The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 30, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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. Quarters Long:. Occupied on
X ; Second Near Alder Will Be
About a dosen of Count Clerk Field
woima deputies, who ar strongly la
sympathy with th Society for'th Pr-
vntion of Cruelty to animals, ' hay
been growing mora indignant dally at
tho sight of a horao hitched to a buggy,
standing In front of th courthouse
throughout tha long, hot afternoon, and
adopted varloua axpadlanta for th re
lief of the enlmaL ,
Recently while th horae stood with
th aun beating down on ita head tha
1 -mr- . fi I tne I
JtepiaCTO DT JUOUeni CJiniC- fflrl went down and turned It around.
ture -Orientals Threaten to ritv th hor. ;. thy
Bom on had noticed that th tore
waa never fir en any water and they
decided that It mutt be thlraty from
standing so long In th hot aun. Bom
on la suggested that they fir th
horaa a drink.
to Bring Suit.; M
" ' What; threatened . to develop . Into
.apactaoular eviction of two of Portland'!
' largest Chine mercantile stabllsh
: manta,' th Chung- Bang -Tong company
v at 141 Seoond street, and th Hung Sun
' company at 147 Becond. atreet, baa aim'
mered down' Into a. -yarf ' ordinary re
moval of two stocks of food to other
quarter, pending- tha tearing out of an
old building and tha putting up of a
Th girl hurried around and found
th janitor. . They told him how awful
It waa for tha poor horaa to b ao neg
lected, smiled at him and pereuaded
nlm to get a bucket. flU It with water
ana carry it to th nor.
As th procession, headed by two girl
hawing th way, th janitor carrying
th bucket of water and tha remaining
slrla following closely behind; turned
tha corner of tha courthouse, filled with
joy at tha thought of the good deed
they wer doing, they stopped In amar
menc . !.'. ': ' . '
Tha hor wa gone, wniie tne gin
4 ' . (Joaraal Special Strrfce.
Chicago, July 10. "Roosevelt will not
be a presidential candidate aaaln. , He
A Uf Hill VfJ WSaBJ BJ VJI1V TT Hi piaae-a . -
wer hunting for th janitor th man' afraid t run; no amount of persna-
wha owns th horse wanted to go some-
where. and drove awar before tha girls
and th janitor arrived wltn tha bucket
of water.
. Th Janitor throw tha water on tha
pavement and carried th bucket back
Mr. H. N. Stephen, TBO Vancouver
arenua. will - leara- tods. for Ollraer.
,i When U Qerllnger,- who la tearing out I xmxtM. where aha la to marry J. N
. h. a .k.v at ,h,t .n..lA"xaa, wnera ane u w marry tt.
' of 8-opnd and balder atreet, discovered Hopper, her childhood sweetheart whom
tha v building adjoining on tha aouth I aba haa not aeen for almost half a
' PEu h! ,eimr.i' .Vr-V-? ' Ha will meet hr on th way
: fall down, n ordered nla men to atoD I rAM v.. . r.a
work .and reported the matter to the Sft K? " hom'6"
v citv attorney, tjniez ieouir uit aim k.. h...j a. n
, tornay Fit.geraM Immediately enferred f0rmnv veara! havraa moved to th is
f with Chief Grit-macher, who notified ror mapy yer, ayn "Xv o
xne t; nines mercnanta to vacate by noon
f -today. Later, however, the chief aald
. that ha would not enforce th order.
') The Chinese, after consulting their
. attorneys, decided - to 'get out without
. nr further trouble. - The building be
lonas to Mr. Cormella Burkhart and la
' -under a leas to th Chinese merchant
that haa three and wna-haif year left
city from Philadelphia, Befor going to
Philadelphia ah Uved In attU town
In- Illtnola, where ah and Mr. Hopper,
who la now an old man, were children
togetner. -
They were aeparated when tha civil
war brok out and hav not n each
other alnca that time. Recently they
learned of tha whereabouta of each other
and the romance of half a century waa
revivea ; - ..
to run.
they will enforce their lea right on
Th Chine merchant aajr that
' any building that la put up where the
old atrueture now stands. They com-
f plain bitterly of. the manner In which
. ther have been treated in the matter.
