The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 01, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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the Oregon; daily journal, Portland. Thursday evening, august 1 1907.
Hop Bears Arc Haying a Cunning:
Game and Will Try Again to Force
Growers to the :Wall: Tljls Season.
mm mi
Send 'Out False Beports to
East to Cause Further
Break in Quotations.
... (
"The egg situation la some-
what better than it baa been,
t and I for on haw experienced
but littl difficulty in. moving
4 supplies at the low price- now
e ruling. Eggs have been selling
from 11 to II Ko, with a few
single .case m1 ' at the latter
figure. The quality of the local
eggs ) Improving. In candling
yesterday I found an average
of but two to three "rot In a
4 single case. , Our eggs are now
w much better than eastern eggs,
anil are worth more money than
the latter. Growers are getting
on to the eastern eggs, and are
" now specifying "Oregon" eggs on
most orders. .Quality will tell."
e Frank Templeton of Templeton
V Front street features:
Hop bears getting bold.
Local onions make appearance,
Salmon prices lo advanced.
Watermelons show better sale.
Tomato prices go to pieces.
Slx-tler peaches not wanted.
Egg plant coming rather lively.
Local eggs better than eastern.
' Chickens moving at quotations.
Very firm dressed meat tone.
. 1 '
stop Bears Become Tery Bold,
With no idea of furthering the hop
. i number of local hoo- I owing to heavier supplies. Fifty cents
selling firms have of late been bom- Is average today.
bardlng eastern dealers and brewers Front street prices.
with circulars that would completely Oral, Xlonr and reed.
.w.h5i H"Iai5rJ?tJKS'5! GRAIN BAGS - Calcutta, c, largo
they contain were not so ridiculous. 'wHVld-Ou'b. 79S2c; red
. vilV UOsa-eVl a at weuH u - 1
as far m to cay mat tne no
Or an th com In season WOU.
. . a..n inA AAn kn1 wavtill.. asivarsl fst h
,w ui't avvv."-'" :.s 1 per ton.
tn 01 U ear mil jama jbvi..m wm- diptft
1 uc
V us
Farmers of Inland Empire Competition Among: Millers
Say They Will Stand Heat Sends Up Price in Pa
cific Northwest.
and Work Much Better.
i?ernTEl CORN-Whole, I2S.C0; cracked, IM.OO
1 the com- P! nj ' .
leaving Its effect upon the market for 2hS.h .
Portland Union Stockyards. Aug. 1.-
Official receinta:
Hogs. Cattle. Sheep.
Today 120 6a I4J
Month ago- 900 260
Year no .
Previous year ... SO 60 260
Mules are bealnnln to come for the
harvest fields of the Inland empire. A
bunch of 21 head was received this
morning In the yards en route to east'
ern Washington. All though the wheat
country there Is a growing demand for
muies. mis aemana is occasioned py
the fact that mules will stand the heat
or the wheat belt better than horses.
their working power Is much greater
and they are more healthy. Practically
ail tne muie shipments in tnis direction
are from Missouri. All through the
Inland empire the farmers are souia
into rouie-raising on an extensive scale.
Sheep Market Bold.
gnow's Grain Beporl
Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 1. Crop
Expert Snow reports:
Spring wheat condition de
clined t per cent during July,
now standing- at S2.1I. Present
crop promise Is not above 140,
000,000 bushels, which with the
generally accepted figures for
winter wheat would reduce the
total wheat crop for the year
to slightly less than 600,000,000
AUS. 1. JulvSl. Onln 1801
Aug. 82 1U U 7JT4
. A IBH ft 7H4
.lOOftB 100 HA S 80
:;V:v ', V Play Superbly Staged.
' "The Story of the Golden Fleece, la
a new play that haa never been pre
sented on any stare exeent the Mar.
9uam and has made a profound hit
during this week. Nance O'Nell, one pf
P. Medea, the . greatest work of
Of Interest to' Women. '' V
Married women want to know how
to manage husbands. This Is explained
In "Taming a Husband." the playlet at
thA Orand this week. Here Is a comedy
Which no woman tn Pm-HnnA iknnil
miss seeing. It Is laughable all the
uina ana ooniains someoaplta tips.
"A RojraJ Slave " r
People say -A Royal Slare,,, the at
traction this week at the tar, la the
best the stock company haa ever given,
..... ..v ... jui m yimj x ' "t"wuii.iiT mailer. : But I am in
contains many novel characters and T ' a position to speak definitely and
situations. The performance is superior positively. With me the cure of.
in very way. Matinees Saturday and T men s diseases Is not uncertain
Sunday. or anaeuletlva t .11 v
. 1 :
HYK 11 BR ner ewt.
OATS New Producers' price No. 1
the general absence of orders from the
stories sent out from here are believed white. $2g.00 per ton; gray." $27.00
byme'lntheeast. Some of the bear- .XVR-t Oregon pa ent-.
ish reports are sent out oy otnerwise . flVnVT.. "il '. livi
reliable firms but somewhere the send- valley, : Ta''5m..HJ-. i?;"'
ers have an object in thus misrepresent-1 wnoie wneai, ei.wv, tj, v, v,
' u .it...,.. I tS AO.
