The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 30, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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mm niiED dio nor
"...! j Jl. I.'.-'-.: ; ' ,!.::... - . ., i : - : ....... i-.. V:-
:utheraPacific and 0; & Celia Fay aridiaggie Brown
- i. nave iMMjn urate nauucxvu jluu , xux
V : Offenders.
From Camp.
, BMtUN of th v failure of weatern
railroads t; run; their trains on Umi
they have bMn fined heavily by the
Cells Far and Karri Brown, the two
young woman who wandered away from
tha hotel at Welch's camp near Mount;
postofflce department. In tha oaao of Hood Sunday evening-, returned to the
one company the fine In tha paat year! camp a few, hours .later, explaining vthat
have amounted to about ,
For more than a year wither- the
Southern Faclflo nor the O. R. A N.
, w - .... ,Ka4 trains n schedule time
.except in a lew Inetaiices. The overlap
.Tbiss a' real,! true story of howl
cougar--one or tne fierce, untamable
kind roamed amout tha streets' ' of
Portland Sunday night, eeeking a vic
tim, and at laat findlnar so much to eat
mat ne aiea or overfeeding.
The animal eaueed ell kind of eon
aternation while ha -was abroad and
polloe officer tar ted a ayatematlo hunt
together With the animal', hvnfir. They
at at overpowerea aim witnout being
Injured. - r . ,, . , . - , .- ., , - ,
The eougar waa tha property of F. A.
Stuhr, owner of the wild animal ahow at
the Oaka. He slipped out of hla cage
Sunday afternoon and a email boy who
they had wandered
Intended to, which accounted for their
tat arrival. : - v
The young women had been In the
camp severer day and left the hotel
ter, explaining rthat u employed there, tried vainly to1 pre.
farther than they. I vent hi escape. Knowing that, the
Y,L. i- imtiUnii from one T to three I ln npany with Mr. and Mra. Robinson
rf n?hJ Southern Paclfl f Portland for a walk about the moun
bouVs late while the oiwrn racuio lai in aumat ot wlld ,
Ing cone a short time the young- women
'train, due to arrive in rurusau imm
Ban Francisco In the morning;, aeldom
arrives before the noon hour. . -
Going east, the O. R- sV N. train
made the connection at Green River.
Wvnminr about once a month, and it
became Accessary to arrange a slower
schedule. . Even this felled t - acoom-
liah results -desired by the government
I the transportation of Its mall.
According: to the rule regulating the
postal department the railroads carry I
Ing'.rnau must see mat wie trains sr-i
, " rive An schedule time. A few minutes
ere allowed them for delays but nothing
like the great otsorepanciee tnat nave
attended the movement of the Harrl-
maa trains In Oregon. The law says I
of their pay money
separated from their friend and for
getting the distance and tltne strayed
several mues eut or weir course. For
a time they were bewildered and feared
they were lost, but soon found their
way ana eouia nave arrived at the camp
much, earlier than thev did had they
known their absence waa causing their
i nanus worry. -
cougar eould escape only through a
large hole ln the roof, the boy climbed
up tnere, stunea nis net, can ana other
carmen t in the hole ln an effort , to
cover It r. "'-
He waa not shrewd enough for the
eoucar. however, for the animal soon
started an Investigation and discovered
pay money if 10 train are late I cvcuuf ajtjivuivcu iahisiu at avruiiun wa uim u.u mu nioci in
on any route in a period of so days.
Each railroad is reaulred to file af-
flrtavlte with the postal department at
i . Waahtncton whenever a1 train I late.
I. It is said that the O.'R. N. Co. file
f bundle of affidavit each month, at
' ' testlnc to the fact that trains on7 that
! line carrying- rovernment mail have
ben late nearly every day. .
i Conditions are no better on the
t ' Southern I'aclflc. The train from Ban
j . Francisco laat Saturday waa 16 houra
i . lata in getting; Into Portland, a not In
; frequent occurrence. One day In the
j past month the Southern Paclflo train
i due at 7:16 In the morning did not ar
' rive until after o'clock ln the even-
Inr and the same day the O. R. A N.
, train from the east, duo, at :4I In the
. morning, did not arrive, until after i
o'clock in the afternoon. . Tha arrival of
; the. train on tlm , 1 the exoeption
rather than rule.
gen, Colombia, Tells of Old
" Spanish Walled Town.
Isaac A. Manning, of this city, re
cently appointed oonaul at Cartagena,
Colombia, In South America, haa writ
ten to Tom Richardson of the commer
cial club an Interesting letter about
hi new home and new duties. Carta-
f ena is one of the old walled towns of
be Spanish andIs one of the most In-
lereetins- and nlcturesaue of tha South
American porta '
The wall, Mr. Manning said. Is sup-
poeeu to nave cost aoout du.uuu.ouo ana
wnen tne bill were presented to the
honor of the acquittal of "W. D. Hay.
wood, aecretary and. treasurer of the
Western Federation of Miners. Thsy
paraded from headquarters on Burnslcfe
atreet to the Plaaa, headed by a band
playing- tha "Maraellala.' About 1.009
listened to speeches.
The capitalists and some of the au
thorities were handled without gloves
and Ck W. Speed, organiser at San
Franolseo ' for the Industrial Workers
of the World, boasted of having had the
rleasure of taking part In a demonstra
Ion ln . honor of four men who were
murdered In Chicago by the capitalist
He declared the caDltallst a "sllmv
lot or criminals." out at tne same time
saia laoor wuum saver oown.
