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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY 'JOURNAL. - PORTLAND. THURSDAY frvTENING,v AUGUST l.; 1907, THElSEORTraitiVORLD NEWS OF 5 'r ?'--''v - ".: ; BATTLE GOES 70 POINTS Native Son Fights Dane to Standstill and All But Knocks Him Out. KELSOX IS BESTED IN ; NEARLY EYERY BOUND ' Calif ornian Poes Not Shirk Engage. menu at Clow Quartera and Puts Vp Best GIt and Take Battle of .; ,Hla Entire Caiw. (Journal BprUl 9rrlet.) gu Franclsoo. Aug. 1. In one of the hardest lightweight battles aver seen in this city. ei-Charoplon Jimmy Bntt last Bight won the decision over x-Cham-pton "Battling" Nelson In 10 rounds. More than 10.000 ring followers wit nessed the mill. fhlle Kelson did the greater part of the leading. Brttt landed more than two , blows to Nelson's one. The Callfornlan excelled at every stage of the game ex cept infighting. He displayed great ability to take punishment and gradu ally wore down the endurance of the Dane ntll the Utter was all but out In the twentieth round. Britt tried hard to put his opponent out in the final t round and ha nearly succeeded it ap- pearlng that the gong was the only thing that aaved the battler. In an , nounclng hl decision Referee Welch said that he only gave two rounds to . the Dane tha second snd the seventh. t The fight by rounds follows: w ,-i aVoanA V. "1 " Brttt sent Nelson tottering back with - ' a right to tha Jaw. Nelson almost went to tha floor. He was up quickly in fighting position and Britt smashed ' right and left hard to the face , and then hooked a hard left to the - body. Nelson closed In and smiled at hia seconds. Brttt cleverly protectod himself from the Dane's onslaught ;BHU hcl the advantage of the round. . . t Bov&d t. Britt closed and at close range Nal ' son uppercut twice with right to the body. Britt shot his left with great i force to tha stomach. After Nelson had driven a bard right to the face. Nelson : ' walloped his man with two fearful lefts to the stomach. At close range Nelaon whinned rlrht and left to the face. Britt retaliating with his left to the stomach again and then swung his left to the Battler's ear. In a mix Brut - swung his left hard to tha ear. Nel . aon's rlrht ear bled as the Dane went J to his corner. Both men fought vicious ly aod tha advantage was with Britt f ' monad 8. f : Nelson waded In with left to the face 1 and at close quarters drove his rlgnt thrice over the kidneys. Both missed ' some forceful blows, and after some . sparring, Britt nearly sent Nelson against the ropes with right and left to ' the Jaw. 'The Dane came back fighting viciously, only to receive a terrific left to the stomach and a right swing to 1 the face. Apparently Nelson was un daunted, and he kept forcing the pace . and made Britt break ground. Nelson Jabbed a vlgoroua left to the face and followed It with two left awlngs to the same spot Then ensued a furious rally. Nelson having the better of it. As ' the gong sounded, Britt sunk his left twice to the Dane's stomach, making , the latter wince. The round was ' paratively even. Bound 4. Nelson, as usual, stepped quickly to the center, and alter some sparring. Britt drove two straight lefts to the " .ace and followed it with a right to the .ear. Britt bled at t-a nose from the - effects of Nelson's left Jabs in the ' nrevlous round. Nelson forced the Cal- . ifornian to his (Brltt's) corner, where . . Brlit sent Nelson back with short-arm left swings to the law. Nelson only smiled significantly, however, and. get i ting In close, swung a left and then a 4 light to the face. Britt covered hlm- ', self as best he could and they mixed -f it furiously. In the center of the ring. . i.'T'Jelson doing much execution with hia " short-arm Jolts. At the call of the hell, -. Britt rallied and drove in two terrific X blowa. to the face. Nelson went to hi t corner quickly, showing no effects. It - was