MILLSTUFP8 Bran, $17.00 per ton:
, Soma mate Sold Snort, middlings, $J5.00; shorts, country, $20;
While the report cannot be fully con- cjtv nf.oo; chop $16.00$21.00.
firmed, it Is stated fn some quarters AT Producers' price Timothy,
that most f the firms sending out Willamette valley, fancy, $17.0($1.00:
these bearish reports to the east, hsvs onjinery, $12.00014.00; eastern Oregon,
been heavy sellers of Oregon hops the lg. $io10.60; clover. $7.60;
and these contract h.vT."yea "55 !. $"; cnea
tn run. This makes the contracting I Bntter, Bggs ana Poultry.
firm very desirous of purchasing hops I BUTTER FAT F. o. b. Portland
as chean as rrasslble to fill Its sales. I Sweet crrsm. XRUc: sour. 26Hc
One firm In writing to the eastern trade BUTTER City creamery, $0c; so-
makes tne raise assenion mat it koi i ends 7He; outsiae fancy, zic; sec
to huv ordinarr cheap hops at I and C I ondi IKo: store. Oreaon. 1819c.
a pound and choloe hops at 6 and So. I EOQ8 Extra fanvy, candled, 220
For anything that could ne cauea a i tte: good candled, 21I2o.
. hon these nrlces have never ruled dur-1 cteesib New Full cream, fiats,
Ing the past season. . 16o per lb; Young Americas, 17o per lb.
Savtera Tarda Looking Better. POULTRT Mixed chickens, 12 He;
n.. i.t..f nt h mew Tork fancy hens 1IH01SC lb; roosters, old,
Mm fimt im of thi 10o A: 'ryr. lb: broilers, Uvt
Producers Price current says or ins .. ' . ; . , ,h. Inrin, l.klL
lltiiairltfm &
-"Th. 'oontlnnI fin. mrner weather c lb: ..... oi W toe .o; . mr ees.
lrtort JrVwthflhrhoP XlZ Mi forVdV.uab.. $i.60tUoU;plgn.:
a"&OTr.porhcom I P ?rw 10
i . . . .
munh more encoursain than hereto- I i V" s"r.
fore. Estimates of the yield sre being I Hops, Wool aaa Sides.
raised, and it is now predictea tnaci HOPS IV 06 crop Prime to choice,
- win ctdumw '".T.., H7c; medium to prime, ipHc eon
have a crop very tUo be ow tt Mayer- tcf, 'lt01 env 10nc
,. AMhInr?iMk b?iht WOOL 107 clip Valley. 20 21e
mold, which makes the outlook bright oreson ltfi2lc
.for fine quality. Most of the yard, are trJA?OT:w1i17L,4a.,Uo.
now in blow. an u is saia ine nopi are RHRRpSKTva Hh,rlni is20e
im, wool.
tftL.L . , . i. --. TALLOW Prime, per lb. IM &4c; No.
tlUU 1IVWS elVIII Misia I m n Ml '
very backward. a .strmating tfie yield CH1TTIM BARK 6c per lb.
aa low as 300,000 hundredweight Other I Trnlta and Tegetablss.
reports are that the vine showi i a jrood j -POTATOES $1.60 1.76. selling; buy-
. arage growth, and with favorable ",11. wr Vack,
Weather m they wnr grow an average ONIONS Jobbing price New Walla
crop ana ioaay t'"J " "P.-' Walla, $2.26 saclo; Mrllc,8c per lb.
.00.000 to 426.000 hundredweight. Lo-l k-0A1"va xr.' li info, IT
eally the market for spot hops Is life- fresh FRUITS Oranres I3.00
, less, and the small U.0I; bananaif6c lb.; lemon.. $007.60
mand from brewers ,V"U"PE"!2 per 'box; limes. Mexican. $4.00 peg 100:
from dealers atocks. From pineapples, $a.26C00 dozen; grape fruit
BW.V W nw YZ,Am I ?; cnernes, s8loe id; peaches, eoc
rematnlna lot In growers hands.ll.or: i ti it. ....k.T.
amounting to .4 bale, at l$o to grower." rvtlTwiiiaa
- i " &ooai Onions ICaka Appearanoe. io; cultivated blackberries, $1.26
Today Jthe first local dried onions of a crate; crabapples 6076c per box;
the ntason maae tneir ipptninw w p
' Portland. The first arrivals were dls-1 VEGETABLES Turafps, new, 0cO
" nlsyed at the public market on the I $100 sack; carrots, 76c$l. 00 per sack;
east side and were of excellent quality, beets. $160 per sack; parsnips, $1.00
. Onion market in fine snap, witn waiia i " XI, 1 UL " '
Walla stock ranging around $2.26 a bag. 600c; parsnips. 0c$l; wax beana
' ruZ a-a rnr niii nntatn; green. 4c per lb: cauliflower. $1.26
tloned yesterday was a very moderate 1-60 doyen; peas 6e; horseradish. 8c lb.;
one and hardly sufficient for growers artichokes. 86c76c doren; rhubarb. 3c
. ha .hn., a few docen lb.; rreen onions. 26o per dozen: bellTOD-
' sacks would fill the wants. The late- Pers. 10 16o per lb; liead lettuce.
nea. of the demand 1. tha atarUlng f- . aocucumers. hothou.. io
. Watermelons are, arriving dally In aoien Dunones; eggplant. 16c lb;
car lots and are In the best condition, green corn, $1.60 stck; celery, $1.25
'i Bales are very good, dark melons rang- dosen.
