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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1907)
o:;c; daily jou:;i;au. iortland, Tuesday evening, july to, ico7. j Town Topics j IIIE JOURNAL AT RESORTS hcrtbrs en hav Th Journal d- owlu reeorta, b Jlv. .. i,at th regular rata at th fol lowing resorts b notirving in sgenn at the various plaoaa mentioned. Sub notifying the agent icaa mentioned. Sub sorlptlons by mall are payable In ! ' OREGON RESORTS. ' Geerhart Perk.,......,.,.;.P. X Struck peaeide - WUbolt irt Perk. , i , . . , . ;.P. X .Struck Uia, .Hot like Sanitarium t Springs.,....,.. F. W. Mcl-eran WASHINGTON RBSORTS. Boyd a Bon and Mineral Springs Hotel 5ae Spring.. .... Thomas Moett Coiiln, Bprings..,,.,;,...C. T Belcher i100 ! ...touU Cohen i win cacn. ............. . .. Uatata1"? ucean Park.... .....Matthew TheaTora S?V,J?W . -i. .Frank B. truhal 'in Breaker.....,. The Breakera Hotel TOXIGnrS AMTSEMENTS The Storjr'oi "the "doiden" Fleece" .Vaudeville Marquam -Grand i . . . "Tne Grand .... Lvrln ....J... i . ."Road to FrlBCO1 Star . r...... ...i.. "The Royal Slave" The Oak. ... .O. W. P. care, 1st A Alder Holladay Park, band concert, Blgnor i caprio, director. . : Three different oorporationa and In dividual are seeking fa franchise from the city of St. John. The fran- thMirt sought byS. B. Davlaldor, Steel and L. F. Pur. Mr. kvlaldor asks for an exclusive fran chise, which City Attorney Green aaya 1 Impossible under the provision of tha charter. Tha matter of arantinx tne iranonise win com up taie evening. There Is a tendency in the council to grant all tha f rsnchlaes asked for and ' give everybody a chance.' There 1 an opinion also that the franohlae la sought In view of future possibilities. Should the city ever b annexed to Portland the franchise would probably be good In the city of Portland. The., head camp convention of the Pa elf to Jurisdiction. .... Woodmen of the .World, which ha Just concluded Its session In Seattle, voted to hold It next convention In Portland. It la not now known whether this convention will be heid two or tbre years hence. Here tofore these conventions have been held biennially, but on account of the ex pense Incurred by the delegate In com ing from ail part of the Jurisdiction, s movement Is on foot to bold the con ventions every three year. The Juris diction comnrises the elxht Pacific coast State of Oregon. Washington, Call for- JUDGE DIETRICH IS III PORTLAND Idaho Federal Jurist Here on Business Connected With His Court PLEUTY OF CARS FOR tarn IDAHO MAIN THEME' ;r 0FVISIT0E'8 TALK Satisfactory Adjustment May Come 'tvi Cattlemen With Regard to Bet- ?, ter Acreage Apportionment Iiind Fraud Situation Geeatly Clarified. Judge 7. 8. Dietrich of tha United States district court for Idaho la at the Portland hotel, having come to Portland on business connected with his court and to visit several days before leaving for Long Beach la company with Mrs. Dietrich and their two little girls to spend two weeks at the coast resort. Judge Dietrich bad little to say re garding the land fraud, situation In Idaho, aave to remark that the atmos phere had been considerably .clarified by the conviction of the principal de fendant, Kettenbach and Keater. He aid his buatne In Portland was In relation to matter on which he wished to consult Judge William B. Gilbert of the United Statea circuit court. Idaho wa tha main theme on which Judge Dietrich talked, and he told of the great work being done by Irrigation in reclaiming thousands of Acres of arid land In various parts of the state. In Deakinr of conditions In his state. Judare Dietrich ald: "Idaho haa been forrlna- ahead van. aerruiiy in in development or natural resource and averv class of labor and Business la enjoying great popularity. Work of reclaiming arid land haa ben progreaslng rapidly and price have ad vanoed greatly. In the southern nart of the state sheepmen and cattlemen have had to contend with email acreage In the grasinar land which haa been tha cauai Of much comDlainl. but It la believe) that the visit of Chief Forester Glfford Plnchot. who came west with Secretary Bla. Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Colorado I Garfield, will result In a more satlafac- ana man, ana tne territory or Ansona. Two suits for divorce on tha ground tory adjustment of allotments. "Citlsens in all carta of the stat are buaily engaged In their various indus tries, and the trial of Haywood for the of desertion hav. -be, , filed In the clr- -J -ft EZGESStSl 5E cult court David H. Van Horn yester day afternoon brought suit againat Mra. 8. 1. Van Horn, to whom he waa married In Polk county In November, 1888, cnarging that aeeertea mm in May, 1808. They have two children. Vernle, aged 11 yeara, and Karl, agea 11 yeara. wnoae custody van Horn asic. urn. Lena Green baura brought suit against lea Greenbaum, charging desertion in yetoDer, iu. xney Cited no more interest there than else' where. All that the residenta of the tat aeemed concerned about was that Haywood be accorded a fair trial, and when I left all seemed agreed that this had been done. "I wa greatly surprised at the ver dict, not that I had formed an opinion n the mattor, because I did not follow tha evldenoe closely enouah. but ba. wer married at cause of the length of the trial and the Mra Greenbaum great mat or evidence introduced I be- leved. In common with the rest of the stein, b restored to her. Chicago In June, 1900. Mra Greenbaum I gi ak that her maiden name, Dlmond- II people, that a disagreement would arise In tha Jury room and a huns Jury re- The annual session of the Oregon suit" Press association will be held this year . uieincn ana ramuy win leave n...k.. TW JSl. sMaaasaaa V .W WWOW. jaa ivai usu b a iio uouisivu wcsjsb a vbajiivu mm.m.-Amm at M..4. 0 aw aan A esiciuaj t- m jswuiiB ui .usj wwhv i mT a m k rmT-T aus juBuivuu asvwa A " v uiviu ws m w J ssemble In Portland Thursday, August x, ana aepart mat evening zor Jiaioria. The regatta will ba taken In on Friday. and then they will depart for Gear hart where Saturday and . Sunday will be spent. w, F. Fraser, a logger, who was brought to the Good Samaritan hospital yesterday from Goble, suffering from a number of perforations of the intestines died shortly arter aamittance to the in stitution. Fraser was knocked down by failing log yesterday morning and wounded In the abdomen by a broken limb. He was 8 a yeara of ags leaves a widow. IN EEALTY MAEKET Portland Trust Company Secure. -Morrison Street Corner for $40,000 Other Deal. Hy Eilers Impressed, With Government uwnersnip 01 ; Streetcars Abroad. MUNICIPAL THEATEES . ; GOOD THINQS ALSO Another Feasible Proposition In Re- , turned PortlandeVi Mind ! Ren' , tal to Cltlcen of Platted Ground to Raise Garden' Produce On. .Onef the things that Impressed me most abroad," said r. Eiiers, wno nas Just leturned from an extended Euro' pan trip, "1 th advanUg gained fn many wya from the old-world system of munlolpal ownership. .. It seems as though the mass of the publlo enjoy life more get more out of It there than the Wfrvyvnuiu wmmm uu.. 1 .don't mean." he continued, "that our people would be better satisfied with their conditions. Th extremely frugal and yet beautiful home life, the simplicity and spirit