a hard fought' round, with Nelson ; enjoying a shade.. Bound 8. Nelson forced Britt to a neutral cor ner and the men fought shoulder to shoulder without dnmage. Britt swung - twice with left to the race and Nelson. leaning his head against Brltt's shoul 'i der, walloped the Callfornlan several ; times with right and left uppercut s. s Nelson then sent his left twice to the mouth and Britt spat blood. Britt got In twtp lefts to the face, but Nelson -forced his man to the ropes. Clever j footwork, however, enabled Britt to f wiggle away from harm. Then they fought to the center of the ring and ex 's changed a virions fusillade of short si arm blows to the head and face. Britt t' had the better of the milling at this 4etage, but the round ended In Nelson's favor. Nelson looked the stronger of I the two. I ' , Bound a ! t ' Nelson Jabbed left to Brltt's sore mouth and Britt sent the Dane's head back with a left hook. Then they mixed it, Britt doing much clever duck, ing .and Smothering. Britt drove his left nard to the body and Nelson Jarred Britt with, three terrific left uppercuts to the Jaw. Britt fought back desper ately and In a mid-ring mix both landed hoii .IMHMMMMMi T fearful right and left wallops to the law and face. It was give and take, Britt throwing science to the winds. Britt came out of the melee with bleed ing nostrils, while Nelson did not ap pear disturbed to any extent. It was Nelson's round. Bound. 7. '..They exchanged lefts to the Jaw and then followed some in-fighting. In wmcn Nelson Invariably excelled. Nel on forced his man about the ring and I THE OREGON JOURNAL, Portland, Otegon: I desire to aid ) to win a Scholarghip by gubicribing to the JOURNAL for the Indicate here i' :' . . whether NEW or OLD subscription period of Please credit $ the paper to the No. of points due 4 -,f, V.; (Signed) , . " DIRECTIONS-Pofnts not credited to contestant unless CASH accom- j panics the order, , , To make sure contestant gets proper credit for the points, remit direct to The Journal or give the money to the contestant you j -wish to faTorv A person bow taking The. Journal will be allowed votes if J "j, the subscription is Advanced tor three ; co nevf subscriptions for any payment . 111 rnnmm Kilt AIA 1 - Jl X-l son theji forced Britt against the ropes. landing at win. jsrm electrified the crowd by making a great rally. He waded Into the Battler and planted left snd right, and then right and left to Nelson's face. - Nelson smiled as tha gong rang, and tha round ended with honors about even. Joe flana Infected life Into tha ronton hv rlalna- In hia seat and shouting. "Good boy, Jimmy." ,. BO&a. Britt staggered Nelaon with left hAnVa snd short right-arm Jolts to tha Jaw, jm neiaon minea a ien swing, Britt brought tha blond from N.linn'. nnaa wiin inree hard lefts to that organ. Then Britt backed away and continued to pepper Nelson's face with left and right wmB.. i nB Dane snooK ms'nead ana went in an the time, without, however, stemming tha rsln of blows to the face. The round ended with tha honors Brltt's oy a clean margin.. Bound t. Tha crowd cheered Brttt as hs srose iney went In close snd Britt, backing off, shot two left to the Battler's face. He followed It with left to the Jaw and right to the same nines. Nelaon mad dened perceptibly, fought back hard and landed twice with the left to the face. Nelaon nearly slipped to his knees from a misspent blow snd, as he came in. Britt whipped his left with great force to tha Jaw. After some anarrlns Britt. backing away, drove his left thrlre to the face snd vsrled it with a couple of right awlngs to the face. Nelson closed In. only to be a target for Brltt's un erring left to the face. Nelson went to hi corner with a battered face and Britt smiled grim It as he sought his corner. It was Britt a round by a big margin nd he received a tremendous ovation a he took his seat. Bound 10. Nelson endeavored to get to