Ing around l4o ami light meat at lHc Orocerles, Wuts, Etc,
uncrated. , 8UOAR Cube, $4.22 V4: powdered.
Six-tier peaches are not wanted In $.07H; berry, $6.87 H; dry, granulated.
this market, and recent arrivals of that $J.87H; Star, $5.77 H; conf. A. $6.87 tt:
grade have not sold for more than ex- extra B, $6.87 H: golden C. $5.27 tt; D
press charges and the cost of the box. yellow, $B.17H; beet granulated. $6.77H;
- Best peaches in fine demand at good barrels, 10c; half barrels, 26c; boxes,
"" figure." " :" :" " : Mo advance on sack basts.'
Eggplant la In heavier arrival from (Above prices are 80 days net cash
: The Dalles, but demand continues good, quotations.)
Price at 1012c a pound, i , is . v HONEY $8.80 per crate.
i Something About Cantalonpea. COFFEE Package brands, $15.88
''M?r "sALff-Coarse-Half ground. 100..!
growers and . shippers of , Fresno, call- I1s fi n(. ton. . tBM
1 rotnfl F.eTe . onsidrablv 17 6: 100s- $17-25; bales, $2.l6;
ge at ExetV this season 1. 240 acre. " "n j
ai.. baa ,..M . urn" un Mr an(1 l0B- $-6'W0.50; Liverpool
"? iUiro,0-rlC0kJ,2t860Per 6"lb rOCk-
eellent for the acreage, and thin has '1r?!' i0";, .ni, ,.
. resulted in a very largs demand both brSe(S.,ce?, PIL in.!0!.!!!
. fmm ih. ...t nf fh r.t than car. lots. Car lots at special prices
. . While the acreage at Exeter la d- t0r ""f TnVn n 1 a Nn
S2 " .e"?. ere is alvter b BIC l.Jj.. No
'J Ji in uiut puns uiiiiuiiiia, i". ,'. rT.. rr4nta 11 .
- tMal -acreage being- considerably In- SISi-tte IS 30- larre
creased over a year ago. Local acreage L5gr.? "If.iv ft Jlv. t?o5'
. Is likewise arreater. m thn will not I "". '
likely beany scarcity of . "cants" thl. I "SS; "Tir'
The run of sheen in the yards con
tlnues rather email and the advance, of
26c quoted in the report yesterday Ii irf
A year aro today sheen were very MKf
Cattle arrivals were nominal today, There is but little likelihood of any
but on this date a year ago no arrivals ajrloua drop in local flour values when
were shown; Market Is steady at for- th.e new crP la being ground, because
mer values. UL l"B nign prices inai miuers are pay-
A year sgo today cattle were just ln nd growers are asking for the new
holding steady. production.
A small bunch of hogs 120 head According to prominent flour sellers
were the srrivais ior the day. This I me present price of flour will be contln
compares with none either a month or I ued for some time.
year ago and a nominal number two I There was a spurt in wheat-buying
vrni agu. 0iKia.ei in in uui unciungn upsrauoni in mo inland empire during
m iinm. me pasi if nours, millers bidding and
A year ago -today hogs were firmer, paying an advance of fully 2c a bushel
pr' ad.vanc'n 6c- over first reported figures. This would
Official yard prices: put the coast track price at 92 93c for
i-oii Miwni yrmn, f; clut and 96o for bluest em. The reason
5t?ck.V?needer'' 00: China for the very slight reduction in club
fk?t4.iLt!;8,-nr ,tr. very
it " h..i i V. "cnnni quality or me rormer. All
i'ni' t?1 C0W" heifers. $2.763. wheat raised In the Paciflc northwest 4 lio- ,w. "'.on ha, more gluten than dur
4.Zb; lambs, i&.ze.
Children's Day at the Oaks.
This is children's day at the Oaks
and hundreds of youngster, are enjoy
ing the sights of the big park They
began to make tha trln thla miunlni
and all day long they have crowded the
cars to reach the place.' Presents are
oeing aisiriDUMd to every child.
The Road to 'Frisco."
One of the best attractions of the
week Is "The Road to 'Frisco," at the
Lyric. Few plays ever written have
more strength and such an agreeable
working out. It gives everybody in the
caei a cnance 10 ao something, usual
manures will De given.
(Continued from Page Ons.)
M E M; :
i ;Af III A !TKr.-r-!rf
cure . femmM
, : , I I , VUJk Jir I UT Av
iJMr.wr i i iron x
y1? I have accepted yotir case
for treatment you may look for
ward to a complete and perma
nent cure, and with the very
treVtm6n! th ring will
begin. , This is i pretty definite
talk unon what. . Komu
regarded as an uncertain and
The. Xrsaalng Spaotallsi.
w.tVt..?0." " that I know Just what I ean do and
it .nd rnettr Pra'M or attempt too much. I accept
, ....m imtv uuuui mm to my SDiiiiv to cure.
f1.!?-' eql!1 t0 th c,!"b I ollowtng are iom
I cure, and reasons why my cures are cartaiS.
why my cure are certain.
