TIIL OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, JULY CO, 1C07. RAINMAKER HATFIELD 8: ENGAGED FOR NEXT YEAR! PARALYSIS: CORED rATzxar oiTxa ais im cmiDit ' TO SB,' WXLUAKT TOW KI.X.S. Sherman 3. County Farmers : .Enthusiastic. Over Ex ' pected Grain Harvest. FINE DEMONSTRATION ' : GIVEN BY SCIENTIST Old Method of Bombarding Sky by Chemicals Abandoned, ;' Saya" Hat ; ;'. field Southern Callornlan Says ' ; He Never Failed to Produce Bala. . That one of the finest yields of grain vr produced la th history of Sher smn county will b harvested this year la due to the operation ' of Charles M Ilatfleld, the rainmaker, In the opinion of the farmers of Sherman county, who have contracted for 'Hatfield's return next' year. Hatfield worked In Sherman county from May it to July 25 of this year, and the committee says n' pro- ohkt a aaL . rainfall far . surpassing -' the Mr. Hatfield waa at the Imnarlal ho tel laat night on his war to his home at toe Angeles. He left Portland on the morning train. He says rain Is not ' produced by the old methods of bom- . bardlng the sky, but by a system of chemical combinations and electrical In fluence! which cause . the moisture that js ta the atmosphere to be precipitated. V Bxoesa of BatafaU. .. ' i : ;. The normal rainfall in Sherman county during the period of the rain making operations Is a little more than half an lnoh. Hatfield claims to have produced t.I Inches, an increase of t50 'per cent over the normal 1 "I gave five demonatratlons In Sher man oounty and all of them were fol lowed by rainfall," eald Mr. Hatfield this; morning. "In all my experiments, ex- i tending over five years, I have made it demonatratlons, and never failed to bring rain. ; - "My contrao with - the" Sherman county people begins next year on May 1 and extends to July 10, a longer period - than this year's tests covered. The normal rainfall for that county from May 1 to July 10 is one Inch. If I do not Increase the rainfall I get nothing. If I in creaee It one inch I get 11,000, and if I Increase it an Inch and -a half or mora, making the total rainfall 1 inches or more while I am there, I get $1,600. This-year I received from W. M. Bar rett, who owns a wheat farm in Gil liam county, 0 mllee from where I made the teets, a draft for ISO for the benefit I had (caused to his crops. A:: Rainmaker .Hatfield. "This winter." besinnlnr November II. 1 win oe at crow s uinaing, tnrornia, butwmn HrnrWon and Kiir ; - . ' third year. Their normal rainfall for the paat 40 yeare had been'- Incties tor the period of my .teats. During the flrat nti I nroduMd II lnchaa of ralnfalL and last year It was 15 lnchee." Financial considerations do not at tract Mr. HatOeld, he says, his object at present being to secure government feoognltlon of his process He believesy hat Immense benefit would result td seml-arld districts all over the United States from the use of his method by the government t -'-. ' 4 vpwnus vs , vnuiww . .. When asked whether he believed that his method would supplant Irrigation firojects, Mrs, Hatfield said It depended argely on the conditions. r, 1 that rain cannot bo produced where there is no moisture in the atmosphere, and says the best results are obtained where there is a certain amount of rain, which la insufficient for agricul tural purposes, In such places be can Increase the precipitation, he says, enough to maka agriculture practical. The rslnmaking plant . used by Mr. Hatfield is operated by hlmaelf and his brother, Paul A. Hatfield. Next year the plant- in Sherman county will be lo cated on the banks of the Deschutes river, about one mile from its conflu ence with, the Columbia, thua securing greater advantages by . reason of the moisture which fills the canyon of the river. Sorely Afflicted. Ho Was Oared After Ordinary Methods Tailed Uvea , - To GHre Relief. There are still' people who say that partial paralysis ranot be cured. " If you have partial paralysis or some other severe . nervous disorder, do you think : it Is better to ' be treated by someone who Insists that' you areata curable, or to take a treatment that grateful patients throughout the United States testify hss cured them t A recent case wnere a rara wM trted In that of Mr. Charles H. ullden of Portland, Ionia county, Mich igan. Mr. Gllden'ls a veteran of the civil war, and fought with the Eighth New York Heavy Artillery. The story of his affliction told In his own words la aa follows: , : "T itai 1 ! s.ttk4 with terrible twitching sensation and numbness all over my body, which my physician said was paralysis and which he attributed to a - bullet wound received during the war.