close quarters, but the Callfornlan waa too clever. He backed away and drove two right to the head and followed it with three lefts to the same spot. Brttt clearly outpointed Nelson at every turn, Nelson landed a glancing left to tha nose as Brttt stepped back. Again step ping away, the Callfornlan shot his left to the race twice snd then uppercut with right to the Jaw. Britt laced out with left, landing on the nose and bring ing the blood afresh from Nelson's nose. Britt then shot two raking lefts to the noae and ths gong closed the round. It waa all Brltt's. Nelson was clearly outpointed and could scarcely locate his man. Bound 11. Brttt staggered Nelson with two rights to the face. Nelson forced the flghtingi however, but invariably Britt met him with left and right short-srm uiows to the head and face. Although Britt beat Nelson In this round. Nelson forced the fighting throughout. Bound la. Nelson forced Britt sgalnst the ropes snd landed his left and right to the face. They worked to the center of the ring and Nelson went to his knees, partially from a slip and Brltt's Impetus in his direction. Then they mixed it viciously. Britt outpointing the Dane 4 to 1 at close range. Nelson kept forcing the fight, snd was met time and again by left and right to the Jaw. Britt fairly smothered his man with left and right smashes, and Nelson tottered about the ring like a beaten man. He hung to riit and at times butted the Callfor nlan, for which he waa warned by the referee. The bell rang and Nelson spat blood as he went to his seat. Britt brought thee rowd to Its feet in this round and clearly earned the honors re ceived. Bound 13. Britt fighting carefully, landed twice with lefts on the Dane's stomach. Nel- eon aavancea. wun Brut backing away, and battering the Dane's face at will. Britt was verr cool and appeared to gain strength as the fight progressed. Then Britt shot a fearful left to the stomach and followed It with a light left to the Jaw. Nelson. however, forced the fighting. He was rewarded with a right swing flush to the Jaw. Nelson again almost slipped to his haunches, but was quickly In fighting position. Britt landed two right swings to the Jaw and then a left hook found refuge on the same spot. Nelson vainly sought to land on his antnconlat hut could not locate him -Rrlt. T)rit" fBlled the crowd in unison, as the gong tiuocu a x?riu rouna. Bound 14. Acting under Nolan's instructions. Nelson, with a determined expression, forced Britt Snout the ring. As usual, his efforts to locate Britt were fruit less, nnd Britt landed several left swings to the Dane s head They closed In and Britt peppered his man with right and left Jolts to the face. Britt drove Nelson's head back a foot with a terrific straight rl-ht. Britt then shot his left and right to the face and they wrestled for a moment, during which Nelson gave Britt the elbow and floored him. The crowd yelled Its dls. approval. The men went at it. hammer and tongs. Nelson landing a hard right to Brltt's body aa the gong rang. It was Brltt's. round. Bound IB. Nelson rushed Britt around the ring and received a hard left clout to the face. Brttt then drove two wicked lefts to Nelson's Jaw. completely turning the Dane around. He followed this with an other left to the fare, and they fnnsht to close quarters. Referee Welch pry ing them apart. Brttt harked about th ring, landing his left to the Dane's Jaw with telling effect and regularity. Ho continued this to the close of the round, which found the men in a clinch. Tho crowd was again on Its feet yelling for Britt. t'p to this time Britt had a clear lead over the Dune. Bound IB. They fought Ineffectually at rlopo quarters. Breaking. Nelson uppercut with right to the jaw and then -butted" with his head. The referee nulleil the men apart and Britt swung his l.ft tn the head. Again they closed in with Nel son inclined to butt. Nelson sent Brltt's head back with a