Contracted Disorders
and results, are
some of the diss
Price Five Cents Lower With Slight
Increase in Ran Today.
Chicago, Aug. 1. Official receipts:
Hogs. Cattle. Sheep.
Chicago 18.000 45.000 10.000
Kansas City ..10.000 6.000 3,000 Au.
Omaha 11.00 1,000 8,600 Bept.
nogs are oc lower wun o.zuw leri i Deo,
over. Receipts a year ago were 17,000. May
rough 6.856.00; light, 6. lOWS. 67.
Sheep steady.
ewes, I jn any previous v..r.
nicago siariea strong on the report
of Crop Expert Snow that the wheat
condition had declined fullv 5 ner rent
uurinj juiy. ine close was 7i 10 He
turner man yesieraay.
Liverpool was dull, unchanged and
Official Chlcaao oricea hv Ov.rh.rV a
luuro company:
Open. High.
Rid Prices Current Today on the San
Francisco Market.
iahjij II" an y OW.II-IIJ i I Vrr"f0Io ,, . Inmlvi lir n.r lh-
season, prices holding high however. per lb; roasted. 10c per
Brief Botes of the Trade. lh: Japanese. 86ttc:- roasted. 7e7Ho
1 'r Egg market Is holding- steady. Oregon per lb; walnuts, California, 10c per lb;
eggs ire showing muoh better quality pine nuts, 1415e per lb: hickory nuts,
than eastern stock and for that reason 10c per lb; Brazil nuts, 18c per lb; f 11-
are now as low in price as the latter, berts, 16o per lb; fancy pecans, 1820c
It la now stated that the former boost--' per lb; almonds, 1921Ho.
- -ers of eastern eggs, seeing their plans Keats, risk and Trorlslons.
, 'TdhocJoct selUn'J fhfm FRESH MEATS Front street-Hogs,
a hotter Th. Ttrad fin aenerllsS 'ancv. Ho per lb: large. 78o per
prove it. There is talk of asking the c P i.P00'' '7 per lb mutton-
government to take a hand in the fa5??i Hw, "tnl,r.A
matter. a it Is against the pure food . HAMS, BACON, ETC. Pprtrand pack.
law to sell any food for something that ,(,ocaI..h?n8'.?? t0 12 1lbs,1Y5,l ,,'
It is not. 14 to 19 lbs, 15o per lb; 18 to 20 lbs.
Poultry is moving , off at printed J6c; breakrast Dacon, isn wc per
- prices. lb; picnics, 11 He per lb; cottage roll.
Very firm tone continues In dressed Hc per lb; regular short clears, un-.
, 'meats. Prices straining at the top. smoked, 12c per lb: smoked, lae per id,
Salmon prices are advanced fc a clear backs, unsmoked, 12c; smoked, uc
I , ; pound In the fresh fish market Chinook Per lb; Union butts, 10 to 13 lbs, un-
i ; at llo and steelhead at 10c a pound emoked. 8e per lb; smoked, so pr lb;
' 'today. clear bellies, unsmoked. llq- per lb;
- J Tomato prices have declined sharply smoked IS He per lb; shoulders. 12 He
. per lb. pickled tongues. 60o each. .
LOCAL LAHt KOlll. leal, ioc, jou
per lb; 6s, 13Hc per lb; 60-lb tins, HHo
per lb; steam rendered. 10s, 11 o per
lb; 6s, llc per lb; , compound. 10s, 10c
per lb. ' . " .
FISH Rock cod. It per lb; flounders,
6c per lb; halibut, 7c per lb; striped
bass. 15c per lb; catfish, lie ner lb; sal
mon, fresh Columbia Chinook,' llo per
lb; Steelheads. 10c per lb; herrings, oc
per 40; Doles. 6c per lb; snnmps, izc per
ib- perch, c per lb; tomood, 7e per lb;
ooBiers, lsc ter id;; rresn 'macaeroi, vc
per id; crawfish. 25c per.dox; sturgeon.
San Francisco. Aug. 1. Official bid
Sandstorm 43c. Mohawk 817. Columbia
Mt 66c, Jumbo 84.60A, JumDo mxt.
81.80. Vernal 16c. Pennsylvania 3 c A,
Gold field M. Co. 3160. Kendall 31c,
Booth 43c, Blue Bull 34c, Adams lie,
Silver Pick Sic, May queen iuca, Ne
vada Boy 7c. R B. Ext. 7c. Blue Bell
18c, Dixie c, O. Columbia 40c. Hlbernla
6c. St Ives 91c. conqueror lzc, isik
Rock 4c, Lone Star 18c, Q. Wonder 2c,
Potlatoh 40cA, Oro 22c. Kendall Ext. 2c,
Sandat Ext 4c, Mayne 7c, Atlanta 60c,
Great Bend 77c, Slmerone 19c, Empire
9c, Red Top Ext 23c, Florence 36.60.