- i i. i ;..- . -v. " . . ' "I iwmtil to ba aettins oaralysed all over and finally could hardly walk. My eyes . became weak and I had to get stronger glasses, i could not move tn lid of one of my eyes and my face and mouth were- drawn over to the - right side to such on extent that I could not speak distinctly. I was -also troubled with palpitation of the heart' rin th. fall of 1195 after having been under the treatment Of several doctors and , having tried . electricity without help, I bought six boxes or or. Wil liams Pink Pills and got some relief. After taking six boxes more, I could stand a hard day's tramp and another six boxes cured me."- -This case, like numerous others, bears witness to the wonderful curative prop erties of Dr. Williams' Pink Tills In nervous disorders. v i. - Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cur general and nervous debility because they make new blood. They strike at th root of these anc other biooa aiaeases, sucnv as rheumatism, anaemia, indigestion and nervous troubles, such as neuralgia, nervousness and spinal weakness. - A valuable booklet, "Nervous Disor ders," will be sent free on request Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or sent, postpaid, on re ceipt of . price, 10 cents per box. six boxes for 11.60, by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, U. T, GRAFTERS FORCED ABUSE MAKES OFFICER HAWSE OF LOST COLUMBIA A MANIAC OUT OF OFFICE gig Stick Compels San Fran- Cisco's Boodling Super visors to Eetire. (Joarasl gpeciil Service.) San Francisco, July 10. The brain of Robert Hawse, third officer of the , lost Columblsi succumbed last night to the abuse, ridicule and contempt which has been heaped upon him ever since . th investigation of the disaster has f fceen rn ; progress. Holding newspaper ' articles containing criticism of his ac , tlons subsequent to, th crash in his . hands, his brain fiber snapped, and he h ,was maa. . -.- . The ignominy heaped upon him was more than he could bear. After brood ing for several days over the charges ; which have been made against him, his Intellect lost that keen adjustment that nature provides between thought and act, and his mind reeled off into insan ity. Hawse spent the evening at his rooms, 135 Fair Oak street Second Officer R. Agerup was with him. Hawse had spent an hour or more reading and rereading the censures which had been printed . about him. He read - how he was 1 charged with having refused succor to drowning women; had thrust them back Suits $201- $40 Trousers $4 to $10 im r mm V i (loeraal Special Servtee.) San FYancleco, July . 10. At last night' meeting the resignations of 14 Into the waves when they plesded to I of th supervisors were received, only imhi5 l,?J?Vl.Ui.,-wlpi Ht ?vn0T one, MoQushlii, having failed to keep he had seen their white faces sink back I . , . .... . ,., . taa: office of supervisor of the city and county of and with the last shriek disappear in ?fm the black waters. With a cry llkithat of bJ0S2lK JJ" i a wild animal he clenched the clippings ...lJl?rr"la J.r2m- 9 "1 it feet,, a in his hands and leaped to his lunatic. with rest san Francisco and as a member or: the board of supervisors of said city and SEA DISASTEBS DUE upon presentation to the clerk of the saia ooard or supervisors. Th new members were .Installed without formality. Mayor Edward Tay lor called on Clerk Ryan to read the TO COMPANY EULES KXS2SSh " 1tth.wl.neoSfrd named