles K. Henry haa.eold five and
one-quarter acres in the Clinton Kelly
donation land claim to Robert V. Bel-
ford, for $3,026. The property haa al
xrontaae on tne Powell vaiiev road.
m. u. jorarenson. owner or tne ionex
n ouuaing, says tnat ne is not pre-
pwKig to emerge tnat Duiiamg oy tne
addition of two or more stories but that
later on, should the requirements of the
hotel management demand it, he will
enlarge the structure either by putting
on mora stories or Duuaing an annex.
(Journal Special Service.)
Salem, Or., Aug. 1. Word received
from Springfield, Illinois, states that
the board of trustees of the state school
for the blind has - elected Professor
George w. Jones, superintendent of the
Oregon school for the blind, as superin
tendent. Superintendent Jones was born and
raised in Marion county. He taught
school up to June, 1896, 'when he waa
elected county school superintendent for
a term or two years, in ihdh ne enlist
ed as a private in company K, Second
Orea-on volunteers, and served through
out the Philippine campaign and was I
mustered out quartermaster-sergeant
of his company. He resumed his office
or county eupermtenaent upon nis re
turn. Under Governor Geer he was an
notated superintendent of the blind
school. , j-
Building Permits...
S, B. Keefer, one and one half story
dwelling. East Thirty-fifth, between
Gladstone and Corei $1,200; N. P. Ander
son, two-story dwelling, Michigan, -be-
'tween iiu wmuh, ,vw, v. a .
A AnA mnA nnl hAir Ktnrv ifwAlllna.
Farragut, west of Wabasb, $600; Archer
1. ocnona, repairs, iuro, jiuin ana
Stark and Oak, $1,800; Congregational
church, addition, Prescott, between East
fiixth and East Seventh. $2,000: Frank
lin Sweet, two-story dwelling, East I
Main, between East Fifteenth and East
Sixteenth, $$,00 Frank O'Neill, two-
Story awCUlBg, v-imiun, unvifnu xuaai
Thirty-ninth and East Fortieth, $8,700:
Dve estate, repairs, i runi, ucmccu
anrf MurttAC i&oo: loucii eBtaia.
-I WrinV . Trnnl mnA fVitirih 4na
tni rvA.i.tnls nna.itnrv AwmMin V.AM k I
I. "C 111' . ,1
HiTtMnin. Dei ween xioiorooa ana ahib-
worth, uu; a. x. nunungton, repai,
.mn VI Inn.mtfl tMtwMA nAanh and
Falling, 1400: G. A. Sollars, barn. View,
between wuuama ana Vancouver, ou;
C D. Livingstone, two-story dwelling, i
East ' Thirtieth, between- Surman- and
Mildred, 1,dvu; i. ru nroner, auou, air
Usippl and Russell, $50, , -
Get your five "senses" to
gether, then afll aboard for
the grocer s for
the ginger snap
that has broken
all records.
- i
4w" SS SBfjsTsfaVPr ' ''W
0 ii ii r m
The Kind You Hare Always Bought, and which has been
In use for over oO years, nas Dorne tne signature 01
- ana nas oeen maae unaer ms per
J!Jilfl sonal supervision since Its Infancy.
2f 4tfcU4l Allow no one to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and"Just-as-ffood"are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays FeTerishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend.
Sears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
'Z' In Use For Over 30 Years,
vwc eanrawa mmmut, rt mim wmrr, am
We were busy yesterday in spite of the extreme heat. In some departments our sales
people were tired out long before closing hour. But the sale must go on the stock must
be depleted regardless of the season in preparation for bi winter shipments now on the way.
If the oeonle who crowded our aisles for the past week will note the price list they will come
again tomorrow, and although we are, in many instances, foregoing profits absolutely,
you are none tne less welcome, tome ana get your snare ox tne Diggesi carnival ox excanng.
bargains ever otterea to roruana people, x ou may nave to wait a iew minutes xo oc wsui-
ed on at some counters, as we are very busy, -but if you win have a little patience you u get
a generous share.
Such a reduction seems impossible, but It's none the less true. We have
about 1,000 pairs of these Pants, bought at quite a concession, but phe
nomenal value at regular prices. They occupy more room than we can
spare, so away they go in the clean sweep before stock taking sale, and
the mother who does not secure at least three pairs of this unprecedented
Friday bargain is not one who will embrace an opportunity for economy
when she can. The lot' is made up of the famous "Banner" and "Never Rip
brands ; the materials are cheviots and various patterns of worsteds and
tweeds. The seams are strong and will never give way, the buttons are
riveted and they are differently trimmed with straps, buttons, etc, on legs.
Though one otour biggest values at 50c and 60c per pair, you can J r
WEAR, with short or long sleeves, good,
stronr, and good fitting, such as you'll
be asked 40c and 50c per car- 94-1
ment elsewhere, selling at I
take your choice of them Friday at.