Diam'f B. B. Con. 24c. O. Daisy $1.87 H,
Laguna $1.60, Commonwealth 27c, Comb.
Kract. $2.20. Or. Bend Ext. 14c. Gr.
Bend Anx. 8c, Mlllstorm 40c A. B. B. Bo
nanza 6c, Kewanos 66c, Esmeralda 9c,
Portland 20c. Cracker Jack 18c, Francis
Mohawk $1.06. Red Hill 62, Mohawk
Ext 8c, Lou Dillon 8c, T. Tiger 20c,
Grandma le, S. Pick Ext. 4c, Y. Roue
6c, Goldf. Cons. $ 8.12ft. Diam'f Triangle
Ophir $1, Mexican 66c, Gould & Curry
1 C. A fin Virginia Aav.crtt .tfln
Hale & Norcross 60c, Yellow Jacket SOc,
Belcher 26, Confidence 66c, Sierra Nev.
33, Exchequer 37c, Union 29c.
Drlsrinal 7c. Bullf. M. C. 13c. Mont.
Bullf. 4c. Nat. Bank 20c. L. Harris 2c.
Amethylst 26c, Gold Bar 65c, Stelnway
6cA, Denver Buf. Anx. 8c, Bonnie Clare
47c May fl. Cons. 37c. Monty Ohio Ext.
7c, G. Scepter lOcA. Monty Mt. 13c, B.
Daisy lOcA, Homestake Cons. 90c, Yan
kee tin iuggei c, 1 ramp uons.
Victor lOcA.1 North Star 6cA.
Ton. Nev. 13c. Mont Ton. $3.05. Ton
Ext. 81.60A. MacNamara 25c. Midway
87c, Ton. Belmont 3.10, Ton. No. Star
zic. Ohio 'ion. ac, west End cons. 74c,
Rescue He A, Ton. A Calif. 5c. Oolden
Anchor 13c, Jim Butler 97c, Ton. Cash
Boy 6c, Ton. Home 6c, Boat. Ton. lOcA,
Monarch Pitts Ex. lOoA, Mont. Mid. Ext.
4c, uoiaen crown c.
Manhj Cons. 60c A. Manh. M. C. 6c.
G. Wedge 6c, Seyler rlump 6c, Dexter
12c. L. Joe 2c, Crescent ficA, Comblna-
uon zc, urannv zsc. Mustang zoc. Lit
tle firev i3r. Crtwhnv Br drier U,nh
lOcA, Broncho 7c, Pfnenut 8e, Buffalo
Sc. S. Dog 16c, Y. Horse 4c, Indian Camp
Sept. .
Dec . .
May ..
Sept .
Sept .
Oct ..
Jan. ..
Sept .
Oct. . .
Jan. . .
.. 1T4 H
.. i 96H
. .100H 101
,. 64 64
.. 60S 61J
. 61H 62
.. 40 40
. 40 40
42 43
. 1635 1645
. 822 922
. 927 927
. 860 860
. 866 870
. 860 862
. 797 796
1636 1646
Oil company, whose offices are in that
city practical knowledge was of value
to them, his honesty and Integrity ap-
pea iea to them, and he was employed In
meir Ban fTancisco office. He ad
vanced rapidly. i
noon he was given the posltlon of
northwest manager with headquarters In
the Swetland bnHrllnir irifth kn Wash
ington atrets. this city. That was five T
years aao. 8oon aftar hi. arrival In I
Portland he met a young woman from
.' f4 Washington, who was visiting
i- ;T.i lilt ' WM nwuni a
n this city. They were married and I
lived for a time at 654 Tillamook street X
Dividend Rate Is Raised and Helps
Price -Downward Trend In
New York.
Car Fdry. ...
Cotton OH ..
Missouri Pan. ,
Northern Pac.
Grt -Northern
People's Gas ,
Atchison i!Rock Island . .
al. ft Ohio ... U If. 8. Steel ..
Brooklyn (Pennsylvania
St. Paul
Union PacWc .. I Southern Pac.
Katy i Steel, pfd. ..
Fairy Silver King 15cA, Fairy Eagle
ooc, xxevaaa runs. .uua, ivo. star won
der 6cA, Eagle's Nest 4c, Ruby Wonder
17c, Nev. H7 Florence 20c, Pittsburg
Silver Peak $1.36.
United States Government Bonds.
York. Aug. 1. Government
42"Supplles of tomatoes from
ilocal points show a tremendous
Increase during the past few
days, and this fully Justifies the
' downward trend of prices of latA
Fully 250 boxes were reciiyfl by
roy" firm alone this mornliis. andl a
rthla aupply may be doubled b- . a
fori the flay Is Over.t Other deal
era if; received; large l', shipments.'.
Some of .the J'toms" are of very
excellent .atiaftty, :ipe are fair
at.2 rome very poor. , Most of the
arrivals are from TH ': Dalle.,
While Salmon, and Hood River."
-r-Grorge - Davenport? of Daveh?
Twos, registered ...
do couDon
Threes, registered .