rlirht to thu Jaw and then sent his left to the face. Nelson fought strongly, forcing Britt to a corner. The elusivu California n. how ever, sent the Dane to the center of th ring with a succession of right and left smashes to the face and head. Brltt's round. Bound 17. The boxers closed In. both holding to some extent. Britt staggered Nelson with a left swing to the jaw. and thrv clinched. Separating, Britt landed right and left to, the Jaw and easily avoided the Dane's attempts at retaliation. They clinched and Welch separated the men. "Go in." came the injunction from Nel son's corner. The Dane obeyed, but was met with a left to the face. Nel son drove his right- to Brltt's stom ach and Britt staggered Nelson, with left swings and with a terrific right to blood spurting from Nelson's mouth with the same place, 'men Britt sent the months beginning 1907. to my account and deliver following address: months of more. Votes are allowed above one month, ? - VT 4 a fearful left amaah to that member. The gong rang and for the first time me uane showed signs of weakening. Bound it. Britt crossed his' left to the ear and men snot bis right to the nose. " hook to the mouth sasln started Nel . ... . " r 1-ata. son bleedlna. Britt sent a straight left to 'tha faea and then swung his rich I .ha 4. Valinn forced his man about, only to receive a telling left uppercut to the mouth. A straight left tn ha-Vninh mimm rYtllnwJul hv tWO rlSht wfo'reed cTer upnd'M eiaggerea nia man wnn o " head and then sent In a left hook to tha bodv. Britt continued to pepper hia msn and got away without a blow from hia antnannlat ft was all Britt. Nel son's right eye was nearly closed at the end or the round. Bound It. Nelson sent Brltt's hesd bsck with a straight left In the moutn. Tne crowa hissed Nelson for what It believed was hnttln Nelaon forced Britt arouna. but Britt stopped him with well-directed left and right swings to the Jew. Fin ally, at close auarters. Britt landed a right that looked wicked enough to put out sn ordinary msn, dui rveison never fsltered. Nelson sent In a straight left to the face, but Britt forced Tiim to cover with right and left swings to tha sore face. Britt fought back viciously. It was all Britt again. Bound aa They shook hands and fought hard at close quarters. Nelaon drove a wicked right smash to the Jaw. Nelson ap pealed to the referee about Brltt's hold ing on, snd tney mixed it furiously, Britt having all the better of It Britt drove Nelson to the ropes with several hard swings. Nelson tottered about the ring helplessly. Britt went at his msn like a maniac and almost sent Nelson through the ropes with a right flush to the jaw. The gong rang at this stage snd saved Nelson rrom a Knockout. Nelson went to his corner vomiting and Britt was given the decision at the end of the round. NOTED MULTN03IAH ATHLETE MARBIED Ed Morgan Steals March on Fellow Clubmen Won High Honors on the Track. Edward E. Morgan, one of the most noted athletes the Multnomah club ever turned out. was married yesterday to Miss Martha C. Davidson of New York City. The wedding was a surprise to Morgan's closest friends, as no an nouncement cards had been Issued and the clubman had not breathed a word of it to any one. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan left at once for a two week's outing in the Trask river district. Returning, they will re main In Portland but a few days, when they will go to New York City for sev eral weeks They will be back in Port- lund sbout October 1 and the athlete will go into business here. Morgan has been known as an ama teur athlete ever since he was 14 years old. He Joined the Multnomah club while a small boy and became a senior In 1K(. In the years 1894. 1896 and 1896 he waa all-around champion of the northwest. He won honors on the Stan ford truck team in 1897 and 1898 and In 1898 he won the all-around championship or tne raciric coast. Morg.'