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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1907)
r ' ' ' ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, -.THURSDAY EVENING;AUGUST 1. 1807, ' i - i m ' 111 " 11 i ..... I - ii -. - - ! m i r i . - - ... - HAD HARD TRIP BUIJII BOUT i rr ' 'i ' I launching wm a complete aucoess. The , JYorkmen Eetuni From Cop- mieo wiinoui a mica ana worked 11 water end to locate tha river bank. That I the same Almenalona aa tha aid ateamer rr" vi P woric too several aays. we i or that name ana tne upper worki or tne then had to cut cotton wood treee .for I old craft will be moved onto the hew uPn wh,ch, tn ottt was, to hull. With thia exception verjrthln ' .1 vainf uujii. i- I will DO new.'- . "To say that we were pleased to find. The stern wheel steamer Leona waa wnen me now meuea. uti uis ways I hauled out C naw oeen ' duiic in tne most aesirable I Bundle's for a pot la putting It mildly for we had been 8he ha been lying Idle for many worklnar In the dark. The enow anil i I mniti. a i .,.. tik.a rf tha Tatwla rl vr went out' and left the Chlttyna In a (route and a yet no announcement baa fine . position -on the bank from which I been made aa to what dlapoaltlon will nam oouta hut vm ituoonia a nn 'f ha i avmiIiikm fu rviarta nr nip. marine mrEUiamcB per River After Launch ing: New Steamer. from the start. I t.imi ti an a4 t..r55SIS tU"cabL SHIPPED HENCE IN ; KNOCK-DOWN SHAPE In Snow to Find River Channel and Banks. : Breakwater. Coo. Bay... August ;l aa.beara and more vicious. The n.LI V?.".! J?1!. Ban compelled ua to wear nattlnva ...T. I unw, w " ...... .. ... . .uB. faoa .nd aloyea wntlriuali;. For ;laJUBt?u rar Ma WByrtSf 7 while we slept n cavea due out In tha I ,d.?n('0' Seattle 'Au I anow. vw uu cm in neiR D Inman, Ban Franclaoo. .. .Aug. II "The trio' back tn v.w- Roanoke. Han wro ana way more atranuom hn a. Numantla, orient. we had to ford a nu'mhir 'A Arabia, orient i ..Sept. w ' ' I atreama enmlnr An.. " I AUaia, Oer. aa. .. ......... ,6Dt .WUUam Clin, Foreman, TelM Of More than onoa Tdii Nlcomedla, orient October 1 w ti . xt-a it- r. I i' Mlngr awept away to death elat Zdaen to Depart. VA.t""" currenta. The country waa Roanoka. San Pedro and war Aua. 1 "m. b,?;u ,. , . . lAUlanoe, Cooa Bay Anruat I D H H.PrHlhi.I!08,v,,luUttr 'rom Redondo, Seattle and way. ...,AuJuet 4 SlnJi!? 2?an"e.u-0'ih?. Kattalla Nloomedta, orient :....:Auuat I bu-rto'eaVrv m.L"7".. JJi 5"- -.V niati. ?rwt?5Jn!2 lntlo'. the Johan Poulaen. San Franclco....Au. Thai atait tevrtAaii rmt C'hirTvni i fu. ji r i..i . . - I v-v"wa iaeva on i ni;jauu a yrnuK. V wJ.i: "I' " :: "rr: .r-:r"r ;-CS .ir1" 'Vuw?"r . ng R... Inman. San Franclaco....Aug: 1 :Z"r r" eMtad7 Mr a" ,C,ww1"r .w"l.'r.L"n Numantla,. or ent . . rora una cuy in anooa aown lorm, la 1 -"5 r. ur.1';" Vf" "0"" I Araoia, orient.... aucceaafully plyln, the upper Copper SolilWmiVi0 Aif.!.W.h U- ' ' 11..!.. .1 1 L . I.h nl.,1.. .U - I Tun nw, awiiw, tuu iiQiuy it u im "ja ma luaon. 'Oregon meitopolle the diatlnctlon of haying- built the first boat ever to churn ' the watera of the northern river In the Intereet of commerce and development S Tha-fThlttyna made her first run July : her whlatle reverberated throuch the glaciers. and hUls for many hours on the first day 1n honor of the epoch- ' uj.ikui want. .1 The report Of how the ateamar waa .taken north, hauled over the anow Into the Interior above the falls and then reconsiructea ana launohe 1 T here by William Cllne and Doatbulldara aant nnrth 1 Joaeph Supple to put the steamer to gether and inatall the machinery. They have luat returned after a most exciting esDerlenoa anil nn .n