to tn vacant cnair. as -supervisor Compte Is now out of town, no Columbia Officer Testifies That Can- oushin to hand in his resignation. To ooard passed resolution cuiinn tains Are Required to Bun at Full Speed. (Joernal Special, Berries,) San Francisco, July 80. rln the in quiry Into the wrecking: of the Columbia before Captain Birmingham, Second Of ficer Agerup testified that masters of phMn Wtw compelled by company regu Hiuousto run ships at full "speed along aangerou coasts in rogi oroer to maice upon th heads of th departments or tn city government to submit rinanciai reports. Supervisors Tveltmo and O'Neill, the two members who retained their seats, made protests against the installing of ,th supervisors. CHUECH LEGACY CASE DECIDED (Special Dispatch to The JoamaL) Liewtston, Ida., July io. By da- Let US Make You a Comfortable Summer Suit One with lots of style, of fabric that will give you lots -of wear really superior suit in every respect. And with every .- suit at $22.50 goes an extra pair of trous ers, absolutely : free. But" this special concession holds A good only for a limited time longer. , . ; ' . " Columbia tailoring is the very best ere is in tailor ing ; youll like it and it will save you money. . ' Better 'drop in at once and v have us make up. a light weight suit without" delay and we'll hurry it so youll be prepared for the. rest of '4.1.-.. .MtlAI .'. ' B v- J mt ... t ... . . ... J .t .... . . , - Grant: Fhegley,' Mtnas;er. r.V ELKS' BLDQh 7TH and STARK. its in foggy weather In elslon recently handed down by Probate schedule time. - I t. u.i,in nt kiiti, ,, viraf "Is It the usual practice on th coast Presbyterian chruch will receive a leg to gp at full opeedr asked CapUin ,cy Gf IU.000 left by the late Sarah C. fn'nsnani. Thompson on condition that the church "The captain always slowed uo when hm itv,in iv. he heard a steamsr ahead," was the yrs, U the money to be used to build n.BWr- v. , . and equip the structure. Litigation i "Does the ship never slow up unless srose, as In the will the money was there Is a steamer ahead V given unconditionally, while a codicil "I can't reooUeot that we ever did. v It provided that If th society had not mlcht be once In a rreat while, ner- k.iih within riv vm h nmiurit haps, especially in very bad weather," should revert . to - the helre. In Judge aiq wr. Agerup. . Hanion's decision th cnurcn is given the ill-fated ship, stated that the be havior of Third Officer Hawse was gentlemanly throughout the disaster, FINE EAILE0ADS FOE TAEDINESS INMAILS Mies Alice Osterburg, a passenger on absolutely the leracv of 11.000. with itea mat tne d- only the broviso of the codicil that buuaing must De erectea witmn tne next half decade. The new building will be ready , for occupancy within the next two yeara, and will be one of th finest . structures owned by sny church of the , denomination tn the northwest. Near the church will be a parsonage, bunt in th same general styie oz arcnitecture. in tne cnurcn will be a large pip organ, to coat $2,000. (Joanul Soedel Berries.) Chicago, July 10. Western railroads are near an open- break with he post-office-department - over - the - transporta tion of .malls, owing to a number of recent orders.' The latest cause or Robinson A Co. 'a sal on men's grievance Is the Imposition of heavy furnishings, IM Washington, will put fin 5 11 ,i ,a IE' money in your pocKot. in uviivviiiiB mans. ji u wiiBiucr mo Cross the Street. situation- railroad men held an Im- portant conference today. - uner ox tnem aeciarea tnat tne lines levied by the government against his road In on quarter amounted to ,$40,000. A aimilar condition on other roads was reported. ' ' The fines were aseesaed un der a new rill whloh went Into effect in July, 1906. ' The roads were amased to find that they are in danger of losing 18 per cent of their mall pay unless they revise schedules and place their mall trains upon running " time which they know they can -maintain in all seasons and In all kinds of -weather. ' . The new rule, the roads say. Is op- f rensive and unjust. It provides that f the malls are late ten times on any route during a period of 80 days the road shall b assessed 16 per cent of the pay of that route for the quarter. CLAIM HAYWOOD IS s . LOGICAL CANDIDATE I t'0-;i";:t:-: IJoornal Spedat Strviea.) Denver. Colo., July 80.