.n s records are as follows: 120-yard hurdles. 15 t-5 seconds: 440-yard dash. 61 sec- 100-yard dash, 10 1-5 seconds: 220-yard dash, 21 seconds; high Jump. 5 feet 10V4 inches. A few dava aa-o Mnrnn waa lartrf chairman of the outdoor committee of the Multnomah club. He was already a director. He has always been known as a clean sportsman and an amateur without the slightest taint of profes sionalism attached to his name. II0LD FIELD MEET ON COMMENCEMENT DAY Chemawa, Or., Aug. 1. The Chemawa Indian school commencement exercises yesterday were supplemented by ath letic competitions, chief among which was a five-mile cross country run over a rough and hilly road. Walter Height was the winner and, as he was not hard pressed, his time of 29 minutes 10 sec onds is considered good. The summary of the field events follows: 60-yard dash Won by Sorter, Smoker second; time, t 1-5 seconds. 60-yard dash (Juniors under 10 years) Won by Henry Darnell, PVank Wil liams second; time, 7 seconds. 440-yard dash Won by M. Wilson. II. Queahpanma second; time, 66 4-5 seconds. 100-yard dash Won by Sortor, Mc Cully second; time, II seconds. . 100-yard dash (Juniors under 10 years) Won by Henry Darnell, Robert Service second; time, 13 seconds. 440-yard dash (Juniors under 10 years) Won by Frank Williams. John Steel second; time, 1:43 3-6. 120-yard hurdles Won by William Watklns, Tom McCully second; time. 1 1 seconas. Mile run Won by Smoker, Dan sec ond; time, 6:19 Z-5. 220-yard dash Won by Sortor, Wat kins second; time, 21 2-6 seconds. Polt vault Won by Calvin Darnell. Robert Cameron second; height, 9 feet io incnes. Broad Jump Won by Jsck Upham William Watklns second; distance, 18 xeet incnes. High Jump Won by Sampson, Upham second; height, 6 feet. 220-yard hurdles Won by. William Watklns, Tom McCully' second; time, 23 seconds. , Half-mile relay (Juniors under 10 years) Won by Frank Williams, Mike wivniMi, r eier joon ana nooerc .service: time 2:12. . Mile relay race Won by Excelsior society team, represented by M. Wilson, Amos Smoker, Dan Nichols and Frank Dan; time, 4:02. COOS COUNTY LEAGUE. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Coquille 76 Murshfleld 600 North Bend goo Bandon jjj Sunday Karnes: At Bandon Bandon. 9: Coauflle. 1J. At North Bend North Bend 2; Marsh- ili'J, Following was the line-un In Marshfleld-North Bend game. the Marsnrield Pn n. -o j yUlHM P Foots "."J1" :? Lyon ooyuer id Felter miok .lb F!e McKewen " ! ! J Sb. '. . . . . .0ee iiyr,u,"t cf Mcleod rusi I r T)a ..I x-7 "a ' ' ' U Wlckman . Next Sunday, North Bend plays at vmuii, aim inarsmieja at iandan. NORTHWEST LEAGUE At Seattle Butte. 4; Seattle 3 At Tacoma Tacoma, 9; Spokane. 3. AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Washington Chicago, I; Washing ton, 0. At Boston Cleveland. 4; Boston 2 At Philadelphia Philadelphia 8; St Louis, 7 ' At New York NewTork, 2; Detroit, 1. NATIOlf AL LEAGUE. At -fit.: Louis New York. 4-4: at. LouIS. 8-S.-At Pittsburg Pittsburg, 7-15; Boston, ,.,alt CbJcago-bicago, i; Brooklyn, ramus iin HARD BY fflEL One .THpU and Two'Doubles I i ... T 1 J J ti v a. jnciuueu in jigni SafeBingles. LOCALS TIE SCOBE IN SIXTH INNING But Barns Prevents Bunching of Hit and Beavers Are Unable to Land More Runs Visitors Get One Each in Seventh and Eighth, TESTERDAT'S RESULTS. Los Angeles 4, Portland I. Oakland z. San Francisco 7. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Won. ...69 ..58 ..89 Lost 44 62 fit 4 P. C. .672 .631 .613 .378 Los Angeles . . San Francisco Oakland Portland Tha Los Angeles ball tossers are finding their batting eyes again. Tues day their hits included two doubles, a triple and a home run; yesterdsy they hit two two-baggers and one triple. Tha a-ama veaterdav waa won bv hlttlnr. Otherwise honors were even between the two teams. The final score waa 4 to 2. Burns was on the mountain for tha visitors. Hartman for the locals. In the second inning the Angels fell upon Hartman lor a triple and two-Bingies and these, with the help of a double steal, put two across the pan. Mccredie scored in tne secona nan on a walk, an -error and Fay's single. Port land took another in the sixth snd tied the score on Casey's hit, Atherton's sac rifice and Bassey's line drive. But that was all for the Beavers. Two two-baggers In succession gave Los Aneeles another in the seventh and soaking and two sacrifices put their fourth run over In the eighth. Official score: LOS ANGELES. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. . 3 0 1 2 0 0 ..211100 . 2 0 0 3 2 0 . 3 0 0 2 2 0 .401100 . 3 1 1 10 1 0 ..311262 .412610 .401160 .28 4 8 27 16 2 AND. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. . 4 0 0 1 0 0 .3 0 0 0 4 0 .311231 .8 0 0 11 1 0 .311200 .4 0 1 2 0 0 .4 0 1 4 2 1 . 3 0 1 3 2 0 .3 0 0 2 6 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 .31 2 6 27 17 i Bernard, cf . Carlisle, If . Brashear. ZD Smith. Sb . . . Nagle. rf Dillon, lb Delmas. ss. Eager, c Burns, p. Total Lovett. cf. . . Mott, 3b. ... Casey, 2b. . . Atherton. id. McCredle, rf. Brassey. If. Donahue, c. Fay, ss. Hartman. p. Batted for Hartman In ninth. SCORE BY INNINGS. Los Angeles 0 2000011 0 4 Hits 1 3 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 8 Portland 01 000100 0 2 0 1 0 10200 16 SUMMARY. Hits .. Struck out By Burns, 6; by Hart man 2. Bases on balls Off Burns. 3; off Hartman, 2. Two-base hits Eager, Burns. Three-base hits Dillon, Mc Credle. Double plays Eager to Smith; Hartman to Fay. Sacrifice hits Bra shear, Mott. Dillon, Atherton,' 8mlth. Stoler bases Delmas, Eager. Hit by pitched balls Bernard. Carlisle. Passed ball Eager. First base on er rors Portland, 2. Leftism bases Los Angeles. 6; Portlsnd, 7. Time of game Two hours, 6 minutes. Umpire Derrick. t NOTES OF THE GAME The Coast league has decided to dis cipline the California state league by taking playera away from that organiza tion. 8trange, but the state league promises to take more players away from the Coast league than the Coast league can take away from the "'lesser ' baseball body. Manager Fred Mayers of the San Jose team Is reported as be lng in San Francisco looking for new material, and the Oakland and San Fran- , Cisco managers -are scared nair out oi their boots for fear he.will take some of their best men. It Is said that Myer ha about nerauaded Truck Eagan to quit the class A organization for a high er salary in the Prurie City. Nnthlna- new vet about the Dillon as sault. It is not because the matter will be allowed to drop. Cal Ewlng js in the south and for that reason nothing has been heard from him about what will be done to punish the big first baseman. rlmna makes a Brood many errors around- short, but he is exceedingly fast on his feet, quick to recover aner item ing a ball, and speedy on the throw. He cuts off many a shot that would be safe were an average lnflelder playing there. This fully onsets wnat errors ha makes. McCredle made the prettiest hit of the day. He lined one past Jttrasnear tnai traveled so fast that Benard threw his hat at It as it passed. It hit the far fence on the bound and Mac went to third before it came bouncing in. No body was out, but McCredle died there, Bassey, Donahue and Fay each being re tired on a grounder to Delmas. Ina bility to hit in a pinch seems still .to af fect many of the Beaver batters. Now, when Dillon hit for three bases he came In a moment later as easy as crawling. . . . n n Vi wav oirnni the diamond in the second Inning yes terday, and tnen tnrew tne oaii jusi mo late to catch Eager between bases. The fans howled derision, and rtgjitly, for the play was Inexcusable. Lovett eeems to have hard luck In al- S0Z0D0NT TOOTH POWDER is of proven value Sixty years is a pretty good test No acid, no : 0 . ways being called out on a close plaV Portland's center fielder Is fast on hia lags and he tried hard to nest out nia bunts and