nt although they now aay they would not ". miaaoa me irip ror anything. . " weni norm irom inn sound on the ateamer Santa Clara." said Mr. Cllne this morning In speaking of the trip, nd reached Valdes at the mouth of v-onpw river me latter part of April mi kww wat auu SDout 10 reet oeep in the mountains and considerable diffi culty had been encountered in getting the boat which had been aent up ahead vr ma mountains to the river, about 0 miles Inland, back of the raplda that block an open channel to the sea. We took a great deal of truck with us, how ever, and hence had no eaay anap get ting to our destination. Then came the taak of finding a suitable place where to reconatruct the oraft. The river was burled beneath a cover of snow from four to eight feet deep and a coating of Ice of about the same thickness. It be came necessary to cut through these 'sysrs to ascertain the depth of the . . .Auaust tl September It Sept 25 Teasels la Fort, Hehrllt Ibsen, Nor. etr Albtna AL WTTif,TAM rl?n ITola. Br. eh Elevator dock Maori Klnav Rr aa.. Rut. Waat XAtr Cn ; Electrician on Fireboat Passes A war A l vena. Am. ach Weatport at Homo. Mathilda,' Nor. Portland Lbr. Co. Heart dlseaM cauaed th dath it i I a mm av nn. . o clock tnla mornlntr of a. rv w I t...i. a a r,.1'i,?n n An.'Mb.t Peorge-H. Virginia. Am. achr..,.. St Helens w 1 ?m- -Jl.r-pi'i" nu nome, 1076 Irene. Am. schr Astorti, Williams avehue. In the presence of h i Th.n . T wife. Funeral arraoriman. h,v. r 1.. i."V.i.J ' V lrt ?,Jr yet been completed. Nlcomedla nr. aa Al.aira deceased was a pioneer electrician Kii.inr An. r k. Westport .Martin's dock gamoa, .sr. bk ..Shields SkS Bn- London V. rr. an. ...Newcastle. E. Vlnoennes. Fr. hk. " " i.rL- ml?0i,'ei.T?rr,n,'Jrrv .Hamburg ...Antwerp Antwerp Antwerp reconstructed and launched waa hronaht here bv William Ollna anJ tnmM. I and steamboat anrlnanp nr thla nar, r I . , . boatbuilder. wnt north" In A or 11 bv the world. He wa, tl year, of aac and "'"vrT"- 'cT: ,cn . .. .v- a I haI fnlnal .... . I .1 w ' I u.. ...uiiuu.uuM lur many I Rannnnn Am mtr 11. - . i i - - , ... ii. earnpii me had yeara on the livers here. distinction of encasln the flrat boiler nere in asoestos severing and Installed the machinery on the first ateamer on Snake river. He haa been employed on i no urtuui lur me past two yeara, and prior to that tlmo waa connected with engine company No. 4 end hoae company iiu. a SUPPLE GETS CONTRACT. for Will Rebuild Steamer Mascot Jacob Kamm.. Captain Jacob Kamm today let a con tract to Joseph fiUDDle for tha tructlon of a new, hull and machinery for the ateamer Mascot that for years has been Dlvlna- between thia cltv ami points on the Lewis river. The boat is to be ready in 90 days, in time for the crops that are to come in. In the meantime the route la covered hv tha steamer Tahoma. The new Mascot will be practically of Couch st Somber Can-lets Ea Xoate.' Aurello, Am. str )...8an Francisco Caaco. Ami str ....Ran Francisco Jim Butler, Am. str San Francisco R. D. Inman. Am. str San Francisco Thomas L. Wand, Am. str.San Francisco Coaster, Am. str San Francisco Surle M. Plummer, Am. sch. . .Quaymaa Wasp, Am. str San Francisco Northland. Am. str San Francisco King Cyme. Am. achr.... San lranjrlsco Beulah, Am. sch San Francisco AmertcanaAm. sch San Pedro Johan Poulsen, Am. etr. ..San Francisco Melville Dollar, Am. str Tscoma Bn onte With Oemeat and General. Ouethary, Fr. bk.', Walden Abbey. Br.,.b. vl7,i i?r- Antwerp Si- , 5" 5ere, Fr. bk ..London BafIS F'rNbek.Fr- U jft" r. . Antwerp Goal Ships Ba moata. n2 Jn bi : Newcastle. A. CoL de VlUebols Marenll, Fr. bk n..; wewcastie, A. w .