"do coupons 102
Threes, small) bonds ...ioit
Dls. Columbia, 3.65s 113
Fours, registered, new.. 127
do coupon 127
Twos. Panama 104
do coupon 103
Philippine Fours 109
The advancing of the dividend rata An
Southern Pacific to 6 Der cent bv to
day's quarterly dividend of 1 per cent
aided materially In boosting that Issue
on the New York market tndav. Tha
advanced dividend likewise had a bull
ish effect upon Union Pacific. The reg
ular dividend declared on St Paul was
a slight disappointment and caused sell
In that Issue.
Amalgamated copper and Smelting Is
sues lost heavily, on the decline of c
on the metal price. This carried tha
rest jof the market down.
London was dull but fractionally
Official New York Drlces bv hvarharV
oc wi&q cum puny :
Jas.ppy Some Ufa.
Boyle received a liberal salary and
they began to save. For two years or
'i"i" iiq uvea an inai lira. nn. af Am-
yotion to his family and strict atten
tion to his business. Tn .
Utle girl was born to them.
It was about that time that the
change In his habit began. The change
was sudden and mmnlata u
iuicPZ trm th alu chariot where
he had clung tenaciously all his life,
and bea-an to drink- lmai ......
Home became a hnr tn hiwn k,,.i.... .'
h,V?Ki H""eht the company of
"":""' iniesi me aown-town
cafe i and restaurants. He arambled
neavur. rrenuentlnar th. un ..i.i.
yuu. wncre ne lost large sums, and even
jvuiurinj 10 me cities on the sound
tO WOO the fickle srodiiaaa
Boyls went the pace, and to go the
pace In Portland requires the price.
His salary waa h..
. uuv uui lain
fnou?l to meet the alluring demands of
uiiii-iii. 10 answer uie calls of the
mrciiB wnose voices he ennirt nnt with
stand. Then began his peculations,
small sums of $26 and $50 at first. He
so Instructed the csshler and book
keeper, who were under his charge, that
no suspicion of his wrong-doing reached
mum unices in Han .Francisco.
Oefaloatloa Is Growing.
Emboldened bv his ninu m
win hiuwii imnorriiniriaa nr hia a.
soclates and habits, he took larger sums
until the as-crreaate ran lntn tha tho.
Bnuo. experts wno are at work on the
books now declare that they cannot es
timate ine exact amount. However,
they have already discovered a short
age of over 83.000.
Finally the loose methods of his re
ports and the business of the office In
this city aroused the attention of the
officials of the company In San Fran
cisco. Two weeks ago F. T. Hutchin
son arrived in Portland to take Boyle's
place as northwest manager. Next
morning Boyle failed to appear, and
an Investigation was begun. It was
learned that he had left the night before
and it was also discovered that there
was a large shortage.
A Mr. Hutchinson is now In charge of
the office, while experts are trying to
unravel the books. As soon as suffi
cient evidence of his guilt was obtained
Mr. Hutchinson nraaanta tha .
District Attorney Manning and a war
rant for Boyle's arrest was Issued. De
scriptions of f him have been sent to
r."1'. " lne norxnwest. it Is be
lieved, however, that he has gone to
Canrfda and detectives are slowly but
rW S mm.
. . ?rriB general agent for the
o' waaningion, or the Metropoli
tan Bursty company of New York, is
in the city, aiding In the Investigation.
Mr. Morris reached Portland soon after
msni, mm in uirecung the
search for the fugitive.
Boyle's wife la III at h. n. -
in this city. She Is heartbroken as a
" "w nuBoanas actions and grave
.o.a cnici inuieu ner recovery,
(Continued from Page One.)
In no Other ailment peculiar to
men Is a prempt and thorough
cure so essential. Contracted dis
orders tend to work backward un
tU the most vital nerve centers be
come Involved In the Inflammation.
Then follows a chronlo stage
that stubbornly resists all ordi
nary treatment Safety demands
that every vestige of Infection bi
eradicated at the earliest possible
moment My treatment is thor
ough. The remedies employed
have a more positive action than
has ever before been attained, and
so perfect Is my method of appll
cation that even chronlo cases
yield completely.
This most prevalent of all dis
eases of men la also the most
neglected, either through dread of
the harsh methods of treatment
commonly employed, or, through
Ignorance of the grave dangers
that accompany the disease. As
varloooele Interferes directly with
the circulation and process of
waste and repair throughout the
generative organs, the necessity
of a prompt and thorough oure
cannot be too forcibly empha
sised. I cure varicocele In one
week by an absolutely painless
process. My cures are thorough
and absolutely permanent and
are accomplished without the use
or irnire, ligature or caustic.
Z also pan to stay enred "weakness," Jhydiooooale, speolflo Mood poisoa
ad alBann'i dlaoaees.
Consultation and Advice Free
Oct. aforrlsoa and see ad Streets, rortlaad, Oregon,
Xonra A. K. to I ML gandays 10 to 1.
'ipurl Bivthers.
v -
12c per lb; black bass, 20o per lb;
uver smeit, ,c per lb; shad, 4C per to;
black cod. 7Ur nr lh - - .