All of the speeches were more or less
revolutionary. The newspapers were
Claims lie Made "Arrangements to
I Supply Subaeribers With An
' i other rnbllcktion. "
Emll Held,r an " advertising man ' of
kin Of Rnaln ha la aalH n ha mra 1
Jo his window and looked out toward accused of being unfair.
" fc. , auiu i ii lath II lUUfll m
men enouch to be seen from finaln.
It Is about 20 feet high and ln some
piaoe so reet tnrough, with immense
water cisterns and passages under-running
11 Tha ruin of the old. Fort Fe
lipe stands Just outside the hill. The
elty Is a fine sort and the wall waa a
protection against the old buccaneers State
ana pirates.
Mr. Manning haa only praise for the
treatment accorded him and for the
dmuuiui quarters or tne consulate, a
wge mooern ouuaing with modern Im
provements. The weather at the time
or writing in June was very hot but
grow cooler ln the fall. .The wornt
Library Commission Adopts
Traveling Library Plan to
Edncate Municipalities.
PI. city, denleh-ln .fj mlSSr 'hWlo 1
mAmlnv nana a maapa aif1a niiKlt.Kftil I i . . . . . . . '
-morning paper a news article published
in yeSUrday'a .Journal with, reference
-to hi actlona ln Forest Grove It was
' stated in The Journal from Forest
Grove that he had collected aubscrlp
T tlona to his Held's Tourist Bulletin at
Forest Grove and had failed to aend the
paper. Held claim to have been done
a great Iniuatloa-
' I began .publishing. Held'a Tourist
. Bulletin last November,' he said, "and
. Issued it regularly until April. 4 I be-
s came ill and was not able to attend to I
ny dutleai During the Ufe Of the pub
; ncaxion x visiiea xreet urove nd so.
lid ted subscriptions at tl a vear, agree-
ng iv puDiian pictures or tner scenery
, of the place together With pictures of
prominent pefBons. The Bulletin sua
penned publication before these article
could be published. . .
' ' L "Ttlowever. I made arrangement with
the Spectator, Publishing. company of
Whom x had eolleoted the money.
! Hugh Hume, one of the publisher af
the SoectStOr. ' daclaraa that Mr f?alf
and the Spectator company-failed ' to
.' reach n agreement f , .
"Mr. Held tallied with Mr. Tyler, my
rartner. about the matter," said Mr.
lume, "and Mr. Tyler and myself talked
ft over. We failed to reach an agree
ment, hdwever, 'and did not agree to
aend our -paper 4o Mf Held's snbscrlb
v ers. Mr. Held came to rne about It and
' offered an explanation which 1 did not
understand." . . ' .
' . . saw -
, : i ngw or, no pisn on root to re
number all of the houses In Portland, al-
l though this office is preparing to num
ber a few on the extended streets," said
4 pity Engineer Taylor this morning. "To
- vuiiipet new numoers to De placed on
-each house would cause such a confu
. slon that I doubt If the residents would
stand for it. -
i "There af e number ot street in
akM J w.-t. i-i.
. iovcih auutuvni wnjua wait running
t parallel do -not contain the same num
bers in tha same blocks, and it is our
purpose to correct tnis condition as
much as pbBslbla This, however. Is a
matter, of small moment' ' A
f . Choir Boys Are Back.
it The choir boys of Trinity church, who
have been enjoying a week's outing at I
- craaiae, reiurnea last evening.
was against the western steamships by
which hla baaaaas waa frelahted and
which had been held In San Franclseo
without further communication because
of Insufficient freight charges paid be
fore shipping. They had not yet reached
their destination when Mr. Mannlna-
i VJ.
. Bu gene's business ' men's delegation
spent yesterday In' Portland conferring
with General, Manager O'Brien of the
Harrlman lines regarding better rail
way facilities for that city and left for
home last night satisfied that some
good woeld result from - the visit and
The oommlttee was assured by Gen.
eral Manager O'Brien that better depot
isciiiuee. wouia do supplied jsugene and
better train service would be provided
between Eugene and Wendllng by the
putting in or a oaiiy mixed tri
tween those points.
Mr. O'Brien declined to give them
any assurance that Eugene Would be
maoe tne terminal point of the Oregon
Eastern railroad, the Harrlman Una that I
is surveyed across central Oregon from
tairvn a vaae. - i
(pedal Dtoeatek to Tea Jsaraall
Salem, Or July 10. At the meeting
of the library commission yesterday
the matter of awarding the 1108 con
tract for books for new school libraries
was taken up. Two bids were presented,
one from J. K. QUI St Co. of Portland,
the other from A. C Mcciurg or Chi
cago. The contract was awarded to the
Portland firm.
A new travellnsr llbrarr has been late
ly acaulred br the commission. It is
.Intended, for the benefit of municipal
oiueers ana omer puouo otnciais. it
wilrbe Immediately sent around the cir
cuit Of towns, each keeping it 80 days.
Qorvallis has the i use of It first, and It
will be shipped immediately.
Tne titles oi tne cooks are as rouows:
MunlolDftl Administration." Falrlle;
"Water and Publlo Health." Fuentes:
"American Cities." Wilcox: "Publlo
Water Supplies," Turner and Russell;
"EnKlneerlcuT Works ln Small Cities."