BOYS' CAPS These are msde up in
variously patterned tweeds snd could be
called a bargain at 25c, our price, 1 A
to clear the lot lvC
wool, buttoned,' with V-shaped neck and
different colors and trimmings; these
are regular $1.75 values, 1 A
selling at apleiiJ
ment elsewhere, selling at Alt
MEN'S SUSPENDERS, in all styles,
colors and lengths, a big variety, all
strong and suitable for working or
dress, regular up to ) At
50c value CrlC
And therefore know what these severely slashed prices mean. We do this to show you the reality of Golden Eagle specials. Friday;
will be a record-breaker. , . .
duett's Shaving Soap, regular Be, Friday rJf
William's Shaving Soap, reg. 25c, Friday ...5
Swift's "Hearts snd Flowers," 25c size, Friday . . 174
Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, regular 50c, Friday. ...35e
Madame La Blache's Face Powder, regular 50c, Friday . . . .35
Assorted High Grade Face Powders, 50c size 10
Witch Haiel Cold Cream, 25c sue, Friday 0
Malvina Cold Cream, 50c size, Friday 291
Florida Water, 25c size, Friday 14
Bay Rum, 25c size, Friday 14
Park and Tilford's Bay Rum, qt., reg. $1.00, Friday 69
Ed. Pinaud's "Vegetal,'' reg. $1.00, Friday 59
Ed. Pinaud's Eau de Quinine, reg. $1.00, Friday 69
Ed. Pinaud's Eau de Quinine, reg. 50c, Friday 35
Listerine, reg. 25c size, Friday 17
Listerine, reg. $1.00 size, Friday 65
Newbro's Herpicide, reg. $1.00, Friday 65
Sozodont Tooth Powder, reg. 25c, Friday 17
Mennen's Talcum Powder, reg. 25c size, Friday 12
Gillett's Talcum Powder, 20c size, Friday 7
Petroleum Jelly, pint jarsl 20c size, Friday 9
Pear's Scented Soap, reg. 25c, Friday 15
Packer's Tar Soap, rsg. 25c, Friday 17
Woodbury's Facial Soap, reg. 25c, Friday 15
GUlett's Savona Duchess Violet, 25c size, Friday... ......... 17
Golden Eagle Glycerine, special Friday . . ...... ..... 3
Transparent Glycerine, S cakes in box, Friday . . - . 5
Jap Rose Glycerine Soap, 3 in box, Friday . . ..v' 6
Armour's Brand Toilet Soap, 3 in box, Friday. ........... .10
"Hornet" Playing Cards, reg. 15c, Friday ..... 9
Stationery, fancy box, Kashmir, Friday 24 sheets j
and envelopes to match fC
Post Card Albums, Morocco bound, will hold 200;
regular $1.00, Friday
Post Card Albums, cloth bound, to hold 100 postals, OA-
regular 50c, Friday wC
Post Card Albums, to hold 50 postals, regular 1 A
85c, Friday ....lvC
Ladies' Hand Bags, of natural seal, latest shapes, with two strap
handles and extra side pockets, regular
$1.50, Friday
Skirls Worth ffC
to $15, for . . V9
The big Skirt sale which com
menced yesterday at which women's
fine tailored Skirts are being sold
for actually less than the cost of the
material in them, will be continued
Friday and till this entire stock has
been converted into cash. This sale
involves an unusually beautiful: lot
of merchandise, well made and
stylish garments of Panama, broad
cloth, voile, etamine, serge, etc.;
also novelty taffeta silks in colors
and plaids; fancy trimmed and
stitched and a goodly assortment of
styles in whites and blacks.
Skirts Worth ?. (.
to $8, lor . . . vlaOJf
Skirts Worth
to $10, for . .
Skirts Worth 0 ;QQ
to $25, for . . VO.UO
GQm Ladies' Stylish Wash Suits 00
($C3(C Worth to $3 and $C for UO(L
it . ' ,! - si ." ....
"Fitted on living models. Accurate always; seam allowing; practicslear
th la mind, tnadame, till your next visit . -
Here are bargains in this department that you will not forgetif
you are lucky enough to get in on them. Read and take adwan
tage.of these specials. It will make you a regular patron at the
popular store. ........ jjf ;
SILK ORGANDIE In pink, green, lavender and blue;plaids
and floral patterns, regularly 75c per yard, ... 9Qi"
Friday ...-rrwT.. jZfm
MOHAIRS27-inch dark colored Mohair material lag
pretty stripes and checks, worth 25c per yard, Friday . . ;
SATEEN Mercerized Dress Sateen, 83 inches wide. In
many fancy patterns, worth 25c per yard, Friday .........
TAFFETA 38-inch black rustle Taffeta, of guar
anteed crualitv. worth $2.25, Friday................
TAFFETA Black Silk Taffeta, 27 inches wide, worth
60c per yard, for
BLACK SATIN DUCHESS Goods we have been sell JA-
ing regularly at 75c per yard, Friday i JJC
v earner riuows, y ds. wortn
75c each,'' .'- (If A ' '
Friday .....,.v...;OyC
Ginghams, striped patterns,
worth 12c , ' A
Friday, yard ..
Madras Mill ends,
worth 15c, Friday ..
Light Percales in fancy
terns, regular 15c,
Friday, yard
These Pots are of rood qual
ity, with nickel plating that
. will last; the regular price is
S5c each ; clean sweep O A
.. price Friday, eaji C
little salt : an!
hoMera. S inches 1 '
with sterling:, sliver
tops; an admiratlj i
of wheel cut ,
0c each.
for Friday
f :r