C declaring- that they have been given
o time to una another store ana navel
BBaMaaMaiaaBaj-axasxB) '
(Continued from tg 6n.)
Dr. Guild Says, Rooseyelt Is
Afraid, to, Run for.
: Third Term.
cunanta were aware - of " their danaer.
They escaped In various waya and many
attempta wer eitremely . haaardoua '
Tha building la - a four-story brick,
owned by John O'Bhea. One of, tha
leaaeea of the place had an gaged two
men to lumigata tna piac touay, ana
they wer at work when tha
rt tni u, Aal proa. out. t waa in one or tna room
Coroner So Finds in Case 01 on tha third noor that th ra u aup-
ben forced to atora their good and go tm. TviJ i t-
temporarily out of bualneaa. It la al- 1 Girl WilO Died Ul DOC-
tort. Office,
poaed to have originated.
riamea gpraat BapUOy.
Tha flame apread with great rapid
ity, and although amoka and fir wer
Durstina uirourh every aoor ana winaow
those who wer In th building wer
not awar or tnir danger until n re
men began to work putting out the
Mt Ia a m ai a s a
Redfleld. a Xl-yaar-old girl from Hood L a0 SJffif: 3
I Rlvar who anceumbad veaterdar after-1 tn ha mv.mi( v Imuhiim
'- B.' 8. Durkea. chief operator at the I. i ,. ,.. n. n. w n Tlimfl. I Hlicht damaaea were caused bv water
a . . I uwu au uiv viiivva v eva m . - . - .
,Poatal TelTph offjee. In thl. city. t ,4,H wmi.m. ,v,nu tollowlng g.?. PIibrYu i?H?H
has rstnrtia from a. flva wmItb trln tn I .k- l.ltlnn nf . amajl I ,M. grOd XlOOr. , JelOraueaJoon, Hill
i - i " . .. . T I restaurant, nemo Btataa
..' .together probable that several damage
Vault will b filed aa a reeult of the
Coroner FInly,""aftar making aa In-
. JlZ . w I m Z-m . v " T S?lnt.ffrS,H J.nnlh.iiu serum la r"tiurant' 8tu" Ernployment
Ban Francisco, where ha aided In break-1 unLu? ?J aPJ'"d phth .J?S,Tit2i offic and Richard Flckana cafe.-
Ing the atrlke of union operatora In that "" JIT in VVusd bVtha ad-
olty. The offlclaia of tha varloua Poa- ,?tnB thaStutoxin'but waa
tal offlcea In the rest were called to "JiVnTiV to aSaimodlo asthma.
Ban Franclo to aid In tranaactln, ,uMi;.nta,et,3, " hM b"n a suf-
fere from asthma lor a nuraoer oi years,
lit Washington la tha center of la-
tereat ror men today.
came to thia city last week and took up
her residence with Dr. and Mrs. E. C
Rossman, 1010 Cleveland avenue. Tea-
Iterday afternoon, accompaniea oy.atrs.
Vlnum.n. she want to Dr. Hamilton
office for an Injection of the aerum.
which la being used with great success i
tn the treatment of bronchial a a In ma.
Within flva minutes arter tna injec
tion of tha anti-toxin tha young woman
Informed Mrs. Rossman that aha felt I Dakota
f Journal Special gervtca.1
Waahinaton. D. C July 10. A letter
reading aa followa, addreaaed to tha
treasury deoartmenL wa received from
W. A. Kappermann of Hlllmor. South
another attack of aathma coming on
and ataggered to a window. She be
came unoonsclous within a few minute
and realising that tha condition of hi;
Satlent waa serious. Dr. Hamilton called
ire. Rossman. Have, Brewster and
Nlohole In eonaulUtion. Notwithatand-
"Havlna heard that any man havlna
six boya atralght, ia entitled to a prise.
oi ii.evo, x aena my name, nease let
me know If It la so."