McCullouah: "Municipal Publlo Works."
Whlnerr: "Water Works for Small
Cities and Towns." Good ell; "Municipal
Improvements," Goodhugh? "Principles
of Sanitation and Publlo Health," Sedge-
wicx: ' MuniciDai Eniineerinx and san
itation," Baker; "Statistics of Cities";
'Sewage Disposal Problems.
Irf a communication to The Journal
Dr. Oliver O. Fletcher, secretary of the
! Western School of Chiropody, gives his
version of, the assault of E. B. Shield
upon Rev. R. M. Dunn in a St. Johns
streetcar Sunday evening. He says
that the blow which hit Mr. Dunn was
the possibilities through the hole.1 After
leaping .through the aperture, the blg
cat ran riot tnrougn the park, causing
Jmo and-frlghUnlng people out of
He Jumped over. the high fence and
aoon diaappared down the railroad
tracks. The central operator at polloe
headquarters was soon Alatnrhad hv
quick and Insistent calls from Sell wood
announcing that a huge beast of un
known , proportions , waa prowling
through that suburb. Manager Stuhr
u- nounea ana he with several
.ffl0r? .wo have beats In Bellwood
wnw in pursuit ' ....
. On reaching Bellwood thev soon found
the wild anlmal a tracka. He bad made'
V" T"y ' inuiasi -persons. ! DUt naa I Tha raitnrt Dr
leastea on ehlckens In the neighbor- others soon followed, one being to the
t2l!ltf 1 WM t1 Ul Bf'ng "I iffect that the Schmlts board would at-
auaauej 4XLLJ.BS rDlllianr.1 WflMl lllsl sslTVa 1 --. aala a. Kak AAlinnll r nHtTfl Ilfirsi mil
2i21Z!r 5! n!i ov,r. n,m .1 uo" af teVnoon. aided by Chief pf Police
oeeded In binding the animal. He was pinan, who refuses to recognlce Taylor
durnau o ma cage, out so greatly i M mayor.
had he en loved hla hriaf fraarinm ,J I rli... ..j inii.a rnmmlulAnir Has.
wonderful chicken dinner that he died art. a secret conference early this
last night. - .J I afternoon, supposedly for the pur
Attempts to Be Made to Seize
Council Chambers, Aid-,
ed by Police.. , .
(Joerhal BperUl BerTies.
San Francisco, July 80.r-Late this
afternoon Mayor Schmlts confirmed the
report that he had appointed a second
aa ' niunHMPA
Tne report spreaa ue wiwun
rt maVlna nn I fna arranaamenta
Lanrdon nurriea to tne nan oi jus
tice, where the board of supervisor
holds It meetings, to await develop
What Anglers, Say . of Rogie
River Obstruction, and.
: "What Owners Say.
- .'' ' 'y. r-1"!
v . .,---'i.4rr,i0'l
i (gpeelal, Dispatch to The ' Joaraal.) ,
Grants Pass, Or.; ' July 80. Petition
signed by nearly 1,000 people residing
neajr. togue river ahoy Grants Pass
have been prepared for submission to
Governor Chamberlain. These petitions
aeciare ne nan ladder constructed on
Supreme Court Holds Sub
stitution Same as.
l New Case..
(SpecUl Dispatch . to The Journal 1 ' f
Salem. Or- July 80.-r-The f olio win
decisions of : the supreme ' oourt were
Stat of Oregon vs. F. K. Reynor, ap.
reliant from Union county. T. H. Dnn.
ford Judge; affirmed In an opinion by
company three miles above thla city to , f. K, Reynor waa sentenced to three
be whofly Inadequate and urge that 1m- years In the penftentlary for steallna
mediate steps be taken to provide bet- the aum of 180 from Louie Fagln of th"
ter .meane for the passage of salmon owl saloon. The alleged crime wis
ud the river to the SDawntna- arounds. ..T. vt. V , HZ. .
If 1 contended that only a very small uttmimdiad&
number of aalmon ret farther- than the bartender - ? ? r
dam. and. that hundreds and., thousands "Va.ln vial tad th a ma.
of the fish are killed or die without
rescuing tne upper river.- - Tneae con
dltlona will necessarily result In the
Fasln visited the saloon and defend.
ant euggested that they exchange vesta
oerore agin vest waa returnea. the
S lm.u wtt&teTW salmoh IS the LvldTc 'ow'- WJ blu "d t01
Rosue rtver r . , yas taken from Faglna pocket , -The
Maaaor Ament;of the Golden Drift bW this waa nol larceny, ln-
xmnrvrnm "DAOaTDT U dam waa -constructed, under the 51- 1 " ' .""
VrliKlllfrr KlKSNIKhri .afinn. d.i k. tha v..t.. m.t. I The supreme court UDholds the decision.
f w-.- - I IT.""?"- . " ' ' I whlnh la
"'' wwmvvbbsv VS S.V . WV UOflJ
company declare the ladder placed, on K,,"1!0 'Lwi Jk?n roJa , 1 VV
the dam waa ontructd under the l- fl"v?.r?d 'nd,f by fagln.
Indorsed by Party for Presi
dency Foraker. and
Dick Boosted.