& ABr- Newcastle A. Wlllecott Am. bk ....... . Newcastle A. Port Patrick. Rr ah .i. . ri.-nKirr'i5. ,h Newcastle A. Crlllon. Fr. bk... Newcastle A. Ardencraig, Br. bk Newcastle A Eua-ene Bchneldar Vr hir x.-.. .i- . I1,"'! FJ: h Newcaatle A. Buffon, Fr. bk. Newcastle A. Castle Rock. Br ah ' ? Redhlll Br. ! . ! NewcMU,: a! Knight Templar, Br. ss.. .Newcastle. A. Tramp Steamers Bn Xonta. Queen Alexandra, Br. str Madras Strathneaa Br. atr Pn.i i a i M AlljO nanoaate. Jaoan ALONG TUB WATERFRONT The ateamer Rednndn p.fttain gard, arrived from Seattle thia after- noon with a cargo of lime and coal. She Will be at Couch atreaf norlr anil will aall for Puget aound Sunday night at The steamer Melville Dollar, which took a carso of railroad tlea from thia city to Mexico a short time ago, la un der charter to carry lumber or tie from this port to San Francisco aoon. Six per cent relnaumnra la nuntaA ah the German eh In Slam. 1S3 dava nut fnr this port from Europe. She brings ce- iiirni. iu jMryer, uson ft (jo. The Chlneae steward on the Oerman steamer rsicometila tried to dispose of a The Badge of Honesty Is on very wrapper of Doctor Pleros'i Golden Medical Discovery because a fall list of the lofredlenta eompotlnf It is printed there In plain EnglUh. Forty years of experience has proven Its superior worth as a ' ood poriier and larlgorsw lag tonJo for he core of itomach dtsorderi and all Ilrer Ills. It builds sp the run down system as no ether tonle can In which alcohol If used. The active medic-1 inal principles of native roots inch ss Golden Seal ana queen's root, Mtone and Mandrake root. Blood root and Black Cherry bark are extracted and preserved by the use of chemically pure, trlple reflned glycerine. Send to Dr. E. V. Pierre at Buffalo, N. Y- for res booklet which anotes extrtetsfrom weil-reooRnlxed med ical authorities such as Dra. Barthnlow, King, Scudde, Coe, Elllngwood and a host of othrri, showing that these roots can be defended upon for their curative action I tall weak states or the stomach. accompanied fcy Indigestion or dyspepsia as well ft Infcll bilious or nver complaints and In ftwasting diseases" where there is losftrnesh and gradual running down of timtrength and system. 1807. . ' : . It "his mtewV Th qolpcn Medical DloverT''roaes rjen, pure blood and so Invlyorates M regulates the ttomacfl. liver snp npwe;;), snd through them, tha whole sv.m Thus all skin affections, blotches, pimples r,UAltea Q...throu and eruptions as well as scrofulous swel lings and old open running sores or ulcers are cured and healed. In treating old running sores, or ulcers, It Is well to In sure their healing to apply to them Dr. rierce's All-Healing Salve. If your drug gist don't hsppen to have this Salve In stock, send fifty-four cents In postage and urglcal Institute. Buffalo. N. Y.. and large ruby yesterday, and it was confls-1 a large box cated by the customs officials. The I will rea jewel was one or tne Kind known as "re constructed." made up of chips recut Portland'a shipments of breadstuffs for the month of July by water were 2.7J2 bushels of wheat and 8,7 bar rels of flour. The combined Puget sound ports shipped only 16,02 bushels of wheat and 173.123 barrela of flour. A message to the Merchant' Ex change this afternoon nays that the lumber laden schooner oiendale from this port reached San Francisco this afternoon. tamps to Dr. R, V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel Sui reach vou by return peak Vis aan't m ffrfA 4a m naant , i insiiiuie, ttuuaio. j. x., and of the "All-Healing Salve MARINE NOTES You can't afford to accent a secret nos trum as a substitute for tfarts non-alcohol Ic, medicine or Kirowir oonrosmog, not even inougn toe urgent