or it our peopie would not understand ana aasiiutiniv. But in . th matter of street railway ervtoe, for Instance, the principal of municipal ownership seems to work over ther to perfection, "No overcrowded cars; th sign are plainly posted up so many seals here, so many there, and if you find th car all full, you wait for the next Of course they run enough car to accom modate the travel; something that our street railway companies would do well to Imitate. "Aaaln. in the matter of music. No city of any else, either In Germany or in Italy, but haa lta municipal tneatre; where, for a email price, on can see and hear th beat things. Tbe biggest thing I heard in the operatio way waa la uioconai magnificently given lgbtfui orchestration, at Flor ence, all for a very email admission fee, a." with delightful Another feature of municipal owner hip which Seem feasible i the plotting or ground xor a truuna rental, wnere eacn citixen raises nia own proauoe. One sees whole tract of tbl kind with their little cottages and a contented population. Instancing: the elmrIe naturalness of tne uerman spirit. Mr. muera told oi an educational convention at Freiburg, at- tenaea Dy national sepreaentauvea. "At the cloae of the exercises, what do you think was the piece-de-resistance of the whole affair?" asked Mr. Ellera. "No less than a walk through th Black forest to the famous Schlossberg. Im agine us holding a national convention and offering the guests aa a great treat wane tnrougn tne city naric. ud tne canyon road and back by way of Port land Heights." I took pains to see most of the noted scenery." continued Mr. Ellers, tne ttntne. tne iaae or the Four can tons, and I assure you It la only a toy proposition against the real thing. When we have the facilities for seeing the great scenery of this coast, we will see tne limited trains carrying the tourist travel leaving eastern cities every half hour for the coast. Even outside of all sentiment connected with our scenic features, we should take palna to pre serve th landscape features, for a a bualness proposition It Is wise. 'Bwltseriana has one and one-fourth tourist to one of the DODulatlon. Tha historical society, too. cannot too soon resurrect and make known tbe tradi tions conneoted with our scenic feature. These are the thing that attract tourlrt travel and make associations." RESTFUL SLEEP i. Many Portland People Find It Hard to Oct . - t Hard to sleep at night With that awful bane, Itohlnf Flies, With irritating Ecsama, . With any Itohlnea of th skin. t Doan's Ointment relieve and auras. t Hare's Portland teetlmony to prove iti Jaooh Heesong, farmer, living at th corner of East Kwenty-elghth street and Keelly avenue, Portland. Or, says: "la recommending Doan's Ointment to those who suffer from hemorrhoids I can only repeat th statement I made some three years ago. I had suffered from this trouble for torn years and in hot weather it was a great worry to me. could not sleep at night Other prepa rations having given m little or no re lief I final jr began using Doan's Oint ment and It required only a few appli cations to bring soothing and healing relief. The facts above stated are as I told them Just after my first trial of th remedy. I think Just a muoh of the preparation today." For sal by all dealers. Price 10 cents. Foeter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New Tork, sol agent for th United Btatee. Remember the nam DOAN'S -and take no other. AT THE THEATEES .1 New Plav Immense Success. Kane O'Nell's appearance last night In the new play "Th Story of th Gol den Fleeco," was th theatrical event of the year in Portland. It I th