Infield shots. From the resa box he looked safe in the fifth Inning yesterday, but Derrick waved mm aside. The Beavers pulled themselves out of a bad hole in the first. Bernard walked. Carlisle followed with an Infield hit and Brashear sacrificed, yet not a run was scored. When Smith lsnded on the ball Fay got It and threw it noma, catching Bernard. Smith was caught trying tovpull off a double steal a mo ment later. McCredle has signed another bush pitcher. His name Is Drew, and he hiil la from Wailaoaf. Idaho. Minna Fisher, who was once King or tne Tsooma uengais ana cnier not air artist of the Coast league, is now run ning a cigar stand in Ban rranciaco. The stand, as everybody who knows Mlque Fisher will know,. Is the hangout ror aji ban piayers sdoui me Day. Dig or little. Fisher Is planning an inva sion of the Hawaiian Islands to show the American and cosmooolltan copula tlon over there how the game Is plsyed In the states nowaday 'He plans to start immediately after tne end or tne l.ama naaann . n .4 mnmntm A tlrV an all-star combination from the four clubs. According to his plsn, Barney Joy, "Ovle" Overall anu "Silvers" Hen lev will be the Ditchers. Nio Wtlliami will play first. Pearl Casey second, Truck Eagan snort and Brick Devereaux third. Heitmuller, Hildebrand and Nea lon will probably be the outfield. This Is not a bad layout It wUI be a great hitting bunch snd they will -play the game to tne satisfaction or me isiana- ers. Already the Honolulu papers are besinnlna- to nlav un the ''Invasion." The last paper from there used the story, on the first page, where' all the great events of the day were chronicled. Joy has oeen so successful mat nis country men sre one and all deeply Interested In the Coast league players. Honolulu peo ple are famous for their lavish hospi tality, so the player will be royally emertainea wnue away. I. BERRY ENTERTAINS PRESIDENT C. EWING A late exchange from Los Angeles says: President Cal Ewlng of the Pacific I uoast league left Los Angeles for San r rancisco last night after enjoying the aar as a guest or Hen Berry. Berry, who never does things by halves, took Ewlng for a long automo bile drive over to Pasadena, through Baldwin's ranch and home by way of Arcadia. "Ewlng and Berry had a look at Pas adena as a baseball city: They were in terested spectators at the game between the Pasadena and Alhambra teams of the Southern State league. "The work of Umpire O. W. Robinson made a hit with the Pacific Coast mag nates and Berry suggested to Ewlng that he give Robinson a try-out for Derrick's position. Ewlng has appoint ed Berry his agent in the matter and the latter will make Robinson an offer as soon as he can get In communica tion with the Pasadena man." ' From this It appears that Berry Is "honeying up" President Ewlng In great shape. Doubtless It is part of a scheme of Berry s to save Dillon from the black list. It remains to be seen to what ex tent Ewlng Is to be Jollied. Carbonic acid gas and soda water Bllderback & Crane Co.. appliances. Si First street. R0SEBURG MEN WIN INDIVIDUAL MEDALS Roseburg. Aug. 1. After the Rose burg sharp-shooters lost the state cup. they more than exonerated themselves by winning nine out of eleven medals in the Individual matches. Lieutenant O. E. Houck won the gold medal that was given for the highest score, mak ing 2Mb points out of a possible 360 Captain Hamlin was second with 266 and Corporal C. S. Jackson third, with 260. B. F. Shields made the best record at the 200-yard rapid fire range, mak lng 10 successive bull's-eyes. Lieutenant Houck broke the state rec ord at the 1,000 yard range, making a score of 49 out of a possible 60. The medal winners and eight other riflemen are still in camp at the target range preparing ror tne national tournament next month at port Ultnton. Ohio. cxn.ivExr xv PAvnr never cry as do children who are suf ferlng from hunger. Such is the cause of all babies