I GoTernor Chamberlain Agrees That
Haywood Jury Could Not Mare
: Oonrlrted on Eyldonco.
nr... ....a K .w.
I tibiuvii Bun wmm v.f.w,au vj Maa v i . r . w- - ;
flclal when compleud. . Mr Ament I "Z.".r Z" ".n witnout agin a
states that the ladder Is nearly twloe
mm wla aa waa vay.tlll'ai m nA thai al-
... a.aa It with aaaa I Fr
uivii irwmm v. w a . .v.. www . . . -w
. .... A. .... . I n a r AM n m n . k M n J nK.t1 A ... .
lie is wining to maxe any cnangeai "7"",';"i ayyaa.
r Improvements on the ladder suggest- ( circuit of Multnomah county,
U B. Loomla, plaintiff respondent
red MoFarland and Oeorae la Oy-velL
(Joomal pedal Berries. I
Columbus, July 10. Th voting
against the Taft indorsement was as
follow: Andrew J. Hess, George G.
King, O. B. Gould, Penitentiary Warden
John J. Adama, C B. McCoy, John S.
McNutt. v
The resolution adopted follow: "We
believe a great majority of the neonle
of Ohio are convinced of the high char
acter, great ability and distinguished
services Of William H. Taft and indoraa
his candidacy for the presidency, and
we further believe the Republicans of
Ohio desire the name of William H.
Taft to be t resented to tha national
convention aa the Ohio candidate, that
Republicans In other states be Invited
to cooperate with the Republicans of
Ohio to secure his nomination. Wi am.
phaUcally declare .the Republicans of
Ohio are opposed to the elimination
xrom puouo lire I FO raker and Dick,
whose service to tha nartv an1 tha
United States have been distinguished
or ayauity, wisoom ana patnousm."
O. II. Dylan d Says Crops and Gen-
eral Business Conditions Are
Very Good. ,
... (Hpedil Dispatch to The Jonrnit)
Salem, Or., July J0 In an Interview
Governor Chamberlain today expresses
his entire concurrence with the. verdict
nf tha Inrw tn tha Ha wood trial. Leav
ing nnf tha. aiiaatlnn nf tha moral sullt i width, many of the salmon pound them.
or innocence of the defendant, he holds I Selves to death on the dam before they
or lmDrovementi
ed by the master fish warden or anr
other of f loial armed with proper au-
tnority. i " -.
The trouble does not lie in th ladder,
so fishermen declare, but" in the dam.
The power dam makea a 10-foot fall
across the whole width of the river and
the aalmon are unable to sat over it.
As the entrance to the ladder la but
very email section of the entire river's
slble on
vkUnct as. prMnte4.
(pedal Dlspateh te The JoersaL)
Philomath. Or., July 10. The new
church of the Radical United Brethren
ln Christ of Philomath was dedicated
Sunday Just after noon by Bishop 11 la
Banciey, v. u, or rortiana.
find the ladder.
It la Impossible to make a much wider
ladder without lnjurlnr the' dam and
ae the power dam is naturally held by
the company to oe of greater worth than
the salmon. It claims that the law of
greatest good for the greatest number
should rule and ' that ' the controversy j
snouia do semea on wis oasis. .
a if r
Sears Jude-a: onlnlon. v ludH filata?
mnZjt : . w ' w r
Defendants sold tha1 rlrliti In a inmt '
boom to plaintiff for 1500. on condition .'
mat ir toe amount or tne curcnase nrloa
wae not earned, lesa I2( for tools, tha
difference would be refunded. Defend- '
ant refused to rafund. elalmlntr nlalntlf
did not diligently and faithfully perform
hla contract The opinion affirms tha
case In plaintiffs favor, on the ground .
tnat tne noom aia not , pay. owing to
circumstances over , which he had, no
eontrl, .. ... . -. - , ... r.. -
' zrasbaa Case. Dlsmlssesj. k
J. K. Bears and the state of Ore row
upon relation or. l. ti. Moisary, district
attorney of the. Third ludlolsl district.
substituted for J. K. Sears, respondente.
versu F. I. Dunbar, appellant, appeal
from . elrcutt court nf Mar Inn luuinlv. a-
WlUlam Galloway, Judge, .dismissed tha
case against F. I. Dunbar, charged with-
retaining I00,000 money belonging to
the state of Oregon ae secretary - of
state, Ine defenss held that the sub
stitution or the state for j. . K. Bears
a respondent, was th commencement
of a new suit. In he opinion, that eturt
oz tne case ay
O. H, Byland, tTnlted States commis
sioner at Vale, 'Oregon. Is at the Impe
rial hotel ln company with Mrs. Byland,
and stated today that crops and general
business conditions ln his section of the
state are In aood condition. In tullln.
of the wonders of eastern Oregon, Mr.
jjyiana sua: v
Malheur county, like other parts of
the state. Is enjoying a nerlod of un
usual prosperity. The wool and live
stock shipment during the present year
have been unusually large, and, owing te
the excessive amount of -rainfall dur
ing the late spring and early summer,
the alfalfa, sugar beet and cereaV crops
are better than ordinary.
. 'The fruit crops, owing to late frosts,
will be a partial failure. The publlo
lands are being rapidly appropriated by
a strong ana energetic class oi people
and two large irrigation companies are
completing arrangement whereby area
of land on Willow creek may be re
claimed. ' ,
"A company ha purchased the old
oll-borlnir plant owned by Sol Hlrsch
and haa moved it to Sand Hollow, where
a determined effort will be made to lo
cate oil Indications being very strong
ln that locality for a large oil Industry.
