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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL PORTLAND', THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 1. 1C07. 13 30 REDUCTION ON ALL REFRIGERATORS AND ICS CREAM FREEZERS TODAY LAR.GEST AND BEST STOCK IN THE CITY TO SELECT FROM SODA FOUNTAIN IN Tilt BASEMENT lmSwo (& Frank Store's ; 9 ljhnIy ppMsiSMg sO Ci$tiittN$10.50 2500 WashlSmtsj Values OstrichFeatherPIumes $5 Up to $6.00 on Sale at 98c Ea. 'li'fzj A great midsummer sale of beautify! Imported Ostrich Feather Plumes v tomorrowJust the feathers you will want for trimming the new fall and winter headgear A duplicate lot of the extraordinary values we sold 600 of at a sale about six weeks ago -They are all new imported feathers of magnificent style and quality Full 18 inches longBlack, white, pink, light blue, tans and rowns Late fashion news from IE aria herald ostrich plumes as the proper thing for the coming season. Wise women will anticipate their wants at the big saving offered every one Regu lar $10.50 value Tomorrow only. . . $5.98 See big Fifth Street Window Display Mall and Phone Orders will re ceive our prompt and careful attention Another '- nsational surprise sale bargain in Women's Wash Suits 2,500' of them in this season's 'very best styles and materials to be sold at a price that is down to a' point where every woman can afford to buy at least half a dosen of them for .morning housewear if nothing else The lot includes plain tailored and fancy shirtwaist styles; also Peter Pans In, white lawns, Polly Vardena, percales, chambrays and Indian head linens Handsomely made and trimmed in Vat lace, embroidery, braids and contrasting materials, solid white and dotted, desirable colors, dots, stripes, etc Great assortment, all sixes, values up to t&j g each; on sale tomor-J row only at each Fifth St Window. Doors open at 8. aura icoats For tomorrow's 914th Friday Surprise, Sale we announce one of our famous Silk Petticoat off erings 500 of them ; secured from one of the largest and 1 best manufacturers in the country at a great concession - from .the regular priccs-All new high grade silk under skirts, made of the best quality Taf feta Silk, in a complete line of plain and changeable colorings, with silk dust rufflesVery best styles in splendid assortment Deep flounce with tucks pleats and ruffles Black, white, tana, browns, reds, green, grays Full line of changeable colorings and a few fancies, skirts worth $10. each Your choice for tomorrow only, each. $5M9 See big Fifth Street window display Mail Order, carefully filled l 914TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Men's 50c Underwear 1 9c Gar. Men's 50c-75c Hosiery 25c Pr. Extra special values in Men's Furnishings for tomorrow; men's fancy woven Bal briggan' Underwear, pink, ecru and white; nicely made and finished; Q. all sizes in shirts and drawers, regular 50c values on sale at I 7L 500. dozen men's fancy Half Hose, lisle and gauie lisles, plain and fancy color ings in an enormous variety of styles; all sizes; 50c and 75c values on0o sale tomorrow only at, pair 914TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 1 500 Yards of New Allovers Values to $3.50 on Sale at 98c In the Lace Department for tomorrow's 914th Friday Surprise Sale we offer a splendid bargain in 1,500 yards handsome Swiss and Batiste Allovers, 20 and 22-inch in blind embroidery and. English eyelet effects for waistings, yokes, etc.; very attractive. desiona in pleasing assortment and values up to AO. $3.50 the yard on sale at this low price; yard vUw 914TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 5000 Yds. Choice Wash Goods Values Up to 50c for 5c a Yd. Great Clean-up Sale of Wash Dress Materials fdr tomorrow's 914th Friday Sur prise; 5,000 yards of white waistings and suitings, colored lawns, cotton voiles and other desirable fabrics; values in the lot up to 50c the yard; your choice tomorrow only at this exceptionally low price, the yard; no mail or phone ff orders filled; plan to come early J S ings in an enormous variety of styles; all sizes; 50c and 75c values onJtt II tne yard on sale at tnis low price; yara i n orders tinea: pun to come eany i sale tomorrow only at, pair 4JC STORE OPENS At t O'CLOCK. SHOP MORNINGS WHEN POSSIBLE. See Fifth street window display today. t TSe Great 50th "Anniversary Sale" Bargains Continue in All Departments ll 9 liTH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE ll ll t1 TSJ fti -t-- C.I. ll ll 9I4TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE ll 9I4TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Women's Summer Apparel $ 1 5-$75 Values Half Price . - Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store offers for tomorrow's 914th Friday Surprise Sale unrestricted choice from our entire matchless stock of women's high class summer i apparel at half regular prices Two piece suits and Princess suits This season's handsome ready-to-wear garments in white lawn, dotted Swiss, mull, linen and batiste. Magnificent styles, , grand assort ment All the very latest fashions for hot weather wearTrimmed in VaL laces, embroideries, insertions, ribbons, etc. Costumes for evening and dress wear Values ranging from $15 to $75 each, and every gar ment of this season's manufacture. Assortment large enough to please every fancy Choice tomorrow only pHalfPrice See 5th St. window