--Telegrams of congratulation on the : result of th ) BAlse trial: continue to be received at federation headguarteri : In this city from all parts of the country and from abroad. Some of Haywood's union - coworkers are now eialmlnr him to be toe logical candidate for . the presidency on the I Socialist ticket. -As candidate for govt ernor of Colorado last year, when In I prison i In Idaho, : he received lt.JSt votea. - Moorish and Turkish designs In Brauer's hand-painted china, Metsger's, 142 Washington street. rreferred Stock Oanaed Ooods. Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's $1.50 Grade Under, wear Vith ... sleeveless shirts and . knee length drawers, t made, of pure Men's Plain White Ribbed Underwear Regular iOc garments ' ;QC special ......... ....OuC GOODS BOUGHT TODAY CHARGED ON AUGUST ACC0UUT WASHINGTON STIIECT 5CCTU STCEET. FIFTH STREET 1 i i ' . . ' . ... ' ' . " . J..., ..... . ' . ... ... ..'',.! : .. ( buy Shoe Findings in Out llevi Department W6mensSkev Or Four for Only. $1.00 See Window There are five ' very prettjr '.'style's in Women's summer Vests, .made in the low, necle, sleeveless style; some are plain, some are trimmed with pretty lace, some with' wash taffeta ribbon, and some with shoulder straps. They are all Swiss ribbed and in a very good quality. There are sizes 4, 6 and 6, plenty .of these wanted numbers, and about 100 dozen to sell Wednesday. ThL is a rousing good special when we sell 97i four for $1.00, or. each .,.....'.. ,..... .... ;...... LtiC New Lot of Brown Hose We have just Women's Swiss Ribbed Vests, made of , 7 received, a shipment of women's fine hose, in brown and tan shades. Plenty here now to supply the customers who . have been waiting. Some are in hand embroidered style, some are in plain, and some are in lace weaves. Very superb quality from one of the very best factories in the hosiery line. They should sell for 75c a pair, goodness knows they are worth it, but our price will light weight lisle in Swiss rib. They are low neck and have no sleeves. They are trimmed with lace and embroidery, beautiful vests at, each ............ J)C Women's Lisle Vests, in plain or lace trimmed style, with ribbon shoulder straps, new, neat and cool, ey are worth it, but our f-A " new, neat ana cooi, , be while they last DUC each ............. . . ...... OUC, DOC it i EVERY LINEN SUIT WE HAVE .......... Here is a rare opportunity to wear smart Wash Suits at a low price. Jhe most lA.-.i-l. A Ws..tm in ma.Vi na eVie m9mert arm tirem ears fiau " They are tailored-by the best workmen in the garment business. They are from houses famous for attaining originality and style. We include the very swagger princess jumper styles, the fancy and Eton and pony jacket styles and the mannish cutaway coat styles. Alto gether it's a wash suit sale unparalleled in this season's business. Choose from any one in the lot at HALF PRICE $4.50 values $62.50 tO ICl $6.50 Or! $25.00 ttn CA $75.00 ton C( values I values . 4 values f isV.wr uj values v White and Colored Wash Skirts, in duck or linenette, in plain or fancy styles and in nearly all sizes. There is mighty good choice here tor those who come fji arlv. Thev are retmlarlv worth from $1.50 to $2.25, special for Wed- ILJ nesday . &r ' 8c Semi-Annual Sale Rumpled Table Linens An event that all shrewd housewives watch for and benefit by. A gathering of all our season's accumulation of soiled and mussed linens, augmented by sample linens from the large factory tnat sup plies us with our best roods. And they are priced so low that 'tis real extravagance not to buy. Linens are advancing sharply in price, next season must see them sold much higher. Take time by toe tore lock and buy now. s , Hemstitched Tablecloths Hemstitched Tablecloths A grade; regularly sold for $6.00 each; special sale 44 7f price Pt to And the $8.00 grade for ..f.T5 Hemstitched Tescloths Finish ed with very pretty embroidered designs; regular $3.50 tfO Off values, special $i0O The $3.25 values for ?2.T5 The $2;75 values for ' ..... f2.25 The $2.00 values for ... .. . 