"Vale Is enjoying great prosperity.
Since the construction of the Malheur
Valley railway from the Orea-on Short
Line to 'Vale the city haa doubled ln
population and Its business haa quad
rupled The First National bank of
i'f WIth Conredermtes 5-
Ert sssns& 'tt Mon From WMlth-' ; xLu;t,0.
making a neat, serviceable building with
a seating capacity of 100 with Sunday
school rooms besides, and la located on
one of the nicest lots In the city.
Preceding the dedicatory . service
Bishop Berkley raised In cash and sub
scriptions nearly 11,400 for the benefit
of the church, which clears It from all
Indebtedness and leavee a nice margin
for further Improvement of the prop
lans Under Bonds '
Sstata, '
Sdlth M. ' Alderman. asnellanL vermis
county OfTiliamook, a publlo corpora
tion, w. w. uonaor, ciauae xnayer, s.
S. Johnson, resnondent: aoneal from
fiaamai naafai imtai I circuit court Tiiiamooa- county William .
New Tork. July lO.-Fath.r ; JiffJSSS
WBrtvuBmiMi. UJw Miuguirui yi iVBi
accuad of hArlnff uowImo of th
operation of a soorot society supposed
a. av.aHa.aul la. kT.aLMam.. ...U)l
rrhaa K-atKea. Stat, a .lsatavJt Awa- I W -w WIlBfiaj-flSU Ul UUaWfVl'iaa 11 til HW1UIT
Jti? tah?. Lt',Mnnt txV. w.. n bond, .j
Iiu.uvu zor examination. in grana
lurv Is Investigating. Five men ar
rested with him were released on 160.!
bonda The fact waa brought out thari
tlt.OOO waa demanded from Bedro
Kasanlan and Mirlra Karaguslan and
$500 from Mirlm Harapollan.
peiant from administration of late hus
band's estate on the ground of attemoN :
ing to defraud the county of l8.ltf.1T
held by intestate aa las collector. Tha
th outcome of this service and under
the able leadership of their pastor. Rev.
Walter Reynolds, are planning for more
efficient work along all llnea.
i .
(pedal Dlsoatch te The loernal.) "'
a -1 A. T,.lw .A rph. h..h1l. AmI
report from TUUroook county haa been
tiled at the! office of the sute superin
tendent of school and shows the follow
ing: Number of children of school age,
male tit, female 717. total 1.661; num
ber of children of School age not attend
In -any school, male 169. female ills.
total 104: number of teachers, mole 11,
female 44, 'total 7(: number of teachers
opinion la that, the county had no right
to remove ttt' administratrix until It
had eotabllabeoT Ita claim and nrovad
an intention to defraud creditors.
H. N. Putnam, plaintiff and respond
ent J. la Stalker, defendant and re.
pellant; appeal from circuit court of
Grant county, George OB, Davis judge;
reversed on opinion by Commissioner
Slater: nlalntlff awarded' liEO for
lloioua arrest. He waa charged wltbj
obtalnlnr monav under falaa nratanaaa.
""(pedal Dispatch te Th Jooraid,)
St Helena.. Or July JO. The lease
of Francisco N. Guajardo, charged with
the murder of Herbert M. Swarthout
near Rainier May 8, 1 on trial here lnj
IL. frrk '4.. a. a a . al
aa"ln,KU.?uyu J?; .OI 5?ms " Pf- y.terday and. four wltn..,e.
(pedal Dispatch to The Journal)
Eugene. Or.. July SO The countv i"? a "'"Vi1 i"l ff. 71 WB3 rupieo Tne jnrst national bank of
uuaouo, vi, auij av. idi county I (ntandad for hlmanlf. hut that It arlancaH I v.u haa !.
J 1 . , Z ' " . " - I ' .'UW J " vvu.i.v.VU IIIUT QU IHKV
wnn aiBaoirouB resuns to me recip- an excellent two-story buildlna con
lent. Shield then made a wild rush to structed of gray sand Stone and briok,
escape. Prior to that he had abused Four other brick and stone building
r iuu.r wun uau lojiguagv w iuu prva- are in cuurso ox construction.
ence of- many ladle. Mr. and Mrs. Byland will anend aav:
Dr. Fletcher state that two year ago eral days at th coast before returnina
mra. -omeras ran at rnmnni ai du iv o,
commissioners' court yesterday after
noon awarded the contract for the erec
tion of a county bridge across the Wil
lamette river at Lowell, 20 miles east
of Eugene, to L. N. Roney of this city
for $1,2 S. The bridge will be on
one-of -the- most extensively traveled
road ln the county and tha nnlv maana
of crossing the river at that place for
the past many years has been a ferry-
uuav. - riuvi iubi spring tne Doat has
been out of commission on account of
the banks being washed away, making
fc iuiyuDiuio iwr wie ooai to lana. irav
elers on that road have had to go sev
eral miles out of their way to cross
the river.
i47Lait.l?l"n,ned today, the principal being Mra.