display Come early if you want beat bargains 914th Friday Surprise Sale $ 1 New Corset Covers 53c Tomorrow's - Great Surprise Sale of Worn- i - en's fine Corset Covers will interest a great many of Portland's best buyers 2,000 new, pretty, dainty corset covers in nainsooks and lawns, made full blouse fronts, yoke ef fects of clusters of Valenciennes lace and torchon lace, insertions and beading drawn with ribbons, VaL and torchon lace edgings. All sizes Great variety Reg, ular $1 values For tomorrow V only at See Fifth St. Window , 9I4TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 5000 Yds. Ribbons 50c-?5c Values 33c In the Ribbon Department for tomorrow's 914th Friday Surprise Sale a grand bargain in high-class Roman Striped Ribbons, full six inches wide; also plain French Faille Ribbons in all colors, full six inches wide; regular 50c and 75c values; on sale at this marvelously low price; the yard. No phone or ders filled 33c 9I4TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Silk Waists. Vals. to $14 at $3.95 In the waist,, section for tomorrow's 914th Friday, Surprise Sale a remark able offering of Taffeta and Messaline Silk Waists and Net Waists at a price far below the actual cost of material alone 500 of them to select from All good, desirable styles for dress wear, Plain tailored and fancy, trimmed in lace and French knots One color. Assortment includes white, pink, light blue, brown, tan, black, grays and navy Net waists are in white and ecru All sizes Waists selling regu larly at prices to $14 af t? each Choice for to- aV morrow only, each". See Fifth St. window display No Mail or Phone Orders 2d Floor 914TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 5000 Prs. Women's Hosiery 50c VaL 19c Great sale of Women's Hosiery tomorrow; 5,000 pairs in all the very best styles, including lisles and fine cottons in lace effects, plain gauze, lace foot, etc.; black, white and colors; an endless assortment of fine full-fashioned hosiery worth up to 50c a pair; buy all you want tomorrow at, per pair; no mail 1 on phone orders filled. Come early , 914th Friday Surprise Sale Women's White Oxfords $2, $2.23 and $2.50 Values for Only $1.45 1,000 pairs of women's White Canvas Oxfords, with hand-turned or welt soles; covered or natural color heels;-fast Color eyelets and ribbon laces; blucher, , Gibson or sailor ties; all sizes and widths; regular, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 values on sale tomorrow gl only at this low price; pair.. 1"T $1.75 Misses'. Children's Shoe 98c 1,000 pairs of misses' and children'! Vici Kid ' and Box Calf Shoes; plain or patent tips; spring heels and extra low school heeU; ir, toll and Vt to 2; regular $175 values;, on sale tomorrow-only at this 4ow . - OQm price, per pair.....,.; .......,.OC 9 1 4th Friday Surprise Sale Women's Imported Undervests Regular 75c to $7,50 Values Half Price Women's high grade Summer Underwear at half price tomorrowUnderwear ojf the finest quality and best style at half regular price right at a time when weather conditions de mand the coolest underwear you can buy. This lot of imported Swiss-ribbed undervests, sample line of America's leading importers, in cludes silks, silk and lisle, lisles, lisles and cot tonVests, bodices and union suits, hand somely trimmed with hand-crocheted yokes and lace edges -Sizes 4, 5, 6, also extra sizes 8 and 9 Values ranging from 75c up to $7.50 a garment Take your pick of any of these de sirable summer garments at A Dt tomorrow's sale at half reg. v m. Ivv See Fifth Street Window Display frl4TH FIUDAY SURPRISE SALE . , , j Ice CreamFreezers 99c Gas Plates $2.89 HOT WEATHER HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES AT A LOW PRICE. 100 of the famous 20th Century Ice Cream Freezers freezes the cream withou, churning $1.50 to $2.50 values on sale 'tomorrow only at the low price of..9 Special lot of 200 nickePplated, Gas Hot Plates with drilled burners-best model $3.75 values tomorrow only at this low price.... 92.89 -9 14TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Women's White Pettic'ts S6.50-S10 Valnos $5.25 ' Women's fine White Petticoats at an unusually low price for tomorrow's 914th Surprise Sale Cambrics, nainsooks and muslins, made with wide flounces and trimmed in clusters of Valenciennes laces, insertion tucks and edgings, also em broidery trimmed flouncings All are made with fitted waistbands and separate dust ruffles Embroidery and Lace trimmed Beautiful higl grade petticoats, selling, regular at prices from $6.50 to $10.00 each Your choice at tomorrow's sale only at the low price of See big Fifth street Window Display. $5.25 VYfrh, 'WW til vt II 914TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 200 Curtain Stretchers on Sale at 98c For tomorrow's 914th Friday Surprise we place on sale in the Curtain Depart ment, ,3d floor, 200 Stationary Pin Curtajn Stretchers;' will stretch any size curtain from 30 to 60 inches and from 2 to-4 yards long; regular $2-3?Qftf value on sale tomorrow only at this low price, each. .............. t . . . r w w 91 4TH FRIDAY. SURPRJSE SALE Jap Cups and Saucers on Sole at 32c Each In the Basement China Store for tomorrow's 914th Friday Surprise Sale, 1,000 thin, Jap China Cups and Saucers. Prettiest styles, great special value at 22c each,' Regular 35c values. Buy all yon want of them at this-low price. eacht,.;,..2ge