' It aeema that the South Dakota man
haa been misinformed aa to tha course
President Roosevelt haa taken to check
Ina th effort of the phyalclana death I ra-. .ulclde. no oris like that referred
occurred in a few mlnutea. . I to having been hung up. Auditor An-
Dr. Rossman In discussing the matter I drewa sent the letter to Robert 8. Par.
this morning declared that In hie opin-1 ,on. auntor tor tha Interior department
Inn AmmtH waa Aum anlelv tn aathma. It I mwitu tu . . D..,..)i
Ja a well known fact," aa d the doctor. I referred t0 you aa - you come from
v"- iiwra "j r" t I bouw xjaxota," Auaitor rerson m-anU-toxlnunder
15 mlnutea. Utu girl tenaa tranmtttlng it to Secretary Loeb.
wa alesed with an attack of aathma I .
B. 8.- Dnrkee.
business during th atrlke and fortun-
wltbln flv . minute after tha 1 hvoo-
aermic injection, ana tne aerum oouia
not nav naa aurncient time to act.
"Tha najMent waa in noor health, and
waa aurrerins; rrom other ailments be
sides aathma, 'Tha use of anti-dlDhthe-
rettc' aerum in th treatment of asthma
lit Washington la th center of In
terest for men today. -
ion on th part of his frtenda will quell
hi fear of ..the four-beaded bugaboo
tha lo of th negro vote, labor antag
onism, capltallatlo dlstruat and Bryan."
aiaiomani waa maaa Dy ur. w.
A. Guild of Doa Motnea, coualn of Gov
ernor , Guild of Maaeschuaetta. Dr.
Guild la th author of several medical
.' a sociological lecturer and
Will address the hona'nnmlnt ntharlna
a u iwt aiai next montn.
. . (Jearaal Ipedal Service.)
Pittsburg. Pa-, July t. WhD a
crowd of curiously morbid people atared
at th body of Helen Trowbridge, the
actress who waa found dead in th
Merchants' hotel Saturday afternoon.
a well dreased young stranger who left
th morau before hie name could be
learned, told a romantic atory of her
career to deputy Coroner Dempaey.
Mlaa TrOwbrld-e waa the dauahter of
former Governor Bailey of Montana, ao-
coraing to ni atory, ana waa impover
ished by tha failure of the Bailey -
tte. Tha stranger aald tha girl mar
, but that har husband died a few
y ra ago, ana he did not know his
Wne. County authorities sent a tele
aram to G. F. Johnson of Chicago, and
received a renjy to hold the body pend
ing additional word.
: . (Jearaal Speeial SerrkeJ
. Chicago, July 10. All road In tha
Western Paasenger association, have
anounoed their Intention of doing away
with all ' charity rates, and reduoed
rates for inmates of state and national
home to and from, or through ta
tlona In atatea having in effect th
J-cent paaaenger fare law. Tha de
cision will become effective on August
1. Tb roads, as rapidly aa possible,
are arranging thing so that I cents
will be the minimum aa well aa th
maximum rat charged.
(JortdiI Special Brrrice.)
Kew Tork, July 10. Th state gov
ernment haa let a contract to tn
States Steel corporation for transmis
sion towers which will be utilised for
wlreleaa service in Alaska. Tha govern
ment lntenda to have a chain of towera
erected along both the Atlantic and Pa
clflo coaete and the Gulf of Mexico.
Thay are to be 176 feet high.
CJearaal Special Berries.)
Odessa, July 10. B
-By a narrow mar-
n tiia antnnntiaa loaar niDDeu a sioi
o dynamlt a crowded political prison
I ere. The arranaementa were all com
pleted for firing-'a mine which had
been laid Into tha prison.
A hundred persons would hav been
lost. . .. ..
Large quantities or dynamite ana sui
hur were found In several of, tha cella.
'he plotters are now In solitary con-
ateiy for . th company all wer expert I is not in tna experimental atage, having
operatora - - I been extensively employed In the United
'The trouble 1 all over." ha aald. I statea for over a year, with great suc
Mand the ' atrlk aettled. Th atrlkina cesa." , , ; r
operatora were- given- back tneir loos
and that, I think, is the most ImportaAt
thing that happened. ' About 40 of our
men were out and about .100 -from tha
Western Union company. .