who cry and are treated for sickness, when they really are suffering from hunger. This is caused from their food not being assimilated, but devoured by worms. A few doses of White's Cream Vermifuge will cause them to cease crying and begin to thrive at once. Give it a trial. Sold by all drug gists. TEA U S imports but little more in 1904 than in 1864. So much poor tea. Yoar grocer returns roar mooey if yes dent lite it: we pay him. ' Why. You Should Buy Now A prominent Portland man said not long ago that fortunes would be made within, the next few years by those who would wisely in vest in Portland real estate. Nothing could be more true. Portland is growing byleaps and bounds. And it is a solid, substantial growth. Statistics prove that the East Side is receiving fully 80 cent of this new life. Property values there are advancing rapidly and steadily, and the man who invests now in new residence prop erty of the right sort is laying the foundation for an independent fortune. Irvington .Park is the most delightful residence section on the East Side. Beside the natural demand that is making it more valuable each day, the ideal location of Irvington Park, its abundance of natural shade, ease of access and rigid building re strictions are augmenting the demand 100 per cent. It is the soundest, most profitably investment in Portland. Call at our office TOMORROW. This is certainly your opportunity don't by any means neglect it. F..B. Holbrook Company, 250 Stark St. Phone Mam 5396. To reach the property take Alberta car to end of line. Agent F. E. Schwan on grounds all the time. V Panama natsn Regular $5 Tn Style. AH Slzcf Company Oat of the Ufa Beat SurtzioV 69 and 71 ONEY paid insurance companies accrues to the benefit of other states. A strong local company saves timjB and trouble by its prompt adjustments and thorough grasp of local affairs. Oregon people would profit by taking out insurance in an Oregon insti Lni tution, managed by Oregon men of high standing and backed by Oregon money. Plate Glass, Steam Boiler, Liability and Accident Insurance; Indemnity Bonds. UNION GUARANTEE ASSOCIATION W. B. Glafie, . . . President Wholesaler la fnlM F. Pr.Bssia, . . Vice-President Wholesale sad Katail Grow BumiD ALskis, . M Tlee-Pres. Alben Bra. KiUlag Oo. H. D. Waoho M aasfer Oaioa Oaaraatat Aameletioa J. K. Wit His us, If edieal Referee Pkraieiaa ud flwaaoa MAEQUAM BUILDING, TS3ak5S la You Can't Travel without good baggae. Our trunks are "smash" proof. If you own one of them you have the best made. They defv the baggage-wreckers. Everything in Bags and Suitcases. Portland Trunk Mnlg. Co. 107 Sixth. 2 STORES Wear Stark ME IN TREATED A IN D CRED Best Service. Lowest Charges. Cares Guaranteed Who are afflicted with NERVOUS DEBIUTT 'or Failing; Strength, commonly called -LOST MANHOOD." ExhaustlnK Drains, Pimples, Lame Back, Inflammation of the Bladder and Kidneys, Highly Colored Urine, Impotency, Despondency, Fall ing Memory, Loss of Ambition, Mental worry, results of ex cess and overwork, Piles, Fistula, and Hydrocele or other weak ness, which absolutely unfit them for Study, Business, Pleasure or Marriage. Wo care, no pay, Blood Voiaon, contracted or hereditary I 0k In Diseases, Bheumetism, Sores, Swellings Discharges. Gon orrhoea, Sleet, Stricture, Enlarged Prostate and Hydrocele. Honest Dealings, Sucecessful and Conscientious Service. Rea sonable Charges. Call or write Bl. T. J. KZXCB, 181 rst St, Portland, Or. TSi OREGON DAILY JOURNAL A NlWSr AIK TOK 4,t IRVINGTON PARK - "THB ADDirloM and $6 Grades We're Closing Them Out Wot la the atlga Prloe Clique. Third Street in premiums to outside V. W. Kotnmn, . . . Aaditot Boantrw Diaauma, Baal aatale W. Ooopib Ifoaais, . Treasurer Oraaoa Trait A SeTlmss Baak B.C8rixcia, . Oanaral OmumI Attormar-at-Lev H. D. Waoros, Ja-, Daioa OmaruMa j PORTLAND, OBEGOS 84 Third. Corner Pine, ALL THE riOHt WITH CHARACTER'; X t. ' .... - e if J' ...:.