dealer mar thereby matte s little bigger profit Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to tako as canay. Buccleuch, Br. sh. Brenn. Fr. bk Conway Castle, Br. bk Europe, Br. bk. Genevieve Mollnos, Fr. bk. . Rene Kervller. Fr. sh Laennec Fr. sh I,e Plller. Fr. bk Martha Roux, Fr. bk Mozambique, Br. sh.. .Hamburg Hull . .Antwerp . .Antwerp . . London .Hamburg (Swansea London Hamburj Newcastle. "I Astoria, Aug. 1. Arrived down at 10 a. m. Steamer Asuncion. Aetorla, Aug. 1. Arrived at 2:S0 p. m. Umatilla llshtahlD No. 78. Arrived at 1:16 and left up at 5:30 p. m. Steamer Redondo. from Seattle. San Francisco. Aug. 1. Sailed at 1.40 f. m. Steamer Johan Poulsen for Port and. Astoria. Aug. 1. Condition of the bar at 8 a m., obacurod; wind, aoutheast, 19 mllA. urflillhar ulnnilv Tides at Astoria today HUh water lon nas Deen "aenpa RUNNING RACES AT OREGON STATE FAIR ("peelil Dlt pitch to Tb. JoarsaL) Salem. Or.. Aug. 1. The harness ; racea at the greater Oregon state fair. ! September 16 to 21. which will be the most exciting ever contested on the Pacific coast, have been well exploited. but many persons are Inquiring about Hie running events. No definite decl- The matter lies flu Beef A Benefit ft if it teaches you that Better health Greater strength Keener brain come from ' Orape-Nmts Try the change. You will feel "fit as a lord" in a week's time by breakfasting; on Grape-Nuts and r3m o lift l frmt enft ktilosl .' .' a. a 1 - rltum. If you ever try this experiment, you will always bless the day you woke up. 7 There's a reason why Grape-Nuts food furnishes power to body and brain. It is made of selected parts of the field grains that furnish phosphate of potash in a nat , ural state that can be assimilated by the human body. This joins with the albumen of food and forms the gray matter of the brain and nerve centers. Feed skilfully and you can "do things." The greatest, brain workers eat Grape-Nuts. Ask one or two, they'll tell you. You meat eaters who are ailing in any sort of way should take the hint. j I A prominent authority says : "There is no doubt of the fact that meat-cating is not essential to human life, and that men can be well , nourished without resorting to a flesh diet. "I think the statement may be accepted without question that, as a rule, we eat too much, not only of mCat, uu Vl luou. inc question ot limiting the diet is based primarily not on the principle of econ omy, but on the requirements of hygiene. A A . I- - I 1 c "7 oreakiasts wnica Americans are wont to indulge in, that is, a hearty meal before going to tneir uy wui, mc emission or ijpeat is to be earnestly advised. "It is well known that men who are nourished very extensively on certain cereals are capable of tbe hardest and most enduring labor,," You can depend on the energy from Grape-Nuts longer than from any meal -of meat. ,) "There's a Reason" for sohooner Glendale. from Portland. GENTLE GRAFTER FR03I THE MEADOWS 6:42 a.m., 6.4 feet: 7:01 p. m.. 8.0 feet, with the horsemen themselves. - m- 1,8 reet; -43 p-I It U a fact that running racss are III-, to. it I ' " L. mnm r.Allt.1,1. . . . , a,... c-HMi..A . . . . . , . ..ivob ui uiiibui. vu inc itu bviiivii lj inn - ou . i (vnt iBu, auk. i. Arrivcu l. , i j . . with the betting ring. Thia year no betting of any kind will be allowed at the fair, at least the spectators will 1. . . . - . U 1 . 