"Our company had managers and as
sistant managera from uany of tha
western cltlea In San FrancTso' to aid
In operating the office. . Fortunately
r were all
experienced operatora and
.we bad little difficulty-In keeping up
our usual volume of bualneaa. We aent
massage and did the work Just aa wall
' -aa It could have been . done , had there
".; been no amice." :. .'),-.
'- - -Tha -men still- have their union an4
both aides of th strike claim a victory.
Free Scholarships for Boys and Girls in
' ' Leading Educational Institutions.
Sums of Cash Also to Be Distributed Among Industrious
, and Meritorious Students Who Participate in
The Journal Educational Contest :
(Continued from Pag One.)
BTTOENT! What are you going to do during vacation? Hav "ou decided what
school or coiieire vou win attena next yearr ir not. now wouia a acnoiaramo
A nr7 which i waa only prevented from on of tho following excellent schools satlt-your - -- -
aasumtng serious proportions by th J yi Military Aoadeany for boys, J'ort-
quicx worx or - tn nr department, 1 tana, oragom.
brok out In th kltchn of th Eastern I Two1 scholarships: ..on scholarship
rasuurant. NHath atrseV at 11:45 SifSH&EZ
o'clock last night and before the flamea scholarahlp aa a aeparate prise f or tul-
other for tha third time tomorrow' night
From 10 to 9 odds have zone to 10 to (,
and wise
10 to 1 befor
rea at is to a. jtntt's admirer are
wer finally extinguished damaa of I tl(n. vbiIiia 1140.,
i"o ""queen entaueu. .. .. . I xnaMtarae. Saavart
v,vvv Jiau vwa viiLaiitm. i
The building In which tha fire had
aa. Ore-
bettors expect to see th prlo Its origin Is a two-story fram atrueture KSm-nLiSoludlna KsiS Tn
ttatk th fight- , n oocupylng a quarter of a block at tha i?ij2r.- ueWootS Sto. Value
lot of money has bn northeaat corner of Sixth and SUrlc f Si?imwu ara, room, ta vaiu
IPka ..nivae T1rv- la. nvt.iA a. MAM I 9IV.
M. V..a r -kJ rk..klll .. au I Si. KaUflaU'sfl KaUl. dalV ADd DOAralllff
their.a:eP.r.,C'tomw"iger tha low.rrtlon of thV blldiig li Coupled fchool for tUrUMf
cSm lSS?T"xh condition il mehanU Irwtai line. of. trad, fci0 -eholarahipa, Includ
ly du to tha on decisive vie- The first started in the kitchen of the I lnf"a m?&,' w.-w
ji at that price in sight, but
oesDrte tneir
odda. became
' primarily uua to . tna one aeciaiva vie- , ,, ,
t, lory which Neleon- scored over Britt restaurant and. apread with great a-f- Whltma OoUega, Walla Wa WaakCl
. th. Nalann i. I Dlnlty. I Bcnciarsmp .in tn oonaervatorj
atrenath bv the dlaaiDatlna- renorta that C. K. ChurchlM asanted by Patrol-I Mualc, value 100. -,. , . .
iat'aMotJSr' Vron' ih2,on ,", WOUuaatt irnlTarslty. alna. Or
iult of tha beating Sana gave htm. but auccdd Jajtrouaing 10 slumberlngJ Two acholarships. Ona In either col
" aMn. .i..n iT.i m roomers and rettlnr them to the street I nr-nranaratnrv . denartment. value
again permit him to get into condlUon. Hlthou, JnJy. T fir apread to the the cHher In th muslo department
Th Cane, la in anlendld ahana aJi Manhattan Court rooming-houae In tb value 1100.
look aa tough as a pic of whalebone. J?"1??. buUding.but waa checked be- Dallas OolUga, Dallas, Or. Schol-
Brltt is also in grand rorm ror the gru- I wrv" i J? T. , " Zia .w ' . I aranip in eitner academic or college ae-
, ellng mill. Both laid oil today, content
ing themselves with a little road work.
, Indlcatlona cr for a big house.
Th stores damaged, th loss and the partmant value $86 to M.