. OYSTERS Shoal water bay. ner gal
lon, J2.6Q; per 100-lb ssck. 14.50; Olym-
fr.'.'ET .fa"on. jz.36; per. 116-ib sack,
Ji.'l5: Eable. canned, 10c can; -$7.00
YBs'sKeit'erTboa,1 IJ.48;
rasor cUms. $t.oo per box; 10c per dos!
v' Ooal OH, Bto, f
i3cF;aj1MiU,,1i- :.. .
i uiA h.Iir!,erl M ' AitrSl-Cases,
f!e S.f!r.i?1:-W.,,p white, 'Iron bbls.
lithtP i7f"i:. WOo5n. "o Pr sal; head:
light, 176 deg, cases, Iivjo per gal.
Liyerpool Grain Market.
Liverpool, Aug." 1. Official prices:
Open. Close. July 31. Gain
....7s 2d 7s 2d 7s 2d
7s 4d 7s 4d 7s 4d
....4s 9d 4sl0d 4sl0d d
Liverpool Cotton Market. -
Liverpool, Aug. I. Cotton
olosed steady; 6 points up.
' Dulutb Wheat Market.
! Duluth, Aug. 1. September wheat $L
OASOLINE 86 dr. cases - .Ua
gal; Iron bbls, 18c per gal.
r- BENZINE 68 deg.. cases, 26e per
gal; Iron bbls, 93c per gaL
TURPENTINE In cases 96c nar !
wooden bbls, 3c per gal.
wniiu lioau ion iota, 7e per
ic pei
lb; 600-lb lots, 8o per lb; less lots,
ter lb. "
WA-P x-reseni PMII at 3S.11.
Amal. C. Co
Am. C. & F. c . .
Am. Cot. Oil. c. . .
Am. Loco, c
Am. Sugar, c. .
Am. Smelt o. . . .
do pfd
Ana. Min. Co. . . .
Atchison, com...
B. & O. com....
Br. Rap. Tran...1 66
can. jrac. c
C. M. & St. P..,
C. & N.-W. c.
C. & O
Col. F. & I. c...
Erie, com
Great Nor. pfd.
L. & N.
M. K. & T. c. .,.
Ore Lands ....
Missouri Pac. . ,
National Lead. .
N. Y. Central- . . .
N. Y., O. & W....
Norf. & W.
North. Pac. c. . .
Pac. Mail St. co. .
Penn. Ry
f, t u. as u. uo.
P. S. Car., o. . . . .
Reading, c
Rock Is., c. . , T.
do Dref erred J .
Southern P.. c. .
Southern Ry., e..
Union Pac. c. . .
U. S. Steel Co., c.
do preferred . .
Wabash, pfd. .
oar q
85 86 83 84
42 42
36 34
66 66
121 121 120 120
112 113 110 111
: 104
66 65 53 63
92 92 91 92
97U 97 H 97 S7U
66 66 66
174 175 174 175
132 133 131 132
148 ,
85 3S 35 35H
30 30 29 30
23 23 23 23
"1 131
112 112H 111 114
1IU? Jit
35 36
74 73
!.' '1S
tttm n.awm A 17 Lit
90 90 , 89 89
102 103 101 102
21 . . , ., 21
47 46 iZ
89 90 88 89
19 19 18 19
114 1 Aft 11 AA ....
86 35
100 $ 100
! 24
Total sales for day, 622.500 shares.
Portland Bank Statement.
Clearings today ..........$ 1,421,298.28
ao year ago...... 683,156.07
Gain today ... ...i.... ;$ 638,142.15
Balances todav $ 173,246.4
do year ago c 99,820.19
New York-London Metals.
New Tork. Aug.- 1. All rradea nt
copper down c; Lake 2021; Elec
tro. 19 20o: Castings. ItUfflia,
Barsllver, 69c;, London U 1-164 , .
v. I'1 hSve nfver inflicted this sentence
before." ram tha im!.. k... ,i.i.
case I feel it to be 'uT Th. ltVL"'7
of the court Is that you receive 15 fashes
deputy " hands of th nerlfI or his
Kls rirst Appearanoe.
"I am much obliged." said Shaefer.
"I never had it lashes-rin my life. But
I am going to take it and take it like
a gentleman, too."
tn th-eliw?..le.l from th' ?our' room
Aan the PrParation for the
execution of the sentence were proceed
ed with at once without returning Shae
fer to the cell. Before he went up to
the court room Rhn.f.r k.i .ijKvi.
cell mates that 'if he were whipped he
would not flinch.
The wife-beater was stripped to the
waist and his hands fastened by hand
cuffs to the bars of the cell.. The whip
a rawhide about two feet long with
six lashes about 18 inrhaa .
end, had not fallen the third time before
ucminna,iion noi to runch
was forgotten, and his cries could be
ucaiu an over tne jail.
Ories Under the Xaish.
The whlnnlna- oonirml fn th.
of Sheriff Stevens, Deputy Sheriff Bul
ger, and DeDutv Dlstrlnf A tt
C. Moser and H. B. Adams. Shaefer
urei out wnen tne lasn cut bis back the
third time. And each time after that
ine iasn reii. . Tnoucn na tni i
against It, he flinched against the steel
oi inp oeu to w;nicn ne was hand
cuffed and crid "Oh my God. my Ood."