- Hwartnout, i-ier memory raiiao nar on
chief points and she denied statements
previously made. j
Guajardo Is a Mexican. He lived
about five mile east of Rainier, On
the morning of Wednesday, way I. he
hot and killed Swarthout and walked i
into Kaimer ana gave himself up. say-
" -
. The need to be soon
filling our counters with
Fall Goods gives you
this chance.
- w jan o, lAiuiy, patrern,
.light, cool, fashionable
f T Trousers that sold reg
1 ularly at $4, $4.50 and
W: : 4
See' the window dis
play., ' ' ..'
J.Ichawk Bldg. ' y .
1C5 end 1C3 Third SL,
C. L. Snyder, secretary nf tha iwamt.
civil service district. Is ln Portland on
a tour of inspection. Mr. Snyder will
leave today for Puget Sound.
R. Alexander, a nrominnnt marrhont
of Pendleton, was a visitor in Portland
yesterday.--- He has been at tha m,.i
Several days and left last night for his
W. A. Aldrlch. a can It all f nf
Is at the Portland hotel. Hn i. an.nm.
Sanled by D. B. Greene, of Schneotady
ew Tork. '
D. N. Byerlee, formerly of the Hood
River News-Letter and -who
purchased- the Interest of R. W. McKeon
In the St. Johna Review, will soon pub
lish that, paper aeml-weekly lnstanrHnf
weekly. ' Mr. Byerlee haa sreatlv lm.
proved the St Johns Review.
Frank C Miller, formerly cashier f
the United States National bank nt
Portland. -is-oxoocted to-arrive in thn
city about August 1. - After a few days'
I stay he will so to Mackentle river for
an outing of a month or six weeks.
Rev. E. Nelson Allen,- pastor of the
Hawthorne Park "Presbyterian church,
will spend hla vacation at Tillamook
and preached - nis last sermon until
after his outlna- last Sunday. He will
be away until BeDtember.
Rev. A. A. Morrison. D. D.. rector of
Trinity church, returnea tnis afternoon
from New York. ..-. t.-
Bnlldlng jPennJts.
d. W. Leaner, story and a half dwell
Ing. Kast Fortieth and ast Madison,
1,900; Oregon Hotel, repairs hotel, aev.
enth between Stark and Oak. 12,000.-F.
M. . Lyons, repairs, dwelllng,;'West ave
nue oetween Mawtnorne ana reservoir,
1200; J. W. Booth, two-story 'dwelling.
Kast Eleventh between Going and Wy-
gant. iz.uuu; fortiand Hotel . company,
repairs hotel, vTamblll between Sixth
and Seventh, 12,000; Jame White, re
pairs dwelling. Rodney between Eugene
and Tillamook, $560; M. C. Davis, one
story toolhouse. East Madison between
East Twenty-ninth, and East Thirtieth,
100; Robert Hicks, one-story dwelling.
East Fifteenth between Hoi brook and
Alnsworth.-1100: J. J. Kadderlv. renalnr
25?" ' East N1nth between Star
w"hiSton $700; Beck InvestmeniJ
r.'i; I' ,.. Beventn between
SaLf"4 fJn. J80.000; H. R, Browh,
S-ywelllng; Bralnard betwefn
27 15e!!Xefi U5: Bernard Thomp
son. one-stnr 4,ain t- m
lxth hatmaa- TnlT
Johns, where he took a'' couple of Sun
day dinners. Later Mrs. Shields, tired
of working in the restaurant, applied
for Instruction at the Western School
of Chiropody and graduated as a chirop
odist and went on her way making her
Shields became enraged ana sought re
Ralph . Claypool of Lancaster, O,
Seized With Cramp Compan.
ions Unable to Rescue.
fSpedal Dlipatck te The Toarlal.l
Salem. Or- Jul 0. The case of
the Confederated Onion Growers' as
sociation vs. - the- Southern -Pacific rail
way will be heard at 202 Commercial
block, Portland, September S at 1 p. m.
This case has arisen out of an Increase
in the rate on onions in quantities less
than one carload, from the stations
of Beaverton, Hlllsboro and Tualltan to
Portland. Other Increases were com
plained of, among which Is that In car
load rates from Beaverton- to Portland
the alleged abnormal rate on fertilizer.
The company has ' answered the
charges ln a letter to, the railroad com
mission, which, after receiving the
statements or both sides., set tne aate
for the hearing.
Invited by league
j -
Mayor Lane this moraine received
the announcement of the eleventh an
nual meeting of the League of American
Municipalities, to be held at Norfolk,
Virginia. September 18 to 20. The city
is invited to send members of Us gov
ernment to attend the sessions. It 1
customary ln eastern cities for the city
to bear the expenses of such delegate,
ana tne matter -win be brought up at
tne next meeting ox tne council.
betwaaa ".V"1?:- .T7nT-'
Rlggln between East
east Twenty-ninth.
story church;
jTn ty-alghth and
- tTnlted States District Attorney W. C
Bristol received a telegram-this after
noon calling him -to- San Francisco and
will ' leave thla evening or ; tomorrow
morning for the Bay City. Mry Bristol
knows nothing whatever as to the. na
ture or tne cau. out win leave as soon
as ne can get away.
tJoonul ' Special flerylce.l
(Boedal Dlvpateh t Th JearaaL)
Vancouver, Wash., July 20. Taken
with cramps In the cold waters of Lewis
river just .above the falls, Ralph"!.