0w5er"ofT ,ofl1ow": . . , vortlana Aoademy. rortlaad,
!Bi&yMj?&" DaTSrarshiS V-altbarec
Hamilton, Ohio, July SO. W. J. Bryan
' eald today he admires Senator Foraker'a
... m to Tart a nhallanaa: Ka. nn
Forakor' Is standing-- on Democratic insuranc.
around, but he cannot agree with him
on the tariff aubject. " . 1
wear. IS Sixth atreet 1800: Canton ba
saar. 00 Sixth street, $1,760; Portland
Cutlery company,' SI Sixth atreet, $1.
000; B. Wolf el. Jeweler, 01H Sixth
street $200. .The White Corner saloon.
M. J. Walsh at Ca. and -'X' W. Curtis'
cigar Store were Bllahtly damaged by
smoke and water. The damage to the
college or
good 'for on
year, value $110.
acre, Waltar md, Portland, Oregoa.
Teacher of voice and singing. Lason
to th value of $100. ; v
atoadanvill - OoUega. r- afoWnavllla,
Oragoa. Two acuolarshlpa, One in
either academio or college department.
building is thought t3 bi i In "excess of WibSS1' th 'Serrtmen't'o
fn ee fuUr oovared,,vao!1 '-ih v:?
Is out Of order. You, go- to bed la k
bad humor and get up with a bad taata
In your mouth. - Tou want something
to sumuiawi jimr "". tfusi try tier
bine, th liver regulator. a-positive
(lonraal Special Berries. "
New ' Tork. .July ao. Eugene L.x OI
roux, the millionaire mineowner of No-
cur for constipation, dyspepsia and all vada and wife, who have been living
.liver ctuiiimm';-'m .: m ""., orti nere, nav partea. "ina wire is now jtv
I Worth, Texaj writea: ing at ; Bretton Hall and the husband
... p" .. " 'lr?ai I n nia oia apartments in tna Anaonia.
T.t.7?iriJ5 ?JR'Z :Jlhat I Th nature of their, differences Is not
inmn ,r ' ' "j '"' ""' I Knowm uiroux said toaay he contem
to HerMne" . Bold by aU'dTugglst.:' " f "nging suit . xor aivorca.
nar.kacres lined with ' air ." : " v',a
raolflo Vnlverslty. Foraat Orova, Ore
gon, two scnoiarsnips. una aay scnoi
arahlp In the academe or college, value
$60. One scholarship tor a girl with it
montns . instruction in musioi ooara,
CHI.. Ill .v. -" w , I
Faclfio Collage, aTawber. Oregon. On
achoiaranip in eitner college or acaaemy
department for one school year,-. $60. ,
ftV Max Myer, 343 Alder street, Port
laad, Oreron. One scholarahlp good for
71 hours' instruction in drawing, oil or
watar nlnr nalntina or oast el.
Holmes' Business OoUega, VorOaaaV
Oregon. - Four scnoiarsnips; .'one , com
bined scholarahlp one year, value '1 00;
one academio or civil service scholar
ship, one year, $100: choice of either
commercial or shorthand scholarships,
six months, $60; night course, any de-
ruirfmmt All vaar. tEO.
ahnk-Walker , Business '" Oollega,
Bortlaad, Oregon, - Four acholarahips
for 11 months' combined course, value
$100; one scholarship for $ months' com
bined course, value $S5: - one scholar-
0. Postmaster I ship : for months' course, value $70;
scholarship In the sam to th value of
Znternatlonal Oonsarvatory of SCaslo,
O, B. Sandat manager, Vaolflo coast dl.
vision, iortlamdV Oregoa. . Three schol
arships; tha winners to have their
choice of any of the five different
courses taught by thia conservatory;
namely, piano, organ, violin, mandolin
and ruitar; acholarships Include sheet
music, ail atruciiona ana tne stnngea
instrument if stringed ' Instrument
courses are selected.
Oregoa Expert Oollega, portlaad, Ora
goa. On scholasrhip in telegraphy and
typewriting, value $75. Another schol
arahlp in telegraphy, typewriting and
station service work, value 1100.