When .the ; fifteenth Ush had been
struck and the handcuffs were taken off
oiiaciera wrists ne sanK into a chair
fainting. His shoulders were ridged
with welts and the blood was starting
miivubii in, b iv in wriDr. in. irirri nai
cut Salve and soothing liniments were
nppuea to onarirr uacic, and while the
wuunas were Deing aressea ne stretched
forth his wrists-where the . handcuffs
had cut into them, and said:
' Different In Old Country.
"Look at those handst In the old
country black bread . and work in the
fields is good enough for a woman, but
here they make a goddess of her. I
have worked eight years with these
hands for that woman. Now look at
them. ' And It was she who hmurnt tt
when he was clothed again, Shaefer
gathered up, the few belongings he had
in the jail and, before he left shook
hands with Deputy Sheriff Beatty, the
acting Jailer, who had wielded the cat
ctVnlns tall- v-. v
Wc Cure Men for
27 Ytart in Portland
N Pay Unless Cured
Free Consultation
It will not cost you anything to call at our
office, and by so doing it may save you much
time, worry and money, and because it we can
not cure you we will honestly tell you so, and
you will not be under any financial obligation to
Yoir'pay us our fees for cures not to ex
periment; we have proved the fact that our
methods are the best, latest and most scientific
In every respect. There are some cases that are
curable, and we determine whether it is curable
or incurable by a thorough physical and mi
croscopical examination.
We cure Cystitis, Irritation of Neck of Blad
der. Enlargement and Inflammation of the Pros
tate Gland and all diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys quickly yield
to our modern methods of treatment. We especially invite old chronic
cases that have been unsuccessfully treated elsewhere.
Gonorrhoea, Blood Poison, Sinn Diseases, .Nervous Decline, cured
by scientific methods known and indorsed by the medical profession.
The average mart seldom realizes the great importance of physical
strength as a factor in his general health. To be weak physically is to
be weak mentally. If from various causes, or certain conditions, the
vitality of the body is run down the entire nervous system becomes
sympathetically affected resulting in the loss of strength of vitality.
To this condition we apply a medication which, coming directly in con
tact with the weakened nerve centers, relieves the congestion and es
tablishes healthy circulation upon which strength and vigor depends.
There Is usually a pain across the small of the back; blue rings
under your eyes; specks before your eyes; your sleep does not rest you:
you get up In the morning feeling tired; your mind at times wanders;
your memory Is poor; you are losing flesh, hollow-eyed; whites of your
eyes are yellow; you are fearful, always expecting the worst to hap
pen; ery nervous; you have bad dreams; startle in your sleep, and
awake out of a dream very much frightened; stinging pain in the
bresst; no appetite. Do you know what causes you to feel like thisT
This condition will not Improve of Its own accord, but Instead you
may grow gradually worse, and eventually end in nervous debility or
neurasthenia. If you have ever taken treatment and failed to get cured
perhaps It is because you never took treatment at the St Louis In
stitute. Our treatment is different from the old treatment taught years
ago. We cordially Invite consultation free.
WRITE if you cannot call. All correspondence strictly confidential
HQ a ii refuioa amib m ytaiii uveiupB,
HOUR3-r a, m. to 6 p. m.; evenings, 7 to 8:30; Sundays, ft a.
to 12 noon. "
To the public and our friends we desire to announce that alterations
on our new store,
lie Men's
are now completed and we will open Saturday, August 3, with a
splendid assortment of high cla9s furnishings, hats and novelties.
Your patronage is earnestly solicited and we will merit a con
tinuance of your business by selling only reliable, high grade mer
chandise. THE MEN'S SHOP
' MICHEL A STILLER, Fourth and Alder Streets.
"Goodbye.? said Shaefer. "t hold
nothing against you; I know you had to
do It When I go. Ashing this fall I
win send you a salmon.
Continued from Page One.) '
health, they say. has no authority to
spend money or select a site for a cre
matorium. '-- - - - - ... -
. Capacity Inadequate. .
Superintendent Charles L. Daaaett of
the garbage crematorium informed the
board that the capacity of the incin
erator was SO tons per day but that
on some days the amount delivered at
the plant for burning reached ii tons.
One-day, he said, they were compelled
L?hiJLread A0 tonfl ' refuse of all kinds
which could not be handled In the burn- i
0nh8 around that it might evap- "
at., Thl5 wa absolutely necessarv,
wrfuPi8garbage rdec ' W et rld ot th6 '
rT'8, Tfcjtal Jof t the superintendent
prompted .the: board members to ursre '
ine council to give immediate Telia in
Iw"0Ah approaching typhoid raker,
ir.-K .I.. ,.rear expressed ti?
Ji . ,taTy conditions might glvJ
Foreign Exchange Bates.
New Tork. Avir. i tiv-. .!,.,,
market dull and harai mt-.A. nD. -
a STaVV4-"' . V bills' 'M.876J i ,
S 1-4 S6 -! plus 1-1 , i