first time that a star haa presented a new play in this city and consequently the event was of the utmost importance. . On promising to pay his wife 25 a month, John Colamer, accused bjr Mra Colamer of failing to support her, was released in th county court by Judge Webster this morning. The couple were married in Wyoming several years ago, wnere tney met on a cattle ranch. Colamer was known as one of th beat horsemen among tne cowboys. Th week's realty market started off yesterday wjth on big sale and a large and number of small ones, aggregating over 175.000. Th lot and frame business bouse at the northwest corner of Bast Morrison street and Union avenue, haa been aold by Frledlander & Daly to the Portland Trust Company of Oregon, for 140.000. Th property is under a lease that hla four years to run. and which pays over I per cent on the purchase price. Prop erty value In this immediate district are advancing rapidly, two yeara ago business sites along East Morrison street and Grand avenue could be bought for one third the prices they . Water throught hoso for sprinkling yard or vldewalks or washing porches or windows must be paid for In advance and used only between th houra of 5 and t a. m., and C and p. m. It must ! El Boydston, a house and lot at the not be used lor sprinkling streets, if southwest corner of Sharon street and iised contrary to tnese rules, or waste- I aarneld avenue; consideration 14,100. will readily bring today. jonn juunpny nas purchased from J. Cross Washington street to the other side no. zsy wnere y best values In men's furnishings, Blill on. rou will find the Sale Eastern Headline!?. Thr la never a scarcity of eastern headline acta at tha Grand and this week the bill la particularly well sud- comedienne, assisted by Stanley Johns, la presenting "Taming a Husband.'1 This Is, however, only one of a large numoer oi entertaining zeaiure. "A Royal Slave." With the current attraction th atock company at th Btar la offering the rubllo the best play seen at that houae. ''A Royal Slave'1 la a Mexican drama In which Frank DeCamn starred for sev eral seasons and Miss Eunice Murdoch was featured. These people are aeen in original parta. The Road to 'Frisco." Tonight at th Lyric the Allen stock company will present a new western dramatlo suocess entitled "The Road to Frlaco. The play la one of the strong' est of Its kind that has ever been pre sented In this city. It is sure to please. The Oaks' New Features. Among new features of the Oaka is Landauer'a troupe of actors who ar creatine a decidedly favorable lmnres aion at tne di para. Tney ar to n aeen at the park for a lengthy engage ment and will furnish amusement for thousand. Their act Is free. Carbonic acid gas and soda water ap pliances. Bllderback A Crane Co.. 51 First Preferred stook Canned Qoods. Allen Lewis' Best Brand. SPECIAL SUMMER EXCURSION RATES VIA fully, t will bp shut off. Th following, article left on the streetcar yesterday may be recovered i bv the owner at room 4, O. W. P., build- insr. First and Alder: One handbag, one naming suit, one nat. i canvas oas witn pipe, seven miscellaneous packages, one Ola M. Stryker has purchased from Benjamin Fallows, a house and lot on Fallows Terrace, Portland Heights, for 18,850. A fractional lot at the northeast cor ner of East Pine and East Eighth streets has been purchased by Addle H. Benbow from George XI. Nottage. r'wl " ' ' i'-who i - CKn ' nn. limhr.11. ah Innli.t aa. ZOr SJ.oOV. pur;"' " ' . . F. H. Kearney has sold the residence -v - I at tne eoumeasi corner or wygant and Grocers. Attention! We w modem ! East Eighth atreets to John Hinck for front corner