Z J"ortland Business Oollace, Portland,
Oregon, A. p. Axmstrong-, priaelpaL
Four acholarahips, aa follows: Ona for
li montaa in comomea course, value
1100: one for i months in combined
course, value $85; one for months in
comomea course, value 7o: on ror s
months In shorthand or business course,
valu $$0.
xos city Business oouere. roruaaa.
OresrosL. .wo acholarahlna. ona com
bined course for one- school year, valu
u; one montns: course, in snortnana
or DooKKeeuinr. to.
capital Bnsiaeas ooiiag, Salm, ora-
gtm. jne scnoiarsnip. gooa xor la
months' tuition in either department
value $100.
Orearon Oonaarvatorr of lausla. Port
land. Orea-on. Courae In nlnno with in-
sirucuon unuer tt. iiuriouri-ca-
wards, includin- us of music, valu
SZbO. -M
Zmarena Business Oollere. Bua-ene Ora
goa..- tne scnoiarsnip in commercial or
stenograpnic course, vaiua iuu.
Western Academy ' of Muslo. Zlooil
tlon and Dramatic Art, w. U. Basmus
srlnolnaL rortlaad. Orefoa. One schol-
arshlo In choice of vocal, piano, violin.
mandolin, .elocution, oratory and dram-
or business course, value $60
City Business Collar, Baker
rii. tn
I rtavlrlann waa tha fli-a wltn.a. Kanna I one BCnOiarsniD IOr munina, eiinvr
tmill i iuncel;. jtne grand jury this morning in the in-1 "'"""w
- ' r'i vutintiAi, . t ul, in.-1 Baker I
. ' I jr.w" rl .t;5 "2lOtt. OmaranT : Rohnlarahfn mid for ona
aM i-aamnce i uDaiu. 1 xirj wblbi tan iiii.iiTiaa.Lti iriajnu or i --r.- . - -t a
UU v,Aiis. the Maaill familv.anri haiiavaa nn in. year In shorthand, commercial, isng-
dlctment will b "returned agalhat Ma. 'f1 and p6nmM"1?!
gllL The proaequtlon aaya its strong- coT,IE.YJaiue1 f.h--'' iam
ternoon. , , McKay Bldg, H Baed, mauarar. Two
-" SSBBSSBBSSMaBjaBSBBBBBBBi . -t 'i Sa lll V. 1 a. ' nrtnUa Hal 1 A A .! ta. 4m
'o. a al Ma' . I UIIUiaiDlllMd, VUUILO VI f 1VV UlilUU 111
- Having saved and planned for years I any of th numeroua or helpful
jo buy .a home, devote, now, a Uttl Urn I course except language coursa or
to studying th ads, 1 courses In locomoUva running; another
Tear grocer retarni roar money If yea dool
Bka Schilling's tW; we par him. j
atio art. value 1200
Kolmas-riaadara Frlvata School Port
land. Oregoa. r One scholarahlp good xor
evna Twi m ouruui c, m yrav"
Kngllsh course for on and one
yeara, valued at $150.
- Oreroa. . Law Oollaa-a. Commonwaalth
ptuMtiagi - rorumaa, oregoa. scnoiar
ship in the first two years of tha course,
value $150. - -i .. . .
OlllMnla Behool of EroniiloiL Vart.
una, wregon. private ana cis instruc
tion to the value oi iZ2o. ' e ,
Albany Collar, Albany, Oregon. Tui
tion for one school year In either aca
demic or college- department
- Pendlatoa Buslaees Oollega, raadlatoa,
Orearon. Value of acholarshlp $100.
Marios Wards rar&ham. dramatlo
reader, teach of elocution, oratory and
aramano art. Portland, Oregon. ti Schol
arship good for lessons to value of $200.
: Columbia . University. Portland, -. a
scholarship. ' providing for : tuition and
dinners on . school flays during the
school year, commencing In September.
Paolflo OslTartitT. - Oonaervatorv of
Xusiev - Poreat - Oroya,' - Oregoa, Frank
Thomaa Chaoman. director. Two achol-
arshtns. one valued at 150. one. valued at f
$101. is. In either , vocal or Instrumental
department. . I
... V HJ.UO i I ' . .-asBaBBjasBaaBBBBaaaaaBBBB
f i .