1 .. . , ' navfl iijq i.iiuii;fiati aailBiaciiun oi Know ing that the best horse will win In each race. W. F. Matlock of Pendleton, a mem ber of the state fair board, and chair man or tne committee on speed, will make a trip to Seattle, where a bla run ning meet is being held at the Meadows tracK, to ascertain tne disposition of the horsemen there. At all events, the class or running races at Lone Oak track this rail will be high, and all contests will re ror blood, and not for the Interests of any racetrack gamblers. (BMelil DUpstch to Tba Journal.) Seattle, Aug. 1. The gentle grafter has been making the rounds of Seattle physicians the last few days. His name is Cohen. He has a sick brother at San Francisco and Is seeking the ad vice of the particular physician In hand, aa "an eminent specialist." At the Meadows he has a string of horses, and because he Is a good fellow he Is willing to tip the doctor to a good thing. Ho Is willing to accept 120 or so from tho doctor which he will put on one of his own horses at 4 to 1 and brlnir back the 180 profit and the original double- Grape Nuts Made at pure food factories of the Postum Co., Battle Creek, Michigan. Read "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. eacle to the phvslclan I Some Seattle physicians never miss a good thing. They have bitten. They nave aiso Deen bitten, ror the man with tne sick brother never comes back. REPORT ON SCHOOLS OF CROOK COUNTY (SdccUI Dispatch to The Journal.) Salem, Or., Aug. 1. The report of the school superintendent of Crook county, transmitted to the office of the state superintendent, shows the following; Children of school age, 4 to 20 years, male 1,022. female 1,113, total 2,135; number not attending any school, male 193. female 280, total 473; number of teachers, male 11, female 67, total 68; numoer oi teacners taxing some educa tional Journal, 47; total days attendance, 126,358; number of organized districts, nz; numoer naving rignt to vote on school matters, 1,592; achnolhnuses in tne county, 69; schooinouses built dur mg past year, 4. MASSACHUSETTS DAY OF OLD HOME WEEK (Journal Special Strvlee.) Boston, Mass.. Aug. 1. This, the fifth day of Boston's Old Home Week cele- Dration, was designated as "Massa chusetts day," with the governors of neighboring states and the mayors and other representatives of the cities of Massachusetts as tha BDeclal rutata. The features of the program during the morning and afternoon Included a fish ermen a race oil Boston lla-ht for the Sir Thomas Llpton challenge cup, an open-air horse show and races at the diaries river speedway, an automobile parade and a reunion and outing of old- tune oaseDaii players. ' MANY RACKET MEN IN VANCOUVER TOURNEY (Special Dispatch to Tba Journal. Vancouver, Wash., Aug. 1. All Inter ested In the game of lawn tennis are looking forward to the international and open tournaments to be held In Van couver on the grounds of the Vancouver Lawn Tennis club the week commenc ing August 12. The International tournament Is re stricted to two entries In singles and one In doubles from each club In the association. The clubs affiliated are the Vancouver Lawn Tennis club, Van couver; Victoria Lawn Tennis club, Vic toria; Seattle Tennis club, Seattle; Ta coma Lawn Tennis club, Tacoma; Mult nomah Amateur Athletic club and Irv lngton Lawn Tennis club, Portland; James Bay Athletic club, Victoria; Spokane Country club, Spokane; Olym- pla Lawn Tennis club, Olympla, and TTi.a... . r 1" , l."1 . , I Egan's Home Ran Wins Game. (Journal Special Service.) San Francisco, Aug. 1. Truck Eagan's I nome run in the seventh won yesterday s game ror uaKiana. score: . . R. H. E. uaKiand 00000020 0 2 6 0 San Francisco. 