store for rent, in good real-1 z.aow. : dene district, on car line: a fine loca tion ror grocery and marnec; reasonable CPT.WXTnTTl PPfHTRAir no opposition nearby. ; investi- juaj-i.'i jl nuuiuiiii From CHICAGO Use "LAKE SHORE" OB Michigan Central Th Kiagara rails Boat From ST. LOUIS Use "BIO FOUR Route." rent; ite. Address G-456, Journal. Mir end of the city w sell "Gold- en Grain Granules," the pure cereal cof fee, with pure food guarantee. Koehn & Base, lis 3 iymingg worth avenue. Steamer Jess HarklnS, for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington atreet docg at z p. m. FOR PABK CONCERT An attractive program ha been ar ranged, for tnis evening's concert at Holladay park by Signpr De Caprio'a Jiark band. Following is the program n full: . March. "Tannhauaer" (Wagner) : over ture, "Stabat Mater," by request (Ros- . ... . ,Siaat v bii va.avavwajT - J j a vuwwt H. T. Hefty, architect has resumed 1 (Batiste) : bridal chorus from "Lohen- his business practice and la situated in grin," by request (Wagner); "Dance of the Lumber jsxenange ouuaing, room 428. the Bayaderes" (Rubinstein) ; mtermls- . " . sion; grand selection, "uarmen," oy re- Perfect fitting ey glasses. $1.00. Dr. ouest (Biset)i waits "Dante in Para- B. J. Mill, 111 Sixth, near Washington, dise" (De Caprlo); ballad, muslo and soiaier marcn rrom "wunam Ten" (Marie); s" (Llb- eratl). A. De Caprlo, dlreotor. soiaier mi Woman' Exchange, 1SS Tenth steL (Rossini)," "La Clnauantalne" . lunch U:0 to 2; business men's lunch, march, "Our. American Belles" B. W. Moor, expert - photographer. ks' building, Seventh and Stark eta. I Elks' . 4 Acm Oil Co. sell safety coal oil ami line gasoline, rnone isast 789; B-1007. Meuger'e ye glasses $1, Hi Wash ington street. .-...i.T. .g . Dr. E. C. Brown, Eye-Ear. jMarquam. Chinese Episcopal mission school will Let Us Do Your Laundering , . Another story added to our 'building enlarges our 'facilities1 almost a third. Equipment up-to - data Only steam-heated polish ers the kind that does not burn -ln Portland. Female help' wanted. " UNION LAUNDRY SECOND AND COLUMBIA r Telephone Main 399.' reopen August 1, on Thursday evening at 7:80 p, m. Will be pleased to see all teachers and pupils present at regular service. James M. Kan, superintendent I, Room fer rent. SeUing-Hlrsoh build ing. . P. Chambers, optician, lit Seventh. Berger signs 284 Tamhlll phone. Bark Tonio for rheumatism. Beck Jwler 106 Aider. Ice. For lea call Main 284 or A-K4K. Tn. Delivery company. u Btar a at Exclusive Novelties. Scotch and English woolens. Hoi- brook and Leveen, Couch bldg.. Fourth and Washington streets. v 'a Lewlstbn's Paving Plans. ' , ' (SpecUl Dlseatcn ' to Tbe JonrnsL) Lewlston, Ida., July 80. Bids on Lew Iston'a 8110,000 paving project will soon be called for and the contract let. De tails of the work to be done have been completed by the city council and City Engineer Gullland has been Instructed to prepare permanent plans' for paving the street of the city. - The drainage plan provide for the assembling of the storm waters in a system of catch basins and then carrying them under ground to the river. . the estimate pro viae ror pituntnio pavement. The sys tem will be said for on a, 10-year an "AMERICA'S QREATE8T RAILWAY 8Y8TEM' ---TO -- - - BOSTON OLD HOME WEEK. July 25. 27. 