I a-cwiJU
, .'la
I Quality
S!i, Waists, Coiats
m m Suits
"Y. Wa tell yoa knowingly, that yon may txpect to find here the greatest
show of excellent Tailored Dresses; Jackets, Silk Coats, etc, that you
hare ever seen. The gathering is rich and exclusive, and emphatically
reflects leadership, The best and moat critical dresser win recognise
Roberta Bros, as the ideal place to secure fashion, elegance and worthy
qualidea at fair prices. Our reputation for great Value-Giving la sub
stantiated by the following! ;''.
Extra heavy rustling tay eta 1 Silk
Petticoats, in black and few staple
colors, with deep flounce, formed
of accordion plaiting and sectional
attached ruffles, finished with
bands; all silk underlay and dust
ruffle; worth $150; -positively the
best values ever ' O Q O Q
Offered ..aJJOaUO
f io.oo. -Eton
and Jacket Suite of panama
and mixtures, some are beautifully
braid . trimmed; an exceptionally
fine lot at less than cost of ma
terials; suits worth up to $19.50.
Special -
rin . up m - 17..
Pretty checks, stripes and plain
taffeta, gome 1 are plain tailored:
others- are handsomely trimmed
with'.lacesr regularly priced at
from $1150 to Q rf Kt
$16J0; special OKI
suits, fir.Bo.
Dressy Etons of the finest import
ed worsteds in stripes, checks and
plain colors Pony and fitted jack-.
ets tn a variety oi seasonable
cloths and colorings in the lightest
weights; $25.00 and $30.00 values.1
Wednesday, at . .$17.50
' rri fl' '' '
Regular 35c Jo 50c values. These are made from
figured lawns and dimities, beautiful designs and
the colors are perfectly fast. Special . Ofi
for .Wednesday at 7C
Slightly soiled and mussed from display lace and
embroidery trimmed in. pretty designs in every
particular are as good ss the day they came into
the house, except the slight soiling; worth from
$1.00 to $175. Wednesday, at the Q
... VeW
ruffle, shirring, straps and underlay; good valves
at $1.50 Special for .Wednea- M to
day at M. ....WM.a.vllBai
Seasonable garmenta for little money. They era
made ipom plain chambrays in colors pink, blaa ;
and rray, having deep flounce, finished tWita on
half-inch straps and dust ruffle. On sale,. , ' CC
Wednesday, while they last, at UwC
Exceptionally . good values at the price
special price, to close
These have to be seen to appreciate their intrinsic
value. Made extra wide of black nearsilk material,
having deep double flounces, finished with small
SUMMER DRESSES, $3.50 TO 13-00 VALUES FOR f 1.98,
The Shirtwaist Dresses sre maJe from best quality percale, neat figured designs, havinr -Vlt QS"
deep flounce, finished with embroidery insertion. Special, Wednesday-at ,.........,.....Vvv.laa0
at the price fTerad.
They are our regular $1.25 kind, made from extra
fine lawns, with large- floral patterns, plain white
borders and extra wide. These are , priced very
low for Wednesday . i - 00
only .,,. hioxammOwv
R. & Go Cor
sets $1.00
Empire No.3
Especially .
constructed for
slender figurea.
Made of fine
batiste, trimmed
with Barmen
edging at top
and bottom,
boned with wire:
front hose sup
porters; sixes 18
to 24. Price,
At 77
Hisses' White
Canvas Oxfords
Blactier cut, wide ribbon laces.
Best $1.60 grade.
EitKer one or two strap styles,
vici kid, hand turned soles. Reg
ular $1.80 grade.