00009001 01 6 1 Batteries Cates and Bliss; Jones snd Dtreet. umpire perrlne. August Victor Records NOW ON SALE A hit of wonders! Records you must heaiyrec-s ords that every Victor enthusiast-ought to be familiar with. Demonstrations all day today and . tomorrow: come in and hear them hear Alice Nielsen and'Con stantino in their great idividual records and in their duets hear the three new Homer records, the new Gogorza record and the Homer and Abott duet; hear May lrwin in ner tour new records, ana any of the rest ot the bl new August numbers. Remember, Victor records can be used on any S t S a a m m aisk-piaying macnine and remember also that we have little books, which we give away, containing pictures ot the artists and descriptions of the records., You should receive one of these every month: if you don t, then send us your name. . LITTLE PINS FREE Every lady or gentle man calling this week will be given a little Victor pm containing a reproduction of the Victor doe;. Quite a clever novelty, well worth having. Among these August records are : Six Records by Arthur Pryor's Band A New Victor Orchestra Record A Cornet Solo by Emil Keneke A Whistling Solo by Alice Shaw A Violin and Cornet Duet by D'Almaine and Keneke A Bell Solo by Chris Chapman Three Records by Alice Lloyd, the English Comedienne Four New May Irwin Records A Duet by Stanley and Macdonough A Duet by Collins and Harlan A Duet by Miss Jones and Mr. Murray Two New Haydn Quartet Records A Tenor Solo by Harry Macdonough Nine New Red Seal Records by Nielsen and Constantino Three New Homer Red Seals Two Witherspoon (basso) Records A Duet by Homer and Abott A Magnificent Gogorza Record BOJT'T BB BX.TTB and lose all Interest when help Is within reach. Herblne will make that liver perform its duties properly. J. B. vaugnn, ,ina, Aia., writes: Being a I constant sufferer from constipation and a disordered liver, I have found Herblne to be the best medicine, for these trou bles, on the market. I have used It I constantly. I believe It to be the best medicine of Its kind, and I wish all sufferers from these troubles to know the good Herblne has done me. Sold by an druggists. Sherman Bay & Co. STEINWAY PIANOS VICTOR TALKING MACHINES CORNER SIXTH AND MORRISON STREETS It Is expected that each club will Send its run rep: In addition to the International, the Vancouver Lawn Tennis club will, at the same time, hold Its annual open tournament, open to any one who may desire to enter. All competitors In the international will, no doubt, also enter In the i open tournament, and from present . Indications . ' the outside entry will be. large.. Already play ers from Pennsylvania, California, Washlngtqn and 'Oregon have signified their intention of entering, and an ex tensive entry is also expected from Brit ish Columbia points. Vancouver Is In deed favored in being chosen as the vantage ground of what will undoubt edly be the finest exhibition of the' a ever seen on the Paclflo coast. he following- are the rules and rani. latlone governing the open tournament: in tne gentlemen s singles, cham pionship of Mainland. B. C, the winner takes first prise and is entitled to hold the challenge cud for one ' year. The cup must be won three years in suc cession to become the property of any holder. B. P. Schwengers of Victoria is the present holder. STORE CLOSED ALL DAV FRIDAY- J at mrf Wn lO Experienced Clothing Salesmen 6 Furnishing Goods Salesmen 4 Shoe Salesmen 4 Hat Salesmen Must be First-Class People with References Apply this Evening or Before 12 A. M. Tomorrow at tl IB II IS HSSTWIHl -U 1A.JI-J 1 3 1 n r ttrv ii UUJO Third and Burnside Streets Worth of the finest grades of Men's and Young Men's Clothipg, Furnishing Goods, Hats and Shoes .will be .h sacrificed at 33 3 Per Cent of Retail Vahio Sale Begins Saturday, Aug. 3rd, 7:30 Ul The greatest sacrifice of Floe (foods that America lias Vcr iesn See Friday Papers v v ; ,v See Friday Vcpzrj 2 Mr.'