Claypool, a young man reoently from
Ohio, was drowned last evening in full
sight of five companions. The accident
waa a very sad affair. The drowned
young man was or a well-known Lan
caster, Ohio, family. With a friend,
U. A. Musser. he was makinar a tour
or the west ana had gone out to Hus.
ton's sawmill for a week to roue-h It.
He waa to have returned home within
a xew aays. ;
After supper last evening Claypool
with two others employed at the mill.
went to the river for a swim. Without
warning Claypool waa ,takn - with
cramps. He called for heln. One of the
swimmers endeavored to save him , but
I waa unable to keep him afloat and he
soon same to tne Dottom. or the stream,
whence the body waa raised an hour
afterward. '
The body was broua-ht to this eitv
oy train tnis morning ana ' win be
snipped to tne nome or tire parent.
Claypool waa aged II year and was
single. .'' ..' !
Articles of Incorooration of threa
firms were filed in th office Of the
county cierx this morning. The- Younger
Grocery company was incorporated oy
C. E. Long, Otto J. Kraemer and Cath
erine lounger, capital stock,
Articles of Incorporation of the Erie
uonairucuon conioanv wara rum t n
C. Craig, George Waggoner and J. b!
Toung. Capiuf stock. 15.000.
R.- la Donald. Geora-e P. Defeirm arA
waiiace Mcuamanvmed articles nf in.
corporation of the Grand Ronde Land
company, Capital stock, 175,800. i
in mrs;eddy's CASE
San Francisco, July- 20. Hawse, the
third mate of tha Columbia, Is in the
marine ; hospital, a nervous "wreck, iha
result of a physical breakdown caused
xus .oonauct auring the
Concord. Masa.." July' S0.The attor
ney for the "next friends" this afternoon
announced that on Thursday, they would
begin' taking depositions to be submit
1 ted to the masters in Mrs. Eddy's case
beor Attorney Fernald ln Boaton. ,,
Hi number of districts
Qualified to vote on achool
1.2(5; number of choolhouse. 56; num
bar of schoolhouses built during : th
year. 8: average number of month
taught in district. 6.7. .
.(Bpedal TMipateh te The JoamaL
Albany, Or., ., July 10. The Linn
county treasury' has been enriched in
the aum of titi in fine paid by parties
violating the local option liquor law.
u-. a. XAmiamu jvmiunr vuiiiinvteu Ilia f . m A V l ,
iyft";Sn"...ai1,?-ha AT
tlon was Issued against thejroperty of
unaries K.rocnei to cover tne cost ana
disbursements in two previous convic
tions that resulted ln a fine, and a
Judgment for the costa The amount of
the entire judgment and execution was
ing he shot in
Swarthout came from San ' Antonio,
Texas. He had been separated from
his wife about 18 months. She is a
nair-oreea uneroaee, about 45 years old.
She had been cooking for Guajardo and
she and her children were living at his ,
Did ETerjthing Possible Ha
Tlrvll n -myra Tfnl T w-
XVvXUvO , IV ,ilvljp VAT"
lumbia Passengers.
(Special DUoateh to The Journal.
La Grande. Or.. July 20 Donald w
sell, the youna- son of J. A. tiusmIi at
this eityr waa fatally injured In an w-1 limber.
viuviik mi mi s inn inur.iinjj, in oross-
(Joeraal gpecla Servie.) , , " .
San "Francisco. July - 10. Cantaln
Hansen of the schooner San Pedro and
First Mate Hendrlckson arrived thla
morning. This afternoon they appeared '
before the .Columbia board of fnaulry. -
Hansen defiled the charges made byj
Haws and claimed he did every thin
possible to aid in tne reaoue. He saidj !
he took aboard all - the vessel would
hold and admitted warning the lifeboat,
away, giving as va reason the fear thai
it would be staved in br th floatln
ing the railroad track a work train col-
ed with the hn sro-v In whlnh ha
Trt TlERTPriV frrrV arlvin"'' was picked up in an un-
w -. a. xa.a. a. i conscious conoition ana aiea rrom his
injuries oerore no, reacnea u Grande,
His horse was also killed and tha buggy
(Jooraal Bpeetal Service.)
Moravia, N. Y July 20. An attempt
waa made today to burn this city. . The
fir raged from early this morning un
til noon, the flames breaking out In
various places. , Before the fire could
be checked .the second time entire
blocks were destroyed Including the
Maaonlo temple and opera bouse with
loss or 185,000.
, rjoeraal Special Service.
Washington,. July so. -Tho engage
ment oi lieutenant u..e. urant, tnira,
and Edith Root, only daughter of Secre-
tnrv tritAr earsisi annmitinail tTa
KH( )' IH AT NT K A M K It 1 1f" on 01 Major general , Frederick IX
" OAAJAJIlXiAl Grant, grandsorf of the late President
urant. miss Koot does not oare much
for society. She Is a splendid horse-
Heat caused the expansion " of thai
steel girders on the Burnside street -
Dnage tnis anernoon to sucn an extent
that It was impossible - to . close the
draw. Trafflo waa held up and at 1:80
o'clock no cars could ' taaa over . tha
Driage. it was impossible to make lt
urtw ui piacs, vt was too long.
(Bpedal Dlipatck to The ;- Journal.)