28 From CHICAGO or ST. LOUIS ONE FARE plue $2 for the Round Trip. A Grand "OLD HOME WEEK" Celebration and Reunion v. ruuuv 1' VBUUUBO. VVUUUUVU1 www. Founders' Day; Patriots' Day; Greater Boston Day; New England Day; Massachusetts Dav: Women's Dav: Militarv Dav. Durinsr these seven days Historic BOSTON will be "AT HOME" to all her Sons and Daughter, wnerever residing. BOSTON & RETURN Jfifof "iofjofw; sept. ,4. k m re trom CHICAGO, $24.00 Fare from ST. LOUIS, $27.00 NEW ENGLAND RESORTS. K,LLW .r M From CHICAGO or ST LOUIS, One Fare' Plus $2.00 for the Round Trip CANADIAN BESOBTS, daily until sept. so. w From CHICAGO or ST. LOUIS One Fare Plue $2.00 the Round Trip Full Particulars may be obtained from any Ticket Agent of the NEW YORK CENTRAL UCftES WARREN J. LYNCH, Passenger Traffic Manager, CHICAGO :reat; 4 ' t f - k 'I '" Discbunt Benjamin's Sale6 Qotltmg $40.00 Suits $28.00 $35:00 Suits $24.50 $30.00 Suits $21.00 $25.00 Suits $17.50 $20.00 Suits $14.00 $18.00 Suits $12.60 20 Fer Cent off Blues and Blacks AMCSLMEBrxa. . . 1 stf Marquam Orand . (Ihon Mutn Tonlg-ht and Alt w..k, Fir-t Terform- anra on Anv Kint, .1 ; in the frat A(vthiii.ioi vv -TSUI ,1(011 o u Cvi.JsS . - . 1 FteBCTs." . , irnInrTlt.OO Uo, Mo, , M,t. Inee, 76e, tOo, He . Curtain 1:10 p. m. ' . LVaic ; theatrc Phnni Mlln 4MS This Week th Allen Stock Coropanr tn Mis to rmisoo." Matinee Tuesday. Thursday, flatur day and Sunday. Price. 10c 10a. Every evenlna at I;1S. Price. lOo. 19 and i0e.' . . Reserved seats by phone, Main HtL Of floe open from 10 a. m. to 10 p. ra. THE STAB Phones Mala 4(l and Home A-ltli, The coolest theatre In the city. Vrank DeCanp a Aoqullla, , the Aatee Matinees Tuesdays, Thursdays. Sat urdaye and Sundays at 1:11 prioes, 10a and 20a Evening at 1:1a; prloea. lOo, ZOo and I0o. Reserved eata by phone for all performances. . , THE ORAND Vaudeville de Luxe Special Bill of Headhners Matinees Daily. Pnce 10c Two shows nicrhtly at 7:45 tnd 9:30. ' . ; Prices 10c, 20c and box seats. 30c. . ;i ,., Matinee prices Sundays and holidays, same as evening.. ; ' 311 Morrison Opposite Fostoffice re- O S.Oreemaa Maaafes Coolest, most cheerful and rw iresnins rccreauon epoi in ine tef Roee City. il C landaocr Trocpe 5 Tree Specialties on Band ' tS fitava. kit Popular programa at 1:00, ' n 1:11. 7:S and 1:40 o'clock by raiaM.d. j ai eutKvi a Hungarian uuudrs ns and spir tnly play. bBATZS' !SZZSSSZXSSESZ2SXXS5SZXSZ3 THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY Is the garden spot of th. earth, and OOLDIN GRAIN - GRAN ULBS is the fiocat drink on earth GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES is a pure cereal health coffee, and can be had from the follow iag grocers in the ROGUE RIVER VALLEY xx xxsroaD, ob. r. H. N. Warner Hutchinson A Immsden .Miller & Ewbanks Allen A Reagan W. Strlnfr F. I Cranflll H. .Mjpts A Son XX OKAJTTJ VAIS, OB. H. C. Bobseln Kenney A Truaz Claua Schmidt J. P. Kenney Southern Oregon Supply Co. T. T. Dean T. B. Cornell C F. Dixon. nr wooxmxM, om , C. O. Seaman W. V. Jone. xjr oou xtjea, om. Tartar A Duffield C. H. Farmer Merritt A Co. xm SAOxaoxmxa, om. T. J. Kenney Nu nan-Taylor Oe. Ulrlch Bros. nr caaxmax rozarx, om. Cranflll A Koblnet 3. W. Merritt. xx wkoxxxx, om. Hearn A Fisher. nr TAXJUTT, om. C. W. Woltars Sargent A Dunlap. " nr ASKXAjrs, om. O. Wlntr Holme Bros. Nlms A Cappeller Teo A Co. Toung A Dlx. Crew A Son loomls A Nalsoa Fonny Manikin Theatre Sunday, but h' ready at last. Oaks' annual relay swla mlng races Saturday. Trophies 2. given. , Coming Events Carman's benefit day, big prises, Thure- J v i orestsrr oar day, August 1. August IS. D. P. THHSS &.C0 Wholesale Grocers MBDPORD. ORBQON Dlst-uter tot Southern Oregon and sYostneta OaJtfornta. "Golden Grain Granules" is served at the Moore HoteL Med ford, Ore., because the Moore Hotel serves the best sbRSSSib5S aasffsBMB5sS ssmsSZZa&a BASEBALL; ATHLETIC PARK, Comes Taugha and Twentyf oorO. ; ' July 80, 31, August 1, 2, 8 I LOS ANQELES : VS. PORTLAND Oam called at 1:10 p. m. daily. Oame ailed at 1:10 p. m. Sundays. . ' ZASZBS' BAT 7BOAT, . ADMISSION 25. Grandstand 15. . Children lie. w. Jtsox seats sea - - AXXVAXi &2&mJ& " -TL, nlifl i t i . i rurucinu irunn Manufacturing Co. gar- UVnVd , '- it ;,il Ke . Mwif 1 -'CiS. 