Bedspreads, Towels
and Pillowcases '
Here are Just a few examples of the many retnarkable valnee to
be had In our Domestic Department A clean stock of flrxt-clasa
merchandise in all the various lines at prices far below what yon.
would nave to pay tor tne same gooaa eiaewnere.' ": 4
Hock Towels at 5 Of good quality, 15 by 28 inches, finisVed
with fast-colored borders; specially priced, per dozen...... &5
Each i .. . . , ....... . .8a
Hnck Towels at T Finished with hem,'. 15 by 27 inchesvred
borders, selvedge edge; specially priced, per doien ....... 7 tta
Each .....i.........,.T
Hack Towels at 1 Of Good large size, extra 'Quality, 17 by 32
incnes, iinunca wiin rea poracrs ana servcagveage; spcaauy
priced, . per dozen, f l.OO; each ......................... . XO
Hnck Towels at 12 Extra large size, 15x34 inches, all
white, one ' half linen, very absorbent; , specially priced, per
dozen, 1.25; each aUfefta
Huck Towels at 28 Linn hemstitched Huck Towels, 20x33
inches, all white, superior wearing quality; specially priced, per
dozen, 82.75; each ; 2Sf
Bleached Sheets, 72 by 90 Inches, 65 Full bleached Sheets
extra heavy quality, fine linen finish, 72x90, inches; specially
priced for this sale at
Pillow Cases, 42 by 36 inches, 10 Pillow Cases, made of good
quality rnslin, 42 by 36 inches; extra good value; each,..., 10
Bleached Sheets, 81 by 90 Inches, 70s) Full Bleached Sheets,
superior wearing quality, line unen iinisn, extra large size, si dv
90 inches; specially priced at .....,......,.....TO
PiUow Cases. 45 . bv 38 inches. 16 Pillow Cases 45 bv 36
inches made of good, durable muslin, nice soft finish; special
values at, eacn ....................................... ...xuf
Bedspreada at f 1.50 Full size, extra heavy white Bedspreads,
hemmed all ready .to use, good assortment of Marseilles pat
terns to choose from. " .
Bedspreada at 51.65 Full size white Bedspreads, finished with
deep knotted fringe, cut corner, attractive new designa; great
values at tms price... . ...'';v.v','?i1vw,;;'":vv
Bedgoreads at $2.50 Satin cameo white Bedsoreada. full afaa
for double beds, finished with neat hem, all handsome new de
signs; extra good values at this pnet,.--:-:
Bath Towels at 1 If Full Bleached Bath Towels,) 18 by 40
inches, srood weiarht, frinared ends: fully worth 15c: soecial..!!)
Bath Towels at 21e Full Bleached Bathf Towels. 24 rv 1
inches, extra heavy; our leader at 25c each; special price, ,.21e
Women's Blaok -Oxfords
Of best vici kid, straight lace and
blucher cut, $2.00 value.
Women's White
: Canvas Oxfords
Extra good values, large eyelets.
Regular $2.00 grade ,
Stylish Dress
Of all the splendid Dress Goods bargain opportunities we ever
offered Thfs isune of the very best, if Indeed, not the best That
certainly means news extraordinary for the women of tact and
forethought those who appreciate good bargains, the kind that
offer money-saving j opportunities without causing a deteriora
tion in the high quality of the goods offered., This is a sale
of our summer novelties and staple fabrics used all the year
round. The deep price cutting that has been going on makes it
decidedly to your advantage to supply future as well aa present
needs during this sale, even if it be : to buy and lay away for
making up next spring. The ; assortment "comprises James
town novelties,: Novelty Panamas, . French Melanges, Novelty
Vigereau Suitings and line imported silk and wool novelties
every auuwu cwiur aim weave... ...: v - i'
65 Values Sale Prce Wednesday .......i.......53
85, Values Salft.-Price Wednesda J .434
f 1.25 Values Sale ; Price I Wednesday . . ...... ... ... ; e34
$1.50 Values Sale Price Wednesday .""..'.75
91.75 Values Sale Price Wednesday .v.. ...SSy
Children's .White - Canvas Shoes Hand-turned '
'soles -regular $1.00 values.
Children's Black Kid Oxfords Hand-made; ex- '
tra'good quality leather. Regular 75c quality.
Women's White Canvas i Oxfords Heavy '
hand-turned soles; tip pr plain toes; low
heel.' ' . . ,
Women's Black Kid Oxfords Lkht
soles; patent leather stays; $2,50 grs '