.ioicii-. w i ., a u.jr o v. x CLO An
derson, a fisherman at Willow Bar, Is
charged with having shot six times at
the steamer Wauna Monday at 7:16 a.
m. Two shots, it Is said, passed through
the pilot house,' barely missing the
pllOt. - ; . '
(Spedal Dispatch te Tha JonrniL) "
Euaena. Or July 8 0. A oemillar ac
cident happened yesterday afternoon to
George W. Smith, a painting contractor i
oi tnis city, no was on a scarroio, 10
feet above the floor ln a building, when
the board on which he was aLandln,
suppea ana ne ren to tne iioor, augnt
Ina on both hands. The bones of both
forearms were broken squarely across.
woman and fond of travel. The coudIo
Decame acquaimeo wnue ne was mil
itary aia to tne presiaent.
(Joernal Bpedal Berrle.)
Manila, July 80. -Tha Independeno
party has won an overwhelming vlotory.
Only a email oercentaare of the- votlna :
population voted. Dr. Domlnador Go
mes, who was elected in Manila, is
under prison sentence for, alleged frauds.
xnere was no aisoraer. .
' (Spedal DUpatcn t The Joomal)
St. Helens, Or.,' July 20. In tils' case
of Elliott iva A. & C. Railroad company, I
which waa tried by the circuit court
June s ana v, a aeoisipn has been ren-t
dered awarding. 11,000 damages. .' Thai
injuries which were the basis of the
Uw,hWe vad . in an i accident in companions are in the hospital as tha
which the plaintiff and several .other result of an auto ni.,ni. XiiVTi.vJ? s
(Spedal Dlipatcb to The JoarnaLlr
Everett. Wash.. July 30. A. a. Smith
of . Hartford, Washington, a shingle
manuxaciurer, is aeaa ana three oi nis
(Joornsi Special Service.) "
passengers were injured, ..The present
case is .aomewnat in tne nature of a
test ana it is expectea tnat other, suits
vu uia hui aruuuua wm oe tiiea.
' (Journal Boedal Berrlce.t
Columbus, Ohio, 'July 80.A resolu-
her this morning.,
. i n m . 1..1 I linn aiilArimv Tin , f a. Ik. hpa.u.u
trotter brought east by -Charley -Deryder j was adopted .this afternoon a. vote
was sold this afternoon to Gearre II.
Eetabrook of Denver for $10,000. " . .
' ' (Journal Spedal Berrlce.t
Washlnaton." July -80.a-A di snatch to
the navy department, today Announced
that a boiler tube - exploded . yesterday
on tne unuea oiaies sunooai. waaninp'-
ton at Naking, China. Fireman Philip
Hind was v- kUled . and .three others
scalded. ?. a-.i . I:7 -j-
"Vr..'i,' 1 '- '" 111 " 1 '. ', ,
PMtbr Cook's iloase Btuitedi : '
Kewfcerar Oi. Jhly JO. Th hnun of
Rev; Martin Cook was ; destroyed by
fire yesterday afternoon. - Most of he
household effects were, saved. There was
to lnsuranca- - tv. sH- i 1
tmm mv ..v,ia wJiw' IUB . UUIIJ
.met .-that ; Foraker : praotloally
Of - 15 to - Six by the Reoubllcan alata
central - committee, The Foraker-pick
comuin was rouiea. . ne a art senti
ment was so strong - beror the oom
gave up.
-m4 -- (Bpedal Dlapatdl to The JoarnaLt '
The Hague, July 0. In the presence
of. a distinguished International, audi
ence . the foundation of the Carnegie
peace palace Was laid today by Presi
dent Nelldorff of the peace conference.
The stone was laid In honor of -Queen
Wllhelmlna. ;t Tli csr andthe peace
conrerence naid a hiah tribute to
aglv: Wilhelmlna appointed Carnegie
an Officer Of t-e ordar of Orans-a an1
Nassau, - .p:ik::. , ;,!,;. . ! , "
-ninth, I y rrlticism w 1
-.. . : V' '" -.. -, .- " W-i
"' "' " .!'."' : ):' :" ''(i'i'!t
'- (Spedal- Dlapatch: to The Joomal.) ' j;
Seattle. Jnlr SO nhita .TiiunMH.
last nlaht shot and' kill ad T. Okan- '
alskl, one of hlsVcountrymen, in the lat- ..
ter's home near Taooma. Jealousy, was ; ':
the' cause. - Six weeks aa-o Obata ran -
a way- wun rs. vitanaiSKi. - Tne- eoupie - t
vr IntAfnantal o .A kn,i.k k.Alr hit !
- wr vki.u t I uu,U immn vw -j.
were not prosecuted. Obata escaped to
the woods, He is heavily armed and ,
deflaa arrest,. .'-& .it i- J,
A aovemmant hill for vrantlndr atata v
advances to farmers for agricultural
agriou)tural banks In existence elsa.
Where, wilt be introducaA tint aaaalon ' -
in the Cape South Africa legislature. ;
Miss AnastaSlk O'Maara o PamhTfrtira. ' '
Massachusetts, has. the honor of hni b 5
the first woman to hold an office in '
Retail Clerks' association of that cl?:v i
She waa also .the first .woman mamberK
of the association. , (. 1
Tha latest anfl mrtat fntm '
oi governiiieni sics insurance is oem
considered in Holland. The proposed
Insurance is obllaratory and extends tS)
allilaborers smployed-regularly. v - i