'e-atabg f MATTlTm OT KXOK-QVAXtXTK SAOOAOB everything in Trunks, Bare and Bnltoases. , Thaatrloal and Oommerolal Tmaka Saad to Oxdex. Xt jroot eagrff la In need of repairs call up Main 8774 or A-ieea. Two Stores lOTSth, nar Stark. M Third, Cor. Mn. ASTORIA THE LARGEST CITY IN OREGON (with the exception of Portland) is the headquarters for the sal mon industry of the world. Astoria hat the climate, there are neither flys, fleas, . mosquitos nor dust Golden Grain Granules The 100 per cent pure cereal health coffee, can be had from the following grocers in Astoria, vis.: Milk Depot No. 1 Grocery. Milk Depot No. 1 Grooery. Milk Depot No. I Grocery. Fisher Bros.' Co. A. V. Allen. Acme Grocery, Schalfleld. Mattson A Co. Ross. HtggfhS A Co. C. M. Chrfstensen. Tongue Point Lumbar Co. 8tor. Johnson A Morrison. Suomalainen Cooperative Co, E. Hauk A Co, S. L. Nauthrup. XV mAHXBm, Om. (Center for lumber Industry on th Colum bia river.) Ferris Bros. McMllan Mercantll Co. F, Traw. M. Ellis A Co. A. L. Richardson. J. LT Bell. XV KAT.SMa, OaW J. P. Hansen. x wAJUuurroir. Warrenton Grocery A Butcher Co. C, W. White, xv oxAJULamT, omy " F. Dresser. XST CXATSKABXB, Oak (A lively city, where settlers ar wanted.) E. Lk Edgerton. Henry Krats. H. McKlel. A. R. Miller. M. E. Page. XV SXAKAKAWA, O Timothe Rlcharda. or sBASTJoa. om B. W. Otto. F. Dresser (two stores). Oolden. Grain Granules' Is served at Locksley Hall, Seaside, Or, because it is the 100 per cent pure health coffee. Picnic and Field Day BZJTXnrZT OF l Brotherhood of Electric Street Railway Employes V THE OAKS TKTrsssAT, Auavvt a. i ' pa Tropin ana caan prise o rA all pUase and reward eontostante all v Li all entrlM. , v OBBATSST BAST KXCOW, Foot Races. Boys' Bicycle Race. Tna Raoea, Swimming; Races. Exhibition Drills by- W, O. W. and Maccabeea, Championship Cake Walkers, Prise Dancing, Tug-of-War Contests, Boating Matches. Wrestling Matches. Fanotna Championship. Grand display 1 Fire works ana otner jrre attractione. Oscar Stanley, A. C. Burns. James ' Morgan, A. M. Singleton, C J. Ander. on, committee. - . t JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY DUST K0PIATES f0-,- W." A. WISB XAS BBTOBITJID raoit auua, .- ,. We can extract one or all your teeth "without hurting a bit, and put In new teeth the same day If you desire. ' Our system; of crown ' and bridg work la simple, qutok and painless.- When desired yen can have T. P. Wlae or my personal service. FalalMS Sxtraotlae Free wtu Flat ate Ordered. ; ; so tbabs mxxm n& doing dental work ' all the time. That la the record of Dr. W. A. Wise. That's one reason our business has grownour pa trons com back, and they aend their friends. . , i A. WISE. Dentist renins; bldg, Sd and WaahlnfKm S a. tn. to e p. nu Sundays to la. Falnlase Sx. stloa fioo Plate aa : T.P. Wlsc, l!.A,Stsr!mnt : and H. A. Kaffraaa '. . - ASXOCXATXIS. BOTH FXOMS, A AV9 XAXJT a ,i . suae. v. - a LOCKSLEY HALL seaside ohecon Spend your vacation at Ssid il at delightful Locksley HaJL More ett ... ttv than ever before. Accmnmmli'. of th highest order. One hnp f'i gant outside rooms; private b trio light l ot and c.i - Annex overlooking the r-- HghtfulTy situated cotta" i Colslae Un;urpiit. K Speetaity. ........ .. rmza Btrt rsr-rt V. X- Af snr, X A. i nual pttyment plan. - - . . Mr t-v - 1 ( I 1 tr ?" "i' 'i" t - j3 ' .8 It 4 I i c 1 ' . 1