1.50 Round Teacloths Embroidered, $4.75 regular $5.50 values for Fine Linen Napkins Napkins of Richardson's fins linen; very durable wearing quail, ties, and in handsome patterns. Priced as follows: Worth $21.00 the 1fi Cfl dozen, special eDIU.Jlr Worth $20.00 the Clfi flf! dozen, special IUUV Worth $16.50 the tlQCf) dozen, special- eJHelseJU Tablecloths, in finest quality double damask, priced as follows: 2x3 yards, $18.00 value .. 2yxS yards, $14.00 value .. 2tfx2tf yrds, $22.00 value $15.00 10.50 18.00 cur cuss Bon Bons Fancy (ff yC shapes, value $2.25 plll Bon Bona Reg. &0 QC $3.90, special .....$LVo Bon Bona Reg. &M OC $5.50, special .....JT.W CUT GLASS On Bottlea Values M $50, special ..OU Cologne Bottles (J Of? Value $5.50, special . . . eptesW Bon Bona Two handles with divisions, value $7.25 at..f 5.&ffi The Last Day of ' the SHOE smi Special With every pair of white canvas Shoes we sell Wednesday we snail give one bottle of white cleaner absolutely....... FREE LOT (..Women's Oxfords, in four styles, representing 2,000 pairs and embracing white can vas and black kid Oxfords- All are moderate in every way, showing both light and heavy soles. Blucher and regular cut ; plain and tip toes, &1 OA $2.00 values el.aCl7 LOT 2vWomen'a Oxfords, in almost every style made, Gib son, Grecian and garden ties. Light and extension soles, cov ered and leather heels; made in wing and straight lasts. Sea Island canvas in white, : green, blue, pink, brown, tan and gray colors. The most complete line of canvas shoes on this coast Comfortable, inexpensive - and easily to be kept clean; f QQ values to $3.00, special pl07 LOT 3. Women's Shoes and Oxforda Made in 12 styles, em bracing light and heavy soles, Blucher, ' button and , regular lace, patent and kid leathers. We include three styles in women's Oxfords that have welt sewed soles, button and lace,- made in very stylish shapes. :. They are carried in ' all .widths and sizes and almost any foot can be per fectly fitted; value 1 QQ $3.00, special ... . ..... OlVO LOT ;4SwomenTan High Shoes In f light and heavy soles, button and .lace, Blucher and regular pattern. - Yon have the choice of any style we carry, We will also include 12 styles of our best style Oxfords, em bracing patent kid and calfskins, in button or lace. A great array of lastsv-ahowing short and me., diura vamp, dip and ' straight toes. This lot will be so com plete that any reasonable taste will be suited; i ) no values to $5X5 if O Potter Schedule for iBeachH The steamer Potter will Bill from Portland, Ash street dock this week as follows: Wednesday and Thursday, a. m.; Saturday, t p. m. Get tickets and make reservations at city ticket office. Third and Washington streets, C W, ntlncer, city ticket agent. . - ; . ; - . Metiser A Cos, opticians, 14 Inaton st. ". . . - ) , Guaranteed rxJiij 4 Under the 'x 1 ' FOOD AND P"'" .DRUGS ACT " ' ijL Serial No. 6768.; '(jf . The Goopel of True Temperance IS A MILD STIMULANT versus A STRONG INTOXICANT. (Ordinarily, Beer is Just What Ton Want.) ' Fa mo os AA. o) ft M ar sT '(..: . r" C3 Is absolutely Pure and Healthful. , Is Fully Aged, which means No Blllonsness. ':1a. Thoroughr SterClaed, which means No Germs." : SHOULD BE W EYEBY HOME. THE STANDARD TABLE BLEU OF AMTi-.TtTPA, . TE2Q Amorsaan Brotvinrj Ccmpzy, : Lcxio, ;R0THCH:LD BROTHERS, Distrlirs, ' 23 L'crCi Flnt Ctrcrt, Pcrfr-i." v.. 4TV-. J- -JT , : . in SJSaaWasSlSJBBHBSJSMBBBSBBBBSaSaBSSIBSBBSBBBSBlSBBJBjaBJBaSJBB BBSaBBpSsSSasSBSBBSJsaaBBBSBBBSMSaBsaBB sCsaiSsBsssllSsssBSsS i '""snsaaswsasaasssi i ITT t WsjajajsjsaaasssBejsjsassSSMMBlsaSSsnaBMM 1 ' ' " '"" " ' " ' ' mmm!m wash- ;.".. - -r. yV ,mmm-X - f. . 'V: - -: - ''A'tX, -?'4:'-' J V. "v V; ' V